Node drawing with unconventional methods "Christmas trees will be engaged. Abstract Node in the second youngest group Drawing a Christmas tree How to draw a Christmas tree in the second youngest group

Node drawing with unconventional methods
Node drawing with unconventional methods "Christmas trees will be engaged. Abstract Node in the second youngest group Drawing a Christmas tree How to draw a Christmas tree in the second youngest group

Abstract Claudia in the first youngest group in kindergarten using non-traditional drawing techniques "Fir-tree Elegant" (drawing with cotton chopsticks)

Author: Akhsenova Elena Alekseevna, Educator MBDOU CRR kindergarten "Tale" of the municipality of the Cilninsky district of the Ulyanovsk region with. Big Nagatkino
This material is useful for kindergarten educators.
Purpose: Development of the artistic and creative abilities of children of junior preschool age through the use of unconventional drawing technology.
- training of non-traditional techniques drawing with cotton wands;
- fix the skill to decorate the drawing using the drawing with cotton chopsticks;
- maintain interest in drawing;
- Flower fixing (red, yellow, blue).
Materials: Picture with the image of the Christmas tree, album sheets with the image of the Christmas tree, cotton wands, gouache of three colors (red, yellow blue, napkins.

Travel course:

Children, we will soon have a holiday, New Year. And visitors will come to our holiday. And who will come, you must guess. Listen to the riddle!
I always find me in the forest,
Will you go and meet:
Studently barbed as hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.
- Of course, the guys, the main guest will come to us - Christmas tree.
- Why the Christmas tree barbed as hedgehog?
- Why does her summer dress?

That's right, it does not drop as other leaves trees, and always stands green.
Showing a picture of the Christmas tree.
- Children, please, please, the Christmas tree and tell me what she is?
- Yes, she is beautiful, green, slim, fluffy.
- earlier the Christmas tree was decorated right in the forest, and now it is brought home.
- What do you think you can come up with a Christmas tree not to cut, and a holiday to meet with a Christmas tree?
- Yes, guys, you can dress an artificial Christmas tree, or put a Christmas tree in the courtyard and decorate it for the holiday.
Fizkultminutka with children with movement elements.
Our Christmas tree is great (circular movement with hands,
Our Christmas tree is high (stand on socks,
Above moms, above dad (sit down and stand on socks,
Gets to the ceiling (pull).
We will dance fun. Eh, Eh, Eh!
We will peel songs. La la-la!
So that the Christmas tree wanted to visit us come again

Children so that our fingers work better before proceeding with work, let's do a finger gymnastics "Christmas tree decorations"
Our Christmas tree Santa Claus (children bend fingers on her hand, lifting the gifts of Santa Claus)
Decoration brought:
Crystal balls
Silver sparkles,
Pebbles transparent,
Asterisks radiant.

Snow fluffy presented (at the same time, all the fingers are squeezed on hand)
Quickly Christmas tree dressed up. (and turn the right to the right - left,
Demonstrating "Dressed fir.")
Getting to work on paper with the image of the Christmas tree. The teacher resembles children that it is necessary to dress with a Christmas tree with various cotton chopsticks. Showing drawing with cotton chopsticks on a magnetic board. If children find it difficult to change a wand, provides individual help, fix the color of the paint.
- Well done boys! That we did today (answers of children); What colors we decorated the Christmas tree (children's responses); What a tree became (children's responses); What did you like best? (Children's responses).

Practical part of the class

Picture with the image of the Christmas tree
Gouache diluted with water of three colors (red, yellow and blue)

Album leaf with the image of a Christmas tree on a magnetic board

Showing with cotton chopsticks on a magnetic board

Children's drawings

Integrated Christmas Tree Lesson (Unconventional Drawing Technology) 2 Junior Group

Software content:
- Improve the skills of the non-traditional image of the subject.
Develop speech, imagination, creative abilities.
- Give children the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle loads by imitative repetition of movements and actions of the teacher.
- form a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements.
- develop the articulation apparatus and fine motor skills, develop speech, imagination, creative abilities, develop and improve communicative skills.
- Create a situation of success, atmosphere of joy and good, create a sense of group unity.
Material: divorced gouache, baths with water, napkins, plates, illustrations, watman with image of christmas tree, soft toys, health tracks, audio recording of seasons, tape recorder.
Takes and methods: Game, conversation, story, visual, verbal, game.
Vocabulary: Circular movements of fingers, adjusting, birch
Ind. - Secure the concept of the forest, the garden.
Structure occupation
1. The organizational moment "Hello" (Formation of emotional contact).
Under the quiet music, children enter the group. The educator reads a poem:
Hello, the sun is golden!
Hello, blue sky,
Hello, free breeze,
Hello, white snowball!
Hello, kids: Girls and boys,
Hello, I will tell you, I welcome you all!
Today, guests came to us, welcome them.
2. Psychological training:
"Winter - Winter" (development of the transfer of emotional state, positive emotions, development of imagination).
Sounds recording "Seasons" P.I. Tchaikovsky
Educator: What is the wonderful melody, however, guys? What does she look like how can I say about this music? (Easy, joyful, snowy, fluffy, winter). This is a winter melody, do you like winter? What, you, Alina, like? And you, Valeria? What kind of costha like winter, but what is Vlad? I also love the winter.
Tell me guys, what do you like most of all to do in winter, what games play? (Ride a slide, on sledding, play snowballs, lying in the snow, sculpt a snowy woman ...).
Educator: I invite you to walk through the Winter Forest, want to go with me? Well, that, we go! (Musical background sounds)
3. Simulation exercise"We are stepping on the snowdrifts" (emotional discharge)
We walk along the snowdrifts,
High raise legs,
According to the snowdrifts of krutoloby.
Raise higher leg.
For a very long time we stepped,
Our knives are tired.
Now sit down, rest
And go to walk again.
Look, guys, on which winter glade we came out.
Oh, see here some pictures, what is depicted on them? (tree, tree)
- What is the difference between the tree from the Christmas tree? (The branch tree grows up, the Christmas tree down).
- And where are the trees grow? (in the forest, garden). (show illustrations)
- And what trees grow in the forest? - What kind (Birch, Rowan, Tree). And how did you guess what is birch (White trunk), Christmas tree (needles, bumps), Rowan (Ryabina fruits).
- In the garden? (trees on which fruit grow). Name these trees?.
- What a forest tree came to visit us most recently? (Christmas tree).
- And who can read the poems about the Christmas tree? (reading poems).
4. Fizminutka
5. Surprise moment
- A bunny comes to visit children.
I came to visit you at the request of all forest inhabitants. They are very upset that all the guys had a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree. And in the forest there are a lot of herringers, only we do not know how to dress it beautifully, will you help us? (pulls Watman with the image of the Christmas tree).
- Guys and what can we hang on the Christmas tree? (balls, beads, icicles, checkboxes).
- And now I want you to turn into artists and drew decorations for the Christmas tree.
Bunny: But you have no tassels, how will you draw decorations for the Christmas tree?
Go beyond the tables, sit down. Before you start work, let's say, how will we draw balls, icicles). And I have round icicles? (Long), remember how to properly use paints on plates.
(wet my finger into the water, then in a plate with paint, and after you draw the ball, you need to wash my finger and dial another paint).
Let's prepare our fingers for work, warm them up.
Bunny: Guys, can I decorate the Christmas tree with you?
6. Fallen game- Massage "Boy - Finger"
Finger-boy where you were
Where did you go with brothers?
- With this, I was lying in the snow,
- I rode with this side,
- with this in the forest walked,
- With this, I played in snowballs.
We all fingers friends,
Where are they - there and I!
7. Filling work.
- Top row Red balls, bottom blue.
And work - then on Divo! Praise me it's time!
Made everything so beautiful what kind of miracle - masters!
Look, what a wonderful tree we turned out. It looks like our Christmas tree that was in our kindergarten. And now let's take it into the forest and give forest beasts, they are waiting for us. And we will go along the track. Blue - quickly, in green - slowly. Well, in the path, and the bunny will show us the way.
(Children walk along the track to the magnetic board, there are beasts there).
8.Feflexia. Analysis of classes.
- Did you like our lesson?
- What did it remember Alina? How is the crosse?
- What is your mood now after our classes? Choose from the proposed pictures (cheerful, sad, joyful).
How to go?
- in! (show big finger). Let's give our good mood to our guests. (Children blow mood with palms).

Software content.Teach children to transmit in drawing the image of the Christmas tree; Draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, horizontal, inclined). Continue to learn to use paints and brush (rinse the brush in water and rinse it about the cloth before tying the paint of another color). Test to compare the "alive" tree and artificial. To form a concept one - a lot. Develop a shallow motor. Rise friendly relationships, desire to please friends.

Preliminary work.The viewing of ate on the site of kindergarten, a comparison with other trees. Consider illustrations in children's books, the allocation of the main parts and features of ate.

Materials for the lesson.Paper size ½ album sheet, gouache dark-green color, brushes, jars with water, napkins (for each child)

Travel course.

Educator:Children What holiday will come soon?

Children. New Year?

Educator: Look at us to visit the Christmas tree.

What do you think this is a "live" or artificial tree?

Children. Artificial.

Educator: How did you guess?

Children. She has soft needles, and they do not smell.

Educator: Yes, this Christmas tree is artificial, but it is very similar to the real one. It is the same green and fluffy. See how the branches are located? Top down and a little to the side (shows the direction of the branches). Let's show how the branches grow. Look, I paint the trunk for the Christmas tree, put a brush at the bottom of the sheet and the tip will lead it up, and then I will paint the twigs, first the upper, and then Masha will help me to draw.

Masha, go to the board, show how to draw twigs.

And now Danya will draw another twigs, down. That's what a high tree we turned out, and whatever she was also fluffy, draw her needles, like this (Shows). Now the tree is high and fluffy, only boring to her in the forest of one, let's draw her girlfriends, each on your sheet, and then we collect them together.

Educator: Something lasted our guest, let's play with it.


On the hill, the Christmas tree is worth
In all directions it looks. (Turns to the sides.)
She doesn't just live in the world -
The wind turns, turns the wind. (Slopes to the right and left.)
But the Christmas tree is only short
Will not be sad - laughs. (Jumping)
Educator: Rested, they moved, have fun to have our guests, sit down in our place.

Let's remember how to keep a brush

Vanya show the guys, children take all tassels, like Vanya, like this, right, the tip of the brush will dry into the green paint and start drawing. Bottom-up will carry out the line. What did we paint?


Educator: That's right, trunk. What will we draw now?

Children: Branches

Educator: That's right, but on the sprigs of the needle.

Sounds of quiet music, song "Christmas tree was born in the forest"

In the process of occupation, the teacher comes up to children, shows a difficult way to draw on a separate sheet, praises children for creativity if there are several Christmas trees on one sheet, emphasizes the variety of images.

At the end of the occupation, the drawings are laid out on the table, consider that it turned out a whole spruce forest.

Educator: How many Christmas trees did Danya drew?

Children. One.

Educator: How many Christmas trees painted Maxim?

Children: One.

Educator: And how much did the Christmas trees in the forest?

Children: Lot.

Educator: This is what wonderful fir forest we turned out. Christmas trees are high, fluffy. Are you glad Yolchka, what did you have girlfriends? Look the Christmas tree by pierced with twigs. What do you think she is glad?

Children: Yes!

Educator: You all are well done, gave a teen joy, and now you need to pick up on the tables.

Title: An abstract of classes in 1 younger group on drawing "Christmas tree Green to visit us"
Nomination: kindergarten / occupation abstract, node / drawing

Position: Educator of the Higher Qualification Category
Place of work: MDOU № 8 "KOLOSK"
Location: p. Fominskoye, Tutaevsky district, Yaroslavl region

Shurman Inna
Node according to drawing in the second younger group "Fluffy Christmas tree"

Abstract Node Po drawing in the second youngest group« Fluffy Christmas tree»

Shurman I. N. Abstract Node by drawing in 2 youngest group number Christmas tree fluffy»Using unconventional equipment drawing

Integration of educational regions: "Art Creativity", "Speech Development",

purpose: Development of skill draw a Christmas tree An unconventional method of the pump method.

Tasks: Exercise in the ability to perceive the boundaries of a sheet of paper; develop creative imagination;

ability to use non-traditional technique drawing(Picky);

enrich children's dictionary, form the ability to select definitions for a given word, answering the question "What?";

relieve the prishability, accuracy.

Methodical techniques: Gaming situation, guessing riddles, psychogympics, productive activities, summing up.

Preliminary work: Observation of the fir in nature, viewing illustrations with the image of ate, reading poems about the New Year tree, drawing a Christmas tree Gouachey, learning poems

Materials and equipment: Artificial Christmas tree, gouache green, glue brushes, water jars, napkins, landscape sheets with drawn contour of Christmas tree.

Travel course.

The teacher offers children to listen and guess what kind of tree mystery:

It is always in the forest to find

When walking in him go sch:

Worth a barbed like a Yozh,

"Winter in a dress?",

- "Well, and that!"

And the dress is fluffy,

Green, branched!

Then makes a Christmas tree in group. Children bypass around, view, touched it.

Praise the Christmas tree. Tell me what she is? (Slender, resinous, green, good, fragile, barbed, fluffy.) Well done, how many words came up with.

Guys, what are you smart! Christmas tree I really liked to play with you.

Note what kind of christmas trees Thin and thorny needles (you can allow children to touch the needles again to make sure).

Fir is under the sky blue,

On which the stars sleep.

(We are in the standing position, elongated hands down - we will drag your hands and legs a little on the sides, put the palms in parallel to the floor - depicting a fir. Rise head up, pull the neck - we try to see the stars "in the sky")

All of her painted frost

From the crown and to the pack.

(Elongated hands raise up above head and, making smooth movements with palms from side to side, slowly leaning and lowering your hands in front of them to the floor - so we "Collected" "Tassels-palms" All Christmas Tree)

Pure pearl sparkling

In the slicer, call silence,

(I depict the fingers of both hands of pearls - a large and index fingers of each hand we connect into small circles. We make a torn movement with your hands in different directions, bending and straightening your hands, - show how brightly sparkles our tree)

Fir elegant such -

Like a fairy tale at the moon.

(Returning to its original position, portraying pet: Legs slightly on the width of the shoulders, elongated hands are slightly divorced to the sides, open palms are facing the floor. We make small squats and at the same time turn the body to the right and left, slightly lifting and lowering the elongated hands, - this is such an elegant church)

Clouds shoulder touching

(Stand again "Yelochka". Raise in turn up right and left shoulder)

Catching snow it is thick.

(We join as high as possible and at the same time clapped elongated hands above your head - "We catch snow")

Even got on the paws hare

Before this beauty!

(Depict standing on my paws bunny: squatting, hands keep at the chest level. Being in this position, we look up and tilting the head alternately in the same way - we show how the bunny admires the beautiful Christmas tree)

The educator praises children for an unusual transformation.

The teacher then draws the attention of children to the fact that herringbone aloneShe has no friends, but they can help her. Offers children draw a Christmas tree-beauties girlfriends.

The educator offers children to take a brush, dial paint and pronouncing a poem draw a Christmas tree:

Tassel take here so:

It's difficult? No, trifle.

Tassel went twitch,

Castle "Cabinet".

And then goes in a circle.

Like a girl in the dance.

Are you tired? Rest

And again knocking begin.

We're drawing: times, time

Everything will turn out from us!

In the process drawing The educator draws the attention of children that paint It is necessary within the contour.

When children will finish work, the educator proposes to collect them christmas trees in a big forest(Works are hung on the board) And admire them. Once again pronounces with children definitions: (Green, barbed, forest, winter, fragrant, fluffy and T.. d.) And praises children.

Publications on the topic:

Dear friends! Happy New Year to all! We wish all creative success, health. Happiness! We love to work with threads with children.

Tasks: Teach children in the figure to pass the image of the Christmas tree. Exercise in drawing straight vertical and inclined lines. Develop creativity,.

Good, greens of a Christmas tree! Purpose: Learn to pull children from plasticine small balls. Apply to the surface of cardboard plasticine.

Abstract Node on appliqués in the second youngest group "Fir-tree" The appliqué classes in the second youngest group "Christmas tree" prepared an educator: Kashuba O. Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about the holiday.

The abstract of open unconventional classes on the artistic - creative activity of children on the topic: Topic: "Green Christmas tree. Fluffy snowflake.

Current page: 5 (Total 8 pages)


100% +

Lesson 30. Waste "Cookies"

Software content.Fasten the ability of children to roll out clay with circular motions; Flush the ball, squeezing with his palms. Develop a desire to sculpt. Continue to work out the skills of modeling. Fasten the skill gently work with clay (plasticine).

Methodology for holding.Suggest the guys to blind cookies for playing with dolls (in "Shop", in "Birthday", in "Guests", etc.).

Consider with children Round cookies, clarify its shape (round, flat). Ask the guys: "How can you make a cookie?" If no one answers, say that you first need to roll a round ball, and then squeeze it with my palms.

The guys who will experience difficulties in flattening the ball, show this technique on a separate clay lump or taking the child's palm in their own and slightly squeezing the ball.

Materials.Cookies. Clay, boards, sticks for drawing a pattern for cookies (for each child).

During the Games, walks to consider flat round items with children.


Lesson 31. Drawing "Snow lumps, big and small"

(Option "Fluffy toy")

Software content.Fasten the skill of children to draw round shape items. Learn to the right taking paints with paints (without leaving the contour, carry a line with a brush from top to bottom or left to right). Learning to repeat the image, filling out the free space of the sheet.

Methodology for holding.Remember with children, as for a walk, they leopard lumps from the snow, clarify their form.

Suggest them to remember both hand in the air, and then with your hand with a brush to make a circular movement.

Show on the board to accept the painting. Call in children the desire to draw.

Note.This lesson can be conducted as a collective. In this case, children draw (according to subgroups) on a large sheet of paper.

Materials.Sheets of color paper A4 format or a little more (depending on the size of the brushes), white gouache, water cans, brushes, napkins (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.Children's games with snow while walking. Consider illustrations, fluffy toys.

Lesson 32. The modeling "Pellets, big and small"

Software content.Continue to teach children pinching large and small lumps from a large piece of clay; Roll clay lumps with circular motions. Fasten the ability to flatten the ball, squeezing it with his palms.

Methodology for holding.Suggest the children to remember and show in the air Takes to the pellets, encourage them to call these actions: "Lotted a piece of clay, put it on his palm, raped the ball with both palms and squeezed him with his palms - it turned out a cake."

If children cannot call a sequence of actions, turn on and call actions, activating the guys and asking them: "What to do next?" The accompanying image process of the word will help children to realize and remember what and how to do.

Suggest children to sculpt pellets, big and small. Ask to call what else they loosely similar to cakes.

When the pellets are molded, praise the guys for sculpted diligently; Suggest treated with puppet pellets.

Materials.Clay, boards, chopsticks to decorate a blind pellet (for each child).

Occupation 33. Improke "Rattle"

Software content.Teach children to sculpt the subject consisting of two parts: ball and wands; Connect parts, tightly pressing them to each other. Exercising in rolling clay with straight and circular palm movements.

Methodology for holding.Consider with children 2-3 rattles, clarify their shape and structure, to offer "draw" rattles in the air with the fingers alone, then another hand.

Ask children about letting meals. Suggest them to show in the air with your hands, how they will roll the clay for the parts of the rattle. To say that every child can make the rattling, which whatever.

In the process of work, monitor the use of the correct techniques of modeling. Guys who quickly copied with work, give extra lumps of clay so that they are blinded by one toy.

All winged rattles to consider with children, note the variety of toys; Intensify the guys on the statements about the form and structure of rattles.

Materials.2-3 rattles of different designs. Plasticine of different colors or clay, boards (for each child)

Communication with other occupations and activities.Games in the game corner, viewing rattles, clarifying their form.

Lesson 34. Drawing "Trees on our site"

Software content.Teach children to create a tree image in drawing; Draw objects consisting of straight vertical and inclined lines, have pictures throughout the sheet of paper, draw large, to the whole sheet. Continue learning to draw paints. Methodology for holding.Recall with children Features of the structure of trees. You can offer them to approach the window and look at the trees once again, which grow on the site of the kindergarten, on the street.

Suggest children to everyone to show the movement of hands, as located the trunk and branches of the tree. Call a few guys to the board to display image receptions.

At the end of the work, consider with children all the pictures. Mark how many different trees they drew - the whole forest turned out.

Note.This lesson can be conducted as a collective. For a collective composition, a large sheet of paper should be prepared by placing it on a separate table to which 2-3 children will be suitable. The rest of the children at this time draw on their leaves. The collective composition may be supplemented by the subject of images in free time. (This activity organizes an educator, stipulating with children, which may still be in the forest (bushes lying on the snow broken branches of trees, etc.).) Encourage the activity and creativity of children who have invented their own. At the end of work, consider the overall picture, note the beautiful trees; Suggest hanging a picture in a group to admire it, show parents.

"Tree in winter"

Kostya I., 2nd Junior Group

Materials.White paper size 1/2 album sheet (or large sheet for collective composition), paints gouache, cans with water, brushes, napkins (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.Walking on a walk; Viewing different trees, including the movement of hands, outlining branches and trunk. To draw the attention of children to the color of the trunks and the branches of the trees.

Lesson 35. Applique "Pyramid"

Software content.Teach children to transmit toys in appliques; depict the item consisting of several parts; Place the parts in order of decreasing value. Fasten flower knowledge. Develop color perception.

Methodology for holding.Consider a pyramid with children, clarify the shape, the value of its parts.

Together with the guys, determine the sequence of gluing. In the process of work, send their actions by asking questions about the stitching order. To draw the attention of children to the need to use the right places of sticking.

All the resulting pyramids consider, to offer children to call their colors. Select the most beautiful work.

Materials.Pyramid (preferably consisting of balls or rings of one color). Labor sheets, paper mugs (different colors on different tables), glue, glue brushes, napkins.

Communication with other occupations and activities.Games of children with objects and toys round shape of different values; Disassembling and collecting pyramids and other toys consisting of parts of a round shape (caterpillar).

Lesson 36. Drawing "Christmas tree"

Software content.Teach children to transmit the image of the Christmas tree in drawing; Draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, horizontal or inclined). Continue to learn to use paints and brush (rinse the brush in water and getting it about a rag (napkin), before tying the paint of another color).


Ira F., 2nd youngest group

Methodology for holding.Remind children about New Year's holiday. To consider with them a New Year tree, turning on its shape to the movement of his hand in the air. Call 2-3 guys to the Christmas tree drawing board (those who have mastered the drawing methods well).

Guys who will quickly cope with work, you can give another sheet of paper. If a child is placed on one sheet of a few herringrs, it should be praised for independence, creativity; emphasize the variety of created images.

At the end of the occupation, all the drawings put on the blackboard, please feel many different Christmas trees (small, high, slim, fluffy, etc.). This occupation can be held as a collective one.

Materials.Paper 1/2 landscape sheet, gouache dark green, brushes, jars with water, napkins (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.Consider the Christmas tree (spruce) on the sector of kindergarten, the Christmas tree in the group room; Comparison of the Christmas tree with other trees. Reading poems about New Year's holiday. Consider illustrations in children's books, the allocation of the main parts and features of the firings.

Lesson 37. Lrack "Turkey" ("Pyramid from disks, rings")

Software content.Continue to teach children to roll the clay lumps between the palms of circular movements; Sleep the ball between the palms; Make a subject of several parts, overlapping one to another. Fasten the ability to sculpt neatly.

Methodology for holding.Consider a turret with children, clarify, from which parts it consists. Suggest all the guys to show in the air, how they roll out clay with circular movements of the palms.

Teach children seek to transmit ring differences in size; Adch an extra clay from a lump if it is larger than you need.

All the fashioned items to consider, be happy with the children how much it turned out beautiful turrets consisting of rings of different magnitude.

Materials.A turret consisting of 4-5 rings of one color. Clay, boards (for each child)

Communication with other occupations and activities.Games with turrets "Who will most likely gather?", "Collect the same". Exercise of children in comparison of objects of different values \u200b\u200bin the game of games.

Lesson 38. Drawing "Acquaintance with Dymkov's toys. Drawing patterns "

(Option "Beautiful toy" - drawing according to the plan)

Software content.To acquaint with folk Dymkov's toys. Cause the joy from viewing a bright, elegant painted toy. To draw the attention of children to patterns that decorate toys. Learning to allocate and call individual elements of the pattern, their color.

Methodology for holding.Plant children around the table on which Dymkov's toys are exhibited. Suggest to consider them; To tell that these elegant, bright toys are made of clay, covered with white paint, and then painted with bright patterns.

Suggest children to highlight and call patterns, give the opportunity to spend your finger along the lines and call it parts. If the guys find it difficult to answer, ask them (repeating the movement with your finger along the contours of the pattern elements), as this form is called (ring, strip, speck), what color is it.

Suggest children to approach the tables supplied in a long row and draw patterns who want.

At the end of the work, to offer the guys to consider all the pictures, say which patterns they painted, call their color and shape.

Materials.3-4 Dymkovsky toys decorated with simple patterns. Listed sheets, gouache paints (2-3 colors, one on two children standing nearby), brushes, water, napkins (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.When reviewing the registration of the group room, draw the attention of children to the Dimkovsky toys, admire them, mark their brightness, elegacity, beauty; Suggest calling objects transferred to them, highlight decorations (lines, specks, points; their color).

Lesson 39. Impression on the plan

Software content.Develop the ability to independently consider the content of modeling. Exercise in a variety of leisure techniques.

Methodology for holding.Suggest children to call beautiful toys and objects around them, seen on a walk. If some named items are in the group, consider them with children.

Suggest the guys to blind, who wants. Remind about the correct techniques of modeling. Encourage independence, perseverance.

All the items conceded by children to collect on a common board.

Praise the guys for the effort and tell them a fairy tale invented by the educator, including the glued items.

Materials.Clay (plasticine, plastic mass), boards (for each child).

Lesson 40. Application "Shoot what you want a toy"

Software content.Develop imagination, creativity of children. Fasten knowledge about shape and magnitude. Exercise in the correct receptions of the preparation of images from parts, sticking.

Methodology for holding.Suggest children to call toys round shape or consisting of round parts.

To say that every child should think that he would like to stick, and then make an image on a sheet. Check the correctness of the task and allow children to start gluing. Encourage the sticking of several items.


Anya B., 2nd Junior Group

All the finished work is to put on the board or decompose on the table, consider them together with the children, suggest calling the depicted toys.

Praise guys and rejoice with them bright, beautiful pictures. Ask for children to name the shape and color of the pictured toys.

Materials.3-4 round-shaped toys or consisting of round parts (rattles, balls, pyramids, etc.). Multicolored paper mugs of different sizes, landscape sheets, glue, glue brushes, napkins (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.Games with toys; Clarification of form, build, color toys.

Lesson 41. Drawing "New Year tree with lights and balls"

Software content.Teach children to pass the image of an elegant Christmas tree in the figure; draw the Christmas tree large, in full sheet; Decorating it using adjusting, drawing round shapes and lines. Develop aesthetic perception, form shaped views. Engage with pink and blue flowers. Call a feeling of joy from beautiful drawings.

Methodology for holding.Before starting classes, consider with children of elegant Christmas trees in the group, in the hall. Emphasize that the tree in the hall is very high - from the floor to the ceiling. To pay attention to the guys on the Christmas decorations, which they can draw (balls, beads, rain threads, flags, etc.), their shape and color.

Suggest the guys caused to the board show on the carved christmas tree, which can be decorated with it (lights, balls, silver threads, beads) and what techniques can be done. (Admission of adjustment shows the educator.)

"Beautiful balls and elegant Christmas tree"

Julia P., 2nd Junior Group

At the end of the occupation, admire with children with bright drawings, call the used colors (pink, blue).

Materials.Album sheets; Gouache green paints, yellow, pink, blue, white; Brushes, jars with water, napkins (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.Participation in the New Year's holiday, the viewing of the Christmas tree and Christmas decorations. Games with toys, didactic games for consolidating knowledge about the shape and color of items. Suggest children to tell what Christmas trees are at home than they are decorated.

Occupation 42. Drawing "Decry Mittens-House"

(Integrated exercise based on theatrical action)

Software content.Learn children draw based on the fairy tale "Mitten", create a fairy-tale image. Develop imagination, creativity. Forming the ability to decorate the subject. Fasten the ability to use in the process of drawing paint different colors; Purely rinse the brush and breathe it about the napkin, before you take another paint.

Methodology for holding.After watching the play "Mitten" to offer children to decorate the municipality, so that the animals have a new, beautiful house.

Ask guys how you can decorate a mitten with brushes and paints.

Suggest children to call the colors of the paints that stand in front of them on the tables. Ask how you need to keep a brushes correctly, dye your paint on it, rinse the brush. In the process of occupation, resemble drawing techniques, ways of decoration.

Together with the children, consider the finished drawings, rejoice the variety of decorations. You can, taking in the hands of animals, show them new mittens houses and ask: "Do you like the houses that drew the guys for you?", Praise all the children.

Materials.Cut from paper teacher mittens, paints gouache 4-5 colors, brushes, water jars, napkins (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.Consider with children decorating clothes, Dymkovsky toys. Reading the Belarusian folk fairy tale "Mitten" (a book for reading in kindergarten and at home. 2-4 years. Cost. V.V. Herbova, N.P. Ilchuk. - M.: Onyx, 2005).

Occupation 43. Improke "Mandarins and Oranges"

Software content.Fasten the ability of children to sculpt the objects of a round shape, roll over clay with circular movements between the palms. Learning to sculpt objects of different magnitude.

Methodology for holding.Consider tangerines and oranges with children (other fruits or items of different quantities can be taken), determine their shape and magnitude. Refine the amount of clay required for the modeling of large and small items.

Suggest children to show the clay rolling gesture in the air.

The guys who will finish the work before others can give an additional clay lumps. To seek children to more clearly transfer the difference between objects in magnitude. Rejoice to everyone together created images.

Materials.Mandarins and oranges (or other rounded items of different sizes). Clay, boards (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.In everyday life and in the game process, enrich the ideas of children about the objects of round shape of different sizes, of different purposes (toys, vegetables, fruits).

Lesson 44. Drawing "Decorate Dymkovsky Cener"

Software content.Continue to acquaint children with a Dymkov toy. Learning to highlight the elements of the painting, apply them to the cleaner cut from paper. Cause joy from the resulting result; From the brightness, beauty of the Dimkovsky painting.

Methodology for holding.Consider with children 2-3 Dymkovsky toys. Ask how toys are decorated, suggest to call the decoration elements (stripes, specks-adjusting, point). Suggest the wishing to the guys to show on a sheet of paper, attaching to the board, how they will decorate their clarops.

Then suggest children to paint white clerk pattern. Clarify the correct techniques of work with paints. All painted cetings decompose on the table, admire them with children. It should be noted that all claritions turned out bright, elegant, beautiful.

Materials.2-3 Dymkovsky toys. Cut-cut by a pedagogue of white papers of the clarification (clarification length of a 10-12 cm silhouette), the paints are gouache 2 colors (different combinations of paints on each table), brushes, napkins, water cans (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.In their free time, Dymkov's toys with children, their bright elegant painting.

Lesson 45. Applique "Beautiful Napkin"

Software content.Teach children to make a pattern on a square shape paper, placing in the corners and in the middle of large mugs of the same color, and in the middle of each side small mugs of another color. Develop composite skills, color perception, aesthetic feelings.

Methodology for holding.To tell the children that today they will decorate a napkin. Remind that they have already considered different decorated items. Consider with children two samples of napkins, ask how they are decorated. Remind that you first need to decompose on a sheet of paper mugs. Specify the order of the location of the shapes and suggest gently stick them.

All the finished works are putting on the board, mark the most beautiful on the composition, combining the colors of the napkin. Encourage children to statements (call the shapes, their color; to tell how the decorations are located).

"Cat and toys: Bear, Ball, Ball"

Lena T., 2nd Junior Group

Materials.Two samples of napkins, different color solutions. White paper is 15x15 cm in size, paper mugs of different quantities (diameter 3 cm and 2 cm), well combined in color (2 colors on the table, different combinations on different tables), brushes, gloves, napkins (for each child).

Communication with other occupations and activities.Viewing objects decorated with simple decorative patterns, Dymkov toys, napkins, etc.