Instagram Opera Singer. Opera Div Anna Netrebko told about the life of the son with the features of development

Instagram Opera Singer. Opera Div Anna Netrebko told about the life of the son with the features of development

Account: Anna_Netrebko_YUSI_TIGO.

Occupation: russian opera singe

Anna Netrebko Instagram has more than 77 thousand follovers and contains about 1,400 publications. Anna was born in the southern city of Krasnodar, and at the moment he lives in Vienna with his second husband Yusif Aivazov. The singer possesses the gorgeous soprano, is the performer of the main parties in almost all opera house theaters and enjoys incredible popularity even beyond classical music.

Instagram Anna Netrebko filled with alive emotions from the life of the singer. Each photo card is signed in English and Russian for fans of her creativity from all points of the globe.

Anna Netrebko Photo from Instagram emit kindness and positive. Anna is divided not only by home photos with her son, but also captures its creative process, relatives and loved ones. Also on the official blog you can see your favorite culinary singer, travel and tour.

Biography Anna Netrebko

Anna was fond of music from early childhood, using natural talent and work, she was able to become a soloist of Krasnodar choir. Then, becoming older, went to study in the Conservatory of St. Petersburg.

The biography of Anna Netrebko Sttold by the conquest of high-profile awards and ranks:

  • 1993 - Laureate Nomination at the Vocalists Competition named after M.I. Glinka and invitation to the famous Mariinsky Theater;
  • 1994 - receives a role in the "Magic Flute", which is widely popular;
  • 1995 - the role of Lyudmila, the Opera Ruslan and Lyudmila;
  • In 2002, he performs debut roles in the operations of "War and Peace" and "Don Juan";
  • 2003 For Anna Netrebko, the biography was marked with the release of the first album called "Opera Arias", as well as roles in the Opera "Traviata" and "Lucia di Lammermur";
  • 2004. Netrebko plays itself in the movie "Princess-2 Diaries";
  • 2010 - Anna takes part in the show project "New Wave" and executes a song with Philip Kirkorov in a new crossover style for himself;
  • 2011 - received the title of "the world-famous Russian artist of art" according to Forbes;
  • In 2014, he was chosen by the performer of the Anthem of the Olympiad in Sochi;
  • 2015 - the European tour in which the Arias from the Italian operator were performed.

In addition, Anna is a laureate of a huge multitude of musical awards, and also wears the proud title of folk artist of Russia.

Account: Anna_Netrebko_YUSI_TIGO.

Occupation: russian opera singe

Anna Netrebko Instagram has more than 77 thousand follovers and contains about 1,400 publications. Anna was born in the southern city of Krasnodar, and at the moment he lives in Vienna with his second husband Yusif Aivazov. The singer possesses the gorgeous soprano, is the performer of the main parties in almost all opera house theaters and enjoys incredible popularity even beyond classical music.

Instagram Anna Netrebko filled with alive emotions from the life of the singer. Each photo card is signed in English and Russian for fans of her creativity from all points of the globe.

Anna Netrebko Photo from Instagram emit kindness and positive. Anna is divided not only by home photos with her son, but also captures its creative process, relatives and loved ones. Also on the official blog you can see your favorite culinary singer, travel and tour.

Biography Anna Netrebko

Anna was fond of music from early childhood, using natural talent and work, she was able to become a soloist of Krasnodar choir. Then, becoming older, went to study in the Conservatory of St. Petersburg.

The biography of Anna Netrebko Sttold by the conquest of high-profile awards and ranks:

  • 1993 - Laureate Nomination at the Vocalists Competition named after M.I. Glinka and invitation to the famous Mariinsky Theater;
  • 1994 - receives a role in the "Magic Flute", which is widely popular;
  • 1995 - the role of Lyudmila, the Opera Ruslan and Lyudmila;
  • In 2002, he performs debut roles in the operations of "War and Peace" and "Don Juan";
  • 2003 For Anna Netrebko, the biography was marked with the release of the first album called "Opera Arias", as well as roles in the Opera "Traviata" and "Lucia di Lammermur";
  • 2004. Netrebko plays itself in the movie "Princess-2 Diaries";
  • 2010 - Anna takes part in the show project "New Wave" and executes a song with Philip Kirkorov in a new crossover style for himself;
  • 2011 - received the title of "the world-famous Russian artist of art" according to Forbes;
  • In 2014, he was chosen by the performer of the Anthem of the Olympiad in Sochi;
  • 2015 - the European tour in which the Arias from the Italian operator were performed.

In addition, Anna is a laureate of a huge multitude of musical awards, and also wears the proud title of folk artist of Russia.

Anna Netrebko was born on September 18, 1971 in Krasnodar. Already in the early 1990s, she revealed as an extremely interesting opera singer, although for a long time remained well-known in the most familiar lovers of the classics. Russia, Latvia, Germany, Austria, and even the United States.

Popularity in wide circles, and at the same time, and Anna Netrebko received Instagram already in early 2010, when he recorded a duette song with Philip Kirkorov "Voice". The crossover of classics and pop music turned out to be in demand. Today, Anna is one of the most popular Russian singers not only in their native country, but also abroad. There is not only an excellent performer, but also a very beautiful, stylish woman.

In the discography of Anna Netrebko - dozens of discs with popular classic works. Prokofiev, Verdi, Strauss, Glinka, Mozart ... The discs were published for the world market and enjoyed great success.

Recall, today Netrebko lives mainly in Vienna. The approach to personal life is also musical and international. For six years of her beloved was Uruguayan baritone Erwin Schontt, a couple even had a son with an exotic name of Thiago Uroua. Now she is after a year of relationship - in marriage with Azerbaijani tenor Yusif Evazov.

But all this we would like to know from the first person. And learn from newspapers, from TV screens and through popular sites.

Why did Anna Netrebko closed his instagram?

Although modern artists usually do not mind communicating with fans through social networks, Netrebko is an unpleasant exception. His instagram Netrebko Anna, one can say, does not behave at all. The only photo published in it is dated 2014. The profile has a link to Twitter, in which, however, only only six records for 2013.

Nevertheless, the Netrebko page in Instagram, with a single photo signed - for March 2016 - about 4,300 people, and the photo is exactly a thousand liks. Anna is captured along with her son on vacation - extra argument that this is really her page.

Why Anna does not want to communicate with admirers through social networks? Difficult question. Perhaps it is just uninteresting. Maybe she is tired of explaining their ambiguous political views. It is possible that she simply does not have a blog blog.

Therefore, Anna's fans are worth looking for a non-personal page Anna Netrebko in Instagram, and records with Hesteg #annanetrebko. The search issues several thousand photos and video with the participation of Anna. These recordings make simple fans, and, for example, the official page of Metropolitan Opera.

When the world found out about the relations of Anna Netrebko and Yusif Evazov, many people reacted skeptical. People did not believe in the sincerity of the feelings of the not too well-known opera artist who decided to tie fate with the global substitute. But the man achieved professional success (the very exciting point of which was the performance in La Scala), still next to Anna, became a real father for her son Thiago with a diagnosis of autism. In the transfer of "2 Vernik 2", Yusif said how hard it was for him family happiness.

"I had a very big admiration. She remained alone with this misfortune, not knowing how to live with it. Not knowing perfectly, from which end to approach this child who had serious problems<...> Today, after six years, we argue, he tells us everything, he is a completely different person. But at that moment, when the child just hysteriate, and you do not know what to give him, and there is no one near, who could help, it was terrible. Now everything, fortunately, remained in the past, "said Evazov, noting that the boy became much more positive and sociable. "He is very talented if he takes it, he will be," said Yusif Talent Boy to the game on the piano.

The man managed to earn the confidence of the "special" child and become a second father for him. "This is my child, this is my son," says stepfather. Mom Thyago emphasized that with the advent of a man in the house he became better: "He became happy when I realized that he had a real family."

Difficulties were waiting for emotional yusif and communicating with his wife. "I never have written love poems for my 40 years of life. At the beginning, I wrote romantic poems, a few pieces, five pieces. Why did you stop you know? Because she doesn't need it, "he told.

"For four years, that together, Anya did not write me a single poem, she does not admit to love and does not like to openly express their emotions.<...> I got up somewhere with it. I know that she loves me, but she will never prove it, show, "- somewhat sad stated a man who mostly appreciates the satellite softness and comfort.

"I still remember that it was wearing on the first day when we met in Rome. I still remember what she said. I still have a storage of the Male, which we exchanged, "the Yusif admitted.

However, joint photos with which the couple shall be divided into Instagram, prove: Love, tenderness, mutual understanding reigns between them. And this is more important than words and recognition. "I never show some kind of dram or life<...> I generally such a person - do not keep anything in myself. Surface. I probably not a deep man, there is no depth in me. If I want, I can find it in myself, but she bothers me. Why do I need feelings that I torment?<...> If I have some disadvantages, I will not affect them, "Anna admitted.

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Anna Netrebko - Opera singer. Music was fond of childhood. It was the soloist of the Kuban Pioneer's Choir. At the end of the school he entered the St. Petersburg conservatory. In 1993 she won a triumphal victory in the prestigious competition. Glinka and received an offer to work in the Mariinsky Theater. Debuted on his scene in 1994.

Thanks to the talent and natural abilities, the leading soloist of the theater was toured in Europe, was in Latvia and Israel. The fateful for the singer was 2002, when Anna turned into a global scale. The speech of the girl on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in the play "War and Peace" was enchanting.

In the same year, she was involved in the Opera "Don Juan" presented at the Salzburg Festival. Opera Prima performs with famous conductors. In 2008, he made his debut in the musical film "Bohemia". Her concerts collect full halls. He is a trustee of President Putin.

It was engaged to the singer Ervin Schrottt and in 2008 she gave birth to his son. After a few years, the couple broke up. The next novel singer ended with marriage. Her chosen was the tenor Yusif Evazov. The luxurious wedding ceremony reminded the opera stage. According to rumors, the couple awaits replenishment.

On a page in Instagram, where Anna Netrebko is recorded as Anna_Netrebko_YUSI_TIGO, more than 121 thousand subscribers are registered.

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