The most strange unusual parts of the body in the world. The most amazing and mysterious people of our planet

The most strange unusual parts of the body in the world. The most amazing and mysterious people of our planet
The most strange unusual parts of the body in the world. The most amazing and mysterious people of our planet

The world in which we live is incredibly multifaceted and amazing. No matter how much experiments have been carried out, and whatever great discoveries are happening, the planet always Tahila and there will be many more years in itself something amazing, unthinkable, hidden from foreign eyes and inexplicable mere mortal. One of the main characteristics of the Earth is many inhabiting her living beings, including a person - the creation of a versatile and complex, which is not equal and is unlikely to ever. It was time to find out the most unusual people of the planet who won universal recognition and famous due to their uniqueness and the most amazing set of qualities! Who are they? The photo of the most unusual people will also be presented to your attention in the article.

The most fearless

  • Doug Sus is the most famous wild animal trainer around the world, who received a worthy title of the best for the full taming of the Grizzly bear. Being a real professional of his case, this man will easily make something that no one else could do. Bear feeding from hands, riding on it, full of confidence, during which the trainer with a calm conscience is able to put his head into the open and full of sharp fangs of the bear mouth, - all this for the arc has become a familiar thing and an integral part of life. The ranch of the arc, located in Hebere City, became famous for the fact that in almost five decades of its existence, the brave trainer, together with his wife, was able to fade and tame the four bears of Grizzly. It is thanks to the purposefulness and fearlessness of his guardians the bears of the arc found their application on television and to this day are filmed a couple with Hollywood stars.
  • Kevin Richardson is another fearless trainer who has found his calling in the kingdom of large feline representatives. This guy without any confusion communicates with individual lions or whole lionic prides, without once passing the check on courage and spending all nights with its unusual friends. With no less success, Kevin managed to win the trust of hypads, cheetahs and leopards and enjoy communication with such dangerous animals of the planet.
  • Gagan Satysh - at the moment, a nine-year-old boy, who was able to express this aged trips at such a young age and deservedly get into the Guinness Book of Records. Thanks to long-term training, miniature sizes and incredible courage, Gagana took only half a minute to drive at a huge speed under 39 cars and beat the world record. However, the gambling boy did not stop at this: there are many amazing victories and overcoming the plank in the process of driving under the hundred cars!

The biggest

  • Charit Pier at the moment weighs more than 360 kilograms and, more amazing, is in a happy marriage. I managed to find true love with so unthinkable dimensions of your body, the woman became an example for others and visual evidence that love should be looking for not in appearance, but deep in the soul. The bridegroom was the young man named Tony Tyura, who not only instilled Chariti, but also actively helps her lose weight and improve his health while there is an opportunity for salvation.
  • Elizhany da Cruz Silva - the highest woman in the entire history of mankind. Born in Sunny Brazil about two decades ago, Elizhani from the very childhood was significantly different in its growth compared to peers. Upon reaching the adhesiveness of the doctors on a formal basis, the final growth of the girl, which amounted to 203 centimeters was shown. A completely recently, a young girl has met his true love and married. And let the difference in growth with their young man Elizani is more than 40 centimeters, it does not prevent her from being happy and confident in himself.

The most gifted

  • Ben Anderwood - California teenager, born absolutely healthy, but in connection with the retinal cancer developed at a three-year-old age, forced to lose their eyes to surgically. It would seem that any other in his place would give his hands after such a severe loss, but Ben proved to all the opposite. He managed to develop the most unimaginable ability inherent in only dolphins and volatile mice: even taking into account the usual human hearing, Ben learned to capture ultrasound echo and accurately determine the view and location of the necessary objects.

  • Kim Ung-Yong is a real Wunderkind of the modern world, which was able to get into the Guinness Book of Records due to its incredibly high IQ with a result of 210! Already in two years, the boy spent several languages \u200b\u200bfreely, he learned to solve the most complicated mathematical and geometric tasks, and in the 8 years he was invited to the United States for vocational training. Real and unsurpassed genius of our time!
  • Daniel Tammmet is a man from the UK, which, despite the serious psychological disease, called autism, was able to become a genius in the world of mathematics, producing incredibly complex mathematical calculations in the mind. Also, Daniel easily remembered more than 22,000 digits of PI numbers and freely talks to 11 languages, choosing as a favorite Lithuanian.

The most interesting people with unusual abilities

  • Michael Lozito is another most unusual person. A man is able to eat iron in its pure form. His amazing predisposition to the whole iron and metallic opened in a very young age, when a small Michael with a calm conscience ate a family TV and it was after that he became a real celebrity. Michael's special popularity received two years later, after the complete shift of the Cessna 150 aircraft, using a kilogram of aircraft spare parts per day. Amazing remains that, despite such a specific and deadly diet, the health of the "iron meter" remains in perfect order.
  • Tim Cridland - a man, not in vain included in our list of the most unusual people on earth. He became famous for his low pain threshold, which was proven for them more than once. Its an amazing predisposition to the absence of pain Parenka discovered at school age when, as a result of numerous mockery from the side of Tim's peers so never managed to bring to tears. After some time, he realized the profitability of his situation and began to earn his amazing gift of ingenuity, arranging public and terrifying for many games with needles and other acute objects.

And we continue to consider the most unusual abilities of people.

  • Liv Tau Lin is a man whose body is developed inexplicably strong magnetism. Thanks to this, a man is capable without harming his health to attract a variety of metal objects to the surface of the abdomen and breasts, whether it is cutlery, tools, chains and even household appliances. The greatest glory of Liv Tau Lin earned when he was able to move a huge car attached to the chain from his place, attached to the chain, which, in turn, was namagged on the belly of a man. Amazing also remains the fact that both the children and grandchildren of a man also received the fact that such an unusual ability.

People with unusual appearance

  • The list of the most unusual people of the world would be incomplete without Kati Dzhang - a girl with the finest waist in the world. Of course, every beautiful lady dreams of the "aspen" of the waist and by all means trying to achieve such a result, but no one is able to compare with an amazing Katya: the real girth of its waist does not exceed 52 centimeters, and when using a waist corset and reduces to 37 centimeters at all!

  • The carrier of the largest hairstyle of Afro, received from birth, and not by some chemical paths, Evin Jud Dugas became the world record for the highest, lush and healthy hair. The height, as well as the width of this amazing hairstyle, reaches 20 centimeters, and grumps around the circle - more than 130 centimeters! Thanks to such an amazing image, Evin enjoying the style of the 70s and thereby emphasizes its individuality.

  • The greatest female breast of natural sizes was recorded from Annie Hawkins. Breast girth exceeding 175 centimeters, and grumps under the breast, equal to 100 centimeters, make a girl an amazing heroine of the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Li Redmond is an exquisite beauty lover who beat the world record along the length of natural nails. In order to get into the Guinness Book and beat the world record, whether Redmond took 7 billion years to grow their nails with a length of 7.5 meters and shock a million people around the world. Already after reaching the desired bar, the girl fell into a small road accident, during which gorgeous and long nails broke. However, our heroine is not in a hurry to be disappointed and now places new ones, putting even a higher bar!

  • It is not a secret to old age that women, like men, there is an active fragmentation of the face, but Vivien Wieler is the only woman in the world, which reflected a gray beard with a length of more than 30 centimeters. Vivien has ceased to steal hair on her face in 1993.
  • A distinctive feature of women's independent tribes of the canopy is elongated with a heavy copper eye shame. During this traditional and sacred rite tribe residents, the longest female neck was recorded - 40 centimeters.
  • Dian Vit is included in the list of the most unusually beautiful people. She is a beauty, which light has not yet served. The girl became famous for the longest oblique in the world. In all his life, never by visiting the hairdresser, Dian is not even going to say goodbye with her scythe with age, but, on the contrary, it dreams to grow it to the maximum size. At the moment, the length of its braids exceeds 3.13 meters. Unfortunately, daily care for such long hair is given to a young woman with great difficulty, so Dian is forced to help the faithful husband and children.

Top 10 most unusual people. Olympic champion in gymnastics without legs

Jen Brick is an American girl, the amazing story of which was already involved in the whole world. Little Jen was born without legs, and the real parents of the girl abandoned her. The family of briquettes, having learned about the misfortune, with open arms accepted in his large family Jen. The girl had a cherished dream - to become a great athlete on gymnastics. Diligent learning in the gymnastic school at the age of 16 did not pass to no avail, and soon everyone saw an unusual talent in the girl. After a few years, Jen won his first gold medal, and soon became the country champion.

Horned girl

Zhang Ruifeang is a woman from China and the world's first in the world, born with the most real horn in the forehead. The girl surprised her uniqueness not only the whole world, but also the most experienced scientists. However, the horn of Zhang continues to grow to this day, while not having to harm health.

Boy Hulk

Kalim - a boy from India, famous for his incredibly gigantic hands. Each rollem brush weighs about 8 kilograms, and in length it reaches more than 30 centimeters. Unfortunately, such a big burner makes the boy even more helpless: he can hardly be done even the most elementary tasks, while parents earn very little, and doctors still can not put an accurate diagnosis.

Man with a giant mouth

The most unusual people of the world shock us with their capabilities and peculiarities of appearance. For example, Francisco Domingo Joquim is the owner of the most spacious and large mouth worldwide. After conducting several experiments that confirmed the incredible dimensions of the Francisco oral cavity (he easily places a 0.33-liter bank into it), the doctors were convinced that a man simply was not equal!

Athlete with huge biceps

Arlindo de Souza is an athlete from Brazil, whose dedication has done his job. Socializing with honest methods for just a few years, a man decided not to suffer and quickly to fulfill the desired: hurried in his muscles a huge complex of Syntol, Arlindo de Souzus still amazes the size of his biceps. One way or another, stronger than the falsehood from this did not and is able to lift only things of reasonable weight.

Friendship of man and snake

The top 5 of the most unusual people opens the Sambat - the most youth in the entire history of mankind of the trainer, and besides, such dangerous animals, like a net python. When the baby was just a few months from birth, the parents found a very small snake from him under the bed, and since then Sambat and his best friend Hamran began to grow together. To this day, they have dinner together and play, while Homran has never harmed his friend.

Rubber man

Jaspite Singh Calra is a very young guy and the only person in the world, the elasticity and flexibility of the body of which is so developed that it turns his head without much work to all 180 degrees and feels great!

Boy with 31 fingers

Little Honhon is a boy from China, the amount of fingers on the hands and legs of which simply amazes: the child has 8 fingers on each leg and 15 fingers on their hands, while it remains completely healthy. At the moment, the parents of the boy collect funds and do everything you need, in order for the youthful age Honhon to carry out a complex operation to remove the extra fingers.

Young looking woman

There would be no time operations and no matter how much rejuvenating funds, not a single woman to compare with the appearance of 50-year-old Pasp Devi. Despite the fact that the woman never enjoyed special rejuvenating procedures, in his anniversary it looks much younger than some teenagers! PASPU Devi is not only the World Star "Instagram", but also the mother of two adult sons and the famous entrepreneur from Indonesia.

Strong as a stone

Gino Martino is an American athlete who has found his calling in such an extreme lesson, as the punching of the fastest items. Without much effort and harm to your health, Gino is able to break concrete blocks, wooden objects, stone and iron. The reason in such incredible abilities is a super-duty skull of a young man who can make huge loads.

The world around us is amazing and unpredictable - and first of all thanks to unusual people living in different parts of the planet. Summing up the past year, the well-known Barcroft Media agency presented a selection of the most impressive personnel filmed by his photographers in 2014.

Among them are pictures of people whose incredible stories, an unusual appearance or strange deeds attracted attention and became small sensations on the pages of the press and on the Internet. One of the characters of this tenth is not too lucky from birth - life did not indulge them, but, nevertheless, they were able to turn their fate for the better. Acts of others can be called eccentric, insanely bold or just strange. Anyway, these people unites one thing: their stories are definitely not called banal.

1. The highest bride of the planet

Elizhany da Cruz Silva was born in Brazil and grew quite a healthy and beautiful child except for what was unusually conquered for his years. Now she is 19, and it is officially wearing the title of the highest girl of Brazil: its growth is 203 centimeters. It would seem, with such parameters to find a guy is not so easy. As if not like this: Elizhay has been found with a pretty young man for three years, for whom she now gathered married. Last year, young people declared engagement. Groom high can not be called: His height is 162 centimeters. Instead of comprehensive and look for an inch, the guy went from the opposite - took and fell in love with a beauty, prominent in all respects. The difference in growth from lovers is 41 centimeters. However, for real love, growth, like age - not a hindrance.

A 24-year-old employee of the Francinaldo construction company Yes Silva Karvalo is proud to have such a prominent girlfriend.

Friends ask how we hug, and it's so easy! - Laughs Francinaldo. - Elizani is a very handsome man. Yes, she is high, but it's so great!

Now the main dream of Elizhani is to become a mother as soon as possible. Because of the giantism caused by the pituitary tumor, it faces infertility, and the physicians recommended the girl not to slow down with motherhood. "If I can't give birth to myself, I will adopt the baby," says Elizhani.

2. Champion in gymnastics born without legs

This incredible story in November last year flew around the whole world. 27-year-old American Jen Brick due to genetic failure was born without legs. Parents abandoned her, and the girl has drawn chut briquettes. Having learned about her youthful dream to become a gymnast, adoptive parents at the age of 16 recorded a daughter to a sports school. This decision not only gave Jen victory, but also opened her s birthday. Like many novice gymnasts, the girl was extinguished by the American athlete Dominic Helen Mosina Canales, who conquered the Gold Medal at the 1996 Olympic Games. "You can't believe anything, but your real surname was Mosina," somehow adopted the reception mother and showed her documents. It turned out that the champion Dominic - Native sister Jen! Gymnastics was in her blood. Perhaps it was that who helped a girl to succeed: she won the competition and became a state champion.

3. Boy with gigantic hands

An eight-year-old Kalim, born in East India, shows the photographer its abnormally big hands. Each brush weighs 8 kilograms and reaches a length of 33 centimeters - from the base of the palm to the end of the middle finger. Kalim is not able to do many, even the simplest, things that easily make boys of his age. His parents earn only 22 dollars a month and are desperately trying to find help for their son, but to no avail. Even those doctors who would like to help him do not know how to do it. Do not even make sure the boys to the boy diagnosis, and it is assumed that the cause of its condition can be lymphangoma (a benign tumor, often arising during intrauterine development) or Gamartom (benign neoplasm arising from the same fabrics as an organ in which it located).

4. Hindu with turban in 45 kilograms

Avtara Singha was photographed in July last year in the Indian city of Patia (Punjab). A man is a huge traditional pendan turban, which is called Pagdi. The headdress weighs 45 kilograms and consists of 645 tissue meters - if they are unwinding, the 13 Olympic pools will be turned out long! The 60-year-old Hindu regularly carries it over the past 16 years, despite the fact that he has six o'clock to wind the turban. Avtar has constant problems with doorways and with roofs of cars, in which his headdress is simply not placed, but due to its turbana, it is considered one of the most authoritative preachers of Punjab.

5. 130-kilogram model - Dream Men's Dwarfs

The 130-kilogram two-meter American model of Amanda Sulu earns the living in that it carries out innocent desires of small males, preferring ladies more. For a certain amount of Amanda may vary you on the hands, let it ride on it or grasp you. But no intima! Also, Amanda willingly agree to accompany men in public - to raise the status of their cavaliers in the eyes of the public. Amanda dreamed of becoming a model, but with its dimensions, alas, it seemed unattainable. How suddenly she discovered a whole niche, where she can earn good. With its immense bust and hips in 160 centimeters in the girth, Amanda won fans around the world.

6. 91-year-old bride and its 31-year-old groom

American Kaylu Jones is 31 years old: at that age you know myself, the cadry of young girls. But the guy from Pittsburgh clearly does not seek easy ways. Kyle spun a novel with ... 91-year-old Marjori Makkul. The couple met in 2009 in the bookstore, and since then they are together - and soul and body.

Despite the difference between the ages of 60, Kyle and Marjori assure that they have a very stormy sexual life. The first novel Kyle survived at 18 years old with a 50-year-old lady, and since then she understood that he was pulling him older. He all his heart is eager to marry Marjori - if, of course, the bride will live to this happy day. Mom Kyle (blonde in the photo) Choosing a son approved.

The brain of every person works in different ways, some guys prefer blondes, brunettes, some gay generally, and I like the old woman, "the young man assures.

7. The biggest bride in the world

Charitty Pier from Iowa now weighs 358 kilograms. Despite the impressive dimensions and the fact that it practically does not come out of the house, the woman managed to find his love. Three years ago, Chariti fell in love with the guy almost twice the younger: now her fiancian Tony Tyura is 22 years old. Woman dreams to wear on a wedding white dress, cowboy boots and a hat: "We are both with Tom Music Fans in Country Style, so decided to dress so much. Tony also puts the cowboy outfit. "

For resection of the stomach - operations to reduce it - it must be reset at least 120 kilograms. The groom actively helps her in this, putting her beloved on the diet. Operation will save Charitty life - now her heart hardly copes with the maximum load. Charit Pier reduced the number of calories consumed from 10 thousand to 1,200 calories, but the results are not yet visible: every time the arrow does not add a woman optimism every time.

8. Biceps Man

The 56-year-old Arlindo de Souza is a Brazilian bodybuilder who has increasing the incredibly huge muscles, and quite dangerous. The long-time fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger, he initially honestly engaged in sports. And then I took, and I got sintol into my muscles - a cocktail from mineral oil and alcohol. As a result, Arlingo became the owner of caricature of huge biceps. True, it didn't make it stronger - he still can lift the gravity of only the usual weight.

9. Trainer Grizzly

Doug Sus is one of the most famous carriers of the planet who tamed Grizzly. Arc allows themselves to do what no other person in the world will be solved - for example, putting the head of Micheke into the mouth. On his ranch in Hebere City, Utah, over the past four decades of arcs and his wife Lynn was raised and raised four bears. Bears and their "parents" managed to work with a good tenth of Hollywood stars - Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Eddie Murphy starred on their ranch. Teddy Bart The second, in the pasta of which the head of the arc lies in the photo, recently starred in one of the series of cult television "Game of Thrones".

In the world you can find a lot of unusual. Below we will tell about the most unusual people who can cause a smile, surprise or even shock.

Rubber boy - Jaspite Singh Calra

At fifteen years, this guy became known as a "rubber boy." He can turn his head 180 °.

Inside friends - Sambat and Homran

Under the boy's bed, whose name is Sambat, Mom discovered a completely small snake. Then Sambat was only 3 months old. Since then, the boy and the snake Homran are inseparable friends: they eat, sleep and play together.

Lviv's best friend - Kevin Richardson

Animal behavior researcher Kevin Richardson talks about what he relies on the instinct in order to conquer confidence and build a special connection with large cats. He can spend the night, calmly curled up with the eagle near them, not afraid of being attacked. His magic works not only in relation to Lviv, it concerns other animals, such as cheetahs, leopards, and even hyenas, which will turn off aggression when communicating with it. Lions are his pets. It is surprising to watch how he plays with them, cares about those who have a teeth are so sharp that it can easily eat steel, not to mention the bones of a person. It is incredibly dangerous, but Kevin does not stop, because he is too fascinated by his work.

The biggest mouth is Francisco Domingo Joakim

This resident of Angola is the owner of the title "the world's largest in the world." The size of its mouth is 17 cm, which allows him for 1 minute to place 14 times and pull out the can of 0.33 liters.

Woman with Horn - Zhang Ruifang

This 102-year-old woman from China, Henan Province, famous for his real horn, which has grown on her forehead. Anomaly surprises scientists, especially since the horn is constantly growing for several years (it has already reached a mark exceeding 7 cm).

Anvil Man - Gino Martino

The American artist and wrestler can lead to its ability to break the heads such objects as concrete blocks, iron bars bitsball bits. Doctors argue that Gino is a superproof skull.

Man who does not sleep - Yakov Zaperovich

About 70 different films were taken about this person from Belarus (Minsk), because Yakov Zaperovich after clinical death not only did not die, but even stopped to sleep. After numerous surveys, scientists and doctors confirmed this fact, but could not explain it.

The longest hair - Chan Van Hey

A resident of Vietnam had the longest hair in the world (6.8 m). He drew his hair into a thick braid from 25 years old, because he was so comfortable. Chan Wang Haye died when he was 79 years old.

Man with Raised Hand - Sadhu Amar Bharati

Hindu Sadhu Amar Bharati in 1973 raised his right hand over his head, winning God Shiva. Since then, he has not lowered it anymore.

The longest nose - Mehmet Osprek

The owner of the longest nose, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, is a resident of Turkey of 1949, the Mehmet Osprek. In 2010, it was found that its nose has a length of 8.8 cm.

Best Karate - Masutatsa Olyama

On the owner of 10 Dana Karate, an outstanding master, the creator of Kekusinkai style and teacher Karate Masutatsu Oyama francmed legends. This is a person who brought the edge of the palm of 4 bricks or 17 layers of the tiles. Behind the back of the Great Karatek, about 50 battles with bulls, of which he killed three without any weapons, and 49 bulls broke the horns.

The fattest man is Carol Ann Yager

This woman is an unconditional record holder in the amount of weight in history. Mass Carol Yegen at the 20th age was 727 kg. With this weight, she could not even move, so several special devices have created for Carol.

Man who remembers all - Jill Price

A woman who remembers literally everything in his life to the smallest detail starting with adolescence. Jil Price remembers when she woke up that he ate, any songs, smells or places where she was. If you think it is "cool", then Jill perceives his gift as a curse.

Using self-hypnosis - Alex Lenkey

Using self-hypanos, Alex Lenkey can block all pain, being in full consciousness.

Man who eats metal - Michael Leothito

For the first time, a 9-year-old French guy ate a TV. Then Michael Leothito adapts to swallow rubber, metal and even glass. He surpassed himself and got into the Guinness Book of Records, when he ate a whole plane, however, he left for two years. Doctors state the fact that Michael is still alive only because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as an ordinary person.

Tooth King - Radhakrishnan Vel

A man from Malaysia is famous for what can move various vehicles himself and only teeth. The biggest cargo that drove Radhakrishnan Vello is a whole train consisting of six cars and had a lot of 297 tons!

Magnet Man - Liv Tau Lin

The 70-year-old Malazian surprises its ability to attract objects, and it was inherited by his children and grandchildren. The most essential cargo that he managed to pull on the chains is a car. Scientists and doctors can not yet explain such a phenomenon.

Man without pain - Tim Cridland

Purify your hands, not feeling pain, and to withstand extreme temperatures Tim knew how to school. Currently, he is touring the United States, showing incredible tricks from which ordinary people come in shock

Infinite endurance - Din Carnases

If you once participated in the marathon, then you probably know that at some point you feel that you need a vacation. The muscles of the American Marathon Din Carnases (Dean Karnazes) have amazing properties, thanks to which he can run forever. Dean began to run back in high school, and while his classmates did 15 circles, he could escape 105 laps until he was asked to stop him. He once ran 50 marathons over 50 days

Rengen Man - Natalia Demkina

Natalia Demkina - from Saransk, suddenly at the age of 10 began to see people through. From the young age she took people who came to her for help to look inside and told about their diseases. The girl claims that he has a "second vision", which allows it to see the internal organs of man. Some of her diagnoses were more accurate than the doctors.

Gutta-reader boy - Daniel Brauning Smith

The fivefold record holder Guinness Book Rubber Guy is the most flexible among living people, as well as the most famous acrobat. Daniel learned to unscrew his body into incredible "knots" at the age of 4. Then he believed that everyone could, but soon realized that he had an incredible talent. It can fit in a very limited space by twisting the limb, it can crawl through a tennis racket and through the cover from the toilet, and he also knows how to move his heart in the chest.
This is what our review of amazing people turned out, followed the events in the world and share the Simple Interests with you.

The unusual people of the world have always attracted attention, and it is worth noting that strange abilities are often found, but some cases are unique, and they entered the story. As the very story, the "masterpieces of nature" occurred throughout the existence of humanity, and many strange abilities are not subject to reasonable explanation, but they are, and they want to know more about them. So what they are,.

The most flexible person

The most flexible man of the planet knows how to unscrew his body. His name Daniel Browning.

He began to get out at the age of three, but first thought that this is the norm, and only after a while he found that only he and his talent is worthy of applause.

When Daniel turned 18, he joined the circus troupe, running out of the house. Today, the guy earns the life of tricks, in which "turns inside out." Every bone of his body can turn out, contrary to the laws of anatomy and common sense. It can easily climb into the box, squeeze into a tennis racket without a grid, stand on the back of the brushes and even ... move your heart on the chest.

Scientists believe that such flexibility was from a guy from birth, but he is its efforts.

Magnet man

Living magnet, named Liv Tau Lin, was 70 years old. He became famous for the fact that he managed to drag the car with the help of an iron chain, which attached to the iron plate on the stomach.

The ability to attract metal, according to the hero himself, was inherited by him, since his sons and two grandsons possess the same abilities. Even scientists cannot give an explanation to this strange phenomenon: Malaysian with the skin is all right, and there is no magnetic field around it.

Not feeling pain

Tim Cridland does not know how to experience physical pain. As a schoolboy, he has already started to surprise classmates ruthless tricks, prickly hand with needles, easily tolerated cold and heat.

Today, Cridland fulfills terrifying tricks before the multi-million public public, spanning themselves with spears. This has already entered the story, Tim proudly wears the status of the "painless" man of the planet.

In order to improve his talent and learn how to fulfill crazy tricks, Tima had to be deepened in anatomy, because when you admired views, security, first of all.

Repeated studies have proven that a man has a significantly overestimated pain threshold, compared with the average static person. Moreover, its body is resistant to damage, and even spinning themselves with studs, the likelihood of death is minimal.

Nostradamus predictor

Although Nostradamus lived in the 15th century, he knows every person in the 21st century. Initially, the predictor was looking for himself in different sciences, making a significant contribution to the pharmaceutical depository region, including from the plague.
At about 50 years old, Nostradamus felt that he sees the future. The first prediction was the death of the king - everything came true quickly and exactly in the way as it was predicted.

Since then, this great man predicted a lot of events that came true as according to the scheme. Surprisingly, even his own death Nostradamus focused himself and told his friends about it. Most predictions have survived their creator for several centuries ahead and do not cease to be interpreted today.

Hypnotist and Telepath Wolf Messing

It is no secret that unusual people were at all times, but such as Wolf Messing is still. It was an incredible person and a great hypnotist. I refer to the telepath, he collected a huge hall and spent speeches. Very soon he was noticed by the authorities, and even Stalin checked the messing "on the stitchiness", and I must say that the telepath was a test. "Leader" set it before him not a light task: among the white day, rob the bank and calmly go out, using exclusively its abilities. Wolf Messing coped perfectly, after which she went to Solva about his incredible power to inspire and read thoughts.

Vanga - Great Sedizers

Bulgarian healer and provincial Vanga - the 20th century, and this woman is not possible not to mention. She healed people from incurable diseases, and saw the future, although it was blind. Vanga explained his gift very simply: when a person was standing in front of her, the dead relatives gathered in front of him, asked questions and wouldingly responded to her. And the provisy simply passed the information alive. Surprisingly, isn't it?

Sinh Abu - Snake Lord

The most unusual people are not only those who can predict the future. For example, the talent of our next hero is that it is not afraid of even the most terrible and poisonous snakes. And the point is not at all in the character, but in the peculiarities of its body.

Previously, Sinh-Abu was an employee of the terrarium, where it was bitten by Cobra and ... the bite did not affect his health at all, and after all, any other person could die!

As medical examinations have shown, the blood sin-abu does not belong not to one of the four blood groups! Moreover, its composition is so unique that the serpentine poison was shared in the body, which are absorbed by the human body.

Frank White - knows about time

This is a watch person, so in real life, for the past 50s, it is perfectly done without them. Frank guess the time until seconds, and always gets into the point. Even at night, if you sharply wake it up and ask about the time, he will answer with accuracy. These are such live biological clocks, and now they are in our story!

Glue Jani - a man who feeds on the "Holy Spirit"

Up to seven years, Prahlades did not differ from the peers, but then it happened that he had plunged all in shock, including physicians. The thing is that the boy stopped drinking and eat. His well-being was absolutely normal, the body developed, as it should be.

Academic and doctors were interested in such an incredible phenomenon of the world, and without finding deviations, they were not surprised at the joke.

Today, a man with such incredible abilities has been 90 years old, he leads a solitary lifestyle and feels very well, without drinking anything and drink. According to Jani, he feeds on the "Divine Heavenly Elixir".

Video about the most unusual people of the world


These are the most unusual. They changed our worldview, and some managed to predict the future. Today, the heroes of our article are the heroes of films and television shows, but the main thing is that they have proven to everyone how unique people can be. To know that among us there are so unusual people, it is at least interesting! All the most interesting in the world read only on the barfic!

1. Tai Ngok: did not sleep 38 years

In this post, I want to write about people who become famous thanks to their unusual abilities. They do not sleep for 35 years, they think that on earth is still going on World War II, they live all their lives at the airport. Meet the top of the most unusual people of the planet.

The sixty-year-old Tai Ngok is not sleeping for 35 years in a row. He stopped sleeping after in the distant 1973 he feared the flu, and now 11,700 sleepless nights considers sheep in unsuccessful attempts to fall asleep. However, a long insomnia did not affect his health. Doctors who examined NGOs discovered the patient only lightweight problems with the cookie.

2. Sanju Bhagad: lived with a twin brother in the stomach

Sanju Bhagat always looked as if he was in the last months of pregnancy. A huge belly interfered and just breathe. In 1999, during an urgent operation on suspicion of a tumor, the reason for the strange "obesity" was found: in the stomach of Sanju all this time his twin brother!

3. Sident Yoshoy: After the war spent 28 years underground

In 1941, Sident Yoshi entered the service in the imperial troops of Japan and together with his part was sent to the island of Guam. In 1944, after the seizure of the island of American troops, Yoshoy hit the run. Only in early 1972, the fugitive was discovered in one of the most inaccessible places of the island by two locals. For 28 years, he was hiding in a cave died underground, fearing to go out and not knowing what was happening in the world. "I am strange to realize that I returned alive," said Ekoo, returning to Japan with an old rusty rifle in his hand.

4. Mehran: Lives at the airport since 1988

Mehran by Karim Nassarei is a refugee from Iran, who for 20 years already lives in the waiting room of the 1st terminal of the Paris Airport named after Charles de Gaulle. In Iran, he was thrown into prison, and they tried, and then expelled from the country. Since then, he has been unsuccessful trying to get political asylum in France, Great Britain and other countries that constantly refuse unfortunate.

5. Matayashi Mitsuo: Japanese God

Mitsuoi Mitsuo - Eccentric Japanese politician, convinced of what is Christ. According to his political program, he will be retrieved a terrible court like Christ, but using the country's political system and the legislation of the country. The first step of the "Savior" should be the proclamation of his prime minister of the country. Then Mitsuo plans that he will be offered to lead the UN, and then he will gradually become the ruler of the world and will rule in accordance with his political and religious views.

6. Lal Bihari: Official Dead

Lal Bihari from 1976 to 1994 was officially listed in the list of left life. For 18 years, the farmer from the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh struggled with the Indian bureaucratic system, trying to prove that he is alive and well. In 1976, Lal tried to take a loan in the bank and found that it was officially dead. It turned out that his native uncle declared Lala Dead to get a legacy of the land belonging to Bihari. For 18 years of struggle with the bureaucratic machine, Bihari found that such as it is a lot: about a hundred people can not prove in any way that they did not die. At that time, Bihari created his "Association of Dead" - Mrikat Sangh, in which more than 20 thousand people living throughout India. They are fighting for the return of the rights of those who were declared dead and selected property.

7. David Ike: Earthwood saves from Reptilean Humanoids

Former professional football player, telecommunicator, Speaker of the British Party "Green", since 1990 he suffered the disclosure of the world conspiracy theory and told the world that we were ruled by the descendants of Divine Humanoids-reptiles, which once created this world and all people. According to him, the world is under non-primary control of the secret organization called "Elite", founded in ancient times and known under the name "Babylonian fraternity". This Rasa Reptil-Humanoids gave the world of such political figures as George Bush Jr. and Queen Elizabeth II. David believes that it is humanoids to blame for children's cruelty and satanism of adults. David is the author of 15 books in which he sets out its theory in detail.

8. David Allen Boden: Himself Pope Roman

David Allen Boden from Kansas - self-proclaimed Roman Pope Michael I. elected Pope in 1990 by a group of six Catholics, including himself and his parents. His followers believe that Piy XII was the last true dad, and after it is only usurperators, as they were upgrades. He took one of the rooms at home under the "Church" and the working office at the same time. His intelligence consists of 50 people and believes in the rapid end of the world.

9. Yoshiro Nakamatsu: Wants to live to 140 years old using a camera

Yoshiro Nakamatsu is a famous Japanese inventor, owner of more than 3 thousand patents for their inventions. According to himself, among his inventions, electronic clock and floppy disk, the license for which it later passed the IBM. Among its last "miracle inventions", the original design called Pyon-Pyon, which can be translated as "jumper". But he did not get to the list of Chudaks because of this, but due to the fact that in the past 34 years old photographs everything that eats and analyzes the contents of the plates. So he hopes to achieve his goal - to live to 140 years.

10. Michel Lolito: omnivore

Michel Leotito became famous for eating all the inedible, for which he was called "Monsieur eat-it-all". On his speeches, the leafitis absorbs metal, glass, rubber and other materials from which bicycles are made, motorcycles, televisions ... And once the whole Cessna-150 aircraft slope! Usually, the object is disassembled into parts, cut into pieces, and the lessitis swallows them, drinking water. He began to "fee" inedible objects in childhood, and from 16 years he speaks with his "trapes" publicly