The scenario of the quest "Where to go, you will find!" For children of senior preschool age and their parents. Quest "Journey to the Music Castor Caller

The scenario of the quest
The scenario of the quest "Where to go, you will find!" For children of senior preschool age and their parents. Quest "Journey to the Music Castor Caller

Rhythm and music - Part of our life. Everyone has the ability to music for music, let someone claim the opposite. And listening to music and playing musical instruments- great way Relax and have a good time with family or friends.

During the game, children will get acquainted with unusual musical instruments different countries And peoples, learn the story of their appearance and try to play them.

At the end of the classes, the guys will take part in the master class on which they will create their own author's instrument.


Children's age:

group size:


Alina Kolovsk - biologist, creator and head of the educational site "Center for resource savings" and public organization Coalition "Pro Waste".

Inga Chumakova - Mathematics, Head educational programs Resource Saving Center.

How is the quest

The first part of the game passes in the form of a quest. Participants will be wanted ancient tools Different countries and peoples, getting acquainted with their musical history.

. In the second part of the game, participants will perform tasks to develop a sense of rhythm and musical memorywho will prepare them for a confident game on different tools. Children have to create a small orchestra and try to play together.

The third part is a master class on which the guys will create their own musical instrument.

Conditions of participation in Quest

To participate in the game does not require special training or musical education.

The game is perfect for the celebration of the birthday or another solemn event.

Two participation formats: only children or children + adults.

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1 Quest script "Where to go, you will find!" For children of senior preschool age And their parents goal: Organization of cognitive and cheerful walks for pupils of DoOs and their parents in the children's garden. Tasks: To form a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bliving and inanimate nature. Teach preschoolers to the knowledge of the surrounding world. Develop the ability to analyze the content of questions and riddles and give a full meaningful answer to them. Develop a connected speech and an active dictionary. Strengthen the health of preschoolers, develop their intelligence and independence of thinking in solving arising tasks. Create conditions for establishing friendly, friendly relationships between parents, children and teachers. Educating the ability to listen to adults and peers carefully, develop a sense of responsibility to their team. Improve the skills to work in a team, follow the rules of the game. Preliminary work: with children: reading adventure books in children's garden and at home; clarifying the names of trees, shrubs, colors growing in the territory of the kindergarten; Formation of ideas about the animals of the Vladimir Territory; Exercise in the guessing and drawing up mysteries, drawing up a room plan, platform and search for "secrets", focusing on the drawing; With parents: Preparation of equipment for the game. Equipment: Card consisting of 4 parts; pointers; Red and blue butterflies; Paper roses; 2 small baskets; pine cones and spruce; Animal cards cards; scheme; paper and pencils; chalks; "Clay". Characters: Adults: Old Man Sadovik Baba Yaga Players: Educator, Children and their Parents Stroke Game: Preparation for the quest Participants of the quest pass on the string of the group, are suitable for the magic tree with three pointers: Blue "right to go old treasure you find!", Red "Go left gems You will find! ", White" directly go to the beach will come, you will not find miracles! ". Here they are met by Old Man Sadovik (one of the parents).

2 Hello, friends! Why did you come to me? Players: We want to play in kindergarten, to search for secrets. In our garden there are many secrets. I allow them to look only the most brave and strong. And who is weak, may just take a walk in the plots. Among you there are strong and bold, tanned on the sun? Are you ready to search for secrets and treasure? (As a rule, none of the children recognizes themselves weak, everyone strives to actively participate in adventures.) And you know how to read? If not, it does not matter! Parents will help you read what secrets are in our kindergarten. (Pupils together with parents read what is written on the signs.) Guys, what will you search? (Answers children) And now find envelopes on this clearing. They are written where you go and what to find. Be careful, on the clearing there are tips that will help you. (Tips are small blue and red paper butterflies, which are attached to the grass in the place where envelopes are hidden.) Old Lesovik: perfectly coped with the task! What do you have in the envelope? (Looks.) Yes, this is part of the map where treasures are hidden! If you are attentive, you will be able to find treasure. You need to find three more parts of the card, fold them correctly, and then you will see the place where the treasures are hidden. Read the task and hurry to victory. I will wait for you on complex stages Your route. IN good way! (Further, children with parents perform tasks and overcome the obstacles on their own. The team is accompanied by an educator.) Task 1. "Roses on birch" in the envelope lies a fragment of the poem of K. I. Chukovsky "Joy". Rada, glad, gladly bright birks, and roses grow from joy. Players should guess that they need to find birch with roses attached to it. Task 2. "Corses and acorns" in a basket hidden under birch with roses is task. 1. Guess the coniferous species of trees. Twigs of coniferous rocks (pine, larch, spruce, thuja) are cooked. The team determines the breed of coniferous wood on the twigs and tells where this tree grows in the territory of the kindergarten. 2. The team game "Collect the Crying".

3 Question "What is the benefit of coniferous trees." It is necessary to assemble a basket of cones for planting new trees on the territory of the kindergarten (two types of cones: pine and spruce). Well done appears guys! You coped perfectly with the task. But there, under the tree, where you found a basket, there was also an envelope. (The envelope should be hidden when children will collect cones.) Have you found it? Try faster to find and bring me. Let's see what task you still need to perform. (Children find and bring an envelope. Old Man Sadovik reads the task.) This is a game called "bumps". Let's play? Become a close circle, close-close from each other, and let's choose a leading. Guys, who knows count, and parents know? The game "Corses" with the help of readers is selected leading and voicing the rules of the game. Parents: times, two, three, four, five, we gathered to play. Suddenly, forty flew and drive you told! (Shows one of the children, and he gets up in the center of the circle.) We will transfer the bump behind your back and say the words: the geese swans flew, they were chishechki. Everyone was thrown and shouted: "I have!", "I have!". - And you, drive, guess, who has a bump in her hand. After typing the text, the participants of the game show hands clamped in cams. Driving tries to guess, who has a bump of them. You honestly earned the second part of the map (gives the second part of the map). And now find the prompt on this clearing. It says where you walk longer. Who and in the summer, and in winter in the rolling coat of resin? In the rain of autumn and in the drops does not shoot the coat players: fir. In which the closest site of kindergarten is growing spruce? (Speech therapy) Participants in the game take place on the territory of the site of the speech therapy group.

4 Task 3. Host: Listen! (Sounds magical music). Oh, what is it? Old man Lesovik: This is the same magic box! I wonder what hid in it? The phonogram sounds with the voices of birds and animals. Woodpecker Wolf Crubber Cuckoo Wolf Hummingbird Lion Children guess vocates of birds and animals. The educator demonstrates their photos. - The game "Find too much." Guys, and whether these birds and animals live in the territory Vladimir region? The story of the parents about animals and birds included in the Red Book of the Vladimir region. Excellent! You have to give you a third part of the map. I will tell you where she is. Listen carefully: in the yard it grows ... Hyd bees from the flowers of gold, which in the branches bloom thick. From the cold and from the influenza is the best doctor ... (Lipa). Our Lipa next to the sandbox is worth the third card she will fit. Now find the hint, it is written in it where you go on. Motion scheme through the territory of the kindergarten. Parents will be provided with great help in this task. Task 4. Environmental signs to get a fourth part of the map We need to come up with and draw environmental signs on the topic "What can not be done in the forest." And to draw a sign, listen to the poem about the rules of behavior in the forest, which Ira C. Forest rules prepared if the forest came to walk, Fresh air Breathe, run, jump and play, only, chur, do not forget that in the forest it is impossible to noise: it is even very loud to sing. Beggar animals,

5 run away from the forest edge. Oak branches do not break. Never forget the garbage from the grass to clean. In vain flowers do not need to tear! From the slingshot not to shoot: you came not to kill! Butterfly let fly, well, who do they interfere? Here you do not need to catch everyone, stupid, clap, beat stick. You are only a guest in the forest. Here is the owner of Oak and elk. Their peace will be whiten, because they are not enemies! Help forest animals, prepare feeders for them. And then any animal be it caressing Ile Harek, hedgehog forest, river fish Say: "You are my friend! Thank you!" (These tasks suggest the joint productive activities of adults and children, so they are carried out with the participation of parents.) Excellent! You have to give you the fourth part of the card. But where is she? Look carefully around. Maybe there is a hint? (Players are looking for another tip and find a butterfly, which sits on the neck plastic bottle, saved in the sand. Give a bottle of sand and pull out a piece of card from it into the tube.) Work perfectly! Quickly found the map. And now collect all the pieces together, look around, guess, in what place the treasure is stored. There are no prompts here, you need to search on the map. Children are suitable on the map to the place where the treasure is hidden. So you found a place where the treasure is hidden! Baba Yaga appears: Who's who goes here, she does not give to bed! Who died without permitting to approach my poses?

6 Hello, grandmother Yaga! Do not swear. This is me an old man Sadovik. And with me my friends guys from kindergarten. Baba Yaga: What are these guys? Give you, I will consider you closer. Baba Yaga (comes to the children): Batyushki, holy! And truth, guys! What are all the belt, sweet, tasty for a long time I didn't eat little! Yes, what are you, granny, say? Baba Yaga: Ugh you, confused, old. I say long ago, I didn't listen to little. Well, my cute, answer. Why did you come to me? For the storage? And you know the saying: "You can not easily endure and fish out of the pond"? This means that the treasure needs to earn. Baba Yaga offers children to sing a song. Children perform the song "If a friend went into the way." Baba Yaga: pleased, tales, grandmother. What are you friendly! Get your treasure for it, because I am alone with such a harvest "not to cope"! The teeth are almost left! (Treasure this fruit, chocolate coins and game on ecological topic). The educator thanks the participants of the game. Reflection.

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Elena Dakina
Musical game journey "Quest"

Music game - Travel« Quest» .

Quest - This is an unlimited possibility creative development (fabulous plot, musical accompaniment , friendly relations in a team).


purpose (Motivation issued problem);

Availability of tasks;

Emotional coloring of tasks;

System of tasks;

Time rationality;

Using different species activities;

Travel results, rewards.

Scenario Games - quest"Journey to the city of merry men".

Equipment: Shirma with removable paintings (city musical instruments, Multicolored buildings of the city of Harmony, Castle Gargon, Dolls (Parsley, Dwarves Major and Minor, Gigon, Merry Men, balloons With leaves inside, hedgehog with needles, drawing with trees without leaves).

Music leader: My young friends, I received a letter from the city where merry men live. They had trouble, their mood was stolen by a terrible Gargon, and they won them and now they can't sing, play, having fun and laughing, but only sad, and tears are poured and asked for all help. Can we guys help them? What do we need for this? Courage, courage and friendship! And under what music Will we go to the road? (Fragments march, waltz, songs about friendship) Seeking on the bus and with the song on the road!

1 Stop - City « Musical instruments » .

(Come out of the bus, come to a poster, what kind of noise behind the screen? Oh-ohh)

M. R. What happened to you? Would we help you?

Parsley: Tools fell on me, and they must be placed in places. I will not give up help.

M. R. Guys will be happy to help you, just tell me how to help.

Peter. Tell me that for the tools I fell from the shelf so that I could quickly return to the place.

Held the game"Guess the tool".

Parsley rises by shirm: Thank you, guys, I brought the order with the tools. Once you know their sound so well, let's arrange a small concert, take yourself any tool. Ready? And now I will spend the setting, and the rhythm of the selection. Musicians In turn on the instrument you ask us rhythm, and everyone repeats it.

Held the game"Repeat Rhythm".

Peter. And now decorate musical Work with your tools.


Parsley: What are you friendly and talented guys! And what led you to our city?

M. R. We are looking for the Castle of Gargon, who stole the mood at merry men. Tell me please, Parsley, the road.

Parsley: Your path lies through the city of Harmony, but you can get there only with the help of dance.

Executed dance. (A poster of multi-colored towers, at home) changes on Shirma.

M. R. So we are in the city of Harmony. Where is its inhabitants? Let's say hello. (Children sing "Hello about tonic sober in Major, then in Minor).

On Shirma appear 2 gnome: What led you to our city?

M. R. We are looking for the Castle of Gargon.

Minor: To defeat it is very difficult, she is a cunning and cunning. You need to possess a big smelling, talent to cope with her.

Major: Merry temper and strong friendship can be overcome!

M. R. These qualities of the guys are!

Major: And we will check it now. Soch the melody by the words: "The sun shines on the way, with the songs of the fun to go!"

Minor: And now for me on the words: "Tuchka The sun closes and scares us rain". (Children compose and sing) Well done! The rain is not afraid, but to the castle of Gargon try to get very careful, so that she did not hear you before and did not hear.

Major: But there is one tool that is afraid of Gargon is a cheerful children's laughter. Good luck to you, friends!

Under calm music Children in the scattering sneak around the hall. Picture changes on Shirma "Castle Gargon". Sounds anxious music.)

Gargone: How dare you get closer to my castle? Are you not afraid of me?

M. R. We have done a long way to you, Gigon, and are very pleased to squander cheerful little men, give them mood and ready to fulfill any of your tasks.

Gargone: Well, listen and guess! What is air and transparent to pierce and hang?

(Children bypass the hall and find balloons, hedgehogs with needles, ask for a needle and pierce balls. From the balls, leaflets with drawn muffles are flying and sad. Find pictures with trees: Birch and oak. Attach respectively to each tree sheet.)

Gargone: You coped with such difficult taskBut I do not wish to rode the little men, I do not like their loud laughter!

M. R. Guys, let's sing a cheerful, perky song and defeat Gargon music.

Performed song «___»

(Gigon shouts and disappears, and instead of her, men appear on Shirma, sing and dance under music).

Men: Thank you guys for the fact that you won the Gargon and returned to us the mood! Take us as a gift box with magic mirror. It will always help you with your smile, look at it and smile!

(Children watch the box in the mirror and smile.)

M. R. Our journey approached the end. I hope you liked it? We will show your mood in dance!

Merry dance marks improvisation.

Publications on the topic:

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Music teacher

MBOU Khokhlovsk School

Lopacheva A.V.

Quest - Game for 4th grade students

"Music journey"

Type of lesson: Repetition, systematization, summarizing knowledge.

Purpose: deeper assimilation of knowledge, more high level Generalizations, systematization.


Educational: identify the quality and level of mastering the knowledge and skills obtained in the lessons, to summarize the material.

Educational: educate general culture. Aesthetic perception of the surrounding, create conditions for the real self-esteem of students, the ability to communicate students in the team.

Developing: develop spatial skills, communicative skills when working in groups, analyze, compare, compare.

Form of work: Group

Quest structure:

    Organizing time

    Introduction (plot)

    Tasks (stages, questions)

    Estimates (results, rewards)

Stroke Quest

    The teacher welcomes students, the route sheets are heard.

    Explains how stages Musical Travel They have to go.

    Quest stages.

First Stop - Library. What is a library? What can we learn about music in the library? Suggested riddles in envelopes. For the right answers get notch.

Librarythis is The place of careful storage of books.

In the library, you can learn a lot of interesting things about composers, musicians, tools. Find notes of various works.

Four envelopes

1. The fairy tale E. Hoffman is fabulous character, interesting toy that a little girl Marie her gave for Christmas godfather. (Nutcracker) Find on a children's shelf a book with this name - there is a letter (t)

2. Composer - storyteller. ( Rimsky-Korsakov)

Find a book on a children's shelf about the composer - there is a letter (ABOUT)

3. Author of the cycle for piano "Children's Music" ( S.S. Prokofiev)Find a book on a children's shelf about the composer - there (H)
4. Author of the cycle for piano " Children's album» ( P.I. Tchaikovsky)
Find a book on a children's shelf about the composer - there ( BUT)

From the letters found, make a word ( NOTE)

Second stop - Circus

What is a circus?

Circus is music, laughter, fun, clowns, smart animals, fockers.

Determine in the picture, what genre is depicted (song, dance, march).

For completed task, participants receive a note

Third Stop - Museum

What is a museum?

The museum is an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.

Children are offered, on pictures, find out what museums are presented. (Zoological Museum, Museum of Dolls, Museum of Musical Instruments).

Riddle by picture "Help Find Pinocchio musical instruments."

For completed task, participants receive a note

Fourth Stop - Cinema

What is a cinema?

The cinema is a public building for movies.

Children are offered several passages of video rollers from children's movies. Children guess names. ("Adventures of Buratino", "Adventures of Electronics", "Morozko", "Elash")

For completed task, participants receive a note

Fifth Stop - Theater

What is theater?

Theater is a kind of art, performance dramatic workswhich is carried out by the actors for the viewer.

The task is to guess the riddles, on the pictures to determine the name of the ballets "Cinderella", "Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty".

So that I looked at a presence more interesting,
In gratefulness, ovations were heard
Needed on the scene design:
House, trees and others ... (scenery)

Before the choir I stand,

Everyone is silent, and I sing.

Who am I? What kind of artist?

Well, of course, the same ... soloist.

Well, if everyone is dancing, there are no songs and in mom

Then such a representation is called ... (ballet)

Warm the wizard and music sounds.

The wand will freeze and the entire orchestra will silenced.

The wand will tell you who it's time to enter

The wand will indicate how to sound music.

The wand is a magic orchestra controls,

And how to call the wizard? Who guys know? (Conductor)

The theater is very interesting,

When everyone sing in the performance.

And the music played the orchestra.

Performance How can I call? (Opera)

For completed task, participants receive a note

The sixth stop is a concert hall.

Creative task - draw up a concert program on familiar works educational material Of the five numbers.

For completed task, participants receive a note

The end of the game-travel, summing up.

Within 7 days your child will get acquainted with the heroes of a note family, will play fascinating musical Gameswill recognize and sing their songs.

It is from the music quest "Introduction to a music family, or how easy and fun to learn with the child notes" we recommend starting training in the music house Mary Sharo. If you have already taken part in our other programs, you know that each course begins with a small cartoon dating with heroes. But in this quest, every hero is devoted to the whole day of cartoons and games, and the child has the opportunity in a quiet rhythm to get acquainted with the heroes and learn their songs.

You will be surprised that in just 7 days your child:

  • will learns all the notes and will sing their simple songs
  • will be happy to play funny musical games
  • learns or secure colors, it will be easy to guess the tight riddles, developing logic and intelligence

And also on the quest, the feeling of rhythm is developing, absolute ear for music And the speech of the child!

In order to take part:

  1. add a course to the basket,
  2. enter the information for ordering
  3. pay convenient for you in the way. If you have any problems or you have a different payment method, please write to the support service

The author of the project
Maria Sharo:

7 reviews on Music Quest "Acquaintance with a music family"

    Yulia - 16.05.2017

    My son is delighted with this course! 2 weeks we listened, played, sang! The son (5 years old) was so inspired by the heroes of a note family, which he himself played their songs and sang on the piano. If you could add a photo and video here, that we did - I would add. Because it can be seen how interesting is the child! But, if someone wants, you can look at me on a page in VK in the appropriate photo album and 2 more videos. True, we hurt at that time and it hear. But this quest helped us easier to experience our illness and imprisonment of the house! 🙂

    Daria - 27.06.2017

    Maria, thanks for the quest! Heads the profession of music teacher. I appreciated with a daughter 6.5 years old fascination, accessibility. Each day was waiting for a new family member, made a house for a family, the daughter of the sticker on the keyboard F-but color and the name of each notch. If it sees some kind of object or flower, it determines the color which family member is like a piece of cakes. We sing on Caras and play in three hands, I am an accompaniment, and the daughter plays with one finger playing the recent last Processing recognizable in each family member) Success to you! And thanks again

    Natalia Alekseeva - 30.06.2017

    I am very glad that I acquired this quest for my children. Elder daughter 4.5 years, younger two. Both were very imbued with notes. Turn on and listen almost every day. The youngest tries to sing, she even turns out well. I will not say that here they have learned how to distinguish notes on sound, but most importantly - woke up a lot of interest in music, and with them with them. We have no musical instruments yet, but we learned about the existence of the piano online and now we often discover it, and we also plan to buy the same bells about which Maria tells at the end of the quest. Maria, thank you for your work! We hope in the future more than once to participate in your events! Successes to you and your team !!!

    Olga - 21.08.2017

    Anna - 12.11.2017

    The quest was held with great pleasure for the second time. The daughter herself showed the initiative in games and songs. I asked to play notes and in the morning and in the evening. In the song of the song Notok sang.
    Material and for children and adults are very well chosen. I have no musical education, but the material is so created that and without education I calmly coped with the tasks.
    Finally, we started using our synthesizer, and then lay and dust. 🙂
    Big gratitude Maria Sharo, her team and all girls who were with us. Lot interesting ideas I purchased for further games with my daughter.