Eva Lepa New Wave Children. When will Sauskin come? Eva Lepa: Scandal after the competition in Ukraine

Eva Lepa New Wave Children. When will Sauskin come? Eva Lepa: Scandal after the competition in Ukraine
Eva Lepa New Wave Children. When will Sauskin come? Eva Lepa: Scandal after the competition in Ukraine

The twelve-year-old singer from Ukraine became the winner of the "Children's New Wave" contest, which was held in the Crimea. Eva Lepi's parents reported that Ukrainians would negatively respond to such an event. In his social network, the girl posted a lot of photos that made in Yalta.

Competition "Children's New Wave" took place a few days earlier, namely from May 31 to June 1, 2018.

The Ukrainian girl not only lit the public, but also became the winner of the competition, which gives her the right to perform on the same stage with Russian performers.

Eva Lepa became popular thanks to the project "Voice. Children, which took place in Ukraine in 2017. On blind auditions, Eva was able to hit the jury with his talent, and for her literally, the struggle began. But the girl decided that her mentors would be the participants in the group "Time and Glass" - Nadezhda Dorofeeva and positive.

Lepa, despite the fact that in the first stage of the competition attracted the attention of all mentors, could not go to the final.

For soybeans, 12 years, Eva took part in a large number of contests, in some even hidden first places. The girl received vocal education thanks to one of Kiev's music schools, but Eva was born in Kremenchug.

The girl repeatedly stated that he dreams of opposing with Polina Gagarina and Dima Bilan.

Eva Lepa: victory at the competition in Crimea

Despite the fact that Eve Lepa is a citizen of Ukraine, she was not afraid to speak in the Crimea.

On May 31 and June 1, the "Children's New Wave" was held on the peninsula, in which Eva was able to win.

On the scene of the competition, talented children were 8-12 years old. But, enclosed with young vocalists, such stars of the Russian pop as: Alexander Vorobyev, Singer Jasmine, Pizza Group and Timur Rodriguez.

In the jury of the competition sat: Nikolay Baskov, Oleg Gazmanov, Evgeny Kombarov, Sergey Lazarev, Larisa Dolina and others. The showman Igor Cool, who is present at the competition annually.

Children performed various hits, both foreign and domestic performers. And despite the fact that we chose one winner, all participants were presented with diplomas of the "Children's New Wave 2018" and a microphone as a gift.

Eva Lepa became the absolute winner. In two days of the 11th annual competition, she had a large number of points, namely: 80 points on the first day and the same in the second.

After the victory, a 12-year-old girl, thanked all those present for their support.

Eva Lepa: Scandal after the competition in Ukraine

After Eva went to the Russian competition, many Ukrainian spectators "Voices" condemned the girl. The parents of vocalists have previously reported that the trip to the Crimea will cause a large number of criticism in Ukraine. But still, they stated that talented musicians should not pay attention to politics and act where they want.

Social network users have reacted very negatively to Eva photos from Yalta. Some of them even expressed their opinion on this. They believe that the parents of the girls must deprive Ukrainian citizenship, as many are confident that a 12-year-old child is unlikely to independently make a decision to go to another country to the competition.

Eva herself is very pleased with the victory in the Russian competition and in the future plans to perform on one stage with such performers as Dima Bilan and Polina Gagarin.

Eva Loop performed the song Do not forget the singer Evgenia Vlasova on blind auditions in 3 releases of the 4th season voice. Children. Watch online voice. Children 4 season 3 release from 11/19/2017 Choosing blindly.
Stacey Stacey
Mogo Kohanne Akord Stainy
sinooca Nich.
Hands Tsіluє Meni.
And V_Ter of the sea Goydaє zori
in Clavih Pam "Yatі і sleep.
That I do not turn the dawn to you with the sky.
B_sha do not turn.

Ale I pray not to Paint Siah.

One near the sky, alone without you.
Saint І GIRISHNA in Singochas.
You forgave і ідіdpustil
Siva sadness, siva my sadness.
Do not forget, Shah, the sky of the sky
Ale I pray not to Paint Siah.
In € schoch, my sadness, my sadness Zhoraє.
Do not forget, Shah, the sky of the sky
Ale I pray not to Paint Siah.
In € schoch, my sadness, my sadness Zhoraє.
I scratching you zіgrіє і
Evhori shyly.
Slozu, the rest of Vіddy Kohanny,
So, yak me. So, Yak Vіddav Mene.
Do not forget, Shah, the sky of the sky
ale I pray not to Paint Siah.
In € schoch, my sadness, my sadness Zhoraє.

Reviews of video

1. Zipina Tsigelman
zabbala Lzhzza Move Schizofreniya, І coaching, і master. Koshrbato to go down, not chilіsno, but if you are not going to begged? Navischo Psuvati smoothing, leakshitzchi z wow to Mov? If not, it is not possible to rose normally? From Yak to come Ditin with Іnsho, the Country, Yaka is not rose, the Tod_ th, go to the Іnismne, whom Vi D_tei is coming by Tіlki З SEPPECT all the Garad, Ishim, similar, psychologist Potoniben, and the tank is not distributed.

2. Alexander Egorova
Well, too proud. I really liked the song and execution. But it seems to me you have to be modest. Yes, the best friend, but still excess information about the fact that classmates wanted to get acquainted with Nastya, and she did not want to do something.

3. Siberian Health
To be honest, I understand her desire to become popular. Since she is insulting when they approach the nastya to be photographed, and she does not notice her. If she were not familiar with her, he did not want to become popular. And she sings super

5. _mileshka_
In my art, there is a classmate classmate Eva. I found her VK, she has almost all the pictures with the stars and so on. I wanted to talk with her, but if you knew what kind of rude and greyhound

6. Galina Levitskaya
Song Sergei Grimale Poems Diana Gold The first and allocator and owner of all the rights of Evgenia Vlasov Ruslan Quinta does not have a relation to this song in general

I have nothing against the girl, but she shouted the song. Who is engaged in vocals, will understand what the difference. Participates only the throat, which in the end necessarily breaks down.

Here Yeo vibrated the time and glass I go to the site Voice Children 1 Plusid and there I don't have it, I hope Yeio did not remove the ana my city

9. Olya Andiichuk
Taka Talanovita Dіvchinka, her Taka Krasuna. And the rhodunition is popular, then Tse Ditin, І ї Bazhannya Tsіlkom adequate for Viku.

10. Zhani Moon.
She will show a lot of things to be like Nastya, whatever everyone has been photographed with me, not like a girlfriend, but with the star Eva Loype

11. Vocal Group.
The girl is weak, the timbre is ugly, moving clouds, high notes yell, sings fake. It is not clear how it was taken

12. Alena Bon.
I beat, do not like. Here Nastya was the same bomb, and she just tried or copy, or he overestimated himself.

13. Dasha Swingzova
Coming only to be known - this is a stupidity. It does not know how to sing at all, and words say it is not clear.

14. Ler Ava.
Well done very talented success she hope she will win her a goal to become like Nastya Baginskaya it pleases

15. Lisa Baranova
He infuriates me this girl. Only about Nastya and spoke. It would be better about myself told. And then Nastya. Yes Nastya.

Barely put on the legs after the bone marrow transplantation, Marina put on a clown suit, turned into Loup Sauskina and went to the neighboring chambers - to children

Loop Sauskin quickly moves along the Hall of the Niya named after Gorbacheva: Capper's cap, a clown nose, from under a medical robe sticks out a red t-shirt. At first, it looks at him with a bewilderment - such a foreign-bright one against the background of exhausted persons. Does the children smile? Due to medical masks is not visible. But they answer questions, go to contact. Even teenagers respond. Moreover, they turn out to be the most grateful audience.

"Why do you have it?" - Asks Sauskyn a girl of thirteen years and immediately pulls a foam ball from her ear. The girl laughs, followed by a boy, who also found a "treasure" behind the ear, and his parents. Before the appearance of sausage in the lobby hung silence, from time to time disclosed. And now there is here, then there are no dies there. They may, and go out quickly, but something unpacable changes: those who have allowed to captivate themselves with the game, at least a few minutes relax. Both children and adults.

Sauskin comes to me and becomes marina. "I did not have time to pass blood. Tomorrow in the morning I will come here, "she divides in a low voice. Four years after the bone marrow transplantation, Marina is still regularly coming from Tomsk to St. Petersburg for scheduled consultations with a doctor. And almost always comes to children, at least for a short time. It worries that this time she took so few things with him. In Tomsk in the oncohematological department, it was allocated a whole office, cabinets under suits and props. There, children are not sausing no longer wondering - they are waiting for him.

Having freezing the child, frightened by the upcoming procedure, Marina immediately turns back to clown. "BUY!" - asks the clown of his new acquaintance. He obediently blows on a stretched ball, and the balls are becoming three. "Yes, are you a wizard, or what?" - Interested sauscle. The same wants to ask the very sauscle. Rather, Marina.

Three in one

"I always dreamed of becoming either a doctor or a teacher or actress. And it is necessary - I am Dr. Clown, play and do with children. Three in one!" - Smiling marina. She studied acting in the theater school, with childhood it was used to perform on stage. Then he graduated from the Pedagogical University, worked as an educator and a children's psychologist. But only when it became a clown, I realized that it was much more than just work. Since then, fifteen years have passed.

At first, Marina in the image of Lip Sauskina conducted children's holidays. But when her son fell into intensive care with poisoning, she understood: the most closely clown is not on holidays, but in hospitals. So Löp Sauskin became the first hospital clown in Tomsk.

Photo: Valery Zaitsev for TD

Soon, a like-minded manine appeared in Marina, Natalia Shimina. They began working together, founded the organization "Hospital clown", engaged in teaching volunteers, created their own Fund "Joy Partners". Learn to the hospital clowns came to them a variety of people - medical workers, journalists, teachers.

Clowns are also sick

At first, Marina worked in all the children's hospitals of Tomsk, then came to the department of oncochmatology and realized that it was on him and should focus, because children are perhaps the most difficult. What was the surprise of doctors when Marina got to them as a patient, and even with a diagnosis of leukemia.

It happened in 2013. For half a year, Marina spent in resuscitation, where no one would be allowed to go to her, six months later - in the ordinary ward. "Doctors did not give me a chance," she remembers. "It was a lot of very complications, no one thought that I would scatter." Marina, after all, reached the remission. But the head of the department honestly told her that such a type of leukemia would return again and again that each recurrence would leave less chances for survival. Better after the first remission to make a bone marrow transplant.

The search for bone marrow donors start with close relatives. Marina has a brother, a surgeon. Fortunately, he turned out to be an ideal donor - one hundred percent coincidence. And they went to St. Petersburg, in the Research Institute of Children's Oncology, Hematology and Transplantology named after Raisa Gorbacheva. Despite the word "children" in the title, the bone marrow transplant here is carried out here and adults. To prepare for transplantation, an expensive drug was required. His Advita Charitable Foundation helped him. He also supports the work of the Gorbacheva Nii laboratories, which are deprived of sufficient funding from the state, pays for reagents, consumables, and the search for donors in Russian and international registers for those whose relatives are not suitable for this role.

Sauskyin in space

"After transplantation there were a lot of complications - and pneumonia, and mucosite. Could not speak or swallow, nothing was eaten, was on artificial nutrition. Well, and then as a flight into space: once - and fly! " - says Marina. Soon she got a clown suit, nose, toys and, as soon as she could stand on her legs, went to children.

"Chemistry refused - I immediately put on a nose, a hat, took toys and went to the children," said Marina. - They knew what I was a chamber. When passing by, they always look, and they no matter, I have a nose or not, in the makeup I or not in makeup, in a wig or not in a wig. They still perceive me like Leopa sauscle. Scream: "Sauskin, hello!" Sometimes complain: "I put a catheter!" And I say: "Here, see, I have the same!" Ask: "And what, clowns also sick?" "

Photo: Valery Zaitsev for TD

The doctor of Marina first scolded, said that she just went crazy. But Marina felt that in this way helps to recover not only children, but also to himself. After transplantation, it had to be observed in St. Petersburg six months, but for the third month doctors released home.

Return turned out to be excited. When Marina fell ill, her son Yaroslav studied only in the third grade. "I was without hair," Marina recalls. - Raise the apartment and think what to say to me? I decided: I will say that the gum in the hair stuck and had to trim them. I go, I remove the cap ... And he himself understood everything. We probably cried from half an hour in an embrace, I didn't even have to invent anything. "

Radar man

Marina's houses and did not think to stop - continued to go to the oncohematological separation to children. He says that now she is like one blood with them. She determined for themselves that the hospital clown is not an animator at all. He distracts children while those with fear await their turn at the doctor's office, he turns a boring chamber to place where miracles are possible. For adults, the arrival of a clown is a passage, the opportunity to remove from the Chamber for a while or, more importantly, for the first time in a long time to see the child's smile. And also, of course, hope. After all, Marina honestly tells parents, and children that herself survived the disease and could recover.

"The clown should feel the situation, the condition of the child, scan the situation," she says. - You will go to someone, and just sit down next to, take the hand, stroke, someone needs something more emotional. When I go to the children, I have a whole suitcase of games, toys, focus. Everyone has different, the state is different, a different approach is needed. Children just had a new person, something interesting. They lie for half a year and longer, every time they need something new. "

Pajama Parties with Pillows, Salute Multicolored Packs-T-shirts, Show Soap Bubbles ... It is necessary to focus on the situation, everything is never planning in advance.

Focuses of Lope Soskina
Photo: Valery Zaitsev for TD

Marina wants to ensure that Dr. Clown was in the staff of the hospital, came to be around every day, and more than once a week. While it is not possible to arrange this - no financing. But Marina does not give up.

"There are, of course, heavy moments," she admits. "You will come to the separation in the morning and you see that the child has no chance that he smiles from the last strength. And at lunch, he was already dead. These last smiles remain in memory. "

Marina to dig up, as many others, helped Advita Charitable Foundation. In order for as many people as many people won a dangerous disease and returned to a full-fledged life, we, in turn, need to support Advita. He is very difficult for him now. There is not enough money to save patients for whom he is the last hope for expensive drugs, or the search for the bone marrow donor in the international register (after all, not everyone is lucky as lucky by Marina). Our monthly 100 or 200 rubles is a large help for a charity foundation, whose hope for recovery.

"The winner of the" Children's New Wave "2018 is Eva Lepa," the chairman of the jury of the competition Igor Cool announced from the scene.

Twelve-year-old Eva - from the Ukrainian city of Kremenchug. She is a winner and participant of many musical competitions and projects: "Sun for us" (2015), "Vocal Star" (2015), "Star Eating" (2016), "Generation Next" (2016), "Voice. Children" ( 2017, Ukraine), Berliner Perl (2017), "Conquer Scene" (2018) and others.

The second place in the competition was occupied by Ivanov from Bulgaria, and the third - Sonya Fomenko from Russia. Award of visual sympathies received Diana Ankudinova, the winner of the TV project "Super!".

The finalists of the competition were 14 guys from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Israel, Georgia, Armenia, Bulgaria. This year, the competition for the first time passed on the "Artek-Arena" - a large concert venue that can accommodate all children in the camp, and this is 4.5 thousand people.

Oleg Gazmanov, Sergey Lazarev, Nikolay Baskov, Lion Leshchenko, Larisa Valley entered the jury of the competition. Chairman of the jury - composer and producer Igor Krutoy. Timur Rodriguez, Jasmine, Pizza Group, Juliana Karaulova, Alexey Vorobyov arrived this year.

Children's "New Wave"

The international competition of young performers of popular music "Children's New Wave" is held for the tenth time, and in the "Artek" - in the ninth. "Not the first time" Children's new wave "takes place in the" Artek ". It is very important that the competition develops the musical culture of the guys, in the fields of the competition, authoritative musicologists are engaged with the guys by vocal, give lessons on the history of music - all this produces good taste and makes the event Not only entertainment, but educational event, "" Artek's press service quotes the words of Alexei Katrzak camp.

The goal of the competition, which is conducted with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, is to promote the creative growth of young artists, help in their development and becoming as personalities. Participants of the "Children's New Wave", under the terms of the competition, must fulfill world hits, as well as songs from cartoons and movies.

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