Georgian singer Tamara. Biography and personal life Tamara Gverdcitel

Georgian singer Tamara. Biography and personal life Tamara Gverdcitel
Georgian singer Tamara. Biography and personal life Tamara Gverdcitel

Here is Tamara Gverdcitel such. Only the dresses she wears, already on the European habit, are still not black, but bright. But this, however, does not matter.

Tamara says that the farther she leaves from his homeland, the harder feeling the roots and their Georgian blood. And she leaves really farther and farther. Route Life: Tbilisi - Moscow - Paris - New York - Boston - Moscow ... At the same time, Tamara is still no forty, so - obviously - still ahead.

It happened so that her name is even very much from afar, he is familiar to everyone (maybe someone and unfamiliar, but I have not met such people). This happened exactly, because Tamara itself did not do anything for this, and, probably, never sought to it. Just always sang.

She was born and grew in sunny Soviet Georgia. Such Georgia can be seen today only in the vinegar: winemakers, under the unbearable sun with lovely tapping vine, octara sheep on the slopes of the mountains, May Day demonstrations, all-union health resorts on the Black Sea - we will not know if everything was really happy. Tamara Gverdziteli is also from these vigors. She was ten years old when Mom led her to the Mziuri children's ensemble. Her voice was already more special - strong, beautiful, recognizable. "Captain, captain, tighten!" - Sings small, short-standing tamuna, captured on a black and white film of Soviet vigor.

"Mziuri" challenge not only throughout our big country, he traveled all over Europe. In Georgia, the name Tamric Gverdcitel was known to anyone, they were recognized on the streets, and since that time her star status began in which she lives all his life. We have no accurate data on how it adapts to the "star" Children's psyche (we can definitely argue about the adult psyche that in 90 cases, "Star" disease), Tamara begins, apparently got used to and learned to live in a normal human life. What probably is not so easy when your surname is even more likely - everyone knows.

Then Tamara entered the conservatory. Piano and composition class.

Of those girls, that they sang with her in Mziuri, almost no one became a musician. It would be incorrect to say that, that they say, Tamara was the most talented and therefore ... it is just aware that talent is not only talent, it is talent and work. And to work, bring your art to perfection is about Tamar. Another thing is that to sing for her - how to live. She always sings, not only on stage, in the studio or at the rehearsal, but even when some cuts salad or just resting.

However, luck was also on her side. At 19, Tamara received the first prize at the contest "Red Carnation" in Sochi. Then there were still contests, still victories - festivals in Dresden, in San Remo, Golden Orpheus in Bulgaria were touring, there were a young, very young singer with a symphony orchestra. Plates: Beautiful songs about love in Georgian language and quite a few songs of Soviet, patriotic, which sounded today did not go or ridiculous, and so that they involuntarily begin to feel nostalgia on the Soviet Georgia, in which somehow especially bloomed gardens and somehow especially People spoke in different languages. There were performances in front of soldiers in Afghanistan, when bombing began during the concert, and Tamara sang with candles burning in the hall.

Best days

There was still a wedding. Tamara married the main director of the studio of the drums of Georgian television. At their wedding, Margaret Thatcher was true, not because Tamaru already knew so well in England, and because at the time of their registration, Tatcher brought to show the best in Tbilisi registry office.

And then Sandro was born, the main man in the life of Tamara, as she herself says.

Of course, Tamara is a real Georgian woman. But probably not typical. Because it's just a Georgian woman - always next to a man, she does not create his fate herself, and almost certainly lives all his life in Georgia. Once in one TV program, Nani Bregvadze, the most recognized Metress of Georgian pop, asked Tamar. "She threw it all and left here, I could not ... - And, thinking, I added," but I understand her, she is obsessed with music. " This may seem strange to us, but in Georgia, it was not understood. Some also believed that Tamara threw his homeland - when her fate, a career, good luck to her other countries and capital, in the most famous halls of the world. And when in Tbilisi, on Rustaveli Avenue, tanks went, and she took mom and son and sent them away, away from the war - in New York.

1991 year. Tamara is a completely recognized, lucky young singer, living, though, somewhat apart from the whole world of show business. She is not an ethnic singer, not a "performer from the Union of the Republic", although sings the songs in Georgian, incomprehensible to most of the population of the Soviet Union, it is just another breed, too aristocratic in order to be in a total stream. Too delicate taste to sing popular music. The hit only the song "Vivat, King!", Which to this day immediately arises in popular memory as a reaction to the name of Gverdcitel.

So, 1991 year. The Tamara agent sends her cassette to Paris the famous Mishel Comer Lebon. It is customary to say, dozens of similar cassettes come to the office of the composer every day, and despite this, after three days Tamara called and said that Monsieur will be happy to see her in Paris. Until now, when Tamara tells about it, in her words a genuine sensation of a miracle is heard. Strange, while we don't seem so strange that the talented singer was invited to work in Paris (if not her, then whom?!), Tamara seems to be not fully believed in the reality of this time spent in France. Paris streets, chestnuts, Parisian accordions, the city of beloved since childhood Edith Piaf, her repertoire, who, filled with Tamara, leads to ecstasy Paris public ... Every morning a meeting in the studio with the legist, the author of "Cherboursk umbrellas" ... the culmination of Parisian life : Concert in Olympia, the main hall of the country. They played on two pianos, four hands, improvised: "Cherbourg umbrellas" - jas, blues, rap (first and last time, when Tamara worked in this style), "Cherbourg umbrellas" - Gypsy ... then she sang And the audience went in ovations. Tamara laughs when he remembers how the confouran passion screams shouted to the hall: "Tamara ... Tamara ... - here he tried to spend her last name several times, but unsuccessfully, then waved his hand, - Remember this name - Tamara!"

The Paris Contract ended, she returned to Moscow, and soon, together with his family went to America. And again she was not going to conquer the new light at all, just live there, for some reason she was easier and more convenient for anything else. She traveled in America and Canada with tour, performed mainly before the Russian-speaking public, although, when her concerts in prestigious halls were preceded by good advertising, and English-speaking (in Canada - a French-speaking public). Come and left in full delight, because in his repertoor Tamara is the absolute man of the world. She has a giant repertoire, where seven languages \u200b\u200bare bizarried (we note in brackets that Tamara herself speaks English, French, Italian and a little in Hebrew is not counting the native Georgian and Russian). She sings the ancient folk songs (under Hava Nagil, the hall rises), many composers write music specially under her voice, she performs Opera Arias, French Chanson and songs of their own essay (Favorite - on Poems Tsvetaeva). She is invited to sing in musicals. And to sing jazz and blues she - herself honestly confesses - shy.

So Tamara lived in America, and one day one person fell in love with her crazy. He saw her somewhere on a visit, and did not even know that she had a singer. He was a lawyer from Boston. He suggested her all that could offer and what is usually offered in such cases. And Tamara with his family was in Boston. However, it did not particularly change her life: in all cities where she lives, her life takes place in the same rhythm, and if someone asks Tamaru "What do you do?", She answers "everything is the same, naturally. Music What else? ".

A little more time passed, and in the summer of this year, Moscow newspapers and magazines in their sections of the secular chronicle wrote "The Family of Tamara Gverdcitel returns to Moscow." And the photo is smiling, overseas Tamara in black glasses, her mom Inna Vladimirovna and grown almost up to two meters of Sandro. Tamara herself came here even earlier, and in anticipation of the family bought a new apartment - in the very center, on Mayakovskaya, near the hotel "Beijing", in the room of which she lived two years in his past life in Moscow. And again - questions "How", "Why", "Why"? Probably why this actually happened, only close people know the questions of Tamara journalists, as usual, is lucked. Says: "Fate!". In this, it is, of course, the unchanged Georgian, which will not be frankly to the public (even Oksana Pushkin failed).

Although what are we talking about? Have we forgotten that Tamara is a long time for the people of the world, and she doesn't care, in which neighbors speak. She just had no time to pay attention to it. "For the last 20 years, I only do that I drive on tour: from the plane to the plane, from the train to the train," - quite indifferent to Tamara, and I remember the schedule of her concerts of one month: Surgut - Baku - Baltic States Tbilisi - Moscow - Chicago. Such life for 20 years is not only thunder of applause (flowers, fur coats, diamonds, cars), but also undermined health. Once in Odessa, before the concert, she lost consciousness, and if the doctors did not turn out to be in place almost at the same second (amazed by the fact that a person could live, not feeling and the shadow of anxiety from terrible danger inside him), God knows what could happen . Then she was seriously sick, but even if the Doctor had prescribed her another way of life (who knows, may have prescribed), she still could not live otherwise. How can it be otherwise?

Reason for moving. Wherever Tamara is, she calls home every day, mom and son: "Mom always raises me, even so far. I call her from the edge of the earth, and she continues upbringing on the phone." With the fifteen-year-old Sandro, they are friends, the best, and therefore they also suffer from long separation. Today Tamara spends more time here, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that the family will be near.

The true symbol of Georgia became the singer Tamara Gverdzitel, whose biography is incredibly interesting. Possessing a charming voice, began the path to the vertex of art in early childhood. Today is one of the most popular performers, the People's Artist of Georgia and the Russian Federation, the laureate of numerous premiums, the cavalier of the Honor Order.


Future artist was born in 1962 in Tbilisi, January 18th. Tamara is a representative of an international family. Mama Inna Wolfovna Cofman comes from the Jewish family, was born in Odessa, but in the war years went to the evacuation to the city of Tbilisi, where he subsequently worked for a teacher of Russian and literature at school. Father of our heroine Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdziteli - Georgian, a leaving from an old nobleman.

Many fans of the singer's creativity are interested in how many years she devoted to music. While the preschoolcars, Tamara, on the initiative of Mom Inna, began to study music. Then he enrolled in a special music school, which was at the Tbilisi Conservatory. The parent heart was not lost, the girl was surprised from the beginning of his studies, the peals and teachers were surprised by bright talent.

In the 70s, young talent, being a soloist of the children's vocal team of Mziuri, tours to the numerous corners of the Soviet Union.

The head of the community was Rafael Cossary. Together with other participants in the ensemble, the girl performed folk Russians, Georgian, Ukrainian songs. Participation in tour, frequent concert performances gave the future star experience on stage.

In the period when the novice singer conquered the Soviet public, the parents divorced, and the comfort of the houses Gverdzitel was broken. This event deeply wounded the soul of the girls, as now she lived with her brother with her mother.

The work of Tamara did not leave and continued to improve the skills. At the age of 16, the girl became a participant in the audio "Our friend - Pyratino". At the end of the school entered the Tbilisi Conservatory. Here she studied in the class of piano and musical composition. Having received a diploma, the girl focused on vocal training in a music college.

The learning process did not interfere with practical creative work. As a student of the 3rd course of the Conservatory, Tamara came into a pop-symphony orchestra. In 19 years, the artist won the "Red Carnation" competition, held in Sochi. Here she performed the songs "Music" and "Flower, My Earth". The compositions brought singer incredible popularity. In the same year, the young performer became the medalist of the All-Union Festival, held in the city of Dnepropetrovsk.

After completing training at the conservatory, the girl regularly performed at concerts in various establishments of Georgia, continued to compete with other talents in the USSR musical competitions. In the early 1980s, the artist was able to go beyond the country and took part in several international events. One of the first was the Dresden Vocalist Competition. Then the Polish and Italian festivals followed.

In the same period, the girl released the first album under the concise name "Debut. Tamara Gverdcitel ".

The next album recorded in 1985, "Music: sings Tamara Gverdzitel" instantly scattered through the USSR. It was impossible to determine the age range of fans of the singer. Songs Gverdzeli listened to everything. Fame brought victory in the Golden Orpheus contest, held in Bulgaria in 1988. Here, the artist received 1 of the contest.

In the late 1980s, Tamara received recognition of talent and a high assessment of his own professionalism. This was expressed in the fact that the singer was regularly invited to contests as a jury member or as a guest of the festival. In 1989, the Georgian SSR declared the singer deserved in the artist.

The 90s were difficult for performers, including Tamara Gverdzitel. The situation complicated the civil war in Georgia. Nevertheless, in 1991, the heroine of the article was recognized as the People's Artist of the Georgian SSR, and also receives a chance to speak on the French scene. After the composition written by it from the work of "Cherbourg umbrellas" was heard by the Paris Musician Legrant, she was invited to speak at Olympia in Paris.

Personal acquaintance Gverdcitel with the composer gave her the opportunity for several weeks to work in the Union with such composers as Michelle Legran and Jean Dranzhak. The proposal to conclude a contract for 2 years of the singer decided to reject, because he could not take mom and a small son from the country. As a result, the family moved to Moscow, and then in the United States, where he lived until the end of the 90s. Here the artist performed with concerts, toured on American cities and canada.

In the late 90s, the singer together with his family went to Moscow. It turned out not easy to make up the tops of the Russian show business. Competition in this area was high, however, thanks to the extraordinary talent and their own purposefulness, withstood this struggle and was able to write down a few songs that became hits.

In the period from 2000 to 2004, the artist recorded 6 albums. In subsequent years, successfully participated in music telenotes, filmed clips, recorded new songs, including in a duet with other musicians. In addition, the singer regularly performed at concerts. Solo programs GverDziteli collect thousands of rooms.

In 2006 and 2010, Tamara made his debut in the movies. With her participation, the painting "House of exemplary" and "Stalin's wife" was removed. And in 2008 participated in the filming of the documentary picture "Vladimir Zeldin. Don Quixote in love. No less successfully plays the GverDzitel and on the stage of the theater. With the participation of the star passed the musical "Man from Lamanchi" in the theater of the Russian army. In 2010, she brilliantly coped with the Carmen Party at the Opera Dnepropetrovsk.

Among the achievements of the singer awards and titles that are difficult to calculate. "Order of the Peacemaker", the Order of St. Sophia, the Order "Honor", the Order of Honor, the Order of Catherine Great I degree - awards recognizing the merits of Tamara Mikhailovna and contribution to the development of culture.

Numerous awards indicate kindness, mercy and compassion, on creation and love. These are the qualities that the glorified artist possesses.

Personal life Tamara

Tamara, Gverdcitels for many years had three spouses, with each of whom the singer lived in an official marriage. Georgy Kahabrisvili was the first beloved - Georgian director who held a leadership position for Goseradio Georgia. Marriage was concluded in 1984.

The first husband of Tamara in the years of the Civil War plunged into politics and pulled away from the family who had forced emigrated from the country. In the mid-90s, the spouses broke up.

In the second husband, the Singer was the lawyer Dmitry, who moved to Boston from Baku. Dmitry died from a heart stop a few years after the resettlement.

With the third spouse Tamara lived until 2005. They were Sergey Ambatuelo - Doctor of Medical Sciences, who worked as a cardiac surgery.

Does the singer have children?

The family is of great importance for the singer, but the belling between parents and children's experiences may have influenced that she did not create a solid cell. From the first spouse George from the artist there is a son Sandro, who lives and studying in England, mastering media communications. Born in 1986. Full name - Alexander Georgievich Kakhabrisvili. The first education was received in the USA.

Tamara songs

Music works Tamara GverDziteli filled with deep content, and the execution of the singer fascinates. The artist has a unique manner of singing and an amazing voice. At the turn of the 20-21 centuries, the singer recorded songs that allowed the royal to ascend to the Olympus of the Russian show business. This was the composition "Vivat, King"! The song "Mamina Eyes" touched the hearts of fans with heartfelt performance and life meaning.

In 2016, a new wave premiere of the song "On the sky barefoot" was held at the competition, another name "I will be ascended for you."

The first line of the population "I will definitely return" the artist seems to turn to the listener. With the work of the singer spoiled at several concerts, she also entered the album "Tamara Gverdcitel".

Tamara repeatedly performed the works of other musicians, and did it ingenious. One of these works is the composition of Evgenia Martynova "Swans flew over the ground." "Swan loyalty" Gverdzitelie sang on the transfer of the "Testa of the Republic".

Among the last songs performed by GverDziteli, "Landmark of Love". A clip is removed on the composition, which is popular in the network until now.

Duets singers

Volatile and capturing soul The voice of Tamara decorates the performance of any artist, even unprofessional. In the TV project of the first channel "Two Stars", her partner was the actor of theater and cinema Dmitry Dyuzhev. The artists were surprisingly harmoniously looked at the stage and became winners of the project.

On their account, the works of "Argo", "how young we were", "Love Story." Duet Duzhev and Gverdztelers at the end of the project has repeatedly spoke at concerts and festivals.

Success had the composition "My Love" recorded with the group "BI 2". In 2018, Oleg Shaumarov became a partner of the concert number at the Slavic Bazaar festival. The couple performed the song "You are in my heart", the music to whom the Shaumarov written.

Tamara Gverdcitel, the biography of which is so meaningful, steps in the world of art like the queen. Stativity and beauty, grace and inspirational, captivating and wooling timbre - what certainly characterizes the singer. Its execution recognizable by ear, already in the first notes you can define a vocalist. Uniqueness in creativity is evidence of the Great Dara. And numerous awards are the indicator of the purposefulness and stubborn labor of the singer.

Tamaru Gverdciteli is rightly called the legend of the domestic scene, performing lyrical, patriotic songs, as well as Russian and Georgian romances. Over the years, the artist found his listeners who are trying not to miss any of her concert. At one time, Tamara could do a favorite thing in France and America, but because of the love of Russia, she invariably returned to Moscow.

Gverdziteli is usually not verminated when it concerns her personal life, however, in one interview she admitted that her family now consists of mom and son who is preparing for the protection of the thesis in London. The actress does not think of himself without music, so she will not be able to be just his wife or lover, perhaps because of this, her relationship with men do not add up.

Tamara was born in 1962 in Tbilisi. Her descendants were aristocrats, out of the ancient Georgian kind. Grandmother of the future singer taught music, father - a programmer, was engaged in cybernetic, and Mom, by the nationality of the Jewish, grew up in Odessa and worked for many years as a teacher. She also has a younger brother Paul, who acquired the profession of engineer. Parents tried to give their children comprehensive upbringing, so the girl was engaged in music and sang, becoming a soloist of the children's ensemble. After graduating from school, she studied at the conservatory and performed on competitions, where she could have repeatedly defeat victories.

After the performance of the songs "Music" and "Flowers, My Earth", fame came to the novice singer. Gverdziteli spoke not only for his compatriots: she sang at festivals in Sopot and San Remo, and in 1991 it was represented by French audience, which Georgian beauty could also conquer. I got acquainted with her work and the public from America, where Tamara went in 1995. In 1989, her talent was noted: the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, and in 2004 it became the People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

In the photo Tamara Gverdcitel with family: the first husband of George Cahabrisvili and Sandro son

In the personal life of Gverdziteli was three marriage. In 1984, she married the theater director Georgy Kakhabrishvili, who was much older than the bride. With a future husband, she met when he offered her to play in his production. In 1986 they had a son of Sandro. However, the baby did not bore the spouses who began to quarrel due to the fact that the singer had to travel often on tour. In 1995, the couple broke up.

Acquaintance with the second husband, lawyer Dmitry, happened in America, where Tamara was with a large tour of the tour. The man was from Baku, but at that time settled in Boston. A bright feeling broke out between them, but after a year and a half Dmitry died because of the old heart disease. The singer tried to establish his personal life for the third time, and her chief surgeon Sergey Ambathoe became her chief, with whom she met during health problems. However, this union was not long-term, and at the end of 2005, the spouses divorced.

In the photo Tamara Gverdziteli with their only son Alexander Kahabrishvili (Sandro)

Tamara does not hide that now her heart is free, but she does not feel lonely, as native people and friends surround it. Also, the star supports a good relationship with the father of her sole son. Sandro did not follow the footsteps of the mother by choosing another path. The young man was educated in America, and now studying in the UK and is already preparing for defending the thesis, the theme of which is the study of the culture of the 20th century. He has not yet married, but the singer herself hopes that his future wife will be educated and smart girl, Georgian by nationality.

But the new beloved Gverdziteli, according to her confession, should know her songs and creativity, and also understand that she is primarily an artist. Despite the fact that the star loves homemade comfort and can cook a tasty dish, she is not going to be a housewife and wait for her husband from work.

see also

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Published on 01/17/2017

With People's Artist of Russia and Georgia, we met in Latvia. And suddenly learned: Gverdcitors have Ukrainian roots!

Tamara Mikhailovna Gverdcitors: Duzhezh - a real man!

My mother is from Odessa, "Tamara Mikhailovna Gverdcitel told us in Jurmala at the festival." - She was the granddaughter of rabbi. But another child was in Georgia, therefore he considers it to be the second birthplace and Ukrainian, unfortunately, does not know. But I sing on it with pleasure - apparently, the roots affect.

The surname is also not easy.
- One of the most vintage in Georgia, originally from the XVI century. Then there were fighting for the fact that the country remains Orthodox. The word "dtsytels" means "red, bloody". And "Gver" means "side". My ancestor was a warrior, and his bloody, led from the battlefield - from here, obviously, the last name.

In March, you have a nominal star ...
- Yes, in Tbilisi, opposite the Philharmonic.

Who first congratulated you?
- The Patriarch Catholicos of All Georgia Elijah II, who blessed me. The second was Mom, the third - son, and behind him - Dima Dyuzhev.

Are you still friends?
- Yes, the project "Two Stars" We are very swallowed. Dima is an incredibly warm partner. He is Galanten and in music, and in words, and in actions - a real man!

By the way, about men: remember first love?
"I was 18, I went to Spain as part of the delegation and there I met this guy, Jorge. It was a very beautiful relationship at the level of meeting-conceptions and letters on terrible English. Of course, we said goodbye to see again.
But in those days, the Soviet man did not have the right to relationship with a foreigner. To do this, it was necessary to cross out 20 years from my life.
I am a modest, brought up in an intelligent Georgian family a girl - of course, did not complicate his life for this issue. And Jorge hoped that the love of all kinds and breaks even these obstacles ... It turned out, we were too naive.

But as a result, they still broke up. A few years later, he died of a heart stop ...

The living room of singers decorate the paintings of Georgian artists

Indicative wedding singer Gverdcitel

By the way, my collection of fares began thanks to the first love, - continues the singer Tamara Gverdzitel.

What is it like?
- The first fan gave me Jorge. And when I happened to sing Carmen, and fan was in my hands, I realized that it was a memory of that first, clean, unique love ... Since then, I collect more than 50 pieces in my collection.

At your first wedding - with Georgian director George Kakhabrishvili - Margaret Thatcher itself was attended! How did it happen?
- The iron lady at that moment was on an official visit to Georgia, and Eduard Shevardnadze decided to demonstrate to her a demonstrative Georgian wedding. Our turned out to be this: beautiful young people, the sea of \u200b\u200bsongs, the wine is poured the river, treats at the thirty-three floors ... Now I can say that how beautiful the wedding was, the joint life turned out to be a joint life - as if everything was against us. And in the end I probably simply turned this marriage ...

Why didn't the relationship with the second husband?
"This is a sad story ... We met when I toured in America and performed in Carnegie-Hall." Dima visited this concert, fell in love and immediately expressed his readiness to throw everything that he had, and he was a very wealthy person.
Going out for him, I tried to live into two countries: there was a family in America, in Russia - work, without which I could not. Practically lived in airplanes, that for the singer - death: a change of climate, time zones ...
I could not ask her husband to quit everything, although he was in love and he himself tried to offer such an option. He adored my voice, I was even told me: "I will not once again ask you to sing. Although I have more rights about it - to ask Tamaru Gverdcitel to sing in the morning. " And we both laughed.

My Son's GverDcitels: Ban for Ice Cream

The main man in your life is Sandro's son. Are you ready to become a mother-in-law?
"Moreover, I'm going to arrange a real Georgian wedding for my son and invite all friends - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Israeli, American ... I want to cover the table that directly from Tbilisi Airport will reach through the whole city, through the Kura River.
True, Sandro does not yet know about it (laughs).

Son inherited your creative genes?
- He is studying in London on the director, but he did not work with music. Although Sandro has abilities, but at the age of 14 he stated me: "Mom, I will never be able to rehearse as much as you!".
Son realized that this path would not be easy even though his mother was Tamara Gverdcitel. And he is right. After all, I found myself in this musical ocean from five years and was engaged with pleasure: I played voluntarily at 5 o'clock and as if it was dissolved in sounds! And Sandro has such a desperate desire to serve music - we have never understood that in this case, the whole life is subject to a certain regime. For example, I have been forbidden to eat ice cream from 11 years old.

Due to voice?
- Children's ensemble "Mziuri", where I sang, was with touring in Malta. There was a terrible heat, and the leaders decided to buy us ice cream - so that we did not fade at all. But when all the girls began to deploy their briquettes, the head whispered to me: "You have a voice, and there will be an angina from ice cream." I immediately introduced what I had an ahgump, as I die and I could not sing ... In addition, the words "you have a voice" he did not tell anyone but me. And I listened to them - since then Ice cream did not eat for a very long time.

Sandro son - the main man in the life of Tamara Gverdziteli (photo)

Tamara Gverdcitel - a man of music

Have you ever dreamed of singing since childhood?
- Actually, I wanted to be an actress. When we were in "Mziuri", I played the play "Buratino", I played in it ... Piero: everyone else wanted to be Pinocchio or Malvina. But I was glad: this costume and makeup was not anyone! I brought a cap and Balahon, and the make-up painted eyebrows with a house and a tear - terrible drama! When I played, the children were crying in the hall! .. But the parents saw the singer or pianist in me.
But I still managed to embody the children's dream. In the play "Man from Lamanchi" I got the image of Dulcinei Tobos, and in the picture "Stalin's wife" - the role of Mary Svanidze, the relative of the leader of the peoples.
Filming is a very interesting process, but for me a little torn: take off, for example, at first the end of the scene, then - its beginning ... everything is different in music. And I still - a man of music.

Biography Tamara Gverdziteli

She is called Tamara Queen of Music. In the singer, two ancient blood were surprisingly connected - Georgian and Jewish. Tamara Mikhailovna Father, Mikhail Pavlovich, - the descendant of the ancient Georgian Prince of Gverdziteli, a Cybernetic scholar. Mom, Inna Wolfovna Cofman, a Jew for nationality, taught Russian and literature in the Tbilisi school. From early childhood, Tamuna, as called Tamar in the family, showed outstanding musical abilities and demonstrated absolute hearing. Mom tried to support the talent of his daughter and develop it. At seven years she took Tamaru to a music school at the Tbilisi Conservatory, where she was easily entered. And after a few years, Tamara became a member of the children's ensemble "Mziuri" ("Sunny"). All twenty girls are 10-11 years old, the participants of the ensemble, possessed outstanding abilities and not only sang, danced, but also played on different musical instruments, each on several. Tamara played guitar and piano. As part of the ensemble Tamara, Gverdzitel toured a lot to the Soviet Union and abroad and received an invaluable experience of a stage speech to a large number of spectators.

After graduating from school, Tamara Gverdcitel remained in the native walls - in the Tbilisi Conservatory, enrolling on the department of piano and composition. Already in the third year, she became the soloist of the Orchestra of Gosperary Georgia. And in 19 years old won the Red Carnation International Music Competition, which was held in Sochi. In 1982, she recorded the first minion lamines "Debut. Tamara Gverdcitel ". But real fame in the territory of the entire Soviet Union brought the record-released in 1985 "Music: sings Tamara Gverdzitel." In 1988, Gverdcitel received international recognition, becoming the winner of the Golden Orpheus contest, which took place in Bulgaria. She was recognized and loved in Europe. She is no longer a contestant, but a recognized singer, who herself became a member of the jury of musical contests and festivals.

In 1991, the singer got acquainted with his idol, the French composer Michel Legrant. Legrant in co-authorship with another famous Frenchman - Jean Drezhar, poet - wrote a few songs for GverDziteli. And in 1994, Tamara Gverdzitel had already performed in the Concert Hall "Olympia" in Paris. Three thousandth Hall accepted her very warmly. The joint work of Gverdcitel and Michel Legran was very fruitful and defining the singer in the life. According to Gverdcitel, Legrant opened new ways for her.

The nineties for Tamara Gverdziteli were marked by sign-made foreign tours in the United States, Canada, performances in the largest concert halls. In the US, the singer lived even a few years.

At the end of the nineties, Gverdcitel returned to Moscow and decided to stay. The country has changed, the interests of people have changed. Tamara Gverdcitel worked a lot, wrote songs, a lot performed, and her popularity increased again. She has many duets with other stars, she takes part in the TV show, especially their duet with Dmitry Duzhev in the Two Star Show, whose winner they became. The singer has several roles in the cinema and serials, as well as theatrical works (musical "Man from Lamanchi" Theater of the Army, Carmen Opera in the Dnipropetrovsk Opera Theater).

Personal life Tamara Gverdcitel

The first husband of Tamara Gverdzitel became Georgy Kakhabrisvili, Deputy Chairman of Gosperary Georgia. Tamara was much younger than his spouse, and at first her family was against marriage. In 1986, the singer's son is born in the family - the son of Alexander, or Sandro. Now lives in England. In 1995, Tamara Gverdziteli was divorced with her husband.

The second time the singer married a successful lawyer, but his decision to emigrate put a point in relations.

The third wedding of Gverdziteli took place with Sergey Ambato, a cardiac surgery. After 4 years, in 2005, the marriage collapsed.


  • I always had a lot of fans, but they remained only fans, and it is wonderful. Talent must have admirers. Otherwise, it is probably not worth it, sacrificing something ...
    Not everything is measured by women's luck, there must be something slightly above the tonality.
  • If I sit down at home and I will oven Khachapuri - I'm finished not only as a singer, but as a woman, and as a person!