Lion Tolstoy than famous. Brief biography of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich - children's and youthful years, search for your place in life

Lion Tolstoy than famous. Brief biography of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich - children's and youthful years, search for your place in life
Lion Tolstoy than famous. Brief biography of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich - children's and youthful years, search for your place in life

Lion Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Tula province, the family belonging to the class of nobles. In the 1860s, he wrote his first big novel - "War and Peace".

In 1873, Tolstoy started working on one of his most famous books: "Anna Karenina". One of his most successful late works is the "death of Ivan Ilyich".

Once, the elder brother of Tolstoy, Nikolai, during his army holiday came to visit to Lero, and convinced his brother to go to the army as a Junker to the south, to the Caucasian Mountains, where he served. After staying as Junker, Lev Tolstoy in November 1854 was translated into Sevastopol, where he fought in the Crimean War to August 1855.

During his Junkers in the army, Tolstoy had a lot of free time. In calm periods, he worked on an autobiographical history called "Childhood". In it, he wrote about his most beloved childhood memories. In 1852, Tolstoy sent a story to the "contemporary", the most popular magazine of that time.

After completing the story "Childhood", Tolstoy began to write about his daily life in the army outpost in the Caucasus. The "Cossacks" work began in the army years, he finished only in 1862, after he had already left the army.

Surprisingly, but Tolstoy managed to continue writing during active battles in the Crimean War. At that time, he wrote "adolescence", continuation of "childhood", the second book in the autobiographical trilogy of Tolstoy. In the midst of the Crimean War, Tolstoy expressed his opinion on the striking contradictions of the war through the trilogy of the works of Sevastopol stories. In the second book of "Sevastopol stories", Tolstoy experimented with a relatively new technique: part of the story is presented in the form of a narrative of a soldier.

After the end of the Crimean war, Tolstoy left the army and returned to Russia. Arriving home, the author was very popular on the literary scene of St. Petersburg.

Stubborn and arrogant, Tolstoy refused to belong to any particular philosophical school. Anarchist announced himself, he went to Paris in 1857. Once there, he lost all his money and was forced to return home to Russia. He also managed to publish "Youth", the third part of the autobiographical trilogy, in 1857.

Returning to Russia in 1862, Tolstoy issued the first of the 12 numbers of the thematic magazine "Clear Polyana". In the same year, he married a doctor's daughter named Sofya Andreevna Bers.

Living in a clear clearer with his wife and children, Tolstoy spent most of the 1860s, working on his first famous novel "War and Peace". Part of the novel was first published in the "Russian Bulletin" in 1865 entitled "1805". By 1868, he released three more chapters. A year later, the novel was completely finished. And critics, and the public argued about the historical justice of Napoleonic wars in the novel, in combination with the development of the stories of his thoughtful and realistic, but still fictional characters. The novel is also unique in that it includes three long satirical essays on the laws of history. Among the ideas that Tolstoy also tries to convey in this novel - the belief that the position of a person in society and the meaning of human life is mainly derived from its daily activities.

In 1828, the future great Russian writer Lev Tolstoy was born in the estate of Clear Polyana, on August 26, the future great Russian writer. The family was a birthday - his ancestor was a notable one, who received the County Title to the king. Peter. Mother was from the ancient nobility of Volkonsky. Belonging to the privileged layer of society affected the behavior and thought of the writer all his life. The brief biography of Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich does not fully reveal the entire history of the ancient family.

Serene life in a clear clearing

The childhood of the writer was quite prosperous, despite the fact that he early lost his mother. Thanks to family stories, he retained her light image in his memory. The brief biography of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich suggests that the Father was an embodiment for the writer of beauty and power. He instilled a boy's love for the ping hunt, which was subsequently described in the "War and Peace" novel.

Close relationships were with the elder brother Nicholya - he taught little left a lot of games and told him interesting stories. The first story of Tolstoy - "Childhood" - contains many autobiographic memories of the children's years of the writer himself.


A serene joyful stay in the Casual Polyana was interrupted due to the death of his father. In 1837, the family under the custody. In this city, according to the brief biography of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the writer passed. Here he came in 1844 to the university - first to the philosophical, and then at the Faculty of Law. True, the study was little attracted him, the student preferred various fun and couments.

In this biography of Tolstoy Leo, Nikolayevich characterizes him as a person who has been dismissively relating to people of the lowest, non-surmocratic estate. He denied the story as a science - in his eyes she had no practical benefit. Sharpness of their judgments, the writer has retained throughout life.

In the role of a landowner

In 1847, without finishing the university, Tolstoy decides to return to a clear polar and try to arrange life of its fortress people. Reality sharply dispersed with the ideas of the writer. The peasants did not understand the intentions of the Barin, and the brief biography of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich describes the experience of his economic activity as an unsuccessful (the writer shared them in his story "Morning landlord"), as a result of which he leaves his estate.

The path of becoming a writer

The next few years spent in St. Petersburg and Moscow did not pass for the future Great Prosaika for nothing. From 1847 to 1852, diaries are being conducted, in which all their thoughts and reflections Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy are carefully. A brief biography tells that during the service in the Caucasus, working on the story "Childhood", which will be published a little later in the magazine "Contemporary". It marked the beginning of the further creative path of the Great Russian Writer.

Ahead of the writer is waiting for the creation of his great works "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina", and while he honors his style, printed in the "contemporary" and swimming in favorable reviews of critics.

Late years of creativity

In 1855, Tolstoy briefly arrives in St. Petersburg, but literally in a couple of months leaves him and settles in a clear clearing, opening a school for peasant children. In 1862, marriage with Sofia Bers and in the first years is very happy.

In 1863-1869, the novel "War and the World" was written and was written, which little reminded the classic option. It does not have traditional key elements of that time. Rather, they are present, but are not key.

1877 - Tolstoy finished Roman "Anna Karenina", in which the reception of an internal monologue is repeatedly used.

Starting from the second half of the 60s, Tolstoy is experiencing which it was possible to overcome only at the turn of the 1870-80s by the full rethinking of its former life. Then Tolstoy arises - his wife categorically did not accept his new looks. The ideas of the late Tolstoy similar to the socialist teaching, with the only difference that he was an opponent of the revolution.

In 1896-1904, Tolstoy finished the story that was published after his death, which occurred in November 1910 at the station Astapovo Ryazan-Ural Road.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy Talented Man, whose works are read not only adults, but also schoolchildren. Who are unknown by such works, like, or Anna Karenina? It is probably difficult to find a person who would not be familiar with the work of this writer. Let's get acquainted with the writer Tolsty closer, having studied his biography briefly.

Brief biography Tolstoy: Most importantly

L.N. Tolstoy - philosopher, playwright, a talented person who gave us his heritage. Studying his brief biography for children 5 and 4th grade, will better understand the writer, study his life, starting with birth and ending with the last days.

Childhood and Youth Leo Tolstoy

The biography of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy from birth in the Tula province begins. It happened in 1828. He was the fourth child in the noble family. If we talk about the childhood of a writer and his biography, then at the age of two he loses, and after seven years he lost his father, and brought up aunt in Kazan. The first story of the famous trilogy of Leo Tolstoy "Childhood" just tells us about the children's writers.

The initial formation of Lion Tolstoy gets at home, after which he enters the Kazan University at the Faculty of Philology. That's just not had the young men to study, and Tolstoy writes a letter of dismissal. In the estate of parents, he tries themselves in farming, but the undertaking ended in failure. After that, on the advice of the brother, he goes to fight in the Caucasus, and later becomes a member of the Crimean War.

Literary creativity and heritage

If we talk about the work of Tolstoy, then his first work is a story childhood, written in Junkers. In 1852, the story is printed in a contemporary. Already at this time, Tolstoy put in one row with such writers as, Ostrovsky and.

Being in the Caucasus, the writer will write the Cossacks, and then let's start writing that it will be a continuation of the first story. There will be other work in a young writer, because creative activity did not interfere with the serve to serve a hand in hand with his participation in the Crimean War. Sevastopol stories appear from under the writer's pen.

After the war, he lives in St. Petersburg, in Paris. Upon returning to Russia, Tolstoy writes in 1857 the third story, which refers to the autobiographical trilogy.

Marrying on Sofary Burns, Tolstoy stopped in the estate of parents, where he continued to create. The most popular work and his first big novel is war and the world, which was written for ten years. After him, he writes no less well-known work Anna Karenina.

Eighties for the Writer were fruitful. He wrote, comedy, novels, drama, among them after Bala, Sunday and others. At that time, the worldview of the writer was already formed. The essence of his worldview is clearly visible in his "confession", in the work "What is my faith?" Many of his admirers began to relate to Tolstoy, as to the spiritual mentor.

In his work, the writer in tough form set the issues of faith and the meaning of life, criticized state institutions.

The authorities were very afraid of the writer's feather, so they watched him, and also put her hand to get fat from the church. However, people continued to love and supported the writer.

A Russian writer and philosopher L.N. Tolstoy on September 9, 1828 in Casual Polyana, Tula province, a fourth child in a rich aristocratic family. Tolstoy's parents lost early, long-rage relative of T. A. Yergolskaya was engaged in his further education. In 1844, Tolstoy entered the Kazan University for the Department of Eastern Languages \u200b\u200bof the Faculty of Philosophy, but because Classes did not cause him any interest, in 1847. Submit an application for dismissal from the university. At the age of 23, Tolstoy, together with the elder brother, Nikolai, went to the Caucasus, where he took part in the hostilities. These years of life of the writer were reflected in the autobiographical story of the "Cossacks" (1852-63), in the stories of the "raid" (1853), "Riding Forest" (1855), as well as in the late story "Haji Murat" (1896-1904, published In 1912). In the Caucasus, Tolstoy began to write both the trilogy "childhood", "adolescence", "Youth".

During the Crimean War, went to Sevastopol, where he continued to fight. After the end of the war went to St. Petersburg and immediately entered a circle of "contemporary" (N. A. Nekrasov, I. S. Turgenev, A. N. Ostrovsky, I. A. Goncharov, etc.), where he was met as " The Great Hope of Russian Literature "(Nekrasov), published" Sevastopol stories ", in which his outstanding writer talent brightly reflected. In 1857, Tolstoy went on a trip to Europe, which was later disappointed ..

In the fall of 1856, Tolstoy, having resigned, decided to interrupt literary activities and become a landowner landowner, went to a clear clearing, where he was engaged in educational work, he opened his school, created his own pedagogy system. This occupation is so fascinated that in 1860 he even went abroad in order to familiarize himself with the schools of Europe.

In September 1862, Tolstoy married the eighteen-year-old Daughter of the doctor Sophie Andreevna Bers and immediately after the wedding took his wife from Moscow to a clear Polyana, where he was completely given to family life and economic concerns, but by autumn 1863 was captured by a new literary intent, as a result of the execution of which There was a fundamental work "War and Peace". B1873-1877. Created a novel "Anna Karenina". At the same years, the worldview of a writer, known as the "Topstone", is fully formed, the essence of which is visible in the works: "Confession", "What is my faith?", Crecera Sonata.

From all over the corners of Russia and the world, the writers of creativity of the writer, to whom they treated, as to the spiritual mentor. In 1899, Roman "Resurrection" was published.

The latest works of the writer were the stories "Father Sergius", "After Bala", "Startora Fedor Kuzmich" and the drama "Living corpse".

Late in the fall of 1910, at night, secretly from the family, 82-year-old Tolstoy, accompanied by only a personal doctor D. P. Makovitsky, left the clear clearing, got sick on the road and was forced to get away from the train on the Little Railway Station Astapovo Ryazan-Ural Railway. Here, in the house of the station's head, he spent the last seven days of his life. 7 (20) November Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy died.

Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich (1828 - 1910) is one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers, one of the greatest writers of the world, the enlightenment, publicist and a religious thinker.

Brief biography Tolstoy

Write a brief biography of Tolstoy It is quite difficult, as he lived a long and very diverse life.

In principle, everything can be called "briefs" only conditionally. Nevertheless, we will try in a compressed form to transfer the main points of the biography of Lion Tolstoy.

Childhood and youth

A future writer was born in Casual Polyana, Tula province, in a rich aristocratic family. Entered the Kazan University, but then left him.

At the age of 23, went to war with Chechnya and Dagestan. Here I began to write the trilogy "childhood", "adolescence", "Youth".

In the Caucasus participated in hostilities, being an artillery officer. During the Crimean War, went to Sevastopol, where he continued to fight. After the end of the war went to St. Petersburg and in the magazine "Contempor" published "Sevastopol stories", in which his outstanding writer talent brightly reflected.

In 1857 Tolstoy went on a trip to Europe. From his biography, it is clear that this trip disappointed the thinker.

From 1853 to 1863 He wrote the story of "Cossacks", after which he decided to interrupt literary activities and become a landowner landowner, engaging in the village. To this end, he left for a clear clearing, where he opened a school for peasant children and created his own pedagogy system.

Creativity Tolstoy

In 1863-1869 he wrote a fundamental work "War and Peace". It was this work that brought him worldwide glory. In 1873-1877, the novel "Anna Karenina" is published.

Portrait of a lion Tolstoy

At the same years, the worldview of the writer was fully formed, which subsequently resulted in the religious course "Tolstovy". Its essence is marked in works: "Confession", "What is my faith?" and "Creichera Sonata".

From the biography of Tolstoy, it is clearly seen that the teachings of the "Topic" is set out in the philosophical and religious works "Study of dogmatic theology", "Connection and translation of the four Gospels". The main emphasis in these works is made on the moral improvement of a person, the chief of evil and the absence of evil by violence.

Later the Dilogy was published: the drama "Power of Darkness" and the comedy "Fruits of Enlightenment", then a series of stories-Proverbs about the laws of being.

From all over the corners of Russia and the world, the writers of creativity of the writer, to whom they treated, as to the spiritual mentor. In 1899, Roman "Resurrection" was published.

The latest works of the writer are the stories "Father Sergius", "After Bala", "Posthumous notes of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich" and the drama "Living Corpse".

Tolstoy and church

The confessional journalism of Tolstoy gives a detailed view of his sincere drama: drawing pictures of social inequality and the fear of the educated layers, thick in tough form put questions about the meaning of life and faith in the society, put all state institutions, reaching the denial of science, art, court, marriage, Achievements of civilization.

The social declaration of Tolstoy relies on the idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity as a moral teaching, and the ethical ideas of Christianity are meaningful to them in the humanistic key, as the basis of the world's world fraternity.

In a brief biography of Tolstoy, it makes no sense to mention the numerous sharp statements of the writer in the address of the church, but they can be easily found in different sources.

In 1901, a resolution of His Holiness Governing Synod was published, in which it was officially notified that the Count Lev Tolstoy is no longer a member of the Orthodox Church, since its (publicly expressed) beliefs are incompatible with such membership.

It caused a huge public resonance, since the folk authority of Tolstoy was extremely large, although everyone knew the critical mood of the writer in relation to the Christian Church.

Last days and cum

On October 28, 1910, Tolstoy secretly left the family with a clear clearing, the road fell ill and was forced to get off the train on the small railway station Astapovo Ryazan-Ural Railway.

Here, after seven days, in the house of the station's head of the station, he died at the age of 82.

We hope that the brief biography of Tolstoy will interest you to further explore his creative heritage. And last: maybe you did not know this, but there exists in mathematics, the author of which is the great writer himself. We highly recommend familiarizing yourself.

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