What Russian performers. The most beautiful Russian singers

What Russian performers. The most beautiful Russian singers

The singer did something that no one was able to anyone. He fell into the "daughter" of the main chart of the United States with a song in Russian. In 2007, the track was located on the 41st place in Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks. "I will" have a chance to get into the Billboard Hot 100, if not a rule, according to which the "hot hundred" showers of show business flush in the state of the songs.

Valeria - Wild!

In 2009, a very unexpected single Singers got into the Billboard Hot Dance Club. Chart shows the popularity of songs in American nightclubs.

The track debuted at 48th place, and it was a national scale event. Almost all Russian editions wrote about the stratified success of the most popular singer in Russia. So that it was clear what kind of musical jomolungma was conquered by Valery, the publications specified that the single of the "American dreams" Britney Spears occupied the 45th line then. Over time, the track managed to get to the 25th position and hold out in Charter more than 10 weeks.


The group at once several tracks that flashed in various international charts. MAMA LOVER got to Japan Hot 100 (National Chart Japan) to the 49th place. And Mi Mi Mi - up to the 88th line. Language version "Mom Luba" lit up in Mexico, coming to Mexico Airplay (Radiochart) until the 19th place. Residents of the Netherlands more like Mi Mi Mi: in Netherlands Digital Songs (Chart downloads), the Singla peak was the 8th line. But most of all Serebro love in Italy. Four songs of the group lit the downloads of the downloads: MAMA LOVER, MI MI MI, KISS and GUN.

Julia Kova

Singer Julia Kova fully successfully debuted in the international market. In 2008, her single BEEP Beep got to the 27th line at Hot Dance Club Songs. Sorry song lit up in Japan Hot 100, the peak was the 88th line. In Japan, the singer enjoyed such a success that it was even planned to release a specialized version of the album "This I". But due to disagreements with a recording company, the release was canceled.

Timati - Welcome to St. TROPEZ (Feat Dj Antoine)

Single 2009 reached the 1st place in the Billboard Luxembourg Digital Songs, until the 2nd place in the German Charter (the clip was in hot rotation of the local MTV), until the 7th in Austria and France and to the 9th in Billboard Global Dance Songs. 145 million views on "Youtyuba"!

"PPK" - resurrection

The Russian electronic team first won the Internet, and then the National Hit Parade of Great Britain.

In 2001, the "Resurrection" track (Resurrection) hit the rotation of the BBC Radio One. Perhaps, thanks to this, the single soon reached the third place in the UK Singles Charts. The track was based on the motive from the Soundtrack of the Siberiad Soviet film, written by Eduard Artemyev.

Gorky Park - Try to Find Me

And now let's remember the artifact of ancient times, which broke out due to the iron curtain immediately after he rusted. The debut debut of the group was sold in the US in the amount of 300 thousand copies. It was in 1989. In the "hot" figures, this is the peak 80th line and two weeks in the overall stand in the Billboard 200 charter. Only one song was able to get into Billboard Hot 100. Try to Find me got to the 81st lines. A relatively successful group was still in Norway and Denmark.

On the wave of interest in Russia, then many producers tried to seek someone and promotion, but it turned out not very. One can only remember the Aquarium group, whose Longplay Radio Silence visited the 198th place of Billboard in the same 1989.

Alsu - Before You Love Me

After a successful performance at Eurovision, the singer began to unwind as Russian Britney Spears. But something in the team of PR managers of the singer did wrong, and her single Before You Love Me was able to debut in 2001 in the UK Singles Chart only on the 27th place and hold out in the hit parade some three weeks. Although it is necessary to admit that the track was not different from the endless pop gum, which was then stormed by the American and British charts.

Including TV We are watching all sorts of shows, performances of your favorite artists without even guessing their nationality. All the characters of our article are the Jews, and this is not bad at all, just looking at these artists it is very difficult to guess that they were born in a Jewish family or at least one of the parents was a Jew. We present to your attention the list of famous artists who would never think that they are Jews.

Leonid Agutin (Leonty Nikolaevich Chizhov)

Soviet and Russian singer, poet songwriter, composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in Moscow, in the Jewish family of musician and tour manager Nikolai Petrovich and teacher of primary classes Lyudmila Leonidovna (in the great school).

Angelica Varum (real name Maria Yuryevna Varum)

Born in Lviv in the family of the composer Yuri Ignatievich Varum and theatrical director Galina Mikhailovna Shapovalova. Loved artist of the Russian Federation.
Father Yuri Ignatievich (Izhakovich) Varum recalls: "My grandfather of My grandfather Robak, he comes from Warsaw, where my father was born. When the Second World War began, his brothers and sisters, forced to flee from Poland, decided to take a rare name" Varum " So that after the war it was easier to find each other. My grandfather stuck in Warsaw. My grandfather died in a ghetto together with the whole family. The man is deeply religious, he enjoyed great authority, to him, as if towards the guys, came to the Council, addressing controversial issues. "

Larisa Aleksandrovna Valley (Larisa Aleksandrovna Kudelman)

Covenaya and Russian pop and jazz singer, actress. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in Baku in the Jewish family of the builder Alexander Markovich Cudelman and Town Town Galina Israel Kudelman (nee Valley). At a three-year-aged moved with parents in Odessa, the native city of parents.

Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and poet, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Father, Major Mikhail Semenovich Gazmanov, was a professional military, by nationality - Tatar; Mother, Zinaida Abramovna (1920-2006) - a cardiologist in a military hospital, by nationality - Jewish.

Tamara (Tamrico) Mikhailovna Gverdcitel

Soviet, Georgian and Russian singer, actress, composer, honored artist of the Georgian SSR (1989), People's Artist of Georgia (1991), People's Artist of Ingushetia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
"I am a man of the world. Grew up in an international family. Dad - Georgian. I am the same emotional as he. And my mother is a Jewish. Here I am in her. For Georgians I am Tamara Gverdzitel, and for Jews - Tamara Cofman - GverDziteli. I gave birth and raised the Jewish mother, and over the years I still feel my Jewish genes. Do I feel my belonging to the Jewish people? Naturally. First of all - by blood. My mother is a purebred Jew from Odessa. I feel it. This is It can only be explained by those feelings that I feel in relation to my mother and to the most close people ... My grandfather Vladimir Abramovich, whom I remember perfectly, belonged to the genus of Kaufmans. After the revolution, the family has emigrated from Russia. "


Russian pop singer, actress, model, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan. It was in the family of the Mountain Jews. The great-grandmother lives in Israel.

Leonidov Maxim Leonidovich

Born in the family of actors of the Leningrad Akademic Comedy Theater, Honored Artists of the RSFSR Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Luloko and one of the prosecutors of the famous Kamatnikov Leonid Efimovich Leonidov (real surname Shapiro). The famous Russian singer lived in Israel for six years, recorded two musical albums (in Hebrew and Russian), played in Musikle, starred in the movies. And then returned to his native Peter, he wrote his hit about the "girl-vision". Now Maxim lives in Russia, but continues to love Israel

Lolita Markovna Milyavskaya (Lolita Markovna Gorelik)

Russian pop singer, actress, TV presenter and director. Mama, singer, worked in Jazz-bend. Father worked with his mother entertainer, conducted by the orchestra. During the guests of the parents, Little Lolita brought up her grandmother. In 1972, parents divorced, in 1974, his father emigrated abroad to Israel.

Boris Mikhailovich Moiseev

Soviet and Russian dancer, choreographer, pop singer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
In English wiki there is a hint of nationality, there is no Russian in Russian. Born in prison, as his mother, dissatisfied with the authorities, was political prisoner in those years. His childhood passed in the small Jewish ghetto of provincial Mogilev.

Marina Arnoldna Khlebnikov

Soviet and Russian pop singer and TV presenter.
Khlebnikov was invited to the Jewish theater "Sholom" "- what do you think, why were you invited to play in this play?
- I do not know. The reason was, probably that I am a student of Joseph Davydovich Kobzon. Second - now I have a name. And for the theater, this series of performances would be a bright spot. Maybe the recommendations of Clara Novikova played a role. And most importantly, of course, roots. "

Mikhail Borisovich Turkish

Russian singer and conductor. Founder, artistic director and art director of the Art Group "Choir of Turkish" and "Soprano 10". People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in the Jewish family of immigrants from Belarus. Father - Boris Borisovich Epstein. Wears the last name of the mother, since all relatives from her part died during the Holocaust and the Russian is similar.

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky

Russian pop singer, pianist and composer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Born in the Jewish family of a veteran of war and a doctor Zakhar Davidovich


Alexander Nikolaevich Uman and Igor Mikhailovich Bortnik - both left for Israel, the Bortnik served in the army.

Elena Sparrow (real name Elena Yakovlevna Lebedbaum)

Russian pop actress, deserved artist of the Russian Federation. Born in the Jankel's Jewish family of Movshevich Lebenbaum and his wife Nina Lvivna.

Clara Novikova

Born in Kiev, in the family of Frontovik, director of a shoe store on Podol, Boris Zinovievich Hercera. Eugene Clara Novikov unpolishedly dominates among women in the kingdom of the conversational genre of Russia. Russian surname Novikova got from the first husband musician.

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin

Popular Russian parodist, humorist, TV presenter, film actor and singer. Currently married to Alla Pugacheva. Family from a small village near Chelyabinsk. I even managed to write something from the memories of my grandmother. By the father's line, we had Larina in our family. Mamina - Odessa Jews

Alexander Viktorovich Kutikov

Famous Soviet and Russian musician, composer, vocalist, musical producer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in a Jewish family.

Valery Miladovich Syutkin

Russian singer and musician, author of lyrics for rock and roll group "Bravo". Honored Artist of Russia, artistic director of the pop branch of MGU. MA Sholokhov.
Mom was born in Moscow, on Samotek. Her maiden surname Brzhomena, she is Polish and Odessa blood. If not to say straight (laughs). So I am a normal Polish Odessa. I have Jewish roots. By mom ... I am familiar with Jewish traditions.

Ukupnik Arkady Semenovich

Born February 18, 1953, Kamenets-Podolsky Khmelnitsky region. Composer, Pop singer, Producer Kar-Men Group, Galla Studio and Alla Studio. "I was born in Ukraine. There I have learned from 5 years what to be a Jew, to be" alien among your " . Already adults arriving in Moscow, I immediately noted that there is no such a hard attitude towards the Jews as in Ukraine. Since then, I have done a lot in my life. And a lot has changed in a lot. And, nevertheless, I am very worried about What is meoce, and that here I am always "yours among my".

Vladimir Nathanovich Vinocur

Soviet and Russian humorist, singer and TV presenter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Born in the Jewish family of the builder Nathan Lvovich Vinokura.

// Photo: Roman Galasun / Fiberglass and Art Picture

1st place. Danil Kozlovsky

For the role in the "spiritless 2" Danil Kozlovsky mastered the surfing in almost perfection. Shooting took place at the Uluvatu - the favorite place of experienced surfers
on Bali. Newbies do not climb there: near the reefs! In the midst of shooting, rescuers reported: Swell is moving on us - a big wave. The group hurried. It was not enough only one frame - as the hero gets in full growth on the board. It was possible, of course, to do without him, but Danil always seeks to ideal. Waited a favorable moment - a small wave. Finally, Danil went to the sea. An unexpectedly small wave rose and turned into a three-meter. In this case, the surfist must come to it on the board. But, being on the crest of the wave, Danila continued to work - and got on his feet! A kinogroup of numbness from horror, seeing how he almost instantly demolished from the board and spun. "The feeling as if I got into
drum washing machine during squeezing! - says Kozlovsky. - And the next wave also threw T-shirt on my face! " All new waves began to penetrate the actor to the reefs. He gathered with the forces and cellar to the shore - and then I saw a sinking guy, almost unconscious. Risching life, Danila fell to him and picked up on his surf. So they are with a tourist who did not pay forces, and lasted before the coming of the boat. "Australian rescuers, pulling us out of the water, said:" Crazy Russian! " - Danila laughs. - I answered them: "I want again!"

// Photo: Press Service Dima Bilan

2nd place. Dima Bilan.

The singer says: "I try for parents, I feel responsible." The future winner of Eurovision grew in a poor family. But if we requested the sneakers, dad with my mother bought for the last money. Now Dima helps the family, at his own expense sent younger sister Anyu study to America. "He remains a simple guy, no star disease," the actress of Christina Wheel told "Starkit". "Somehow I call him, and he is somewhere nearby, on the Krasnopresnenskaya embankment." "See a chic restaurant on the water? - I see. - Find the road, I'm on the playground. Found. Sits on a small rocker, eats a hamburger, around six huge packages from McDonalds ... "

// Photo: Yuriyhgo / ITAR-TASS

3rd place. Maksim Galkin

Before shooting the series "Everyone can kings" (details on page 40-41), where Maxim played medieval duke, he had to master the riding ride. "The duke should be exactly able to stay in the saddle! - told Galkin "Starkit". - Friends from the equestrian complex "New Century" on New Riga have long been called me to learn, and I used the invitation. For several months I was engaged in the hour or two per day. It was easy to climb and blind.
The most difficult thing was to make horses obey. I talked with them, and persuaded me not to dump me. And the stiders taught the right and spectacular to fall. "

// Photo: Philip Kirkorov press service

4th place. Philip Kirkorov

The pop king of the Russian pop tremendously applies to fans, is always ready to come to their aid. Somehow Philip told about 15-year-old
Daniel, severely ill viral infections and diabetes mellitus. His grandmother turned to the singer: Can you visit the nurse? "Doctors believe that positive emotions will help reversal the disease, and you are his favorite singer!" Kirkorov came to tour in St. Petersburg and stayed on a day - to drive to the boy to the hospital. He talked to him, gave toys, wished: "Be sure to recover!" Recently, the artist called. Have pleased: Danya recalled Philip every day and rejoiced. And the doctors said that he had a blood sugar. Doctors say this is a miracle!

5th place. Sergey Zhorin

Last year, the lawyer saw the "Honda" flying in the Garden Ring knocked down a girl on a pedestrian "zebra" - and disappeared. "The blonde of 25 years was unconscious. I approached, the pulse is - alive! - tells Sergey. - "Ambulance" was delayed. I know that it is impossible to transfer a person after the accident, but there was no exit. I carefully put a girl on the seat of my car and brought to the nearest clinic. In her bag found cellular. I called the last number to her number - it turned out to be Mom. Soothed, gave the address of the hospital. And leaving, paid for services. Next day
i learned that the relatives took her home. Lena was separated by a hand fracture. By the way, I was late in the court. And I wrote a complaint about the lawyer's chamber. "

// Photo: Sergey Lazarev press service

6th place. Sergey Lazarev

Singer every month deducts money for homeless animals. Living in his house Jook Daisy a year and a half ago, he found it there.

"For a charity project help homeless animals, I photographed with a native of a shelter - a funny black puppy with a white stripe on a face. And so I liked him that I played two hours with him. Then he gave: I had to leave for tour, "says Sergey. "While he spoke, I caught myself thinking that I miss him." And returning, took him home. Now this is my best alarm clock. Exactly at 8 am Daisy sits down by the bed, knocking his paw in bed and bounces. Of course, I immediately get up and lead her to walk. "

7th place. Dmitry Nagiyev

In the second season, the series "Fizruk" on TNT Hero Nagiyev will open the car with an ax. D. Dmitry was picked up by Dubler, who was supposed to get the windshield of the machine with a swing, not paying attention to the fragments. But the actor who is truly gained in every role, preferred to perform a dangerous trick himself. Nagiyev's sports skills are: he is a master of sports on sambo. "Dmitry struck so that he broke not only glass, but also broke the ax! - told "Starkit" on the set. - We were shocked: he played this scene without a single excessive movement. The entire film creipler coaled! "

// Photo: Vlad Loktev for Elle RUSSIA

8th place. Vladimir Mashkov

The actor supported the desire of the adoptive son of Andrei to go to the army. The guy graduated from the Moscow Georgievsky Cadet Corps No. 6, was the commander of the department and received the title of Vice-Senior Sergeant. I like "military business," said 18-year-old Andrei "Starkit". - Dad was near, when I went to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Team School named after Marghelov. " Now Andrei serves in intelligence under Vladivostok. Vladimir has repeatedly flew to him for the sake of a short meeting and male conversation for souls.

// Photo: Vyacheslav Malafeev press service

9th place. Major Malafeev

Goluxer "Zenit" forgave the commentator Dmitry Guberniev, who in August 2011 allowed himself public offensive statements in his address. Malafeev won the court, received moral compensation. But only in December 2013, the provinions ripened - and called the goalkeeper to apologize. "And the glory invited him to his country house," says a friend of football player Levan. - Dima talked with his family, congratulated Happy New Year. Men firmly shook hands. And Glory said: "Be angled stupid, we are adults!"

// Photo: Press Service Denis Matsueva

10th place. Denis Matsuev

Long before moving to Moscow in his native Irkutsk, Pianist was enthusiastic played in the courtyard football team. In the capital, this unexpectedly was useful. "I reconciled a local splin with the guys-musicians from the central music school, which they beat, said Denis. - waited at the exit from school and beat. I realized that we need to create my football team. They played against local Swam, showed them that we are not good players, and then became friends. "

// Photo: Press service Nikolay Baskov

11th place. Nikolay Baskov

A year ago, removing in the television film "Turn around the opposite," Nikolai risked not to get to the "new wave." The bad weather prevented the part of the episodes, and the director Alena Semenova did not let the artist. "Not in my rules to bring people," says Baskov. - persuaded the director let me go. Igor Cool, who sent SMS on the eve: "Kohl, we wait for you!", I replied: "I'll come back soon!" Hired a private aircraft on the evening of the next day. After filming flew away to Jurmala, promising: "I will be!" At 17.00, the singer landed in Riga, at 19.30 went to the stage, and at 20.30 he was already flying back. "

// Photo: Press Service of Stas Piekhi

12th place. Stas Pieha.

Something along the way to the rehearsal 34-year-old singer slowed down at the store - I wanted to buy a bottle of water. An old grandmother standing in front of him in the cashier,
long bored out of a bag of a trifle - gained 24 rubles to a white bread loaf. "I was sorry for me, I suggested:" Let's pay! " And she refused
i began to apologize, which delays the queue, justified that I did not count a little with a pension, "says Stas. "Then I took her hand and led back to the commercial hall." After 20 minutes, they returned to the checkout with a full trolley in which milk, cottage cheese, bread, vegetables, cheese, sugar, vegetables and fruits ... The singer paid everything.

// Photo: TNT TV channel press service

13th place. Vitaly Gogunsky

In his mad work schedule, the artist finds time for his daughter from the first marriage - 4-year-old Milan. "In my opinion, a real man who loves and does not hide his feelings, says Vitaly" Starkit ". "I remember that we acted in the one to one show: I was depicted Leps, and Milan - Ani Lorak. And I see my daughter, fearlessly standing on the stage in front of a thousandthly audience, - and from pride com in the throat, the words forgot, the tears come to the eyes, I can not sing ... "The daughter of the artist can not only sing, and even composes the melodies, playing Himself on the synthesizer.

// Photo: Gilles Bensimon for Elle Russia

14th place. Ivan Urgant

"Ivana was lucky to be born in such a family as ours, from such a dad, like me, and at such a grandmother, like Nina Nikolaevna, said the" Starhit "father Andrei Urgant. - It is necessary to win somewhere at the top! " Despite the status of the family, Ivan was not afraid of any work. "He studied at the institute and operated in parallel in a nightclub," he says. - shaking out ashtrays, soap glasses at the bar ... "Worked the future showman and a loader, and a janitor, and leading in
striptease, played guitar in a Spanish restaurant.

15th place. Daniel Strakhov

The location of his classmate Masha Leonova Daniel sought all five years of study at the Schukinsky school. But she was probably the only one among the student who did not go crazy "on this handsome." Daniel settled to work as a waiter, bought her expensive silver earrings.
But neither this nor his desperate offer - "Masha, come out for me!" - did not change her relationship towards him. And I did not take a gift, and I did not marry him. After the release, both fell into the theater. Gogol. And only then, according to Mary, "everything somehow happened by itself." Couple together for 14 years.

16th place. Sergey Bezrukov

One day, his former class manager from school №402 was called in Veshnyakov, asked to help with the money of a 12-year-old daughter's birthday. "The girls have found a non-cultural brain tumor, and the drug for chemotherapy cost the most importantly expensive. Son has so much and there was no! - tells "Starkit" Papa Actor Vitaly Sergeevich. "But he organized a charitable concert in a week, invited familiar businessmen. By the end of the evening, the amount was almost collected from donations. "

// Photo: Vladimir Jaglycha press service

17th place. Vladimir Yaglych

Traveling in Europe on the Motorcycle "Harley Davidson", Vladimir on the ferry I was transferred from Italy to Greece. And suddenly noticed a man who was confused ones. "I asked what happened. It turned out, he went for a while, but during this time money and credit cards were stolen from the car, "said Yaglych" Starkit ". - Only it remained that the gift from the 5th anniversary is a toy machine. He did not know how he would get to the house: gasoline in the car was zero. I gave him money for gasoline and lent the laptop so that he could talk to his wife on Skype. "

18th place. Nikita Presnyakov

At the end of June, a 17-year-old girlfriend Nikita Alena Krasnov, together with his parents, went to Bulgaria. "We have contacted Nikita every day, sharing literally to everyone," the girl says "Starhit". - I liked me in Bulgaria, but this time the dad with my mother noticed that I was naught. Offered: maybe Nikita will come to us? I answer - he can't, he has a rehearsal, preparations for the "new wave" ... in the evening we are with Nikita Esamby. I admitted that it missed him terribly. He is too. Well, then we communicate, already about the friend. And after a few days he wrote: "arrive"
- And the number of your flight. We met him at the airport. How he freed these few days, I do not know. But seeing him, I was happy! "

19th place. Alexey Makarov

In just four months, Alexey managed to lose weight by 23 kg! When Makarov was filmed in the role of Portos in the "Three Musketeers", its weight was almost 100 kg. After the filming of filming, the house found jeans that wearing in the first year, and decided to try to get into them again. Was in shock! Two days later, the actor to the house was taken by a treadmill, he himself installed it. And 4 months a day for an hour ran down at least 10
km. Having sat on an invalid diet, refused roasted and switched to boiled food. Today Alexey Makarova and not know. Slender, tightened. And the run now just entered the habit.

20th place. Maxim Averin

At the IV Trans-Baikal International Film Festival in Chita Maxim led the opening ceremony, showed his performance "It all begins with love", but most proud of the fact that on the star Alley now there is his personal maple. He long dreamed of "put a tree", but everything was once. Even in Chita managed to be late, appearing on the alley later than other stars. But immediately put on the apron, took the shovel, singing "Chita-Grita-Chita-Margarita ...", dreamed of a fossa and lowered a seedling into her, threw the root of the earth, watered from the watering. Waking up, joked: "Well, now it remains to build a house and start an ostrich!"

// Photo: Evgenia Plushenko press service

21st place. Evgeny Plushenko

The passion of the Olympic champion in figure skating is fast ride. "My personal speed record behind the wheel" Maserati "on the Ring Road of St. Petersburg - 270 km / h, - tells Evgeny. "But I do not attend anyone." The athlete graduated from extreme driving courses, so he does not lose control over the car. Plushenko loves the Mercedes jeeps, for family departures, uses a minibus. And dreams of a fleet with friends around the country.

22 place. Konstantin Khabensky

Actor 5 years ago created a charitable foundation to help children with brain cancer. However, and his acquaintances does not refuse to help. "Several years ago, one of our costumes found breast cancer," they told "Starkit" in the MHT. Chekhov, where the actor serves. - Not to say that Kostya was friendly with her - so they communicated at work. But, having learned that she has no money for the operation, everything paid himself. A woman was operated on, she is still
pore it works. God forbid more people like Kostya! "

// Photo: Press Service Denis Klyaver

23 place. Denis Klyaver

Two years ago, Denis publicly admitted that he was the father of the eldest daughter Eva Polna - Evelyn. For six years, they kept their mystery, but the older the girl became, the more clearly they understood that the inquiry of his father could hurt - and Denis decided to open. "Yes, we have a daughter, she
of course, the fruit of our love. See what kind of beauty grows! " - He told the editor of Starkhita Andrei Malakhov. Denis continues to take care of his daughter, it happens at school, familiar with her teachers ... except Evelina, his sons of Timofey and Daniel will grow up, and he also three times the godfather dad.

24 place. Igor Petrenko

The actor admitted that he took up the image of Sherlock Holmes with fear. But the more gained to the role, the less fears remained in life. He even tamed Tarantula, who, in the plot, lived by the detective, and after the filming took the spider home, settled in the aquarium. "The children were delighted: what a fluffy, beautiful, let's call him snowflake! - Igor says "Starkit". - Feed it with crickets and cockroaches. And we see how it changes the skin. "

25th place. Pavel Priluchny

"After the birth of the son of TiMoshi in January 2013, I my husband and I took a three-month maternity leave," Actress Agat Minkyza says "Starhit". "We were then crammed in the means, and Pasha, sending me with her son to my own, did repair with your own hands." Demolished unnecessary partitions scrap. In the living room and the hallway, the wallpaper was withdrawn, removed the stucco and left naked brick walls. From morning to evening, covering orange dust, aligned them, and then covered with a transparent varnish. Friends did not even believe: "Pasha, what are you, all this yourself?!"

This time I am Top 25. The most beautiful Russian singers, in which the singers of the domestic pop, as well as one opera singer. When drawing up this rating, I took into account external data, photogamicity, not paying attention to the awards and merits of girls in the professional sphere.

25. Nyusha (at birth - Anna Shurochka; Alsidia is also used Nyusha.; Row.15 August 1990, Moscow) - Russian singer.

24. Jasmine (Present Name - Sara Manakhimova, Rod. October 12, 1977 U, Derbent, Dagestan ASSR, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian pop singer, actress, model, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan.

23. (Rod. March 27, 1987) - Russian-Ukrainian singer, songwriter and composer, actress, winner "Factory Stars-2", laureate of the musical competition "New wave", television festival "Song of the year", National Television Award in Popular Music "MUZ-TV Prize".

22. (Rod. December 13, 1983, Moscow, USSR) - Russian singer, performer of traditional Russian songs in modern processing, finalist of the competition "People's Artist-3". Often acts in different countries as a "ambassador" of Russian culture.

21. (born January 31, 1981, Voronezh) - Russian singer, actress. Took part in the international vocal competition Big Apple-95where he won the Grand Prix. Since then, its popularity has grown: she was a leading program "Saturday evening" and canal "Star". In 2000, starred in Musik "Formula of joy", in 2001 - in the film "Hero of her novel", in 2004 - in the series "Bomb for the bride".

20. (born March 1, 1980, Moscow) - Russian figure skater, actress, TV presenter and pop singer; The former soloist of the group "Brilliant" (2003-2007). Films with its participation: "Club", "Pope for all hands", "Taming of the Shrew", "Rzhevsky against Napoleon", etc.

19. (Rod. May 10, 1986 in Astrakhan) - model, singer, TV presenter. He worked in the group "Podium" and "Tutsi", and now builds a solo career. From 2009 to 2010 was the lead and face of the TV channel World Fashion Channel.

18. (Rod. December 25, 1983, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer, soloist Pop Group "Factory" formed in 2002 on the project "Star Factory". Graduate GMU them. Gnesins (department for the preparation of heads of folk choirs and folklore ensembles).

17. (Rod. August 30, 1985, Vytegra, Vologda region) - Russian singer, actress and TV presenter. Films: "Bachers", "Young and happy", "Swan Paradise", "Three top", "the crime will be revealed", "love in the big city", "loved and unarmed", "Heaven relatives".

16. Valeria (Name Alla Perfilova; born on April 17, 1968, city atkarsk, Saratov region) - Russian singer, deserved artist of Russia (2005).

15. Info (Name. The name of Zarif Ivanova; born. July 26, 1983, Leningrad, RSFSR) - pop singer and actress of the Ozidsky origin. Participant project "Star Factory-6"where it took 3rd place.

14. Sogdiana (Name. Name - Oksana Nechuto; born February 17, 1984, Tashkent, Uzbek SSR, USSR) - Singer from Uzbekistan. Performed songs in Russian, Uzbek, French, English, Chechen languages. He is the author of some of his songs, and also had some experience in writing songs to other performers.

13. (Rod. November 12, 1982, Volzhsky) - Russian singer, TV presenter, the former soloist of the Russian women's pop group "Brilliant" (2001-2007), after leaving the group began a solo career.

12. (Rod. September 18, 1971, Krasnodar, USSR) - Russian opera singer, soprano. People's Artist of Russia.

10. (Rod. August 21, 1977, Moscow, USSR) - Russian singer, soloist of the Russian pop group "Vintage". Former soloist of the Russian pop group "Lyceum" (1997-2005).

9. Varvara (Name. Name Elena Susov; born on July 30, 1973 in Balashikha) - Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia (2010). She graduated from Gnesin School and Gitis. Performed as part of the troupes of the State Theater of Pop Representations. The first solo album, which was called - "Varvara" - the performer released in 2001 also released the albums "closer" (2003) and "Dreams" (2005).

8. Vera Brezhneva(Name. The name of Vera Kiperman; more known under the pseudonym; born February 3, 1982, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk region) - Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter, former participant of the pop group VIA Gra (2003-2007)

7. (Rod. October 2, 1982, Upper Kurburg, Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR, USSR) - Russian singer, the former soloist of the Russian women's group "Factory" (from December 2002 to May 2010).

6. (Rod. April 23, 1988 in Sochi) - Singer c. "Yin-Yang", the actress of the youth series "Give young people."

5. Alsu (Maiden Surname - Safina; Ry.27 June 1983, Bugulma, Tatarskaya ASSR, USSR) - Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2000), People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2010). Artist of UNESCO in the name of the world (2011). In May 2000, represented Russia at the music competition "Eurovision"where she ranked second.

4. (born December 16, 1982, Kiev) - pop singer of Russian origin, TV presenter, actress. The former soloist of the "gold composition" of the Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra.

3. (More famous under the scenic names of Tanya Terreshina, Tanya and Tanya; born May 3, 1979, Budapest, Hungarian People's Republic) - Russian singer and fashion model, ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group.

2. (Rod. September 27, 1978, Leningrad, USSR) - Russian singer, musician, composer, author of lyrics.

1. (Rod. September 3, 1985, pos. Sholokhovsky, Rostov region, USSR) - Russian singer, title owner Miss Russia 2006, the former soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra" (2008-2010). After leaving the group, the solo career began, as well as starred in the series "Happiness is somewhere nearby."

Soviet and Russian pop musicians no one in the world knows. Especially in the West. Nevertheless, the musicians from Russia at different times fell to Western Charts.

All attempts to promote and impose our popular music to the Western public to the fiasco. Russian pop music is very secondary and backward - both in technological, and in stylistic terms.

But it became already a good tradition to hang the Russian public noodles about the successes of certain performers in the West. It comes to generally to funny.

Kirkorov traveled to Monte Carlo on The World Music Awards - the show of the best-selling performers in their countries, while finding a person in Russia, which has a Kirkorov album quite difficult. Pugacheva, as you know, in 1997 it took only 15 a place Of 25 on no one needed Eurovision.

Sergey Lazarev, for some reason she sings in English, this is generally a human brain is unable to master. Joseph Prigogin, who has poured to West Valery, has become an intrusive idea, somehow in a paid article in the British newspaper stated that his wife sold 100 million albums in Russia.

The biggest success was at Timati's repeater, when the Swiss DJ Antoine made a remix on the song Timati Welcome to St. Tropez. The song bypassed the tops of the world charts, except Great Britain and the United States. In Switzerland, the song at the end of the year took the sixth place. This is a peak for our pop performers lately.

Who else from our musicians really sought high seats in Western (and this, in the musical sense, primarily the United States and the United Kingdom) charts and are generally more or less known in the West.

1. Composer Aram Khachaturian-1972

One of the records of the music of his ballet "Spartak" called Spartacus, which Khachaturian did together with the London Symphony Orchestra, got in 1972 to the British Chart albums, reached the 16th position and lasted 15 weeks in it.

By the way, his music in the world is so popular that it was even used in such famous films as "2001: Space Odyssey" Wenley Kubrick, "Slage" James Cameron and "Caligula" Tinto Brass.

2. Boris Grebenshchikov-1989

His album Radio Silence, who came out in England and the United States took in the Billboard200 198th place, despite the fact that he was recorded with SuperPopolar then by the Eurythmics group. On video - BG performance on the popular TV show David Letterman.

3. Gorky-1990 Park

The success of Gorky Park in the US can not be exaggerated. America they did not conquer. Just look at their achievements in charts. In Billboard Hot 100, they marked only by the Single Try to Find Me (81 place and 6 weeks in Charter), and in the Billboard 200 - the album Gorky Park (80 place and 21 weeks in Charta).

But Gorky Park was sold in general, well - 300 thousand copies sold in America alone - this is a very good result. Much more success, the group achieved in Scandinavia. Gorky Park in Norway took the 9th place, and the Bang Single - the 5th. In Denmark Album Moscow Calling even became platinum.

4. Alsu 2000

With the song Before You Love Me "Under Britney Spears" fell on the 27th place for just a week, in the period when she was trying to unwind in Europe after the 2nd place on Eurovision.

5. PPK-2001

Rostov trans-project of the PPK with a separate Single Resourction (Melody Edward Artemieva from the film "Siberiad" Andrei Konchalovsky with the voice of Yuri Gagarin), made his debut in the UK immediately in third place!

The song became the first track from Russia, which fell into the hot rotation of the BBC Radio One radio station. Then resurection was published in other countries, where he also successfully noted in the charts - 5th in the Netherlands, 9th in Belgium, and the 15th in France and the 36th in Australia.

6. Tattoo 2003

In 2002, the English-language version of their album "200 on the counter" and "Tattoo" became generally the most popular Russian group in the world. The girls did not become the stars of the first magnitude, and the success of them was not so much, but they sold about 10 million abroad of their records. This is the result unattainable for Russian performers.

An English-speaking album has a gold status in four countries and platinum in Europe as a whole, the song "All The Things She Said" a few weeks occupied the first line of the British Chart, and Caver on The Smiths in 2009 sounded in the TV series "Gossip".

7. Leonid Agutin-2007

The author of the "Bosnogo Boy" and the husband of Angelica Varum graduated from the Moscow jazz school and from youth was fond of not only pop music, but also a variety of acoustic guitar music - from Jazz to Flamenco. In the early 2000s, the Agutin began to play concerts, and then recorded the album "Cosmopolitan Life" with Alma Di Meoloi - the American virtuoso genre. In Germany, the album had more than good sales.

8. Eduard Hil-2009

The famous, sad and beautiful story, as a result of which the great pop singer knows in the world as Mr. Trololo. On November 26, 2009, the user RealPapapit laid out on Youtube vocaliz "I am very happy, because I finally return home" - Today this video has 19 million 700 thousand views.

They say, the singers even offered an international tour - but he refused. About the death of Heil wrote and Gawker, and The New York Times.

9. Pussy Riot-2012

This is the only group here without visiting Western charts, but it is impossible not to mention. From the point of view of music is a comical story. A group, not a single song of which no one really heard in anywhere, became the most famous musical team from Russia recently. Suffice it to say that in the West the Church of Christ the Savior is known as Pussy Riot Church.

Soon after the arrest of Hope Tolokonnikova, Maria Alekhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich shares in their support began to carry out musicians around the world - in the range from Madonna and Paul McCartney to Tatton T-shirt and The Knife and Die Antwoord.

10. Anna Netrebko-2007-to the present

The opera singer was able to achieve real global fame, including the United States. She enjoys special success in Austria, where he received citizenship. Also lives in New York. Her recordings are constantly in the charts of classical music, but in some countries and in general-to-talking charts. Especially in Austria and Germany. So in the Austrian Chart fell 15 albums Netrebko .

Bonus: The most famous Russian music video

Bloody viral hit "Bad Motherfucker" from the Russian group Biting Elbows, filmed from a first person and therefore more resembling an action video game than a musical video. The video was publicly noted by Samuel L.Jackson and Darren Aroneal. 24.6 million Views for YouTube.

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