VI tour. "Decipher the names of fabulous heroes." Decipher the names of fabulous heroes Quest Decipher the names of the heroes of the fabulous story

VI tour. "Decipher the names of fabulous heroes." Decipher the names of fabulous heroes Quest Decipher the names of the heroes of the fabulous story

Quiz on the fairy tales K. I. Chukovsky

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I tour. "Remember the fairy tale."

Remember what words the line ends, and call the fairy tale .

People are having fun
Fly married
For lingering, deleted
Young ... ( moser)
"Fly Tsokotukha"

No no! Nightingale
Not sings for pigs
Call-ka better ... ( crow)

And I do not need
Neither marmalade nor chocolate
But only small
Well, very small ... ( children)

Treats young children
Treats birds and animals,
Through his glasses looks over
Good doctor ... ( Aibolit)

Just suddenly from - for a bush
Because of the Blue Lesochka,
From distant fields
Flies ... ( sparrow)

And the dishes are forward and forward
In the fields, the swamps goes.
And the kettle said iron
- I go more ... ( i can not).
"Fedorino Mount"

And behind him, then the people
And sings, and yell:
- That freak, so the freak!
What kind of nose, what a mouth!
And from where it ... ( monster).

The sun was walked
And for the tuchka, it boo.
I looked at the window in the window,
It became Zaine ... ( dark).
"Stolen Sun".

Swine jammed - meow - meow,
Kitty ... ( scared, chru - ho)

- From an early age, poems bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents, your grandfathers and grandmothers do not represent your childhood without "Aibolita", "Fedorino Mount", "Phone" ... The poems of the rooting Ivanovich raise the precious ability to empathize, compassion, coated. Without this ability, a person is not a person. The poems of Chukovsky sound perfectly, they develop our speech, enrich us with new words, form a sense of humor, make us stronger and smarter.

II tour. "Who is who".

What characters belong to these fabulous names?

Aibolit - ( doctor)
Barmalei - ( robber)
Fedor - ( grandmother)
Doodle - ( shark)
Moidodyr - ( washbasin)
Totoshka, Kokoska - ( crocodiles)
Costohah - ( fly)
Barabek - ( glutton)
Redhead, Mesaty Giant - ( cockroach)

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky was distinguished by great hard work: "Always, he wrote," wherever I was: in the tram, in line for bread, in a receiving dentist, "I don't waste the time, composed the riddles for children. It saved me from mental idleness! "

III tour. "Competition of experts."

Sold out the crossword on the works of K. Chukovsky and find out how the first fairy tale of the writer is called.

Bring me, beasts, your deubs

I dare to dinner today! "(Cockroach)

3. The name of Fly - Birthdays.

Muha, Fly Cotton,
Gold-plated belly!
Fly on the field went,
Fly money found.

4. The name of one of the crocodiles who met dirty.

Suddenly my good meet,
My favorite crocodile.
He is with Totech and Kokosh
Alley passed

5. Washbasins Head and Washing Commander.

I am a great washbasin,
Famous Mojdodyr,
Washbasins Head
And rod commander!

6. Who returned the stolen sun?

Did not bother the bear
Bear bore
And the bear flew on an evil enemy.

Oh he blows him and broke it:
"Apply our Sun!"

7. What word Aibolit was repeated on the way to Africa?

And Aibolit got up, ran aibolit.
In the fields, but the forests, in the meadows he runs.
And the only word is repeated aibolit:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!" (Aibolit)

8. The name of the poem, in which the beasts dragged the hippopotamus.

Our hippo failed in the swamp ...
- Failed in the swamp?
- Yes!
And nor there, nor here!
Oh if you do not come -
He drowshes, drown in the swamp,
Die, disappear
Hippopotamus!!! (telephone)


The first fairy tale of Chukovsky. CROCODILE


1. What is the work of the dishes relevant your mistress? ( "Fedorino Mount")

2. How was the hero of a terrible villain, and then rebuilt? ( "Barmalei")

3. What fairy tale glorious glorify? ( "Tarakanische")

4. Name the fairy tale, the main thought of which can be expressed by the words: "Clean - a guarantee of health!" ( "Moydodyr", "Fedorino Mountain")

5. Name a fairy tale in which a terrible crime takes place - an attempt to kill? ( "Fly Tsokotukha").

6. What was asked for animals in the poem - a fairy tale "Phone": (Elephant - Chocolate, Gazelles - Carousel, Martyski - Books, Crocodile - Kalosh)

7. Did you make a journey to Africa Aibolit and his friends? ( Wolves, whale, eagles)

8. Which "horned beast" was afraid of the tailors from the poem "Bravets"? ( Snail)

9. In what fairy tales is a crocodile? ("Confusion", "cockroach", "Mojdodyr", "Phone", "Barmalei", "Stolen Sun", "Crocodile")

10. How was the name of the boy who defeated the crocodile? ( Vanya Vasilchikov)

Children's poet and Tappy Chukovsky became accidental. And it came out so.
His little sick fell ill. Korean Ivanovich Vyz him in a night train. The boy is capricious, moaning, cried. In order to somehow entertain him, the father began to tell him a fairy tale: there was a crocodile, he went through the streets. The boy unexpectedly sat down and began to listen. The next morning, waking up, he asked her father to repeat him yesterday's fairy tale. It turned out that he remembered her all, word word.

IV tour. "Basket with lost things."

There are different things in the basket. Someone lost them. Help find their owners, remember the fairy tale and the lines, which referred to this subject.

Phone (my phone rang)

Aircuit ball (drove bears on a bicycle, ... And behind him, the mosquito on the balloon)

Soap (here and soap jumped)

Saucer (and behind them saucer)

Kalosh (a dozen new Kalosh came to me)

Thermometer (and puts them a thermometer)

Sito (rides sieve around the fields)

Gloves (and then the inclination called: "Is it possible to send gloves?")

Coin (fly on the field went, found a fly money)

Chocolate (and everything in order gives a chocolate)

Collar (crocodile looked back and swallowed, swallowed him together with the collar)

Urban (and a washcloth like a daw, like a daw swallowed)

The poems of Chukovsky are very musical. For example, to the Fairy Tale "Moydodyr" Composer Y. Levitin wrote Opera. (Opera is a musical work, in which everyone singed accompanied by an orchestra.) At first, "Overture" sounds - joining the opera. Fanfare sounds, attracting the attention of listeners. Next, the radiant Sunny march sounds: "Early in the morning, meshes are washed at dawn." Opera finals joyful. Sounds anthem water.

V tour. "Music page"

1. Barmalei

2. Muha - Tsokutuha

3. Crocodile

4. Aibolit

5. Fedorino Gore

6. Moidodyr

7. Tarakanische

8. Telephone

- I told: "I often had joy and fun rings. You go down the street and meaninglessly happy to all that you see: trams, sparrows. Ready to kiss every counter. One such day especially remembered - on August 29, 1923. Feeling himself with a man who can work wonders, I did not go, and took off, like on the wings, in our apartment. Grabbing some dust paper block, with difficulty finding a pencil, began to write a fun poem about a muning wedding, and felt like this wedding with the bridegroom. In this fairy tale, two holidays: Name Day and Wedding. I celebrated both my heart.

VI tour. "Decipher the names of fabulous heroes."

Insert the vowel letters into the encrypted words, the names of fabulous heroes will turn out.

(Barmalei, Mojdodyr, Aibolit, Doodle, Codochuha, Fedor, Cockroach, Crocodile,)

Three hours looked with clay children different figures. Children wipe hands about his pants. Home was far away. Pants from clay were hard, and they had to hold them. Passersby with surprise looked at him. But Ivanovich's roots were cheerful, he had inspiration, poems were complicated free. So it was born "Fedorino Mount".

VII tour "Heroic deed"

Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the act he made.

VIII tour "Find a connection"

- What are the bunnies in the fairy tale "cockroach"? (By tram)
- Why did her belts sick, who asked to send them a drop, in the poem "phone"? (They are nourished with frogs)
- What did the doctor of the Aibolit patients be brutal in Africa? (Gogol Magola)
- Continue the phrase from the fairy tale "Moydodyr". "Long live scented soap and ..."
- Who attacked the Muhu-Cocotuhu? (Spider)

Chukovsky helps all children to navigate in the outside world, make them feel a fearless participant of imaginary battles for justice, for good and freedom. Chukovsky raise the ability to empathize, compassion, coat.

We are sorry for the grandfather of the root:
In comparison with us, he has fallen behind
Because in childhood "Barmaley"
And "crocodile" did not read
Did not admire the "phone"
And in the "cockroach" is not an inner.
As he grew up with such scientists,
Not knowing the most important books?

That such a joking poem dedicated to the root Ivanovich Chukovsky poet Valentin Berestov.

Summing up the quiz.

Prepared: Teacher

  1. Teacher's introductory word.
  2. I. tour - "Remember the fairy tale."
  3. II. tour - « Who is who".
  4. III tour. "Competition of experts."
  5. Questions to fans.
  6. IV. tour. "Basket with lost things."
  7. V. tour. "Guess a riddle"
  8. VI tour. "Decipher the names of fabulous heroes."
  9. Game with spectators.
  10. Theatricalization of fairy tales.
  11. Summing up and rewarding winners.

Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house there lived a high gray man who knew all the children of the country. It was invented by a lot of fabulous heroes: Muhu-Cocotuhu, Barmaley, Moidodyra. The name of this wonderful man of the roots of Chukovsky. April 1, 2007If he was alive, he would have been 125 years old.

Chukovsky's roots is a writer's literary pseudonym. His present name is Nikolay Vasilyevich Kornechukov.

He got up very early, as soon as the sun got up, and immediately took care. In the spring and summer I killed in a garden or in a flower bed in front of the house, in the winter I cleared the track from the snow dropped overnight. Having worked for a few hours, he went to walk. He walked amazingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started a challenge with the kids who met during the walk. It was the kids that he devoted his book "from two to five."

Scientist, Writer, Translator, Literary, K. Chukovsky wrote a lot of poems and fairy tales for children.

From the early years, the poems bring to all of us joy. Not only you, but also your parents, grandfathers and grandmothers did not imagine their childhood without the fairy tales of Korni Chukovsky!

Today we will take an unusual journey with you, we will meet with the heroes of the fairy tales of Korni Chukovsky.

I tour. "Remember the fairy tale."

Remember what words the line ends, and call the fairy tale .

Treats young children
Treats birds and animals,
Through his glasses looks over
Good doctor ... ( Aibolit)

Suddenly from the gateway -
Scary giant
Redhead and pretty ... ( cockroach)

I am a great washbasin
Famous ... ( Moydodyr)
Washbasins Head
And the rod commander.

Swine jammed - meow - meow,
Kitty ... ( shrink, crown)

In Africa, the robber
In Africa villain,
In Africa, terrible ... ( Barmalei)

People are having fun
Fly married
For lingering, deleted
Young ... ( moser)
"Fly Tsokotukha"

The sun was walked
And for the tuchka, it boo.
I looked at the window in the window,
It became Zaine ... ( dark).
"Stolen Sun".

No no! Nightingale
Not sings for pigs
Call-ka better ... ( crow)

And the dishes are forward and forward
In the fields, the swamps goes.
And the kettle said iron
- I go more ... ( i can not).
"Fedorino Mount"

Just suddenly from - for a bush
Because of the Blue Lesochka,
From distant fields
Flies ... ( sparrow)

And behind him, then the people
And sings, and yell:
- That freak, so the freak!
What kind of nose, what a mouth!
And from where it ... ( monster).

And I do not need
Neither marmalade nor chocolate
But only small
Well, very small ... ( children)

II tour. "Who is who".

What characters belong to these fabulous names?

Aibolit - ( doctor)
Barmalei - ( robber)
Fedor - ( grandmother)
Doodle - ( shark)
Moidodyr - ( washbasin)
Totoshka, Kokoska - ( crocodiles)
Costohah - ( fly)
Barabek - ( glutton)
Redhead, Mesaty Giant - ( cockroach)

III tour. "Competition of experts."

Sold out the crossword on the works of K. Chukovsky and find out how the first fairy tale of the writer is called.


  1. The name of the shark in the fairy tales of Chukovsky.
  2. The monster of a fairy tale, devouring cubs of animals.
  3. The name of Fly - Birthdays.
  4. The name of one of the crocodiles who met dirty.
  5. Washbasins Head and Washing Commander.
  6. Who returned the stolen sun?
  7. What word Aibolit was repeated on the way to Africa?
  8. The name of the poem, in which the beasts dragged the hippopotamus.


  1. The first fairy tale of Chukovsky.

Questions to fans. (While the commands fill the crossword puzzle).


  1. In which product, the dishes relevant his mistress? ( "Fedorino Mount")
  2. What are the fairy tale in which a terrible crime takes place - an attempt to kill? ( "Fly Tsokotukha").
  3. What hero was a terrible villain, and then rebuilt? ( "Barmalei")
  4. What was the name of the boy who defeated the crocodile? ( Vanya Vasilchikov)
  5. What fairy tale glorious glorify? ( "Tarakanische")
  6. Name the fairy tale, the main thought of which can be expressed by the words: "Clean - a guarantee of health!" ( "Moydodyr", "Fedorino Mountain")
  7. What was asked for animals in the poem - a fairy tale "Phone": ( Elephant - Chocolate, Gazelles - Carousel, Martyski - books, Crocodile - Kalosh)
  8. On whom made a trip to Africa Aibolit and his friends? ( Wolves, whale, eagles)
  9. What "horned beast" was afraid of the tailors from the poem "Bravets"? ( Snail)
  10. What fairy tales is a crocodile? ( "Confusion", "cockroach", "Moydodyr", "Phone", "Barmalei", "Stolen Sun", "Crocodile")

Check crossword.

IV tour. "Basket with lost things."

I have different things in my basket (bag). Someone lost them. Help find their owners, remember the fairy tale and the lines, which referred to this subject.

  • Telephone ( My phone rang)
  • Balloon ( We drove the bears on a bicycle, ... And behind him, a mosquito on a balloon)
  • Soap ( So soap jumped)
  • Saucer ( And behind them saucer)
  • Kalosh ( I came to me a dozen new Kalosh)
  • Thermometer ( And puts them a thermometer)
  • Sieve ( Rides sieve by fields)
  • Gloves ( And then they called the encounter: "Is it possible to send gloves?")
  • Coin ( Fly on the field went, Fly Muchka found)
  • Chocolate ( And everything in order gives a chocolate)
  • Collar ( Crocodile and Barbos frightened, swallowed him together with the collar)
  • Urban ( And the washcloth like a daw, like a daw swallowed)

V tour. "Guess a riddle"

(Appeal to the portrait)
- High height, long hands with large brushes, large features, a big curious nose, a mustache, a naughty hair strand hanging on his forehead, laughing eyes and amazing light gait. Such is the appearance of the rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky.

He was distinguished by great hard work. " Always, "he wrote," wherever I was: in the tram, in line for bread, in a receiving dental doctor, "I don't waste time, composed the riddles for children."

Guess the riddles of K. Chukovsky. ( children are ridden)

Wonderful house.
There was a white house
Wonderful house
And something stumbled in it.
And he crashed, and from there
Live ran out a miracle -
Such warm, so fluffy and golden.
(Egg and chicken)

Wonderful cave.
Red doors in my cave,
White animals are sitting at the door.
And meat and bread - my whole prey -
I'm glad to give white beasts!
(Mouth and teeth)

Oh, do not touch me:
Boot and without fire!
On the water, they carry me.

Wonderful steam locomotive.
Locomotive without wheels!
That's so miracle - locomotive!
Not crazy if he came down -
Right around the sea went!

The sage in it saw the sage,
Fool - Fool, Baran - Baran,
Sheep saw sheep in him,
And the monkey is a monkey.
But they summed up to him
Fedya Baratova,
And Fedya Svaryu saw shaggy.

Wonderful horses.
Two horses I have two horses,
And the water is hard
Like stone!
(Skates and ice)

Tooty mystery.
I go - it's not in the forests,
And on the mustache, by hair ,
And my teeth are longer,
Than that of wolves and bears.

VI tour. "Decipher the names of fabulous heroes."

Insert the vowel letters into the encrypted words, the names of fabulous heroes will turn out.










(Barmalei, Mojdodyr, Aibolit, Doodle, Barabrhak, Capotuha, Fedor, Cockroach, Crocodile, Hippopotamus)

Game with spectators(while teams work)

Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the act he made.

Children's poet and storyteller K. Chukovsky became accidental. And it came out so. His little sick fell ill. K. Chukovsky Vyz him in the train. The boy is capricious, moaning, cried. To at least someone to entertain him, the father began to write him a fairy tale:

There was a crocodile
He went through the streets.

The boy unexpectedly sat down and began to listen.

K. Chukovsky's fairy tales help all children to navigate in the surrounding world, make them feel a fearless participant of imaginary battles for justice, for good and freedom. Poems K. Chukovsky raise the ability to empathize, compassion, coat. Let us and we all be happy together and see the staging of passages from the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky.

Drop fairy tales.

Many times we will meet with the works of K. I. Chukovsky. In high school, you will get acquainted with the Chukovsky translator. He translated from the English "Adventure of Baron Munhausen", "The Adventures of Robinson Cruzo", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Prince and Beggar", "Ricky - Tikki - Tavi" and other books.

Irakli Andronikov wrote that " talent in Chukovsky is inexhaustible, smart, brilliant, funny, festive. With such a writer, do not part all my life. "

Answers to Questions Quiz by creativity E. Uspensky
for students of junior classes

On the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends"

  1. Where did Cheburashka live, before he got into the box with oranges? (in the rainforest)
  2. Why did not Cheburashka accepted the zoo? (Because they did not know how to attribute it to him)
  3. Where and who did the crocodile be worked? (in the zoo. Crocodile)
  4. What was the name of the girl - Girlfriend Gene and Cheburashka? (Galya)
  5. What play and what role did the crocodile be played, instead of the sick ghali? (in the play "Red Cap" The role of a red hat)
  6. Which friend found the gene and Cheburashka for Lion Chandra? (Little Tobika Dog)
  7. What are the name of the old woman from the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends", which always did any dirty? (old woman Shapoklyak)
  8. What was the name rat of the old woman Shapoklyak? (Larisa)
  9. What are the name of the giraffe from the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends"? (Annie)Who is Maria Francesna from the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends"? (Monkey)
  1. Who released from the zoo evil rhino name named chick? (old woman Shapoklyak)
  2. What color were the walls of a new built house? (All the walls were different: one - green, the other is brown, the third is yellow with black spots. And the fourth wall has cast all the colors of the rainbow)
  3. Who my friend chosen Dima? (EXCLUSION MARUS)
  4. How did the gene, Galya and Cheburashka teach the old woman Shapoklyak? (They gave the old woman a lot of balls and balls took the chapoklyak high in heaven)

  1. At what age does Uncle Fedor learned to read? (four years)
  2. What was the village called in which Uncle Fedor and Cat Matroskin? (Prostokvashino)
  3. How did Matroskin cat call his cow? (Murka)
  4. What kind of buying did Uncle Fedor, after found a treasure? (bought a tractor)
  5. How is the name of the MIT tractor name decryp? (model of engineer Tipkin)
  6. What was the name of the galkonka? (Mustache)
  7. What did the Mitya tractor worked on? (on products)
  8. How many letters wrote mom and dad in the village with the name of Prostokvashino? (22)
  9. In a dog, what kind of breed turned the ball after visiting the hairdresser? (in the poodle)
  10. Whose arrival forced the cat Matroskin to go underground and why? (arrival Professor Semin, because Matroskin was afraid that Professor will take him from Uncle Fyodor)
  11. What was in the parcel, which was brought by postman Pechekin? (Little Home Sun)
  12. What name did the calf ball suggested? (teapot)
  13. Why did uncle Fedor ill? (Uncle Fedor was constantly sunbathe at home in some panties and in some shorts ran into the street to feed birds. And in the yard there was winter. So he caught up)
  14. What gift bought for uncle Fedor aunt Tamara Alekseevna? And for what? (Piano. To prepare it on the laureate of the International Competition)

On fairy tales

  1. What was the name of the invisibility servant in the fairy tale of E. Suspensky "I look there - I do not know where, I bring something - I don't know what? (Shmat-Mind)
  2. From whose help, Fedot-Sagittarius could move through the fiery river? (With a frog)
  3. What are the three winkings exchanged Fedot-Sagittarius Schmat-Razua for merchants? (on the box with a garden, on the horn with the army, on the ax with the ships)
  4. What was the name of the wife Fedota-Sagitz? (Glafira)
  1. Why did the king wanted to lime Fedot-Sagitz? (To marry at the glame)
  2. What ended the fairy tale of E.Supensky "Look there - I don't know where, I don't know what? (Fedot-Sagittarius became king, and Glafira - Queen)
  3. What was the name of the king in the fairy tale of E. Suspensky "The fairy tale about the mighty whipping in the watery and constant Yemetyin wants"? (Danila Grozny)
  4. What brought the Emele brothers as a gift from the Fair? (Red boots, red caftan, red shirt)
  5. What happened after the daughter-in-law asked Emel to feed a pig? (Emel wished the pig became the size of the hut. And the pig really became the size of the hut and broke the whole barn, went into the garden and all the apple trees)

Quiz by creativity E. Uspensky
for students of junior classes

On the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends"

  1. Where did Cheburashka live, before he got into the box with oranges?
  2. Why did not Cheburashka accepted the zoo?
  3. Where and who did the crocodile be worked?
  4. What was the name of the girl - Girlfriend Gene and Cheburashka?
  5. What play and what role did the crocodile be played, instead of the sick ghali?
  6. Which friend found the gene and Cheburashka for Lion Chandra?
  7. What are the name of the old woman from the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends", which always did any dirty?
  8. What was the name rat of the old woman Shapoklyak?
  9. What are the name of the giraffe from the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends"?
  10. Who is Maria Francesna from the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends"?
  11. Who released from the zoo evil rhino name named chick?
  12. What color were the walls of a new built house?
  13. Who my friend chosen Dima?
  14. How did the gene, Galya and Cheburashka teach the old woman Shapoklyak?

On the fairy tale "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat"

  1. At what age does Uncle Fedor learned to read?
  2. What was the village called in which Uncle Fedor and Cat Matroskin?
  3. How did Matroskin cat call his cow?
  4. What kind of buying did Uncle Fedor, after found a treasure?
  5. How is the name of the MIT tractor name decryp?
  6. What was the name of the galkonka?
  7. What did the Mitya tractor worked on?
  8. How many letters wrote mom and dad in the village with the name of Prostokvashino?
  9. In a dog, what kind of breed turned the ball after visiting the hairdresser?
  10. Whose arrival forced the cat Matroskin to go underground and why?
  11. What was in the parcel, which was brought by postman Pechekin?
  12. What name did the calf ball suggested?
  13. Why did uncle Fedor ill?
  14. What gift bought for uncle Fedor aunt Tamara Alekseevna? And for what?

According to the fairy tales of E. Suspensky

  1. What was the name of the invisibility servant in the fairy tale of E. Suspensky "I look there - I do not know where, I bring something - I do not know what?
  2. From whose help, Fedot-Sagittarius could move through the fiery river?
  3. What are the three winkings exchanged Fedot-Sagittarius Schmat-Razua for merchants? Who was Fedota-Sagittar wife before meeting him?
  4. What was the name of the wife Fedota-Sagitz?
  5. Why did the king wanted to lime Fedot-Sagitz?
  6. What ended the fairy tale of E.Supensky "Look there - I don't know where, I don't know what?
  7. What was the name of the king in the fairy tale of E. Suspensky "The fairy tale about the mighty whipping in the watery and constant Yemetyin wants"?
  8. What brought the Emele brothers as a gift from the Fair?
  9. What happened after the daughter-in-law asked Emel to feed a pig?

Quiz for animal works

1. What city lived a dog Muma from the story of the story I. S. Turgenev?

10. What, besides boot, got a cat in boots from his master for carrying out an operation to turn it into marquise?
a) stick
b) bag
c) hat
d) wallet with gold
11. Before settleing to Prostokvashino, Cat Matroskin and the ball lived:
a) together with Uncle Fedor
b) together, but not at uncle Fedor
c) at the same owner, but at different times
d) in the same shelter for animals, but at different times
12. What kind of nickname is a cat in one of the Russian folk fairy tales?
a) black forehead
b) gray forehead
c) white forehead
D) Tolpoon forehead

Quiz on the works of K.I. Chukovsky
For students of primary classes

"Who is who"
- What characters do these fabulous names belong?

  • Aibolit
  • Barmalei
  • Fedora
  • Karakula
  • Moydodyr
  • Totoshka, Kokoska
  • Costohah
  • Barakek
  • Redheaded giant

Answer the questions
1. In what product of the dishes relevant his mistress?
2. Which hero was a terrible villain, and then rebuilt?
3. What fairy tale glorious glorify?
4. Name a fairy tale, the main thought of which can be expressed by the words: "Clean - a guarantee of health!"
5. What was asked for animals in the poem - a fairy tale "Phone": (Elephant - ..., Gazelles - ..., Martexes - ..., Crocodile - ..., Bunny - ..., Bear - ...)
6. Aibolit and his friends took a journey to Africa?
7. What is the "horned beast" the tailors were afraid of the "Bravets" poems?
8. In what fairy tales is a crocodile?
9. What was the name of the boy who defeated the crocodile?

"Basket with lost things"
There are different things in the basket. Someone lost them. Help find their owners, remember the fairy tale and the lines, which referred to this subject.

    • Telephone
    • Balloon
    • Saucer
    • Kalosh
    • Thermometer
    • Gloves
    • Coin
    • Chocolate
    • Collar
    • Urokalka

    "Decipher the names of fabulous heroes."
    - Insert vocal letters into the encrypted words, the names of fabulous heroes will turn out.

    Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the act he made

    Answers to Questions Quiz

    (in Moscow)

    2. Which breed was a dog Anna Sergeyevna, the character of the story A. P. Chekhov "Lady with a dog"? ( white Spitz)

    3. Who was the owner of the Kashtanka from the story of A. P. Chekhov "Kashtanka"? ( joiner)

    4. Where is Professor Preobrazhensky, the hero of the story "Dog's Heart", took a dog for his experiment, as a result of which she turned into a person with the name of the balls? ( found in the meadow)

    5. What was the name of the dog, which did the path of Yuri Gagarin in space 18 days before his start? (Star)

    6. What star is the brightest in the constellation "Big PSA"? ( Sirius)

    7. What country is the main habitat of the Dingo wild dog? ( Australia)

    8. What kind of breed was the parents of PSA BIMA from the story of N. Troypolsky "White Bim Black Ear"? ( scottish setter)

    a) stick
    b) bag
    c) hat
    d) wallet with gold
    11. Before settleing to Prostokvashino, Cat Matroskin and the ball lived:
    a) together with Uncle Fedor
    c) at the same owner, but at different times

    12. What kind of nickname is a cat in one of the Russian folk fairy tales?
    a) black forehead
    b) gray forehead
    c) white forehead
    D) Tolpoon forehead

    according to books about animals

    1. What city lived a dog Muma from the story of I. S. Turgenev?

    2. Which breed was a dog Anna Sergeyevna, the character of the story A. P. Chekhov "Lady with a dog"?

    3. Who was the owner of the Kashtanka from the story of A. P. Chekhov "Kashtanka"?

    4. Where is Professor Preobrazhensky, the hero of the story "Dog's Heart", took a dog for his experiment, as a result of which she turned into a person with the name of the balls?

    5. What was the name of the dog, which did the path of Yuri Gagarin in space 18 days before his start?

    6. What star is the brightest in the constellation "Big PSA"?

    7. What country is the main habitat of the Dingo wild dog?

    8. What kind of breed was the parents of PSA BIMA from the story of N. Troypolsky "White Bim Black Ear"?

    10. What, besides boot, got a cat in boots from his master for carrying out an operation to turn it into marquise?
    a) stick
    b) bag
    c) hat
    d) wallet with gold

    11. Before settleing to Prostokvashino, Cat Matroskin and the ball lived:
    a) together with Uncle Fedor
    b) together, but not at uncle Fedor
    c) at the same owner, but at different times
    d) in the same shelter for animals, but at different times

    12. What kind of nickname is a cat in one of the Russian folk fairy tales?
    a) black forehead
    b) gray forehead
    c) white forehead
    D) Tolpoon forehead

    Answers to Questions Quiz
    "Oral folk creativity. Russian folk tales"

    2. Such a beauty that neither in a fairy tale say nor a pen to describe!
    3. Fixed the carpet weave. Where rings needle times flower blooms
    Where rings another time clear patterns go
    Where the rolling third birds fly
    4. astrologer
    5. ran.
    6. kindness
    7."Seven Simeons - seven employees"

    Folklore Russian folk fairy tales

    1. Who helped Vasilisa beautiful in a difficult moment?

    2. What kind of vergement is used in magical fairy tales when they talk about the beauty of the heroine?

    3. Continue the phrase from the fairy tale "Tsarevna Frog" ...
    Steel carpet weave. Where rings needle once ____ where the cringe of another time _____ where the rolling third _____

    4. Who was the fifth Simeon?

    5. What object is Elena beautiful found his groom?

    6. What brings up a "Havroshchka" fairy tale?

    7. What kind of fairy tale is brings up love of homeland?

    Answers to the Questions of the Quiz last month
    According to the fairy tale, E. West "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat"

  1. In four years
  2. Prostokvashino
  3. Murka
  4. Bought tractor
  5. Model engineer Tipkina
  6. Volya
  7. On products
  8. 22 letters
  9. in poodle
  10. the arrival of Professor Semin, because Matroskin was afraid, then Professor will take it from Uncle Fedor)
  11. Little homemade sun
  12. Teapot
  13. Uncle Fedor was constantly sunbathe at home in some panties and in some shorts ran into the street to feed birds. And in the yard was winter. So he has witnessed
  14. Piano. To prepare it on the laureate of the International Competition

"Creativity Chukovsky" - Introduction of the purpose and tasks of the fairy tale riddles. Summing up. That's where the jackal came from somewhere on the mare: "Here is a telegram from the hypopotam!". Puzzles. Papiros Kuril, Turkish spoken-crocodile, crocodile crocodalovich. That's so miracle steam locomotive! Fairy tales. For nothing in the world do not go to Africa, to walk in Africa!

"Chukovsky's roots" - Red doors in my cave, white animals are sitting at the door. Connect the correct ratio by the arrow. Riddles K.I. Chukovsky. In the guests of the grandfather roots invites all children! Life and creativity K.I. Chukovsky. And meat, and bread - my whole prey - I gave white beasts with joy. "Fedorino Mountain." "Dr. Aibolit".

"The works of Chukovsky" - 8. Aibolit. Cockroach. I would fall asleep, relax ... 9. The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky. Suddenly, from her mother's mamina, krivo-legged and chrome, a washbasin runs out and shakes his head ... Phone. 1. Let's play. What is the work excerpt? I did not sleep three nights, I'm tired. Continue. (1882 - 1969). 7.

Chukovsky Lesson - Annotation. A. Tales K. I. Chukovsky. T. U.I. K. E. Topic: Creativity K.I. Chukovsky. Ch. B. M. The Topic of the Project: Creativity K.I. Chukovsky. "Together closely, and apart boring." L. K.D. Shushinsky.

"Visiting grandfather Kornea" - With the elephants played on the move in ... Avva. Samovar "Fly - Cocotuha". Sea flame burns, ran out of the sea ... "Hood-tree". "Away. A shameful to roar is ashamed - you are not a hare, but ... delets, swallowing the villain in a fairy tale" Tarakanische ". Tarakan. Round 4. A person who has animals and birds medical care.

"Chukovsky books" - The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882G.-1969). Guess. To about t. B and r b about s. S and m about in and r. Chukov's roots. T a r and k and n and u e. T a r e l to and. K R O S C O R D. K E N G U R y. In about r about b e. The first children's book of Chukovsky "Crocodile" appeared in 1916. Or "hit the bears on a bicycle. Who!

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