RHCP group. True history of the Red Hot Chili Peppers group: to speak naked? Easily

RHCP group. True history of the Red Hot Chili Peppers group: to speak naked? Easily
RHCP group. True history of the Red Hot Chili Peppers group: to speak naked? Easily

Red Hot Chili Peppers - american rock bandFormed in 1983 in California vocalist Anthony Kidis, Michael Balzari bassist (more famous for Fley), guitarist Hillard Slovak and Drummer Jack Arons. Music combines elements alternative Roca, Funka, Punk Rock and Psychedelic Music. About 60 million copies of the group albums sold around the world.

For the first time, the Group paid attention to the performance at the "Rhythm Lounge" club with the song "Out In La", where the fourthkee immediately gained his first fans. After the group renamed RED Hot Chili Peppers. A few months after the premiere, the group signed a contract with EMI.

At that time, the Slovak and Irons were associated with another group "What is this?", Which in turn favorably entered into an agreement with MCA. This forced them to leave the group, after which their place was taken by Cliff Martinez (drums) and Jack Sherman (guitar). It should be noted that Jack Sherman was different about the style of Games from "Red Hot Chili Peppers".

Andy Jill became the producer of the debut album of the group "The Red Hot Chili Peppers". Jill had a strong pressure on the group, as a result of which a tense relationship was formed between them. The Album "The Red Hot Chili Peppers" was released on August 10, 1984 and had no commercial success. Bad relationships Between Kidis and Sherman led to the dismissal guitarist. But, fortunately, at this time the Slovak returned to the group.

The producer of the second album was George Clinton. On August 16, 1985, the "Freaky Styley" album was also not commercially successful, however, in contrast to his predecessor, more accurately reflected the RHCP style. At this time, the group left Cliff Martinez, and his place returned to Jack Arons returned to the group.

The producer of the third album was Michael Beinhorn. Thanks to the original composition of the group, the new album "The Uplift Mofo Party Plan", released on June 25, 1987, was successful. At the same time, Slovak experienced serious problems With drugs, which led to his death on June 25, 1988. The death of Hillela Slovak became a huge shock for the group, as a result of which Kidis left the city, and Jack Arons left the RHCP forever, saying that he didn't want to be part of what he kills his friends. " Fleas took up other projects.

After a while the band began to work on a new album. To do this, it was necessary to find a new guitarist and drummer. Through friends, Kidis and Flea came out on John Fussian, struck them with their game to such an extent that the question of his participation in the group was instantly solved. It remained to find only the drummers. The group was advised to appeal to Ched Smith, on which they chose after listening. In August 1989, a new album "Mother's Milk" was released, which included songs in the future with the following hits. The album was devoted to the memory of the Slovak.

In 1990, Red Hot Chili Peppers signed a contract with Warner Bros, and Rick Rubin became the producer of the new album. At the time of work on the album, the group members retired in the mansion. September 24, 1991 came out the album "Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik", which became one of the best albums of the group. Red Hot Chili Peppers hit the covers of the most famous magazines.

During one of the tours in Asia, John announces his care. The replacement of the fraternity was Arik Marshall, who could not fit into the team. After him, Jessie Tobis took into the group, who also lasted long. In 1993, Dave Navarro was invited to the group.

Then Red Hot Chili Peppers came to work on the ONE Hot Minute album. The album was released on September 12, 1995 and was commercially successful, and the songs "Aeroplane", "Warped" and "My Friends" became hits. The group takes part in the recording of soundtracks, for example, "Hard Charger" to the movie of Howard Stern, "Love Rollercoaster" to the cartoon "Beavis and Butt-Head Do America" \u200b\u200b("Bivis and Butthead do America") and others. In April 1998, Navarro left the group Due to creative disagreements.

In April 1998, Flea visited John Fussian and officially invited him back to the group. For the first time in six years, the group reunited. June 8, 1999 came out seventh studio album "Californication", which has become successful immediately after its exit. Three more songs were hits: "Scar Tissue", "Otherside", "Californication". In 2000, SCAR TISSUE song was awarded Grammy Prize in the Best Rock Song nomination. In 2001, RHCP released the first DVD concert.

July 9, 2002 was released the eighth album Red Hot Chili Peppers - "By The Way". In 2006, Stadium Arcadium was released, awarded Grammy Prize. In early 2007, RED Hot Chili Peppers won 5 grammy nominations: "Best Rock Album" ("Stadium Arcadium"), " Best song"(" Dani California ")," Album of the Year "(" Stadium Arcadium ")," Best Clip "(" Dani California ")," Best Producer "(Rick Rubin).

Red Hot Chili Peppers returned to the studio to record a new album on October 12, 2009. According to Chad Smith, the next album of the group must come out in 2010. December 16, 2009 was officially declared about the departure of the fraternity from the group due to the occupation solo Career. The most likely candidate for his place is a former session guitarist Josh Klinghoffer (Eng. Josh Klinghoffer). January 2, 2010, he officially confirmed his entry into the group.


What hits!? (1992)

Out in L.A (1994)


Greatest Hits (2003)

The story of four awesome dudes collecting thousands of crowds on their speeches.

Sex, drugs and funk-n-roll. The RHCP group is unique both in terms of music and in terms of its history, where there was a place for disappointments, glory, deaths and betrayals. Find out about these guys, you will love their music even stronger!

Moscow, 2016. Harness napalm!

Anthony Kidis vocalist this year is 54 years old, like Basista Michael "Flea" Balzari. Drummer Chad Smith in November will be 55 years old. On their background, a 36-year-old guitarist Josh Klinghoffer looks like a real Junc. But despite the solid age, these old people make their shows around the world, with the same enthusias as 30 years ago.

1. School years wonderful

The yard is 1973. In California, sunny and calmly. Of the open windows, the speech of Nixon's president on TV is heard, and from bright red, lazily passing "Chevrolet Impala" to the whole street Barry White sings his sensational single " Walkin 'In The Rain With The One You Love“.

On the school yard fight. Several boys enthusiastically mutilated each other, with varying success. There is a silent crowd around them, with pleasure observing the fight. Passing past the high guinea sees that the battle is unequal: several teenagers are cautious on one - thin, with a short haircut and chain look.

Now it is now unknown that the guy prompted passing past the boy to that fight and stand up for his peer. When offenders fled and only two were left on the battlefield, the high flatten the bloody saliva and extended his hand with a knuckle with the bones of the second: "- Anthony. Slepty - the second battered in the skirmis - felt the sweaty bump on his head and answered a handshake: "Michael".

So began the joint friendly path of future music stars Anthony Kiddis and Michael "Fli" Balzari.

From left to right: Eline Ehannes, Jack Iron, Flea, Hillel Slovak

When Anthony and Michael became friends, Michael was already playing in music group Anthym. In the group, besides him, there were three more participants - Hillel Slovak (guitar), Jack Irons (drums) and Elin Ehannes (who later left the music). The team performances were rare, since all participants were minors, and no one wanted to deal with them.

Anthony Kiddis began to go to the speeches of his friend and made friends with the rest of the anthym. After some time, he already read his poems, and he had a lot, opening every speech by Anthym.

Group in his "gold" composition

The group more or less successfully performed, while on one fine day Michael Balzari, who had already pseudonym "Flea" (flea), did not declare his departure to another group called FEAR. The remaining team members changed the name of Anthym on What Is This? And they tried to continue creative activities.

That year everything went to the fact that life spreads friends in different teams. Someone will start with music, someone will last some time in litless groupBut the world will never hear Red Hot Chili Peppers songs.

2. Red hot sharp peppers

In 1983, a phone call rang in Anthony Kiddis's apartment. Having removed the phone, Anthony heard the voice of his friend, who in the old memory suggested a performance at the Rhythm Lounge Club. After that, Anthony, Flemia, Hillel and Jack again united in a single team, a week before the upcoming concert.

Seven days before the speech, the fourth of musicians had no songs, no name. Nobody wanted to return to the old anthym; Anthony had several poems in stock, and Fleas had a couple of interesting funk chords on the bass guitar.

Nevertheless, they went to the scene and performed a freshly propheted composition Out in La, which did not even really rehearse. It turned out so cool and ignore that hearing about the newly minted group Tony Flow. and the Miraculously Majestic Masters Of Mayhem (It is the name of the team that came up with Four Friends to himself) reached the managers of a major recording company EMI.

Tony Flow and the Miraculously Majestic Masters of Mayhem's own person

6 months after the speech at the Rhythm Lounge club, Anthony, Flea, Hillel and Jack sign a contract with EMI music label to release 8 albums. After that, the musicians rename the group in Red Hot Chili Peppers and begin active touring activities, noteworthy and shocking the audience.

It was at that time a period of time the musicians performed a cover version of the song Jimmy Hendrix Fire naked, put on long socks for causals. In the Strip Club Kit Kat Musicians played surrounded nude girls. And in the interruptions between concerts, they were happy to participate in sexual proceedings and various scandals.

Archival record of the very speech with socks

At some point, two participants of the team, Hillel and Jack had to make a choice: they still consisted in the group What is this?, Who had a contract with another musical label. The guys made their choice and left Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Their places were taken by Jack Sherman (guitar) and Cliff Martinez (drums). In such a composition, the musicians started writing their debut album under the leadership of Andy Gill, former participant Gang of Four Group.

The relations of "peppers" with their producer were not charged. Because of the various views on the sound and style of the Anthony group Kidis constantly quarreled with Andy Gill. Once the musicians even sent a box from under pizza filled with excrement. As a result - The Red Hot Chili Peppers, released on August 10, 1984, did not like even the participants of the team, and turned out to be completely failed in a commercial plan.

Flea, Jack Sherman and Anthony Kidis

After the release of the first record from the group, Jack Sherman leaves, and Hillel Slovak again becomes the guitarist. The What Is This?, Because of which he left the "peppers," turned out to be a fault project, and the musician returned to his friends to try together to correct the situation with the second album.

To record the second album, the musicians called George Clinton (Producer Funkadelic and Parliament), which found a common language with the group. It is under his leadership in the music of RHCP, funky accents and punk arrangements appeared. The result of collaboration was the album released in August 1985 "Freaky Styley, which the group was satisfied.

At that time, all the participants of the Red Hot Chili Peppers were tight on drugs, and it affected the music and texts of all songs from the second album. Having completed the work on the record, the group went to its most rebel tour, full heroin, forgotten texts, guitar lairs and other mandatory satellites drug addiction.

RHCP of the sample of 1986. Rather, punk than funk

In the spring of 1986, the group begins work on the next album. The musicians are still tightly sitting on drugs, and the producer of the third album, Keith Leven, also turns out to be a heroin addict. This was silent year - Part of the money for working on a new plate was spent by producer and guitarist for drugs. Against the background of such disgrace, the group leaves the drummaker Cliff Martinez, and Jack Irons returns to his place.

Anthony Kidis appeared in the studio when the recording of the songs was in full swing; He was rehabilitated in the clinic and returned to colleagues pure from drugs and full strength and energy. Instead of useless China Leeva, Michael Bainhorn becomes producer and in September 1987, the third plate The Uplift Mofo Party Plan is released, in which the punk rock triumphs over the funk.

Bunctory texts, aggressive music

It was the first RHCP album, which took the 143rd line Billboard Top 150 Albums. Such a success spoke the musicians head - Kidis again contacted drugs, a couple with a guitarist Slovak, during a tour in support THE UPLIFT MOFO PARTY PLAN. The venue of the final finale did not make himself wait - shortly after the end of the tour, in the summer of 1988, the Guitarist RHCP Hillel Slovak died from an overdose of heroin.

It was a blow to all - the group took a creative vacation. Anthony Kidis leaves a lost village in Mexico, hiding there from everyone, and including from his grief. The drummer Jack Iron leaves the group, which, according to him, "kills the best friends." Fleas engaged in third parties musical projects. It seems that 1988 is the last for Red Hot Chili Peppers.

3. The newest story. Funk-o-mania with experience

After some time, when the bitterness of loss slightly weakened, Anthony returns from voluntary hermit. Together with Fle, he decides to revive "peppers" in memory of the dead Hille. The search for a guitarist and drummer begin.

Somehily, Flee comes to Kidis with an unusual request: their shared friend, John Frucher, need help. He must take listening as a guitarist to the thelonius Monster group, "but John is too shy to go alone, and asks to make him a company.

While listening to Anthony and Fleas were amazed by the game of John, which seemed to be exact copy The deceased Slovak in his guitar game style. Without waiting for the end, friends took Fruist with them and washed away from listening. So, John turned out to be a new Guitarist Red Hot Chili Peppers.

John, Anthony, Flea, Chad (1989)

The drummer turned out to be more difficult. The musicians gave an advertisement to the newspaper, and every day he listened to dozens of applicants. One of these days when the mood was already unimportant and the hope of finding an intelligent drummer became gradually to fade, the next contendent appeared in the studio. Sit down for the impact stop, he began to play, pass the rolling mate chastushki. This person was Chad Smith, who immediately took the group after such a performance.

In 1989, Mother's Milk album enters, recorded by a new composition. Capital track Knock Me Down is dedicated to the deceased Slovak. In addition, there is a cover on the song Fire Hendrque, which was carved from the second album.

In the SUBWAY TO VENUS, Taste The Pain and Pretty Little Ditty, in addition to the Flea bass guitar playing a pipe. After the release of this album, the group goes into an exemplary tour, during which none of the musicians takes drugs.

Rather, funk than punk. That's what it means - no drugs!

In 1990, Peppers sign a musical contract with Warner Bros. And in hand to professional Rica Rubin. Rick relieves a country "house with ghosts" and brings musicians there. The album was written in this house, extremely alive, and sometimes even on the street (therefore, in one track, you can hear the noise of cars passing by).

It was the BloodsugarsExmagik album, which simply blew up all the charts, which only you can. With sales in eight million copies, the album became platinum and remained in the Billboard Charter for more than a year. The group could be seen on the covers of all musical magazines, Including Rolling Stone, and the tickets for their concerts were bought in a matter of hours.

27 days before the participation of "peppers" as headliners on the largest festival LOLLAPALOOZA, John Fruushante declares his leaving group. IN urgent order Musicians call Aric Marshall from Marshall Law. Study rehearsals begin - Marshall played five hours a day, within a few weeks before the festival.

Then the very speech, with Arik Marshal

A group speech in part with Arikom Marshal successfully took place in front of the 60th thousand spectators at Shoreline Amphitheater in San Francisco. However, despite all the efforts, Arika subsequently did not manage to find a common language with the team and Dave Navarro came to the guitarist's place in 1993.

The permanent Rick Rubin again takes on the new album "Peppers." The One Hot Minute plate is published in 1995 and the group again turns out to be topped with fame. In this album there are hits like Aeroplane, Warped, Walkabout, My Friends and Masterpiece PEA. The Great Tour in support of this album began and ended in the United States, but between these concerts, the group visited Finland, Denmark, Belgium, France, England, New Zealand and Australia - by playing 64 speeches in 21 countries.

The 1997 year comes. Rumors about the possible decay of Red Hot Chili Peppers. To stop them, the group announces a "wild tour" on places such as Singapore, Taper, banks, Honolulu, Anchorage and Fuji. But immediately after Annex, Anthony enters an accident on his motorcycle, and breaks 11 bones.

The Group cancels concerts on Alaska and Hawaii, and on the speech in Fuji Anthony sat in wheelchair. After returning to the states, Chad Smith already gets into an accident on its motorcycle. Fortunately, he received only the shoulder dislocation and could recover without surgery.

In 1998, Navarro leaves the group to devote more time to his solo project Spread, and John Frushante is returned to "peppers". Rick Rubin becomes the producer of a new album, the text and music for which the musicians came up in just two weeks.

The first single SCAR TISSUE from this plate called Californication is climbing the tops of the charts before the official release. After the official release, the album in a matter of weeks becomes platinum. Musicians flicker on the covers of magazines around the world and are preparing for a new tour. Chad Smith is once again recognized as the best funk striker. At the end of this tour, the band completes the legendary Woodstock'99 festival.

Caution! Fluff absolutely naked in this video

The eighth studio album of the group called By The Way is ready in 2002, but officially comes out in July 2003. Two weeks from the moment of release, by The Way takes the second line of the Billboard chart. Clip on the eponymous song becomes nomineer MTV Video Music Awards.. All 2003, the musicians are fighting in support of their new album with stunning success.

In the breaks between the concerts of Anthony Kidis, MEMUARS writing under SCAR Tissue, the sale of which begins in 2004. In 2005, Peppers start recording the next album called Stadium Arcadium. A week before the official release, the album appears on torrents, which highly upset the musicians.

However, after the official exit, Stadium Arcadium gets positive reviews Critics and five grammy awards, including the premium "Best Rock Album". In addition, for the first time in the history of the group, RHCP occupies the first line in American charts.

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Los Angeles, USA (1983 - to this day)

A group called Red Hot Chili Peppers is one of the world's most famous Rock bands, which for almost thirty years has been popular and in demand. Despite the fact that Red Hot Chili Peppers are not a pop project, and more refer to such genres as rock and psychedelic, their melodies are simple and understandable, so the number of their fans is large enough all over the world.

A group called Red Hot Chili Peppers is one of the world's most famous Rock bands, which for almost thirty years has been popular and in demand. Despite the fact that Red Hot Chili Peppers are not a pop project, and more refer to such genres as rock and psychedelic, their melodies are simple and understandable, so the number of their fans is large enough all over the world. The stylistics of this project is also characterized by funk-elements that make compositions more acceptable for broad Circle listeners.

The basis of the Group falls for 1983, when it was founded in America four friends - Anthony Kidis, Hillel Slovak, Michael Balzari and Jack Ironon. They were a typical vocal-instrumental quartet, where Kids vocals were present, as well as the parties of the solo and bass guitar and drums. The debut performance of the group took place at the club "Rhythm Lounge", and then the team attracted a lot of attention to himself, and not only from the public, but also from the famous label. After some time, after this performance, Red Hot Chili Peppers signed their first contract with EMI.

The first two albums of the group did not have proper success. Perhaps this is due to the rather tense relations between the participants who have developed in the group in the first stages of its existence. In the period from 1983 to 1987, this team remained in the shade, and was not even popular even in the United States. Also in those years, the composition of Red Hot Chili Peppers has repeatedly changed, some participants left, others returned. In their work, everything was improved only when Michael Beinhorn was produced by producing the next release. In 1987, the third album called "The Uplift Mofo Party Plan" came out. After the release of this album, a popularity has come to the group, but fewer then guess that literally a year later Hillel Slovak would die, from drug overdose. This tragedy has become a shock for all team members, and for a while the project was frozen.

By the beginning of the new decade, the group recovered, and new musicians came to its composition. In 1989, their fourth album was released, whose songs were all devoted to the memory of the Slovak. Subsequently, this album became a hit of sales, and the group finally became commercial successful project. Two years later, the world saw the next album Red Hot Chili Peppers, and this moment was the beginning of their world glory. Musicians began to enter the covers of magazines, they began to be interested in the world press. Such success led to a world tour that has numbered great amount countries, including Japan.

The current composition of the group, this is primarily a vocalist Anthony Kidis, Guitarist Josh Klinghoffer, Basist Fley and Drummer Chad Smith. In this composition, the group joined new XXI century, and exists to this day. They recorded 10 albums, songs from which gradually became global hits. On their account, the mass of beautiful and unusual clips, which, however,, like the songs, deep and rich meaning.

Red Hot Chili Peppers (RHCP) created a style combining, Funk, Rock and Rap and reached the status of one of the most popular, inventive and eccentric groups of modernity. Their performances always pass with wild energy and charge of musical adrenaline. They managed to sell more than 60 million copies of their albums around the world, and five albums earned multiplatin status in the United States. They created two albums, which largely identified the development of rock music into nineties. These were Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991) and Californication (1999), as well as one of the largest releases of the past decade, Dual Disc Stadium Arcadium (2006).

History of the group

First Collective Creation Backgrounds Red Hot Chili Peppers Take their beginning in 1977, when guitarist Hillel Slovak and drummer Jack Irons created a hard rock band called Anthym in the American city of Los Angeles. Now all the famous Fleas became their bassist in 1979, at the same time another of their comrade at school, Anthony Kidis, at first tried themselves in the role of entertainer. When the musical experience of the guys increased, Anthym turned into a group with the name What Is This?

Soon, Kidis and Fleas moved to college, took up work and other projects. However, when they began to combine the texts of Kidis and the music of Flee, then this couple laid the foundation for future RHCP. And it was in 1983. Of course, they needed like-minded people and asked Slovak and Irons to join them. Those agreed, but at the same time kept the group What Is This?. For the first concert, in the club L.A.'s Sunset Strip, they used the name Tony Flow & The Miraculous Majestic Masters of Mayhem.

One of the first RHCP concerts in 1983

First albums

Stopping, finally, on the name of the group, like Red Hot Chili Peppers, guys began to play in Los Angeles clubs. And soon, after several successful speeches, the group managed to sign a contract with the Emi Records label. At this stage, Slovak and Arons decided to leave the group, and their places were taken by Guitarist Jack Sherman and the drummer Cliff Martinez. Debut album, published in 1984, was also called, as well as group The. Red Hot Chili Peppers, and the most famous song From this plate was the composition of True Men Don't Kill Coyotes. Big Success The record did not bring, but for all the time it was possible to sell 300,000 copies.

Hillel Slovak returned to the group before recording Freaky Styley album in 1985. IN musical Plan The album was more interesting and more diverse, but still did not reach high positions in charts and great popularity.

The former striker Arons appeared on the record album The UPLIFT MOFO Party Plan 1987. The album record was quite difficult due to the use of a group of drugs. The album was able to get to Billboard 200 and took the 147 place there. In 1988, the team occurs tragic event. Dies from the narcotic dependence of their guitarist Hillel Slovak. A difficult period began for the group and its participants. Irons forever leaves the group, but Kidis and Fleas decide still to continue creative activities.

The growing popularity of the group

After searching and samples of several musicians, two new and perspective musician - Guitarist John Frushante and Drummer Chad Smith. This composition (you can call it a classic) group recorded my most significant albumswho gradually led them to the highest peaks of popularity: Mother's Milk (1989), Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991), Californication (1999), by The Way (2002) and Stadium Arcadium (2006). Such hits with these albums, like the UNDER THE BRIDGE, SCAR TISSUE, OTHERSIDE, CAN'T STOP, DANI CALIFORNIA, SNOW (HEY OH) and many others threatened around the world, increasing the army of the team fans.

It is worth noting that the group has a period when their guitarist John Frushante left. This continued since 1992 to 1998. During this time, the group was able to write only one album called One Hot Minute 1995. During this period, the place of the guitarist occupied Dave Navarro.

After recording double plates, Stadium Arcadium group went to a long tour in the album support. After his end, it was decided to take some break. Participants in the group took up solo projects and personal affairs. They gathered together they only in 2009, but for the second time the group decided to leave John Frushante. According to him, he decided to focus on solo work. In his place in the group, a musician Josh Klinghoffer appeared, who touring tour He was at the second guitarist. The band recorded the album I'm With You in 2011 with the new member. The album has proven itself all over the world, hitting the charts of many countries.