Stories M Weissman read. Waisman, Maria Evgenievna - True, fun? In Tsvetaeva, for example, there are many poems that are understandable to children.

Stories M Weissman read. Waisman, Maria Evgenievna - True, fun? In Tsvetaeva, for example, there are many poems that are understandable to children.

Book story " Lobzik longing"Can I be called a continuation of the book" True fun? "Benefits Vera and Philip rose and went to school. They are waiting for joyful discoveries and deepest disappointments. The discoveries of Philip makes not only at school, but at every step, even without leaving his country area. . He is lucky for various events, for example, him and his whole family (which he, I must say, calls the "family of crazy" challenged to see the most real flying plate. He talks about his classmates, about how he found a friend in an unexpected place His pet pets. Finally, Philip reflects on the meaning of life. Philip does not just tell about something, from each event he makes some conclusions with which you can argue.
This is a truthful book about a happy childhood, in which children go to the Pushkin Museum and the Bolshoi Theater and reflect on what it means to be a real artist. In this book, parents try to understand their children. In this book, the word is almost not found ...

Read completely

The book of stories "Tosca Lobzika" can be called a continuation of the book "True fun?". Twins faith and Philip rose and went to school. They are waiting for joyful discoveries and deepest disappointments. The discoveries of Philip makes not only at school, but at every step, even without leaving from his country area. He is lucky to different events, for example, him and his whole family (which he, I must say, calls the "family of crazy" a chance to see the most real flying plate. He talks about his classmates, about how he found a friend in an unexpected place about his own Pet pets. Finally, Philip reflects on the meaning of life. Philip does not just talk about something, from each event he makes some conclusions with which you can argue.
This is a truthful book about a happy childhood, in which children go to the Pushkin Museum and the Bolshoi Theater and reflect on what it means to be a real artist. In this book, parents try to understand their children. In this book, the word computer is almost not found. This is a book about the last generation of children who still do not know what social networks are. All the events of life they discuss directly with their loved ones, friends, neighbors, and not on the pages of their account. This book may seem like a very cheerful. And someone is sad. In this book and parents and children learn a lot of interesting things not only about the Boy of Philippe, but also about themselves.
Since Masha Waisman wrote these stories from the face of the Philip boy, then the artist Peter Transovers drew pictures similar to children's drawings. Therefore, there are many drawn children's details in the book ...


Masha Weisman: "Children's paper book will live longer than others"

Text: Olga Strauss
Photo: Masha Waisman

How are your favorite children's books born? How do independent book publishers survive, specializing in the release of non-profit children's literature? About this - our conversation with Masha Weisman - supervisor and owner publishing house "August", producing a book at the highest artistic level from the very beginning of the 2000s, that is, who has become one of the first independent children's publishers.

Masha, why did you do this work at all?
Masha Weisman: It got inheritance. My husband, Alexander Konyashov Which, alas, died four years ago, once was the producer of the television program "Dog Show". The transfer was popular, we had some money, and he decided to open a children's book publishing house. It was in the late 90s.

Do you own a book man?
Masha Weisman: Yes very. In the specialty I was a bibliographer, worked in the historical library, and in theatrical.

I generally, how much I remember myself, I really wanted to make books.

I built them all the time in my childhood, along with dad. Dad drew, and I stitched, wrote, came up with the covers. In general, a book as an artifact always worried me very much. I spent a lot of time at my grandparents, they had a wonderful library - I remember, for example, the collected works of Pushkin in 1937, blue such languages, with cigarette paper before each portrait on the title page ... And then, when I was already an employee of "historons "I worked in the restoration workshop, restored books. I liked it too insane.

But back to the publisher. Why then, in the 90s, Alexander Konyashov prevented the book business?

Masha Weisman: First, he himself poet. Wrote and. The poems that Sasha wrote in the late 80s - early 90s, even before the birth of our children, should have come to the collection in the publishing house "Kid". But it hit the coup, the collapse of the country, then the crisis ... Everyone was not before that.
Well, in the late 90s he returned to this topic. Moreover, it wanted not only its own, but also to repose your favorite works of Russian classics for children. The fact that he liked himself in childhood, but with some new illustrations, so that it was something radically new. It turned out radically before many merchandise in bookstores, where we began to offer our products, outraged: what is it? Who told you that it is possible to make books?

And what was the radical novelty?
Masha Weisman: First, artists who cooperate with our publisher - Irina Kireeva, Ekaterina Rozhkova, Katya Margolis, Alexey Orlovsky, Peter Transversmen, Andrei Dubrovsky - These are "artist artists", not illustrators. Katya Rozhkova Generally graduated from VGIK. Therefore, there were books, not similar to those that were then in bookstores. And now our books recognizable. We try to ensure that in all the books, in addition to the text, there was another parallel history, told by the drawings.
And secondly, I basically against the drawings for children were so familiar, you know, cute pink puzzles. I.e

i believe that children are much smarter than we think. Already in four to five years, they are able to perceive very serious things.

I myself did not love Sysyukanya in childhood, and my children did not digest him.

"Tale of Belkin", which became a classic of Russian literature, Alexander Pushkin wrote over a month and a half in 1830 / publishing house "August", 2012

And how many of them? And how many are they now?
Masha Weisman: For 26 years already, I have twins, son and daughter. When they grew, I felt like little new good children's books. No, they, of course, were. I remember what happiness for all the release of a big book. I remember the beautiful collection Sergey Kozlov "I'm lying in the sun" and how pleasure I read my son.
Children, of course, need poems, but then we were mostly only Chukovsky Yes ... In addition, for some reason no one wrote (or did not publish?) Stories about modern children, about their life today. Except yes Nosewhere we also grew up, the parent generation, there was nothing, to them like.
But the children grew up! Their indescribed life went straight before his eyes. And I began to record everything that happens around. So two of my books were born. "True, having fun," which came out in 2000, and "Lobzik's longing".

"Lobzic longing - long-term frozen ..."
Masha Weisman: Yes, yes, this line, apparently, sat firmly somewhere in the feeder. The first book was born from a trip to the Crimea. We were there a large company, with children, and it was amazing well: the first sea, pebbles, horses on the waterfront ... Husband said: Write, write, all publish!

How can a children's publisher without a modern author?

And you know, this book had such a success that several stories from it were even included in the reading program for the 2-3 class.

The book of Marina Tsvetaeva "Skating rink" came out in the Russian poets series for children and adults »/ Augustus Publishing House, 2015

That is, barely writing the first book, you became a classic, which in school pass?
Masha Weisman: This says not about what I am ingenious, but about how great the need for modern children's literature is. The book was relevant. There was, for example, the word "attachment" - what all the children dreamed about then: a game console. There was about dill soup, which my son categorically did not want to eat, but dad said: good half of humanity dreams of such a soup. The son was very shameful, but he preferred to stay in another half. In short, these were such stories from nature. And "Lobzik longing" - already school years. The hero of the story is a boy who, going to school, dreamed, as it will be interesting: geography, biology, physics ... And then the first school disappointments came - because most lessons, it is: "Take the handles and write down." And finally, labor lessons begin in the fifth grade. The boy promise that their class will learn to drink with a jigsaw. He dreams that he will drink his owl, like a whole epic with the purchase of this necessary tool ... Finally the lust day comes. And in the first lesson, the labor teacher announces: "Take the handles, write the safety rules when working with the jigsaw".
But this book was born later, when our Publishing House began to slowly bend.

Masha Weisman: For one simple reason: when we printed the first ten books, it turned out that they should not only be published, but also spread. Sasha had some not the most suitable people for this. It was necessary that some reviews appeared for books, it was necessary to carry them on the editors, to offer in stores ... social networks, such active, as it was now, was not, and the books were printed in large circulations - at 5-10 and even 15 thousand instances. "Biblical fairy tales" Sasha Black"," Resent-Swan " Vladimir Nabokova"How I caught a little man" Boris Zhitkova, "White Poodle" Kuprika, "Maxim" Stanyukovich... later came the story "About Masha's Girl" Introduced and "The adventure of the grass" Rosanova. All were imprinted in Slovakia, beautiful printing ...
In a word, the books were not taken to the shops, and if they took, then 2-3 copies. And one day Sasha announced: I need to urgently free one warehouse, I bring the book on the garbage. I say: books - on the garbage?! What are you? In general, during the night I found a warehouse where they can be attached. And then, as an ant, began to walk in all kinds of stores and offer our books. It was very scary and difficult. Everywhere on the shelves were placed books with some pink bups, princesses-mermaids, all pink, and on the background of all this, our books, of course, caused the perplexity and indignation of goods.
In general, I sold all my warehouse exclusively thanks to the "Maze". Literally one year. Not the first time, however, our relations have developed. But there were. It was already the tenth years.

Therefore, you experienced two gigantic crisis - 2008 and 2014-2015. How did you manage it? Because all publishers caught up (paper, printing, printing), and did you have "with me"?
Masha Weisman: Yes, possibly and therefore. We had prepared stages that we sold out later and three, and five, and seven years after the release. Secondly, it helped what we managed to get into the financing program. Two books in the year we are now publishing on these funds. From 2011 to 2018, we survived the program of budget financing of socially significant literature.

And what exactly to you financed you?
Masha Weisman: We have a series of "Russian poets for children and adults." It appeared after the triumphal and quickly sold out of the collection of the same name. It was a unique book: 50 Russian poets, from to Tarkovsky, To each poem illustration, portrait of the poet. Three artists over the collection worked: Alexey Orlovsky, Irina Kireeva and Peter transported. This book ended.
And then Sasha Konyashov died.
And all the work fell on me.

Skip of the Silver Century Poet Mikhail Kuzmina "Golden Dress" / Publishing House "August", 2013

What did you start as a manager?
Masha Weisman: The first book that I myself did was Maria Moravskaya, "Orange peel". She did not sell for a long time. But it was she who opened this series - Russian poets for children and adults. Further, we had Sasha black "what who likes", Marina Tsvetaeva "Skating rink", now there will be "Mick" Gumileva, African poem. In the plans - .

In Tsvetaeva, for example, there are many poems that are understandable to children.

She is the first of his collections "Evening Album", "Magic Lantern" published very early. And I started writing when my mother died, - at 14-15 years old. There is about children, about the family, about the brother, about the sister, about music, about the rink. But its inherent in the house of the house is intensity - it is there, of course, is also present. And this is also important.

Do you basically publish only Russian authors?
Masha Weisman: Until recently, it was so.

And now?
Masha Weisman: Since everything is tied to me in my publishing house: I myself am for everything I answer and manage to all, then the choice of authors is my personal choice. But at some point, I suddenly felt terrible fatigue from Russian poets, from their biographies and destinies. At some stage, I realized that I had done what I considered my indispensable debt, "let's say, return to the Russian reader who left Russia in 1917 and has never returned here. She published her first compilation in 1914, at the same time, but they are diametrically opposed. She in verses such bright psychological children's portraits with all their whims, humor, secret movements of the soul, moods, insults ... and came out that I was not mistaken. All this is bought out, print additional circulation.
And the tired of the tragic fate of the authors, I wanted to stay. Get some permane. But I did not have time to think about it, as one translator showed me a completely wonderful book of Italian Chiah Lorentzony "Doggy dreams." And since I love dogs insanely - immediately after the children in second place, I go dogs, then this little book became just a gift. For me and, I hope for readers. There are different dogs and dreams, which every one sees. For example, a small levier sees himself so big and bold that even stops trembling ... to make such lungs, bright books are happiness.

Does your publisher grow together with your children?
Masha Weisman: This is also there. But interest in the children's audience is preserved: I love children very much. True, now we have

a series of "Books for the biggest." Format - with palm, and books for an adult reader.

So the story of Alexander Konyashov "Zelik" and later fairy tales Evgenia Zamytina.

"Biblical fairy tales" Sasha Black is his interpretation of biblical stories / publishing house "August", 2017

You regularly printe the circulation: Tsvetaeva, started with one thousand, now has already published a five thousandth edition. Biblical fairy tales of Sasha black have a total circulation of 18 thousand. Does your business flourish?
Masha Weisman: Publishing house "August" is not a business. This is the case I can't leave. It does not feed me, gives only tea. If you want, it is rather a hobby that allows you to recoup yourself (cover the cost of printing, pay with artists - extinguish debts before them at least per month or two, and not for six months). Well, after all payments, I have very little. Come to this money, of course, it is impossible.
It cuts out what the "labyrinth" is now exclusive: it is very profitable for me.
The fees from artists are not fabricated, but they cooperate with Augustom, because I make them there to do everything they want.

The possibility of creative freedom, I think, attracts to no less than the fee.

I am very insanently wondering that as a result they turn out.

And why do people buy children's books today? After all, our whole civilization goes to virtual media?
Masha Weisman: I think if a children's book is dying, she will die last. One thing is to read Pelevine On the phone, and another thing is to read a children's book. It must be touched, swelling, bother.

Children's book is such a small home theater!

The cover opens - this is the curtain, then another curtain - forged ... characters appear, the story begins ... And this is the theater, which you can stop at any time, go back to the same scenes, go to sleep with him, sit down to go swimming ... This is such Attribute of childhood, artifact, which should be present in it.

"Wooden actors" - an exciting adventure story about two boys, Giuseppe and Pasquale, who travel around Europe of the XVIII century with puppet performances / Publishing house "August", 2013

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© Rosalind Wiseman, 2013

© Abdullin N., Translation into Russian, 2014

© Edition in Russian, Design.

LLC Publishing Group "ABC-Attikus", 2014


All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book can be reproduced in any form and any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and public use without written permission of copyright holder.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by LITRES (

List of abbreviation

SCCC (Compliance with centered men's standards) - an exercise that helps to highlight the unlawful rules of behavior.

VP (External perimeter) - consists of guys who do not belong to the social system in the eyes of peers at all: anarchists, joker, politicians, successful fans of any one subject or sport and those who do not have social communication skills at all.

DISPUTE (Scenario and preparation for compulsory conversation) - the method of redirecting negative emotions into a constructive channel when you quarrel with someone or worry about someone.

BPCH - Fear to miss something interesting.

1. It's time to enter the world of boys

Like all normal parents, my head will simply flute in the morning - after all, things are not sure. On April 12, 2011, I woke up with the thought: "It's time to write a book about boys." For many years, I dreamed of letting the addition to the book about the girls "Queen Bees and Wannabes" ("Queen Beehive, or how to survive in the Girls world"). Teachers and parents were constantly asked: when, well, when?! And I answered: as soon as, right away. It remained to understand when this "only" comes ... It just happened that I myself had a mother of two boys. And laughter and sin: How can the author of books about girls raise sons?!

I always helped the boys, for which you invariably get thank letters from them. True, our dialogues have not solved until now. They meet among their misfortunes not very serious, like: "How to tell the girl that I like her?", Or: "How to tell the girl that I don't like her?", Or: "How to make me not teased small?" . There are problems and more serious, for example: "Our coach calls one boy in a farewee, the rest to him give him. I disgust me, but because of my parents I'm afraid to leave the team. Father always, always blame me in something, says I'm lazy and lied. Whenever he reads me, I want to yell, but I'm just silent and smile. Mom justifies the Father, and I can't so much. What to do?"

I was all afraid that for boys would not be able to write as an inspired book as for girls. I was afraid that I do not know the boys well enough. That they will not share the intimate. Boys - they are harder than we used to think. For their discreet responses like: "Everything is fine" lies much more than hears, but I doubted that I could satisfy the fair aspirations at the same time the boys themselves, their parents and those who have to the boys.

I waited for a sign.

And got it when the least expected. In the spring of 2011, I met with the President of Cartoon Network Stunt Snyder and Vice President of Ellis Kan to discuss cooperation during their campaign "Tell the school violence" no! ". Emily Gibson went to the meeting, which always helps me develop a strategy for working with new partners. As usual, Ellis immediately took from a room in a quarry:

- Stu, your idea does not like me. Probably because your main viewer is boys, and Rosalind is more famous as the author of books for girls. Why is she you?

Studged was not confused and immediately issued:

- I see her eyes that she wants to work with us.

What did he see in my eyes? What seemed unusual to him?

"I look in her eyes and literally reading in them: the boys," explained by Stu. What did he mean? Then it came to me: a look, what I wrote in one of my books "Queen Bee Moms and King Pin Dads" ("Moms of Girls-Korolev and Pope Lady"). This look informs everyone around:

"At home I was shot from a pistol with suction cups at home. I periodically writes and calls the director of the school. Somehow I pressed "reject the challenge", not wanting to listen to what my contests examined there. In his idiotic strikes, they can break or break something valuable at any time. Can neglect hygiene, and it will begin such that any other adult is in my place. But since I am a mother of these kids, you have to read them, treat their scratches and bruises or lead to the one who shakes the head and bewildered from their stupidity - it will be exactly able to "patch." And yes, these young violators will remove everything - I will make them! "

The next morning after returning from Atlanta, I woke up with the intention to sit for writing a new book.

How I became an "Education Expert"

I am not only the author of books on the upbringing of girls - I still worked for almost twenty years in various schools. Then he founded the Owning UP, a non-profit organization in which students of secondary and high school classes taught the foundations of social justice and leadership ethics - according to me the developed methodology. Later on the basis of this experience, I began to work with school administrators and teachers. And after eight years of this practice wrote a book for parents of girls - about how they see the world of their daughter and how to help them grow and grow up.

I wrote about girls, because our understanding of the daughters, the connection between their friendship and personal development was left to desire the best. By the 2000s, a lot was written about self-esteem, how to follow the appearance, but among the mass of literature I did not find anything for a wide audience, which would tell about the group behavior of girls. On the conflicts in the middle of the girls are undeservedly forgotten: they are allegedly contrived, girls are just harmful ... girls did not teach with dignity to solve problems. They were ordered to put up with the unlawful rules of what I call for myself the world of girls; As a result, they did not know how to adapt in society as real girls and women.

Now and do not remember, in connection with which it happened, however, before the release of the book "Queen of Hiles" in the magazine New York Times an article about me appeared, entitled "Dribused girls". After a few days, my Litagent called and said: I wanted to talk to me with a certain Tina Fay - she supposedly wishes to buy the right to book. I had no idea who was such a Tina Fay, I just recently born the eldest son of Ilyaja, and I was tired so much that at the end of the day I fell on the sofa in front of the TV.

No, I did not jump from joy: they say, cheers, my book is going to be shielded! By the time I managed to make the press and entertainment industry. I even offered to sell the rights to the biographical film a couple of times - thought it would be an incredibly exciting story about a woman who, who did not have time to change the clothes with a child, desperately looking for a means for a modest non-commercial organization.

However, I answered the call, and for twenty minutes of Tina Fay I ruined me. If anyone else was able to take up a crazy project - namely, to turn the book on education into a full-fledged film, then this is Tina Fay. I just asked her not to remove a stupid film. Tina promised to try, and I believed her. I didn't just immediately recognized the smart person in her - I realized that we were driven by the same principles: working for the public, work in full. (By the way, twelve years of parental experience taught me tolerant to treat mediocities.)

Open lesson in 4 "A" class MOU "Gymnasium № 89" March 17, 2014

The subject of the lesson: familiarity with the present writer.

Maria Weisman "Smygimy"

Targets of the teacher: introduce the work of the writerMary Evgenievna Weisman; Learn to ask questions, support a conversation; develop the ability to do youwater from what was said, express their point of view, listen to the opinion of comrades; developedconduct the culture of behavior, interest in reading.

Planned results :

Subject : learn draw conclusions, express your point of view, listen to meodnoklassniki, perceive educational text, comprehend the system of tasks.

MetaPermet universal learning actions (Wood):

Regulatory: alone work with a textbook.

Cognitive: oriented in the content of the textbook; arbitrarily build oral youtags taking into account the educational task.

Communicative: participate in the dialogue when discussing educational text and answers to questions.

Personal : show interest in some types of creative activity.

During the classes

I. . Organizing time. Introduction to the topic.

- We have the next meeting of the club "Key and Zarya". Chairman of our meeting Ibegenova Alina will introduceyou are with a work plan.

    Session of the club of our friends from the village of Mirny at a meeting with the writer.

    Discussion of the meeting.

    What is the purpose of our meeting?(Meeting with the writer M. E. Weisman.)

    What works of Mary Evgenyevna Weisman did you read in the textbook and the Krestomatia?("The best friend of the jellyfish", "my favorite attachment".)

    What is the name of the main characters of read works?(The main characters of read stories - brother and sister of Phil and Vera, as well as their friends and relatives.)

    Retell the episodes remembered to you from Maria Weisman's stories.(The rest of the students remember the name of the story.)

    What does Maria Waisman writes about?(Collection of stories "True, fun?" - it is very fun stories based on real events. About friendship, about the family, about the sun, about the sea, about de m. i x. , that is, about that, without which our life is completely impossible.)

P. Mastering a new material.

- Let's see how meeting the club of our friends from the village of Peace at a meeting with Pisuiter.

Work on the textbook. Reading on roles.

- Read M. Weisman's conversation with the guys.
Did you like the meeting with the writer?
The chairperson asks questions .

- What questions worried club members? Are you interested in these questions too? What did Kostya asked about?(How to become a writer? Is it possible to prepare for this now?) What tips Dalahis Maria Evgenyevna?

Educate attention; learn to see details; everydayrecords vat your observations.

    Can you take advantage of these advice?(These tips are useful to those who dreams become a writer.)

    Read the wish to all the guys.("All of you want to wish: Try be observant! ")

    Why does the writer believes that observation is useful not only to those who choose the profession of the writer?("It is observant people who become experts!")

    Who is called a specialist?(Specialist - a person professionally engaged this is a type of labor.) What does it mean to be a good specialist?(Be good special sheet is one of the best in your profession.)

    Did Petya asked, who was worried, Maria Evgenievna?(Yes, Petya asked the question that was worried: "When you write stories, you write everything as it is or a little change?" The pahet is very difficult to understand that in art, everything is not entirely as in life.)

    Semidid he answer? What was he?("At the heart of all stories, Petya, - truth. But, of course, something I exaggerate or embellish. All stories that are in the book "True, having fun?", there were actually. Well, maybe everything was different, but not as in the book. But you must know: all stories are born from life! ")

Conclusion: stories can only be born from real living observations, but still Huclear truth is different from the truth of life. The writer can embellish something, prevakeeping, strengthening to make images more expressive and interesting.

Now we will see how the writer itself speaks of his family in the book.

Today we will get acquainted with one story M. Weisman

Readingstatus M. Weisman "Shrimgimy".

    Who is this story?(Story "Schimgimy" about the sister and brother, faith and fillet.) What are these age?(We are already familiar with the characters of the story and know that the guys are our peers.) Who are Chapterhero?(The main characters of the story - the boy of Phil and his favorite toy is shrimp /

    What other well-known literary hero has been a favorite toy, cati loved very much in my childhood, I wore with me everywhere and talked mentally with her?(Denisky ofthe story of V. Dragunsky "Domestic childhood" was a favorite toy - teddy bear eyes and tight belly.) And you had such a toy? And you talked with her?(RTVTS students.) Think why Smygyamy - Favorite toy Fili, not faith?

- Read what shrimp looked and why she has such an unusual name.
How does Phil himself explain what he behaved himself in the museum?(His bad behavior of Philus explains that he "... just wanted to joke a little to in this chamber lah, guarded by strict grandmothers, became a little more fun ... ".)

- Why didn't filile be ashamed in the museum, but was it ashamed only at home?(In the Museum of Phil was only interested in sculptures and "communication" with them through the toy that he did not think about their own behavior. Only at home the boy understood how embarrassed felt herself in the museum of his mother and sister. Fillet became clear why mom and faith did not want to continue walk: "It's time to go somewhere to eat," I said, as if nothing had happened.

But Mom said: "No! I'm over it!"

    And I will not go anywhere with Schemyysu, "said faith.")

    What is the role in the repentance of Fili playing? Is it important that this is a very old toyka?(At home, looking at shrimp, Phil remembered that this is a very old toy: mouse was my mother. When mom grew out of her, she became a grandmother. " Phil understood her mother nor grandmother did not behave in the museum so bad as he, even in childhood.)

    Which shame fillet: in front of the mouse or before someone else?(Phil, mentally turning i'm going to the mouse, in fact asks for forgiveness at mom and grandmother.)

    Differently FILE, Faith and Mom feel in the museum?(Fillet in the museum is very he recognizes gods and heroes in sculptures, as well-known with the myths of ancient Greece, also well understands that they depict sculptures maybe she remembers her children skid visit to the Pushkin Museum. But faith in the museum is boring.) It would be interesting to communicatefrom thusboy, like File?(Free spellings of students.)

    Do you know who Hermes is? And who is Laocoon and for what he is so cruelly punished? What kind Feats Hercules are familiar to you? If not all, do not be discouraged!

Club members advise you to take the library of the book of Nikolai Kuna "Myths and Legends,Greece "and read it on weekends. According to Misha Ivanova, "there is a lot of interesting things"!

Selective text reading.

On the slides of photos of sculptures, which are stated in the story.

- Read the passage.

    Mouse greets Hermes.

    The mouse makes the comment to Hercules.

    Mouse sympathizes Lanocoon.

    The mouse gives advice to the boy, takes out the off-site.

III . The outcome of the lesson. Reflection.

- So who is right: Masha Ivanova or TanyaPerov? Can I be guided yourself in the museum asPhil and Misha? (As Phil and Misha behave, in the museum behave, do not. The boys will understand it themselves when they will become an adult. The main thing is that the guys save interest in the exhibits of the museum)

Do you need to take the guys in the museum, which is bored there?(Guys who are bored in the museum N. e must be taken to the museum: anyone may unexpectedly open something interesting, especiallyif he tells him a persecuted person who knows.)

- Is it possible to argue asarriving Tanya and Misha: go with the discussion of literaryheroes for mutual reproaches?(It is impossible to move from discussion of literary heroes tohope reproaches and discussing each other. We must always try to stick to the topic of the dispute.)

- Is this story correctly placed in this chapter? What conclusions did you do from the read and heard at the lesson?

Homework; write a mini essay by one of the following: "My favoritemuseum ":" Amazing exhibit "; "As we went to the museum."

Apartment on the first floor

- Hello! Do you rent an apartment? - A woman asked in German hurriedly, barely barely words.

- Berg. Good afternoon, you were not mistaken, "the man replied in contrast to her slowly, stretching every word like a fur of the accordion. He and in his native Russian spoke not quickly, but in German and doubt.

- Three-room, on the second floor, from the first of August? - A little slow pace, a woman continued. A strong accent men embarrassed her a little. Remove housing in Germany from a foreigner? Although what's the difference if the apartment is suitable.

- absolutely correct, mistress ...

"Schmidt, Helga," a woman sank. Soft and polite manner of men talk finally dispelled her doubts. - If you do not mind, we will come to watch with my husband in the evening. Please give the address.

The man still slowly dictated the address, recorded the phone the callers in case he had, and put the phone.

A young couple came, as promised, to eight. On the threshold of the apartment, they were met by a tall dry-handled man of fifty in neatly ironed black pants, tight jumper and to the brilliance of studied shoes. Short, exactly trimmed hair resembled a round crown of noble, but already the coniferous tree spoiled from the old age. You can say a typical German, exemplary even: well-groomed, polite, neat. That's just a strong accent ... because of him whether or for what other reason, Berg said little and the words used it was bluntfully, as if stuck through a sieve.

Somewhere between a long freshly stained corridor and Kitchen Schmidt could not resist and asked:

- Where are you from, if not a secret?

"From Russia," Berg responded, showing the kitchen window, from which the view of the green meadow was opened.

Schmidt, accustomed to life in the village, in nature, did not impress the latter.

- Russian German? Migranet? - he continued.

"Yes ..." answered the owner of the apartment, showing the kitchen. - The technique does not need to purchase: the refrigerator, dishwasher, stove - everything is there.

- And at the apartment already accumulated? - Schmidt did not learn.

"No," Berg frowned as a musician who stumbled on a difficult passage, "I moved recently, three years ago. Apartments: This and below - I was inherited from my mother.

"So I would also move," Schmidt smiled in good and winked. - And do what? Do you work?

- No, I do not work ... Hobby is ... Music ...

- Play or compose? - Ms. Schmidt picked up.

- No, I'm not driving. I listen more and more ...

Berg left the young in the kitchen and exhaled with relief. Empty conversations ... chatter ... Prejudice about migrants - they are like nails in the wall: even if you take out, you will still leave gaping holes. And what around them there is another space, smooth, white, and people in it is completely different properties, sensitive and thin, is not available to their understanding. As a pair of creatures, the philosophy of loners explain ... His philosophy for which he spent all his life. No ... Faster to give them an apartment and back to the first floor - in your temple of purity, silence and magic music.

Suspected in the kitchen, the young came out, smiling.

- We liked the apartment. We agree to sign the contract, - Schmidt extended a wide on-shown hand. But Berg did not answer.

- Maybe you have questions about us? - Ms. Schmidt was worried.

One question from Berg was, but so delicate and even awkward that he still could not find a suitable moment for him and shape. Up to the cut in the fingers of Berg pulled the verbal strings, setting them on the right sound. Not wanting to make falsehood, he tried chords in various tonalities, with Diemes and Bemoles, but did not go out the perfect tune. Again prevented the words ...

"Don't consider tactlessly," he was driving when Schmidt was hesitantly lowered his hand, "I have to warn you ..." The owner of the apartment spoke in a low voice, almost a whisper, covering his mouth with his hand, as if embarrassed his own words. - I have one feature. They, of course, have every person. In such respects, like our neighbors, I mean - the main thing about them to warn in advance so that there is no misunderstanding. I honestly say that ... - He switched almost on the whisper. The faces of visitors tightened, they filed all the body forward, expecting to hear a terrible secret. Berg backed back and, just felt behind the back of the cold wall, realized that he had nowhere to retreat. He stopped and continued:

- I have very sensitive ears - musical. I live below, in the apartment under this, on the first floor, and the material here, unfortunately, is thin, - he knocked on the wall, everything is heard.

Schmidt shredded loudly and thundered:

- We will try not to make noise. So, dear? - He smiled at his wife. She nodded confused. - Deal?

Schmidt rendered Berg's palm again, but he now did not hurry to consolidate the agreement with the handshake.

- Something else? - Woman rumbled. - Speak!

Berg lowered his eyes, tormented by doubts. It is time to move to the final chords, and he still plut in an obduction variation. He was silent, expecting that the appropriate phrase herself would come to his head, but she was in no hurry. How to express in the words of hostility to the words? How to explain the dislike for them, and at the same time and to all their carriers, especially the most immature and inconsistent? How to express others then the reasons for what he himself did not fully understand?

Dislike for the words from Berg was formed early. For some time, he resisted her with the educators, speakers and school teachers, but over time, it was obeyed by the inner call, to find the phrase of the activity, he was not characteristic of both by nature alien. Words always carried with them unnecessary anxiety, anxiety and fear. And Berg escaped them as annoying neighbors or relatives. All life. Only here, next to the sick, almost not a speaking mother, he found calm and harmony. Year without hustle, curious neighbors and questions of friends about the future, conversations about the lack of descendants and the suppression of the genus. Year in silence, absolute purity, broken only by magic melodies. Berg could not go back. I sold everything that I had in Russia, and, without saying anything, hid here from the vulnerable world.

Young people were intensely waiting.

- Do you have children? - Finally squeezed Berg.

- No, until God gave ... - They smassed sadly.

The contract was signed for three years. A separate paragraph in the section on termination made an excess of noise established by law, and complaints about neighbors, including the very owner of the apartment. Three warnings would be enough to evict.

Schmiddah quickly turned up with other residents of the entrance and found out from them that Berg was not called here anyiccable, as "correctly": he was extremely rare, and if he left the limits of his apartment, then quietly, unnoticed, in the exactly allocated watches. He shown on the street twice a week - for the morning jogging and traveling to the store. If it were not for the dense curtains, which he moved exactly at eight in the morning and shifted exactly at nine in the evening, and occasionally came the music due to the massive door, it would be possible to think that no one lives in the apartment - so quietly there was.

They said that Berg is a Russian spy, wounded by intelligence to perform secret tasks. Hence secrecy, dislike and silence. The afternoon, he spends, listening to music than creating a noise veil for secret work. No one knew this, because for the threshold of his apartment Berg did not let anyone, turning it with lattices on the windows and the door with three castles in a kind of impregnable fortress, than just strengthened the suspicion hovering around him.

For removals, Berg did not make exceptions: I didn't mind checks, I asked to translate into account, I did not enter the conversation, I did not invite you to my discussion. Noticing, however, that the woman stopped going to work, he worried.

- Are you wrong, Mrs. Schmidt? He asked her, having met on the stairs.

She was embarrassed and lowered his eyes on the rounded belly.

- Here, we are waiting for the replenishment of the family ...

Berg turned pale and recoiled, as if someone was invisible hit him with a glove on the face.

"A good deal," he whispered.

- We will try not to make noise. You do not worry, - Hurried to calm his woman, but a neighbor who does not listen to her, turned away and slowly, perepping, disappeared outside the door of the apartment.

He no longer spoke with her, with her husband, she shouted with phrases that are not related to the inevitable, as if trying to push his offensive. The baby, however, was born on time, healthy and threshing. He accepted the house and parents unconditionally, received everything necessary for her first demand and therefore shouted not enough, but if he was roaring, not only the nearest neighbors wake up. Walking on the street owners of dogs shuddered from a baby's cry and accelerated a step, customizing their silent obedient pets.

Officially no one complained. The first call to the door of the young family rang out six months. Mrs. Schmidt, Red and disheveled, with sunbathing sleeves, opened and intended to send a visitmber of the ravisians to wear after swimming the baby, but did not dare - behind the threshold was Berg.

The woman rinsed, smoothing the loud hair by his hands. Baby povered in the bathroom.

- I will not walk around and about. You probably have no time to listen to my opuses. I will go to the main.

"If not for a short time, I just got the baby ..." she replied, looking toward the bathroom with anxiously.

- Yes, yes ... Sorry to distract such a trifle, but I have one feature, about which I said, - Berg stopped again, looking for suitable words, but having caught a hard way to himself as a sepkord's opinion of the mother, continued, - sensitive ears.

- Yes. What about them?

- Recently, in your apartment has become very noisy ...

- You see - a child, - a woman spread his hands. "If he shouts, he cannot immediately calm him down." Unreasonable creature. I try as best I can.

- What do you, it's not in a child! Not in it. The child under the law is endowed with the rights to noise - it is not in my power. I interfere with the knock of the door, chairs in the kitchen with iron legs. You know, there is a rubber tape. It can be pasted on the door. Soft felt pads to put under chairs. They are in a construction store ...

The cry of the kid drowned the explanation of the neighbor. Mother rushed into the bathroom and returned with a pink-eyed boy wrapped in a towel.

- I wanted to sleep, "she said, right there for a challenge, what they just talked about.

- You can buy in a construction store ... - continued Berg, staring at the floor. - and home shoes ...

His explanations interrupted the phone call.

"Sorry," Mrs. Schmidt argued. - It can be very important.

She rushed with a child in the room, then into the kitchen. The tube continued to rigorously hum.

- Where is she?! - Woman exclaimed in the hearts. - Hold, please.

She put the baby in his hands to his neighbor and disappeared in the bedroom. Berg froze. The baby, taking advantage of the lack of mother and confusion of a neighbor, pulled the playful handles to his silver beard. She turned out to be barbed and taped the handle. The kid slept on her with his palm and sleeved laughing. Berg did not move, only frowned his eyes before the next attack of a little robber. Shone-slap, slap-slap - did not take it.

Who obeying some strange feeling, Berg took the baby handle in his, pressed her to the beard, spent on it, then raised for a second and lowered, only softer. The boy smiled, released his palm and repeated. More and more. Berg froze, stunned. This unreasonable creature understood it! It answered him! They spoke in a language without words. As in music, which suddenly heard ... He shuddered, looked around. The windows were closed, only the voice of Mrs. Schmidt was distributed from the bedroom. The melody did not disappear: quiet and gentle, gradually increasing and subsidizing as a sea wave, she rolled into a cold rocky coast, filling the crevices, cracks and emptiness. Not allowing to come to his senses and take a little effort, she left, leaving the lively moisture on the stones, fertile tina and a salty taste of facilitating tears.

Berg covered panic, he wanted to throw the boy and escape, but the music did not let go. She, born his mind, led to the new, unknown world. The world, about whom no one told him, about which he did not know or did not want to know. The world is frightening, unknown and at the same time calling and beautiful. He opened a secret door, and he kept the key from her in his hands.

- You have a born talent! - Ms. Schmidt exclaimed, looking out of the bedroom. - Sorry I'm so long. This is from work. Important call. He dad doesn't sit so calmly like you. Probably there is an experience?

"No," Berg smiled embarrassed and gently handed the baby's baby. - The first time a small child was holding on his hands.

- Amazing! "Mrs. Schmidt pressed his son to himself, still pulling chubby handles to a neighbor's beard." - So what are we? You spoke about the noise ... shoes ...

- Yes, so, nothing ... all this is not very important, - Berg waved his hand and headed towards him, swaying on every step in tact of melodies, heard only him.

Since then, the neighbor has not complained about the noise. Less than him, of course, did not. Even the opposite. The baby learned to crawl, grab items and throw them on the floor, knocking a spoon on a plate and perform other fascinating bulky actions. The spectrum of desires was replenished daily, what he informed the world with a demanding cry. Berg felt not only this. He woke up now climbed along with the baby and waited when Mom, hovering him all the increasing calls, would fit the child to warm, full breast milk. Satisfied, the boy fell asleep for another hour. About eight, he slipped off the bed, made his way on all fours to the kitchen and born, drum on the refrigerator cam. After breakfast, my mother with the sown wage. At the same time, now every day, Berg gotat the circles on the familiar "wheelchair" route of Mrs. Schmidt. When she went home, Berg helped her to climb to the second floor and waved his baby with his hand while his smiling face was not hiding in the apartment: the time of afternoon.

Berg, Ubayukany Silence, Dreamed in the chair at the computer and smiled. It was killed by magic music filled with deep meaning. The baby was again sitting in his arms again, he chopped his beard, colop about her chubby handles and flooded with a laugh. Berg firmly pressed his little caller, as if he wanted to feel everything, about the existence of something until recently the presentation did not have: he breathed the smell of maternal milk with a slight aroma of fresh strawberries, stroking a soft, silky skin of the child, was surprised in a worst naughty game Lychik. A sleeve laugh boy caressed his absolute hearing and seemed more beautiful than any of the most perfect melodies. Then the boy was disappeared, and before the eyes of Berg appeared faces from another life - on the other side of the door, for three dumplings and lattices on the windows: the girls with whom he met in the youth, mature women who offered him love and loyalty, but not They gave birth to children - he did not want them ... - All those who he invariably said "no". All those whom he, without thinking, left behind the door, cutting off at once any hint of approaching, touching someone else's disturbing, dangerous. He guarded the square meters of the ideal world of the Outfraist with the jury of the ideal world, which he himself sharpened.

At the top there was a loud cry. Berg flinched, rubbed his eyes and looked confusedly around. Weird dream…

Woke up, little robber! Now we will take and crawl around the apartment. First in a large room, on the coffee table. It is impossible! Boom. Of course, it hurts if you fall. Now on the horse. "Look, Mom, how can I!" Not! Only sitting! Boom. Not shouting - Mom has undergone. Going to walk. They went into the entrance. Laughs. Requires to let go of his hand. Wants to show mom, as learned himself to go down the stairs. Caution, baby! Down to go harder than climbing upstairs. The first step, the second, third. One span is ready! Well done! Sunset on the second. Step, two, three. Buck! I could not resist! Now he will pay ... But the baby did not cry. There was a cry of Mrs. Schmidt.

Berg jumped up and opened the door. A neighbor bent over the real body of a boy, pale as a ghost.

- fell. Head hit. It seems to be breathing, - she mumbled, stroking the kid's trembling hand along the cheek.

"Let me look," the neighbor leaned over the child. - I worked in the hospital before.

The baby opened his eyes and frightened.

"Call an ambulance," Berg commanded. - Prepare things, documents on the boy, insurance. Husband call from the hospital when we find out everything.

Mrs. Schmidt obequinously obeyed. Returning with the package of things, she found a neighbor with a baby in his apartment, in a large room on the floor. Berg stroited the boy on his palm and sang something touching, surprisingly gentle and beautiful. The child was silent, slapped with eyes and listened carefully.

"Sorry that I brought him here," the neighbor said to blame. - Here is warmer and calmer. I wrapped it so as not to move. Now I sing now ... He stopped crying. It seems that everything is in order with him. My song soothes him.

- I thought he did not like the music. From my lullabies, he cries even more. What song do you sing? I also learn it.

"I don't know," Berg was confused. - by itself somehow it turns out. From the head ...

Arrived ambulance. The boy was diagnosed with brain shaking and brought to the hospital with a mother for observation.

Returning home, the young family informed the owner of an apartment about moving. Found a more appropriate option - without stairs. Berg signed an agreement on termination without any objections, nor the word without changing the fact that the term of the contract has not yet expired, and took the search for new tenants.

The tenants were not suitable - none. Only having heed a new voice in the phone, Berg wrinkled, tormented the nose and, overcoming the unbearable desire to discard the tube away, was in a hurry to say "no". When they called again, he reported that the apartment was already handed over. Real estate has idle, the calls became less and less, and Berg still refused. And so it would continue to infinity if it were not for the melodic speakers of a woman who came through weekly silence.

- Good day! She said in German with an easily recognizable accent. Berg welcomed her in Russian, a woman with relief tattherty on his native. - Your apartment is very suitable for us. We have not found anything for several months. Therefore, do not refuse if you have not yet passed.

While Berg thought about whether a woman was happening from the Vologda settlements or others, even more northern - Pomeranian, she said on.

- Today I will come looking forward. I wanted to ask only on what floor the apartment. Is there an elevator? We have twins one year old. With them, it will be difficult for me to go down and climb.

Berg smiled. Surprisingly correct and genuinely truthful seemed to him all that this woman said. Her words flowed, as if a lullaby for a newborn, in which each note had its own letter, each chord had a word, while tact - phrase. Everything perfectly converged. Warring sound, Berg was silent. He wanted to listen and listen, and let it be louder and louder. Open the door and windows, disrupt the lattice and locks to let this fresh wind, get every centimeter of an empty apartment, every wrinkle on a lonely body and fill their lives, accommodated him in an unknown, but it became suddenly unbearable close and desirable.

- So that? Is there an elevator? - repeated the woman impatiently. She already wanted to put the phone when the voice of Berg was heard.

"No elevator," he replied in his leisurely accordion manner, "but you have nothing to worry about." The apartment I rent on the first floor.