First National Music Award voting. Concert tickets russian national music award

First National Music Award voting.  Concert tickets russian national music award
First National Music Award voting. Concert tickets russian national music award

Russian music lovers in anticipation of a big holiday: on December 7, the "Kremlin" invites guests to the presentation of awards First Russian National Music Award, and our site will help you buy tickets for this concert in Moscow. The best of the best performers, chosen by their fans and just lovers of good music, will take the stage.

Among the founders are producers and pop stars known to everyone. The modern pop music industry cannot be imagined without Iosif Prigozhin, Igor Matvienko, Konstantin Meladze, Igor Krutoy, Yana Rudkovskaya, Maxim Fadeev, Viktor Drobysh. Artists of the first echelon also joined in the establishment of the award: Philip Kirkorov and Grigory Leps.

In addition to the main prizes, the organizers have prepared two special ones: they will appreciate the contribution of two nominees to musical culture - classical and modern. But how will the contenders for the prizes themselves be identified? First, experts, including only prominent figures in contemporary pop culture, will name the three best candidates for each of the nominations. When the names of all the nominees are known, a spectator vote will be launched. Prizes will be awarded only to those who get the most votes. Any possibility of "substitution" is excluded.

The metropolitan and Russian cultural community is looking forward to December 7th. The future award is called the event of the year. And it is no coincidence that one of the best concert venues in Moscow was chosen for the ceremony! On this day, lovers of lavish social events will see everything: the traditional red carpet, and guests parading along it in haute couture dresses.

Yesterday evening in the Crocus City Hall concert hall one of the most significant events of the outgoing year took place - the presentation of the First National Russian Music Prize. The grandiose festival of music brought together the most authoritative representatives of the domestic show business. Loud hits, unexpected confessions and the brightest moments of the show - in the OK report!

The guests of the award, established by the most influential representatives of the music industry, were dozens of Russian stars and thousands of viewers who chose the best of the best by popular vote.

The host of the ceremony, Alexander Revva, appeared in the guise of a chef and, accompanied by the orchestra, directed the preparation of a symbolic cake in honor of the first birthday of the new award. He was paired with the brilliant Vera Brezhneva, who changed three outfits during the evening.

The concert was opened by Polina Gagarina, who became the undisputed triumphant of the ceremony, having received a prize in the nominations for "Best Singer", as well as as a performer of the best sound track - the composition "Cuckoo" from the film "Battle for Sevastopol".

“I am happy and proud that I was able to touch such a strong and deep song,” the singer said and called on everyone to honor the memory of the author of the composition, Viktor Tsoi. The second statuette of the same kind went to St. Petersburg, where it will take an honorable place in the museum of the legendary musician.

The young, but already incredibly popular MBAND collective also received two statuettes. The guys not only received an award for the best song, which was the composition "She Will Return", but were also recognized as the "Discovery of the Year", beating their competitors: the groups "Time and Glass", "Moya Michel", as well as Yulianna Karaulova and Yegor Creed.

The first among pop musicians was the group SEREBRO, and the "Leningrad" group, headed by its irreplaceable leader Sergei Shnurov, received the statuette as the best rock group.

In between performances and announcements of the winners, the audience enjoyed a lot of entertainment. Thus, the “First Russian National Kissing Camera” captured such famous couples as Valeria and Iosif Prigozhin, Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Iskhakov, Anita and Sergei Tsoi. And Philip Kirkorov, at the suggestion of the presenters, became the author of a collective star selfie.

EMIN collected the most bouquets from fans, performing the incendiary composition Boomerang, after which a whole line of fans lined up for him, who literally filled the artist with flowers. Only Nikolai Baskov, who received a bouquet from Polina Gagarina herself, could compete with him.

Dima Bilan and Andrey Cherny, who founded the Alien24 group, won the Best Electronic Project nomination. According to Bilan, the work on this project became the real embodiment of his alter ego. However, to the singer's surprise, this award was not the only one - he received a statuette in the nomination "Best concert show".

Valery Leontiev was awarded a special award for the development of pop music. The honorary statuette was presented to him by Philip Kirkorov.

It is noteworthy that the First Russian National Award not only fully corresponds to its name, but also covers almost all musical genres, from hip-hop to opera. So, among the nominations were two completely new: the best performer and the best performer of opera music. The awards were received by Aida Garifullina and Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who could not attend the event due to their busy work schedule, but sent video messages to everyone present.

One of the most memorable performances was the performance of Dima Bilan and the children's choir of the Igor Krutoy Academy of Popular Music, who sang the song “Don't be silent”. No less amazed the audience by the Yolka, which appeared on the stage in the company of trapeze artists. “I wish each of you to find the music of your whole life, because it’s much cooler to live with your own soundtrack,” the singer addressed the audience.

The dedication to the victims and victims of terrorism around the world immersed the audience in the memories of the tragic events of recent months. The winner of the special prize "For Exceptional Performing Skills", People's Artist of Russia, pianist Denis Matsuev, who performed Symphony No. 3 in A minor by the great Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninov, dedicated his performance to them.

“I hope this award will become an integral part of our musical culture and an incentive to unite musicians of all genres and nationalities. I would like to thank my spouse, without whom, probably, I would have already thought about retirement, but now I have to earn money, ”Meladze noted ironically.

The main surprise of the evening was the announcement of the name of the artist who will represent our country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholm. It was Sergey Lazarev, who received the award that evening as the best singer.

It is already known that the First Russian National Music Prize will become an annual one, which means that next year we will have an exciting performance and a sea of ​​music chosen by Russia.

A musical extravaganza on December 10 took place within the walls of the Crocus City Hall: one of the most prestigious halls in the capital received guests and participants of the First Russian National Music Prize. The event turned out to be truly grandiose: there was a magnificent red carpet, floating screens, and colorful numbers.
Among the nominees were performers of all musical directions (rock, rap, opera, popular music). The winner selection system consisted of two stages: preliminary, music industry experts for each category formed the top five favorites, then the final winner was determined based on the results of the audience vote.

The winners of the Prize were Polina Gagarina, who received the prize of the competition - the "Prima" statuette - in the categories "Best Soundtrack" and "Best Performer of Popular Music", as well as the group "M-Band" - not only the opening of the year, but also the author of the best song (" She will be back").
Many other famous musicians, bands and projects were not left without awards:

  • Sergey Shnurov was at the top of the rock pedestal;
  • among hip-hop performers the main prize was awarded to the group "Basta";
  • Fans of folk songs honored Pelageya,
  • connoisseurs of electronic music - the duet "Alien24", formed by Dmitry Bilan and Andrey Cherny.

"Prima" was presented to the group "Silver", opera star Dmitry Hvorostovsky, producer Konstantin Meladze and the television project "Voice". The participant of Eurovision from Russia in 2016 Sergey Lazarev also won the coveted statuette as the best pop singer.

The National Music Prize is a unique phenomenon for the Russian space, if only because it is not tied to any founding body or mass media, like the Golden Gramophone (Russian Radio award) or MTV Prize. According to the idea of ​​the initiators and founders, including Igor Matvienko, Yana Rudkovskaya, Iosif Prigozhin, the event should reflect the objective realities and trends of the domestic music industry.
The presentation of the Prize became one of the most memorable and colorful events of the outgoing 2015 and caused a justified excitement: many eminent representatives of the Russian music world were seen on the red carpet.

Full list of laureates:

M-Band "-" She'll be back "
"Burito" - "Mom"
"Time and Glass" - "Name 505"
Nargiz Zakirova - "You are my tenderness"
IOWA - "Minibus"
Marina Devyatova
Tina Kuznetsova
Sergey Shnurov and the Leningrad group
Nargiz Zakirova
"Mummy Troll"
Alien 24
DJ Rudenko
DJ Smash
Therr maitz
Quest Pistols
"Time is up"
Yulianna Karaulova
Egor Creed
"My Michelle"
Polina Gagarina - "Cuckoo" (film "Battle for Sevastopol")
Basta - "Where We Are Not" (film "Motherland")
Yolka - "The Sea Inside" (the film "Without Borders")
Darina Ivanova - "I Believe" (film "Savva. Heart of a Warrior")
Maxim Fadeev - "Breach the line" (film "Savva. Heart of a Warrior")
Aida Garifullina
Khibla Gerzmava
Maria Guleghina
Lyubov Kazarnovskaya
Anna Netrebko
Dmitry Hvorostovsky
Ildar Abdrazakov
Vasily Gerello
Evgeny Kungurov
Vasily Ladyuk
Dima Bilan - "33"
Sergey Lazarev - The Best
Ani Lorak - "Carolina"
Valery and Konstantin Meladze - "Half"
"New Wave-2015"
"Main stage"
"Exactly the same"
"Property of the Republic"
"Dances" on TNT
Konstantin Meladze
Victor Drobysh
Igor Krutoy
Igor Matvienko
Maxim Fadeev
Polina Gagarina
Christmas tree
Ani Lorak
Sergey Lazarev
Dima Bilan
Philip Kirkorov
Grigory Leps
Valery Meladze

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The Russian National Music Award (RNMP) was established by the Academy of Russian Music (ARM). The President of the Academy is Yuri Kostin. The founders of the award are poet, philanthropist Mikhail Gutseriev and composer, producer Igor Krutoy. The Academy includes the stars of the Russian stage, producers, heads of the music and media industries.

Composer Igor Krutoy:

- An honest objective award is, first of all, stimulating the music market. It creates an opportunity to celebrate certain successes, so that the musicians strive to write a better album, a louder hit. Although this year's event is not easy: colleagues vote for colleagues, some like it, some don't. But if everyone treats it as before: “I didn’t win, so I won’t go,” or “I didn’t get into the nominees, I won’t sit in the hall,” then it’s unlikely that something will work out, it’s not easy to change this attitude, but necessary.

Mikhail Gutseriev noted:

- I believe that the most honest and objective Prize has appeared in Russia through the joint efforts of the musical community. This award reflects the present day of Russian music. And I am sure that this will contribute to the disclosure of new names on our stage.

The creators of the award set themselves the task of creating an objective nationwide instrument for assessing the work of creators of musical works on the basis of absolute transparency and objectivity. On December 13, the Russian National Music Award ceremony was held at the State Kremlin Palace. The youngest Prize brought together almost all Russian pop stars and attracted great attention of the media and the general public. The host of the evening was Andrey Malakhov, the hosts of the "red carpet" - Glucose and Andrey Razygraev.

Winners of all nominations of the Prize:

The legend of the national stage: Lev Leshchenko

Best Pop Group IOWA

Best song (melody) for a movie or TV series:"But I don't have you" - Yolka

Prize for invaluable contribution to Russian musical culture: Eduard Artemiev

Best Dance Hit:"Vitya needs to get out" - Estradarada

Instrumentalist of the Year in Classical Music"Libertango" - Denis Matsuev

Vocalist of the Year in Classical Music Anna Netrebko

Urban romance:"I miss our former" - Grigory Leps

Best Hip Hop Artist:"Samsara" - Basta

Concert of the Year: Basta in the Olympic Sports Complex. 360 degree concert

Award for Contribution to the Development of the Popular Music Industry: Philip Kirkorov

Best Music Video: Chimera - Philip Kirkorov; "Like Celentano" - Artur Pirozhkov; "So beautiful" - Sergey Lazarev

Poet of the Year:"Heart is a home for love" - ​​Mikhail Gutseriev

Composer of the Year"To live" - ​​Igor Matvienko

Best Rock Band or Rock Artist:"Likes" - "Bi-2"

Best Pop Artist:"I feel with my soul" - Alekseev

Best Pop Female Artist"Accidental" - Svetlana Loboda

Song of the year:"Ice is melting" - "Mushrooms"