A person needs several hugs per day. Tactile contact

A person needs several hugs per day. Tactile contact
A person needs several hugs per day. Tactile contact

This is a miraculous agent, natural, organic, without any chemistry, environmentally friendly and 100% useful. This is the perfect gift at all times and for all occasions, sincere, genuine, gratuitous, disinterested and useful to everyone. We are talking about hugs.

Psychologists have proven that living beings do not survive without hugs ...

Just hold the baby on your arms, caress the animal, but first of all hug with love to activate deep useful changes in the body. Why are we hugging so much? The explanation will be so positive that from now on you will try to cover as much as possible and longer.

This is the original gesture and represents the first moment of contact of the mother and child after his birth. Here are the top 10 advantages. Paul Zack, Pioneer Neuroeconomics, advises at least eight hugs a day to be healthier, happier and enjoy better relationship. This molecule is oxytocin and stands out in abundance in hugs that are ongoing more than 20 seconds. A simple embrace improves blood oxygenation, because it stimulates the generation of hemoglobin, which transfers oxygen into the tissue.

We need four embraces per day for survival, eight hugs per day to support, for twelve anniversary per day for growth. (Virginia Satir)
Friendly touchs are capable of not only to reduce psychosomatic ailments, fears and depression, but even get rid of them.
Psychologists often say that modern man There is not enough physical intimacy with another living being, it does not matter if it native man, stranger or just a cat. The absence of such innocent, Asexual contact deprives a person of the joy of being, leads to the fact that a person closes in a cell of his personality, loses the feeling of intimacy with all humanity and contact with reality.
Hugs bring joy not only to those who hug, but also those who hug.

Therefore, it provides energy for the body, cleans it from waste, prevents the formation of media in which the diseases multiply and rejuvenate cells. Coverage is considered therapy that stimulates the immune system, reduces blood pressure, menstrual pain, removes headaches, reduces anxiety, reduces stress and depression, weakens nervousness and treats insomnia. When two people hug each other, in fact, there is a kind of brain synchronization, after which the electroencephalographic drawings are superimposed on each other.

Hugs help people both psychologically and physically:

The number of endorphins increases (these are morphine-like substances that reduce pain and cause a feeling of euphoria);
- embraces enhance the immune system;
- stimulate the central nervous system;
- improve sleep;
- attach strength;
- rejuvenate;
- remove stress;
- increase the amount of oxytocin - hormone, which removes depression, and also reduces blood pressure, that is, reduces the risk of heart disease;
- increase the level of hemoglobin, which strengthens the entire body, enhances immunity and speeds up recovery from diseases;
- increase self-esteem;
- bring positive emotions;
- Ensure internal fears, depression, loneliness.

Usually left I. right hemisphere Signals are generated that are often independent of each other, and hemispherical synchronization is an unusual condition at which the electric activity of the brain is balanced. Dr. Leicester Fenia, one of the main authorities in the field of brain synchronization, argues that the synchronization of the brain extremely increases the potential of its brain not only for its own development and training, but also for the perception of other levels of consciousness.

Hugging is special form Touch, which makes a person better to take herself and feel better than others. Hugs can be viewed as natural and absolutely free therapy against depression, as scientists of Canadian public health say.

Hugs B. early childhood Make us capable love. Children who grew up to 7 years without hugs are lagging behind mental and physical development, may be unable to love others. Of these, as a rule, people increasingly grow up to antisocial actions, as well as pathologically unsuitable for life. There is an English saying that the cat dries the spinal cord if no one strokes it.
Some adults believe that if you can wear small girls on handles, hugging and kissing, then boys need to raise in rigor and treat them as adult men. Otherwise, the boy can turn into the "Mamienkin Son". According to statistics, babies-girls under the age of 1 receive 5 times more affection than babies boys. As a result of such injustice, problems with boys under the age of 3 years are much larger than with girls. Boys are no less than girls, need physical contact with adults. For them, it is also necessary that they were taken by hand, ignited, hugged, stroked and kissed. These manifestations of love for boys play a decisive role in their development from birth to 7-8 years.
When the boy is growing up, the need for physical caress, such as hugs and kisses, decreases, but the need for physical contact itself does not become less. Only now, instead of "surviving love", the child needs a touch of "adolescence" - for example, jogging, pushing, patting on the back, boxing or "bear hugs". For a teenager, they are also priceless as for the baby stroking and kisses.
If the boys do not need physical contact with adults in infancy, then girls who, as a rule, receive it, a special need for "all gentlemen" grows with their adulthies and reaches a maximum of about 11 years. At this critical age, the girls simply desperately need in affectionate, supporting views, and in special attention, and in physical contact, especially from fathers. Why is this period so important? Because behind him begins the famous "transitional age", to which you need to prepare a girl. Two points are the most important in this preparation. The first is to develop a positive attitude towards yourself, to its inner and external qualities. If parents paid her needed attention and girl feels confidently, crowded period (Usually at 13-15 years old) will be much calmer, just with mood drops. The second point is the awareness of its belonging to the female floor. Adults should carefully approach the issue of education of femininity, it is important to correctly orient the girl on the outdoor shine, but on the depth and beauty of the soul.
It would seem, to completely naturally express their feelings for children not only by words and actions, but also with touch. How else can you express your child our location to him without words? For example, so:
- confidentially touch his hand or shoulder;
- jokingly to close the hair;
- hug by shoulders;
- tenderly stroking on the hair or on the cheek;
- Put your hand on the shoulder;
- Laskovo pat on the shoulder or back.
How many gentle feelings can convey these gestures! How many love and respect for the child!
There are times when the hugs are particularly needed to children. This happens in the following situations:
- if the child received physical injury;
- when he is experiencing strong excitement;
- if it is experiencing emotional stress;
- When he is very tired;
- if he is sick or feel bad;
- after sad events;
- When a child is scared with something;
- before bedtime.

Relief is an excellent stress removal agent. The dignity is also this time - oxytocin capable of lowering the levels of stress hormones, especially cortisol. In case of anxiety and panic, the arms can be real therapy due to hormones of good well-being, serotonin and dopamine produced with oxytocin, which stimulate the feeling of more relaxed and calm. The more embraces, the more endorphins will be released, and the effects will be obvious.

If the child cries, there is nothing more efficient than hug to calm it. Only the adhesions of the mother can really calm the child. American psychotherapist Virginia Satir said: We need 4 hugs a day to survive. We need 8 hugs a day to keep us healthy. We need 12 hugs a day to grow.

The World Anniversary Day began to celebrate not so long ago - January 21, 1986 European students in order to recall the values \u200b\u200bof friendly and family touches.
In the ancient Scriptures of the East, the arms are described as very important for any person an action that has a healing and rejuvenating effect, in which the exchange of male and female energies occurs. All creatures around are waiting for our warmth, kindness. Find a person near you, click on it and at least for a couple of seconds stop thinking about what you usually occupy your brain. Immerse yourself in his world, give him your silence, and you will not forget the feeling of mutual heat and cosmic kindness for a long time.

Pour, famous therapist Osho, says. Psychologists now know well that if the child is not hugging, they will have a lack of food. Since the body needs food, the soul needs love. You can satisfy all the physical needs of the child, you can give him all physical amenities, but if the hugs are missing, the child will not grow up, being a whole. Somewhere will be deeply sad, without care, is denied, ignored. He was caught, but did not feed.

It was noticed that a child who does not hugs, begins to lose weight, may even die, although he is given everything else. If for the reason for the body, he is given every medicine, but there is no love around the child, it will become isolated; It will be disconnected from existence.

Pedagogue-psychologist of the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Aid MU "KCSS" O.V. Kulagin (the article is prepared on the materials of the printed publications)

How often do you hug? Do you like to sit near and keep each other hands? A recent study shows that it is good for your health.

In one of the research it was found that women have lower blood pressure values \u200b\u200bafter a short episode of warm contacts with their partner. 20 seconds of hugs holding 10 minutes on hand, also reduce the damaging physical effects of stress, including the impact on blood pressure and heart rate.

The fact that someone surrounds us sincerely can heal our wounds, eliminate fears and fill us with joy. They are full of unconditional.

We say that thanks to intimate, sincere and right arms, we confirm and associate ourselves, retreating from armor and approaching the authenticity on which love for yourself is based.

Neuroeconomist Paul Zack, also known as "Dr. Love", recommends hugging at least eight times a day to feel happier and enjoy relationships. A psychotherapist Virginia Satir has an excellent phrase about the arms: "Cream four times a day we need for survival, eight - to maintain yourself in normal form and twelve - for growth."

They strengthen our. . Therefore, the hug is a wonderful way to give love to others and stroke his soul. IN modern world The touch has become taboo - people are trying to avoid physical contact, and science increasingly determines the immunity limits. Avoiding touch is rendered a huge impact On our well-being. January 31 - World Olion Day.

The feeling of touch is already developing in a two-month fruit. At first, only lips are sensitive, then face, after 14 weeks, the whole body reacts to touch. In neonatal and infancy, children react to touch, both in the cold and warmth. Several-monthly babies are still concerned and demand to touch them with their guardians. Touch - the natural need, its disadvantage causes behavioral disorders and abnormal physical development. In addition, the body of an adult man loves to touch and press.

It is possible that this is the threshold value of the arms that allows the brain to produce a sufficient amount of oxytocin, which is allocated in the hypothalamus in response to physical contact. Oxytocin has powerful healing properties, so such a simple action, as an embrace, not only connects us to other people, but also affects our physical and emotional health.

The invisible body begins to suffer - according to research, this is especially true of people living in large cities working in corporations, with a limited number of friends who are alone. When the brain records that the touch is pleasant, blood pressure decreases, breathing slows down, the immune body increases, oxytocin is released - the natural antidepressant is released, and the level of cystolol and stress hormone is reduced.

People who suffer from lack of touch in everyday lifeare found on club classes. It is assumed that these events are non-alcoholic and do not contain sexual shades. Three and a half hours of meeting are held in the form of seminars. Participants of various sexes, they originate from different social media, usually most of them are singles. Meeting participants are moving in pajamas. During classes, they learn to respond to touch, express their needs, ask for tenderness or deny it.

Hugs increase the level of hormone of the love of oxytocin. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the heart and other organs. One study in this area has shown that women have blood pressure after a short warm contact with their partner. A 20-second hug (or a 10-minute holding hand) reduces harmful physical consequences of stress, including lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

This will help to understand that there is nothing wrong with touch, unless, of course, we can clearly define its limits. Participants are combing hair, massage legs, hands, neck, hugging, hugging and kissing. All with the obvious consent of both sides. We must be hugged 4 times a day to survive, 8 times a day to stay healthy and grow 12 times. Especially has therapeutic effects.

The hugged party from the spot became the hit of New York, they also found followers in many European cities. At sessions that improve well-being, the body language is taught and help to establish close borders, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have already attended.

Studies show that the positive effects of the arms are not limited to those listed above. As one of the sources writes: "There are nervous receptors in the skin, which are in contact with the brain through a wandering nerve. The wandering nerve passes through a number of important organs, including the heart, and is also connected to oxytocin receptors. As part of one of the theories, it is believed that stimulation of the wandering nerve leads to the ejection of oxytocin and entails a cascade of other useful changes in health. "

Therapists do not doubt that in our culture the concept of "bad touch" is dominated. "Good touch" for which sexual or emotional subtexts do not go, stigmatized and limited in the learning process. Such actions led to the fact that adult people need to touch off sexual desire or physical needs.

Hugging, especially with a close person, reduces anxiety and stress, gives a feeling of security. It causes calm and soothing emotions. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, enhances immunity, cures depression and helps you fall asleep. These are just some of the potential advantages. Some people say that daily bypass with a loved one is the best prevention of many serious diseases.

According to one of the studies, positive changes in health can be:

  • reducing the risk of heart disease;
  • enhancing immunity;
  • reduction of negative stress reactions;
  • better fatigue resistance and infections;
  • relief of the symptoms of depression;
  • growing tolerance to pain;
  • the growth rate of healing wounds.

There is no doubt that gentle physical contact gives us pleasant sensations. Neurobiologist Chekhar Roman speaks for one of the publications: "Hug, patting on the back and even a friendly handshake are processed by the Center for Remuneration in the Central nervous system And they have a strong impact on the psyche, causing the experiences of joy and happiness. At the same time, it does not matter you are touching or touching you. "

Confix shortage - feminine problem?

Scientific studies have proven that pairs that are often hugging are more satisfied with relations, and partners have a deep emotional connection. Similarly, it works in the case of relations between children and adults. Children who have hugged parents as a child, have problems with establishing relations and expressing their feelings in adult life. It has been proven that women hugging causes oxytocin secretion, the hormone is also present during orgasm, childbirth, breastfeedingrelated to the construction of close relations, family ties and trust.

However, many are still devoid of hugs. One study showed that 1/3 of the participants in this study does not have a single embrace per day, and 75% want such physical contact in their life more.

Oxytocin in the relationships of parents and children

The conclusions made about the influence of hugs on the level of oxytocin are valid and in relations of parents and children. The more parents and children of warm physical contact, the higher the level of hormone oxytocin.

Hugging a woman means what is the most important in her life - the proximity of other people. The experience of the organizers of the Party proves that therapeutic touch does not necessarily lead to sex. They strengthen our immune system. Thanks to them, we feel special, they are so important for our inner child. They help maintain intimacy with family and friends. Unfortunately, many of us have grown in homes, where this type of caress was impregnated, and now it becomes uncomfortable to us when we want to ask him or hug someone.

In the course of studies held during the year, it turned out that 83% of people responded by us hugging less than once a day. 97% of respondents would like them to hug more often than before. Do not hesitate the natural human need to touch and cuddle. We urge you to hug an embrace. Ordinary, can you hug me? He opens the way to getting more Lask.

The level of oxytocin is associated with the level of trust in the relationship: the higher it is, the more we tend to trust and follow the person.

Many knowledge about oxytocin we get from research on animals. Rats-females, for example, stimulate the production of oxytocin in their cubs, licking them and being with them in physical contact. This loving care has long-term effects.

Free hug

Specify the goal: ask you 12 hugs per day and get as much. The film below shows how important it is and should be hugged. The film shows how the initial distrust of the intentions of Juan is replaced by an increase in the number of people who want to be hugged, and the number of people embracing. The effect of free hugs was issued in many publications, also in Poland.

It should be remembered not only during the holidays. Each of us should strive to illuminate the light inside it. We have a switch to search. We must shine inside so that we cannot wander, and we still need to illuminate inside, because the one who sees us can see the light, and not darkness.

When the researchers divided the rats with their moms for 10-15 minutes a day and then returned them back, most females were glad to return the kids and cared for them more intensively. But if separation lasted a few hours, then the consequences were different. Mothers ignored their babies, and some no longer cared for young at all.

Young who were overwhelmed with their moms after returning, more willingly investigated the changing medium around. And those who were ignored, there were more disturbing disorders (or neuroses), there were higher levels of stress and blood pressure hormones.

Research on other animals, including monkeys, confirm that the quality of maternal care affects the mental and mental health of the young and can cause heart disease.

What can be advised by relying on research and based on their basis conclusions?

  1. Mama should provide as much warm contact with babies as possible, especially the first few weeks after birth. If you can't do this because of the disease or other reasons - let's so much love as you can.
  2. Mama who gave birth to their babies with cesarean section, you should pay more attention to contact with the baby, because At the time of birth, they did not have an oxytocin emission.
  3. Params that take care of the presence of everyday contact with each other - hold hands, hugging, kissing, sitting near, - it is easier to maintain affection and warm relationships due to more high level Oxytocin.
  4. There is reason to assume that any support, even by phone or e-mail, It can help activate the oxytocinum system and support relationships even at a distance.