Node drawing with unconventional methods "Christmas trees will be engaged. Node according to drawing in the second younger group "Fir-tree Fluffy Drawing of the Christmas tree in the younger group

Node drawing with unconventional methods
Node drawing with unconventional methods "Christmas trees will be engaged. Node according to drawing in the second younger group "Fir-tree Fluffy Drawing of the Christmas tree in the younger group

Shurman Inna
Node according to drawing in the second younger group "Fluffy Christmas tree"

Abstract Node Po drawing in the second youngest group« Fluffy Christmas tree»

Shurman I. N. Abstract Node by drawing in 2 youngest group number Christmas tree fluffy»Using unconventional equipment drawing

Integration of educational regions: "Art Creativity", "Speech Development",

purpose: Development of skill draw a Christmas tree An unconventional method of the pump method.

Tasks: Exercise in the ability to perceive the boundaries of a sheet of paper; develop creative imagination;

ability to use non-traditional technique drawing(Picky);

enrich children's dictionary, form the ability to select definitions for a given word, answering the question "What?";

relieve the prishability, accuracy.

Methodical techniques: Gaming situation, guessing riddles, psychogympics, productive activities, summing up.

Preliminary work: Observation of the fir in nature, viewing illustrations with the image of ate, reading poems about the New Year tree, drawing a Christmas tree Gouachey, learning poems

Materials and equipment: Artificial Christmas tree, gouache green, glue brushes, water jars, napkins, landscape sheets with drawn contour of Christmas tree.

Travel course.

The teacher offers children to listen and guess what kind of tree mystery:

It is always in the forest to find

When walking in him go sch:

Worth a barbed like a Yozh,

"Winter in a dress?",

- "Well, and that!"

And the dress is fluffy,

Green, branched!

Then makes a Christmas tree in group. Children bypass around, view, touched it.

Praise the Christmas tree. Tell me what she is? (Slender, resinous, green, good, fragile, barbed, fluffy.) Well done, how many words came up with.

Guys, what are you smart! Christmas tree I really liked to play with you.

Note what kind of christmas trees Thin and thorny needles (you can allow children to touch the needles again to make sure).

Fir is under the sky blue,

On which the stars sleep.

(We are in the standing position, elongated hands down - we will drag your hands and legs a little on the sides, put the palms in parallel to the floor - depicting a fir. Rise head up, pull the neck - we try to see the stars "in the sky")

All of her painted frost

From the crown and to the pack.

(Elongated hands raise up above head and, making smooth movements with palms from side to side, slowly leaning and lowering your hands in front of them to the floor - so we "Collected" "Tassels-palms" All Christmas Tree)

Pure pearl sparkling

In the slicer, call silence,

(I depict the fingers of both hands of pearls - a large and index fingers of each hand we connect into small circles. We make a torn movement with your hands in different directions, bending and straightening your hands, - show how brightly sparkles our tree)

Fir elegant such -

Like a fairy tale at the moon.

(Returning to its original position, portraying pet: Legs slightly on the width of the shoulders, elongated hands are slightly divorced to the sides, open palms are facing the floor. We make small squats and at the same time turn the body to the right and left, slightly lifting and lowering the elongated hands, - this is such an elegant church)

Clouds shoulder touching

(Stand again "Yelochka". Raise in turn up right and left shoulder)

Catching snow it is thick.

(We join as high as possible and at the same time clapped elongated hands above your head - "We catch snow")

Even got on the paws hare

Before this beauty!

(Depict standing on my paws bunny: squatting, hands keep at the chest level. Being in this position, we look up and tilting the head alternately in the same way - we show how the bunny admires the beautiful Christmas tree)

The educator praises children for an unusual transformation.

The teacher then draws the attention of children to the fact that herringbone aloneShe has no friends, but they can help her. Offers children draw a Christmas tree-beauties girlfriends.

The educator offers children to take a brush, dial paint and pronouncing a poem draw a Christmas tree:

Tassel take here so:

It's difficult? No, trifle.

Tassel went twitch,

Castle "Cabinet".

And then goes in a circle.

Like a girl in the dance.

Are you tired? Rest

And again knocking begin.

We're drawing: times, time

Everything will turn out from us!

In the process drawing The educator draws the attention of children that paint It is necessary within the contour.

When children will finish work, the educator proposes to collect them christmas trees in a big forest(Works are hung on the board) And admire them. Once again pronounces with children definitions: (Green, barbed, forest, winter, fragrant, fluffy and T.. d.) And praises children.

Publications on the topic:

Dear friends! Happy New Year to all! We wish all creative success, health. Happiness! We love to work with threads with children.

Tasks: Teach children in the figure to pass the image of the Christmas tree. Exercise in drawing straight vertical and inclined lines. Develop creativity,.

Good, greens of a Christmas tree! Purpose: Learn to pull children from plasticine small balls. Apply to the surface of cardboard plasticine.

Abstract Node on appliqués in the second youngest group "Fir-tree" The appliqué classes in the second youngest group "Christmas tree" prepared an educator: Kashuba O. Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about the holiday.

The abstract of open unconventional classes on the artistic - creative activity of children on the topic: Topic: "Green Christmas tree. Fluffy snowflake.

Abstract of direct educational activities Artistic creativity (drawing)

"Herringbone Beauty"

Project topic: "Our town"

The second younger (3-4 years)

Prepared educators


Novikova Valentina Sergeevna

Purpose.Learning to draw a Christmas tree. Large and white snow fluffy.

- Watch in children observation, interest in what is happening in nature in winter.

Alone to draw with all the pile of brushes and its end, having drawing on the whole sheet.

Fasten the taking of adjustment, drawing rounded shapes with an unconventional way (ear chopsticks) using pumping techniques.

Materials. Toned sheets of A4 paper sheets, gouache 2 colors (green, white), brushes, ear sticks, jars with water, painting with winter forest scenery.

Preliminary work.

Monitoring changes in nature in winter (snowfall).
Consider the work performed on artistic creativity.

Reading poems about winter, Christmas tree, snow.

Methods of conducting direct educational activities.

The teacher reminds children as they met the New Year. Asks what time of year, who came to their holiday to them. We listen to the poems about winter and Christmas tree. Consider a picture with a scenery of the Winter Forest, where the ate and other trees grow.

The educator proposes to draw a Christmas tree-beauty. It reminds that the tree is high, you need to draw it from top to bottom, it offers to show the movements of the hands, how the twigs grow.

In the process of drawing, the teacher recalls the receptions of working with gouache.

Give the opportunity to dry the drawing. At this time, the teacher pronounces the lines from the poem I. Nikitin "White snow fluffy, in the air is spinning and falls on the ground, falls around ...".

It offers children to turn into snowflakes and show how the snow spins and quietly falls on the ground.

The educator invites children to draw falling snow by unconventional way (cotton sticks), specifying what color it is.

It is advisable to organize the exhibition of drawings on the board. In conclusion, it proposes to admire what beautiful Christmas trees turned out. Ask for children to express your attitude to the drawings of your friends, what Christmas tree they like more. This will help them express their attitude, emotionally give the first estimates ("like", "beautifully", "good Christmas tree", etc.)

Anastasia Rybakova
The abstract of the open drawing on drawing in the second youngest group "Christmas tree"

Purpose:Teach children to transmit in drawing the image of the Christmas tree in drawing.

Software tasks:

Learn to draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, inclined);

Develop the ability to use a gouache and brush (right to keep the brush, to inceap into the paint only the pile of brushes, unnecessary paint to shoot on the edge of jars, rinse the brush well, breathe about the napkin);

Educating independence in work and the desire to help the bunny.

Preliminary work:

Viewing Christmas tree on a walk, viewing illustrations, riddling mysteries, reading poems, singing songs.

Wordwork:mc, trunk, branches, short, long.


Envelope with writing, paper bunnies silhouettes, silhouette of the Christmas tree, leaf for each child (1 \\ 2 album sheet, paint green, brown, brushes with a stand, jars with water, napkins by the number of children.


Children stand near the teacher.

There is a knock at the door. The educator makes an envelope and silhouettes of small bunnies.

Educator: Guys, look, this is a letter, let's guess from whom it.

"Runs quickly

And jumps deftly

Rides that in white

Then in a gray finish,

Everyone invites you to eat carrots

This eared, grazing ... (Bunny) "

Children: Bunny.

Educator: Bunny sent us a letter, let me read it:

"In the forest there are many different trees, but little Christmas trees. And under them very well hide from the cold and from the wind. Draw for me and my friends - will be involved (takes out the silhouettes from the envelope, please, please such Christmas trees (takes out a sample from the envelope).

Educator: Guys, let's help the misses and draw a Christmas tree for them! Each of you will draw a Christmas tree for your bunny (for children paper silhouettes of small bunnies). Pass and sit at the tables.

Travel course.

Educator: Now we will draw. Let's look at the Christmas tree.

What color is she? - Green.

What does she have? (Shows the trunk) - trunk.

What trunk? - straight, high.

What else is in the Christmas tree? (Shows on the branches) - branches.

Where do the branches look? - Watch down.

What branches? - Top short, downstairs longer, omitted down.

What is the name of the top of the Christmas tree? - Makushka.

Educator: Look how to paint the Christmas tree:

1. We recruit paint to the brush, remove the extra paint about the edge of the jar, like this. A little retreat from above, we apply the brush and do not tear down from top to bottom. This is a trunk.

2. Now at the top, on the painshche itself, draw the branches: first on the one hand, then on the other hand, they are short, look down.

3. Retreat down and draw another branches, they are longer, look down. The branches are friends - hold by couples.

4. Departing and draw another branches with one and on the other side of the trunk, they are the longest.

It turned out a Christmas tree.

I wash the brush, drying it about the napkin

Educator: Tassel "jumps" by a napkin and put in a stand upside down.

Fizminutka. (Children stand near the table).

Educator: And now we will play with you.

Christmas tree in the forest lived, (children stand near the chairs)

The Christmas tree was small. (squatting)

And then grew, grew, (gradually get up)

Rose under the heavens. (hands raise up)

Branches down tilted, (sway hands from side to side)

They are friends with couples. (press hands to chest, portraying bunny legs.)

Came running to the Christmas tree bunny, (Jocks in place)

Folded on the lawn.

Well done. Sit down for tables.

Educator: And now you draw the Christmas tree yourself. Take a brush into the right hand, show. Let's draw a Christmas tree in the air. (Verbal image reminder Christmas tree). And now dial the brown paint and draw first trunk, brown paint. As you draw, do not forget to rinse the paint brush well, pick up the green paint and draw the branches.

Independent performance of work by children.

During the work, the teacher assist, drawing a fir on its sheet.

Ready works The teacher lays out on the table so that all children can consider work.


Educator: Look at what kind of forest it turned out of your Christmas trees. Do you like it? Guys, "plant" your bunny under that Christmas tree, which you liked most. Well done, you got beautiful Christmas trees, with straight trunks, fluffy twigs, now all bunnies will be warm under your Christmas trees. I liked how you were doing today.

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of open integrated communication and drawing classes in the first youngest group "To visit the Sun" An abstract of open integrated classes (communication) and artistic creativity (drawing) in the first youngest group. Educator:.

An abstract of open classes on unconventional drawing in the second youngest group "Dandelions - Flowers of non-breaking beauty" An abstract open classes on unconventional drawing in the second youngest group on the topic: "Dandelions - Flowers of unprecedented beauty" Purpose:.

"Drawing of Dymkov patterns. Decorate the skirt of the Dymkov Baryna. " Software content: 1. Call an interest in the subject of classes, process in children.

An abstract of open classes in drawing "Yellow Dandelion" in the second youngest group Abstract Node on drawing in the second youngest group "Yellow Dandelion" Objectives: Learning to transmit a flower image, its structure and form using.

An abstract of open classes in a junior drawing group

Drawing by non-traditional methods "Christmas trees will be engaged"

Software content:

Learning children to draw a Christmas tree with a tick tight tassel. Continue to learn to complement the drawing with elements using a finger painting. Continue to learn how to keep brushes correctly, rolling it after using paint. Develop a shallow motility of fingers; Children's creativity, imagination, aesthetic feeling.

Expand the knowledge of children about the life of wild animals.

Rise love for nature and desire to help animals.

Preliminary work: conversation "How wild animals are preparing for winter." Circuit Christmas trendies. Drawing with colored pencils and wovers "New Year's Beauty", using various materials "Who lives in the forest." Use in the work of the benefit "Magic bruster".


Toned rectangular sheets, with painted Christmas trees in advance. Each sheet passed a bunny silhouette. Gouache, hard brushes, napkins, jars with water, stand.

Travel course:

Guys, do you want to be in the winter forest?

Children are included in the group. A bunny sits on the grinding.

What happened where all the trees?

Bunny: "There was a fire in the forest and all ate burned. And now I am nowhere to hide from a wolf and fox. "

Let's, guys, let's try to help you, just how do we do it? Guys, and you know how to help bunnies. That's right, let's try to draw the Christmas tree with the pump method.

Children are sitting at the tables.

Guys look like I will draw a Christmas tree with a tick method.

I take a silent near the skirt and hold it vertically. Then I pick up the paint with the tip of tassels, and I take off the edge of the jar. Then the tip of tassels start drawing a Christmas tree, while the brush is easily jumping along the sheet. After drawing, the tassels rinse and put on the stand.

Children draw a Christmas tree.

Guys, let's still dry the paint, play. Get out of the tables.

Bunny, do you like to play snowballs?

Holding a finger gymnastics.

Times, two, three, four (bend in turn fingers)

With you snowballs blinded (pushed imaginary snowballs)

Round, strong, very smooth (hands show the circle)

And at all is not sweet (threaten the index finger)

Once - throw up (thrust the imaginary snowball)

Two - catch (squat and embrace their knees)

Three - drops (lean forward)

And ... break (trample).

You are not tired?

Children are suitable for the tables.

Tell me, please, what is winter on the streets?

That's right, of course a lot of snow. Let's draw still snow that lies on Earth, and someone can draw snowflakes. Only draw we will be with your fingers.

Guys Do not forget to wipe your fingers about the napkin. Children draw.

Bunny offers to play the game: "Guys, and you want to play, then go to the clearing."

Conducting physical attacks:

Bunny Sits and ears shelit. (kids are squatting)

Bunny it is necessary to sit down the paws to warm up. (Children stand and truth palms about each other)

Bunny cold stand, you need to jump a bunny. (children jump in place on two legs)

Jump - Skok, jump. Bunny need to jump.

How do you jump well.

Suitable for the tables and look at the drawings together with the bunny.

Bunny: "What you got beautiful Christmas trees. Here is the most elegant, and this very fluffy ... "

Thank you guys for the fact that you helped us to grow a whole forest. Now we will be, where to play and hide from the wolf and fox. And for the fact that you helped us here (gives children gifts).

You liked in the Winter Forest, and what did you like most?

And now we need to return the scope of visual activities in the middle group (non-traditional drawing methods)

An abstract classes in the image in the middle group of kindergarten "Journey to the fairy forest"

EducateFremova I.Yu.

Software tasks:

To form the ability to correctly transmit the location of the parts when drawing complex objects, create your own artistic image in the visual activities;

Introduce a non-traditional drawing method - drawing with hands;

Consolidate and enrich the ideas of children about colors and shades, about the methods of their production (orange, brown);

Consolidate ideas about the form of objects (circle, oval, triangle, magnitude, location of parts;

Enrich musical impressions;

Educating accuracy, develop aesthetic perception, independence, creative imagination.

Travel course.

Children enter the group room decorated in the winter forest. The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds from the cycle "Seasons".

Guys, where we hit. We came to the winter fairy forest. Look, what a circle of beauty.

All snow and snow, the whole forest stands in a snowdrift

Gray pines sparks shine

Snow sparkles on forest roads,

Quietly all bushes under the snow are sleeping.

Listen, what silence, only hear how the trees are crackled on the frost. Look around, it does not seem strange that in the forest there is no one? I will make you riddles, and you answer who we could meet in the Winter Forest.




Fluffy Tail - Beauty

And the name is her (Fox).


No lamb and not a cat

Wears a fur coat all year round

Fur coat gray for summer

For the winter of another color. (hare)


In the pine hollow

In the hollow warm.

Who in Duples

Does it live in warm? (squirrel)


Host Ferena

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter under the worker

Sleeping snow in the hut. (bear)

But where could the abyss of the beasts? Look, here is some letter on the Christmas tree. (Remove the letter from the Christmas tree and read)

"Enchanted winter forest

And there will be no wonders in it!

No fox will run

Neither the bear will not grind!

The hare with a whitewash was disappeared

Paint different beasts steel.

Everything came up with herself,

Your grandmother Yaga!

PS. To smooth the beasts, you will have to try greatly! "

Guys, here under Christmas tree only geometric shapes. What geometric figures did Baba Yaga left us? (Children's responses). What do you think we could fold the figures of animals, maybe then we will find paints to smooth the forest inhabitants? (Children together with the educator lay on the floor of the geometric features of animal white. Head - round, torso - oval, paws - oval, ears - triangular.)

Do you, Vanya, who came out? What form of the head? (torso.)

Where is Baba Yaga hid paint? Yes, here they are standing under the Christmas tree! (take paints, move to the table)

Look, what colors turned Yaga Beasts? (Children call color- white, red, green and yellow) and now close your eyes and remember what color forest animals.

Right, fox and protein of orange color, Bear - brown, and bunny in winter - white.

Do we have these colors? White - there is, and orange and brown - no. But it does not matter, let's do them yourself. Whatever the orange color we will add red in yellow paint, but for brown, you need to add green in the red paint. (Mix the paints).

Now everything is ready for us, but where are the tassels? Probably, the harmful Baba Yaga took them, so that we could not argue the beasts. How do we now revive forest animals? (I listen to the options for children's answers)

And let's draw with your hands. To draw a small circle on paper, we squeeze the cams, put it in the paint and put the "print" on the sheet. To get a big circle - we lower one palm in the paint (your fingers are raised up) and leave a trace on paper. In order to draw the paws for our animals, we will lower our paint with pillows down and carry on paper. Eyes and spout We can put the point in the tip of your finger (I show the methods of drawing, then, my hands and wipe the napkin. Sleeve, put the magic aprons and deliver the spell.

Once, two, three, four, five (clap your hands)

We begin to turn. (spin on the spot)

Were paints not simple (show paint palms)

Forest residents will be. (Show palms towards the forest)

Sound music sounds.

Independent drawing. Analysis of work. (Who painted whom? Together with children, we decide what can be added to the drawing, so that it becomes even more like forest animals.)

These are the great things, and now let's let go of animals in the forest. (Carry pictures in the "Forest")

Where does the Bear live in winter? That's right, the bear is sleeping in Berorga, let's take it there. And the bunny - under the bush, chanterelle under the tree, the squirrel - on the tree in the voupel. All animals are very grateful to you and the squirrel prepared you as a gift Forest nuts (basket with a treat standing under the Christmas tree).

Writing in the younger group.

"Dorisu Teat Tail."

Children's age: Second Junior Group (ІІ junior group)

Software content:

1. Continue to teach children to keep the brush correctly, thoroughly rinse the brush when changing the color, draw lines in one direction from the specified point, use several colors: red, yellow, green.

2. Promote the development of children's creativity during self-drawing plot (Sun, grass).

3. Call in children sympathy for the game character, the desire to help him.

Preliminary work: Consider a cockerel, his tail, marking his color variety. Reading poems, singing songs about the rooster.

Material: Cockerel - Toy, Teremka Mockup, Toned Paper Sheets with Cleanted Cockcloths No Tail. Brushes, gouache (red, green, yellow), cups with water, foam rubber.

Travel course:

Creating a gaming motivation:

To draw the attention of children to the housekeeper layout. Test children, consider it, note what it is beautiful.


Behind the fields behind the seas

At high mountains

It is in the field of teremok,

And lives in it a cockerel.

Come to us a cockerel

Show your scallop.

(A toy rooster appears in the terchemka window).


Scallop i will show

I'm going to go out.

Educator: What happened, to answer us?


All she, Lisa-villain,

Sprinkled grains,

Plucked up

Without tail all chicken,

Worn out on the street.

Educator: Calm down Cockerel.

Formulation of the problem.

The educator appeals to children and asks if they want to help the cock. Having received an affirmative answer, the teacher promises children to show how to draw colored feathers on the tooth cock.

Fashion show.

Children sit down at tables. The teacher distributes sheets of paper with pastechkov striking silhouettes.

Educator: Let's draw a feathers in the air.

(Shows the movement of the brush, children repeat)

Educator: Look, I will draw a tilt cock with different colors, from one point.

(The teacher draws the tail of the rooster on a small easel).

The tutor shows how the fusion movements are non-stop and smoothly down (arc) draws one penny rooster. Then changes color - different color, etc. After the teacher draws a tutorial of several colored Pierces, pronounces a poem:

Cockerel, Cockerel,

Show your housing!

Housing burns with fire,

How many ponyths on it?

One, two, three, four, five -

The teacher suggests once again to listen to poems, and children repeat after the educator.

Guide to the activities of children.

The educator reminds children to work with paints. Children independently draw. Follow the way the children do the brush in the paint, as prescrating the edge of the jar and wash it. Watching the work of children. Modifying a few color auxids a rooster. Refine the color of feathers in children.

The teacher has its own show (sheet with a cock and drawn tail) puts on a large easel and refers to children.

Educator: Guys, Look, Cockerel was delighted with the appearance of a beautiful tail and had fun.

(Cockerel in the house, the tutor posts on the big easel of the sun)

Educator: And what did the cockerel woke up?

Children: Sun!

Educator: Look, children, sunshine woke up, what yellow - yellow! And your sun woke up, on your leaves?

Children: No.

Educator: Do you want your sunshine?

(independent answers of children).

The children are independently drawn on their leaves of the sun, at will - herb.

Educator: Let all the roosters we collect on the clearing.

Children carry their drawings, the teacher hangs them on a big easel. Petushok leaves the house, considers drawings of children, praises, thanks children.

In conclusion, the occupation is the dance game "Cockerel and Chickens".

An abstract of drawing classes in the middle group: "Winter forest"

Abstract classes

by drawing

in the second group

Educator: Efremova I.Yu. MKUSOV S. Talitsa. 2012.

Software tasks:


teach children draw a simple landscape in accordance with the content of the poem, depict the Christmas tree in the snowmill;

continue to develop the ability to correctly place the drawing on the sheet, draw paints;

learn children to expressly read by heart a poem, transmitting intonation to the love of winter nature, to learn to feel and reproduce the figurative language of the poem;

clarify and intensify the children's dictionary.


educate love for nature; careful to it;

independence, observation, accuracy, initiative.


develop creative abilities, attention, imagination, speech, aesthetic and figurative perception.


follow the posture of children, keep moving mode

throughout the lesson.

Material and equipment:

paints "Gouache" (brown, green, white); Glasses for water

palette, brushes, stands under brushes, napkins, oilcloths

toned sheets of paper (1/2 album sheet)

artificial trees; Picture "Winter Evening"

soft toy (white bunny)

TSO: audio record "December" ("Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky)

Prior work:

memorizing poems of winter nature;

excursions to the forest park;

consider illustration of winter landscapes.

Travel course:

I. Introductory part

(Children sit in a semicircle on the chairs)

Educator. - Guys, what time of year is it?

Why do you think so?

Let's take a walk on the winter forest and remember the poem of O. Tshotsky "Christmas tree" (children read by a chorus).

Neither leaflet nor bladeing!

Quiet became our garden.

And birch and ox

Boring stand.

Only herringbone alone

Cheerful and green.

It can be seen, a frost is not afraid of

Seen, brave she!

Why do we say "Tikhim became our garden"?

Why are "birchings and oxes boring standing"?

And why "the Christmas tree one cheerful ..."?

Look, what a beautiful snowy Christmas tree! Santa Claus took care of her and decorated with white and fluffy snow, and who hid under her, you will learn if you guess my riddle:

Changed the browse color

And then confused the trail. (Bunny appears)

What fur coat in the winter?


Bunny. - Hello guys! Have you come to visit me to admire the winter forest? - Only you do not attach ...

How on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the slide - snow, snow,

And under the snow is sleeping bear.

Quieter, quieter ... do not make noise.

My friend Bear has never seen winter, snow ...

Guys, what do you think, why?

Let's draw him a winter forest, and when he wakes up in the spring, I will give him your work, and he will see winter and will be happy.

Educator. - Come at the tables and draw a winter forest for a bear. And you, bunny, sit down with us and see how babies are trying.

II. Main part

(children are sitting at the tables)

Educator. A beautiful Christmas tree grew in the woods on the mountain. Once the artist saw the Christmas tree and painted it. (I show the picture "Winter Evening")

Then this Christmas tree saw the writer and composed such a poem. Let's remember it. (Reads one child)

Christmas tree grown in the forest on the mountain,

She has a needle in winter in silver,

She has labies on the cones

Snowfoot lies on the shoulders ...

Recall, from what parts the Christmas tree is?

Which color will we draw the trunk?

Which color will we draw a branch?

(I explain the drawing technique ate)

Where do you start to draw a Christmas tree?

What paint take?

Practical part

Independent work (under musical accompaniment)

Piz / minute (standing near the tables)

Oh, I'm watched as frozen, and all cold nose!

Oh, I'm watched as frozen, and everyone has a cold tail!

So that the bunnies will warm up, we need to jump we all

To warm up the bunks, you need to rub foot.

Bunny legs warm down here and like that!

Bunny legs play here and like that, so so!

I sat down all the wastings and quietly sit -

Is there a fuck here chanterelles? All parties look.

But everything is very quiet in the forest, bunnies jump again.

Very love our hare fun and play!

The paw in the side, the paw in the side.

Pick top, paw top.

Became fun near her Christmas tree!

What color will we draw "Pilshko"?

III. Final part (Outcome)

(hanging work on the board)


Ate on the edge - to the heavens of the crown -

Listen, silent, look at the grandchildren.

And the grandchildren-Christmas trees, thin needles -

Forest gates water dance.

Guys, see which dance turned out! Bunny, did you like? (analysis of works)

Bunny - I really liked, your fabulous winter forest resembles a forest in which I live. Be sure to give your work to your friend Mishke; When he wakes up in the spring - he learns what winter forest happens.

(Bunny goes and takes work)

Educator. - Baby, you are well done today. Well answered, you know many poems. I think that Bear will be pleased.

Self-analysis of comprehensive drawing classes

in the second group "Winter Forest"

The software content of classes correspond to the age and level of development of children. When I set myself the tasks, I tried to take into account the age of children, as well as the fact that psychological processes are just beginning to be formed.

The software content formulated the tasks of an educational, educational, educational and helicate character. The occupation consisted of three parts:

Introduction - "Walking through the Winter Forest" - Gaying out the riddles, reading the children of the poem;

The main part is the fixation of the equipment of the Christmas tree drawing in the snow decoration;

Final part (Outcome) - Analysis of children's work with the help of an artistic word.

Abstract Claudia in the first youngest group in kindergarten using non-traditional drawing techniques "Fir-tree Elegant" (drawing with cotton chopsticks)

Author: Akhsenova Elena Alekseevna, Educator MBDOU CRR kindergarten "Tale" of the municipality of the Cilninsky district of the Ulyanovsk region with. Big Nagatkino
This material is useful for kindergarten educators.
Purpose: Development of the artistic and creative abilities of children of junior preschool age through the use of unconventional drawing technology.
- training of non-traditional techniques drawing with cotton wands;
- fix the skill to decorate the drawing using the drawing with cotton chopsticks;
- maintain interest in drawing;
- Flower fixing (red, yellow, blue).
Materials: Picture with the image of the Christmas tree, album sheets with the image of the Christmas tree, cotton wands, gouache of three colors (red, yellow blue, napkins.

Travel course:

Children, we will soon have a holiday, New Year. And visitors will come to our holiday. And who will come, you must guess. Listen to the riddle!
I always find me in the forest,
Will you go and meet:
Studently barbed as hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.
- Of course, the guys, the main guest will come to us - Christmas tree.
- Why the Christmas tree barbed as hedgehog?
- Why does her summer dress?

That's right, it does not drop as other leaves trees, and always stands green.
Showing a picture of the Christmas tree.
- Children, please, please, the Christmas tree and tell me what she is?
- Yes, she is beautiful, green, slim, fluffy.
- earlier the Christmas tree was decorated right in the forest, and now it is brought home.
- What do you think you can come up with a Christmas tree not to cut, and a holiday to meet with a Christmas tree?
- Yes, guys, you can dress an artificial Christmas tree, or put a Christmas tree in the courtyard and decorate it for the holiday.
Fizkultminutka with children with movement elements.
Our Christmas tree is great (circular movement with hands,
Our Christmas tree is high (stand on socks,
Above moms, above dad (sit down and stand on socks,
Gets to the ceiling (pull).
We will dance fun. Eh, Eh, Eh!
We will peel songs. La la-la!
So that the Christmas tree wanted to visit us come again

Children so that our fingers work better before proceeding with work, let's do a finger gymnastics "Christmas tree decorations"
Our Christmas tree Santa Claus (children bend fingers on her hand, lifting the gifts of Santa Claus)
Decoration brought:
Crystal balls
Silver sparkles,
Pebbles transparent,
Asterisks radiant.

Snow fluffy presented (at the same time, all the fingers are squeezed on hand)
Quickly Christmas tree dressed up. (and turn the right to the right - left,
Demonstrating "Dressed fir.")
Getting to work on paper with the image of the Christmas tree. The teacher resembles children that it is necessary to dress with a Christmas tree with various cotton chopsticks. Showing drawing with cotton chopsticks on a magnetic board. If children find it difficult to change a wand, provides individual help, fix the color of the paint.
- Well done boys! That we did today (answers of children); What colors we decorated the Christmas tree (children's responses); What a tree became (children's responses); What did you like best? (Children's responses).

Practical part of the class

Picture with the image of the Christmas tree
Gouache diluted with water of three colors (red, yellow and blue)

Album leaf with the image of a Christmas tree on a magnetic board

Showing with cotton chopsticks on a magnetic board

Children's drawings