The son of the vine sings on the opera scenes, and the children of Shevchuk and Shainsky left in DJs. Against son Yuri voza compared with young nonsense Pitt Oleg Yuryevich Vose Opera singer

The son of the vine sings on the opera scenes, and the children of Shevchuk and Shainsky left in DJs. Against son Yuri voza compared with young nonsense Pitt Oleg Yuryevich Vose Opera singer
The son of the vine sings on the opera scenes, and the children of Shevchuk and Shainsky left in DJs. Against son Yuri voza compared with young nonsense Pitt Oleg Yuryevich Vose Opera singer
September 23, 2016, 08:02

I will dilute the drum-m-m-m-mm of Paphos of the suffering of Bengelins with an old-kind lose ..)) Line has never let down. So you, for example, knew that he had a son Opera singer?

Yuri Loza. Married unloved only for the sake of the apartment

The author of the Hit "raft" Yuri Loza blew up Soviet estra in 1988. It seemed that the road to glory was open to the popular artist and the composer. But Iri Lose could not be held on the crest of success. Perhaps the musical Olympus will conquer his son Oleg, who already sings on the stage of the Opera Theater in Vienna.
- Yuri Eduardovich, were you born in the Urals, how were in Kazakhstan?

"My father Eduard Bronislavovich, a designer engineer, somehow in Kazakhstan who was in Kazakhstan. And in Alma-Ata in September - October perfectly. Heat, sunny, plums and apples on trees along roads. Eat on health. And when he returned to slush, the rainy autumn Sverdlovsk, he decided to leave and take us away - Mom, I, and then it was seven, and Maxim's two-year-old brother - to heaven. We left, but did not take into account that the Kazakhstan winter is the Ural Autumn. And summer - pecked, who will carry 40 degrees of the two-month heat? So then moved to Kerch. Mom and dad died, and Brother Maxim and now lives there. He has a wife, children, he works as a refrigerant specialist. Every day Skype communicate. And he always teaches me to live! - Singer smiled cheerfully. - Well, younger always teach the elders. By the way, my wife is from Kerch.

- Svetlana is much younger than you, where did you meet?

"Everything in this life happens by chance, although, as Voltaire said," accidents do not exist - everything is on this light or a test, or punishment, or a reward or foreigners. " So my acquaintance with my wife took place quite by chance. In 1983, I left the "integral", and I did not have a Moscow registration. Therefore, a formal reason was needed to find in the capital. I decided to enter some university and learn, since I was already shooting apartment, I didn't need housing, but I needed a student's status, because he gave me the right of five years to fool a fool, walk in Moscow, as if learning. But in Gitis, I did not go to the first one, for the second time. But it easily passed the exams to the Institute of Culture in Khimki. I came, looked at whom I have to learn and who will teach me, shrugged and did not come there. For example, one of my old friend from the popular Ex-BB group Gia Gagua is a dean of some faculty. Well, funny. Well, what can I teach the gia of Gagua if he himself comes and I ask me how it all is done. Gia invited me to hold seminars, but so far it is not necessary for me. In Gitis, I did not do, but this is a separate story. A teacher who gained a course, two days before the exams refused this venture. The course of correspondence directors decided to reduce. But the exam was appointed, who wanted to become students came, so the admission commission took up work. The members of the Commission laughed: they knew that all 75 applicants would receive two, so asked the applicants to stand on the head, read some incredible mothers, so that they were fun. And then we were waiting for the results for a long time, they communicated, and I met with pretty girls. I liked the light that did not do it myself, but came to support a girlfriend. We exchanged contacts. And then the evaluation was announced, they began to read the names according to the alphabet: only 75 applicants - and 75 bodies. Weak rate, unsuccessful set! Well, we went home. And what else to do?

- And what Svetlana Valentinovna struck you?

- I did not hit anything. I do not believe in love at first sight. Sophisticated feeling love. You know how much it should happen so that a person decided if he loves or not! It happens in love. Or externally like it, it happens, a person is glanced - not glanced. The fact that I liked the light is definitely. But I liked me then. What is love? It happened simply. We exchanged coordinates and ran away. The second time we again reduced the case. I needed to leave tour with the group "Architect", month and a half, and look at the apartment located on the first floor, no one. It was necessary to leave housing for someone. And I remembered that the light said that she had a problem with housing. She is not a Muscovite, came from Kerch. I called her, explained the situation. She agreed. Before leaving, warned: "Cavaliers do not drive hard, the robs do not arrange! Whether to behave quietly so that later I don't have the owners of the owners! " I left, Svetlana remained in the apartment. Returned, as it should be, after a month and a half. Houses clean, cozy, everywhere removed, postulated, on the table a good dinner. And I'm tired, tired, slightly sick. Went, it started it, the state report was accepted. And I says the light: you can live a couple more days - well, I did not refuse the girl. For a couple of days, she was delayed ... Son 29 years old.

- That is, this couple of days and led you to the wedding?

"I got married late, I was 30, although I didn't want to start my family, it was early." I even tried to avoid such a long relationship, because I was not ready for the role of her husband and father. But everything happens, by chance. He married Oleg born.

- You from the Urals, Svetlana Valentinovna from Kerch, and Oleg - Moskvich. How did you manage to get an apartment in Moscow in Soviet times?

- This is a separate story. We decided to join the cooperative. And for this it was necessary to fictitive, naturally for money, marry or marry a person having a metropolitan residence. I had to resort to this method. We lived with the light together, and on the documents we had other marriages. Then, when a cooperative apartment was built, we drove. But here a new problem has emerged: a person who consisted in a fictitious marriage did not want to be discharged from our apartment. We offered money, but he insisted: I need accommodation. And all! I needed to find a room that it was almost impossible at the time. But we found. A man who loved to drink very much, it was necessary to urgently sell the room. I got up in the morning and rushed to him at one end of Moscow, gave him money, but so that he did not drink, but did not leave. Then through the whole city for documents and references! And then back to check if he is alive and healthy, everything is fine. It lasted more than a month. Finally I settled everything. My wife and I went to our apartment and silently sat on the floor. We could not believe that all the problems ended and this is our home. Now only our.

- And you, creative parents, immediately noticed that your child is interested in music?

- Like all the children, he was fond of many. It was all - a laser pointer, roller skates, football. When the Son learned that there was money, I decided that I would become an entrepreneur, would sell something or playing the stock exchange. Small hobbies were a lot, but nothing serious. True, he visited Sunday School, we wanted Oleg to know the foundations of church deposits, I understood how to pray what to do by entering the temple. For example, when I came to my own wedding, nothing but panic did not feel. With the light walked after seven years of marriage, and I panicked, because I did not know the rituals, I did not understand what they sing. And my son Sunday School helped her son. He calmly feels in the church, because at one time he himself was singing in the service, came to Bulgaria, went away from them. Language is one. Another son learned to play the piano and after the end of the music school he entered the department of choral conductors to the Gnesin school, and then he did not have an accurate direction in life. My wife and I thought: let his humanitarian education get, and then he would choose what he wants. Oleg liked to be a conductor, and he was offered to continue their studies, but he suddenly said: "I want to sing in the opera!" You understand, in the stage can sing any. There is no need to ask if you can sing or not. It does not matter. Mark Bernes had neither hearing, nor feelings of rhythm, nor voice. He played the topic, because he did not get into the notes. A person had nothing to do with music, but became a legend, a cult person. You can become a cult person on the stage, without having a voice nor a hearing, like Boria Moses. Well, he probably has a rhythm feeling, because he was engaged in choreography. Well, no voice, what now, do not sing, or what? And when my son stated that he wants to sing, I asked: "Are you sure that you have everything for this? I am not a opera singer and can not determine if you can. I can say for sure if a person can play a musical instrument and whether he is musical. But Opera! " Oleg assured he could. I could not help him, except in financially, because in the opera world, no one knows. They have other landmarks, and to the stage they relate, as to our smaller brothers, maybe it is logical. Oleg himself entered the Moscow Conservatory himself, and when he graduated, it turned out that in Russia the opera in FIG is not needed under any kind! Salary at the opera low, just tears, in the West for such money no one works, and for every place terrible drakes. Here I will imagine that Nesrebko and Kirkorov went out together. In Moscow, all fans will escape for autographs to Philip and will not notice Anna. In Vienna - on the contrary. There is Netrebko - the opera star of the world size, here - no one.

- And Oleg decided also to look for happiness abroad?

- The son on the Internet found Casting, where they were looking for a young singer in the troupe on 20 performances in Vienna. He went, liked. And what, he is a factory guy, no wonder the Zaitsev glory went on the podium for two years. We have been friends with Glory for a long time, and when I worked in the philharmonic, the famous fashion designer even painted my portrait, I had such a funny there, which was never in my life. Something air, flying, blue-eyed. And I never had a blue eye in my life! I generally laughed, and glory said: "I see so much!" True, the picture was smoking the girls from the accounting, so I did not find it. Friendship was inherited and son. I recently sent a poster that I would have hung in myself in myself: "Penguins are swallows that burned after seven o'clock in the evening." As for my son, Oleg did not get into the main composition of the theater, because they are gaining artists from all over the world. And he has a small problem, which over the years will turn into dignity. He is a baritone, but looks like a kid. Incompatible it turns out. Which of him Othello, Don Juan? He is still young for these characters, and in five or six years will fit perfectly! After all, this is a party for male experienced experience. But I hope my son everything will turn out. After all, Oleg is ready for life, he knows four languages \u200b\u200b- and of course, Russian, English is perfect. Seven years ago, studying in the conservatory, he for the first time independently went to the competition in Karlovy Vary. Returned home and says that he thought he knows English, but there is not a language in the format of SMS, and he was on the position of a smart dog: everything understands, but can not say. So urgently and tightly engaged in learning English. Now it was very useful for him, the international group speaks precisely in this language. And the task of actors director also puts in English. Italian Oleg knows because she sings on it, but sing gently, without understanding the text ... And of course, the pronunciation is important. That's when the Soviet singer Cola Belda performed songs in Russian - it was clear: sings Chukch. In the opera it should not be. Pure italian high level. Well, German had to learn, because Oleg lives in Vienna for the second year. Now in "Bohemia", Puccini sings Kloshar. And then, after twenty performances, again free artist.

Dad with son

Oleg La View

He graduated from the Moscow Music College named after Gnesins as a choral conductor, then entered the Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky as an opera singer and a vocal teacher. After her end, he began working at the Vienna theater of the An der Wine, which took part in the production of the "marriage exchange" of Rossini, as well as the "Bohemian" Puccini on the stage of the Vienna Chamber Opera. Also in August 2013, he performed the Schonara Party at the Bohemian opera J. Puccini on the Het CompagnientHeater scene (Amsterdam). He spoke with concerts in various cities of Russia and Europe (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vienna, Berlin, Barcelona, \u200b\u200betc.). Among professional achievements is to participate in Petra Plisky master classes in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), the Grand Prix at the Vocalist Competition named F. Shaliapina in Yalta (Ukraine).

In the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 seasons of 2013/2014, Oleg Loza was the soloist of the Opera House of Zurich (Switzerland).

In December 2015, Oleg fulfilled the batch of Belcore in the opera "Any drink" Donizetti on the stage of the Opera House of the city of Trieste, Italy.

Svetlana Valentinovna La View

The singer, spoke under the pseudonym Susanna, later - Svetlana Merezhkovskaya. He released several plates, ranked a prize in the All-Union Estradi Artist Competition. She graduated from the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky in 2001. She is also - a poet, a member of the Union of Writers, she had a book of poems. He writes songs and executes them (a clip came out with her song "Lipa", in which the famous artist Nikas Safronov starred with her), is the chief editor of the text of her husband.

Oleg Loza is a Russian musician and a opera singer, glorified after participating in the TV shows "Success" on the CTC channel. Son of musician Yuri voza.

early years

Oleg appeared on April 28, 1986. His father is the famous Soviet and Russian musician Yuri Loza, and the mother - the writer and the stage of the stage of Svetlana Merezhkovskaya.

Since childhood, Oleg liked the music - he often visited the concerts of the parents and dreamed of a singer's career. The boy spoke on matinees in kindergarten and tried to participate in all school events. Noticing that the Son likes to go to the scene, Yuri advised him to enter the music school.

After graduating from High School, Oleg continued his musical education in the famous Academy of Gnesins, where he studied four years, after which he entered the conservatory. Tchaikovsky, who graduated with honors in 2009.

Interestingly, in addition to an outstanding voice, a vine has other talents - they are very well given foreign languages, and he speaks fluently in English, French, German and Spanish. In addition, the singer has the ability to accurate sciences - in childhood he occupied prizes on mathematical olympiads.


After graduating from the University, Oleg began working in the Vienna Chamber Opera, where he managed to participate in many popular performances, including the productions of the Italian directors "Marriage Letter" and "Bohemia".

Soon the young artist began to invite to performances in prestigious foreign theaters. He visited the stage of the Zurich Opera House, the National Opera Lorraine in France, the Italian Theater named after Giuseppe Verdi, the Swiss theater in Winterthueturation, the Theater of the Company in Amsterdam and many other world-famous sites.

For a relatively short career in Opere Oleg managed to play dozens of iconic roles: Pushkin Evgeny Onegin, Sergeant Belcore from the Italian Opera "Love Drink", Count Robinson in "Secret Marriage" Domenico Chimaroza, a musician of Schonara in "Boheme" Gacomo Puccini. This is only a small part of the works of a young artist.

In addition to active work on stage, Oleg is engaged in teaching activities. He began to give lessons of vocal skill at the senior courses of the Conservatory, and since then continues to hold private classes with students from Russia and other countries.

Since 2015, Loza has been one of the leading consultants in the Vienna Conservatory named after Wagner in Austria.

Oleg Vine - "Gori, Gori, My Star"

Oleg also served as an assistant director in the Model Agency Vyacheslav Zaitseva, but he pretended to abandon this work, completely devoting himself to singing.

Personal life of Oleg voz

About the personal life of the artist is known very little - in 2013, he took part in the program "Let's get married", but I did not find the girl.

In 2017, with his father, Oleg visited the TV show "The Fate of Man", where he also preferred not to extend information about his chosen. However, in November of the same year, he first spoke about his wife, the opera singer Hanne Bradbury.

Oleg Loza is a deeply believer man, he often visits the temple and regularly complies with the Christian post.

"I am pleased to! I am just glad that attention with me switched to Oleg. But I cooler! He always said Oleg that when we go around, he had no chance, "answered Lose-senior.

At the same time, Yuri is very proud of his son. He boasts the fact that Brad Pitt is just the actor, but Oleg sings very well and composes music. By the way, this is the video where my father and son sing a pop song duet. This video is of great popularity on the Internet.

Oleg Lose passed the acting skills and even plays in the opera. "He is a ready actor, finished artist," Yuri says.

Recently, Yuri Loza is gaining scandalous popularity. It's all about his frank statements on various topics. For example, about Yuri Gagarin she said: "Gagarin did nothing, he lay. He was first, so he became a hero. " Also unflattering, he commented on the legendary BEATLES group. In his opinion, there are nothing special in them, they just appeared at the right time and became the first.

And his phrase "Well, a man died and that now" about the recent death of one of the "Ivanosh" Oleg Yakovlev is full of cynicism! Yuri voza has a lot of songs in stock, but they do not need anyone. According to the singer, everyone is afraid of his truthful statements.

He believes that if all the songs that he have become hits, he would fly on a private plane. In the meantime, he only grabs the fee on the soup plate.

All the details of the interview with the scandalous singer, see the video:

Because of the self-adhesion of the vine-elder, everyone almost forgotten that his son sits nearby, too, by the way, a bright person.

And what do you think he really looks like Brad Pitt?

    Yuri Eduardovich Vose is a very famous and still loved by many musicians. First, the Soviet, and later the Russian author of the songs and music. At one time, he led to cooperation with such misconceptions as the "integral", the producer of which was Bari Alibasov, "Primus" (Yaroslav Angelyuk) or "Architect".

    In the eighties of the last century, he took up his own career, creating a personal recording studio in the 93st year, which: "Studio Yuri Voza". He wrote such famous hits in the eighties, like a "raft", "winter" or "I can dream."

    Growth, weight, age. How old is Yuri voza

    Even fans from the eighties and the nineties, which paid attention to the direct creativity of the artist than on him the most, anyway, such employed facts as height, weight, age can still be interesting. How many years Yuri voz is easy to calculate.

    The musician appeared in the 1954th year. Now he is already 63. Yuri is a rather tall man. Its growth is all 185 centimeters. And with the impressive growth of it weighs 90 kilograms. By the way, the presence of a small excess weight did not spoil his colorful appearance.

    Biography and personal life Yuri voza

    Yuri Lose was born in Sverdlovsk, February 1, 1954. Family of the future artist had no pops with pop. Yura's mother worked as an accountant, his father was a designer engineer, which in his free time just liked the motifs of favorite songs on the accordion. But from early childhood, Yura has a predisposition to the field of music - a beautiful children's voice and a thin musical rumor. When he was seven, his family moved to the village of Shekk, which is in the Almaty region. In this village and all the childhood of the musician passed. Starting in the younger school, he became a member of the school choir, and also began to learn to play the guitar on his own. Already much later, the singer with a nostalgic smile recalled that on his debut speech in this choir, he overtook and fainted.

    In the future, the biography and personal life of Yuri Voza developed successfully. The first song song that he learned was "Girl" Bitles Groups. It is noteworthy that he sang it in the original, although he did not know the language, because only German taught at school. Good skills guitar games and a repertoire, which included not only rock, but also lyrics, created a great reputation to Yuri. After school, he became a student of the Kazakh State University of the Faculty of Geography. In the student of Line loved sports, he even became the owner of the highest category as a football player. For a while, he could not even make a choice between the roads of a professional athlete and a musician, but the love of music was still stronger to sports. Therefore, at the end of the first year, he spread up with his university.

    Later, Yuri became a soldier of missile troops, he also became the head of the soldiers' orchestra, and later created a whole military ensemble. After Dembrel, Yuri tried his strength in the most common working specialties, but for the most part he performed music in restaurants or at celebrations, at the same time studying in the school. Tchaikovsky in Alma-Ata. Thanks to his amateur, Line has gained fame in certain circles.

    Very soon he became a member of the vocal instrumental ensemble "Integral". He then produced Bari Alibasov. In this group, he performed for six years - 77-83 years. In the 80th, the ensemble became the laureate of the Union-Union Festival of Rock Music in Tbilisi. They performed on a par with mastitis stars.

    After receiving such recognition, the young talent decided that she was finally ready to continue his career on his own. He was never left their own ambitions and over hundreds of texts that Yuri composed, but could not release the former ensemble in the repertoire.

    Having completed its activities in the "integral", Yuri moved to the capital. This period of life was extremely difficult for the artist. It's not just that the Soviet Rock Estrada experienced difficult times: the former idols were either collapsed, or could not speak due to all the same crises of creativity, and young performers were still not solved to fully reach the big scene. In Moscow, Line remained without an apartment and money. The first attempt to enter guitis turned out to be failed. The artist lived for the remnants of earnings, which brought him an "integral", and since there was no permanent work, from time to time Yuri was attacked by musical instruments.

    Without a doubt, a "raft" ballad, which was written by Yuri in the 82nd year, was also written by Yuri in the 82nd year, which was written by Yuri in the 82nd year, but only five years later were presented to the courts of listeners. For the reason that colleagues on the "integral" did not appreciate this song. At the peak of the popularity of the ballad came out in the 88th, being in the album "What is said is said". Even despite the fact that many years have passed, this composition is still considered a peculiar "business card" of the musician. Although it has differences with his other songs.

    Family and children Yuri voza

    Most of his life, Yuri Laose lived with one single woman - Svetlana Meriazhkovskaya, who had previously been a singer and, like Yuri, performed on the Soviet scene. In 1986, Svetlana presented her husband's son Oleg, who also all childhood showed musical inclinations and eventually decided to go in the footsteps of the Father, tied his life with the musical scene.

    Yury always speaks about his family with genuine warmth and love. The family and children of Yuri voza were and remain for him essential support and support.

    Son Yuri Voza - Oleg Vine

    Oleg was born, as mentioned above, in 1986. Now he is already 31 years old. Since childhood, he started to show love for music, after school, Oleg successfully graduated from Gnesin School in the specialty conductor of Chora. And after the metropolitan state conservatory. Tchaikovsky in the specialty Opera Performer and Vocal Teacher.

    My son Yuri Voza - Oleg Loza began his career in Zurich. At first, he worked at the local opera theater by the director's assistant, and now acts as an opera artist, baritone.

    Wife Yuri Voza - Svetlana Merezhkovskaya

    Wife Yuri Voza - Svetlana Meriazhkovskaya like her husband performed at one time on the Soviet stage. Many knew her under the pseudonym Susanna. Svetlana's account, several musical plates, as well as a reward received in the All-Union Artists Competition.