International Festival World's World. International Festival-Competition "The whole world is art! Prizes and awards

International Festival World's World. International Festival-Competition "The whole world is art! Prizes and awards



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Participants in the nomination choreographic art are invited to participate in the International Festival-Competition "The whole world is art!" November 11, 2018 Photos and video materials participants receive as a gift, as well as all participants are awarded sweet prizes! All executives receive thanksgiving letters! The best participants and teams will be invited to the superfinal in December.




The cost of participation OT

Dates of races:

Applying to:

International Festival Competition

"The whole world is art!"

Choreographic art.

Moscow, Rosssia,Cultural Center "Moskvorechye" (Kashirskoye highway, 52)

This provision is an official invitation.

Position on the international festival contest

Project goals.

  • Detection of talents in children and young people.
  • Providing the capabilities of the collectives to realize their creative potential and increase the performance skills.
  • Support for children and youth creativity, strengthening versatile ties between teams and teams.
  • Development of the horizons and intellectual level of children and young people.
  • Professional improvement of art leaders of theaters and creative teams.

Conditions of participation in the festival.

  • Everyone's creative teams and soloists take part in the competition.
  • Creative teams and soloists who submitted an application for participation and paid an organizational fee are allowed to participate in competition festivals. Reception of applications for participation ends on November 2, 2018.
  • Attention! Check the correctness of the filing of applications (FIO of managers, teachers, directors, the name of the institution), since this information will be indicated in diplomas! If you do not want this information to be in diplomas, let us know.
  • You can fill in the application on the site. In response, within 2 days, you will send details for payment. Payment must be made no later than November 5, 2018.
  • The Organizing Committee has the right to stop or extend the deadlines for submitting applications.

Competitive program.

Competition participants are distributed according to the following nominations:

  • Pop dance
  • Modern dance (jazz, modern, contemporary, etc.)
  • Street dance (Hip Hop, Break Dance, etc.)
  • Folk dance
  • Stylization of folk dance
  • Dancing peoples of the world
  • Classic dance (ballet, classic choreography, demi classics)
  • Dance theater
  • Sports choreography
  • Acrobatic dance
  • Patriotic dance

The competition of dance collectives involves the presence of a composite-complete fragment.

In each nomination, participants are distributed to the following age groups:

  • 4-6 years old
  • 7-9 years old
  • 10-13 years old
  • 14-17 years old
  • 18-25 years old
  • Mixed category
  • Adult category

Competitive performances are organized on a specific schedule and pass into one tour of age categories from the younger to the elders. In collectives with participants from different age groups, belonging to the age group is determined by the age of most participants.


ATTENTION!!! With rough violation of the timekeeping, the estimate is reduced, and the number stops!

  • The contestant can take part in 1 or several nominations. The jury and the Organizing Committee are not responsible for the inconsistency of the content of the genru of the declared nomination.
  • Choreographic groups in an amount of 1 to 4 participants provide one number, choreographic groups from 5 participants can submit a second number at will in the same nomination of the age category (the same participants, the number of participants may vary). The duration of the room cannot exceed 4 minutes. Programs can be combined with common topics or consist of separate rooms.
  • If the contestants perform two rooms in the same nomination and age category, the title is assigned on the results of two numbers in the amount.
  • Minidisk, DVD, phones and other devices with connecting via Bluetooth or Flash, as well as any other audio formats are not accepted. Each file on the flash drive must have a format name: collective name / number name.
  • Phonograms, accompanying numbers, must be appropriate quality and provided on a flash drive (in formatmp3). The phonograms will be sent at the address no later than November 5, 2018 (if you did not have time to apply to the specified date, please provide a phonogram on the day of the event). Each file must have a name in format: the name of the collective (soloist) / number name

The composition of the jury.

The jury is compiled by the Organizing Committee of the Festival from the cultural and artists, artists, teachers of creative disciplines, directors, heads of creative teams. The list of members of the jury is not disclosed before the competition.

At the end of the competition, "round tables" (20-30 minutes) will be held, on which participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive speeches with members of the jury and receive recommendations.

When evaluating the contestants, the jury adheres to the following criteria:

  • technique and artistry;
  • scenic image;
  • selection of the repertoire;
  • executive skill;
  • staging (artistic and performing integrity);
  • plastic;
  • suits;
  • general artistic impression;
  • music design.

ATTENTION!!!In the event that participants, teachers or accompanying persons behave incorrectly in relation to other participants, jury members or festival organizers, they are automatically removed from participation in the festival without returning an organizational contribution.

Prizes and rewards.

The best team or participant receives the Grand Prix. In each nomination and in each age category, the titles of the laureate I, II and III degrees, the title of the diploma I, II, III degrees, a diploma of the participant. Special titles may also be awarded: "Nadezhda Festival", "Young Talents", etc.

  • The winner of the Grand Prix is \u200b\u200bawarded a diploma cum and a Cup.
  • Laureates I, II and III degrees (from 1 to 4 participants in the room) are given a diploma and a medal for each participant.
  • Laureates I, II and III degrees (from 5 participants in the room) are awarded a diploma and a cup.
  • Diplomas and participants are given diplomas.
  • All participants are given sweet prizes !!!

At the discretion of the jury, contestants can be awarded with special prizes or statueries.

All team leaders receive thanksgiving letters.

Competitive performances are divided into blocks according to the age category and nomination. Awarding participants and managers occurs after each block.

If for some reason you could not attend award, then your awards can be obtained over the next week in a convenient time for both parties, after agreeing with the Organizing Committee time and place.

Financial conditions.

Attention! Paying Org.Vnos, you confirm your familiarization and consent to the position of the International Festival-Competition "The whole world is art!"

Cost of participation:

  • Member (soloist) -2500 rubles (one number, one nomination), including registration of the application 500 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants 2-3 people in the room (duets and trio) - 1800 rubles for each participant (one number, one nomination), including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • For 4 participants in the room - 1400 rubles for each participant (one number, one nomination), including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants, 5-8 people representing one or two numbers (optional) in the same nomination and age category - 1300 rubles for each participant, including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants from 9 to 14 people representing one or two numbers (optional in the same nomination and age category) - 900 rubles for each participant, including registration of the application 200 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants from 15 people and more, representing one or two numbers (optional) in the same nomination and age category - 700 rubles for each participant, including registration of the application 200 rubles per person

A 10% discount (for contestants participating in several nominations) from Org is provided to participate and registering the application in an additional nomination. Contribution according to the number of participants.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to use photo and video materials of the International Festival-Competition "The whole world - art!" For accommodation in social. networks on the website of the festival and on the partner website.

Special conditions.

If you are traveling from another city, limited in time, please inform the organizing committee in advance. Otherwise, we will not be able to make changes in time in the ready program. The competitive program is sent to EL. Mail specified in the application, 3-4 days before the event.

In the case of a participant's failure to appear at the festival, the organizational fee is returned in cases:

  • The participant warned about his non-appearance 2 weeks before the start of the competition and provided a document.
  • Force majeure circumstances relating to the organization of the festival.
  • Force majeure circumstances relating to the participant in the presence of a document (in case of illness - a certificate of disability in the form 095 / y for children, a hospital sheet - for adults) and warnings of the organizers at least 3 working days before the competition.
  • In other cases, the organizational contribution is not refundable.
  • The organizers of the festival have the right to change the place of behavior of the festival for force majeure circumstances.
  • The organizers of the Competition festival are not responsible for the authors of works and songs executed by the participants of the festival-competition!
  • The question of parking spaces, as well as the delivery of costumes, props and decorations is solved by participants on their own.
  • With a competitive speech, light support is not estimated. During the competition program on the scene, the "filling" light is used.
  • Competitors have the right to contact the employee of the scene with a request to enable / disable the light completely, if required.
  • Technical equipment and placement of participants in the audiences according to the possibility of the site (there are several teams in one audience)

Every year, various holidays and festivals are held every year, differing from each other by the national characteristics of different peoples of the world. There is a great many similar activities that have made a big impression on the whole world and represent the most interesting excursions with dances, parades and all kinds of entertainment.

This is a popular holiday, which is noted not only in the United States of America, but also in Europe. At its essence, Mardi Graz is reminded by the Russian carnival, but it is in New Orleans that it celebrates more than gorgeous. The Mardi Gra Festival turns into a grand carnival procession with colorful costumes and noisy walking. The most interesting event of the holiday is a parade of Bahus, which is several platforms, each of which depicts one of the vicious entertainment in fantastic costumes. The most vivid representations are held by Charles Avenue and Garden District.

This is one of the most famous festivals of the world, followed by millions of our planet every year. Brazilian carnival, passing before the start of the Great Post, is celebrated throughout the country with a grandiose scope, but the most enchanting representation can be seen in Rio de Janeiro. The symbol of the country and the carnival is an incendiary dance Samba, which is able to dance absolutely all residents of Brazil. The holiday is accompanied by rhythmic music, national songs, a huge number of beautiful girls in open costumes with bright feathers and unpredictable entertainment shows. The festival passes through the streets of the city for 5 days, during which all residents of the country are exempt from work and are fully transferred to the cheerful atmosphere of the Great Holiday.

Every year on April 30, the Day of Coronation of the ruling queen Beatrix is \u200b\u200bcelebrated in Amsterdam, as well as the birthday and memory of the Queen-Mother Juliana. It lasts this event is exactly a day throughout Holland, but the most significant events occur in Amsterdam. The festival begins its action from the royal palace and moves throughout the city with a huge orchestra, mobile attractions and theatrical performances. The brightest symbol of the holiday is considered a parade of colors marking from the city of Alsmer to Amsterdam. In this significant day, numerous shops and markets with souvenirs, flowers and other goods are opening with souvenirs, flowers and other goods, taking tourists with good discounts and bright slogans. All residents of the country put the costumes of orange colors and drink national drinks for the health of the favorite Queen.

Camel Festival in Bicaner

This is a very unusual holiday of the Indian state of Rajestan, which is celebrated annually in early January and lasts three days. The festival is a camel parade with beauty, dancing and exotic show contests. On the same days, you can see the racing on the camels along the deserted dunes of the surrounding area, and ends with a fiery show and an impressive fireworks on the last night of the holiday. Most of the entire festival of camels is notable for special animal haircuts, which are made in the form of real works of art and unreal paintings. For the sake of such a spectacle, these days, not only residents of nearby countries and cities come here, but also foreign tourists who want to see the true arts of camel hairdressers. This bright event is accompanied by beautiful Indian dances and songs that we often see in the movies.

This is another famous, but no less exotic holiday conducted in Japan. The name of the festival is translated as "Iron Penis", which actually reflects the essence of the celebration. Japan's people proclaims this day as a fertility fertility and childbearing. The procession of the festival begins in the temple of the city of Kawasaka, which served as a place of prayer of prostitutes, seeking protection from a variety of diseases related in one way or another with their work. The holiday of Kanamara Matsouri continues as much as seven days, during which the huge amount of various sculptures of the male genital organ of different sizes and colors are trapped, and also sell all souvenirs of this topic. The most significant procession of multi-colored phallus takes place on the last day of the festival, on which one comes to honor this object.

This is the spectacular festival of Spain, celebrating in the Catalan town of Tarragon, not far from Barcelona. The festival passes twice a year and is a massive show from living sculptures. Many call this holiday in their own way: some consider it a kind of sport, others think that this is art, and the third consider such an entertainment. All of them are right, but they are also all confined to watch the human pyramids who are trying to surpass the opponents team and build the highest sculpture of people. In honor of this old Spanish tradition, a statue of human towers-Castells in Barcelona was built, which is today an attractive attraction of the resort. All spectators with the fading of the heart monitor the figures of living towers and sincerely rejoice in its safe conclusion. Often the last "details" of the towers are children who complete the construction of the entire design. The whole process is accompanied by a certain musical composition, and the audience estimate the height of the design and award a prize to the most courageous teams.

This is a unique feast of pain, which is annually celebrated in one of the Indian Paralysis cities. This is an ancient custom that allows the Hindus to receive the blessing of the gods. This festival is dedicated to the God of the War, who traditionally transfer spears, who killed a powerful demon. All participants in the festival cause themselves pain by piercing the cheeks, tongue, skin of the back and in other ways to attach special hooks with ropes, at the end of which are tied with beware. It is them that they are trying to move the inhabitants of Parani, trying to hurt themselves as much as possible pain. This holiday is celebrated in January or February of each year. There is also a massive celebration of the traditional festival, when several thousand Hinduses dance the sacred dance of Kavadi. A similar spectacle looks awesome and cruel, so not all tourists are kept looking at the presentation of true Hindus.

Tomatina is the favorite holiday of all Spaniards, held in the last week of August in honor of the outgoing summer. Like all Spanish festivals, Tomology is accompanied by active musical rhythms, dances, fireworks, national treats and other entertainment. However, the most important event of the holiday is considered a tomato party, which is arranged on the city square of the city of Bunyol. Every year thousands of travelers come here at this time to take part in the grand battery, for which tomato shells are used in the amount of more than a hundred tons. The only condition in such battles without rules is to avoid injury, for which each tomato needs to be temporarily.

Translated from Sanskrit, the name of the festival sounds like a fiery cluster. The holiday symbolizes the victory of the world over darkness and lasts five days. In each region, India Diwali is celebrated in their own way. In most cases, the festival is dedicated to the goddess of Lakshmi, for which lights are burned everywhere, preparing offering with coins in a glass with milk, open the windows overnight and are waiting for her blessings. In the other cities, the Hindus lubricate themselves with coconut oil to clean themselves from sins, and also make national prayers before the images of the goddess Cali and lower them in the water of rivers and reservoirs. But in each of these corners of the country, all the streets are illuminated with bright lights and fireworks, people dress up in the best sari and costumes, and at home turn into blinding works of art, decorated with bright flower bouquets and elements.

Although the name of the festival speaks of a sad event, in fact a holiday is noisy entertainment activities and warm family picnics. This festival is celebrated everywhere in early November. At this time, Mexicans recall the relatives who left the life and allow them to return to the family for a short time. For this purpose, the inhabitants of the country adorn local cemeteries with bright colors and suite picnics here, communicating with people who have gone into another world. The next day a variety of processions are held, people decorate their faces with unusual drawings and masks in the form of skulls, and also dance, sing and having fun. But in some cities of Mexico, you can meet the gloomy funeral processions that once again say goodbye to the dead and let them go to the best world.

Every year on the last day of June, a colorful Festival of Body Art is held, where thousands of foreign tourists from all over the world come. A similar holiday has been celebrated since 1998 and every year produces an indelible impression on the audience. Anyone can become a model for those who gathered here artists. The action of the festival runs against the background of the stunning nature of the Alpine villages of Austria, the picturesque mountains and the fabulous beauty of the lakes. At the end of each day there is a luxurious procession of painted models on a special podium.

On April 22, 2016, the first international festival-contest "The whole world is art!" Took place in Moscow.

The geography of participants was widely represented by soloists and teams from different parts of Belarus (Minsk, Vitebsk) and the Russian Federation (Moscow, Moscow region, Belgorod, Tula, Yaroslavl, Elets). The number of contestants in the presented nominations (dance, theatrical and vocal art) has more than 160 participants (age from 6 to 17 years and from 18 years and older). The festival was carried out on one of the oldest concert sites in Moscow - DK VDNH (VVC).

Chamber Choir "Classic" YSU. I.A. Bunina (Head - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Music Education Ya.A. Gorbik) made an academic vocal in the nomination. According to the competent jury, the speech of the choral team (the laureate of international competitions and festivals in Ukraine, Serbia, Poland) was awarded the highest award of the competition - the Grand Prix. A fulfilled program ("from youth by Moja" E. Junk and "Ah, You Seni" Russian People's Song in Processing S. Ekimov) answered professional requirements, and the team was invited to the final gala concert of laureates, which will be held in December 2016.

A bright performance was pleased with the audience the duet of Elena and Sergey calender, awarded the title of the Grand Prix laureate in the nomination of pop vocals and also invited to the gala concert.

Another participants in the competitive auditions are students of the Institute of History and Culture: E. Shapovalov (class of teacher V.V. Dubrovsky) and A. Kozhevin (class of teacher A.A. Golubanka). The soloists showed a high level of vocal skills and became laureates of the 1st degree in the nomination of pop vocals.

Participants in the festival express great appreciation to the rector of YSU. I.A. Bunina Dp.n., Professor E.N. Gerasimova and Director of the Institute of History and Culture, K.F.N., Assistant M.V. Climova for financial and moral support in preparation for the competition.

We wish our winners and their artistic director of further creative victories!

Having been at the International Festival-Competition "All World-Art!", Which was held in Moscow on October 14 at the VDNH, I felt myself in an extremely creative atmosphere of the holiday. A huge number of participants who came from Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Tver, the Republic of Belarus and many other regions of Russia and abroad. Good and open faces of the organizers who were very sensitive to the participants of the competition, responded to their questions, helped with the organization of time.

- In May, we set the play "Mink" at the art school with whom they performed today. We decided to come, show yourself, find out what we are capable of.

- How did you know about the festival contest?

- Is there a desire to participate in some master class in the future?

- I would love to visit some master class on acting skill. In order to exchange experience with other teams, teachers. It is always interesting to listen to and learn from the famous people. But a specific person with whom I would like to visit the master class, it is difficult to call. However, it would be interesting to listen, talk with the masters of the scene.

Children's Soligorsk School of Arts, Kotsuba Olga Vasilyevna.

- We arrived from Belarus, the Minsk region, the city of Soligorsk. We present the Children's Soligorsk School of Arts - the only art school in our small town. By the way, this is the very city that provides us with all salt. This is us - the city of Soligorsk.

- Tell us why the festival-contest "All World-Art" chose?

- You know, when they called the organizers of the competition for the first time, they heard good votes at the other end, they immediately felt a benevolent attitude, everything was very competent and intelligible. We wanted to be at this competition festival. And you know, we did not regret our choice for a minute.

- What about study? Is there a vacation time now?

- No, unfortunately, no vacation now. But our children manage to succeed, because they are infinitely talented. I consider the less free time the child remains, the better.

- What did you particularly like it at the competition festival? Have there been any memorable or "failed" performances? Something learned new for yourself, did you learn something?

- Yes, I liked the insane number of speeches. We met many teams. Found new acquaintances. It seemed to us that there is some kind of special creative, comfortable, comfortable and pleasant atmosphere. The presence of a beautiful hall just decorated our performance.

- Would you still visit the "whole world-art" festival?

- Yes with pleasure. We have only the best impressions of the organization of this event. We will wait for the next festival with impatience, but will not give up from other offers. We consider new options with great interest.

- What do you think about master classes? Would you like to participate? If so, who should behave?

- Undoubtedly, it would be an interesting experience. I would like to visit the master class of some teacher who works with children. Not mastic actors, but the same teachers of schools of arts and houses of creativity. Perhaps some kind of theater studio or studio with mkate, some profile schools.

Around Anton Ivanov

Photo provided by the organizers of the competition


International Festival Competition

"The whole world is art!"

Russia, Moscow, Cultural Center "Building", ul. Partizanskaya, d 23.


Theater art and artistic word, vocal and choral art.

This position isofficial invitation.

  • Submission of applications until October 5.
  • Payment of Org. Contribution until October 8.

Sell \u200b\u200bphonogram (for vocalists) and programs (for theaters) on email Mail must be up to October 8.

Position on the international festival contest"The whole world is art!"

Cultural Center "Architect" Moscow, ul. Partizanskaya, d 23.

Piano on stage is not! There is a piano!

Project goals.

  • Detection of talents in children and young people.
  • Providing the capabilities of the collectives to realize their creative potential and increase the performance skills.
  • Support for children and youth creativity, strengthening versatile ties between teams and teams.
  • Development of the horizons and intellectual level of children and young people.
  • Professional improvement of art leaders of theaters and creative teams.

Conditions of participation in the festival.

Everyone's creative teams and soloists take part in the competition.

Creative teams and soloists who submitted an application for participation and paid an organizational fee are allowed to participate in competition festivals. Reception of applications for participation ends on October 5, 2018.

Attention! Check the correctness of the filing of applications (FIO of managers, teachers, directors, the name of the institution), since this information will be indicated in diplomas! If you do not want this information to be in diplomas, let us know.

You can fill in the application on the site. In response, within 2 days, you will send details for payment. Payment must be made no later than October 8, 2018.

The Organizing Committee has the right to stop or extend the deadlines for submitting applications.

Competitive program.

Theater art and artistic word.

  • Competition participants are distributed according to the following nominations:
  • Artistic word (poetry, prose, monologue, individually and in the ensemble of readers);
  • Literary and musical composition;
  • Dramatic theater (dramatic performance or excerpt from the performance);
  • Musical theater (musical performance or excerpt from the play, operetta, musical, etc.);
  • Plastic theater (plastic performance or excerpt from the performance);
  • Theater miniature (dramatic, musical, plastic (pantomime, plastic compositions) miniatures);
  • The competition of theatrical teams involves the presence of a composite-complete fragment.

Vocal and choral art.

Competition participants are distributed according to the following nominations:

  • choral art;
  • academic vocals;
  • pop vocals;
  • jazz vocals;
  • folk vocals;
  • song of patriotic sound;
  • author's song.

In each nomination, participants are distributed to the following age groups:

  • 4-6 years old
  • 7-9 years old
  • 10-13 years old
  • 14-17 years old
  • 18-25 years old
  • Mixed category
  • Adult category

Competitive performances are organized on a specific schedule and pass into one tour of age categories from the younger to the elders. In collectives with participants from different age groups, belonging to the age group is determined by the age of most participants.


ATTENTION!!! With rough violation of the timekeeping, the estimate is reduced, and the number stops!

The contestant can take part in 1 or several nominations. The right to choose the nomination is reserved for the contestant. The jury and the organizing committee are not responsible for inconsistency in the contents of the number of the claimed nomination.

For theatrical art and artistic words:

  • Contestants (from 1 to 4 participants in the room) participating in the "Art Word" nomination represent 1 by a duration of no more than 5 minutes. Readers ensemble (from 5 participants in the room), participating in the nomination "Artistic Word" represents 1 or 2 works (optional) in the same nomination and age category (the same participants, the number of participants may vary) no more 5 minutes each
  • Participants in the nominations "Dramatic Theater", "Musical Theater", "Plastic Theater" represent one performance or an excerpt from the performance with a total duration of no more than 30 minutes.
  • Participants of all other nominations (literary and musical composition, theatrical miniatures (musical and dramatic, plastic (pantomime, plastic compositions) provide one composition with a total duration of no more than 10 minutes.
  • Time for installation / disassembly of scenery no more than 10 minutes.
  • Members of the "Drama Theater" nominations, "Music Theater", "Plastic Theater" must be sent to October 8, 2018 or bring 5 programs with you.

For vocal and choral arts:

  • Participants (from 1 to 4 participants in the room) provide 1 perfect. Timeing works should not exceed 4 minutes.
  • Ensembles (from 5 participants in the room) and choirs provide 1 or 2 works (optional) in the same nomination and age category (the same participants, the number of participants may vary). Timeing works should not exceed 4 minutes. Subject to execution of 2 works, the total duration should not exceed 8 minutes.
  • If the contestants perform two rooms in the same nomination and age category, the title is assigned on the results of two numbers in the amount.
  • The performers can act with the accompanying composition, i.e. Without phonograms ("live").
  • It is permissible for the presence of a "back vocal" in the form of harmonic support, previously recorded in the "minus one" phonogram or an "live" performed. Double track is not allowed (duplication of a soloist party in the form of a single subgore).
  • Minidisk, DVD, phones and other devices with connecting via Bluetooth or Flash, as well as any other audio formats are not accepted.
  • Phonograms, accompanying numbers, must be appropriate quality and provided on a flash drive (in formatmp3). Phonograms are sent no later than October 8, 2018 (if you did not have time to apply to the specified date, please provide the phonogram on the day of the event)

Each file must have a name in format:

Title Name (Solist) / Room Name

The composition of the jury.

The jury is compiled by the Organizing Committee of the Festival from the cultural and artists, artists, teachers of creative disciplines, directors, heads of creative teams. The list of members of the jury is not disclosed before the competition.

At the end of the competition, "round tables" (20-30 minutes) will be held, on which participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive speeches with members of the jury and receive recommendations.

When evaluating the contestants, the jury adheres to the following criteria:

  • technique and artistry;
  • scenic image;
  • selection of the repertoire;
  • executive skill;
  • staging (artistic and performing integrity);
  • plastic;
  • suits;
  • general artistic impression;
  • music design.

ATTENTION!!!In the event that participants, teachers or accompanying persons behave incorrectly in relation to other participants, jury members or festival organizers, they are automatically removed from participation in the festival without returning an organizational contribution.

Prizes and rewards.

The best team or participant receives the Grand Prix. In each nomination and in each age category, the titles of the winner I, II and III degrees, the title of the diploma of the diploma I, II, II services, a diploma of the participant. Special titles may also be awarded: "Nadezhda Festival", "Young Talents", etc.

The winner of the Grand Prix is \u200b\u200bawarded a diploma cum and a Cup.

Laureates I, II and III degrees (from 1 to 4 participants in the room) are given a diploma and a medal for each participant.

Laureateami, II and III degrees (from 5 participants in the room) a diploma and the Cup.

Diplomas and participants are given diplomas.

All participants are given sweet prizes !!!

At the discretion of the jury, contestants can be awarded with special prizes or statueries.

At the discretion of the jury, awards awards: "Best Directory", "Best Male Role", "Best Women's Role", "The Best Role of the Second Plan", etc. (for theatrical art).

All team leaders receive thanksgiving letters.

Competitive performances are divided into blocks according to the age category and nomination. Awarding participants and managers occurs after each block.

If for some reason you could not attend award, then your awards can be obtained over the next week in a convenient time for both parties, after agreeing with the Organizing Committee time and place.

Financial conditions.

Attention! Paying org. Contribution, you confirm your familiarization and consent with the position of the International Festival-Competition "The whole world is art!"

Cost of participation:

  • Member (soloist) -2500 rubles (one number, one nomination), including registration of the application 500 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants 2-3 people in the room (duets and trio) - 1800 rubles for each participant (one number, one nomination)
  • For 4 participants in the room - 1400 rubles for each participant (one number, one nomination), including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants, 5-8 people representing one or two numbers (optional) in the same nomination and age category - 1300 rubles for each participant , including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants from 9 to 14 people representing one or two numbers (optional in the same nomination and age category) - 900 rubles for each participant
  • For the number of participants from 15 people and more, representing one or two numbers (optional) in the same nomination and age category - 700 rubles for each participant , including registration of applications 200 rubles per person
  • Danzovka - 300 rubles for each participant in one room and in one nomination.
  • Org. The contribution for the performance is 15 000 r. (For participants in the nominations "Dramatic Theater", "Musical Theater", "Plastic Theater", representing a performance or an excerpt from the play with a total duration of no more than 30 minutes.), including registration of Hayavka 1500 rubles from the application
  • Org. The contribution for participation in the nominations "Literary and Music Composition" and "Theater Miniature" is 8 000 r. (for the number of participants from 1 to 6). For the number of participants from 7 and higher: Org. The fee is calculated in accordance with the number of participants, including the registration of an application of 800 rubles of applications.

A 10% discount is provided to participate in the additional nomination (for the contestants participating in several nominations) from the org. Contribution according to the number of participants.

Photo and video materials participants are provided as a gift!

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to use photo and video materials of the International Festival-Competition "The whole world - art!" For accommodation in social. networks on the website of the festival and on the partner website.

Special conditions.

If you are traveling from another city, limited in time, please inform the organizing committee in advance. Otherwise, we will not be able to make changes in time in the ready program. The competitive program is sent to EL. Mail specified in the application, 3-4 days before the event.

In the case of a participant's failure to appear at the festival, the organizational fee is returned in cases:

  • The participant warned of his non-appearance 2 weeks before the start of the competition and provided the document.
  • Force majeure circumstances relating to the organization of the festival.
  • Force majeure circumstances relating to the participant in the presence of a document (in case of illness - a certificate of disability in the form 095 / y for children, a hospital sheet - for adults) and warnings of the organizers at least 3 working days before the competition.

In other cases, the organizational contribution is not refundable.

The organizers of the festival have the right to change the venue of the festival for force majeure.

The organizers of the Competition festival are not responsible for the authors of works and songs executed by the participants of the festival-competition!

The question of parking spaces, as well as the delivery of costumes, props and decorations is solved by participants on their own.