Analysis of the work "Little Prince" (Antoine de Saint-Exupery). Research work on the literature "Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery as a philosophical fairy tale "Author's attitude to a small prince

Analysis of the work
Analysis of the work "Little Prince" (Antoine de Saint-Exupery). Research work on the literature "Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery as a philosophical fairy tale "Author's attitude to a small prince

Any book for me, as for any reader, begins with title. One day, seeing the book in the library, the story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince," certainly wanted to read it, easily and quickly, like all the fairy tales about Cinderellas, Prince and Magic Kingdoms.

But reading was not so easy as I assumed. I often postponed the book aside and thought about what I read. And after the first reading instead of joyful calm, as it usually happens after any fairy tale, I felt some concern. In front of me there was a lot of questions.

For whom this fairy tale is written - for children or adults?

What is the meaning? What does she teach?

And then I turned to the teacher of literature, consulting, we began to analyze the text. We were looking for answers to questions and tried to highlight the main thing for themselves.

That's what we did.

We have compared two worlds: the world of children represented by the images of a six-year-old Exupery and a small prince, and the world of adult heroes fairy tales.

We found epithets-definitions that characterize the heroes, singled out their classes, identified their life credo and attitude of a small prince to them, that is, a child view on the lives of adults.

Comparing everything and analyzing, we made conclusions.

Also, I tried to compare adults in a fairy tale with people surrounding me.

Already at the very beginning of the fairy tale, in dedication to the work to his friend Leon Vertu, Exupery unobtrusively talks about the problem that will become the main in the fairy tale. Debating the book to an adult man, he is looking for an excuse, speaking of him that he is "the best friend", and it is no coincidence that adds: "When he was small." Already here is the purpose of creating a fairy tale - to remind adults that they "first were children."

From the very beginning of the work, describing the painful for him, a six-year-old child, misunderstanding from adults, Exupery sends us a sense of loneliness, which attributed him to his hero. This feeling is no coincidence. "Little Prince" was written by Exupery in the United States in 1942, away from his homeland occupied in those years and a friend living there. The teller-pilot also gloomy, like his little prince jeaches on its planet and for his beloved rose.

The first disappointment, which was comprehended by Exupery, happened at 6 years. Adults "helped" to lose his faith to himself, since "do not understand anything" and "very tiringly without end them to explain everything and extract." Having connected to the world of adults and his concepts, he still remained alone. And once he for the first time in many years meets, finally, the kid, with whom he "had to talk to the souls." What attracted these two souls? Humanistic understanding of the world, the ability to see excellent, to see the meaning of life and appreciate it.

After analyzing a meeting of a pilot with a small prince and their conversation, comparing the perception of the world by their souls, I found the point of contact:

Exupery Little Prince

Kinship souls




Skill fly;

Relationship with heaven;

Laugh at numbers and numbers;

Caring for the world ("Beware of Baobabs!");

Attitude to the world of adults;

Admiration of the beauty of nature.

According to the advice of the geographer, a small prince goes on a trip to the planet Earth, which has a "good reputation". But on this planet with a "good reputation" there are one hundred eleven kings, nine hundred thousand Deltsov, seven and a half million drunkards, three hundred eleven million ambitions, that is, the number of "strange adults" engaged in useless things multiplied in millions of times. Although they do not have much space on Earth. They seem their majestic themselves as Baobabs, who actually like weeds can destroy the planet.

And the animal world is concerned about it. It is no coincidence that the Little Prince falls on the planet Earth to the Desert. This is a warning to the adult world of ambition and business people: "Do not turn the planet into a lonely desert." And this warning is not accidental, since, comparing the life truths of a small prince and adults, we can see such a picture:

Little prince adults

1. I got up in the morning, washed, led myself in order - and immediately bring B1. They should obey unquestioned.

the order of your planet. 2. They are conscientious to drink.

2. When it becomes very sad, look good, as the sun comes. 3. They never understand anything themselves, they always need to explain everything.

(i.e. admire the beauty of nature). 4. You can not talk to the souls.

3. You are forever responsible for those who have tamed (flower, fox). 5. When they want to make, sometimes brought to drive.

4. Zorko one heart. The most important eyes will not see.

5. Never listen to what colors say. We just need to look at them and breathe their aroma.

6. When volcanoes neatly clean, they burn smoothly and quietly, without any eruptions. Volcano eruption is the same as the fire in the chimney.

The knowledge of the world of adults living on Earth comes to a small prince through acquaintance with the inhabitants of the planet.

1. Among them is lonely. (Snake)

2. They are wind. They have no roots, it is very uncomfortable. (Flower)

3. They have no imagination. They only repeat what they say. (Echo).

4. People do not have enough time to learn anything. (Fox)

5. They do not want anything. "There's good where we are not." Some children know what they are looking for. (Switchman)

6. Due to unnecessary savings, they had to enjoy life. (Dealer)

7. People are closed in fast trains, but they already do not understand what they are looking for. Therefore, they do not know peace, they rush in one direction, then to another. (This is the conclusion of a little prince).

Images of flower and snake. In a fairy tale, two female images - a flower and a snake. And in these images, the world of women is embodied: women beloved, coquettes and wise female mother, which solves all the riddles.

With a special tenderness described in a fairy tale, the relationship of a small prince with his flower, a rose, for which she was the only one in the world, which is no longer any of many millions of stars. Behind the visible courage was hiding weak, ingenuous, watered female soul.

To live the most terrible prince, I never understood a single flower, never looking at the star, never love anyone. The little prince loved his rose, and even having met the garden, full of roses, he notes that these roses differ from his rose with their void, they don't want to die for them. And his flower became more expensive for him all in the world, behind which he cared with trembling care and love, despite her complaints and boasting. "She is mine," says a little prince with pride.

Personal attitude to the read.

In the book of Exupery, the life of a little prince is described, and in the image of a small prince hidden a life of 10,000,000 children. Our children's world, which connects all children on the planet Earth and beyond its limits, is very frank, kind, friendly, responsive. Adults are not always easy to understand our world, or they do not always want to understand him. Yes, we can agree that once they were children, but now they have other concepts, and all the children quickly disappear. After all, the child lives a quarter of his life, and adults are three fourths.

Sometimes, when we ask them to play our games, adults will definitely remember that "Vramichel boils in the kitchen" or the tube flows in the bathroom, "they will say that they are very busy. And cut the conversation: "Then" or "Sorry," another time, "but" then "and" another time "does not occur for a long time. For them, our nonsense is nonsense, because there are more cases. Although through our games and classes, we will learn the world and learn to be sensual.

For adults, each second, and sit for five minutes, dream, folded, for them a very big time loss. Why, they do not understand what "lurking" in their concerns, adults just spoil their mood and waste spend their energy. But if you distract while working at least three minutes and think about something good, you can get a little good mood. It is impossible to be a "serious" person, because the numbers and numbers are less interesting things compared to the beautiful night sky or, with a gentle pink sunset.

In our world, the main thing is a friendship, mutual assistance, kindness, and without it it would not be. It is very difficult for us if there is no close friend or accidentally quarrel with him. We are committed to each other. Even if we have a lot of friends, we still stretch to new friends. And most importantly, we are very difficult to part with a friend. In this we are like a fox: "But if you tame me, my life will be lit by the sun. Your steps I will distinguish among thousands of others. "

Unlike the adult world in our world there are no bustle, problems and eternal consideration. I am close to the judgment of a little prince: "And you love to look at the stars. All of them will become friends "," You look at the sky at night, but there will be such a star where I live, where I laugh, "and you will hear that all the stars laugh." We take the children much more zorted to the surrounding, and always demand a response to a question. We are more observant and have a more developed feeling of fantasy, even a small little thing we can supplement, and from a small question to do big. And adults belong to this differently, they are always busy and even if they want to know something, postpone "for later."

In the "Little Prince" nostalgia indicates the unconditional strength of "power lines" connecting a person with what he loves, for which he is responsible for. I causing care and suffering, these spiritual ties at the same time "align" the world of fairy tales. There is no coal of heroic action: the humanistic meaningfulness of the world is given as his natural state (hence the image of a hero-child), which is not required to conquer.

Lucky exceptions look in this world "adults", in which spiritual relationships with other people are alienated and perverted, facing emptiness: they are shown not just worthy of pity, but grotesque-comic figures1.

That is why we come to the conclusion that this fairy tale A. S. Exupery is a reminder of adults about what this world and children living in it exist. Very often adults in their infinite "serious affairs" and concerns do not find time even for answers to questions of their children who are not retreating until they receive an answer.

I'm not a nice. "So I will not try to be them."

I want me to love me. - So I will be open to loving children.

I know so little about the complex labyrinths of adults. "So I let the children teach me."

I love when they take me as I really am. "Therefore, I will strive to empathize the child and appreciate it."

I am the only one who can live my life. "So I will not strive to manage the life of a child."

I can't do so that the fear, the pain, disappointment and stress of the child disappeared. "So I will try to soften the blows."

I feel fear when I defenseless. - Therefore, I will touch the inner world of a defenseless child with kindness, caressing and tenderness.

1 of the notes A. V. Poyarkova to the collection of works of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Moscow, 1991

The world of adults in the fairy tale A. Exupery "Little Prince"

Hero King Ambulance Drunkard Business Man Flashrik Geographer

Epithets characterizing the hero closed in Purpur and vain; Deaf to everything, gloomy, with hung head, busy, serious; loves ridiculous, faithful to his work; Old man; too important ermine; Majestic, except praise. poor fellow. accuracy. not lazy; Thinks not only about the face.

terribly proud; Absolute, yourself.

full monarch; But: Good

Acts looks at the world simplified; I imagined that everyone was silently silently and looked at her head. Does not ignite and extinguish the lantern. Does not write thick books and things commanding; Increasing in admire. Lined in front of him notices extinct cigarettes. violates the persuasion. eternal and unchanged.

orders; angry; It is not crumpled when his hordes of bottles are empty and there is no time to raise, suffer and welcome. Full. Drinks. There is no time to dream. Disposal of objections; I did not know any stars, considers the limits and restrictions; Recalculates them.

gave only reasonable orders

Life credo All people are subject to him. Read - it means to admit, I drink to forget that I own the stars, because the persuasion is a persuasion. In geography textbooks

The most important thing is that to him on the whole planet, I can drink all. Before me, no one would guessed them should not be confused. Lit obeyed unquestioned. Moreover, everyone is elegant, everyone will take possession. And drink bad.

everyone needs to ask, richer and everyone is smarter.

that he can give. The government must first be reasonable.

The impressions of the little prince "Strange People these adults" "The right, adults are very" Yes, the right, adults - "he argues almost like that" maybe he is also ridiculous. In his "This is this business!"

strange people "Very, very strange people" drunkard. " "No, adults and work still makes sense"

(confused, perplexed; truth to the striking people. "(respectfully bowed; I regret the drunkard) I liked this person more and more, I wanted to help, I planned)

"He thinks not only about himself.

Together to make friends with

The image of zose is one of the main in a fairy tale. Of course he symbolizes a woman and love for a woman. On the relationship of roses and a small prince, the author shows problems standing on the way in real love. The rose in the fairy tale was very capricious and asked the Prince cares about her. And first, the little prince took care of her, and then in his soul settled doubts. He took her words close to heart and became very unhappy. But after all his travels, he began to understand the truth. In lines: "- If you love the flower - the only thing that is no longer any of many millions of stars, - this is pretty: you look at the sky - and you are happy." The author talks about such love when you do not ask for anything in the replacement when you are just happy that somewhere there is your flower. The little prince realizes that he listened to a rose in vain, it was necessary to just watch and enjoy her aroma. After all, Rosa filled his fragrance all his planet, and he did not know her to rejoice. He understands that it is necessary to judge in actions, and not according to. She was illuminated by his life, and he escaped. The little prince did not guessed all the tricks of the rose, her tenderness to him, he was too young, he was not able to love yet.

Many critics agree that the image of the rose personifies the wife of the writer - Consulie de Saint-Exupery. But even if it is not so, St. Exupery speaks about the most important thing about how to love. Now people have become too selfish, they forgot that in love is more important to give, and not get.


Having found on earth, in a deserted desert, the little prince meets good and wise fox. Which symbolizes friendship. In his face, the prince acquires a friend who was so sought. As in many fairy tales, the Fox personifies the wisdom and knowledge of life and tells the little prince the mystery of the human heart. The author handed over the heroes of this fairy tale his understanding of friendship and responsibility for each other. Prince and Fox relationship is a story about true friendship. Fox teaches a little prince, how to love and treat friendship, people have forgotten about it and therefore lost friends, lost the ability to love. Saint-Exupery regrets that people do not see anything and turn their lives into meaningless existence. "Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes ... Your rose is so expensive for you because you gave her all my soul ... "

The concept of "tame"

To tame - it means to create the bonds of love, the unity of the shower. The mystery of the taming opens a small Prince Lis, he explains that the prince for him is just a boy, like a lot of other boys, and the foxes for the prince is just another Fox among thousands of other foxes. "But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only light for me in the whole. And I will be one in general for you. (...) If you tame me, my life like the sun lies up. Your steps I will distinguish between thousand others ... ". The author suggests that love and friendship is not just a connection with other creatures, it enriches our life, gives an understanding of the world around us, filling it with meaning. "You are forever responsible for all who tamed" - this is the important truth that foxes opens. Tame - So: Create ties. Uda love, trust, friendship and responsibility. And now you are no longer just two, you become the only light for each other, becoming necessary to each other. "" You can only find out those things that tame, "Fox said. "People are not enough time to learn something." Taming is the work of the heart, it means to tie yourself with another tenderness of tenderness, love, responsibility. It means killing indifferent attitude to this world. Saint-Exupery reminded us that the friendship does not buy in the store, for her you need to take off your heart and your soul.

Theme of the lesson: "Ten lessons of a little prince"

The lesson is focused on integrated personality development; Dialogue, reflection.

Training Technology: personally - oriented, developing training, the use of modern information technologies (program - presentation).

Formation of speech competencies

Socialization of students: formation of the internal need of personality in continuous spiritual - moral improvement, allowing to realize and realize their personal capabilities.

At the lesson are used modern computer technology in order to attract attention to the story "Little Prince".

Goals and objectives:

reveal the most important problems of the story;

to form the ability to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the story;

contribute to improving the skill of expressive reading passages from a story;

develop attentive and careful attitude to the word, interest in literature;

During the classes

І. Orgmoment.

ІІ. The main content of the lesson.

Epigraph lesson (On the desk):

And you will see: everything will be different ...

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Teacher: Draw me a lamb! (distribute sheets and markers)

Draw me lamb
Lightly waving hands
In light gray curls
Let the rays play.
Let him live in a box -
On green meadow
And so that the browst house!
I will love him.

I will be with our lamb
I will meet dawn,
And honey nasha
Help to collect.
I will sing him quietly
If suddenly he falls
Cute, what should you?
Draw, let him live !!!

- The little prince remained some kind of mysterious, mysterious boy for Antoine de Saint-Exupery himself. I also deal with the same mysterious, mysterious creatures. It seems to me that each of you is a small prince, you all came to my planet Earth from our tiny planets. Appeared in order to see the heart. And I, your today's teacher, is obliged to help you in this matter. All of you have our own concerns, each of you is responsible for someone for something. You realize it deeply, as I realized and felt a little prince my duty before my only rose. Later you will go to exercise your dreams, with honor to serve your duty. And I want that in this way you needed a clean water of deep wells and the bubbles of the stars in the night sky. Hello! Pay attention to the epigraph to the lesson is the words of Exupery. If you digest the lessons of a little prince, then « ... and you will see: everything will be different ... ".

1. Analysis of the work.

- Working with notebook p. 2

- Pick the epithets for the characteristics of a small prince. What is he?

wise (not childish)


responsive sincere

- Tell us about a little prince

- What is the busy prince?

- Baobaba - what personifies? (evil)

First lesson: "I got up in the morning, led myself in order and his planet"

(Every day the little prince cleaned the volcano and pulled the sprouts of baobabs)

- Write down the output to the notebook

- Who else lives on the planet of a little prince?

- Working with notebook p.3



capricious beautiful

- How does the rose behave?

- Why is a little prince going to travel?


(The little prince can not love yet. He is offended by a flower, not understanding that all the whims of him only to draw attention to themselves. Rosa loves, but the little prince knows what love is. When we are not able to answer love , we run from it.)

- Who helped a little prince to change the attitude to rose? Quote from text Chapter VIII

(Fox helps a small prince comprehend this complex science, and a little boy with bitterness confesses to himself: "You never need to listen to what flowers say. We just look at them and breathe them with an aroma. My flower drove all my planet, but I did not know how he to rejoice ... it was necessary to judge not according to words, but on business. She gave me her fragrance, illuminated my life. I shouldn't have running. Behind these miserable tricks and tricks I had to guess tenderness ... But I was too Young, I have not been able to love yet ")

Second lesson: "We must judge not according to words, but on affairs"

(It was necessary to judge not according to words, but on business. She gave me her fragrance, illuminated my life. I shouldn't have running. For these miserable hectares and tricks I had to guess tenderness.)

- Write down the output to the notebook

2. Traveling a small prince (use of the presentation)

Art technique, which organizes the entire plot of fairy tales into one, is the reception of travel.

What are the possibilities of this reception? What does it give to understand the main thought of the work?

( First, it helps the author show different characters of people. Secondly, regardless of his will, changes occur in the traveler itself, which went to the journey to know the world and find friends)

The little prince travels through several planets, where meets with different adults. Every planet inhabits one person. He is surprised to look at them and cannot understand them. "Strange these people, adults!" - He says.

3. Work in groups.

6 groups by the number of planets who visited the Little Prince

І gr. - Planet King

ІІ c. - Planet Ambolubets

ІІІ c. - Planet business man

ІV c. - Planet lampacker

V c. - Planet geographer

Questions for analysis

1. What do a resident of the planet do?

2. The attitude of a little prince to the inhabitant of the planet.

3. Pick epithets for characteristics.

4. Select a quote from the text.

5. Word the outline

4. Speeches Groups, Discussion

- Speech by the Group - Planet King

- Tell us about the king.

(In each visitor sees the subject and cannot live a minute, not making orders or regulations. The king of this is a world of simplifier, for it looks from top to it. Unlimited power and unquestioned obedience - the limit of his dreams)

- Pick the epithets to characterize the king. What is he?

- Working with notebook p.4

ploud-loving selfish


- What position does the King of the Little Prince offer?

- Who should be judged if only the king live on the planet?

- What is difficult to do in relation to yourself?

"Then the judgment itself," said the king. - This is the most difficult. It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you are able to judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise "

Third lesson: "... judge himself"

- Write down the output to the notebook

- Speech by the II Group - Planet Ambulance

- What is ambition?(Thirst for fame, desire for honorary position, glory)

- Tell us about ambition.

(Indifferent to others, extreme egoism is poured by the inhabitant of the planet in self-stuffing and narrowing. The vanity of an empty person does not know the boundaries, and therefore he is ready to take for the admirement in his blinding of each passing, and it seems a child just stupid and funny)

- Pick the epithets.

Working with notebook p.5



- Find lines that give a little prince about vain people.

(Quote from the text ......"Vain people deaf to everything except praise" )

- Is it a positive quality or negative? (And positive and negative, everything is good in reasonable limits)

- What lesson made a little prince from visiting the planet of the ambition?

Fourth lesson: Ambolism is good in reasonable limits.

- Write down the output to the notebook

- Speech III Group - Planet Drunka

- What impression makes a drunk on a small prince?

(A resident of the Third Planet is the little prince in despondency. He's a sorry for a bitter drunk, who cannot find the strength of painful addiction from a vicious circle of painful

- Pick the epithets to characterize the drunkard. What is he?

- Working with notebook p.6

Pathetic weak

- What to do a person in a similar situation? How to change life?

Fifth lesson: Find the strength to change yourself.

- Write down the output to the notebook

- Speech by the group - Planet "Business Man"

- What is the "business man"?

(He is busy with meaningless stars. He is trying to turn the unaware beauty of the Universe to Property, having polluted it into his personal safe)

- Working with notebook p.7

Inhabitual meaningless existence

- What lesson made a little prince?

Sixth lesson: If a person is busy only, his life live in vain.

"It in all my life, I never understood the flower, never glanced at the star, I never loved anyone, he is not a man, he is a mushroom. "

- Write down the output to the notebook

- Speech by V Group - Planet Flashlight

- What feelings cause a lamprik from a little prince?

(He is delighted, because "It's really useful because it's beautiful," it dreams to make friends with a flashroad, he thinks not only about himself, faithful to the Word, not to turn hands to work for people)

- Work with notebook p.8

responsible faithful word

- Happy man lamprik, according to a little prince?

Seventh lesson: All your life to be a beacon for people - in this man's happiness

- Write down the output to the notebook

- Doesn't the poetess Veronica Tushnova thought when he wrote:

The sea is my desert

on the sea, quiet yes smooth ...

Maybe it's a shame -

so hopelessly wait?

In vain fire turns away

viden from afar ...

I can't leave

with a forgotten lighthouse.

I can't leave

no one

suddenly something happens to you ...

And the fire went out!

- Speech by the VI group - Planet of the geographer

- What a trace in the soul of a little prince left a meeting with geographer?

(First, he also seems to be a baby hereby, but very soon the prince is disappointed in him, because he "never goes out of the office" and only herself knows about everything. He is not interested in his own planet, since he considers himself too important face and him There is no time to roam. But it was the geographer forces a little prince to remember his short-lived rose, think and regret it)

- Work with notebook p.9

"Too important"

not real

- Is this a real scientist?

The eighth lesson: It is impossible to study the world without leaving the office

- Write down the output to the notebook

5. Frontal work - Seventh Planet - Earth

- Little prince experienced despair on earth, confusion. Why?

(He saw a garden with roses)

- Pay attention to the course of the thoughts of the hero. Consider the passage from the XX chapter from the words "and then he thought ..." To the end.

"And then he thought:" I imagined that I own the only flower in the world, which no one else and anywhere, and it was the most ordinary rose. Only everything I had that simple rose and three volcanoes Knee, and then one of them is too much, and maybe forever ... What is the prince after that? .. "

He lay down in the grass and cried "

- What caused the sore tears of the baby?(He is disappointed in himself)

- When did the fox appear?(In the most difficult moment for the baby.The appearance of Lisa teaches a true understanding of love and friendship, he introduces a hero with the bottomlessness of the human heart. His statements are big wisdom: to have friends, you need to give them your soul, give the most expensive - your time. "Your rose is so the road so you, because you gave her all your days." Not only Rosa needed a small Prince, but also a small prince was needed a rose. Rose is the only flower on the light, because he "tamed her." A person needs only one flower, one that fills the soul with light and fill them with his heart. Therefore, he returns to his rose.)

- Work with notebook p.10

- The little prince for the first time thinks about how he lived before. What does he understand now?

Ninth lesson: "T always responsible for all who tamed "

- Write down the output to the notebook

- Working with notebook p. 12

- Let's talk about the stars. What are they for a little prince? Why shine stars?

(So \u200b\u200bthat sooner or later everyone could find his star)

- Reading a passage from the XXVI chapter

"Every person has its own stars. One thing - those who are waged - they indicate the path. For others, it's just small lights. For scientists, they are as a task that needs to be solved. For my Delta, they are gold. But for all these people, the stars are dumb. And you will have quite special stars ...
"You look at the sky at night, and after all, there will be such a star, where I live, where I laugh," and you will hear that all the stars laugh. " You will have stars who know how to laugh!

And he himself laughed "whatsymbolize stars? (desire for something, dream of something)

Tenth lesson: "... every person has their own stars"

6 . All lessons of a small prince - output, assessment

7. Reflection - Filling notebook

- Read questions(on the slide - questions from the working notebook)

- You will have to answer these questions at home. A few years later, it seems to me that you will return to this work. And then you will see how your life has changed.

8. The result of the lesson. (Music "Little Prince" sounds)

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Little prince left, but he always returns to those who have accepted his lessons with all his heart. Then the stars bloom in the night sky, and among them, where the little prince lives, where his laughter sounds.

(Phonogram of children's laughter)

1) The history of creating a work. "Little Prince" is the most famous work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Published in 1943 as a children's book. The history of the publication of the fairy tale A. SENT-EKZYUPERI:

Written! In 1942 in New York.

First French Edition: "Editions Gallimard", 1946

In Russian translation: Nora Gal, 1958 Drawings in the book made by the author himself and are not less famous than the book itself. It is important that this is not an illustration, but the organic part of the work as a whole: the author himself and the heroes of the fairy tales all the time refer to the drawings and even argue about them. "After all, all adults first were children, only few of them remember this" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, from a dedication to the book. During the meeting with the author, a small prince is already familiar with the drawing of the "Elephant in Breave".

The story of the "Little Prince" originated from one of the plots of the "Planets of People". This is the story of a random landing of the writer himself and its mechanics narrow in the desert.

2) Features of the genre of the work. The need for deep generalizations prompted Saint Exupery to refer to the genre of parables. The absence of a specific historical content, the convention characteristic of this genre, his didactic necessitability allowed the writer to express their views on the worried moral problems of time. The paradise genre becomes the realizer of the reflection of Saint-Exupery on the essence of human being. The fairy tale, like the parable, the oldest genre of oral folk creativity. She teaches a person to live, optimism instigates him, claims the faith in the triumph of good and justice. For fantastic fabulous fabul and fiction, real human relations are always hiding. Like parable, in the fairy tale always triumph and social truth. The fairy tale-parable "Little Prince" is written not only for children, but also for adults who have not yet lost their childhood impressionability, childishly an open look at the world and the ability to fantasize. The author himself possessed such a childish sharp vision. The fact that the "Little Prince" is a fairy tale, we define on the fabulous signs available in the story: Fantastic Hero's Travel, Fabulous Characters (Lis, Snake, Rosa). The work of A. Saint-Exupery "Little Prince" refers to the genre of philosophical fairy tale-parable.

3) Themes and fairy tale problems. The salvation of mankind from the upcoming inevitable catastrophe is one of the main topics of the fairy tale "Little Prince". This poetic fairy tale of courage and wisdom of the undispical children's soul, about such important "nonsense" concepts, as life and death, love and responsibility, friendship and loyalty.

4) ideological design fairy tale. "Love is not to look at each other, it means to look in one direction"

This thought defines the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe story-fairy tales. The "Little Prince" was written in 1943, and the tragedy of Europe in World War II, the memories of the writer about the defeated, occupied France impose their mark on the work. With his bright, sad and wise fairy tale, Exupery defended the unreasonable humanity, a live spark in the souls of people. In a certain sense, the story was the result of the creative path of the writer, the philosophical, artistic understanding. Only the artist is able to see the essence - the inner beauty and harmony of the surrounding world. Even on the planet of the flashroad, the little prince notes: "When he lights a lantern - as if one star or flower is also born. And when he quenches the lantern - as if a star or flower fall asleep. Great lesson. It is truly useful because it is beautiful. " The main character tells the inside of the beautiful, and not its outer shell. Human work should make sense - and not just turn into mechanical actions. Any business is useful only when it is internally perfect.

5) Features of the plot of fairy tales. St. Exupery Coast as the basis of the traditional fabulous story (a beautiful prince, due to unfortunate love, leaves the father's house and wanders on endless roads in search of happiness and adventures. He tries to decide fame and conquer the inaccessible heart of the princess.), But rethinks him Its even ironically. His beautiful prince is completely a child suffering from a capricious and wrought-over flower. Naturally, the happy finals with the wedding does not go and speech. In the wanders, the Little Prince does not meet with fabulous monsters, but with people, the perishable, as if by evil spells, selfish and petty passions. But this is only the outer side of the story. Despite the fact that the little prince of the child, he opens the true vision of the world, inaccessible even to an adult person. Yes, and people with dead souls who meet the main character on their way, much worse than fabulous monsters. The relationship between the prince and roses is much more complicated than the relationship of the princes and princesses from folklore fairy tales. After all, it is for the sake of roses a small prince sacrifices the material shell - he chooses a bodily death. In the story two storylines: the storytellor and the theme of the world of adults and the line of a little prince, the story of his life.

6) Features of the composition of the fairy tale. The composition of the work is very peculiar. Parabola is the main component of the structure of traditional parables. "Little Prince" is no exception. It looks like this: the action takes place in a specific time and concrete situation. The plot is developing as follows: Move on the curve, which, reaching the highest glow point, is returned again to the starting point. The peculiarity of such a plundering is that, returning to the starting point, the plot acquires a new philosophical and ethical meaning. A new point of view on the problem finds a solution. The beginning and the end of the story "Little Prince" are related to the arrival of the hero on Earth or with the resurrection of land, pilot and fox. A little prince again flies to his planet to care for and raise a beautiful rose. The time that the pilot and the prince is an adult and the child held together, they discovered a lot of new things in each other, and in life. After parting, they took pieces of each other with them, they became more wise, they learned the world of another and their own, only on the other side.

7) Art features of the work. In the story a very rich language. The author uses a lot of amazing and inimitable literary techniques. The melody is heard in his text: "... And at night I love listening to stars. As if five hundred millions of bubrels ... "It is simple - it is a children's truth and accuracy. The language of Exupery is full of memories and reflections about life, about the world and, of course, about childhood: "... when I was six years old ... I saw an amazing picture once ..." Or: "... For six years already, As my friend, together with a lamb, left me. " Style and special, not similar to anything mystical manner of St. Exupery is a transition from the image to a generalization, from parables to morality. The language of his work is natural and expressive: "Laughter, accurate spring in the desert", "five hundred million puments" would seem to be ordinary, the usual concepts suddenly acquire a new original meaning: "Water", "fire", "friendship", etc. d. Many of his metaphors are as fresh and natural: "They (volcanoes) sleep deep underground, while one of them does not try to wake up"; The writer uses paradoxical combinations of words, which in the usual speech you will not meet: "Children must be very indulgent to adults," "If you go straight, right, you will not leave ..." Or "people are not enough time to learn anything " The narrative manner of the story also has a number of features. This is a trustful conversation of old friends - so the author communicates with the reader. We feel the presence of the author who believes in good and mind, in an ambulance, when life on earth will change. You can talk about the peculiar melon of the narrative, sad and thoughtful, built on the soft transitions from humor to serious thinking, on halftons, transparent and lungs, like watercolor illustrations of a fairy tale, created by the writer himself and being an integral part of the artistic fabric of the work. The phenomenon of the fairy tale "Little Prince" is that she written for adults she firmly entered the circle of children's reading.

"Little Prince" is a fairy tale in which you can find a lot of meanings and subtexts. Not only the children are interested in the story of a boy with another planet, but adults can open a lot of new things for themselves. Many bright and interesting images are used in the work. Little prince and rose - an example of real, clean and bright love.

HISTORY OF LITTLE Prince and Roses

The reader finds out about Rosa only by the middle of the work, when the little prince already trusts the pilot so much to open his heart. Rose is a flower that left a small prince on its distant planet. Her seed put on the planet of a little prince by the wind. Rose became the decoration of the hero's life. He cared and cared for her, despite her whims. Leaving her one, the little prince jeaches her. He understands what exactly about his rose is ready to take care, think and remember that no other flower is able to replace it. In longing in his beloved, the hero agrees to the offer of the snake and disappears from the ground.

Symbol of love

In the "Little Prince" rose is a symbol of real love. In the children's eyes of a small prince, there is still no understanding of love, which adults see her. This feeling is first born in it. It causes surprise in him, he explores and studies it. He whips in his rose truly, and not because it is so accepted. He cares for her from the motives of conscience and feelings, and not because someone else does it. It is this naivety, along with a huge wisdom makes a feeling of real, genuine, not based on a special search for a beloved. Rose once accidentally appears on the planet of a small prince and remains in his heart forever.

After a conversation with the fox, a small prince recognizes that beauty is truly beautiful only when it is filled with meaning when something means. The hero did not immediately see the real beauty and love in his rose. Having become acquainted on earth with other roses, the little prince understands that only his rose fills his heart with love, just want to take care of her. For random passerby, earth roses and a rose of a small prince may seem the same, but it is love in the heart and fullness of the relationship with meaning and care that one of the millions of others are capable of concerning. "For the sake of you do not want to die," says the little prince to earth roses. And for his sake he goes to real death, concluding a terrible deal with the snake.

Love in the world of a small prince is not at all such as in the world of adults. It is not filled with stereotypes and intent, she is clean and naive. This feeling that is not painted by the negative influence of society appears in front of the reader in the new world. The love of a little prince and rose is not as we used to see it in the works, but it is the most real and inspiring feeling.

The embodiment of femininity

It's no secret that the author's wife was the prototype of the rose. She was a capricious and hot-tempered, but it did not bother her to love and be beloved. The author deliberately forgives women whims, justifies them. In the words of a small prince, real love and care is expressed, it justifies the whims of roses by the fact that the spikes are given to it to protect. It also happens in real life. In fact, the heart of the rose is soft and gentle. She lets a little prince on a journey, because truly loves him.

Rose caprises are justified by her tender soul. Without care, she will just perish, because it is unable to care for themselves. She asks to close it with a cap, water her every morning and every evening, but in return she gives her beauty, smell, feeling of real love.

The relationship of a small prince and roses is the most tender and touching story of love in the literature. Through the prism of children's eyes, in a philosophical fairy tale not only for children, but also for adults, Exupery shows this feeling from the point of view of sincerity, neurity, and even some naivety.

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