Participants of the group of silver. Serebro Group announced the name of the new participant

Participants of the group of silver. Serebro Group announced the name of the new participant
Participants of the group of silver. Serebro Group announced the name of the new participant

Instagram soloist group "Silver" (new composition)

In 2012, the Group presented the world the second Studio Album "Mama Lover", which included all the favorite compositions "Sweet", "Mom Lyuba", "Boy", etc.

In 2013, Anastasia Karpova announced the departure from the group, and the new soloist was. And in 2014, Lena Temnikov left the group, whose place came.

In the spring of 2016, the group "Silver" released its third album "The Force Three", and also said goodbye to her soloist Darya Shashina, who left the group for health state, however, after treatment, she would most likely return to the team again. But while her place in the composition of silver occupied, which Fadeev took over the Internet Casting from a thousand contenders.

At the end of 2017, the group on his own will leave Polina Favorskaya. A 19-year-old fitness coach comes to her place, which passes all the stages of the new casting organized by the manufactured center of Max Fadeeva "Malfa" and bypass over 18,000 contenders!

To the site you will find accounts in Instagram of all soloists of the Silver Group (the first composition, the new composition of 2018), learn what is the name of all the girls (names and surnames with the photo) and you can read their brief biographies. Click on the photo or the name of the beloved participants and watch her new photos in Instagram right on our website.

Recently, due to health problems, a 25-year-old Daria Shanin leaves the Serebro group. Producer Collective Maxim Fadeev announced to the group. The famous artists, including the ex-soloist "Ranetok" Nyuta Baydavletov, an ex-soloist "brilliant" Natalia Asmolov, and Katya Lee, who served earlier in Hi-Fi and Fi-Fi and Factory Groups was in place. According to rumors, even several participants of the reality show "Dom-2" came to the casting. However, they could not get a contract. The producer of the collective Maxim Fadeev declared the name of the new vocalist of the group - it became a 22-year-old Catherine Kiskch.

Catherine Kischuk - Two-Fri Champion of Russia by Hip-Hop. The girl from Tula, where he graduated from the music school in the class "choral singing" and the dance school of Mguyk. According to Kati, in 2015 she lived in Bangkok for four months, where he worked as a model. Then she went to China for five months to "sort out themselves."

Catherine chose the team fans - online voting was held in Vkontakte, as a result of which she scored 43.1%.


By the way, during the casting was not without scandals. Some of the candidates attracted attention to unusual ways. So, a 19-year-old Muscovite threatened to "impose hands on behalf of", if Maxim Fadeev does not appreciate her talent for dignity.

"A lot of applications comes to office mail, many of which do not correspond to casting conditions. We consult with psychologists on how it is more correct to enroll in this case. We will try to provide Julia psychological support. First of all, we will contact her parents and decide together, how to do, "the producer representatives told.

As a result of the voting in the social network "in contact", 22-year-old Katya Kishchy won the votes. The new soloist of the Serebro collective is from Tula. She finished there a music school in the class "Choral singing" and the Dance School of Mguyuk, in addition, the girl's double champion in Hip-Hop.

According to Kati, in 2015 she lived in Bangkok for four months, where she worked as a model of local clothing brands. Then she went to China for five months to "sort out themselves."

Recall, after the announcement of the departure from the Darya Shashina group because of the disease, Maxim Fadeev, together with the LifeNews TV channel, announced urgent online casting. The girls sent their video presentations through the LifeCorr application, after which the Fadeev took 10 finalists. And the winner was chosen by users "in contact".

According to Fadeev, he came tens of thousands of video from those who wish to enter the group. On the air LifeNews, he admitted that she was preparing to create a new musical project. Therefore, those who have not passed the selection can get a new chance.

- I can immediately calm some participants, we are going to make a new group of women with four participants. So do not worry those who did not win, "said Producer.

- This is a pure victory, one hundred percent. And it is very important for us that the audience choose with us, "said Producer.

Maxim Fadeev arranged a nationwide online casting into the famous Russian group of silver. And twice! Next, for the selection of potential candidates, followed in a special show on YouTube. But the results of the final groups were not satisfied with the fans nor Fadeev himself.

The new composition of the 2019 group of silver first appeared at a concert in honor of Valentine's Day, organized by the MUZ-TV channel. True, not to all viewers, the speech had to be liked - the girls sang under the phonogram.

So, the project participants entered the final triple. From Casting, Maxim took the 18-year-old Elizabeth Cornilov and 22-year-old Marianna Kocher. The third soloist was the 22-year-old singer Irina Titov.

Elizabeth Kornilova

The youngest participant of the Serebro group Elizaveta Cornilova is the daughter of the artist and composer Igor Cornilov. Igor is the author of the songs for Alla Pugacheva, Christina Orbakayte, Tatyana Ovsienko, Vadima Kazachenko and other stars. Lisa participated in the Children's Eurovision.

Marianna Kocheryova

Marianne, together with Lisa, participated in online casting and passed to the very end in the project on YouTube. The girl is directly related to music - Marianne is studying in Gitis.

Irina Titova

For Irina, this is the first singing project - before the girl worked as a manicure master.

History Pop Trio

For many years, the silver group on the musical scene, the composition of the participants over the years, including in January 2018, changed more than once. Serebro group names and names of the Serebro biography are always in demand by fans. Singers, whether it is a new soloist or past the best participants in the Silver group, always conquered the hearts of millions of fans of their music.

The article will be considered as a new group of silver, without the singers already markedly, and the former team of the participants of the team, who were in a pop trio for more than a ten-year history.

New Era for Trio

Today, the Serebro group has a composition of three girls. One struck the team - Olga Seriabkin, but until 2019 will leave the team, came in 2007 when creating a pop trio. The second - Katya Kishchuk, came in 2016 through the vote of fans on the Internet, which confidently won. The third, the newest soloist - Tatyana Martunova, came in early 2018 and also by means of voting, but the process was more difficult.

In the new composition, the girls have already managed to release fresh songs, excellent clips and of course constantly touring the cities of both Russia and the world. The new song was "Chico Loco", the track was also released on the track.

Biography of the compositions

Producer Maxim Fadeev began to create a group of silver in 2006, and in 2007 the girls have already given full-fledged speeches. Elena Temnikov, the former and best participant, according to the majority of majority, became the first soloists. Olga Seryabrin, which to this day consists in pop trio. And Marina Lizorkina, unexpectedly and contradictively left the team. Together they sang from 2007 to 2009.

In the future, Lizorkina changed Anastasia Karpov, and this three existed long enough from 2009 to 2013. But Karpova eventually fell a ticket to the exit from "Silver", Daria Shashin changed it and in such a form of the girl once a year from 2013 to 2014, and then I decided to leave Lena Temnikov, which Polina Favorskaya changed.

Singers this time retained this composition from 2014 to 2016, when Shashina had to leave for health. She was changed by Catherine Kishchki and also not long music played in this composition from 2016 until the end of December 2017, then the team left the Favorskaya. The soloist of the Silver Group Tanya Morgunova became a new participant, who replaced it from the first days of 2018. In 2019, the trio opens Olga Seriabkin, who replaces it is not yet known.

As a result, a group of silver composition is:

  • Olya Seriabkin
  • Ekaterina Kiskuk.
  • Tatyana Morgunova

History of musical success

For successful, the girls released three albums. The very first of the tracks with 1 album - "Song # 1" blew not only Russia, but also the world. On Eurovision 2007, the song broke into 3 place. Other tracks from it also became very in demand at one time. From 2 albums can be distinguished by the track - "Mom Lyuba", which in Russia did not listen to only the lazy. With 3 albums, there were also no little hits the same track - "I won't give you" to conquer the maiden hearts for a long time, and so far it is often twisted on music services.

The song "Between us love", published in 2017 and especially the clip, had a deafening success, which was proved, the change of compositions does not greatly affect the success of the silver group in creativity. Max Fadeev carefully selects replacements. And in 2018, a track was released and naturally the clip to it - Chico Loco, which only in 2 weeks looked without a small 2 million people! And it proves that the new silver group is of great success.

We will continue to wait for creative experiments from girls and success. It can be seen that the development of the producer and participants does not stand still and let it be further. It is very pleased with their constantly replacing style and concept on the approach of removal of clips. The approach to writing tracks is always honed to perfection to fit the modern flow of musical styles.

Causes respect for their approach and concerts, where they sing exclusively live, which undoubtedly allocates singers in general terms. Success accompanies the Serebro group, but does not turn their heads, because the plank of their creativity is high a year from the year that they prove their successes in radio charts and on TV.

At 33, Instagram Olga Seriabkin posted a photo where there was a mulatto in the image, the fans were delighted, comparing the image with Tira Banks, other seemed the image of Jay Lo closer to the truth.

Polina Favorskaya in front of the departure and in honor of the 26 birthday has rolled a significant party, where Katya Kishchuk was absent, then in London and congratulated ex-participating in the video handling.

Dasha Shashin has not been to the previous last name, she has not married Ivan Chebanova, who participated in the "voice" show and, therefore, the girl is now Daria Chebanova.

In the film "The Best Day" played one of the key roles of Olyaabkin and in the photo with the film crew overreach with the neckline, and the nobility was almost completely chest, and the nipples were visible very clearly, but its fans do not get used to this.

In 2017, in Instagram, the girls spent an excellent show program live.

During the years, the singer in Trio Olga Silver was received not one professional injury: broke the teeth about the microphone, broke the voice to not one concert, turned her legs, which he spent to operations on the bundles, often stretched the muscles and even prevailed to dislocation of the jaw.

In 2017, the soloists were starred for the MAXIM magazine in the image of the bride, and the photo session came out very "hot", and one of the participants was completely exposable. Guess who..?)

In 2018, the girls almost died in a plane crash, then flew into Montenegro, but everything cost.

With Olya Seriabquina, this winter had a nuisance, during the speech on the singer attacked the fan, twin by the leg on stage, but the guard quickly twisted.

In one of the periods of changing the participants in the Silver group, Maxim Fadeev wanted to make a duet from pop trio, but changed his mind. Also refused to take into a team of any participants from the house-2.

In the care of Helena Dameman was a lot of scandalous, but who was right and not clear. The interview was from both parties, where everyone accused another, but still this is the case of the past, it will be left there.

For the period 2017, Olga Seryabkina in one of the interviews it was stated that in the near future it is not going to give birth. The plans are our own development and achieving new heights in the career of the singer.

A very interesting fact about Olga Seryabkina - Pediophobia suffers (dolls are afraid).

Youth Maiden Group "Silver" for almost 10 years does not leave the musical Olympus Russian pop, pleaseing fans with their performances not only on radio, but also touring tours, appearances on the social network.

Holidays on three or traditions are broken

The new composition of the "Silver" group was only half a year ago was approved and today producers decided that the girls need rest, because in November and December they again planned an extensive program of performances. To spend together not only the working, but also free time is the tradition, which this time was observed only in part.

Olga Seryabkin and Polina Favorskaya went to conquer the Islands of the Indian Ocean, and the new soloist of the Silver Group Katya Kishchuk decided that she had unresolved questions in America. Meanwhile, the Internet creates miracles and will allow girls not to interrupt their communication during the holidays, which will last for two weeks.

As it turned out, the girls are interested in conquering not only song vertices. After going to Bali, Olga Seryabkin and Polina Favorskaya decided to climb the highest local volcano Agung. The third participant in Kati Kishch's team, was able to enjoy this walk, watching her move on video, combining chat with rest in the United States.

In addition to the four-hour climbing up the mountain, the girls were actively rested on the beach, and no longer attracted the attention of the press with their naked bodies. Although this time it happened without slipping scandals, Olga Seriabkin was only swimming in the Indian Ocean without a swimsuit, and this could not fix any, even the most heightened paparazzi. However, it did not prevent one piquant shot still leaving the network.

The rest of the entertainment of girls are not much different from the familiar holiday in the resort: the sunny beach and crazy attractions, pulling out the soul. The company soloists from the group "Silver" was their overall familiar Nikita, with whom they were captured during the most extreme moment on an unusual carousel.

Tight touring schedule

But quite recently, the Silver Group was a participant in joint concert programs. All September girls presented surprises to their fans, appearing at the concert venues of Russia.

The Silver Group in the new composition leads active concert activities and this confirmation is a dense September schedule of tour. On September 3, the girls visited the Khanty-Mansiysk District, the city of Lyster, where the old and new songs offered the public. A beautiful spectacle from mobile phones will be remembered for a long time, both fans and participants of the project. It's nice that the producers did not ignore the wishes of the oil workers who celebrated their professional holiday on this day.

Also in the first decade of September 2016, the participants of the Silver Group were noted at a charitable concert in Samara, where solemn events were held organized by the microdistrict the cool keys. The concert program with girls was divided by the participants of the group "5STA Family".

Scandal on instagram

September 25 will be remembered for fans of Olga Seriabquina for a long time. A bold and beautiful girl put out several provocative photos of erotic content in their intsert. This caused a storm of indignation and some began to even threaten that they would unlock from the group if the line was permitted to reset.

The girl remains nothing, except to admit that she really likes the film "Titanic" and a frame from him, where the heroine Kate Winslett is exposed for the positiveness of the young artist. Therefore, all this scandal with erotic photos went to the background, forcing the once again to think about the transformations of the fate and the guise of life.

Where does Grazi come from

It remains only to recall that the group "Silver", the composition of which was repeatedly updated, never hid the sexuality of the participants. However, it was always beautiful and intriguing, the gracefulness that girls shook is not a gift of fate, but a fruitful work, the result of which becomes the deposit of lines.

However, regardless of his sexuality, the new silver group successfully toured all summer, noting in several cities of Russia, without excluding the capital clubs. Especially hot girls met the fans of the city of Yekaterinburg "Maximilians". No one was confused by a short dress of participants in which they had not only to sing, but also to dance.

The new names of the Silver group appeared in the long-awaited clip "broken", his appearance was announced in the yellow press, as well as the participants' participants themselves, through the same instagram. Waiting for the clip was long, and the discussion after its appearance is rather stormy. And it is absolutely incomprehensible, as it makes it an outraged group fans: the story told the story or the fact of its reality.

Combat baptism for Kati

With this clip, the group "Silver" managed to experience its own strength in the new composition. For Kati Kiskch, he became a kind of battle baptism, which passed quite successfully. In the captured clip, the fans did not see any awkwardness, unnecessary constraint. Therefore, we can say that the public has received a young soloist who became welcomed.

The emergence of the video was preceded by a wonderful photo session in Cyprus, where the girls were able to reveal their unlike characters before the photographer. The sun, pebble beach and a lot of sea - what could be better for the formation of a new team. Apparently it was its strengthening that the soloists of the Silver Group were engaged, whose names for us are very familiar.

However, the road to rest in Cyprus was not simple. Only in May, the producers were not without regret broke up with Darya Shashina, who worked with a team of about 3 years. Actually, the care of Dasha and contributed to the emergence of the new composition of the Silver group. What you do not have to regret because Katyschka still showed himself a 100% fan of the team, his creators. Therefore, difficulties with her infusion did not appear.

The girl already knew the lyrics of songs, knew how to move well, behaved naturally and was friendly, apparently for these qualities the audience chose Katya. In one of the interview, she said: "Maxim Alexandrovich believed me, it is impossible to bring it." Now, after half a year, you can say with confidence that the choice was successful.

Returning to the origins

So, we remind the group of silver new composition:

  • Catherine Kischuk;
  • Olga Seryabkin;
  • Polina Favorskaya.

Olga Seriabkin is the only participant in the project present in it from the most famous debut performance at Eurovision 2007. As before, the girl remains a ideological inspirer, the author of the songs, without which it is even difficult to imagine the team. It is no longer a secret that the proposed direction differs from everything that is represented on the Russian stage. And if the participants themselves can be compared with known kinodivs, then the music performed by them unequivocally has no analogues.

A little about Polina Favor

However, the topic of the "Silver" group and the names of the participants will be affected by the topic, it is necessary to pay a little attention and Polina Favoroskaya, which since 2014 remains a faithful team and its fans.

The career of the girl before coming to the producer house Maxim Fadeeyev was incredibly rapid. Polina was looking for himself, he speaks her part in completely diverse projects, which is even impossible to compare: "Love at first sight", "Mom, I want to become a star", "Vacation in Mexico". This contributed to the interests and passion for the young lady. Polina is good and knows how to present herself in a male society.

However, when the need to choose, Polina, without thinking, preferred to work with Maxim Fadeev. So there was a new group "Silver", the composition and surname of which apparently will not be updated more than once. And it's not about pursuing the ringing of coins from the creators of the team, just "silver" became a symbol for a whole generation.


Probably someday new members of the team will come to the scene "Eurovision" again. But while girls sunbathe on the beach, ticket cash regulations take orders from those who want to get on their performances. Olya, Polina and Katya, very soon begin to a new stage of work. I really want to hope that the latter released album "Three Power" will not remain such and fans will be able to enjoy the new creations of the team.