Nyusha married or not. Nyusha Shurochka: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - Photo

Nyusha married or not. Nyusha Shurochka: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - Photo
Nyusha married or not. Nyusha Shurochka: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - Photo
Nyusha (according to the passport - Anna Vladimirovna Shurocha) - a young Russian pop performer. Her songs have repeatedly occupied the leading positions in the domestic charts, the heroes of foreign cartoons were spoken by her voice, and nyushi called Nyusha "the most memorable event of recent years."

Childhood Nyushi

Nyusha grew in the family of musicians. Her dad, Vladimir Shurochkin, in the beginning of the 90s sang in the "Affectionate May" group, and after the soldier's career began. Irina Alexandrovna Shurochka, Mom of the future singer, performed with a rock band.

From early childhood Nyusha did not part with the microphone. From the age of three, she took the lessons of vocal from Victor Pozdnyakov. The producer argued that the girl managed to excellently develop a congenital musical rumor in just a year of classes.

At the five-year-old age, Anya was first in a record studio, where he sang the "Song of the Big Malar". The girl experienced such rich emotions from participating in the record that he began to sing everywhere: at home, in the car with parents, in the village of grandmother. Supporting her interest, the father presented the daughter of the synthesizer, hired a tutor with solfeggio and piano. The first "true" song Anya recorded in 8 years. Composition called "Night" was performed in English.

Later, when a twelve-year-old girl spoke at a concert in Cologne, singing this and several other English-speaking compositions of their own essay, the listeners were amazed by her purest pronunciation without an accent.

At 9 years old Nyusha visited the children's theater and fashion "Daisy". Together with the group, she performed on the largest concert venues of Russia, including the Kremlin concert hall. But quite soon the girl broke up with the team of "daisies", deciding that she likes to make music more.

At the age of avenulence, the beginner artist joined the Grizzlie group. The team existed for 2 years, for the month of speeches ranks semi-Russian and visited tour in Germany. It was the first serious tour of Ani, with whom the girl coped perfectly, withstanding all the difficulties of nomadic life.

Nyusha in the Grizzlie group

Shortly after the decay of "Grizzly" on the family council, it was decided to send Nyusha to the casting "Star Factory". The girl did not want to compete with other performers, stating that such a format deprives the music of the "living" component, its individuality and emotions. But my father convinced the daughter that the "factory" is not suitable for a career start. However, samples were unsuccessful due to the young age of Ani.

Start Career Nyushi

In 2007, a seventeen-year-old girl attempted good luck on listening to the TV show "STS lights superstar." Svetov jury two songs of Bianchi and Christina Aguilers, she passed the selection and hit the transmission. During the competition, a pseudonym was born, known to every fan of Russian pop music, the sonorous and concise word "Nyusha" - derived from the real name of the singer.

Nyusha on the show "STS lights superstar"

A year later, Nyusha ranked seventh at the international competition in Jurmala "New Wave" and recorded the final song of the main character in the film "Enchanted".

The first single of the singer "Warm on the moon" came out in early 2009. Nyusha told that the composition was written during depression after parting with a young man. In the same year, the song brought a girl victory on the "God of Ether" award in the "Radiohite - Performed" nomination and was nominated for the "Song of the Year".

Debut album Nyushi

The first album of the singers - "Choose a miracle" - was on sale in November 2010. The record made in the seventh place in the charts was perceived by critics ambiguously: someone believed that the "miracle" did not reflect the individuality of the young singer, but most of the listeners appreciated the album positively, noting that it was not deprived of musical paradoxicity, and in the texts you can find mystical motives worthy of Victor Pelevin.

Success and take off the career Nyusha

2011 was truly phenomenal for Nyushi. Anna released the singles "above" and "painful", as well as sang a duet with the French performer of Hilles Luke. In the spring, the singer was nominated for the MUZ-TV Award in two categories: "The Best Singer" and "Best Album", but the star gave way to the title of winner faith Brezhnev and Sergey Lazarev.

But the European ceremony of MTV EMA 2011 brought a nuch of the "best Russian artist", after which the Billboard Russian magazine included the girl in the "twenty main musical events of the year." The year ended in no less ambitious achievements: the title song of the album "Choose a miracle" became the main song of the year in the opinion of the publication "poster", and the composition "pain" received the title of the most memorable pop chit over the past two decades.

On April 22, 2014, Nyusha's second solo album came out - "Association". The album was assessed positively: Nyusha was called the leader among the "unprofitable" Russian pop performers, and the listeners considered that the songs "matured" with the singer.

Movie Nyusha

On television, there was no disregard rapidly soaring for the top of the musical Olympus singer. In 2011, she played itself in the series "Univer" in Tandem with Vitaly Gogunsky.

Nyusha's voice can be heard in the cartoon "Rango", where the singer voiced the animal of ah-ah named Priscilla. Together with the singer, Ivan Okhlobystin and Boris Klavov worked on the voice acting picture.

The next invitation to the voice acting appeared soon - in the same, 2011 Nyusha voiced the Smurfett in the "Smurfiki" film. This time, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan became her "colleague on the workshop".

In 2016, Nyusha was invited to "Moscow Evenings", a new entertainment show Ivan Urgant, broadcasting on the first channel.

Nyusha's personal life

Like most celebrities, Nyusha prefers to silence the details of his personal life. It is known that at the beginning of the singer's career, the singer was in a relationship with the star "Kadststvo". In February 2016, young people broke up. Nyusha chose the reasons for the gap, but Egor clearly hinted that it was not without the participation of the father of the singer. At the concert for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, the young man performed the song Nyushi "only" and added another verse to the composition, in which the next line appeared: "What a hell, love - the opinion of your dad is stronger." Video records were removed from YouTube for the "copyright violation" after the complaint of Vladimir Shurochkin.

Nyusha daughter was born on November 5th. For her, this is the first child, whereas for her chosen one. However, for the first time Igor Sivov decided to attend childbirth.

In the modern world there is not a single person who would not know the singer Nyushi. Her name is increasingly you can hear at charitable concerts, on the air of radio stations and on television. This beautiful woman makes the hearts of millions of men beat more often, and girls seek to sing as she.

Nyusha is a talented singer, actress, leading television show programs, composer, author of beautiful songs that flew in moments of happiness and love.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Nyasha Shurochka?

Currently, people are lost in guessing, who is Nyusha Shurocha, how old she is. And how much she weighs, whether she has children and who is her husband. On numerous sites on the Internet, you can often see requests for what kind of singer's chest.

Nyusha or Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkin appeared on the light of 1990, and therefore she turned on only twenty six.

It is very interesting that Anya did not say anything in any interview about how her height. It remains only to assume that the girl, staying without heels, looks at its true fans from a height of at least a meter and sixty centimeters.

From his weight, Nyusha does not do a big secret. It constantly fluctuates within 50 -54 kilograms. Currently, the weight of the girl reached 54 kilograms.
By the way, to meet the queries of male fans, let us know that the amount of the girl's breast is 86, and the waist is 58 centimeters. It is worth noting that the volume of the hips of beauty is 87 centimeters.

Biography Nyushi Shurochka

Nyusha Shurokina biography - absolutely musical and incredibly happy. This is the story of a little girl who was able to achieve everything on their own.
Little Anya appeared on August 15, 1990 in Moscow. Her parents were famous musicians.
Mom Nyusha - Irina - Sang in the rock band, and father and future producer - Vladimir - performed as part of the most popular "Laskovaya May". He wrote the texts of some songs of this group and music for them.

Parents diverged when Annushka turned two years old, but she did not consider himself an unfortunate and admirable child. Father always found the time for the baby, and it was he who noticed a musical talent in his daughter.

The girl was singing at a fairly early age, namely three. She took lessons from the famous producer Victor Pozdnyakova, who confidently said that the baby is very talented. The fact is that it has developed a musical hearing for just a year.

The first song on a real recording studio girl recorded at a five-year-old age, after which she began to sing literally everywhere, not embarrassed by strangers. Dad gave her a synthesizer, hired professional teachers.
At eight years, Anguka Pope in English and recorded his single. In twelve she conquered the audience in Cologne, English songs, which wrote herself, and the purest pronunciation.

The girl was very sporty. She was engaged in Thai boxing.

At 9 years old attended the theater of fashion for children, and from 11 toured in the composition of the Music team "Grizzly". At the age of 14, the girl went to the casting "Star Factory", but did not pass it because of his tender age.

Only in 2007, Anna went to the television project "STS lights superstresses", during which the Nyusha laconic pseudonym remained from her name. By the way, the girl changed the name in the passport for a sonorous stage name.
At eighteen years old, a talented girl took the seventh place at the famous "New Wave" contest. In 2009 recorded a professional single "Focus on the Moon", which was nominated for the "Song of the Year". Soon came the debut album Nyushi "Choosing a miracle", which was valued very ambiguously.

2011 - the year of the rapid take-off in a musical career, when new compositions were recorded, a duet was born with French Hilles Luke and was nominated for the "MUZ-TV" award. Nyusha received the MTV EMA 2011 Prize and entered the twenty of the main musical events of the year.
2014 presented Anna a new music album and popularity in movies. She played in the TV series "Univer", "Friends Friends", "Time HE" and gave your voice to the characters of cartoons. Herd and Smurfetta, Huhr Chruda and Priscilla.

The girl skates perfectly, so perfectly showed himself in the television show "Ice Age", where Max Shabalin became its partner. She participated in the show Ivan Urgant, which is called "Moscow Evenings" and "9 lives".

In 2017, he became a new mentor of the show "Voice. Children ", replacing Pelagia. The girl showed herself a professional who can pass his experience even the most young asterisk.

Personal life Nyushi Shurochka.

In many interviews, a young singer gladly tells about plans for the future, tour and songs, but does not like to talk about his personal life.
Nyusha's personal life is thoroughly hidden from fans, but some information about it still seeps out.

At the very beginning of his career, the girl met with a young actor Aristarkh Venezes, but it did not seriously perceive these relationships. Roman novel Nyushi with Vlad Sokolovsky, with whom the girl rested in the Maldives, but this conversation was just a fiction of stars managers.

With his first true love, the girl calls the Russian hockey player Alexander Radulov, with whom he was filmed in the first clip. However, it can only be rumors related to the promotion of a single.

In 2011, she met with the rep, and in 2014 with an upward star Egor Creed. The couple broke out due to the fact that this was the father of Nyushi, but she herself claims that they have different views on life with Egor.

Nyusha is not in a hurry to start a family, but often suggests that romantic relationships it arises constantly.

Nyusha Shurochka family

The fact that the girl has no permanent young man does not mean that she is alone. Nyusha Shurochka family is her father and mother, a sophisticated sister and a younger brother.

Summined sister Maria is professionally engaged in swimming. She is the champion of Russia, peace, Europe in this sport in the category "Juniors".
Brother Vanya is also a very sporty guy who masters such an amazing sport as tricking. It combines several martial arts, on the basis of which various extreme tricks are performed.

Nowadays, the young singer is completely given to his career singer, actresses and TV presenters. She has not yet found a satellite of life, so the children of Nyushi Shurochka are absent even in the project.

When the girl met with Egor's crum, he was talking about future children several times in an interview. But the pair was rapidly broken, crashed about irresistible circumstances and dreams of kids. On the Internet even walked stubborn rumors about the pregnancy Nyushi, but their singer denied them.

Looking at the touching appeal of Nyushi with the most young participants of the show "Voice. Children ", spectators celebrate a strong maternal instinct of singer and sincerely wish her to become a mother as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that none of the stormy novels of the singer has led to the creation of a family, so there is no husband of Nyushi Shurocha.

Recently, the girl wrote in one of the social networks that she could soon get married. She posted her photo photo ring, intended for engagement. His future husband is called Igor Sivova. The guy is the general adviser to the President of the IFSS, a couple of long time.

The real feelings between them arose in 2016, when the trip to Kenya forever changed her life.

The faces of their chosen Nyusha does not demonstrate. It is known that he was married and follows the Father to two children. Wedding Igor Sivova and Nyusha Shurochka is scheduled for 2017.

Nyusha's career began in a very young age, so the producers chose the image of a girl from the neighboring yard for her.

Although the Internet is shot by numerous photos of Nyushi Shurochka before and after a plastic surgery, the girl denies what has not done any kind of amendments of his appearance. This does not believe the numerous fans of the singer who followed her ascent on the musical Olympus.

However, even fans can keep track of only the change of hairstyles and clothes, makeups and a female girl. Nyusha often said that he did not understand and condemns colleagues in the musical workshop, which constantly make plastic operations.

Nyusha had very expressive eyes, but weakly pronounced sponges. Now she boasts beautiful plump lips. A little rifled nose rushes into the eyes. Nyusha Ripplastic itself and other operational interventions denies their body.

Sometimes the press flashes information that the singer increased the chest at least two sizes. There is no documentary confirmation of this fact, so it is impossible to prove plastic operations. Nyusha Shurochka in a swimsuit looks very seductive and in the young and in recent years.

So, speaking of plastic operations, you need to clarify that Nyusha either did not make them completely or appealed to real professionals of their case. Photos before and after the plastic surgery does not exist, but the fans are trying to judge it with the help of a comparison of images of different years.

It is possible that the effect of a variable appearance is achieved with the help of makeup artists who are masterfully owned by a tassel. By the way, Nyusha practically does not use cosmetics, because she strives for maximum naturalness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyushi Shurochka

On the pages of these popular social networks, short messages often appear and photographs are updated. It is worth understanding that you can only believe those articles that appear on the official pages of the singer.
Recently, Nyusha often posts video from rehearsals and live broadcasts of a television show "Voice. Children "in which is a mentor.

Also, she often gives useful advice in the field of sports training, introduces interesting people and report the premieres of new clips. Through Instagram Nyusha Shurocha with pleasure he will listen to comments from their fans.
Nyusha is a wonderful singer and generously gifted by the nature of the man, who proves that he needs to sincerely believe. And then all your dreams will certainly be fulfilled.

In early August, the singer Nyusha married Igor Sivova, the President of the President of the International Federation of Student Sports. Instead of organizing a magnificent holiday in Moscow with a hundred invited and press, the couple decided to escape to the Maldives and arrange a very personal and gentle ceremony at the Finolhu Hotel. Total 50 closest people, redemption, three days of celebration, three wedding outfits, and then honeymoon on a secluded island at the Amilla Fushi Hotel.

Nyusha - a famous amateur Leave details of his personal life with him. But especially for the magazine Wedding, she opened the curtain of the mystery and told about life with his beloved, the details of the preparation for the wedding and their approach to the role of his wife.

Each history of love has its beginning. What was it with Igor? How did you meet, considering that you work in completely different fields?

There is no something very interesting or unusual in our history of dating. We met in the workflow and quite a long time simply communicated.

How did he manage to conquer you? Keeping beautifully?

It seems to me that such a question I want to hear the answer that there were billions of roses and serenades under the window. But for me it is not the main thing. I wanted to meet a man who would not just love me, but will be desperately fighting for me, as in the Middle Ages, when the knights were ready to declare war for the princess or saved her from the high tower. On the one hand, it is romance, and on the other - the manifestation of character, feelings.

Have you satisfied any special tests?

Solid tests were! But he was not frightened and showed his serious intentions. By the way, as a result, it turned into love to arrange surprises to each other.

So it became a proposal in Kenya, isn't it? Share exactly how it happened?

Yes, the proposal of the truth has become a surprise for me, like the journey itself in Africa. I said that I had long been dreaming to go there. And literally a few months later we flew in Kenya. The proposal itself was very romantic. It was partly a classic moment when he got on one knee and presented a small coke - well, just tiny. He opened it, and inside it turned out to be a ring.

You are very elegant! What is this brand?

Thank you, it is BVLGARI.

In many interviews, you mentioned that I never dreamed of a wedding, did not plan it since childhood, like many girls. When you made a proposal, and you thought about the holiday, what plan of preparation formed and how did it change over time?

You know, I have your own attitude towards holidays in general. Some artists like the life of a public person, they are ready to tell the press about everything. I am another person, first of all creative. I am ready to partionally share the details of my personal life, but there are nuances that I don't want to tell. Holidays for me are moments of complete relaxation and comfort, when only close people are near. I prefer to be in a circle of those with whom I can calmly communicate without surviving that somehow I don't look like something or something I say. Of course, presentations of singles or other working events are another matter.

On Nyche VERA WANG, Wedding by Mercury

My man and I have been looking for a place for a wedding, where we can really retire and relax. We realized that within the city of the city it would be difficult. We turned to Darius Bikbaeva - the owner of Wedding VIP agency, thanks to which any complex tasks associated with the wedding were very quick and professionally solved, and became real most bold dreams. Together we quickly found a solution - to go to the islands. Such an idea seemed to us as harmonious. Darius organized a wedding where it was very difficult because of the local mentality, and delivered those things for us that it is impossible to get on the island. Also with the decor of the wedding ceremony, the designer Maria Kamenskaya helped us: it was stunningly a stunning way to display our inner state, mood. We have coincided with the look at the style of registration. Naturally, we decided to capture this important event and especially for this was invited by the Maxoud Sharipova video operator, which invented many interesting decisions.

"In order for the relationship to do not move to the domestic channel, sometimes you need to be a potholety kitty, and sometimes it is to arrange small scandals."

On the scene, I often have to play some role, try different images. So I did not want to turn the wedding in the show and do something pompous and pathetic, in Zamka with a lot of jewelry. This is all completely not about me and not about my man.

You know, they say that the feelings do not shout. This also applies to the wedding. It does not need to scream about it. Everything should be as comforted. We were two hands for simplicity. Hotel Finolhu was chosen by us not by chance - a very romantic place with a stunningly beautiful oblique and very friendly personnel; With a variety of, tasty and useful meals. We found our paradise for the wedding.

That is, there was no such situation as in the "sex in the big city" when Kerry and Mr. Big had a list of guests in front of the eyes, and the modest ceremony broke into the feast of the universal scale, because the appetites grew and someone was uncomfortable not to invite?

Just did not want this. I am at all, to be honest, a little surprised when colleagues began to approach me and ask where the wedding would be and where to come. I did not know how to react. And you don't want to offend a person, and you don't know how to explain that he was not invited. And yes, there were awkward situations when I explained that we arrange a holiday only for the family. I hope no one is offended.

I am a frequent guest at weddings, only as an artist. It happens, the holiday is beautiful, but people cannot relax. As if the couple makes a wedding in order to surprise, impress everyone. I repel this approach.

Is your beloved somehow participated in the preparation for the wedding?

Yes, we have distributed duties. It is the practical side of the questions: budget, transport, guest meeting, that is, organizational moments. I have more creative part of the holiday: decor, guest entertainment. And, of course, besides me, no one will choose a wedding dress.

Definitely! Have you resorted to the help of a stylist to create your wedding image?

Yes, because rarely when a girl knows exactly how she wants to look like a wedding day. Unless it is thought out from little age. I, for example, the richer choice, the more we are lost. In addition, it is important for me from the side. I love everything bright, unusual, and sometimes you can have a bust, I need to "slow down". So it was with a wedding outfit.

On the nushee Dress Monique Lhuillier, Wedding by Mercury

"Initially, I thought about a lush dress, a dress-cake. But girlfriends and stylists stopped in time. "You go to the islands, wait, do you want to gather on the beach all the sand?" "

And how did the selection of dresses happen?

To be honest, I visited several stores and did not find anything suitable.

Didn't your dream dress?

Yes it is. In the question of the clothes I am very picky and demanding. In stores rarely find what you like. Therefore, I order an individual tailoring or getting things on the shooting, as it is important to me that it was something unusual. And the wedding dress, the more expensive wanted. So I was sewed by three different brands: Humariff, Enteley and Diverse Shop. However, there is an outfit from Elie Saab for the first day and a welcoming dinner. But this is a jumpsuit!

Your working spheres with Igor are very different. And what are your common interests and what do you do together?

In fact, we willingly dedicate each other into our work. I recognize something new about his classes, he plunges into my creative world. Within reasonable, of course. Together we try to try something new. We are easy to rise, we can take and fly tomorrow to the edge of the earth. It seems important to me when you coincide with the second half as the condition of the soul. And in character, we are quite different. But this is only a plus: in family life it is necessary that the man supplemented the woman and vice versa.

Now we started doing yoga. Although for men it is a difficult occupation, because there is a concentration, calm. My man is quite impulsive and active in life, and here he shoots a little bit through himself and learns greater equilibrium.

By the way, about temperament. You have a pretty jerky scenic image. And how much does it disperse with you?

A woman in any case is a little adjustable under the man. In our family, everything is very harmonious, and I hold a post of comfort, tenderness, without losing a part that is responsible for the perch woman and sharpness in the relationship. I have a firm character that helped to achieve certain success in the profession.

That is, if that, you can beat the plates too.

Certainly can. In order for the relationship did not switch to the domestic river, sometimes you need to be a downtown kitty, and sometimes it is possible to arrange small scandals, which once again just cheer. There is no other calm in a different calm. And the absence of emotions can even lead to parting.

It is said that a woman is almost impossible to be successful in his career, and in personal life. What do you think about this?

I do not know why they say so, the more we all see how it easily manage to Hollywood actors or singers. It seems to me that it depends on the temperament. You can live measured, waking up at 12 days and go to bed at 10 pm, and you can get up at 7-8 in the morning and go to bed at 2 o'clock. For me, there is no such thing as "impossible", if I want a lot of something. I so sought everything in my life. A desire can overcome any obstacles, it's just important to understand what you want. If you want to combine the upbringing of a child and a career, then you just need to plan it, maybe resort to additional help your mother and nanny. Watching modern women, I do not even have the slightest doubt that it is feasible.

Are you planning children in the near future?

I generally plan children from 18 years old!

That is, you did not think about the wedding, and the child was planned.

Yes, a strange moment. But children integral part of the life of each woman, we are created for this.

But are you ready at some point to pay attention to the family, rather than career?

Of course, because, again, I am a woman, and this is my primary role. I am not afraid that my schedule will change, priorities will be moved. For my back there is already a serious work done. I am not that I plan to relax, but I understand that in any case the family and the child requires attention.

In the topic of domestic life: Do you cook at home?

Yes, I love to cook very much. I can quickly cook lunch and perfectly cope without a microwave. After all, there are quick cooking and at the same time useful and satisfying products.

What, for example, do you like to cook?

The easiest in preparation is definitely salads. For example, cucumbers, tomatoes, greenery - arugula, spinach, - loaves. You can cook in advance meat minced meatballs with vegetables, and then simply warm up in the oven and add pieces into a salad, pour olive oil, add Italian seasoning. It turns out very tasty. In the morning I love to do buckwheat noodles with vegetables.

And Igor does not ask for something more serious, squeezed?

No, especially since he also prefers healthy food and does not require steaks at all. Fortunately, we very much coincide on taste addictions. But sometimes I want, of course, something more calorie.

Do you have the same fast recipes for care? Guide "How to look beautiful in 5 minutes"?

As for concrete measures, I will probably not tell something new: it is necessary to take care of yourself, at least once every two or three weeks to visit the cosmetologist, care for the skin daily. In front of the wedding, by the way, a visit to the cosmetologist is written in red in my calendar, during the month this is the number one task. It is necessary to moisten the skin well, since for a long time I will be under the sun.

In addition, we are what we eat. Healthy nutrition strongly affects the appearance. And, of course, sleep. Although there are difficult periods with my profession when it is impossible to sleep. But most importantly, it seems to me - this is an internal state.

4 weeks later ...

"The Finolhu Hotel was chosen by us not by chance - a very romantic place with a stunningly beautiful oblique and very friendly staff"

For his wedding ceremony, Nyusha and Igor chose a hotel in Finolhu Maldives. Run from the Moscow bustle and urban rhythm - Done!

Producer: Maria Sakvarelidze

Interview: Olga Bebekain

Place of shooting: Wedding by Mercury, Barvikha Luxury Village, Hotel Finolhu, Maldives

Bright, beautiful, talented - singer firmly ranked high niche in the domestic show business. Nyusha, biography, songs and personal life of which are interested in many fans, achieved recognition from critics, many of whom are favorable to her.

The real name of the singer Nyushi is Shurocha Anna Vladimirovna. Anya was born in Moscow on August 15, 1990. Grew up in the family of musicians. Parents divorced, barely girl turned two years old. Father Nyusha - in the past one of the participants in the group "Affectionate May", which also wrote texts and music. Today, Vladimir acts as a producer of his daughter. Father often took her daughter with him to the studio, where Nyusha did his first steps as a singer. At eight years, a talented girl will write his debut song.

Nyushi has a summary sister -, champion of peace, Europe and Russia on synchronous swimming among juniors. The younger brother of the singer, Ivan Shurochkin, is engaged in tricking (tricks of martial arts). In addition to musical education, the artist was engaged in Thai boxing.

Speed \u200b\u200bon the Nyusha started stage from 12 years old, the first songs were in English of their own translation. New celebrity began to find out. On tour in Germany, Anh noticed and made a proposal from a large producer company Cologne, from which the girl refused, choosing a career in the native country. At the age of 14, the girl tried to get to the casting for the show "Star Factory", but did not come out due to age.

The young singer already has a recognizable voice voice, an individual manner of execution, brilliant external data, choreographic training and the desire for success in achieving its goals.


Success and winning the competition "STS lights superstar" in 2007 became the beginning of a career for the singer. On the teleconcourt, the young participant performed a song in English "London Bridge" Singer Fergie and Russian-speaking compositions: the song of the Ranetki group "I loved you," "were dancing" and "Dancing on the glasses."

During this period, Anna officially changes the name to Nyusha. In 2008, she takes the 7th place on the "New Wave", in the same year it records a dubbed translation to a song from the Disney cartoon "Enchanted".

In 2009, the singer Nyusha recorded the Single of "Focus on the Moon", which became the first hit of the performer. Over the very first single, the performer was nominated for several awards, including the "Song of the Year - 2009".

In 2010, Nyusha Shurochka recorded the single "Do not interrupt". The composition has become a hit of the month, ranked third in the Russian top of digital releases and brought the singer nomination for the "MUZ-TV 2010" award in the category "Breakthrough of the Year."

In the same year, the first album Nyusha "choose a miracle", which will be about many good reviews and positive criticism, will be called "the birth of a supernova Russian scene."

In 2010, recognition received both the vocal abilities of Nyushi and the appearance of the singer. The artist was invited to play for the Male glossy magazine "Maxim": the December issue of the publication was decorated with a photo of a naked celebrity.

Very fruitful turned out to be for the singer 2011. Singles "Patient" and "Above" brought the singer's regular awards, including victory in the nomination "The Best Russian Artist" at the "MTV Europe Music Awards 2011" ceremony. The first song was even noted as the brightest and memorable in the last 20 years. Nyushi clips for these songs appear.

In 2012, the singer gives his fans a new single "Memory". On the portal "Tophit", this track was held on the first line 19 weeks in a row, which became a record in the history of this project. This single and Russian Radio noted, turning on the shurochkin to the list of laureates on the "Golden Gramophone".

In the fall of 2013, Nyusha actively participated in the show of the first channel "Ice Age". In a couple with a famous figure skater, Nyusha gave the audience very beautiful numbers. Unfortunately, at the end of November, the singer dropped out of the project, but their ice performances will be remembered for a long time.

In addition, Shurocha was the leading programs "Tophit Chart", "Russian Chart on MUZ-TV", as well as the charts "Theme" and "Love" on RU.TV.

The creative biography of Nyusha includes and filmmakes. She appeared in the role of Kameo in the Sitkoms "Univer" and "People He", in the image of the girl Masha in the comedy "Friends Friends", as well as the voice of a popular artist tells the cartoon characters of Priscilla, Smurfetta, Gerd and Hydr.

In 2014, the second album Nyusha "Association" was released, the author of all the songs of which the performer itself became. Singles "Memory", "Alone", "Tsunami", "only" ("just run"), "This New Year", included in the album, brought a number of music awards and awards to the artist. The album itself was recognized as the best at the ZD-Awards 2014 awards ceremony.

In 2015, the premiere of a new single Nyushi "Where are you, there I", and in June the premiere of the clip on this song took place.

In 2016, Nyusha presented two new singles - "Kiss" and (in the network, this song became popular called "I want to love you" - on the first line of refrene).

In November 2016, the premiere of the new show "9 lives" was held, on the eve of which the artist launched a social project # Nyusha9zhiza. Maria Shurocha and other famous personalities participated in the creation of mini-films. These 9 plots are taken from Nyushi's life, they talk about emotions and feelings experienced by the performer.

Also on the wave of the new show, the singer opened the author's school of dancing "Freedom Station". Nyusha plans to give master classes as an invited guest - to work as an instructor at full rate at the singer there is no time.

In February 2017, the singer became a new mentor in the 4th season of the music television show "Voice. Children". Also in 2017, Nyusha released a single in English "Always Need You" and a music video for the song last year "love you."

In July 2017, Nyusha visited a youth summer camp, organized by the School of Dance "Freedom Station".

Also, the singer continues to delight fans with regular solo concerts. On the official site posted a poster with alive performances, which is constantly updated and shows events for the next two or three months from the date of viewing. The site also contains information about the new projects of the singer and references to the official pages of Nyushi in "Instagram" and " In contact with ».

Personal life

Nyusha's personal life is covered with mystery veil. Fans of creativity and fans of the singers periodically attributed to the artist of novels with famous men. They spoke about the relationship of the girl with, known for the series ".

After the breaking of these relations, as some media argued, the singer had a novel with a hockey player - the main character of the clip "pain". Perhaps the scenario of the clip, according to which Radulov played the beloved Shurochka, and caused such rumors.

Until 2017, it was reliably judged only about the relationship of the artist of the C, which began in 2014. Egor even talked about children in some interviews. But the pair broke up. According to some publications, Creed accused Nyushi's father at the end of the relationship. The singer herself admitted once that she had too different views on her life with Egor, and this was the main reason for the breaking of relations.

Shurocha believes that personal life should not be a matter of broad discussion, it is enough that the actress is fully opened on the stage.

Nyusha, like many stars show business, pays a lot of attention to appearance. The singer regularly trains in the gym, trying not to eat a flour, limits himself in the use of confectionery products, and also drinks a lot of water. At the same time, precise actress parameters are unknown to fans and press. In different sources, Nyushi growth varies from 158 to 169 cm, and the weight is from 50 to 54 kg.

In January 2017, Nyusha, and revealed the name of the groom. This joyful for fans the news of the singer shared on his own page in "Instagram" by posting a photo of the wedding ring. The future husband of the performer will be the Beloved Nyushi, the general adviser to the President of the International Student Sport Federation.

For a long time, the singer hid the Uhager. Only at one concert Nyusha was mentioned that no longer alone. Nevertheless, the fans declassified Igor and long before Nyushi guess the new novel of the singer and the ambulance.

Nyusha's 27-year-old singer long hid from fans, which was married to the general adviser to the President of the International Federation of Student Sports Igor Sivova. Only recently, the artist was openly admitted that they got married with his beloved. The newlyweds registered their marriage in one of the Casan regulations. But the celebration on the occasion of the wedding they arranged in the Maldives.

Nyusha and Igor did not invite hundreds of guests and crowds of journalists to the wedding. The spouses staged a closed ceremony at the Finolhu Hotel (resort island in the Maldives in the style of the 60s and 70s). At the celebration there were 50 people - only relatives and close pairs.


"The ceremony took place on a magnificent panoramic terrace overlooking the ocean. For the design of the wedding answered the decorator Maria Kamenskaya. Thousands of snow-white orchids and white palm leaves as if batted in the air, and the blue sky was reflected in the mirror pattern on the floor. But the main thing is that we found our paradise there on the wedding day! " - Nyusha shared.

The celebration lasted three days. Nyusha and Igor did not finish the traditions, so the bride was arranged before the wedding, and the dance of newlyweds were performed on the festival. For all time the singer changed three wedding outfits.

In the honeymoon, the spouses retired at the Amilla Fushi Hotel - the resort with the largest beach residences in Maldives.