Music development of senior preschoolers in teaching singing and musical literacy. Working program on the topic: Program "Learning a notebook of preschool children"

Music development of senior preschoolers in teaching singing and musical literacy. Work program on the topic: Program
Music development of senior preschoolers in teaching singing and musical literacy. Working program on the topic: Program "Learning a notebook of preschool children"

If you want to learn notes on your own or work out with your child, then, first of all, you should get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is actually notes. The fact is that notes are recorded sounds. In the same way as in speech, letters are recorded sounds. And therefore, in the language and in music, you first need to at least get acquainted with the sounds, and only then with their designs.

This mini-guide offers a way to learn notes into several consecutive stages. The manual is suitable for both children and for children and for independent learning notice literacy adults.

0 Stage - Getting basic ideas about high and low musical sounds

Music is art, and each of the arts speaks his own language. So, the language of painting is the paints and lines, the language of poetry - words, rhythms and rhymes, for dance are important movements, beautiful postures and facial expressions. Music language is a musical sound. So, we repeat once again that only a musical sound recorded on paper and call notes.

Musical sounds There are a lot, they are different - high and low. If you build all the sounds in a row, starting with low sounds and up to the highest, then the musical oscillating will be. In such an okay, all sounds lined up as if "growth": low - these are big, tall notes, like a bear, and high - small, like birds and mosquitoes.

So, the speaker can be large in composition - the sounds in it are just a sea. For example, on the piano keyboard, you can take and play as much as 88 sounds. Moreover, if we play a piano in a row, then it seems to us as if we rose along the steps of the musical staircase. Try and listen to yourself! Hear? This is a very valuable feeling!

Tip! If you have a piano or any analog (synthesizer) tool in your house, then you look for a virtual keyboard or install the Piano application to your phone.

1 stage - progress of the names of notes out loud

So, there are many of any sounds in the skewers, but there are 7 mains - it is up to the reality of Sol La Si. Did you already know these names for a long time, right? These 7 sounds are constantly repeated, only on a new height. And each such repetition is called an octava.

Sound, divided by octaves in which 7 sounds are constantly repeated, reminds of its device multi-storey building. Each new octave is a new floor, and seven main sounds are a music staircase from one floor to the next one.

Be sure to do the exercise of such a sense. Draw a multi-storey house on a sheet, inside - ladies seven steps. And now, turn on the fantasy and come up with some story for a child - for example, about Pioneer Vasya, who decided to help the kitten, climbing in the attic. Your goal is to rise several times and go down in a row on the music staircase.

The fact is that a number of "Pre-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si", as a rule, all the children are disappeared without difficulty, but in reverse side "Si-Sal-Fa-Mi-Re-to" is quite few. This exercise is easy to correct, but to fix it - it is very important!

For the same purpose, you can use and known to all "counting":

Before, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -
Cat sat on a taxi!
Si, la, salt, fa, mi, re, up
Cat sat on the subway!

2 Stage - Forest on Piano

Now you need to turn to the piano again, it is important to establish auditory associations. Exercise with ladders must be done for piano, with real sounds. At the same time, the location of the notes on the piano keyboard is passable.

What is this location? On the piano there are white and black keys. All white go in a row without any features in their own order. But black go small groups - then two keys, then three, then two, then again three, etc. To navigate the keyboard, the piano is needed on the black keys - where two black keys, to the left of them, at the bottom of the "under the mountain" is always a note before.

Next, you can ask the child (and an adult to ask yourself) to find all the notes to the keyboard, and it is important not to confuse them with the FA keys that will meet at the beginning of the groups of three black keys. Then from the notch before, you can build a number of all other sounds and play this row along and across. More details about the location of the notes and the octave on the piano can be read.

3 Stage - Recording notes on a ton

To record letters and numbers there are special notebooks - in a cage or in a ruler, probably your child already knows about it! Explain to him that for records of notes, too, there is a special paper - with music lots.

Please note that there is no need to immediately teach the child to memorize the notes on a tin one, first you just need to practice writing notes. The tight mill consists of five lines, notes can be written:

A) on the rules, planting them as beads on the thread;

B) in the intervals between the rules, above and under them;

C) in a row - on the rules and between them without skips;

D) on the addition of small Lines and between them.

All these ways writing notes must be sure to try both a child and an adult. No violin i. bass keys At this stage are not needed. The truth should explain the most chief Principlehigh notes Located higher than the low (the same principle of the ladder).

4 Stage - study of the violin key and the location of notes on notonic

At this stage of music, you can enter a violin key with a child with a child. You can simply make a typical key. Along the way, it is necessary to explain that in a different way the treble key is also called the salt key, as it is tied to the second line, that is, to the same ruler, where the note is written in the first octave.

There are two methods of drawing a violin key:

  1. start with the second line and finish with crochet;
  2. start from below, from the hook and end on the second line.

Both of these methods can show the child, try to draw on paper and in the air, and then leave some one, the most convenient way.

The next step is the study of notes on a notch mill, you need to start with a salt of a salt that is written on the second line. And then you should turn to the musical ladder again and find out which notes are adjacent to salt, which are located above it and below. The same notes (Fa and La) will be salt neighbors and on a lot.

Further study of notes can be built by this scenario:

  1. Name and record five notes that will meet us if we climb up the musical ladder up from salt (this is salt, la, si, before, re). Before and in this case, this is already notes of the second octave, the possibility of transition to the next octave to the child should be explained.
  2. Name and write five notes that will meet if you descend on the musical ladder down from salt (salt, fa, mi, re, up). Here, the child's attention should be paid to a note before, which did not have enough space on a tin one, and therefore it is written at an additional line. The child must remember the note before as an unusual note and subsequently immediately recognize it.
  1. Name and record notes of the first octave, which are written on the rules (up to, mi, salt and si). "To, mi, salt, si - on Linesheki sit" - there is such a copy-reader.
  2. Name and record notes of the first octave, which are written between the rules (re, fa la, before).

In the same way, gradually (only not on the same day and no one time) can be mastered by the second octave notes. Too in a hurry and strain the child with a note letter is not worth not to disappear.

5 Stage - Working with "Music ABC"

What is a children's scroll? An image of letters and objects whose names from these letters begin. If mastering note literacy It is difficult (for example, if the child is still a little baby), it makes sense to distract me and dilute the seriousness of the occupation of beautiful visual materials.

6 Stage - Development of Music Reading Skill

Music reading skill training initial stage Mastering the letters should be engaged regularly. Work methods here can be different - ordinary reading of a tank text with the name of all notes in order, rewriting notes in motor notebook, sign all the notes in the already transferred to the notebook of the melody.

Examples for reading can be found in any tutorial on solfeggio. As a rule, examples in Solfeggio textbooks (excerpts of various melodies) are small in volume (1-2 lines), it is very convenient. First, the child is not tired when class and can bring work to the end. Secondly, on the study of one or two numbers it takes quite a bit of time, which allows you to contact this kind Activity two or three times in one day.

Examples for reading notes

7 Stage - Consolidation of Knowledge

One way to secure the learned notes can be a variety of written and creative tasks. Good selection Fascinating tasks for learning and memorizing the notes of the first and second octave is contained in the working notebook on solfeggio for grade 1 Kalinina. We recommend that you purchase this notebook and use it in the future, as it is possible to work with this manual in live and fascinating form (rebuses, riddles, etc.) with many important things.

A selection of tasks from the working notebook of Kalinina

He who was lazy and worked out all the stages, wrap back to the past. Now you can see the fruits of your work. Did you manage to teach your child's notes? Is it difficult? We think it was fascinating and interesting. Please share your experience in the comments!

Training Children notice literacy

(MDOU D / C No. 107 "Sparking" of the Volga Volgograd region)

Game for children musical instruments Children's garden lately Pay special attention, since child music is expanding the sphere musical activity preschooler, increases interest in musical classes, promotes development musical memory, attention, helps overcoming excessive shyness, stiffness, expands the musical education of the child.

The color system common abroad is convenient for the rapid mastery of children on the tools. A certain color designation (colored keys, metalfone plates) is fixed for each sound. The child has a ringtone record in the color designation: color circles are used or color image of notes, with rhythmic designation and without it. Play on this system is very easy, but with this method of the game (I see a green notation of the note - I press the green key) the hearing does not participate in the playback of the melody, the child plays mechanically.

Such a way of children are trained to play on the numbers pasted near each plate of metal fond, and the entry of the melody in the digital designation. Can be modeled and designation of duration (long and short sticks, etc.)

The digital system proposed in the 30s. N. A. Metlov, at the time, maybe, was justified, but in the future it became less common, as it leads to a mechanical reproduction of the melody.

Both ways of teaching children (using color and digital designations) make it easy and quickly obtaining the desired result, but do not have a developing effect: the proportion of the mechanical playback of the melody is too large in these methods.

The greatest developing effect of training is achieved when playing hearing. But this method requires constant hearing development, serious auditory training. Difficulties in teaching children to play musical instruments contributed to the search for a new way of teaching children-game on notes.

Study methodical literatureMusic ABC"N. Purunova and other developments) on the use of note literacy requires a teacher to search for methods and methods of learning to play musical instruments.

Children of the preparatory group already own the skills of the game on noise tools, shock, metallophone.

Learning notion literacy can be carried out as on music classes So B. circular work. At the initial stage it is necessary to plan work:

Development of a perspective plan

Selection musical material affordable, interesting and sat for children;

Search non-traditional methods and teaching techniques.

It is important to maintain interest and achieve the activity of children in TGRL tasks. Only playing, the child is given to learning and mastering a music letter. It is very important to educate with children emotional responsiveness and love for music.

Senior Children's Training Sequence preschool age notice litera

The first stage of learning - development in children of rhythmic pulsation

At first, children are offered game exercises:

· Name the name cotton

· Name the word cotton

· Name the offer with cotton

determine the number of syllables in words (stool - Nora - Machine - TV)

Then the children are picking words and independently lose the rhythmic pattern on musical instruments.

Then the task is complicated. Children get acquainted with the shock syllable and highlight it with an emphasis.

Acquaintance with durations. Short syllables are written with a wand (with a flag or tail) and are called the eighth and fourth.

So gradually the guys get acquainted with durations. Interesting poems, fun, benefits. cards didactic games Help children clearly assimilate different rhythms and simulate them in rhythmic patterns.


1. Ensure word in rhythmic drawing (pictures)

2. Determine the word on rhythmic drawing (bunny - Zainka - Bunny)

3. "Live Notes"

Description of the game: in the hands of children 1 duration. They get up in a row. The presenter child is slamming the existing rhythmic pattern.

Children with notes in their hands are changing places. The game is repeated.

4. "Tops - clap" - at the beginning of 1 lines, palms are drawn, and on the bottom line - boots. Rhythm is laid out

notes - magnets. The child reproduces the rhythmic pattern with cotton and tributaries. Here is the acquaintance of children with a pause (silence sign).

The second stage of learning - acquaintance with notes

Use " musical watches"Helps in acquaintance with the name of notes (where what lives). Interesting poems about a ton mill, a treble key, the notes contribute to the development of tonsiders. Children easily and firmly remember the location of each notch on Lineshek.

Games with notes:

1. "Notes got lost"

2. "Notes hid in words"

3. "Name the neighbors"

4. "Musical fairy tales"

5. "Municipal Domino"

The third stage of learning - game on notes

Illustrated method for recording notes and designation steps conditional signs Allows you to quickly and efficiently teach children to play children's musical instruments and basic letters.

On musical instruments (metal phones and xylophones), pictures indicating notes are pasted;

Before - house (rain). Reek, Mi-Bear (head), F - Apron, Solnychko. La - Frog, SI - Lilac

(see Provide 3 "Didactic Games").

Children at first play 1, then on 2 sounds. Songs can easily transpose, as children quickly oriented and find the right sound. At the beginning of training, the note is given in pictures (without lines), in the future - on Linesheski.

Children are learning a song with words, then calling notes and sounding gestures, go to the game on the instrument. ("Notice ABC").

Thus, the unity of visual, hearing and motor spheres, meaningful awareness of the tank text gives the opportunity successful development in children musical hearing, memory, imagination and creative abilities, the development of its independence when working on learning musical Work.


1. BIM! BAM! BOM! One hundred secrets of music for children. Games Sounds.-SPb.: Music palette, 2003

2. T. Tutyunnikova "I study to create. Elementary Musication: Music, Speech, Movement »Moscow 2005

3. Elementary Musication - "Familiar Stranger" // Preschool Education. - 1997, №8, C116-125

4. E.K. Korolev "Music in fairy tales, verses and pictures"., Moscow "Education" 1994

5. V.A.Shin "Gamma" scenarios for educational games for children's training for 3-5 years music litera Moscow Publishing Gnome and D 2002.

MDOU CRR -D / s №5 "Fairy Tale" of Lake of the Moscow region.

Methodical development.

"Musical grades in kindergarten"

The training program for preschoolers of the younger, middle, older groups game in dmi. Training date 3 years.


Music leader

MDOU CRR -D / s №5 "Fairy Tale"

Gerasimova Valentina Viktorovna


2008 year

Explanatory note

« Training of preschoolers music literacy" Training program.

The term of study is 3 years.

Activities: Teaching a music letter, individually-subgroup work.

During the training, children assimilate a number of musical certificates: sounds noise and musical, long and short, high
and low, direction of movement of the melody, dynamic shades, gradual strengthening and reduction of the tempering, pace, acceleration and
slowdown in tempo, pause, accompaniment, shape and structure of the musical work (2 and 3-bedroom shape), reprise, music genres, melody, phrase, accent, nature and mood of music. Learn to record a rhythmic pattern and a melody with the help of conventional signs on the "thread" and on notonic, get acquainted with
title notes.

The course of study is designed for 3 years. Year of the year, the requirements for the game of children in children's musical instruments increase, the number and varieties of the instruments are incremented.

1st year of study (junior group)

In the first year, children get acquainted with children's musical instruments (study the structure, sound, game receptions). Knowledge of children about musical toys (nevalas, scarmer, musical wipes, organicers) are fixed. Get acquainted with a metalophone (listen to the play performed by adults).

2nd year of study (middle group)

In the second year of study, the volume of shock-noise tools is expanding (musical cubes are added, musical hammers, musical sticks, triangle), deepen knowledge of the instruments studied. Children get acquainted with musical terms.

Z-th year of study (senior group).

In the third year, learning is put new, more complex tasks. Children seize the practical skills of the game or xylophones. Other shock-noise tools are added (triangle, puffs, boxes, beats, spoons, plates, maracas, rumba, cassays). Children learn to reproduce not only the rhythmic drawing, but also the melodic line learns to observe the overall dynamics, the pace, timely join and finish the game. Children get acquainted with string-pin tools (harp, citrate, husli), with electronic music ("Chizhik", "Pill"), keyboard and tongue (accordion, accordion, harmony).

1st year of study
Topic: "Baby musical instruments".

Topic Title



Number of



1. Organizational

Conversation with children about the upcoming




2. "Rattle as

Building and rattling device:

1. Pretty "Rattle"



leg, filler, case-container for




2. Browse with rattles

3.Iigra "Who. Rather? "

3. "Varieties

Showing various trees rattles: with

1.Wened dances S.


rattles "

leg and without leg, different farm,


metal, wooden,

2.Work games

plastic and others. Definition for rumor

3. "Catching"

different rattles.

4. Scheduled game S.


4. "The timbre.

Listening to the sound of different-membranes

1.Musical. - Didactic



rattles: Rundy, ringing,

game "Guess-Ka"

rattles "

rustling and others, depending on

2.grade on various

material. Hearing

rattles using

all these rattles.


5. "Tuben.

Story about the device Bubne: Corps,

1.Iigra "Who is Rather?"


Bubne Building

donets, pits, metal plates,

2. "Guess"


6. "Varieties

Conversation about different types of tambourines: small,

[. Supplied game on all kinds


bubnov "

medium, big concert, with


bubakers and without puments.

2. The game "To then rather?"

3. The "Tuben" FRIDA

bubnov, showing,

7. "A variety

Conversation about the loudness of the sound,

1. "Quietly-loud in Tuben Bay"


bubnov. Dynamics,

recoverable tambourine, from its size,

2. "Guess"


the number of bubber and impact strength.


8. "The bell.

Story about the structure of the bell: skirt,

1.Free games


His structure "

tongue, ushko. Show

2. "Gay" (tambourine,

bells, rattles)

9. "Varieties

Display of various bells: Small,

1. "Game with bells"


bells »

large, medium, Valdai.

2. Free game on

bell tiles

10. "The timbre.

Definition on the hearing of the sound of various

1. "Silent and loud bells"


Difference B.

bells: loud, quiet, gently,

2. Slogging "Guess-Ka"


ringing, melodious, broken - in

bells »

depending on the type and reception of the game

("Trell", punch with a finger,


11. "Drum.

Barabana show. Story about his structure:

1. Just "drum"


case, two donents, sticks, strap.

2. "Malestsky march" Parlova


drum "

Sound recovery. Listening to music.

3. Machining under the drum

12. "Varieties

Display of various drums: big,

1. Read "Walk-Rest"

drum "

small, iron. Conversation about what they are

2. Just "Drum"


differ from each other.

3. Machining for everything


13. "Tombre.

Perceptions of rumor sound different

1.Irari "Gadike"

Difference B.

drums. Distinguish the sound of big

2.Musical rhythmic game


sounds are different

small and iron drums.

"Pipe and drum"

drums »

14. "Musical

Showing musical toys: Nevashek,

1. Loose dances, games,


toys »

musical wolf, organizers,

outdoor games

musical Cards, Box,

2. "Guess"

boxes. Consolidation of children's knowledge about

musical toys.

15. "Spoon

Spoon - musical instrument.

1. Jester "Polykari"


wooden as

Boat Description: Painted, Wooden,

2. "Horse" Flood (direct


metal, large, small,




16. "Building

Conversation about the structure of a spoon: wand-pen,

1. The appeases of the receptions of the game on spoons


spoons »

heel. How the sound is extracted.

2. Free games, dances

17. "Tombre.

Listen to the sound of various spoons,

1. Definition by ear



determine the rumor big and small

2. "Guess"


wooden, metal and

3. Free games, dances

sound spoon


18. "Metallophone.

Metallophone show. Conversation about His

1. Fuel adult



building: Case, Metal

various plays on the metal fond

metallophone "

plates different sizehammer.

19. "Sounds

Conversation about noise sounds and musical

1. "Gaughty"


musical I.

showing various sounds

2. Focus adult

numezical "

tools. Definition for rumor.

familiar songs, sinking


20. "High and


1. "Bird and chicks"


low Sounds »

metallophone high and low

2. Before "Rain",

register. Recognition of receptions blow and

"Woodpecker", "River"


21. "Sounds are loud

Determine the speaker's volume

1. "Mouse-River"


and quiet "


2. "Rain-woodpecker"

3. "Gadike"

Music grades in kindergarten.

2-y. year of study
"Children's musical instruments".

Topic Title



Number of



1. Organization


Conversation with children about the upcoming work.


2. "Rhythm"

Checking the feelings of rhythm, feelings of speakers,

reactions to the beginning and end of the melody.

1. "Andrei-Sparrow", R.N.M.


2. "Quietly loud in Tuben Bay"


3. "Tuben.

Bubne Building

Repetition of the structure of the tambourine. Varieties


1.Igra "Tuben" Frida


2 .. "Quietly loud in Tuben Bay"


4 .. "Short and

long Sounds »

Conversation about short and long sounds.

1. "Andrei-Sparrow" 1 h.


Graphic image. Stowing


5. "Short and

long Sounds »

Graphic image on flannelhemph.

1. Hearing "Bear with a doll"


Spring song.

2. "Andrei Sparrow"

6. "Short and

long Sounds »

Definition on rumor short and long

1.Iigra "Walk and run"


sounds. Exercise exercises.

2. "Run" Magidenko

7. "Metallophone,


metallophone "

Definition on servants of the game receptions on

1. "Cutters", "Mice"


metalophone. Start and finish with

2. Agra "Good luck"

accompaniment. Exercises for development

3. "Rain", "Dytel"

imagination and fantasy.

4.Work games

5. Will your music

8. "Mood in

Definition of character, speakers, tempo in

1. "Polka" of the Beauty


music "

unfamiliar works, choice

appropriate tools.

9. "Musical

Marsh dance. Hearing works B.



genres "

these genres, definition for rumor.


3. Free marchings and


1 o. "Funds

Conversation about the means of expressive music

1. "Ring bells"



(character, tempo, etc.).

expressiveness "

eleven. . "Funds

Listen to music. Define

1. "We sang a song"



character and register in strangers

2. "Holiday birds"

expressiveness "


3. "Skvorts and Crows"

4. "Crying dolls"

12. "Shock-

The composition of the shock-noise orchestra, showing

1. "We sang a song"


noise Orchestra

tools, listening for works for

2. "Marches"

shock-noise orchestra.

3. "I will go"

4. Moving games

13. "Shock-

Repetition of the structure of spoons, varieties

1. "Tops"


noise orchestra.

spoons. Acquaintance with musical

2. Moving games and dancing on

Spoons »


fractional chase

14. "Shock-

Hearing musical works.

1. "Topotki" (other step)


noise orchestra.

Selection of relevant musical

2. "My horse" (gallop)


tools. Execution by subgroups

3. Free dances under the orchestra

sticks I.

orchestra and movements.

(according to subgroups)

cubes »

15. "Shock-

1. "Forest Song" Filippenko


noise orchestra.

2. "Ringing Triangle"

The composition of the orchestra.

3. "Bells ring"

Triangles »

4. "We sang a song"

Music grades in kindergarten.

3rd year Learning
"Children'smusical instruments".

Topic Title

The content of the topic



Number of



1. Organizational

Chatting about pred.standing activity.




2. "Melody.

Definition of the melody. Hearing individuals

1. "Lestenka"



phrases, determination of entered movement

2. "Gorka"

motion melody.

melodies up and down.

3 . "Cutters»

3. "Rhythm. Short I.

Work on flannelhemph, laid out

1. "AN.d.rei-Thievesaboutbay "


long Sounds »

stripes of short and long sounds.

2. « Lestenka »

3. "Gorka"

4 . "Musical

Characteristic of the genre. Hearing various

1. Grams of various


genres. Waltz"

waltz in gramzapsy. Definition


character of music, playing.

2. Walls "Autumn Son"

5. "Varieties

Conversation about varieties of waltz

1 . Waltz« Autumn Son "


waltz "

(festive, lyrical, dance).

2. "Over the waves"

Hearing various waltz performed

3. "on hill

on Piano. Character definition

Manchuria »

sound, P.d.angling on your own

4. « Little Waltz »

selected tools.

five . "Birch"

6. "Waltz Kokczobetsev"

6. Musical

Dance varieties. Various polka

1 . "Teddy bear with doll"


genres. Polka"

listening to them performed on the piano,

2. "Polka" Lyadova

characteristic of music.

3. "Polka" Latv. N.M.

7. "Musical

Cylophone device. Showing game techniques

1. Familiar play



on xylophone. Hearing in execution

2. Exercises for children


adult familiar songs in sound


8. "Form

Cartular form. Duplex.

1. Familiar songs



Definition of form. Listen to the beginning

2. Walsses

works »

porus and the second part. Hearing

3. Polki.

works in the bus and twist


9. "Russian People's

Hearing Russian folk melodies.

1. R .. N.M. "I went to the hill"



Comparison of character, mood, forms.

2. "Lie in the garden"

Determining the motion of the melody,

3. "In the field of birch"

determination of long and short sounds.

10. "Shock-noise

Acquaintance with the shock-noise orchestra,

1. gramzapsy,



its composition and tools: ratchets,

phonograms, plays in

bubrenitsa, box, beater, Rubel,

execution on piano.

maracasi, cassays.

11. "Modern

Hearing works in modern

1. Music R. Pauls



rhythms in pop processing.

2. "Right"

Definition of character, rhythm, mood,

dynamics, register, etc.

15. "Shock-

The structure and extraction of the triangle sound.

1. "Forest Song" Filippenko


noise orchestra.

Comparison on rumor sound different

2. "Ringing Triangle"

The composition of the orchestra.

triangles (large, orchestral,

3. "Bells ring"

Triangles »

small, medium). Hearing a new play.

4. "We sang a song"

Select the appropriate tools.


1.T.N.Devatova. The program "3B- Wizard". (Link-press Moscow 2006).

2. T. Tyutyunnikova. Program. "Elementary musitizing with preschoolers." (Pre-school education, 1988)

3. N.G. Kononova "Training of preschoolers game for children's musical instruments." Book for the educator and
mUZ. Head of kindergarten. (Moscow "Enlightenment" 1990)

4.C.Bubley: "Children's Orchestra". Address for music. Heads of children's preschool institutions (Leningrad "Music" 1983)

5. T. Tyutyunnikova "Musical Instruments". From experience. (Pre-school education, 1997)

6. Zatsepina M. B. Musical education In kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations / M. B. Zatsepina. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.

Methodical development of a master class "Education of children 5-7 years of notice literacy and a game on metalfones (xylophones)"

Training of the Master-class participants game on musical instruments with the help of music certificates in working with preschool children.

1. To introduce the participants of the master class with the methods and receptions of the game in teaching children to the game on children's musical instruments using a music literacy.
2. Increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation for systemic use in practice.

Master class move:

Hello, dear teachers, today I would like to tell in my methodology about the system of learning a note letter and about the game on musical instruments - metalfones or xylophones. IN children's Gardens At musical classes, they are mainly trained either by the "playing" on the principle of Karl Orfa, or repeats the child behind the teacher, how many times to knock on what plates on metal phones. Meanwhile, learning children with a note literacy primarily comes to understanding in the game on metalfones. Melodic and sound hearing develops, a sense of rhythm develops. The game of children's musical instruments contributes to the development of musical memory, attention, it helps especially when children play the orchestra sense of responsibility and partnership. After all, everyone is responsible for his party in orchestra performing Russian folk melodies. I built my work from simple to complex. I developed my program to teach children with a note letter "Colored Mountains". The program is designed for children 5-7 years. I was picked up material from Russian national speakers. For each note with the children, a certain speaker was learned, so children remembered notes and learned the parties on metalfones and xylophones. A certain color on the plates also helped in learning the game on musical instruments. For example: Note "To" red color, children play a speaker "Andrei-Sparrow", "Re" -Rovaya, children already knew the "Cockerel" speaker and so on music executive.

When children are free to play on the speaker, you can already distribute cards with two or three notes. Children already know notes and themselves can arouse songs themselves. It is very convenient because children in subgroups are ten people, and a small help is required from the teacher if someone does not cope from children. It is very convenient not to stand above each and show where and for what plates you need to knock, children themselves are learning their batch. And she will sound on the melody. That's very beautiful! For example, everyone knows the Russian People's Melody "I'm on a hill" and your children are not easy to hit on any plates, but play notes with a melody. That's the beauty, the melody is heard! Here are the expensive teachers and a room for the matinee, ten people won the main melody, and other children play ringing, drums and noise tools. So all children participate! And not only the same, "gifted", it helps overcoming excessive shyness, stiffness from some guys when finally the child also noticed and invited together with everyone to be equal participants in the execution! The color solution largely facilitated the task of learning children with a note literacy and allowed a large number of Children. Children in the process of classes accumulates extensive experience different songs Built on different sounds. I was noticed that the children could choose the songs on their own. They mean mysteriously listened to the melody and rhythm and played on metal phones - a hearing orientation skill is formed in the melody. Current classes is better in senior group, May it be small orchestries, but children so that they confidently played on the pipes of metal phones. You can use Din-Don songs, Vasileuk, "Rain" any at the discretion of the teacher. Whereas B. preparatory group You can go more complex orchestras. It may be "Turkish Marsh" or "Shamannka" of the composer of Mozart. The game on children's musical instruments has an indispensable impact on general development: Forming emotional sphere; Improved thinking, the child becomes sensitive to beauty in the art of life.
Cards with notes and rhythmic patterns.

Musical instruments with multi-colored sound

Imagine bright nature paints! Red sky at sunset hour. Orange color Orange gardens. Yellow tulips. Green coniferous forests. Blue sky. Reflection of mountains in the blue of the lake. Gentle cloud of violet lilac bushes.

Color notes for kids

BUT musical signs Monotonous black. How to teach a child notes if the type of these icons does not cause completely no interest? Just need to add a little magic! Why not make them color?! About how musical signs and color are associated, as well as how to quickly learn notes - today you will tell you music Fairy House music.

To better understand the music, learn to sing, you need to understand how it is arranged. Well, for this it is worth getting acquainted with the basics of music language - with notes. So, both children, and adults would be good for the beginning to learn the name of the notes on a notch mill. But let's first raise the story of musical signs.

Symbols for writing music were invented in the 11th century. At first, the notes were square, and there were only 4 rules. But then the image of the notes has changed. Starting from the 18th century, they began to draw notes in the form of oval icons on a tin one from 5 line. You can read more about the history of the appearance of notes in more detail in our article. "

Why is it better to use colored notes for kids? If you draw attention to how notes are written, you know that they usually have a boring black and white look. The kids in the study of musical letters are not easy to perceive a schematic image of sounds on the rules. And the color of the music can facilitate this task. Therefore, for children younger age Created a special technique.

How does this multicolored technique work?

There are several channel perception channels, and the visual channel is one of the strongest. Therefore, when color notes are used, the kids are easier to understand the principle of the conceptual record of notes and to learn them faster.

What color notes

Peace musical sounds - Magic! Bright colors Rainbow tried, and notes became color! Let's see what colors correspond to each note:

Up - red;
mi - yellow;
fa - green;
salt - blue;
la - blue;
c - purple.

Seven notes - seven colors. Does it remind you anything? Yes, of course - these are notes on the colors of the rainbow!

Who invented to connect music and color

Honestly, I did not find exact data about the author, which came up with the technique of colored notes for learning children. Many are assigned to themselves this wonderful invention. But it is known that since a long time there were musicians with so-called colored hearing. They saw or, more correctly, they felt certain colors when the sound of different tonalities and chords.

Who combined colors and music? There is information that the composer Alexander Scriabin became the first one who placed notes on the color spectrum. Seven notes - seven colors of the rainbow. All ingenious - just! Gradually, colored notes began to use children around the world to train musical literacy.

We use the right hemisphere of the brain when studying notes

The compliance of the Music Rainbow Colors is used in many countries to teach children music. When using this method, an associative method of perception of information is included, and the boring light gram turns into a fascinating color game. What does it have to do with right hemisphere brain? The fact is that it is the right hemisphere that is responsible for imagination, intuition and creative skills. When, when learning a child, colored notes are used, it is actively working exactly the right hemisphere. As a result, the kid just remembers or even sees color before his eyes, and not sketchy image note sign.

Studying notes with children with colors

There are several different options Records of color notes. The easiest is the usual note of the notes on a notch mill, simply instead of black notes are used colored.

But there are other options. For example, only color fields are used: vertical or horizontal, without lines. See what an unusual note mill with cars we made with the participants of the house of music!

And there is a technique at which the recording is schematic with color circles that are on the same line or are connected to patterns.

How comfortable and right? It is difficult to judge, but personally closer to me a variant of the game color record, but still on the usual 5 rules.

Color keyboard to help a young musician

Methods of color notes is used not only to study the basics of note literacy, but also to teach the kids to the piano game. There are a lot of keys on the keyboard, and all of them are black and white. How to find the right note? Help the child and show the location of music on the piano with colors. To do this, take the strips of seven colors of the rainbow and get them on the keys, starting with the notes "to" the first octave.

This method helps to quickly learn the location of notes on the piano. Also this technique helps to use different types Memory and makes the learning process as visual as possible. Yes, and colored keys look for the baby much more fun and more attractive.

Colored notes for kids: what their advantages

And one more important momentwhich I would like to draw your attention. When we study notes with kids in gaming formUsing fabulous images, notation of music with flowers, we are actively developing the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagination, creativity, intuition and creative abilities.

Games with color notes allow you to use an associative way to perceive information. As a result, the kid just remembers or even sees the color before his eyes, and not a schematic image of a note sign.

Colored notes are not only a way to master a touch letter, it is an effective and interesting way to develop a child's intelligence!

But what to do next? How to play with color notes?

Come on unique Music Quest Music houses "", and we will be in cheerful, musical Games With notes to develop our kids.