Muses have no abstract classes. The abstract of musical classes "Sounds are different"

Muses have no abstract classes. The abstract of musical classes "Sounds are different"

Abstract musical classes "Build new teremok"

Pakhomova Daria Anatolyevna, teacher of popular singing, Mbudoda Dshi P. Chegdomyn, Khabarovsk region Verkhneburinsky district.

Description of the material: This material will be useful to teachers of dehs, teachers of kindergartens, musical leaders of children's teams.

Formation of musical abilities.

Remember the plot of the Russian folk tale "Teremok";
Develop musical, rhythmic, dynamic hearing;
Fasten the material passed (articulation exercises, songs, games)
Develop acting skills;
Develop memory, attention;
Develop articulation;
Cause interest to awaken fantasy;
Educating communicative identity qualities.
Equipment: Cards-carding, musical instrument, puzzle, ball.

Preliminary work: Production of picture cards to exercises, pictures - puzzle, learning with children of musical material (see the song "Look like both in the workshop", song-game "Tili-Bom"), learning spelling.

Travel course:

Hello guys! Remember from what fairy tale these words:

"Who who lives in Teremchka, who lives in a short one?"
(Russian folk fairy tale "Teremok")
That's right, from the fairy tale "Teremok"!

And now we study the speaker about teremok:

Stands in the field of teremok
It is not low
Who who lives in it
Who is the door to me?

(Children are learning a speaker)

And now try to guess my riddles about the heroes of the tales "Teremok":
Small height
A long tail,
Gray fur coat
Sharp teeth.

Let's imagine what it is? (Little, prompt, curious ....)
Guys Try to sing a speaker on the face of the mouse (the children sing, trying to intonational and emotionally show what mouse is small, prompt, curious ...)
Green, but not grass.
Cold, but not ice.
Sings, but not a bird
Here is such an unpleasant.

As a famous frogs love to jump. Let's try with you musically portraying how a jumping frog sings this speech (the teacher sings a speaker Staccato -Tell, children repeat)
He was Rus, but snow fell,
Wood fluffy fur
And he invisible in winter
Wolf with red fox!

And the bunny we have a very cowardly, his heart goes into the heels (the teacher runs the speaker: sings the first line and makes 4 cotton in your hands, explains the children that the head of a cowardly hare is so beating)
Tail fluffy takes
And animals fakes:
Know the redhead in the forest -
Very hetrude

Fox is a tricky, a dodging cheer, she has a beautiful fluffy tail guys, let's show how Lisa proudly worshtresses banging with his tail and executes the speaker. (Children sing a speaker depicting a fox walk, a lazy appearance, how she touches his tail and so ...)
Dog appearance
In the middle of the trick,
In the forest under the bushes
Clicks fangs.

Guys, what happens the wolf in fairy tales? (Angry, hungry, cruel, he can be as stupid (Fairy Tale "Fox and Wolf") So and wise (the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf") and so ...) And how will the wolf howl? Let's try to improve with you (the children try both together and one by one) and now we will give our speakers and after each line we will try to improve as a hungry gray wolf.
The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring
And in winter under the worker
Sleeping snow in the hut.

Bear in fairy tales is kind, strong, able to protect the weak, find justice, and the only right solution. But the trouble is such a clumsy, because it was he who destroyed teremok. Show how the closing bear goes. Well done! We offer a span on the face of the bear, we will sing and depict as it is awkward, slowly walks.

And now we will remember and repeat the patter on the heroes of this fairy tale:

(at an average pace, we say each pature of 3 times, follow the correct breathing and clear diction)
Mouse soap cones.
Too many cones were
Mouse bumps did not dominate.

Frog Cuckuck Changer Song Frog on Ushko.

Hare oblique stands with oblique
The grass mows the hay wears.

In the forest fox under the pile
Stew the bed of fox.

Wolves live near the forest
Half the wolves at night loud.

Rounded the bear in Berorgan,
He froze his feet.
Well done boys! And now remember the plot of fairy tales "Teremok". I will ask you questions, and you try to answer correctly:

1. Where is the teremok? (in field)
2. Who did the first come ran to the teremku? (mouse)
3. What is the height of teremok? (not low, not high)
4. Who came to the teremku after the frog? (hare)
5. Who ruined teremok? (bear)
6. How many animals gathered in Teremka when a bear came to them? (five)
7. Whom the first called the mouse to live in Teremka? (frog)
8. Mouse-norushka, frog-cuckoo, bunny-bunch, chanterelle-sister, and what was the name of the wolf? (Wolf - gray barrel)
9. With what condition, the animals were ready forgive the bear for his ridiculous act?
(if the bear helps them build new terems)

Guys, let's help the heroes of fairy tale to build a new teremok so that the places would have enough space, even a bear? And without which we can't build a house? (children's responses)
Let's make you riddles:

Head of iron beats
Those who will come to whom
In the floor will score and in the ceiling
Carnation sharp ...
(a hammer)

Very important tool.
Prepared firewood at the moment.
She has teeth:
Ostroes, not stupid.
They guessed that
This is necessary - ...

I'm all made of iron,
I have no legs or hands.
I'm on the hat in the chalk board
And for me all the knock, yes knock.

In it the bitch and nose shovel,
With his back he humpored.
Polon courtyard flier
What is his name?

Underflower praises -
I like to dance.
I am friends with screws
And I'll spin any.
"Look!" Embedded to dance
And the screw in the board was stuck.

Tape measured twisted
And in the chain placed.
Helps us ...

What are they called in one word? (Tools) correctly, tools!

So what is our heroes to build a house? I will call the material, and the one to whom I will throw the ball will call, what will be the house from this material (task for schoolchildren):

From straw - straw;
From stone ...
From wood ...
Metal ...
From glass …
From iron ...
From brick ...

(For young children, you can play the game on the type "Edible Not Edible" only on the contrary, it is necessary to catch items that will be useful for construction, and edibles do not catch. For example: brick, apple, nail, screwdriver, cucumber, tomato, boards, and so ...)

What do you think, what will be better to build a sturdy house? (Children's responses)

And we will try to build a house in your own way. (Articulation Exercises)

To install the walls, take "hammers" and knock.

Exercise "Hammer".
Purpose: Preparation of articulation for sound [P] and vibration tip of the tongue.
Guidelines: knock on the tongue and pronounce the sound [d]. Watch that the tip of the tongue does not go down and did not look out of the mouth.
Note: If a throat sound is corrected, then the sound is pronounced [t]. Follow so that there is no nasal shade, I did not strain the voice and the lower jaw was not raised. Touch with sound [d, T] 5-6 times.
The tip of the language is knocking at the top of alveolum with sound [d] or [t].

In the wall they made large light windows. Like these ones.

Exercise "Window".
Purpose: To be able to hold open mouth with simultaneous showing of the upper and lower teeth.
Guidelines: Slow open mouth. Teeth should be visible. Hold the bill to 5.

When the walls and ceiling were ready, the beasts decided to paint them. Collect the ceiling.

Exercise "painting".
Purpose: to produce a wide front of the back of the tongue
Methodical instructions: Smile, open your mouth. A wide tongue of the tongue to stroke the sky from the teeth to the throat. Lower jaw should not move.

And now the windows and walls will paint.

Exercise "Prayes windows"- lick the lips; "Paint walls" - Led tongue inside the cheeks.

On the roof of the house will lay out this pipe.

Exercise "Pipe" - pull the lips with a wide tube

We wash the floor.

Smile, open your mouth, tongue tongue to "clean" behind the bottom teeth

When the house was pure, hung beautiful "curtains". Like these ones.

Exercise "Curtains"
Purpose: be able to hold open mouth with simultaneous showing of the upper and lower teeth, activate the muscles of the language
Methodical instructions: To smile to open the mouth, the tip of the tongue to raise and put for the tubercles behind the upper teeth, hold in that position.

And in what song, which we learned with you, are the tools? That's right, the song "Look like both in the workshop") let's give it!

Look like we are in the workshop,
There workers work day-day.
How they start to chop hat, - (Children fold hands in the "Castle" and show the movement of a rubbing ax)

The hammer in the nails are bold. - (fist knock on palm)
And the saws are saw, saw, saw, - (hand exhibit forward and clean back - "Pokhat")
In all sides of sawdust fly.
Time carpenters work to end
Here they will go like a dance dance: (the boys dance to eddyadka, girls are circling)

Ah, lyuli, ah, lyuli, ah, lyuli,
Ah, lyuli, yes, ah, lyuli, yes, ah, lyuli!

Well done, remembered the song!
Now play in game "Tili-Bom".

Abstract musical activity

in the senior group

compensating direction


music leader

Chernysh V.V.

Krasnodar 2014.

Objective: to educate interest and love for music, the need for her listening. Develop a creative imagination, sounding rumor, encourage dance creativity, learn to express various mood.


  1. To acquaint children with musical works, contrasting in nature.
  2. Teach children distinguish the shades of moods in a musical product, transfer the mood in singing, rhythmic movements, in dance.
  3. Transmit the facial contrast emotional state (joy and sadness) to form the communicative relationship between children, bring up the ability to empathize with animals and people.
  4. Promoting the development of attention, hearing, to produce the right pace of speech through logo exercises.

Travel course:

Children to music (to choose from the music leader) enter the hall, pass in a circle and stop the face in the circle.


The music director offers everyone to say hello:

"Hello, right hand" - Right hand pull back forward, remove on the belt.

"Hello, left hand" - stretch your left hand forward with palm up, remove on the belt.

"Hello, my right sock" - bring the right leg forward, pull out the sock, put in I.P.

"Hello, my left sock" - bring the left leg forward, pull out the sock, put in I.P.

"Hello, my back" - remove your hands behind your back, spread your shoulders, lift the chin up.

"Hello, belt" - put hands on the belt (4 fingers in front, one finger from behind)

"Hello, hello, my friend" - to nourish your head once.


Children turn into each other and under the coastal music go in a circle walking around a different nature (go "on socks" - hands up, "on the tops" - hands on the belt, "swelling", straight gallop, running with a knee raised, etc. ) Then seard on the chairs.

Music leader: Guys,I am very glad to meet you.

Guys, what is your mood today?

Children's answers: Cheerful, good, joyful.

Music leader: Mood - This is the internal state of the person and different life circumstances affect the mood. Sometimes just sunny weather can cause a good mood.

Guys, when do you have a sad mood?

(Children come up with situations)

Music leader: But listen to how music can understand us and clearly tell about the sad mood.

Hearing: Music Work R. Schuman "First Loss"

(The portrait of the composer and the picture with the image of Pierrot)

Music leader: What is the character of the musical work? What could be sad by the composer?

Responses of children.

Music leader:

About sad dub violin.
Fish was assisted in the pond.
Spear Mac and Chamomile
shepherd in meadow and lambs
On a branch of a green bird
Squorter, and maybe the tit,
And a black important cat ...
And everyone sinks slightly.

And Mikhailov.

But we will not be sad with you, we have a good mood today. Let's listen to a cheerful musical work.It is called "joke," his composer I.S. wrote Bach

Hearing: Music Work I.S. Bach "Joke."

(the portrait of the composer and the picture depicting clowns or scrooches)

Music leader: What fun and perky melody? And what movements will be under such music fast or slow, smooth or sharp?

Responses of children.

Music leader: Guys, let's play funny music in the game "Find your own pair."

Game "Find your couple"

Sounds "Polka" M. Glinka

Children stand in a loaf, in their hands holding cards with a picture of different emotions.

Tact 1. For each quarter to the toe of the right foot touch the floor.

Tact 2. Make three lung trim, starting with the right leg.

Tact 3. For each quarter to the left foot sock relate to the floor.

Tact 4. Make three lung trim, starting with the left leg.

Tact 5-8. Repeat the movements of the clocks 1-4.

Tact 9-16. Running light jogging into the loose and looking for a couple with the same emotion in the picture

After the game, the children sit on the chairs.


Music leader: And now we will perform an exercise that is called "Yula". We will turn Yuly to our voice.

Exercise "Yula"

First, all together sing the sequence of sounds of A-E-Oh-y on one note. Then divided into groups. The first begin - sing "A", the following group "E", the following - "and", and so to the end ("O", "U"). For children, the main thing in this exercise is able to hear the neighbor. Exercise develops rumor, attention, group unity.

Music leader: What are you great! Everything worked out! You heard each other and did not interrupt. Let's sing a good song about a good mood called "smile."

Singing: "Smile" V. Shainsky

Music leader: And when we have a good mood, we love to dance, however, guys?

The answer of children: yes!

Music leader: Get out more to dance!

Dance "Top top and clas-clap"

Song from the transfer "We Go to Play" ("Teleenyan")

(children perform movements for music on the show of the music supervisor)

Once, two, three, four, five - we go to play!

1. The legs jump along the track - once, two, three;
See the rainbow in the sky - look;
The ball is round, the ringing is huge, trailing-valves bom;
Affectionate sun on the sky blue!

Jump higher, clapping your hands,
Football legs: top top - day good!
Bright ride today, day:
We play all together - clash and top-top!

2. times, two, three, four, five - ta-ra ray;
Having fun on the glade of the defector;
Highly float clouds
And our miracle song did not end yet!

Music leader: well danced, let's rest.

Relaxation Exercise "Clouds!"

Music leader: Imagine that we are walking on the clouds (the children go to the loose on the carpet). Lie down on them. (Children fall on the carpet). White clouds, fluffy and warm, try to relax and relax. Your body is weightless and air, like a cloud. The ray of the sun prigel you, as if covered with a warm blanket. All muscles are relaxed, good, warm, swinging on fluffy clouds. (Song Song sounds "Cloud").

Music leader: Our lesson comes to an end, let's remember what we did today?

Exercise "So!"

We walked along the path - so, so!

We swore as Osinki - so, so!

Loudly clapped in the palm - so, so!

We concerned a little bit - so, so!

We, like birds, flew - so, so, so!

Bend for flowers - so, so, so!

We float like fish - so, so!

Gave all the smiles - so, so, so!

Children overlook the hall under the song "True Friend"

B. Savelyev, M. Danzkovsky

Publications are shown 1-10 of 5582.
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Children who visit musical classes, most susceptible to the world around, they feel thin, see and hear the world around, their emotions are always pronounced, and intelligence is an order of magnitude higher than their peers. At school, he easily remembers the information obtained, and, therefore, it is better studying.

In this section, we collected a large number of abstracts of musical training with children of preschool age, developed by educators of kindergartens. Here you will find classes for all age groups, starting with babies, and in various directions. This is a whole range of music entitled "Forest Fairy Tale", and the occupation dedicated to Russian folk musical instruments, and the cycle of events "Musical Teremok", and many others.

All of them help children develop imagination and express their thoughts and feelings with the help of music. They also develop the child's memory, since, repeating the same melody, the child automatically trains the memory, scrolling in the head lost music. He studies in the correct sequence to state events, facts and phenomena. If your child still does not read, or he does not work read well, then you should also read our abstract recommendations, as the music contributes to the definition of the rhythmic language of the language, which means it helps to quickly learn to read. And that is the most amazing - the music contributes to improved health, as children learn to breathe correctly, develop their lungs, and this means that blood begins to circulate throughout the body and it causes a wellness effect.

Music is the most real happiness for the child, so do not pass by and give with our help a piece of happiness your babies.

Software tasks: develop in children cognitive interest in sound reality, the ability to perceive and analyze its content; educate a desire and ability to cooperate; (funny, sad, surprised, calm, etc.).

Material and equipment: Music center, audio recordings: "First Loss" R. Schuman, Songs "Smile" (Sl. M. Danzkovsky, Muses. V. Shainsky), Dance Melodies, like me "(Muses V. Zolotoeva), Cards with images of men With different emotions, a cube with emotion pictograms, emoticons.

Music classes

Children under music are included in the hall and become a semicircle.

Music leader (M.R.). What are the guests in the hall in a hurry?

Children. Twenty little guys!

M.R. Become here. Everything is in place?

Children. Yes Yes Yes.

M.R. Guys, look out the window. Today is friendly, gentle sun! It warms everyone, gives his warmth and good mood. Let's smile to each other and say hello.

Song-jacket"I greet everywhere" (sl. T. Borovikova, Muses. A. Brazhitsky)

I greet everywhere:

At home and on the street

Even "Hello", I say

On nearby street.

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, the sun is golden!

Hello, light breeze,

Hello, little oak,

Hello, morning!

Hello, day!

I feel not too lazy.

M.R. Guys, who will say, what is emotions? (This is when a sad, cheerful, angry, joyful.) That's right, emotions are an internal state of a person.

Today we will travel to the world of emotions on the train. Come in the wagons!

Station "Znayka"

M.R. Guys, listen to the poem "Alphabet of Mood":

There are feelings from beasts,

Fish, birds and people.

Affects no doubt

At all of us mood.

Who is having fun?

Who sad?

Who scared?

Who is angry?

Doubt all doubts

Alphabet mood.

Music leader conducts a brief discussion of the poem, while demonstrating cards with images of men with different emotions (sad, fun, angry, etc.).

Children move around the hall, performing the song "The Locress" (Sl. T. Volgina, Muses. A. Filippeenko).

Station "Musical"

M.R. Here is the next stop. Here we will introduce the first emotion. What kind of music will tell me.

Hearing of the work of the "First Loss" (music. R. Shuman).

M.R. Tell me, what mood does this music cause? (Sad, sad.) This emotion is sadness. Who or what can be drawing under this music? (Rain, sad girl, sad bunny.) What colors would you take for your drawing to portray sadness? (Gray, Black.) It's time to go on.

Children move around the hall, performing the song "The Locress" (Sl. T. Volgina, Muses. A. Filippeenko).

Station "Mysterious"

M.R. At this station you need to guess the mystery:

There is a joy of girlfriend

In the form of a semicircle.

On the face she lives:

Then somewhere suddenly leaving

That suddenly returns.

Sadness-longing is afraid of her. (Smile.)

In what cartoon hero sang "from a smile of a gloomy day of light ..."? ("Crazy Raccoon".) Do you know this song? (Yes.)

Listening to the smile song fragment (Sl. M. Pleazkovsky, music. V. Shainsky).

M.R. What song is character? What mood you appear when you hear it? (Joyful, cheerful.) Let's and we sing it.

Song "Smile" (Sl. M. Danzkovsky, music. V. Shainsky)

M.R. How happily you sang her! Tell us when a person rejoices? (When well, he himself, when gifts, when the sun is on the street.) What emotion did we meet at this station? (Joy.)

Joy - if the sun shines,

If there is a month in the sky.

How much joy in the world

Do not measure and do not read.

I. Tokmakova

And now we go down with joyful mood.

Children move around the hall, performing the song "The Locress" (Sl. T. Volgina, Muses. A. Filippeenko).

Station "Dance"

M.R. What do you think we will do at this station? (Dancing.) What kind of music would you like to dance? (Fast, cheerful, loud, ripple, joking.)

Children perform a dance under the melody V. Zolotobyov "Dance, like me."

M.R. When is a person having fun? (On the birthday, when children play games.)

Children move around the hall, performing the song "The Locress" (Sl. T. Volgina, Muses. A. Filippeenko).

Station "Game"

M.R. Now we will play with you.

Music and didactic game "Mooding Cube"

Purpose: Teaching children purely intolerate melody, defining emotion and establishing causal relationships.

Stroke Game

On the sides of the cube are pictograms of emotions (joy, anger, surprise, fear, sadness, delight). Children pass it in a circle and sing:

Cube, cube pass.

Choose mood.

The one who remained a cube after sowing words, throws it into the center of the circle and looks, what a pictogram on the cube falls on top. Calls emotion and finishes the corresponding phrase.

For example: "Joy (sadness, fear, etc.). I am joyful (sad, scary, etc.), because ... ".

M.R. What emotions did we meet? (Sadness, joy, anger, delight, fear, surprise.) Now depict the emotion that I will talk about:

Try to smile

Like a clown on a manneva.


And timidly pull

Like a small snowdrop.

Try to get angry

As a frowning wasp.


Try to surprise

Looking at heaven.


Try the neck important

Like swan bending -

Everyone will say: "He's brave!

And they will respect. "

M.R. What emotions did we meet on the way? (Joy, anger, surprise.) What is your mood? (Children's responses.) Take yourself a smiley, reflecting your mood, and tell me what you feel. (Children describe their feelings.) It's time for us to say goodbye. The train is waiting for you.

Children under the music "Leaving" from the hall.

Abstract musical classes for children 5-7 years. We sing, knock, play - health strengthened!

Direction: Development of musicality, preservation of physical and psychological health.

Education area: music.

Integration of educational areas: Music, Communication, Socialization, Health, Cognition, Physical Culture.

Purpose: Comprehensive development of cognitive processes and musical abilities of children of senior preschool age through the use of pedagogical health care and IR technologies.


- send vocal skills and sound hearing in the process of singing activities;
- Improve the timber ear, consolidate the ability of children to distinguish and determine the sound of musical instruments;
- to encourage the manifestation of children's activity in musical and speech activities;
- Enrich the speech of children by incorporating into the vocabulary of words that determine the nature of the music.

- develop a sense of rhythm, auditory attention,
- promote the development of memory, logical thinking, imagination;
- improve the speech-moving skills;
- develop the creative activity of children, communicative skills.

- to educate the culture of the hearing, love for music, the desire to engage in musical activities;
- to educate the culture of communication, a sense of empathy;
- encourage children to motor improvisations;
- develop the emotional responsiveness of children to expressed in music feelings and mood.

- the creation of a positive psychological atmosphere in the class, a decrease in emotional stress;
- improving the self-assessment of children, their confidence in their own forces and results of activities (individual and collective);
- formation of motivation to creative self-expression in the process of collective activities;
- training the basics of proper singing breathing, expansion of the lung volume;
- reduction of visual stress;
- the formation of a conscious relationship of children to their health and the development of skills of their own recovery;
- Reducing muscle tension by learning the basics of gaming self-massage.

Planned Result:
- establishing a friendly relationship (teacher - children);
- the creation and preservation of a positive emotional background throughout the exercise;
- learning a new song with its subsequent execution;
- the formation of a sustainable habit of a healthy lifestyle;
- Mastering self-massage and self-regulation skills.
Travel course:
Children enter the hall, where they are met by the music director.

Music leader: - What guests in the hall are in a hurry?
I am glad to see the guys!
Let's gather in a friendly circle: (everyone gets into a circle)
Right - friend, and left - friend!

Hello my friends! Today I want to ask you this. When you come to kindergarten, what are you talking to those who meet? (Responses of children) That's right, all educated people at the meeting wish each other health - they say ... "Hello." And today I suggest you greet each other unusually, musical. Our musical greeting is a song - echo. Where can I meet echo? (children's responses) What does the echo do? (children's responses) correctly, it repeats everything. Now you will become my echo. I will sing a musical phrase, and you repeat it as an echo. And when I will raise our clutch hands up, we are all the loud crying "Hurray!". A task is understandable?

1.Musical greeting "How cool!" (author of the words E. Plakhova) (unaccompaning):

Gathered, gathered!
Children: - How cool that we are all here
Gathered, gathered!
MR: - your friends you smile,
Smile, smile!
Children: - your friends you smile,
Smile, smile!
Children: - All friends gathered together!
Everything: - Hooray!

Music leader: - Well done! So we greeted each other and everyone who is present in the hall! And now…

Praise a little ... (cotton in your hands)
And swelling palms ... (Trute hands each other)
And now even stronger,
To become hot! (Trute hands more quickly and intensively)
Bottom up ... top down ... (stroking movements with finger tips on the neck)
Our voice, wake up! (clap your hands)
From top to bottom ... bottom up ... (stroking movements with fingertips by neck)
Success is waiting for us! (clap your hands)

Guys, what holiday will we celebrate soon? That's right, soon the new year. And for the new year, it is customary to give gifts. My friends, do you like gifts? (Answers) I have today for you today there is a gift, but not simple, but musical .... Sit down near the piano ... (Children sit down) My gift is a new song ... Sit down ...

3. Express-learning song "Sanok" (music. A. Filippenko, Sl. T.Valgina) using mnemonics.

(learning occurs sitting on the chairs, and the final performance standing
MR reminds children about the singing posture, about posture)

Music leader:
- Sang song you are fine!
They tried not in vain!
In the meantime you worked,
Your eyes tired?
No problem! We will help them!
Make massage them too!
Become in order!
We will charge charging!

4. Spectative gymnastics "Christmas tree":

Here is a big tree,
Here is such a height. (Perform moving through your eyes from the bottom up)
She has big branches.
Here is such a width. (Moves moves from left to right)
Upstairs big bumps, (eyes up)
And below - Berlogo Bears. (Eyes down)
Winter sleeps there Kosolapy
And sucks in a paw berry. (Cover your eyes)

Music leader: - Well, our eyes and rested. Guys, and you liked how we sang a wonderful song "Sanoki"? (children's responses). We sang all together, so we sang like? (chorus)
Guys, what do you think you can sing music ... with your hands? (Children's answer) Let's try? See what I prepared for you: For girls - these wonderful flowers that wear on your hand like this ... And for you, the boys are these moths. Please take places in our choir hands. Girls are pleased with the chairs, and boys, like real cavallers stand up behind them.

Girls put on the hands of flowers, and boys of butterflies.

In the yard has long been winter -
Snow covered the fields at home.
And we will play music
And I remember about the summer!
On the first part - flowers bloom,
And on the second - the moth flies!
Flowers will bloom, the moth twigs ...
And in the end they will make friends with each other!

5. Innovative Music and Pedagogical Technology
"Hand Choir" according to the method T. Borovik (Motive two-row)

Children in motion transmit the form and musical phrases of the musical work.

Music leader:
College, Datvora!
There will be a new game!
We will be with you to play -
Live rhythms create!

You have large flowers in your hands and small moths, of which we will draw up rhythmic formulas and end them. A large flower in girls is a long note "that", and the little moths of boys are a short note "TI". Try now to be built here in such a rhythmic figure "Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta" (Rhythmform show on the screen).

6. Game "Live Rhythms"
Children build a rhythmic formula,
And the rest are pronouncing and slam the rhythm.
Then the rhythmophorms on the screen are changed twice, and other children participate in their construction.

There is a ticking clock.
Music leader:
- My friends, listen ... You don't hear anything? (children's responses)
Time time runs
Relax now tells.
Whispering watch like this:
Tick-so, tick-like!
Take, friend, plates!
On the spot not stand!
Repeat everything for me!

7. Music and rhythmic game with dishs "ASIKI"

All are going to the circle.

Music leader: - Guys, what is your mood now? (answer) Let's smile again to each other! Did you like our meeting? And what did you like the most? (Answers of children) Believe me that I have never met such smart, musical and attentive guys! I tell you "Thank you"! I was very pleased to meet with you today, but our watches tell me that the time of our meeting comes to an end. I would really like you to have now dressed up this Christmas tree. If you have a bad mood now, attach a white ball on the Christmas tree. If the mood is excellent - attach a red ball.

(children dress up a Christmas tree)

I wish you all the best, my friends! In memory of our meeting, I give you these very wonderful funny watch. Let them in the new year count you only pleasant and happy moments! Bye!

Children leave the hall.