- How did you believe in yourself? - You studied at the music school.

- How did you believe in yourself? - You studied at the music school.

About how the career of the singer, who influenced her work, and that she in childhood called "his happiness", Zhanna Prokhorichina told in his interview.
- Zhanna, that in childhood you tied with music?
- In my youth, my father Vladimir Olegovich dreamed of becoming a singer. Once he sent a record of his voice on a rebound cassette to the Leningrad Conservatory on a pop-jazz branch. In response, a telegram came, which said that Vladimir Prokhorichin was accepted for studying in a conservatory. Since the time was then very heavy and hungry, his parents sat down for the round table and decided that the family could not afford to teach the Son in Leningrad. The father had another older brother who wanted to become a doctor, all means were aimed at his education. And the younger sent to the military school. My father became an officer. It was so musical, intelligent and soft man that did not fit into the image of the military. Although, thanks to their ambitiousness and literacy, he achieved a lot in his career. At the same time, he also never forgot about his addiction to music. He organized various teams, collected the full halls. Due to the fact that he climbed the career ladder, our family was constantly moving from one city to another. I was born in Czechoslovakia in the city of Rnov. Then we lived in North Ossetia, in Transbaikalia - on the border with Mongolia in the city of Sretinsk. We also lived in Kaliningrad. There, the father graduated from the Higher International Military Academy. After that, we were sent to Georgia in Akhalkalaki. This city has been associated with Tibet. Life there was something unforgettable.
- How did you experience such frequent moving, you studied at school, you probably had a lot of friends?
- For me it was very hard. I constantly changed schools. Forever left his friends somewhere far away. Honestly, it was difficult to get used to a new home every time.
- How did you find yourself in Tyumen?
"When I studied in high school, my dad decided that it urgently needs to leave for Tyumen." His parents lived here. Father cared for my future and understood that I need to take me from Akhalkalaki. As soon as we left, an earthquake occurred and our town went underground. Friends of parents, their children, all their families died then.
- Can I say, did you have a second birth in Tyumen?
- Yes, that's for sure! Here in Tyumen, my father resigned and began to more actively engage in music. He decided to develop in the direction of the Russian folk song and created several choirs. For many years he wrote songs about Russia, about Siberia. Two years ago he did not. In my life and my formation as a Father's artist, of course, played a key role. At the age of six, he led my hand to the music school. On the audition, I was told that I would never sing at all. And they advised the father to take me to Bayan or go into the sport. At that moment I was very insulting. But dad said everything will be fine. Then he sang the lullaby to me, played on the accordion and developed his hearing, voice. I always wanted to be a singer. 20 years ago, all young people went to study in universities. The desire to sing on the scene seemed absurd. My grandfather was generally shocked and always wondered: "What is this profession - singer?"
- In your repertoire there are songs written by the Father?
- I have his songs in the record. When it is possible, in memory of him, I want to make a cycle of songs Vladimir Prohorikhin.
- Music classes still more your personal desire or the dream of parents?
- I loved music. I had a wild need for something to play. I remember how I asked the parents to buy me a piano. Then we lived in Kaliningrad in the old German mansion. To us, on the third floor, led a spiral staircase. And the men who entered the piano, swear so that it was heard to all neighbors. In the meantime, they carried him, I jumped on the sofa and screamed: "This is my happiness carry! My happiness!" Then this poor piano "toured" with us throughout the CIS.
- Tell about your family.
- We have a very strong breed on both sides. My grandparents, father's parents, passed the whole war. She was a nurse, and he drove ammunition. They met at the front, reached Berlin, and after the war went to Tyumen. Here they built a house. Mom also has very strong parents. Grandfather led the mountain mining of gold. There was a special contingent he controlled. Grandma was a paramedic in the north, the only doctor for thousands of kilometers. And all in our family were very musical.
- Why did the music start for you?
- Years from six, I picked up on a piano with one hand on a rumor all I heard on TV and radio. Then I started playing two hands. One of the first melodies played was "in the animal world."
- Have you studied at a music school?
- No, I am a self-taught. True, already in more adult age here, in Tyumen, I was engaged in the teacher Svetlana Marazanova during the year. Prior to that, all my knowledge was mined independently. Of course, I am ashamed that I did not graduate from the music school, in which he went in childhood. I remember how many years after class I played very serious works, which I had previously selected on my own. When the music school was closed in the evening, I agreed with a guard, and he missed me to the concert hall for the piano. There I played a clock and imagined myself a real pianist, singer. The thrust was crazy. But then I became boring to play the gamma, and I stopped the classes. My parents always supported me and never forced anything. So, I myself decided that my classes in the music school were finished.
- How did you believe in yourself?
- My faith brought my father. He always told me that I would succeed. He inspired me this faith, and still I live with her.
- You say that the whole family of Prokhorichi is very musical. Your son Bogdan is 12 years old. Is he already manifest?
- He has absolute hearing. During pregnancy, almost up to the birth, I sang in concert halls, and in clubs, and in the evenings. And a week after childbirth, I already went to the scene. He grew up under my songs. When we recorded my first album, Bogdan was still quite small. Son listened to music by day. He is absolutely musical, but I think that he wakes up a sharp interest in music in 15-16 years. In 2008, in Moscow, he became the "Mini Mr. Russia" at the competition, who conducted Vyacheslav Zaitsev. There he sang my song "Ki Ki Salsa." To her, he independently composed rap, which he read during the performance. Now he is more interested in sports - it is engaged in basketball. Bogdan plays in the urban team team. From school items like mathematics and English.
- Do you have family traditions?
- My husband and I always celebrate the wedding anniversary. I am preparing for this event. We always spend the new year at various events. I already uncomfortable and even boring to spend the new year at home.
"You have a lot of contests and extensive experience in rock music and a pop genre." What gave you the most incentive for development?
- How to put a lot of gloves in me in the artist (group "Neva"). I worked with him for two years. He is the first one who brought me to a big scene. We toured throughout the country. It was a tremendous experience.
- In November, you presented to Tyumens our new video for the song "Two and a half hours." Tell us how to shoot.
"The clip" Two and a half hours "(it is so much to fly by plane from Tyumen to Moscow) takes a special place in my work. The shooting was truly long-awaited, only the approval lasted about six months. The clip was used in the clip "UTair", so the shooting process was controlled by the Commission from the airline. Shooting lasted two days. They took part 22 people - citizens and artists of the Tyumen Drama Theater. In the role of the captains of the aircraft - the director of the video Edward Smilin and my spouse Egor Varfolomeyev. And I and two back vocalists appeared in the image of the stewardess. The form of the airline, the aircraft salon - all this allowed us to feel ourselves to the participants of the real flight.
- How did you react to the proposal of the Khasenov Khasenov proposal about cooperation?
- I was dumbfounded. I walked for this 20 years. Each musician dreams of going to the general public, and I am no exception. I had a long time a state of some shock. Of course, I am glad that such a man appeared in my life as York Khasenov. He will help me in the implementation of my musical desires. It is no secret that without more money or significant connections in Russia, it is almost impossible to achieve popularity. No matter how talented singer you are, it is very difficult to break through. Now I believe that 2013 will bring me a lot of new things. I have a new life begins.

Original material: http://72.ru/text/person/614438.html

One of the most famous Tyumen singers Jeanne Prokhorichina today is stolen by a career of the star of the Russian pop. The author and composer, a member of the Russian author's society and the first musical publishing house in 2011, she awarded the "Woman of the Year in the Tyumen Region" award. Now the singer begins a large project with a Moscow businessman's pupid Khasenov. At one time, Khasenov helped "unwind" the Queen of the Russian chanson Elena Vaenge, and to date, it works with many artists, including with illusionists by brothers Safronov. As it turned out, for more than a year, the Khasenov team watched the works of Tyumen and decided that Zhanna - singer, worthy of all-Russian recognition. At the end of last year, during the filming of the Russian Sensation program (NTV), Hasenes officially presented a Sibiryachka and announced that he launches a large project with her. On February 15, Zhanna Prokhorichina will perform at the Concert "All Stars of the Russian chanson" in the city of Almaty. Among the guests of the evening - Grigory Leps, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Stas Mikhailov and other famous Russian chanson.

About how the career of the singer, who influenced her work, and that she in childhood called "his happiness", Jeanne Prokhorikhin told in his interview.

- Zhanna, that in childhood you tied with music?

- In my youth, my father Vladimir Olegovich dreamed of becoming a singer. Once he sent a record of his voice on a rebound cassette to the Leningrad Conservatory on a pop-jazz branch. In response, a telegram came, which said that Vladimir Prokhorichin was accepted for studying in a conservatory. Since the time was then very heavy and hungry, his parents sat down for the round table and decided that the family could not afford to teach the Son in Leningrad. The father had another older brother who wanted to become a doctor, all means were aimed at his education. And the younger sent to the military school. My father became an officer. It was so musical, intelligent and soft man that did not fit into the image of the military. Although, thanks to their ambitiousness and literacy, he achieved a lot in his career. At the same time, he also never forgot about his addiction to music. He organized various teams, collected the full halls. Due to the fact that he climbed the career ladder, our family was constantly moving from one city to another. I was born in Czechoslovakia in the city of Rnov. Then we lived in North Ossetia, in Transbaikalia - on the border with Mongolia in the city of Sretinsk. We also lived in Kaliningrad. There, the father graduated from the Higher International Military Academy. After that, we were sent to Georgia in Akhalkalaki. This city has been associated with Tibet. Life there was something unforgettable.

- How did you experience such frequent moving, you studied at school, you probably had a lot of friends?

- For me it was very hard. I constantly changed schools. Forever left his friends somewhere far away. Honestly, it was difficult to get used to a new home every time.

- How did you find yourself in Tyumen?

"When I studied in high school, my dad decided that it urgently needs to leave for Tyumen." His parents lived here. Father cared for my future and understood that I need to take me from Akhalkalaki. As soon as we left, an earthquake occurred and our town went underground. Friends of parents, their children, all their families died then.

- Can I say, did you have a second birth in Tyumen?

- Yes, that's for sure! Here in Tyumen, my father resigned and began to more actively engage in music. He decided to develop in the direction of the Russian folk song and created several choirs. For many years he wrote songs about Russia, about Siberia. Two years ago he did not. In my life and my formation as a Father's artist, of course, played a key role. At the age of six, he led my hand to the music school. On the audition, I was told that I would never sing at all. And they advised the father to take me to Bayan or go into the sport. At that moment I was very insulting. But dad said everything will be fine. Then he sang the lullaby to me, played on the accordion and developed his hearing, voice. I always wanted to be a singer. 20 years ago, all young people went to study in universities. The desire to sing on the scene seemed absurd. My grandfather was generally shocked and always wondered: "What is this profession - singer?"

- In your repertoire there are songs written by the Father?

- I have his songs in the record. When it is possible, in memory of him, I want to make a cycle of songs Vladimir Prohorikhin.

- Music classes still more your personal desire or the dream of parents?

- I loved music. I had a wild need for something to play. I remember how I asked the parents to buy me a piano. Then we lived in Kaliningrad in the old German mansion. To us, on the third floor, led a spiral staircase. And the men who entered the piano, swear so that it was heard to all neighbors. In the meantime, they carried him, I jumped on the sofa and screamed: "This is my happiness carry! My happiness!" Then this poor piano "toured" with us throughout the CIS.

- Tell about your family.

- We have a very strong breed on both sides. My grandparents, father's parents, passed the whole war. She was a nurse, and he drove ammunition. They met at the front, reached Berlin, and after the war went to Tyumen. Here they built a house. Mom also has very strong parents. Grandfather led the mountain mining of gold. There was a special contingent he controlled. Grandma was a paramedic in the north, the only doctor for thousands of kilometers. And all in our family were very musical.

- Why did the music start for you?

- Years from six, I picked up on a piano with one hand on a rumor all I heard on TV and radio. Then I started playing two hands. One of the first melodies played was "in the animal world."

- Have you studied at a music school?

- No, I am a self-taught. True, already in more adult age here, in Tyumen, I was engaged in the teacher Svetlana Marazanova during the year. Prior to that, all my knowledge was mined independently. Of course, I am ashamed that I did not graduate from the music school, in which he went in childhood. I remember how many years after class I played very serious works, which I had previously selected on my own. When the music school was closed in the evening, I agreed with a guard, and he missed me to the concert hall for the piano. There I played a clock and imagined myself a real pianist, singer. The thrust was crazy. But then I became boring to play the gamma, and I stopped the classes. My parents always supported me and never forced anything. So, I myself decided that my classes in the music school were finished.

- How did you believe in yourself?

- My faith brought my father. He always told me that I would succeed. He inspired me this faith, and still I live with her.

- You say that the whole family of Prokhorichi is very musical. Your son Bogdan is 12 years old. Is he already manifest?

- He has absolute hearing. During pregnancy, almost up to the birth, I sang in concert halls, and in clubs, and in the evenings. And a week after childbirth, I already went to the scene. He grew up under my songs. When we recorded my first album, Bogdan was still quite small. Son listened to music by day. He is absolutely musical, but I think that he wakes up a sharp interest in music in 15-16 years. In 2008, in Moscow, he became the "Mini Mr. Russia" at the competition, who conducted Vyacheslav Zaitsev. There he sang my song "Ki Ki Salsa." To her, he independently composed rap, which he read during the performance. Now he is more interested in sports - it is engaged in basketball. Bogdan plays in the urban team team. From school items like mathematics and English.

- Do you have family traditions?

- My husband and I always celebrate the wedding anniversary. I am preparing for this event. We always spend the new year at various events. I already uncomfortable and even boring to spend the new year at home.

"You have a lot of contests and extensive experience in rock music and a pop genre." What gave you the most incentive for development?

- How to put a lot of gloves in me in the artist (group "Neva"). I worked with him for two years. He is the first one who brought me to a big scene. We toured throughout the country. It was a tremendous experience.

- In November, you presented to Tyumens our new video for the song "Two and a half hours." Tell us how to shoot.

"The clip" Two and a half hours "(it is so much to fly by plane from Tyumen to Moscow) takes a special place in my work. The shooting was truly long-awaited, only the approval lasted about six months. The clip was used in the clip "UTair", so the shooting process was controlled by the Commission from the airline. Shooting lasted two days. They took part 22 people - citizens and artists of the Tyumen Drama Theater. In the role of the captains of the aircraft - the director of the video Edward Smilin and my spouse Egor Varfolomeyev. And I and two back vocalists appeared in the image of the stewardess. The form of the airline, the aircraft salon - all this allowed us to feel ourselves to the participants of the real flight.

- How did you react to the proposal of the Khasenov Khasenov proposal about cooperation?

- I was dumbfounded. I walked for this 20 years. Each musician dreams of going to the general public, and I am no exception. I had a long time a state of some shock. Of course, I am glad that such a man appeared in my life as York Khasenov. He will help me in the implementation of my musical desires. It is no secret that without more money or significant connections in Russia, it is almost impossible to achieve popularity. No matter how talented singer you are, it is very difficult to break through. Now I believe that 2013 will bring me a lot of new things. I have a new life begins.

For a few days, the Roller "The Anthem of Tyumen" looked at almost 500 people, and the number of likes on the Jeanne Prokhorichina page in social networks has long passed for a half hundreds, the song has already got into rotation. The author and the contractor admits that he was writing "Hymn" in one breath:

I wanted a song to be patriotic, reflect how beautiful Tyumen is that the townspeople feel pride for her, "said Jean Site" Komsomolskaya Pravda - Tyumen ".

The video clip was filmed on a sunny day on the tour. In the frame - the embankment, the tour, the Holy Trinity Monastery, the embankment, color boulevard, wooden architecture. "Who did not love Tyumen, he will definitely love after such words and music", "cheerful! Soul! Exactly!" - Estimated the creation of the townspeople.

Now Tyumen has no official hymn. Symbols argue Deputies of the City Duma. The initiative group may offer "Hymn" Zhanna Prokhorichina for consideration by the Standing Commission on Social Policy and City Self-Government.

The singer recently arrived from Kazakhstan, where he performed at the invitation of local authorities. This is not the first tour of the singer to the neighboring republic. Recall that more than 9,000 people gathered at the "Luzhniki" at the Tyumen concert. In the fall, she is invited to return to the tour of the Kuril Islands, where in 2013 she performed as an ambassador of goodwill as part of the Expedition of Russia. And after the concert on the island of Kunashir, a snapshot with soldiers hit the greeting cards in honor of February 23.

Of course, the actress actively acts in Tyumen (only social concerts on her account is about fifty), and continues to write. From under her musical pen, 160 compositions came out and.


Zhanna Prokhorichina - the author and performer, a member of the Russian author's society, twice awarded her Alexander Pakhmutova. The Tyumen page is on the National Music Portal "". By the way, the most popular song for downloading is "Women all Queen." But gains and novelties are gaining - "hunters" and "buy a fur coat".

Zhanna Prokhorichina became a "woman of the year" in the Tyumen region, the winner of the popular voting "Top- 50 Outstanding People of Tyumen" in the nomination "Music".

In 2013, Zhanna released a joint record in a duet with the legendary artist of the world Willy Tokarev, together with Chance, conducted joint concerts. One of the speeches is at the festival "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk. The singer has thousands of fans and carries their work to good and faith in good deeds and thoughts.

Anthem Tyumen Prohorichina.www.prohorihina.ru The author of words and music performer Zhanna Prokhorichina. Director Eduard Smilin. Video from YouTube.com.


Love you my tyumen native

Favorite region My land is native

I don't know the city

Fate thank you that brought me with you

I am everything familiar streets and faces

Tyumen roads and houses

Beauty - Tyumen.

Siberian capital

The whole country is proud of you!


Siberian capital

The whole country is proud of you!

Live Tyumen! Live and flourish!

Under the peaceful sky of birdworthy flocks!

And apple trees White friendly dance

With me together, the hymn sings you!

Live Tyumen! For long century

Under the starry sky is washes the shore

River - Tour under the bell ringing

Tyumentians are knocking with you in unison

Tyumentians are knocking with you in unison!

Love you my tyumen native

Your spring and white blizzard!

I love when you - the autumn golden

I love expanses summer fields

I am everything familiar streets and faces

Tyumen roads and houses

Beauty - Tyumen.

Siberian capital

The whole country is proud of you!


Siberian capital

The whole country is proud of you!

Having learned that the favorite singer of the Tyumen province Jeanne Prokhhorikhin will perform at the XIX International Festival "All Russia" -2015 in Dagomis, the editorial office asked her to become a minute, from October 1 to October 7, our freelance correspondent in this forum. Zhanna, as always, went even further, wider, deeper ...

If you fold together my great desire to sing on the stage, the energy of the intention used by me to implement my goal over several decades, the feelings of joy and disappointment from the takeoffs, falls and again takeoffs on my creative path, moral, physical and material efforts attached in my ascent On the stage, it would be possible to include the power plant, and illuminate the city by thousands of electric light bulbs. This is me, your singer, the author of hundreds of songs and hundreds of festive milestones in the life of Tyumens, Jeanne Prokhorichina.

What did you move to agree to go for free as the "Messenger of Good Will" on the Kuril Islands with concerts for 26 days? I will answer: the desire to make a mugness mission and be useful, the desire to be a real singer of Russia and from the Tyumen region to become a song shovel of good! And I did it. Thanks to my friends-journalists, supported morally.

11 hours on the plane and two days for the boiling quiet ocean in the 6-ball storm on the old ship "Igor Farhutdinov" - and I give a concert for the population of Kunashir on the first island. An earthquake a few hours after the first concert sled my brain from the drunk feeling of delight and it became scary to me. Neither leave, do not fly away and do not go on the ship back is impossible. Only in 26 days.

I entered the trail of self-affirmation, I remembered Claudia Ivanovna Schulzhenko and began to give solo concerts for soldiers, sailors, border making and children on the islands of Kunashir, Shikotan, ITUURUP.

10 concerts in extreme conditions, thousands of grateful eyes and persons, familiarity with the stunning commander, military personnel - the true guards of our Motherland, the patriots smoked to the brain of bones, beautiful nature and feeling that the mission is still fulfilled, made me stronger every day at stay on Pacific Ocean.

As the saying goes, "so stolen".

The concert was especially remembered in the rain on the ice wind: 800 soldiers and I - I sing for them for 2 hours, I tell them about love and hope, and I hand hello from Tyumen media together with gifts (press, wheels), and they are wet and frozen smiling and smiling and Do not let applause. In response, they sang a building "Katyusha" for me, gave the "honor" and a stored march went to serve further.

Well, that, that the next day I was lying in climb under a dropper with temperature, and I was poured into the throat of antibiotics ...

The voice was restored, and after a day I already sang for an artillery regiment with a sense of self-esteem, which was not broken by the daughter of the officer, warrior of the light and music of good. Dad is an officer of the highest composition of engineering troops, Prokhorichin Vladimir Olegovich, always supported me and dreamed that I realize his unless dream of singing on stage always, all my life, because it is impossible not to sing and not write songs!

Remembering him, my heart burns and beats stronger from the all-stroking feelings of love and the irrevocable loss of a beloved father.

You are there, dad, hold on! I sing for you, rest, I sing for us two ...

What needs to be done else to hear me all the country? Hundreds of concerts are. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers on cars, trains, helicopters, motorboats, ships, aircraft - there. Hundreds of projects made - there. Hundreds of songs and millions of written notes missing through the heart and soul - there! There are comrade commander, music!

"Go far with that character," said me, looking into the eyes, Lyuba Assumption and gracefully sowing in a snow-white jeep, was smelled to the night Dal, leaving me somewhere far behind the Moscow McAd. I reached the hotel on foot, in the morning a call, familiar to millions Voice: "Well, how got?".

Excellent. Everything is fine. Everything is OK. I am Sibiryachka, Major, Torpeda, "Baba with Eggs"!

As soon as they do not call me ...

I'm a singer. By the way about the nicknames, Willy Tokarev calls me a "Siberian Canary," says that I am amazingly intonating songs. It's nice, I understood how to make it a voice recently. This is the performance of each song. 20 years I have honed the skill of vocals and only a year, as intonation began to apply. It is interesting to capture, and you can tell in one song a whole life.

I try, I want to amaze you and admire - this is a game of feelings, words and emotions, I create the energy of light, I will fly you from the sad doom and want you to be happy. Sometimes I feel this power of energy in myself that blasting glasses and light bulbs, they said I can treat people's voice. We must apply!

Prokhorichina - translated from Staroslavansky "standing ahead of the choir, sainted." So, everything is right, the surname helps and pulls on the stage, although long, they say, not everyone remembers.

At the XIX International Festival "All Russia" -2015 in Dagomis, a professor, a journalist from Barnaul invented me a pseudonym "Zhanna Pro". Judge for yourself, briefly remembered and has a multifunctional load associated with Slang's media representatives.

Oh, this festival in Dagomis! When the strongest journalists arrive from all over Russia and the world and issue all the best of their works for everyone, it gives rise to a sense of the victory of mind on the planet Earth.

Only positive and creation! Talented, bold journalists, military arms, artists, photographers, directors and one singer - Tyumen - this is me.

"And she has arrived for the second time, remember? - They shook. - Last year, at the opening of the festival Zhanna performed "Anthem to journalists", which herself wrote, and even received a bronze award and a diploma from the hands of Bogdanov - Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia! " - "Yes, I remember too! And this year, as part of the team from the Tyumen region, together with his spouse, the sound engineer Egor Bartholomeyev, they worked for the honor of the Tyumen region and won! Strong and friendly team. "

900 of my new plates with songs scattered into all ends of the world! On the plate 23 new songs and "anthem of journalists", Anthem "Region-Tyumen" and Anthem Tyumen. Hooray! 900 journalists heard my songs and took these plates with them.

I want to say thanks to the Government of the Tyumen Region for the confidence rendered and the opportunity to speak with my concert programs at the 2015 Media Festival. Confirmed.

In front of my road to a new goal: to become a popular, popular singer of Russia, I glorify Tyumen - my favorite city of hopes and faith, the city, where I composed hundreds of songs, worked hundreds of concerts, the city, where I was first in love, where I got married and gave birth to the Son, Where I buried my mom and dad, the city to which I dedicated my hymn, the city where happy people, strong, smart, talented creators of an excellent future, the city, where hundreds of beautiful people believe me and help me go ahead. If you knew how I am grateful to you! Thank you!

My grandfather and grandmother, Oleg Nikolayevich and Tatyana Potapovna, reached Berlin and returned to Tyumen to the Great Patriotic War. Built a house on the street Yamskaya and gave birth to my father, Prokhorichina Vladimir Olegovich, who left in 2011 in the rank of colonel of engineering troops and giving me faith to himself.

I also have to reach my "Berlin", to fulfill the dream and become the popular Russian singer.

It is said that a person is given a desire along with force so that this desire to implement. And if a person gets joy from work, which is engaged, then this is a happy man. I am a happiest man!

My thoughts give birth to songs, my soul rushes onto the stage, my life is dedicated to you, my listeners. I confess you in love. And I hope that this is mutual.

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko asked in one of her last interviews: "Who is a star for you?". "Star," Gurchenko replied, - this is the one who does not depend on anything and anyone! She can write poems, music, sing And arrange. Even if not rich materially. This is a star. "

Zhanna Prokhorihina,

photos from a personal archive