The norm and deviation of the muscular tone in newborns. Hyperthonus, hypotonus, dystonia

The norm and deviation of the muscular tone in newborns. Hyperthonus, hypotonus, dystonia
The norm and deviation of the muscular tone in newborns. Hyperthonus, hypotonus, dystonia

Muscular hypotension is a disease characterized by the weakening of muscle fibers. This leads to a violation of the conductivity of nerve impulses. In the overwhelming majority, the hypotonus of the muscles is a consequence of other pathologies, including congenital. The disease is diagnosed in childhood, but for a number of reasons there is a risk of muscle hypotension and in adults.

Muscle hypotonus is not an independent disease, but pathology manifested against other diseases. The violation is due to a decrease in muscle tone, which leads to a violation of the nervous regulation of muscle fibers. Nevertheless, muscle hypotension syndrome is often described as an independent disease, but always intersects with other violations. The separation of violations into a separate disease is due to a whole complex of symptoms that require individual therapy.

Also, the allocation of violations in a separate diagnosis is due to the fact that the syndrome of impaired muscle tone is the symptom of a huge number of different diseases. To date, more than a hundred pathologies have been revealed, which are accompanied by muscle hypotone.

Muscular hypotension can be a consequence of congenital pathologies and anomalies. Also, the violation may be a symptom of acquired diseases, such as sepsis or meningitis in adult patients.

The disease is most often diagnosed in children.

Classification and species

The muscle hypotonus is classified due to the development, localization of the lesion and the form of the flow.

Localization is distinguished by diffuse muscle hypotension syndrome and local muscular hypotension. With diffuse muscular hypotension in children and adults, a general violation in all muscle fibers is diagnosed. The local form of the disease is the defeat of a small muscle group.

Due to development distinguishes congenital and acquired forms of the disease. Congenital hypotone in infants is a consequence of development anomalies. The violation is developing in the intrauterine period of child growth.

The acquired hypotonus in a child and an adult is a consequence of severe diseases. In most cases, the acquired muscle hypotension is associated with the defeat of the central nervous system, neurological disorders or autoimmune processes. Also, muscle hypotension can develop due to infectious diseases.

According to the nature of the beginning of the pathological process, muscle hypotension is acute and gradually developing. In the first case, the symptoms of the weakening of the muscles arise sharply, in the second case, weakness in the muscles increases gradually. First, there is a slight lesion of one muscle group, which progresses. With a diffuse form of the disease, there is a constant deterioration of the symptoms, up to the complete loss of the ability to move the affected muscles.

By the nature of the flow, the disease is divided into 4 types:

  • episodic, manifested once;
  • intermittent hypotension at which periods of deterioration of symptoms are replaced by periods of their weakening;
  • recurrent, in which the reduction of hypotonus is possible;
  • progressive muscle hypotension, in which the violation affects new muscle groups, or the symptoms are worse rapidly.

Treatment and further forecast depends on the type of muscle damage. The diffuse form of the disease is heavily the treatment.

Causes of the development of hypotonus

As already mentioned, the reasons for the development of muscle hypotension syndrome in a child's great set. Only among congenital and genetically determined violations, doctors allocate more than 40 species of various pathologies. The most common causes of the development of muscle hypotension syndrome in a newborn:

  • down syndrome;
  • robinov syndrome;
  • syndrome Patau;
  • nimana-peak disease;
  • ahondroplasia;
  • spinal muscular atrophy.

Down syndrome - the most common cause of muscular hypotension

The development of muscle hypotonus in children of the first month of life is most often a consequence of intrauterine defects of development, but not genetic disorders. Among possible reasons:

  • cerebelchik ataxia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • intrauterine heavy hypoxia.

Also, the development of muscle hypotension in infants in the first days of life may be associated with intrauterine intoxication with drugs that the woman took during pregnancy. Often muscle hypoxia of the fetus cause psychoactive drugs prescribed for the treatment of epilepsy and alarming disorders.

The development of muscle hypotension in adults is a consequence of severe diseases and chronic disorders that first manifested themselves in adulthood. Possible reasons include:

  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • miasthenia;
  • sepsis;
  • mercury poisoning and heavy metals;
  • hypervitaminosis.

Muscle hypotonus in preschool children can be provoked by polio, inadequate reaction to vaccination, rickets. Signs of hypotonus can also appear against the background of various autoimmune pathologies.

Symptoms in newborns and children

In its physical development, children with such a diagnosis are lagging behind peers

The hypotonus muscles in infants is characterized by a violation of motor activity, reflex activity and physical development delay. To suspect muscle hypotension in newborns in the following symptoms:

  • weak reflexes;
  • increased salivation;
  • violation of grabbing reflex;
  • total flabbiness and weakness of muscles.

In case of hypotension, the infants broken muscular tone does not allow the baby normally hold the head. There is a weakness of cervical muscles. It's hard to turn the child to the belly to independently turn on the stomach, the grabbing reflex is very weak, in connection with which the kid cannot hold anything for a long time. Usually babies with hypotone muscles cannot normally rely on the limbs. When you try to raise the upper half of the body, the baby will not rely on the palm, but on the elbow joints.

At an older age, when children begin to make the first attempts to stand up on their feet, the kids with muscle hypotension accounts for very hard. The child can not hold the body for a long time in a vertical position, it is difficult for him to grab his hands behind the support. Even crawling on all fours is accompanied by a violation of the coordination of movements due to the weakening of the muscles.

Muscular hypotonic disorder in children is always accompanied by a delay in development. Such children grow slower, worse remember new information, later they begin to speak. With the emergence of muscle hypotension between the ages of two, there are problems with the socialization of the child.

Symptoms of the disease in adults

If the babies hypotonus manifests itself in disruption of coordination of movements and the weakening of reflexes, the symptoms in adults are not expressed as clearly. Most often, the hypotonus in adults is revealed by chance, and the weakness in the muscles and the generally intelligence of a person takes the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Characteristic signs of acquired muscle hypotension in adults:

  • the appearance of weakness in the whole body without visible reasons;
  • strong headaches;
  • episodic tachycardia;
  • discomfort in the field of the heart;
  • problems with sleep;
  • changes in the amplitude of the movement of the limbs in the joint;
  • hand and leg numbness;
  • abundant sweating.

A characteristic symptom of hypotonus in adults is a change in the amplitude of the movement of the limbs. Compared with a healthy person, it increases significantly. Moves in the joints are swallowed.

Often hypotension muscles in adults is accompanied by symptoms of cardiovascular disorders - pain in the heart, shortness of breath, tachycardia.

Strong paroxy headaches are not amenable to medication therapy. What kind of pain relief drugs did not take, the headache does not decrease.

Often against the background of muscle hypotension appear with sleep problems. At the same time, a person can suffer from insomnia, or constantly feel the need to sleep. Some patients start to sleep at 10 o'clock per day, but long rest does not bring relief and constant fatigue continues to disturb the patient.

In addition to fatigue and headaches, symptoms may be absent. A person does not appeal to the doctor, writing off the ailment of fatigue. This complicates the diagnosis and exacerbates the course of the disease, since with the time of the muscle hypotension begins to progress. In particularly severe cases, short-term passales are developing in the limbs.

It is important to remember that muscle hypotension is a serious disease that must be treated. The earlier the patient appeal to a specialist, the more favorable forecast.

In adult manifestations of pathology can be limited to an increasing sense of fatigue


With the appearance of ailment, it is necessary to refer to the therapist or neurologist. Baby need to urgently show pediatrician and child neurologist.

First, the doctor conducts a survey and analyzes the patient's complaints. Family history and all recently transferred diseases are necessarily taken into account. Required surveys to confirm the diagnosis:

  • muscle examination;
  • verification of reflexes;
  • computer and magnetic resonance tomography;
  • study of the composition of the spinal fluid;
  • electromyography.

Sometimes genetic analysis is prescribed, since muscle hypotension can be due to genetic disorders. Additionally, the doctor prescribes a common and biochemical blood test.

What is dangerous muscle hypotension?

The hypotone requires timely treatment, otherwise complications may appear. In children, the hypotonus causes a violation of swallowing reflex, incorrect speech, problems with posture.

In the older age, the hypotonus can lead to the spine torsion, impaired metabolism. One of the common complications of this violation becomes obesity.

Principle of treatment

Regular massage improves muscle tone at the kid

Diffuse muscle hypotension in children is difficult to adjust, so at first symptoms it is necessary to visit the doctor, usually the treatment is complemented by therapeutic gymnastics.

With a hypotonus in a child, kids are prescribed:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • LFK (older children);
  • medical treatment.

Massage needed newborns to normalize muscle tone. Senior children are prescribed physiotherapy aimed at improving the conductivity of nerve impulses into the muscles. To improve the posture and normalization of cerebral circulation, children are prescribed to therapeutic physical culture aimed at strengthening muscles.

If the speech is violated, there is a course of classes with a speech therapist. Children are also appointed special classes on the development of small motility.

Treat the hypotonus in children is necessary comprehensive, treatment is also complemented by special preparations. Vitaminotherapy is carried out, children are assigned tools for increasing muscle tone.

Treatment of muscle hypotension in adults is carried out by medication. Preparations are prescribed depending on the cause of the development of violations. Typically, patients show the reception of drugs from a group of nootropics to normalize the brain circulation and improving the cognitive functions of the brain. As a rule, it helps to get rid of headaches.

Additionally, it can be assigned:

  • means to normalize vascular tone;
  • neurometabolic drugs;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • antibiotics.

Antibacterial therapy is carried out if the muscle hypotension is due to the recently transferred severe bacterial infections. Such treatment is also used in identifying pathogenic agents in the body. Adults are also shown physiotherapy, including needleflexotherapy.

Preventive measures

Specific prevention of muscle hypotension does not exist, as it is not possible to foresee development. Prevention comes down to comply with general recommendations for fastening health:

  • lack of bad habits;
  • balanced diet;
  • regular physical activity;
  • timely treatment of any diseases.

With the appearance of symptoms of hypotension, the muscles in the infant or an adult you need to seek as soon as possible for help from specialists.

Almost all children are born with a physiologically elevated tone. This is due to the fact that in the pose of the embryo, with tightly pressed to the body with limbs and chin, the muscles of the fetus is strongly voltage. In the extensors of the muscles of the head and neck, the tone is higher than in the bends, so the newborn head is slightly trapped back.

In the thighs leading muscles, the tone is increased, and when trying to take the legs to the side, resistance to this movement is felt. A healthy child can breed the legs of about 90 degrees - for 45 on each side. The physiological tone is holding up to 3-3.5 months, then its gradual decline occurs. Normally, the tone is raised symmetrically and rests until the period of arbitrary movements, that is, up to 3-3.5 months. From 3 to 6 months there is a decrease in tone in bending groups of muscles, and the tone in the muscle-extensors is aligned. If the hyperton is saved after six months - this is a reason to turn to the neuropathologist.

Various complications during pregnancy, in particular placental insufficiency, generic injury, poor ecology and many external factors lead to impaired muscle tone. If it is not regulated, the child begins to lag in the engine development, it has problems with posture and gait. Therefore, the task of the parents in time to pay attention to the signs of a tone disorder.

It is possible to determine the condition of the muscular tone not only during the child's examination at the doctor's reception, but also watching the position in which it lies, behind the movements that he does. Muscle tone in a newborn is not just the basis of movements, but also the status of the nervous system, the general state of the baby. Active muscular tone forms a child's pose, passive - determined when checking the mobility of the limbs and torso in the joints. The correct location of the head, the body and limbs indicates the normal muscle tone. About the active muscular tone of a newborn judge by holding the child in the air face down, while his head is located on the same line with the torso, the handles are slightly bent, the legs are elongated.

Distinguish three types of violations:

Hyperthonus - elevated tone

Children with hypertonus (elevated tone) are usually restless, often cry, sleep well, react to any sound, bright light, with their chin, and they are constantly jumping. With hyperthonus, the child from birth is well holding his head: his occipital muscles are tense. The legs and handles are pressed and are presented to each other. If you try to dilute them, you will immediately feel resistance. To distinguish the physiological bending position from the one that occurs in the pathology of the central nervous system, it is necessary to produce on second dilution of the limbs. If the second time the resistance is enhanced - this is a sign of an increased tone. In addition, for hypertonus characteristic: support on tiptoe, and undercrow fingers. At an older age, when saving spasticity is characterized by "skier's walking", usually, such children quickly wear shoes socks.

Another manifestation of the local hypertonus is the tension of the muscles of the neck in children and the so-called "Krivoshi". Muscular protection is triggered in response to injury, polishing the cervical spine in childbirth when the fetus is removed by the cesarean section. Natural childbirth when the midwife produces an abutient turn of the head and traction (pulls out) a newborn. As a result, ligaments, intervertebral discs are injured and the muscles are trying to protect the damaged segments.

Hypertonus occurs Due to the enhanced activity of cerebral structures that affect the tone, it occurs when the brain tissue is damaged during pregnancy. Sometimes the reason for increasing intracranial pressure or simply an increased excitability of the child. It is also a sign of perinatal encephalopathy, abbreviated PEP (elevated or lowered hands or legs, increased nervous excitability, chin tremor, etc.). The diagnosis of hypertonus put if the tone of the flexors prevails more than at the age of this age. It is only due to the violations during childbirth or tooling the child, viruses, etc. By itself, the tone for the child is not dangerous and until the 6th month he is physiological.

Externally, the hyperton appears: the chin trembling when crying, the knobs are compressed in the cams, badly spread out the handles, falls on his fingers. Usually the child is restless, often crying. A clear sign is the pose in a dream: the child's head is thrown back, his hands and legs are tightly pressed to each other. If you try to make them up, you will feel resistance.

Treatment of Hypertonus

If you notice signs of hypertonus do not leave them without attention. It is worth consulting a doctor. If the diagnosis is made, it is worthwhile to restore the normal operation of the nervous system. As a rule, the state of hypo- and hypertonus is a sign of perinatal encephalopathy, and if it does not have the necessary treatment in time, it may later lead to a violation of speech and coordination of movements, poor work limbs.

Your neuropathologist will pick up proper treatment for you. Usually it is a healing massage (relaxing). Conduct 10 sessions, after 6 months, repeat, relaxing gymnastics, swimming, physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis). The earlier the treatment will begin and the less the child, the faster it will cure. In severe cases, the doctor appoints a child to a child to reduce muscle tone. You can assign as diuretic to reduce fluid in the brain, sometimes dibazole can be assigned before the massage, it removes spasm and expands the vessels. Vitamins Groups in: B6, B12, Middokalm Tablets (Treatment of increased muscle tone). Baths with valerian, sage, dyeing, lingonberry leaves. Baths alternate on the 4th day break. You can refer to the pediatrician-homeopath.

To eliminate the hypertonus, it is necessary, first of all, to remove an excessive voltage. In this case, the child is prescribed relaxing baths, most often with sea salt or cheese, and gentle massage. It is possible to make such a massage yourself, naturally after consulting a doctor and receiving recommendations for its conduct. It starts, with an increased tone, with stroking hands, legs, backs of the back and palm surface of several closed fingers. You can alternate a plane (surface of the fingertips) and clamping (whole brush) stroking. After stroking, the skin is rubbing with circular motions. Put the child on the stomach, and your palm along the back of the baby. Without taking hands from the back, gently move its skin up, down, right and left. As if you are hand sized sand through a sieve. Then put the baby on your back, take it for the brush and easily shake it, holding the baby for the forearm. Thus, several times massate both hands and legs. Now you can go to swaying. Grasp the child by hands a little higher wrist and gently, but quickly shake and shook your hands from side to side. Your movements must be fast and rhythmic, but not sharp. Do the same with your feet, grabbing the child for the shin. To complete the massage, as well as start, - it should be smooth stroking.

With hyperthonus should be avoided swallowing and chopping movements during massage, muscle kneading. Do not put a child in walkers and jumpers, besides the fact that they give too strong loads on the pelvis and the spine, the wrong distribution of gravity in the walkers does not teach the child to get up on the entire foot, the muscles of the legs are strained, the hyperton is enhanced. If you really need to put a child in the walkers - wear comfortable shoes on a solid sole, not a slider, socks or booties.

If you, after the course, do not notice the improvement, ask the doctor if there is no need to strengthen the treatment and do not need any additional studies of the kid's body.

Hypotoneous - Reduced Tone

A child with a reduced tone almost does not cause the trouble to parents: it is absolutely calm, sleeps a lot and rarely crying. But this is imaginary well-being. Carefully see how the kid lies in the crib. The relaxed pose, spread in different directions of the handle and legs indicate that the tone of his muscles is reduced. Children with reduced tone legs and handles are extended in the joints by more than 180 degrees. In addition, due to the weakness of the muscles, sucking and swallowing are disturbed, it is often noted a delay in the pace of motor development: such kids are later beginning to keep the head, turn over, sit, stand.

With a reduced tone, a stimulating massage is carried out, which activates the child. It includes a large number of "chopping", releasing movements. After traditional strokes, the edge of the palm is lightly walk along the legs, knobs and back of the baby. Then put the child on the stomach and roll the knuckles of your fingers along his back, pope, legs and hands. Then turn on your back and ride knuckles on his stomach, hands and legs. Your movements must be active and strong enough. Move from the periphery to the center, starting with the limbs: from the brush to the shoulder, from the foot to the groin.

Dystonia - Eternal Tone

When a child has alone muscles are too relaxed, while others - on the contrary, too tense, they say non-uniform tone - dystonia. In this embodiment, the child expressed signs of hypo-and hypertonus. The asymmetry of the tone is easy to detect the non-uniform distribution of the skin folds. This is especially brightly noticeable when the baby lies on the stomach on a solid, smooth surface. In this position, the newborn with dystonia will fall on one side, to where the tone is strengthened. The head and pelvis of the child will be turned towards the tense muscles, the torso bend the arc.

With uneven tone, there should be a relaxing massage with an effort on the other side in which the tone is lower. Classes on an inflatable ball possess a good effect. Put the baby with a belly on the ball, legs bent (like a frog) and pressed to the surface of the ball. Dad or someone from households must hold the child's legs in this position. And you take the baby for the handles and pull it on yourself. Then come back to its original position. Now take the crumb to the tibia and pull them on yourself until the child is at the top point of the ball, or the legs will not touch the floor. Then smoothly return the baby to its original position. Tilt the Karapouz ahead - from Himself, so that he puts his palms to the floor. Repeat this exercise several times back and forth. Then put the baby on the inflatable ball sideways. Shake the ball smoothly. Daily repeat these exercises 10-15 times.

The general scheme of the measures taken at Dystonia is approximately such: a specialist notes the foci of strenuous muscles and uses only relaxing massage techniques on them. After massage make special exercises aimed at tensile tense muscles. Stretching should be carried out smoothly and gently that it would be at the same time massage intake, and stretching intense muscles. Additionally, it is recommended to warm up - azocyrite spoils: azokiritis (paraffin + resin).

Muscle tone - variable value. To ensure that it is normal, it is possible with the help of shadonic, speaking easier, residual, reflexes. You can check them yourself.

How to determine hypertonus, hypotone and dystonia.

Spring by hand

Put the baby on the back, on a solid, smooth surface, take for the wrists and smoothly pull on yourself, as if sitting down. You must feel moderate resistance when idle hands in the elbows. If the Child's handles broke off without resistance, and in the sitting position, the stomach is very crowded forward, the back "wheel", the head is rejected back or lowered down - these are signs of a reduced tone. If you fail to take your baby's hands from the chest and disperse them - this is, on the contrary, testifies to Hypertonus. As they grow up in response to pulling the handle, the child will try to pull up and sit down.

Stepper Reflex and Support Reflex

Take the kid under the mouse, "put" it on a changing table and slightly tilt forward, forcing how to take a step. Normally, the child must stand, leaning on a complete foot with painted fingers on the legs. And when tilting forward a newborn mimics walking. If the kid crosses his legs and relies only on the fingers is a sign of an increased tone. This reflex gradually fades and almost disappears to 1.5-2 months. If a child has been saved by a stepper reflex, this is a testimony of hypertonus. Instead of standing, the newborn is squatting, takes a step on a very bent legs or is generally refused to go? This speaks of a reduced tone. If the child is one leg stands on the socks, and the other, as it were, is dancing - this is dystonia.

Symmetric and asymmetric reflexes

Put the baby on your back, and your palm to him under the back of the back and gently tilt the baby's head to the chest. He must bend his hands and break his legs. Then put the baby on your back and slowly, we turn his head without effort to the left shoulder. The child will take the so-called fenceman's posture: will pull out the hand forward, breaks down the left foot and will bend right. Then turn the face of the child to the right - he must repeat this posture, only in its "mirror" version: pulls forward the right hand, will break the right leg and will break the left. Asymmetric and symmetric reflex gradually disappear by 2-3 months. The presence of a three-month-old child of these reflexes indicates an increased tone, and their absence in the first two months of life is the opposite, a sign of a reduced tone.

Tonic reflex

Put the baby on the back, on a solid surface. In this position, the newborn rises the tone of the extensors, he tries to straighten the limbs and as if revealed. Then turn the child on the stomach, and he "closes", tighten the bent hands and legs to himself (the tone of the flexors is intensified on the belly). Normally, the tonic reflex gradually disappears by 2-2.5 months. If there is no newborn, it indicates a reduced tone. And if for three months the tonic reflex does not pass, this is a sign of hypertonus.

Reflexes Moro and Babinsky

Reflex Moro is to spread the handles to the side with the overexcitation. And Reflex Babinsky is expressed in the reflex extension of the fingers on the legs during irritation, the ticking of the foot. Normally both reflex should disappear by the end of a 4-year-old life.

Tugidity in the limbs

This symptom occurs both in pathology by the musculoskeletal system and in neurogenic pathology. As well as for children's cerebral palsy. PDC is most often associated with the defeat of the brain, less often a spinal cord. Muscular hypertension is accompanied not only by increasing tendon reflexes, the appearance of pathological signs, but also overweight. A sharply expressed muscle hypertension from the first days of life happens with congenital destructive brain lesions. In these cases, the muscle tone significantly exceeds the physiological, overall stiffness is noted, sometimes contractures in large joints, restricting spontaneous movements. The reason for the appearance of muscle hypertonus: the transfer of the mother during pregnancy of intrauterine infection, hypoxia of the fetus, group incompatibility of parents, rezv conflict. Also, the muscle hypertonus occurs in children born in asphyxia, traumatic childbirth, and at an older age - with a delay in psychological development.

If the muscular tone and related reflexes do not undergo the appropriate baby's age of change - this is an occasion to appeal to an orthopedic doctor and a neurologist. First, if parents suspected a non-carry, without delay to contact the doctor. Secondly, on special equipment to make global electromiagram.

The hypotonus, the lethargy of the muscles in the child. Vangu Recipes

  • Make sure that children as often as possible in the summer barefoot, without interrupting their connection with the Earth. Lose children in the summer to the street not only barefoot, but also naked. Let them get abrasions, play everywhere to work out protection against all diseases. In addition to washing, children certainly need to wash their legs.
  • In 400 g of Honey add 20 g of sulfur, this mixture is pretty lubricate the child's body and make a massage. Massage should do a specialist. After that, the child should heal three times. Disguise, carefully bite and let sleep.
  • In the spring you need to do ten baths with a decoction of fresh nut leaves.
  • Let their food be mainly liquid. Do not punish children dry food.
  • With the lethargy of the muscles in children in 400 g of Honey add 20 g of sulfur, this mixture is pretty lubricate the child's body and make a massage. Massage is carried out by a specialist. After that, the child should heal three times. It needs to be changed, carefully bite and let sleep.
  • For the treatment of sluggish and weakened children, Wang has successfully used clay. Clay updates all weakened cells, gives the body microelements and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, silica, etc.) in the most digestible form. It contains precisely those mineral salts that we lack, delivering them in doses, best suited to our body. In addition, the clay absorbs all toxins, poisons, putrid gases, extra acid and takes them out of the body, cleaning it entirely.
    Vanga believed that weakened, sluggish children, as well as all the anemone, having lymphatic diseases, suffering from lack of mineral substances, people should constantly drink clay water. Normal dose for children - 2 teaspoons of clay powder per day. Take in the morning, immediately after waking up and in the evening before bedtime.
  • The sick child with the sluggish muscles of Vanga prescribed bathing in the water of hot springs, for example, in soda, arsenic, bituminous or sulfuric water. Sea water also useful.
  • You can put banks to the first vertebra and plant a sick child into a bath with heated oil.
  • For the treatment of this disease, Vanga was used by Oats (Crap, whole oats and flour of oats grains, green plants (the tops of the stalks of 20 cm long are assembled during the period of rings)), as well as a straw.
    A oats decoction: oat cereal (200 g) must be soaked in cold water (0.5 l) a few hours before cooking. And then cook 15 to 20 minutes. It is better to use decoction of oats with honey 1/4 cup 2 times a day before meals for 2 - 3 weeks. For 1 cup of beam - 1 teaspoon of honey.
    Juice from green oats: Green parts of the plant skipped through the juicer or meat grinder. Take children for 1/4 cup 2 times a day before meals for 2 - 3 weeks.
  • Every day, at least a few spoons, the child must have a manna porridge (if there is no allergy on it). It acts well on the bones, muscles, gastrointestinal tract. Little children give drinking warm milk to which the fresh raw eggs should be added: 1 egg is taken on 2 cups of milk and the mixture is well shaken. We must teach the child to drink milk 3 times a day. The results will turn out beautiful.
  • Walnuts to use for bathing of weakened children. Brew for bath leaves of walnut. 250 grams of leaves are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and boiled 20 minutes. The decoction is filtered and poured into a bath with a water temperature of 37 degrees.
  • Bathing children in the scaffolding of dairy. It will give them strength. 250 grams of dairy leaves are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and boiled 20 minutes. The decoction is filtered and poured into a bath with a water temperature of 37 degrees.

With hyperthonus, relaxing baths with soothing charges of medicinal herbs will help.

The baby should regularly undergo inspection from many doctors. They assess its development and, if necessary, take action. The babies hypotone is a diagnosis that is put in the case of muscular dystonia. Parents strive as soon as possible to establish the features of the disease and proceed to its treatment. You should not panic. To eliminate the illness, it will be enough to follow the recommendations of the doctor and carry out the necessary procedures.

What is hypotonus

The hypotone in the infants is a state at which the weakening of the muscles is observed. At the same time, a person appears a tone. The diagnosis can be delivered only to a neurologist. It produces alternate stimulation of muscles. Next, it is necessary to carefully analyze the reaction.

The pediatrician should be flexing the pens of the breast child. If it is completely healthy, they quickly return to its original state. At the same time, the baby should not have a strong discomfort. Signs of hypotonus in infants are in the absence of a reaction or its strong delay. In this case, his muscles cannot function normally, so it is necessary to conduct a series of physiological measures.


In the case of suspected hypotonus, infants are investigated by conducting a series of simple manipulations. A neurologist on answers to physiological impact will be able to conclude about the general condition of the child.

Exercises are performed immediately in several directions:

  • Check the features of steps and supports in the legs. For this baby slightly stick and put on a flat area. In the normal state, it should be on the full foot and completely straightens his legs. Next, the baby is trying to make steps independently. If the muscles are weak, then he will try to pull his legs to the chest as much as possible. The reflex is considered normal only to two months. After this period, he testifies to the presence of pathology. It is during this period that it is necessary to check.
  • Try to attain a child also follows. Manipulation must be made from the position lying on the back. It is important to use only a solid surface. The doctor slightly sticks the baby for the handles and closely monitors the contraction of the muscles. He should have a feeling of resistance. In this case, the child feels fine. Additional research should be carried out if there is a weakness or accusation. In some cases, the baby can additionally pump the tummy ahead. In this case, the absence of voltage in the head or back is felt.

The diagnosis of hypotonus is carried out at the admission of a neurologist

Insufficient muscle development Parents will be able to determine on their own. To do this, it is necessary at home to carry out the following check:

  • The hypotone is always manifested in the form of muscle inertness. The situation negatively affects the child. Such an infant most often behaves calmly and does not like to make extra movements. It is very difficult to withdraw from the state of equilibrium and excite. Pigeon is almost all the time sleeping, is in a sluggish condition and makes all the actions sluggish.
  • Hands and legs are always in a sluggish condition. Palms are often disclosed and very rarely collected in a fist. If the baby tries to dilute the legs 180 degrees, he will not experience any pain and irritation. In the normal state of the limb should always be in the bent position. In this case, one can judge the correct muscle activity.
  • Often in such a situation, a woman is experiencing problems with breastfeeding. The child does not react to the chest and sucks it sluggish and without much enthusiasm.
  • The baby who was diagnosed with the hypotonus, it is quite difficult to strain the muscles on the neck. Because of this, it cannot fix the neck in a vertical position. Against the background of this pathology, late in the skills of crawling and development develops. The baby cannot turn his body and fix itself in such a position.

Even if the newborn has a manifestation of each of these symptoms, parents should not rush with the conclusion. You must immediately visit the Cabinet of the therapist and get it advice. In this case, it will be possible to choose the most effective measures to eliminate the hypotonus. If they are fulfilled, the improvement of the state can be observed within one month.

Causes of development

The disease is rarely manifested, especially if you compare with hypertonus. It develops under the influence of negative external and internal factors. Reducing the tone of muscles is the result of a violation of the central nervous system. The syndrome is developing under the influence of the following negative factors:

  • Generic activity was hard, and the kid had asphyxia, hypoxia or injury.
  • Births passed ahead of time in emergency order.
  • Entering the fetus was hard, and the mother had to move a serious illness.
  • The woman admitted the presence of bad habits during pregnancy.
  • Failure to comply with the main norms and rules of feeding infants.
  • Insufficient weight set.
  • The overall weakening of the body against the background of infection or attack by harmful bacteria.
  • Development pathology.
  • Genetic diseases.
  • Increased content of vitamin D in the body.


Treatment should be started in a timely manner. In this case, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of serious violations. Otherwise, the child may be in the inhibited state for a long time. The posture and other spinal functions are significantly worse. The situation may lead to serious destruction.

However, children who suffered hypotension in the future will have increased flexibility and plasticity. For this, it is important to stop the development of alend in time. Otherwise, the musculoskeletal system is very weakening. Muscle dystrophy is a serious threat that questioned the overall health of the baby.

Swimming helps to eliminate the hypotone

Features of the elimination of pathology

For the treatment of hypotonus, it is important to identify it in time from a child. The doctor prescribes massage and gymnastic exercises. You should only trust the professionals in this matter. Otherwise, even a long rate will not give the necessary result. Parents can perform a series of procedures on their own. For this, enough hands and attentive examination of the basic requirements.

Positive impacts have procedures that are conducted in water. Thanks to swimming, it is possible to eliminate the ailment for a short time. Additionally, it is recommended to gradually lower the temperature. In this case, hardening will be carried out. The procedure should be refused if the baby is not yet 3 months.

Massage is used as the main method of treatment. It fills the lack of load on the muscles. At the first stage, it is necessary to make light strokes of the hands and legs. By the same manipulations, he must end. The child must warm up well during the session. At the same time, the massage therapist should pay the maximum attention to the kneading of all parts of the body.

How to make a massage?

For infants, the manipulation data performs a function of sufficiently high physical exertion. As a result, the skin is perfectly stimulated, and the muscles are carefully warmed up. The session also has a positive impact on the work of all internal organs.

It is important to carefully work out arms and legs. The signal to the central nervous system will be delivered for a short time, and the baby will feel much better. It must be placed on the back or abdomen. The choice of position directly depends on the health of the muscles. Massage is carried out in order to stimulate the operation of the peripheral nervous system.

Massage needed to eliminate hypotonus

A full course of treatment is at least ten sessions. Their number increases depending on the result obtained. The massage therapist should pay attention to the mood and behavior of the infant. If he is capricious and crying, then this is a faithful sign to suspend the execution of a series of exercises. Perhaps he will gladly take them to another visit.


Parents at home can perform the following series of exercises:

  • Alternately breed and reduce the handles and legs.
  • Make a move that is inherent in the boxer during the game.
  • Momchka is also recommended to perform a bike with both limbs at the same time.
  • Thoroughly pull the pen thoroughly over.

Gymnastics and physiotherapy are used to combat the disease

In some cases, it is advisable to additionally take drugs that are prescribed by a neurologist. During the treatment period, it should be abandoned by planned vaccinations.

To strengthen the muscles, it is advisable to use massage and gymnastics. The result will be achieved only if they are regularly. In some cases, the course of treatment continues for several months. During this period, motor and brain activity is improved. Pens and legs become energetic. The baby becomes much easier to adapt and receive new skills. The task of parents is to pay maximum attention to your baby and to follow all recommendations of the attending physician.

Muscle tone is the minimum physiological stress of skeletal muscles at rest. It is necessary to support and change the position of the body in space. The tone is regulated by the head and spinal cord. In infancy, its correctness is directly reflected in the possibility of mastering the main motor skills. That is why the condition of the muscles is estimated and immediately after birth, and on every planned inspection of the pediatrician. In this case, a hyper-or hypotonus in infants may be detected. .

In the first weeks of life, a newborn has an increased tone. This is explained by the fact that during his stay in the womb of his movement was limited: limbs and chin were pressed against the body, and the muscles were constantly strained.

As the nervous system of the child adapts to new conditions. He learns to control his movements, and the muscle tone is gradually normalized. The main stages of motor development:

  1. Up to 1 month. Kroch often dwells in the pose of "embryos" - bends the handles and legs, pressing them to the body. Its cams are closed tightly, while the thumbs are inside. It can chaotically swing the handles and push the legs. The tone of the extensitive muscles of the limbs is greater than flexible. When laying out on the tummy, the child turns his head aside. In the vertical position, it cannot hold it.
  2. From 1 to 3 months. The baby makes more movements with limbs, more often they align them, touches her face, squeezes the rattles embedded in the hand. He turns his head toward the loud sound or a bright item. Gradually, the kid learns to keep the head, first in the position lying on the stomach, then in the vertical. Some crumbs make crawling movements.
  3. From 3 to 6 months. Karapuz is actively developing. His palms are disclosed. He can take and throw toys. Learn to turn over. Confidently holds his head. Learn to sit down and crawl.
  4. From 6 to 9 months. The crouch sits well, actively crawls and stands, holding the support, some kids are "jumping", bending and flexing legs.
  5. From 9 to 12 months. Baby learns to walk first with a support, then - on your own.

Normally, the muscle tone in infants is reduced by 3-4 months, and by 5-6 it should become physiological and uniform. If this does not happen, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Highlight three types of disorders:

  • hypertonus - excess muscle tension, which is diagnosed with almost 50% of children;
  • hypotoneous - lethargy and weakness of skeletal muscles, which is relatively rare;
  • dystonia is a combination of hypo- and hyper and normal tone at different parts of the body, the muscles of the legs are most often intense, and relaxed hands.

The reasons

The impaired muscle tone in newborns can be a consequence of the action of various factors that have arisen both during pregnancy and after the appearance of light. Frequent reasons:

  1. Problems during pregnancy - diseases of the future mother, rhesv conflict, late toxicosis, improper nutrition, bad habits, stress, unfavorable environmental situation. This leads to intrauterine hypoxia and insufficient nutrition of the tissue of the body of the future child. As a result, there is a dystrophy (atrophy) of its muscles, provoking the hypotonus, or the damage to the CNS, accompanied by a hypertonus.
  2. Reception of drugs during pregnancy. A number of funds (some antibiotics, magnesium sulphate) cause violations in the development of the child's nervous system, subsequently the brain can not enough to regulate the work of the muscles.
  3. The weight deficit of the baby, which is usually observed in multiple pregnancy, premature genus, severe intrauterine hypoxia. He leads to the hypotone.
  4. Difficulties during childbirth - injury, emergency or protracted childbirth, the use of stimulants. These factors provoke damage to the Central CNS of varying degrees.
  5. Congenital and acquired infant diseases. For hypotonus - Mopathic (Guillana Barre syndrome), poliomyelitis, botulism, severe infectious pathologies. For hypertonus - perinatal encephalopathy, elevated intracranial pressure, meningitis, cerebral palsy.
  6. Lack of beneficial substances in the diet of the child. As a result, Kroch loses or unauthorized weight, its muscles do not develop, and there is a hypotonus.

One of the reasons for the tone disorders may be an excess of vitamin D. This drug is prescribed to infants for the prevention of rickets. Hypervitaminosis is accompanied by muscle spasms and convulsions.



With hyperthonus, the crumb seems tense. Most of the time it spends with pressed to the body with legs and handles, as well as with firmly clutch cams. Other signs:

  • restless behavior - the kid often cries, capricious, with difficulty falling asleep, sleep periods last less than an hour;
  • it is difficult for a child to force the handles and legs during dressing up;
  • abundant jumping after each meal;
  • throwing the head and bending the back during sleep;
  • holding a head from the first days of life in a vertical position;
  • strong voltage of all muscles and body bending during hysteria, chin trembling;
  • shuddering and crying with sharp noise or light;
  • walking on socks.

Hypertonus in infants can be symmetric or asymmetrical. In the first case, the muscle tension is equally on both sides of the body. With an asymmetric violation, which is also called Krivoshee, on the one side of the body of the muscles work normally. You can notice the disease by putting a child on the stomach and carefully examined the back. Symptoms of Krivoshei:

  1. turning the head in the one direction where the hypertonus is marked;
  2. voltage of one handle and bending back;
  3. uneven folds on hips and buttocks.


The babies hypotone is accompanied by a pronounced relaxation of skeletal muscles. Basic symptoms:

  • inert behavior - inactive movements, long periods of sleep;
  • smooth hands and legs during sleep, opened palms;
  • sluggish sucking breasts, rejection of food;
  • high plasticity of muscles and joints;
  • difficulties with the development of the main motor skills to which the hold of the head is vertically, capturing objects, turning over the back on the stomach, seat, walking.


Dystonia observes an uneven distribution of tone. Violations may have a different severity: from barely noticeable to significant. Possible signs:

  • excessive stress of alone muscles and relaxation of others;
  • the unnatural location of the limbs is to deploy the brushes and stop outside or inside;
  • walking on socks or support on the entire plane of the foot, leading to closures;
  • difficulties with the development of motor skills.

Independent check

Make sure that the child is disturbed by the muscular tone of parents can independently with the help of simple tests:

  1. Dilute legs and hands of crumbs to the sides. With hyperthonus, a very strong muscle resistance is felt, the kid shouts. An attempt to re-breed is accompanied by even greater tension. In the hypotone - such manipulations occur very easily, the child does not have discomfort. Normally, a small resistance should be felt in the norm when breeding hands and legs.
  2. Put the baby (up to 2 months) to the vertical surface. With physiological tone, it relies on the foot and reflexively makes several steps. In the case of Hypertonus, the crumb rises on the socks and sweeps his fingers. In the hypotone - it sits on the bent legs.
  3. Tighten the child (after 2-3 months) lying on the back, for the handles. Normally, he will try to raise the upper part of the teleconisum to the scope of muscles. With hyperthonus, the kid is very easy to go into a vertical position. In the hypotone - he "saves" in his arms, the tummy will give forward, the backrest is rounded, and the head will take back.

Muscle tone impairment in the future can lead to serious consequences - late development of motor skills, intellectual development delay, spinal curvature, problems with posture, limb deformation, flatfoot, muscle dystrophy. But with the early treatment of the development of most pathological conditions, you can prevent.


Increased or reduced tone in infants is diagnosed with a neuropathologist. The doctor conducts a visual inspection and checks congenital reflexes. Many of them gradually disappear in the first year. Too early or later attenuation of the reflex may indicate a neurological pathology.

An integrated examination is carried out to identify the causes of hypo-or hypertonus. Main methods:

  • neurosonography - brain ultrasound through spring, allowing to identify innate and acquired pathologies;
  • electromyography - registration of the electrical activity of muscles, demonstrating the rate of transmission of nerve impulses and the force of various groups of muscles;
  • computer tomography of the brain (in difficult situations) - a procedure that allows you to visualize the internal structure of the body.

In addition, analyzes may be assigned to genetic diseases, ultrasound of the fork gland and so on. If it is not possible to establish the cause of the tone violation, then the diagnosis of PEP (perinatal encephalopathy) is made.


Help with hypo- and hypertonus includes massages, gymnastics, physiotics and medicines. As a rule, improvements are observed after 3 months of therapy. The younger child, the faster the results are noticeable. In the absence of severe lesions of the central nervous system and adequate treatment, you can completely neutralize the effects of impaired muscle tone.

Massage and gymnastics

Massage is prescribed by a neurologist or orthoped and conducted by a specialist. If desired, parents can consult with a massage therapist, to learn the main techniques and perform all manipulations on their own. The average course is 10-15 sessions. If necessary, it can be repeated in a month.

With hyperthonus, the purpose of the massage is muscle relaxation and removal of spasms. In this connection, the most gentle techniques are used - stroking and rubber movements, accurate effects. It is impossible to knead the muscles, put it hard on them, clap, knock.

In the case of hypotonus, massage is aimed at stimulating the muscles and improve fabric nutrition. Used strokes with moderate intensity, rubbing, plugging, kneading, tendering. Active rhythmic movements are processed by handles, legs and spin, pressed on bioactive points.

In addition, a passive gymnastics, involving movement with handles and legs, is shown in the hypox and hyperthonus. Also useful fitball exercises. The complex depends on the specific state of the child.

Massage and gymnastics can cause discomfort and resistance from the kid. Some experts consider it a normal phenomenon, others - a sign of incorrect actions. If the child cries during each procedure, it is possible to look for another massage therapist.

Physiotics and other methods

Of the physioprocessed, with an elevated or lowered tone, most often assigned:

  1. magnetotherapy;
  2. mud;
  3. paraffin applications;
  4. electrophoresis with euphillin, dibazole, papaverine;
  5. salt heights.

In addition, normalize muscle work helps:

  • swimming and exercises in water;
  • baths with a motherboard, a sheet of lumps, Valerian, Sage;
  • osteopathic techniques.

With hyperthonus, the diving, the use of walkers and jumpers, as well as dynamic gymnastics are contraindicated. When a child begins to walk, it is important to select the right orthopedic shoes for the prevention of flatfoot.


Medicase treatment is used in difficult situations when massage, gymnastics and physiothereders do not give the desired result. The doctor may assign:

  1. miorlaxants - preparations that promote muscle relaxation ("Middokalm", "Baclofen");
  2. diuretic products - to remove excess liquid from the ventricles of the brain (at hydrocephalius);
  3. neuroprotectors - drugs that eliminate or reduce the degree of damage to neurons (cerebrolysin);
  4. nootrops - means of improving brain activity ("Semamax", "Cortexin", "Pantokalcin");
  5. vitamins of group B - they accelerate the regeneration of nerve fibers and tissue metabolism.

Violation of muscle tone in a child is a common problem. More often there is an excessive tension of muscles, less often - their weakness. In any case, parents notice not the physiological position of the limbs, the strange behavior of the baby and the lag in the development of motor skills. It is necessary to refer to a neuropathologist to make the diagnosis and identification of the causes of hypo-or hypertonus. The main directions of treatment are massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy, sometimes medicines are used. It is important not only to follow the instructions of the doctor, but create a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family, then the baby will quickly recover.

Muscular hypotension in children - This is a decrease in muscle tone, the state is developing primarily in children. Loosen muscle fibers in response to nervous stimulation are reduced very slowly and cannot provide the degree of response to the muscular reaction to the same extent as the normal muscle tissue. Muscle hypotension in children is a symptom that may be provoked by many diseases of different etiology.

Hypotension in children is also called muscle weak syndrome, is one of the causes of muscle dystrophy. Low muscle tone can be caused by various reasons. Often this condition indicates the presence of disorders in the central nervous system, genetic disorders or muscle defects of development. Muscular tone is a voltage or a degree of resistance to movement in muscles. Hypotension is not an analogue of muscle weakness, which manifests itself in the form of a decrease in muscle strength, but it can be accompanied by this symptom. In normal condition, the muscle tone determines the ability of the muscles to react to the stretching of fascia and muscle fibers. For example, the bent hands of a child with a normal level of tone quickly straighten up, the bending muscles of the shoulder (biceps) quickly straightened in response to this action. Once the action is performed, the extensive muscles relax, and returns to its normal state of rest.

A child with low muscular tone fibers, muscles are not in a hurry to start abbreviations. They give a slowdown response to a nervous stimulus and cannot hold the limbs in a certain position for a long time.

The main signs of hypotension in children

The hypotonic state of babies affects their appearance. The main signs of hypotension in children are visible to the naked eye. They are leaning slightly placed in different directions with elbows and knees, while children with normal muscle tone, as a rule, use bent elbows and knees as support in sufficient amplitude at a right angle. Such a child for a long time cannot hold the head due to the weakness of the occipital muscles. The head constantly folds forward, backwards or in the sides.

Children with a normal tone can be lifted up, putting their hands under the mouse, and hypotonic babies, as a rule, slip between their hands. At the same time, their handles involuntarily rise up, parallel to the body plane.

Most young children during sleep and recreation bend the handles and legs in the knees and elbows. Children with symptoms of hypotension are drylessly breathe them during relaxation.

How does the muscle hypotension manifest

Personal infants have a delay in physical motor activity. Hypotension muscles in children can manifest itself in the form of the following signs:

  • they cannot independently roll over with the tummy on the back;
  • can't learn to crawl;
  • hardly hold the head;
  • do not have the ability to keep a toy in your hands;
  • do not keep the balance in a sitting position;
  • with difficulty hold the weight of your body on the legs.

As a result of muscle hypotension in children, muscle weakness is rapidly developing, which negatively affects the posture and the mobility of the baby. The level of reflexes is reduced, the weakness of the ligament arises, constant dislocations of large and small joints can be provoked. Most often there are familiar jaw bones, hips, knees, ankle joint. In severe cases, problems with swallowable and chewing muscles may occur. Such children can not suck themselves, chew and swallow food. They need to be fed using a special probe or a parenteral path.

The long-term inability of speech pronunciation in patients with hypotension is not associated with intelligence impairment and mental abilities. This condition is connected directly with the weak development of the chest muscles, voice gap and respiratory processes.

When hypotension develops in children

The distribution of this state is not interconnected with the floor of the baby and the place of its permanent residence. Weak links can be traced between the development of hypotension and the behavior of the mother of the child during her pregnancy. At the same time, according to practical observations of the control groups of patients of children, it can be argued that the age in which the symptoms of hypotension appeared for the first time. The most dangerous age of the child is a period of 3 to 7 years. It is at this time that there is a risk of formation of limited physical abilities in the kid through the development of muscle hypotension.

In infancy, the condition is more successfully adjusted by the use of modern rehabilitation medicines. At the age of 7, hypotension is an extremely rare state and is connected directly with the influence of the main disease. At the same time, the successful therapy of the underlying disease leads to the complete disappearance of the symptoms of hypotension in children.

Causes of hypotension in children

Doctors are unknown by reliable reasons for the development of hypotension. Scientists believe that it can be caused by injury, environmental adverse factors or other genetic changes in the muscles and disorders of the central nervous system.

The causes of hypotension in children may be as follows:

  • Down syndromeIn which the DNA chromosomes take a modified view usually due to additional copies of the twenty-first chromosome.
  • Miasthenia: Nervous muscular disorders in this disease are characterized by a variable weakness of muscles, which is often improved after a complete rest and increases due to physical activities. Condition may be caused by imminent disorders.
  • Prader-Willy Syndrome - Congenital patch of genes, characterized by the absence of approximately 7 genes as part of the 15 chromosomes of DNA spirals. Accompanied by obesity, severe form of hypotension, a decrease in mental abilities.
  • Heavy forms of jetty jaundice As a result of the conflict, the reserves factor in the mother and child.
  • Cerebelchik ataxia Motor disorders that differ in sudden beginnings are often complicated after transferring infectious viral diseases. It may cause hypotension in severe cases of disease.
  • BotulismAt which Clostridium can multiply within the gastrointestinal tract of the child. During the life, toxin is produced, which paralyzes muscle fibers and is potentially life-threatening.
  • Martan Syndrome - hereditary disease of the cells of the connective tissue with the destruction of collagen fibers forming muscle ligaments and the supporting machine. It has a negative impact on the propulsion system, the cardiovascular system, the condition of the eyes and skin.
  • Muscular dystrophy - This is a group of disorders, which is characterized by the progressive muscle weakness and loss of muscle fibers.
  • Ahondroplasia in the form of a violation of the physiological growth of the bones of the skeleton of a child, which causes the most common type of dwarf. Accompanied by the hypotension of moderate severity.
  • Sepsis And other heavy, life-threatening diseases of the child, causing massizing blood infection with toxins and alive forms of bacteria.
  • Congenital hypothyroidism Causes hypotension as a result of reducing the level of production of thyroid hormones.
  • Hypervitaminity D. - The condition that appears to fully a few months after the use of excessive doses of vitamin D for the prevention of rickets.
  • Provocates in children softening and destruction of bone tissue. Caused by deficiency, calcium or phosphate. Accompanied by symptoms of hypotension.
  • Spinal muscular atrophy of the first type - A group of hereditary diseases causing muscle progressive dystrophy and their weakness, ultimately leads to the death of a child.
  • Side effects from.

Frequent symptoms of hypotension in children

Below are common symptoms of hypotension in children. Each child may experience various manifestations of this state, depending on the main cause of hypotension:

  • reducing muscle tone - muscles to the touch soft and loose in their structure;
  • the possibility of breeding limbs in opposite parties goes beyond the physiological norm;
  • the inability of the acquisition of motor skills corresponding to the stages of development (such as the ability to keep their head without help from parents, independent turning, the ability to sit without support, crawling, walking);
  • inability to suck milk or chew food for a long period of time;
  • surface breathing without the ability to carry out more than two deep breaths in a row;
  • the lower jaw can be assigned, the language loss is observed.

When should I contact a doctor

Normally developing children tend to develop motor skills, control their own posture in accordance with medical standards at a given age. Motor skills are divided into two categories. Vasomotor skills include a baby's ability to raise their head, lying on the stomach, turn from the back on the stomach. As a rule, at a certain age, the child develops a motility to such an extent to keep his body in a sitting position, crawl, walk, run and jump. The reaction rate includes the ability to quickly see the child to transfer toys from one hand to others. The baby points to the object, monitors the toy or human actions with his eyes. Children with muscle hypotension are in no hurry to develop these skills, and parents should apply for medical care to the pediatrician if they notice such development delays.