Each hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits the color perception smoothly flows from the right hemisphere to the left. Every hunter wishes to know where Pheasan Pheasant is sits. Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits other options.

Each hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits the color perception smoothly flows from the right hemisphere to the left. Every hunter wishes to know where Pheasan Pheasant is sits. Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits other options.
Each hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits the color perception smoothly flows from the right hemisphere to the left. Every hunter wishes to know where Pheasan Pheasant is sits. Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits other options.

Not much in the light of people who are easy to remember and never complain about memory.
We have to memorize something. We use paper sheets, notebooks, mobile phones, computers, etc. But you can often use to memorize information receptions of mnemonics.
Mnemonic or mnemonics - This is the art of memorization, a set of special techniques that facilitate memorization.
Special phrases or poems are used - stamps.
Below is a collection of memorines collected on the Internet. Memories from various areas of knowledge: physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, Russian.

The most famous stars - about the colors of the rainbow. With them and let's start.
To memorize the sequence of colors of the rainbow there are mnemonic phrases, the first letters of each word in which correspond to the first letters of the color name. Looking from above down the rainbow, outside inside the arc:
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.
The most famous storage of this kind is the phrase:
Each hunter wants to know where Pheasan sits.

As one day, Jacques-ringing head (urban) broke the lantern.

And more modern, Internet - options :))
Every designer wants to know where to download Photoshop!
Every one one wants to know where the system file
Educated Zhzhik knows where to watch Fredlent

And so:
Cat Oslo Giraffe Bunny Blue Sheltered Fuckers
Carlson again cheerfully conceived a nasty with meatballs.
Educated woman has breakfast with hot raw meatballs.
Autumn steal. The heat eclipsed deep. Shine Fuji.
(in the style of hockey)
As you can see, many new options are invented))

In English:
RoygbiV. - Acronym in English, used to memorize the main colors of the spectrum of light radiation.
This is the name of the fictional character, each letter whose letter corresponds to the first letter of each color of the rainbow:
ROY G. BIV (ReD, O.range Y.ellow G.reen B.lUE, I.ndigo, Violet)
Red - Red, Orange - Orange, Yellow - Yellow, Green - Green, Blue - Blue, Indigo - Indigo, Violet - Purple.

For better memorization, English-speaking children memorize the decoding of this acronym:
Richard of York Gave Battle In Vain.
Translation: "Richard Yorksky gave a fight (battle) in vain."
Monsonic phrases and astronomy, mathematics, biology are known ...

For memorization star classes: One shaved British dates chews like carrots.
In order from hot to cold (O, B, A, F, G, K, M).
English version: "O BE A FINE GIRL, KISS ME".
When the classes R, N and S were added later, the phrase turned into "O BE A FINE GIRL, KISS ME RIGHT NOW ... SMACK."
The order of the planets of the solar system-
We know, Mom Yulia sat in the morning on the pills!
(M-Mercury V-Venus Z-Earth M-Mars Yu-Jupiter Saturn U-Uranus N-Neptun P-Pluto)
Frosty evening climbed on Mast Jung, seeking to see an unfamiliar port

Masha bro in the land of chalk, BUT Yura sat at the hole of the spider. Added: A-belt asteroids.

Periods-era in the development of the living world of the Earth

In student years, the order of geological periods some remembered, learning the phrase. "Every excellent student must smoke cigarettes; You, Yura, Mal - Pei Night Tea".
Cambrian, Ordovik, Silurian, Devonsky, Coal, Perm, Triassic, Jurassic, Chalk, Paleogen, Neogen, Quaternaryperiods.


Many memorines have always been for the number P.
If you try to try, you can immediately read: Three, fourteen, fifteen, ninety-two and six. 3, 1415926

I know and remember well - pi many signs I feel too much, in vain -
3, 14159265358
Or: What do i know about circles - 3,1416.
The number of letters in each word corresponds to the value of the number "Pi"
As I have a tough and thirst to hand over to the devils after this stupid reports that lead a serious depression. 3, 14159265358979

Publishing for the number "e" until the 15th decimal sign (E \u003d 2,718281828459045 ...)
Two commas seven wool not hook (2,7) + two lions Tolstoy (Year of birth of Tolstoy 1828 ) + rectangular isceived Triangle (angles of an equilibried rectangular triangle - 45, 90, 45). It is difficult to remember, but maybe ...
Square root of two Equal to 1.4142135624 ... Consider its value using the following storage:
I'm Katya, I'm a fool, but I found the root of two))
Differentiation of the work
: D (UV) \u003d U ∙ DV + V ∙ DU - "Capture - and into the water."

Bisector - This is a rat that runs in the corners and divides corners in half.
Median- Monkey, she goes around and divides the parties in half.
Height- This is a cat without a tail, which, like scrap, falls from the top to the side at right angles.

Sinus cornerdetermined as attitudes opposite To this corner cate for hypotenuse
Cosine- attitude adjacentcate for hypotenuse.

In order not to get confused, you can use the following association:
Cosine - Jamb -a door attached(greatcatat) to the jamb. Those. Cosine Angle adjacent category To hypotenuse.
well and oppositego sinus.

Derived sinus and cosine are in the formulas:
(SIN A) "\u003d COS A and (COS A) "\u003d -Sin A.
It is necessary to replace sinus to cosine, cosine on sine and take into account the sign. You can write like this:
Blue Jack I.Jamb - blue

Roman numerals

M.s 1000 D.aEM 500 C.ovety 100 L.icher. 50 X.orel 10. V.comparted 5. I.ndividam
Mys 1000 Darim 500 Cums100 Laimons 50 twisted 10 Vse. 5 IX
average speedthermal motion particles v \u003d SQRT (3KT / M) Memorable as "Three cats on meat" (m - the mass of the Brownian particle, V is its speed, K is the Boltzmann's constant, T - temperature, sQRT - Square root).
I do not find work without power and the point of the eyelids.

Three Newton Law:
1) do not flush - not fly
2) both in the eagle and fly
3) how to flow and you will get
Indicator litmus red - acid will indicate clear!
Indicator lacmus blue - alkali Here, not stand the difference! Phenolphthaleinclose in alkalis crimson.
About sulfur
Sulfur, sulfur, letter S, 32 - specific weight.
Sulfur in the air is burning - we get anhydride.
Anhydride Yes Plus water - it will be acid.
Ethyl alcohol formula
H2O - the motto is not ours, our - C2N5on.

Organic chemistry
Remember, friend, and me, and you, what is different alcohol -
In them carbon and hydroxideAnd each alcohol is easily lit.

Nice smell aldehydes, But group C (H) O They will be given.
IN ketonah The group is Co., But this is also nothing ...

We are talking calmly: fat. And by the way he is ether,
He is from acid and glycerin.
Such here we have a picture ...
OVAL - to memorize the four largest rivers of Russia - Obi, Volga, Amur and Lena.
Cities of Holland

Amsterdam, Harlem, Sardam
Hague, Leiden, Rotterdam

Danube tributies:
"Sava, Drava and Morava,
Tees, dris, serpet, rod -
All of them in the Danube flow! "

Toponymy - an interesting topic!
In Petersburg,for the Vitebsk Station, there are a number of parallel streets - Ruovskaya, Mozhaisk, Verea, Podolskaya, Serpukhovskaya, Bronnitskaya and Bataysky alley. Remember their order can be used if you use the taxi driver code phrase: "Timeve mogbut veriT underlomu ser.dCU brodiechai ba.lerina? "Or Timeve mogbut veriT empty words ba.lerina?
But still phrases invented by taxi drivers:
Squirrel will just dry(Bel.urban BudaPEST Starrest Etcazhskaya I. FROMaiskaya- Street Kryuchka, South Peter).
Fedya eats sweetly, thinking how to give a dwarf - ul. Fucker, ul. White Kuna, pr. Glory, ul. Dimitrov, Chestnovy Alley (now Plovdivskaya), Danube Ave., ul. Yaroslav Gashek, ul. Oleko Dunditch.
Prospecty- Sciences, North, Lunacharsky, Enlightenment, Suzdal (in North Peter) gave rise to an unforgettable phrase: On the Northe. Lunbut Inthat Soupoverall ".
In the same area:
ProspectyCulture, Rudnev, Artists, Yesenin, Engels - Each rationalizer wants to experiment daily.
Maybe someone will think of the phrase For the streets of the Petrograd side crossing the big prospect?
(Ordinary, plutum, Barmaleeva, Subsa, Zakyosnova, Polozov, Lenin. And - Lakhta, Gatchinskaya, Oranienbaum, Kolpinskaya, Rybatskaya, Ropshinskaya ...)

"Fall, the sinister serve, - raging the body's tone, depriving his own language of the immense lobe of pessimism"- phrase applied by medical students to memorize the sequence of crankny nerves (olfactory, visual, gladation, block, triple, leaving, facial, auditory, orcharging, wandering, added, sublard).
Like this flibul (fibula)
Dvina Mandibul (lower jaw)
To heard cerebrum (brain)
as Kranium Rings (skull).
Treatment of myocardial infarction(first aid) Monaor Nona
M. - Morphine N. - Drug in / in
ABOUT - Oxygen (oxygen)
N. - nitroglycerin under the tongue
BUT - Aspirin to warm up and swallow
Flash cause of flickering arrhythmiais three oz:
Cardiosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, mitral stenosis
For cardiogram - overlay Standard Molds Starting with Right Hands Each Woman Extra Damn (Red Yellow Green Black)

Russian language
Persecutes with diplomas

The phenomenon calls on Wednesdays, adopting a contract by year,
He gave an escort an airport for an escort.
Dancer with a dancer love their kids to indulge.
Kittens dance can be danced on the kitchen.
My chauffeur with the dirt and, waiting for a long time in the mud,
They broke through to the branch of communication - the typographer sent us the blinds.

Alternation of vowelsfundamentally
If after the root - a, the root will always.
Here is an example, remember: legs wiped? - wipe!
Collect, wash, scare - more closely looking: if in the word name Ira,
So, in the root of the letter I.
Rule Oscale IA(For roots with alternation of vowels): If in the root A, in the root of writing I., for example, shine.
Either, something, ka, something - that not forget to write through the hyphen,
As an excuse with the word from. (because of, from under)
Put on and dress
ABOUTdell (who?) On thedefend On thedeal (what?) aboutdefend.
Socks and stockings
Socks short - Word long: Socks, long stockings - word short: stocking.
Gypsy got on the tiptoe and drew into a chicken: Ksyz! "- Words, where after" C "is written" s "

And here is an old poem for memorization of words where instead of "e" it was necessary to write "yat":
B (e), bl (e) bottom, b (e) bottom b (e) with
UB (E) filing b (e) Ruga in l (e) s,
L (e) PWM on l (e) he b (e) gal,
P (e) Did with XP (E) Mr. Poob (E) gave ...

The word Daaman (da-am-an en) indicates how the stress falls in threecomplex sizes of verse: dactyl - 1st syllable, am f.brahiy - 2nd Slog, Ana pest - 3rd syllable.
Heinrich VIII was married six times. The fate of his spouse memorizes English schoolchildren with the help of a mnemonic phrase: "Divaled - Kaznil - Died - Divaled - Kaznil - I experienced."

Official languages \u200b\u200bof UN.

The United Nations (UN) unites almost two hundred countries of the world. What language to communicate during the work process and publish official documents? For this purpose, six languages \u200b\u200bwere selected. You can remember them using a simple storage:
AFRICA- English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic.

Sequence of Latin letters on a chessboard (Abcdefgh), (or the beginning of the Latin alphabet) - the phrase is used: "Artist Bima Circul give, his last name - Zhe-Ash."

Task of chess horse
You need to get around the horse all the board in such a way that on each field to go exactly once. As the decision itself, and the storage of the response is a rather complicated task. To remember the moves Grassmaster Vasily Panov composed poem.
In each pair of words, a chessboard field is encrypted: the first word is a column, the second is a string. For example: Aleet autumn - A1, valuable gifts - C2
Aleet autumn valuable gifts,

Another life-giving day.

Bread worm with yellow cords,

Crystal Waters Philosophic Sen ...

Fully - here:

Colors of the flag of Russia
To memorize the flag colors, you can use the storage facilities.
Each word phrase begins with the same letter as the corresponding color of the flag:
White blue red.

Bullshit. Hippo ate crocodile. White king on the blue sea of \u200b\u200bred Turk won.
Bar or Besik - order of the Russian flag strips give consonant letters of these words.
And if you take up: KGB. Red, Blue, White

Those who translate time
Time "In the spring - ahead, in the fall - back"
And in conclusion, let's see how the Russian words are remembered:

English memories for Russian words
"I love you!" - "Yellow Blue Bus!"
"SERVE COFFEE" - "Church"
"Horror Show" - "Good"
"MY ON ASS" - "Mayonnaise"
"Chess Knock" - "Garlic"
"True Bar" - "Pipe"
"Our Device Is Korea" - "Dressurious"
"Paleman" - "Pellen"

Artists of the world famous "sun circus", or Cirque du Soleil during the tour in Moscow had to teach Russian words. That's how they did it.


Becoming the hunter and spread around forty years, I repeatedly visited the phase hunt. All these were hunting "samotope" or a pon, not particularly mining and interesting. But six years ago, my senior comrade, knowing that I had long wanted to start a dog for a duck hunt, gave me a Dratchara puppy for the new year. In the first year of hunting with the graph, I decided to go to Pheasant. And now the excitement of the hunt was not the limit. It was a great, beautiful hunting! From that moment on now for six years, as I became an avid phasenist. For my first season with a dog, I got more pheasants than all previous forty years, the benefit of licenses was enough.

It is difficult to find some other hunting bird in our country, which would be as bright and beautifully painted as Pheasant. Especially beautiful Petukhov outfit: there are golden, dark green, orange and purple paints in their plumage. On the glossy dark head of the rooster Khokholok and quite large red fields around the eyes. On the neck ring of a white pen. At the top of the back and neck - greenish feathers with a blue tide on a common golden background. The back is golden-red, and each feathelco is decorated with a black triangular spot. A long tail is in the tone of the back, and at its base - the feathers of copper-red color with a purple and purple tide, decorated with intricate pattern. Chicken, as a rule, painted in brownish-yellow tones with pebbles.

The permanent habitat of the Pheasanov is the impassive bushes of a thorns, thick thickets of forest belt, high thick grass, bournas, especially scored rolling-field, thick reeds, vineyards, fields inhabited by cereal crops. And very love these birds cottages. The main phase of feed - insects, berries, seeds of weeds and cereals. However, in the stern of pheasants a little legible. In the summer they prefer locust, beetles, caterpillars, snails, can shove and lizard, and a mouse. In the fall in their diet, the main place is occupied by seeds and berries. Once in a very harsh snowy winter, I saw the pheasants hunted on the star. But the main thing for this bird is to be nearby water.

Pheasant flies very badly - the most can fly 300-400 meters, so always trying to hide or escape (and pheasants run just excellent). This explains the pheasant thrust to the "strong" places uncomfortable for walking and shooting. However, Pheasan can go to the feed and in a virtually naked steppe, but it is quite difficult to catch it there - at the first signs of danger, he rapidly runs away in saving thickets. So the hunt for this bird without a dog is quite difficult and can not be so lucky as the hunt for another game. For a good phase of the hunt, a dog is simply needed with a very fast search (otherwise the pheasants will run into the trap without a shot), hovering and not very sensitive to barbed vegetation. For this, almost all the boards of legal, but preference should be given to rigid and long-haired dogs, which are more reliably protected from the barns. Good in this respect Drathara.

Under the skillful dog, the pheasants are wade and hid, allowing the legacy to make a rack on them, and the hunter come to come and get ready for the shot. Pheasant takes off noisy and quickly, as if he fits itself from bushes. It is understandable - after all, he is in such a chapher, where it is impossible to be quiet with wings, and jumping it sometimes reach a one and a half meters in height. With all its bright color, pheasant is hiding very skillfully. Approaching the dog standing on the rack, it is very hard to see it even in low and non-burning grass. On the hunt for pheasants, the dog is needed not only to lift the bird on the wing, but also to find and submit a bolt pheasant hunter or catch a prank. The fact is that broken pheasant often falls into such thickets that it is simply impossible to find it.

As for the pranks, especially with whole legs, then catch such without a dog at all unreal. The wounded pheasants, barely touching the Earth, turn to escape with a huge speed and instantly disappear in the thickets. The wounded pheasant also has a property to be stolen and not to ease. Sometimes the hunters make sure that it seems to be knocked down the pheasant, and the dog cannot find it. It is just necessary to wait 10-15 minutes and again let the dog on the search for prank - just after this time the Pheasant will "give the smell" again. For some reason, it is believed that the pheasant is rather strong on the wound, and that is why it gives a large number of pranks. But from my point of view, it is not. So consider hunters that shoot the pheasant by a large fraction - the 5th or even the 3rd. And those who hunt without a dog - as the pheasant will fly away from them unexpectedly, and they shoot a hurry. In order not to be pranks, I shoot a pheasant with a shallow fraction (usually number 7 or 8). Yes, and I shoot from under the rack of my graph. After 6 years of joint hunt, I know exactly about his behavior and pose, "on whom it is worth" - or whether it quail, or a pheasant or partridge, and in which direction is the bird.

Golden bird, a fire-bird, royal game - as soon as they do not call the Pheasant, and from the opportunity to hunt him now hardly anyone refuses. Although our phase, in the Kerch Peninsula of the Crimea, appeared relatively recently, in the mid-70s of the last century. Then, on the initiative and under the guidance of my father, the experienced Hunter Peter Ilyich Grishchenko, the Kerch city city organization of hunters, then by Worda, for breeding in hunting-producing pheasants in the Cold Mountain tract near Belogorsk. This unique phase of the nursery was created at the request of N.S. Khrushchev back in 1956. We released those pheasans, pre-creating a bird comfortable conditions, in the Kerch land in Mar'evsky Forest. From there, Pheasan gradually settled over the entire Kerch Peninsula, but the Mar'evsky Forest has long remained the main place of hunting for this beautiful bird. Some time ago, the Kerch hunters took away Mar'evsky Forest, and with him and phase hunt. Then, four years ago, Chairman of our Society of Hunters Vladimir Pusikov and took up the cultivation and release of Pheasant in our hunting better things.

Every year in our hunting and incubators are laid up to 3 thousand eggs of pheasant. The chick appears from each egg, many die in the feeding process. By virtue of its natural character, a lot of pheasant dies in the aviary - he just beats about the grid and crossbar. Many disappears in the first days after the release on the will, since the aviary bird is poorly accustomed to their stern and water. Predators contribute and predators. A total of 3 thousand "potential pheasants" before the start of the hunting season lives around one and a half. We produce young pheasants in forest belts or reeds, where there is a feed base and water. But even there, artificial feeders and drinkers are equipped with the hunting. The release of the entry bird is carried out twice a year. The first time - at the beginning of the summer and the second time - two weeks before the opening of the Hunt for Pheasant. A rather significant part of the birds is experiencing a hunting season and a capricious Kerch winter, and in the spring forms a couple and brings offspring. Thus, there is a steady population on the peninsula, no longer different from completely wild pheasant. Nevertheless, in the winter period, a mandatory feeding of pheasant is carried out. For all forests of our hunting equipment, feeders are equipped, which are constantly replenished with grain consists. Part of the grain is purchased, something pays in order of sponsorship.

Pheasant cultivation is a rather cost article for the budget of our hunting. But the cost pays off hunting. Some unstring people say that for the money that is spent on the hunt, you can buy any meat to choose from. I note that I personally go to the hunt for meat. I go to the hunt behind the shot and emotions, and, of course, in conclusion - for the beautiful trophy. Yes, and the opening of the hunting for Pheasant in our landmark is a holiday, to us in Kerch come to hunt for this bird from all over the Crimea and not only. It is so many emotions, meetings and communication! Just for the sake of them you can study the breeding of this beautiful bird.

It is necessary to say that the hunt for a semi-wall bird released at the beginning of the season is practically no different from the Wild Pheasant hunting. On the will of the Pheasigny, young quickly adapts, notes and becomes pretty careful. Although immediately after the enclosure, young pheasants practically do not know how to fly and prefer to hide from the hunter. Such with a dog hunting at first are easy prey. But, according to my observations, after a couple of weeks, Pheasan becomes a full-fledged wild bird and no different from the nature born in nature.

The younger of the pheasants, the better withstand the dog's rack, the smaller space runs up and the faster they rise. The old males are almost always fleeing, lifting the tail vertically, and take off only when they are practically overtaken by a dog or when there will be at least a small crossover on their way or another obstacle. Pheasant rises from the ground almost always vertically, with strong clapping wings: males - with a cry "Ko-GOK! Ko-GOK! ", And females - with a weak cluck. In our hunting hunting is not practiced when Pheasan is produced per day or on the day of hunting - this is considered unsportsmanlike (practically it turns out that this is still a poultry). I generally love to shoot the pheasant at the end of the season, when it turns well and has a beautiful long tail. I love when the rooster drives the dog - you look and admire this fight between the legative and the bird. It is not by chance that many on a par with Valdshnepe consider Pheasant, especially in strong landmarks, one of the most beautiful objects for hunting with legative.

And in conclusion, one of the cases on the hunt. We went with a comrade along the forest belt, I - on the one hand, he was on the other, and the count worked in the forest belt. And he, naturally, did not see what was going on ahead. And there, in the river of forest belts, a pack of partridges was sitting in a hundred-fifty meters. Seeing us from afar, birds rose and flew away. When, after a while we approached this place, my Drathaer stood clearly at the rack. I became a laugh and irony to explain that it was partridges, they flew away, and the smell remained. At my call, he did not respond. Then I went to the grass in the grass in the place where he looked to show that there was empty. And, about horror! From this little bit the grass flew two healthy roosters. Here you have a hunt for Pheasant!

Russian Hunting Journal, July 2015


About the fatal hunt of the great traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky, who served as the prologue of his premature and sustainable death. And today I want to dwell on the "culprit" of the death of the tireless researcher of Central Asia. So - Pheasant.

Pheasant - Bird well known to all residents of the South of Kazakhstan. Even those who have never met her wildlife, probably heard the gang-in-house cries, similar to the sounds, extracted immediately by the scared child of a flute or a fag. I hoarsely make a couple of notes, the performer immediately silents, as if wounded by his own courage. And she tries to quickly change the disposition, hastily run away from his own scream. And he runs masterfully - no wonder speed is considered an unsurpassed champion of his family.

Maybe just this caution and allows the bird to settle in such an unforgivable intimacy from its main enemy. In the urban trait of Almaty, for example. Moreover, not only residents of urban dies and cottage villages on the mountain shelves, but also visitors to the Botanical Garden, and patients of major urban sanatoriums can be heard from the "singing" of the Pheasant, but also visitors who have retained their territories from Soviet times.

But in any case, Pheasan always remembers its safety. And always finds such a debris for himself, where the hand of a park designer did not reach. And there will be there, where the most thick shrub broke out, where the wood poster formed the most impassable thickets. Impassable - for a person.

But the appearance of pheasans at the threshold of his worshiped enemy is not the order of things, but rather a harsh need, behavioral risk due to the reduction of natural phases of land under the onslaught of urban tendencies. And also - a consequence of the extraordinary adaptable plasticity of this relative of our home chickens.

The most ideal conditions for living in the wildlife of Kazakhstan are tugai forests in the floodplains of rivers: along the Syrdarya, Chu, or many small sevendents: from Aral to Alacol, in the reeds of the Northern Caspian Sea. Here these beautiful birds and grained many millennia.

Meeting with pheasant in tugs is always unexpected for a complacent lover of nature. Because the "Best Runner among Chicken" recalls the "Best Runner among Chicken" suddenly about his ability to fly. And evaporates from under the head, while producing terrible noise of inept flying, reinforced with panic cries.

"It takes off only with a sudden hazard and strong fright, and from high thickets takes off the so-called candle - almost vertically, and then it goes to the usual horizontal flight, with alternating short-term wings and planning," writes the Patriarch of Kazakhstan ornithology Anatoly Fedorovich Musk.

Almost the rockets from the legendary complex C-400 take off. But this is the similarity ends. Rockets are carried away into the distance to solve their defense goals, and Phezan ... Pheasant becomes a light target for not a very sophisticated hunter. No wonder the major competitions of standing stands, held in Soviet times, were called "Golden Pheasant".

It is no coincidence that the pheasants of the southern territories of modern Kazakhstan lived and did not exist until the hunters acquired firearms. In the second half of the XIX century, Syr Darya was considered a full-water river, and thick tugai forests and bothering cane jungle on her shores were a genuine paradise for any livelihood, including countless kabanov, numerous tigers at all (as it seemed to many) Pheasants. This continued until the hunters armed in a new way, did not begin a methodical and mass extermination of the natural Syrdarya inhabitants.

With a special excitement, professionals and lovers took up the pheasants. The fact is that the phase of meat was considered a valuable delicacy in the fashionable restaurants of Moscow, St. Petersburg and European capitals. Therefore, the supply of phacksanyatines became a profitable business for commercial workers and buyers of the perovsky county. According to some data, in good seasons from the shores of Syrdarya, up to 30,000 carcasses of noble bird came from the coast of Syrdarya.

It is clear that nature reacted to such an uncontrolled and gambling beating usually - the pheasants began to get along in the coastal forests of Syrdarya. "Pheasses of fishing gave significant earnings by local hunters, but the ruthless encouragement of Moscow prasolov to destroy this beneficial bird was first caused by restrictive, and then prohibitive measures to export." So summed up the history of the fishery source of those years.

But while Phezan was the usual representative of the fauna - it was much lost. And those 16 birds who shot in the fatal day of Przhevalsky on the shores of Chu - mining, maybe, and inconceivable for modern hunters, but at that time is not so impressive. Here is a quote from the hunting story of the Przhevalsky contemporary, which shot the pheasants in the lower reaches of Syrdarya, near Raim Strengthening: "The hunt was a true pleasure for us. The versals at 15-20 from Raima Phezanov had such death that in the winter days we were killed in 80 pieces" .

The success that Papezanyatina had trendy restaurants and metropolitan gourmets is clear. By and large, Pheasant is a chicken, they relate to one squad. However, the pheasant, albeit chicken, but with a complaint to more.

The only representative of the Pheasanov family (from chicken detachment) in Kazakhstan - Pheasant ordinary, Kyrgauyl. Phasianus colchicus. Despite the gambling hunt, our hunters still failed to bring our Pheasant to the Red Book. And not the last role in this played - no, not alarming of the public and not the protection of the state! - Hypertrophied caution of this bird.

Each hunter wants to know where Pheasan sits. But not every Pheasant wants to show the hunter where he sits.

- One of the most beautiful natural phenomena. She can meet after the rain, near the waterfalls, near the shores of various reservoirs and in the fog with sunny weather.

In order for it to appear, an increased humidity and light source is needed. At the same time, the light source must be behind the observer's back, and the rays should fall on the drop at the angle of forty two degrees.

It is under such conditions that the light rays, passing through the transparent Wednesday of the drops, disintegrate on the color spectrum consisting of seven colors.

This range can distinguish the human eye:

  • Red;
  • Orange;
  • Yellow;
  • Green;
  • Blue;
  • Blue;
  • Purple.

Surely since childhood, many of you remember mnemonic verse to memorize the colors of the rainbow: " TOage abouthad j.eleet z.nat g.de fromidit f.azan. Other rainbow meters are also entitled to exist:

  1. Mole sheep, giraf bunny stroked old boards;
  2. As one day, Jacques-ringer head broke the lantern;
  3. Every designer wants to know where the photoshop download.

About how easy to memorize poems, read

Thanks to these combinations of words, we have tips on the first letters for each of the colors. Mnemonic verse can also come up with themselves by connecting your fantasy. Well, in this article, let's talk about the more easy and effective method of memorizing the colors of the rainbow - a method based on visualization.

We invent images on the colors of the rainbow

At the initial stage, think with what each of these colors is associated with you. Selected images should be the same color and must be clearly visualized.

For example:

  • Red -Kremlin Tower;
  • Orange -corn;
  • Yellow -banana;
  • Green -crocodile;
  • Blue -moon;
  • Blue -Avatar (from the eponymous film);
  • Purple -Cheshire Cat.

Sequential connection of the obtained images

In order to associate our images, we will apply one of the following ways. What do you like more, to solve you.

"Chain" method

Here we clearly associate between themselves consecutive images on the colors of the rainbow, fixing images with each other for 4-6 seconds. Communications must be as bright as possible and unusual, in general - memorable.


At the top of the Kremlin Tower, an orange is sticking, from an orange gross corn. Corn, in turn, gnawing the crocodile and at the same time he sits on the moon. The moon holds on himself an avatar, and in his leg dug in Cheshirek \u003d)

About how to connect the images correctly, look in my video:

Method "Unusual Story"

We connect images into a ridiculous story, representing how each previous image interacts with the subsequent.


The Kremlin Tower places an orange tree on which corn cobs come out of oranges. Corn cobs are hatched with small crocodiles, which are crawling through the moon. This moon is spinning around the avatar, and the avatar strokes Cheshire Cat \u003d)

Loout method for memorization of rainbow colors

To use this method, create a room or urban route with objects to which you and you will fix images on colors. Hold the links with locations within 4-6 seconds.


  • Poll - At the top of the post, the Kremlin Tower swings;
  • Lenin monument - on the head of the monument was hoping an orange peel;
  • Bench - corn grows on the bench and so on ...

Also as locations can be allocated method "Microscope"And as an object take the body of a person. Since the rainbow has seven colors, and in the human body you can select 7 parts of the body, this method can be very convenient for memorization.

What is the way you like most? Write about it in the comments below. Also, do not forget to share materials about the development of memory with friends and ask questions you are interested in on this topic !!!


In this phrase, the initial letter of each word corresponds to the initial letter of the name of a certain color.

  • TOage - Red
  • ABOUThad - Orange
  • J.eleet - Yellow
  • Z.nat - Green
  • G.de - Blue
  • FROMidit - blue
  • F.azan - Purple

The colors in the phrase are listed in accordance with the order of colors in the rainbow, from the red (visible light with the highest wavelength) to violet (visible light with the smallest wavelength).

Other options

There are similar designs in which the colors are listed in the same sequence.

  • TOmouth aboutin j.irafa z.ike g.ovubye fromshive f.fius.
  • TOaK aboutlady J.ak- z.vonar g.olova frombroke f.onar. (Statement translated from English.)
  • TOage aboutforeman j.eleet z.nat g.de fromsway f.otisop. (On modern way.)
  • TOeat aboutpushable j.euttoki. z.won g.onang. fromannouncement f.attility? (Philosophical option.)
  • TOvark aboutcircles j.aric z.anaba g.luions fromopening f.lyids. (From the physics of elementary particles.)

Analogs in other languages

  • There is an acronym in English: Roygbiv (Red - Red, Orange - Orange, Yellow - Yellow, Green - Green, Blue - Blue, Indigo - Indigo, Violet - Violet) performing the same functions. For a better memorization, the Mnemonic phrase "Richard of York Gave Battle In Vain" is also invented.
  • In Azerbaijani: Q.Övsi-Qüzeh. N.ur. S.açır, Y.erdənsə. M.iN. G.Öz. B.axır. (Transfer: Rainbow glow brightly, and thousands of people look with the earth with charm)
- Q.Övsi-Qüzeh. - Q.ırmızı. (Red) - N.ur. - N.arıncı. (Orange) - S.açır. - S.arı (Yellow) - Y.erdənsə. - Y.aşıl (Green) - M.iN. - M.avi. (Blue) - G.Öz. - G.Öy. (Blue) - B.axır. - B.ənövşəyi. (Purple)

see also

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