Jack London - Sea Wolf. Jack Londonza Wolf Best Book Review

Jack London - Sea Wolf. Jack Londonza Wolf Best Book Review

Novel "Sea Wolf" - One of the most famous "maritime" works of the American writer Jack London. For the external features of adventure romance in the novel "Sea Wolf" The criticism of the militant individualism of the "strong man" is hidden, his contempt for people based on the blind faith in itself as an exceptional personality - faith that can cost lifestyle.

Novel "Sea Wolf" Jack London It was published in 1904. Roman action "Sea Wolf" It happens at the end of the XIX - early XX century in the Pacific Ocean. Hamphri Wang Vayden, a resident of San Francisco, a famous literary critic, is sent to spend his friend on a ferry through the Gold Gate Bay and enters the shipwreck. His sailors' sailors "Ghost" led by captain, whom all on board is called Wolf Larsen.

According to the plot of Romana "Sea Wolf" the main character Wolf Larsen on a small schooner with a team of 22 people departs to harvest the skins of the sea cattle to the north of the Pacific Ocean and takes Van Vadenen with him, despite his desperate protests. Captain Ship Wolf Larson is a hard, strong, uncompromising. Becoming a simple sailor on the vessel, Wang Wayden has to do all the draft work, but will cope with all difficult tests, love in the face of the girl, which was also saved during shipwrecks. On the vessel are subject to physical strength and authority Wolf Larsna, so for any misdemeanor, the captain immediately punishes. However, Van Vadiden Captain Blagovolite, starting with the Assistant Coca, "Hamp" as his name Wolf Larsen, makes a career before the post of senior assistant captain, although at first nothing does not make sense in the marines. Wolf Larsen and Van Vayden find a common language in the field of literature and philosophy, which they are not alien to them, and the captain has a small library on board, where Van Vadiden discovered Browning and Swinburn. And in your free time Wolf Lasren optimizes navigation calculations.

The crew of the "Ghost" pursues the sea cats and picks up another matter of the victims of disaster and among them the woman - the poetry of the mod Brewster. From the first look at the hero of the novel "Sea Wolf" Hemfrey is attracted to mod. They decide to run from the Ghost. Having captured a boat with a small food margin, they run, and after a few weeks, the wanders over the ocean find land and planted on a small island, which they called the island of effort. So how to leave the island they do not have the opportunity, they are preparing for a long wintering.

To the island of efforts, the waves nail a broken schooner "Ghost", on board which it turns out Wolf Larsen, blinded due to the progressive disease of the brain. By story Wolf His team rebelled against the arbitrariness of the captain and escaped to another ship to the death enemy Wolf Larsen his brother named Larsen's death, so the "ghost" with broken masts drifted in the ocean until he was nailed to the island of effort. The will of the fate is on this island a blind captain Wolf Larsen discovers the fry of the cats he was looking for a lifetime. Mod and Hamphrey at the price of incredible efforts lead the ghost in order and bring it into the open sea. Wolf Larsen, who consistently refuses after all the feelings, paralyzed and dies. At that moment, when the mod and Humphrey finally find a saving ship in the ocean, they recognize each other in love.

In the novel "Sea Wolf" Jack London Demonstrates perfect knowledge of sea business, navigation and sailing rigging, which he learned in those days when he worked in his youth sailor on the craftswie. In Roman "Sea Wolf" Jack London Invested all his love for marine elements. His landscapes in the novel "Sea Wolf" The reader is striking their descriptions, as well as truthfulness and splendor.

Jack London

Sea Wolf

Chapter first

I do not know, the right, where to start, although sometimes, in a joke, I throw all the blame for Charlie Fauranet. He had a cottage in Mill-Valley, under the shadow of Mount Tamalpayce, but he lived there only in winter when he wanted to relax and read at leisure Nietzsche or Schopenhauer. With the onset of the summer, he preferred to be pushed from the heat and dust in the city and work not to give up hands. Do not be habits to visit him every Saturday and stay until Monday, I would not have to cross the San Francisco Bay into this memorable January morning.

It is impossible to say that Martinez, on which I sailed, was an unreliable vessel; This new steamer has already made his fourth or fifth flight on the crossing between Sausalito and San Francisco. The danger was trampled in a dense fog, which wrapped around the bay, but I, I did not make sense in naval, and did not guessed it. I remember well how calmly and fun was located on the nose of the steamer, on the upper deck, under the steering wheel slam, and the mysteriousness of the foggy silence of the foggy swabs little-littered by my imagination. Fresh breeze blew, and for some time I was alone among the raw Mombus - however, and not quite alone, since I vaguely felt the presence of the steering and someone, apparently, the captain, in a glazed hatching of my head.

I remember, I thought about how it is good that there is a division of labor and I am not obliged to study the fogs, winds, tides, and all seabed, if I want to visit a friend who lives on the other side of the bay. It is good that experts exist - the steering and captain, I thought, and their professional knowledge serve thousands of people who are aware of the sea and seafaren, no more than mine. But I do not spend my energy to study the many objects, and I can focus it on some special questions, for example, on the role of Edgar software in the history of American literature, which, by the way, was devoted to my article printed in the latest number Atlantic. Rising to the steamer and looking into the salon, I noted without satisfaction noted that the Atlantic number in the hands of some kindful gentleman is disclosed just on my article. In this again, the benefits of the division of labor were again affected: special knowledge of the steering and captain gave an amusement gentleman the opportunity - while it is safely transported by a ship from Sausalito in San Francisco - to familiarize yourself with the fruits of my special knowledge about software.

I had a cabin door behind my back, and some kind of red man was flooded along the deck, interrupting my reflections. And I just managed to mentally mark the topic of my future article, which I decided to call "the need for freedom. The word in defense of the artist. " Krasnolitsy glanced at the steering wheelhouse, looked at the fog surrounding us, poured back and forth along the deck - obviously, he had prostheses - and stopped near me, spreading his legs widely; On his face it was written bliss. I was not mistaken, suggesting that he spent his whole life on the sea.

- From such a vague weather, not long and develop! He grumbled, nodding towards the steering wheelhouse.

- Does it create any particular difficulties? - I responded. - After all, the task is simple, as twice two - four. The compass indicates the direction, distance and speed are also known. There is a simple arithmetic count.

- Special difficulty! - snorted the interlocutor. - Just like twice two - four! Arithmetic count.

Lightly leaning back, he diminished me.

- What do you say about the casting, which rushes into the Golden Gate? - asked or, rather, he sang. - What is the speed of the flow? What does it relate? And this is what - Listen! Bell? We climb right on the buoy with the bell! See - change the course.

Summer ring came out of the fog, and I saw the steering wheel quickly crashed. The bell sounded now is not ahead, and on the side. There was a hoarse beep of our steamer, and from time to time other beeps responded.

- Some other steamers! - noticed a red, nodding to the right, where the beeps came from. - And this! Hear? Just buzz in the horn. True, some Salanda. Hey, you, there, on the plan, do not yaw! Well, I knew. Now someone bakes the lich!

The invisible steamer gave a beep behind the beep, and the horn fired him seemed to be in terrible confusion.

"Now they exchanged courtesy and try to disperse," continued Krasnolitsky, when anxious beeps subsided.

He explained to me what sirens and horns shout about each other, and his cheeks burned and the eyes sparkled.

- On the left, shipping siren, and there, there, hear what kind of haircut is, it must be a steam schooner; She crawls from the entrance to the bay towards the chip.

The shrill whistle was rampant as obsessed somewhere completely close ahead. At Martinez, he was answered by hong blows. The wheels of our steamer stopped, their pulsating blows on the water were frozen, and then resumed. A shrill whistle, resembling a trigger of cricket among the beasts of wild animals, now far from the fog, from somewhere on the side, and sounded everything weaker and weaker. I looked at my companion.

"Some kind of desperate boat," he explained. - It would be directly to sink it! From them there are many troubles, and who needs them? Some donkey will be taken to a sort of hanging and worn around the sea, he does not know why, and whistles as a polly. And everyone must be avoided, because, you see, he goes and he doesn't know how to mortuary himself! Pret forward, and you look at both! Responsibility to give way! Elementary politeness! Yes, they have no idea about this.

This inexplicable anger was a lot of me. While my interlocutor was indignantly walked back and forth, I again succumbed to the romantic charm of fog. Yes, in this fog, undoubtedly, there was their romance. As if gray, filled the mysteriousness of the ghost, he was Navis over a tiny globe, circling in the world space. And people, these sparkers or dust, persevened insatiable thirst for activity, rushed on their wooden and steel horses through the very heart of the mystery, touching the way in the invisible, and shouted, and shouted arrogant, while their souls were silent from uncertainty and fear !

- Ego! Someone goes to meet us, "said Krasnolitsy. - Hear, hear? Going quickly and right on us. It must be, he still does not hear. The wind belongs.

Fresh breeze blew into our face, and I clearly distinguished the beep on the side and a little ahead.

- also passenger? - I asked.

Krasnolitsy nodded.

- Yes, otherwise he would not fly like that, breaking his head. Ours were worried there! He grunted.

I looked up. The captain leaned over his chest from the steering wheelhouse and stiffered intensely in the fog, as if trying the power of the will to penetrate him. His face expressed his alarm. And on the face of my companion, which died to the handrails and stared towards invisible danger, was also written anxiety.

Everything happened with incomprehensible speed. The fog rang out as a cut-off knife, and before us arose the nose of a steamer, who trapped the shreds of fog, as if Leviafan was seaweed. I saw the steering wheel and a white-friendly old man who dried out of her. He was dressed in a blue form, who was very cleverly sitting on it, and, I remember, I was struck by how cool he was holding. His calm in these circumstances seemed terrible. He obeyed fate, she walked to meet her and with a full self-sustaining waited for a strike. It's cold and, as it were, thoughtfully looked at us, as if pretending where the collision should happen, and did not pay any attention to the fierce cry of our steering: "distinguished!"

Looking back in the past, I understand that the exclamation of the steering and did not require a response.

"Cook for something and keep tightly," Krasnolitsy said me.

All his pad flew from him, and he seemed to be infected with the same supernatural calm.


I do not know, the right, where to start, although sometimes, in a joke, I throw all
Wine for Charlie Fauranet. He had a cottage in Mill-Valley, under the Mountain Seni
Tamalpays, but he lived there only in winter when he wanted to relax and
Read at leisure Nietzsche or Schopenhauer. With the onset of summer he preferred
Tingle from the heat and dust in the city and work without downtrend. Don't be with me
habits visit it every saturday and stay until Monday, I do not
It would have to cross the Bay of San Francisco to this memorable January morning.
It is impossible to say "Martinez", on which I sailed, was unreliable
vessel; This new steamer has already performed his fourth or fifth flight to
Crossing between Sausalito and San Francisco. Danger was trampled in thick
the fog that has shrouded the bay, but I, I do not mean any sense in navigation, and not
I guessed about it. I remember well how calmly and fun is located on
The nose of the steamer, on the upper deck, under the steering wheel, and mystery
Misceling over the sea of \u200b\u200bfoggy pellets, little-littered by my imagination.
Blew fresh breeze, and for some time I was one among the raw Molu - however, and
Not exactly alone, since I was vaguely felt the presence of the steering and someone else,
Apparently, the captain, in the glazed hatching of my head.
I remember, I thought about how it is good that there is a division
labor and I am not obliged to study fogs, winds, tides and all seaside science if
I want to visit a friend living on the side of the bay. Good that exist
Specialists - steering and captain, I thought, and their professional knowledge
serve thousands of people who are aware of the sea and navigation no more than mine.
But I do not spend my energy to study a variety of items, and I can
focus it on some special issues, for example -
Edgar software in the history of American literature, which, by the way, was
My article printed in the latest number "Atlantica" is dedicated.
Rising to the steamer and looked into the salon, I not defined without satisfaction,
that the number of "Atlantica" in the hands of some kindful gentleman is revealed as
Once on my article. In this again, the benefits of the division of labor were again affected:
Special knowledge of the steering and captain gave an amorrant gentleman
the possibility - while it is safely transported by a steamer from
Sausalito in San Francisco - familiarize yourself with the fruits of my special knowledge
about software
I had the door of the cabin behind my back, and some kind of red man
Falked on the deck, interrupting my reflections. And I just managed mentally
Note the topic of my future article that I decided to call "the need
freedom. The word in defense of the artist. "Krasnolitsy threw a glance at the steering
Rubbu, looked at the fog surrounding us, died back and forth along the deck
- Obviously, he had prostheses - and stopped near me, wide
putting legs; On his face it was written bliss.

Jack London

Sea Wolf. Stories of fisherman patrol

© Depositrhotos.com / Maugli, Antartis, Cover, 2015

© Book Club "Family Leisure", publishing in Russian, 2015

© Book Club "Family Leisure", Translation and Decoration, 2015

Wakes sextal and become captain

I managed to get enough money from my earnings to last three years in the Higher School.

Jack London. Stories of fisherman patrol

This book, compiled from the "sea" works of Jack London "Sea Wolf" and "Fisher's Patrol Stories", opens a series of "marine adventures". And it is difficult to find a more suitable author who is undoubtedly one of the "three whales" of world marinistics.

It is necessary to say a few words about the relevance of the allocation of marinistics in a separate genre. I have a suspicion that it is a purely continental habit. Grekam does not occur to call Marinist Homer. "Odyssey" - heroic epic. In English literature it is difficult to find a work, where anyway would not be mentioned by the sea. Alistair McLin is the author of detectives, although almost all of them unfold among the waves. The French are not called the Jules Verne by Maristen, although a significant part of his books is devoted to the sailors. The public with equal pleasure read not only the "fifteen-year-old captain", but also "from the gun on the moon."

And only Russian literary criticism seems to how at one time Konstantin Stanyukovich was put on the shelf with the inscription "Marinist" (by analogy with the artist Aivazovsky), so still refuses to notice other, "land" works of authors who, followed by a pioneer They fell into this genre. And from recognized Matters of Russian marinistics - Alexei Novikova-Surbowa or Victor, you can find excellent stories, let's say about a person and a dog (at the bottom of the PSA-boxer generally written from the face). Stanyukovich began with the plays, imagining the shark of capitalism. But his "maritime stories" remained in the history of Russian literature.

It was so new, fresh and not like anyone else in the literature of the XIX century, that the audience refused to perceive the author in other roles. Thus, the existence of the genre of marinistics in Russian literature is justified by the exoticism of the life experience of seafarers writers, of course - in comparison with other masters, the words of a very continental country. However, this approach to foreign authors is incorrect.

To name the same Jack London, marinist would mean to ignore the fact that his writing star was asked thanks to his northern, gold dealers and stories. And in general - what he just did not write for his life. Both social anti-nightopias, and mystical novels, and dynamic adventure scenarios for newborn cinema, and novels designed to illustrate some fashionable philosophical or even economic theories, and "novels-novels" - greater literature, which is close to any genres. And yet his first essay, written in the contest for the San Francis newspaper, was called "Typhoon off the coast of Japan." Returning from a long flight on the fishery of the cattle off the coast of Kamchatka, he tried himself in writing at the proposal of his sister and unexpectedly won the first prize.

The dimensions of the remuneration so pleasantly surprised him that he immediately counted that it was more profitable to the writer than a sailor, a fireman, a vagabol, a fraternist, a farmer, a newspaper seller, a student, a socialist, a fish operator, a military correspondent, a homeowner, a Hollywood screenwriter, a yachtsman, and even gold descendant. Yes, there were such wonderful times for literature: pirates - still oyster, and not internet; Magazines are still thick, literary, and not glossy. What, however, did not interfere with American publishers to wear all the English colonies of the Pacific Pirated publications of the British authors and (SIC!) Cheap notes of European composers. Technologies have changed, people are not very.

In the modern Jack, London Victorian Britain was fashionable moral songs with morality. Even among the sailors. I remember one thing about rash and brave sailors. The first one, as usual, slept on the watch, kept Bottchman, drank a salary, fought in the port banks and ended, as it should be on the cautious. On the brave sailor, holy observed the charter of the service on the ships of the sea fleet, the boatswain could not rejoice, and even the captain for some very exceptional merit gave his master's daughter for him. Superstitions regarding women on the British ship for some reason alien. But the brave sailor does not hold on the laurels, and enters the navigable classes. "Wire sext and will be captain!" - Promised the choir of sailors who perform Shanti on the deck, glooming the anchor on the spire.

The fact that Jack London also knew this moral sailor song, would be able to make sure everyone who would read this book to the end. The final of the stories of the fishing patrol, by the way, makes think about the ratio of autobiography and the sailk folklore in this cycle. Critics in the sea do not go and, as a rule, can not distinguish the "case of the author's life" from the sailor of the bike, port legends and other folklore Oysters, shrimp, sturgeon and salmon San Francisco Bay. They are not uncommon that the reason to believe the fish opener is no longer more than to believe the fisherman who returned from fishing, whose "truthfulness" has long become a parable in the towns. However, just the spirit captures, when a young impatient author, a young impatient author, triggers the story of this collection through the century, is trying, everything confidently builds the composition to the detriment of the real situation and leads the reader to climax. And some intonations and the motives of the coming "samples and kids" and other vertex stories of the northern cycle are already guessed. And you realize that after Jack London recorded these real and fictional stories of the fisherous patrol, they, like the Greeks after Homer, became the epic of the Bay of the Golden Horn.

But it is not clear to me why none of the critics still said that Jack himself, actually, turned out to be a ragged sailor from the song, which was enough for one ocean flight. Fortunately for readers of the whole world. If he became a captain, he would hardly become a writer. The fact that he also turned out to be an unsuccessful prospector (and further on the impressive list of professions given above), also played readers on hand. I am more than confident that, he rises on golden klondike, he would have no need to write novels. Because he looked at his writing all his life primarily as a way to make money by his mind, and not muscles and always scrupulously recalculated thousands of words in his manuscripts and multiplied in his mind at the best fees for the word. He was offended when the editors reduced a lot.

As for the "sea wolf", then I am not a supporter of critical analysis of classical works. The reader has the right to rely on these texts at its own discretion. I just can say that in our once the most reading country of each cadet, the nautical school could be suspected in the fact that he ran away from the house in the navigation, reading Jack London. At least he heard it from several gray-wing captains and the Ukrainian writer-Marinist Leonid Tendyuk.

The latter confessed that when his research vessel "Vityaz" went to San Francisco, he undisputedly took advantage of the official position of the "senior group" (and Soviet sailors went ashore only with the "Russian three") and half a day dragged Frisco Streets Two dissatisfied sailors in search of the famous port zucchini, in which, according to legend, loved to sit down the Ghost Skipper Wolf Larsen. And it was to him at that moment in a hundred times more important than the legitimate intentions of comrades to look for chewing, jeans, women's wigs and lurex skirls are the legal prey of Soviet sailors in colonial trading. They found the zucchini. Barman showed them the place of Wolf Larsna for a massive table. Unoccupied. It seemed perpetuated by Jack London Skipper "Ghost" just left.

The effect of the novel occurs in 1893 in the Pacific Ocean. Humphrey Van-Wayden, a resident of San Francisco, a famous literary critic, goes on a ferry through the Golden Gate Bay to spend his friend and enters the shipwreck along the way. From the water, he is picking up the captain of fishing schooner "Ghost" (English Ghost), which all on board the name of Wolf Larsen.

For the first time, asking the captain at the consciousness of the sailor, Wang Vadiden learns that he was "mad". When Van-Waden who came to whistles, he goes to the deck to talk to the captain, an assistant captain dies in his eyes. Then Wolf Larsen makes his assistant one of the sailors, and in the place of the sailor puts Just George Lich, he disagrees with such a move and Wolf Larsen beats him. A 35-year-old Intellectual Wan-Waiden Wolf Larsen makes Jung, giving him to the immediate chiefs of Coca Magridja - a tramp from London slums, Lizoblyud, a diamospher and noine. Maghrege, who had just pleased the "gentleman" who fell on board the vessel, when he finds himself in his submission, begins to crack him.

Larsen on a small schooner with a team of 22 people departs to harvest the skins of the sea cattle to the north of the Pacific Ocean and takes Van Vadenen with him, despite his desperate protests.

The next day, Van Vaden discovers that Kok robbed him. When Van-Wayden declares Coke about it, Kok threatens him. By fulfilling the duties of UNGI, Van-Wayden is removed in the cabin Captain and the books on astronomy and physics, works of Darwin, writings of Shakespeare, Tennison and Browning, is surprised. Entertained by this, Wang Vayden complains the captain on Coca. Larsen's wolf mockingly says Wang Vadeno, that he himself is to blame, sinning and seducing Coca money, and then seriously set out his own philosophy, according to which life is meaningless and similar to Zavask, and "strong devouring weak."

From the Van Vayden team, Larsen will find out that Larsen's wolf is famous in the professional environment with reckless courage, but even more terrible cruelty, because of which he even has problems with a team set; There are on his conscience and murder. The order on the vessel holds entirely on the extraordinary physical strength and the authority of the Wolf Larsen. Provining for any misconduct the captain immediately cruelly punishes. Despite the extraordinary physical force at the Larsen wolf, the attacks of strong headaches occur.

When drinking Coca, Wolf Larsen wins his money from him, finding out at the same time that in addition to these stolen money, the tramp-Coca does not have any penny. Wang Vadida reminds that money belongs to him, but Wolf Larsen takes them to himself: he believes that "weakness is always to blame, the strength is always the right," and morality and any ideals of illusions.

Satisfied with the loss of money Kok tears evil on Van Vayen and begins to threaten that with a knife. Having learned about it, Wolf Larsen's mockery tells Wolf Wayden, who said to this wolf Larsen, which believes in the immortality of the soul that Kok cannot harm him, since he is immortal, and if he is reluctant to go to heaven, let him go to Coca, brewing His knife.

In desperation, Van Vadiden miners the old cleaver and demonstratively sharpening him, but the koking does not take any actions and even again begins to reptiles in front of him.

The vessel reigns the atmosphere of primitive fear, since the captain comes in accordance with his conviction that human life is the cheapest of all cheap things. However, Wang Vadenu captain favors. Moreover, starting the way on the ship from the Assistant Coca, "Hamp" (honeycomb on the stuff of mental labor) as Larsen nicknamed him, makes his career before the post of senior assistant captain, although he initially did not make sense in the naval. The reason is that Wang Vadiden and Larsen, who left the bottom and in its time, who has lived life, where "kicks and beatings in the morning and on the dream of the coming words, and fear, hatred and pain - the only thing that fear the soul" find a common language in the field of literature and philosophy, which are not alien to the captain. He even has a small library on board, where Wang Vadiden discovered Browning and Sinburn. In his free time, the captain is fond of mathematics and optimizes navigation devices.

COC, who had previously used the location of the captain, is trying to return it, 11 from the sailors - Johnson, who dared to express discontent with his feet. Johnson also had a captain on a bad account, despite the fact that it worked properly, since he had a sense of self-esteem. In the cabin Larsen and the new assistant brutally beat Johnson in front of Wang Vadena, and then squeeze the Johnson in the unconsciousness from the fear of the state of the deck. Here, unexpectedly, Larsen's wolf at all denounces the former Jung Lich. Then the lich beat Magride. But the surprise of Wang Vaden and the rest of the Wolf Larsen does not touch Lich.

One night Van-Wayden sees how the Larsen wolf is pierced through the ship, the whole wet and with a bloody head. Together with a poorly understood what is happening Wolf Wolf Larsen goes down in Kubrick, here sailors are attacked on Wolf Larsen and try to kill him, but they are not armed, in addition they are prevented by darkness, numerous (as they interfere with each other) and Wolf Larsen, using Its extraordinary physical strength, purses along the ladder upstairs.

After that, Larsen's wolf causes the Wang Vaden left in Kubrick and assigns it to his assistant (the previous one with Larsen hit his head and thrown overboard, but in contrast to Larsen's wolf could not drink and died) although he does not make any sense in navigation.

After a failed rebellion, the captain's appeal with the team becomes even more cruel, in particular, Lich and Johnson goes. All, including Johnson themselves and personal confident that Wolf Larsen will kill them. The same says the Wolf Larsen himself. The captain itself enhances the bouts of headaches lasting for several days.

Johnson and Lich manage to escape on one of the boats. On the path of persecution of fugitives, the "Ghost" crew picks up another company of the victims of disaster and among them the woman - the poetry of the mod Brewster. From the first glance, Humphrey is attracted to the mod. Starts storm. Out of itself because of the fate of Lich and Johnson, Wang Waden announces Wolf Larsen, which will kill him if he continues to mock the Little and Johnson. Wolf Larsen congratulates Wang Vadena, that he finally became an independent person and gives the floor that Lich and Johnson would not touch his finger. In the eyes of the Wolf Larsen at the same time seemed. Soon Wolf Larsen overtakes Lich and Johnson. The Larsen Wolf is suitable close to the boat and does not take them on board, thereby drowned by Lich and Johnson. Van-Wayden is stun.

Larsen's wolf threatened to the untidy Coke, which if he does not change his shirt, he bounces it. Once, making sure that COB did not change the shirt, Larsen's wolf orders to make him in the sea on the rope. As a result, Kok is deprived of the feet of the shark. The evidence of the scene becomes mod.

Captain has a brother on nicknamed Death of Larsen, captain of fishing steamer, in addition, as we rumored, engaged in transportation of weapons and opium, slave trade and piracy. The brothers hate each other. Once, Larsen's wolf meets the death of Larsen and captures several members of the team of his brother.

The wolf is also attracted to the mod that it ends with the fact that he tried to rape her, but left his attempt because of the severe bountary bol. Van-Wayden present at the same time, even at first, rushed to Larsen in a rustling of indignation, first saw Larsen's wolf truly frightened.

Immediately after this incident, Wang Vayden and the mod decide to escape from the Ghost, while Larsen's Wolf lies in her cabin with a bout of headaches. Having captured a boat with a small margin of food, they run, and after a few weeks, the wandering over the ocean find land and land on a small island, which mod and Humphrey called the island of the effort (English Endeavour Island). Leave the island they cannot and are preparing for a long wintering.

After some time, a broken schooner was nailed to the island. This is a "ghost", on board which is Larsen's wolf. He lost sight (apparently, it happened during the beginning of the attack, which prevented him to rape him). It turns out, after two days after the escape of Wang Vaden and the fashion team, the "Ghost" team moved to the Larsen's death vessel, which took the "ghost" to the boarding and bribing sea hunters. Kok distilled Wolf Larsen, mast mast.

The crumpled "ghost" with broken masts drifted in the ocean until he was nailed to the island of effort. The will of the fate is on this island that Captain Larsen detects the fry of the cats, which he searched all his life.

Mod and Humphrey at the cost of incredible efforts lead the "ghost" in order and bring it to the open sea. Larsen, who consistently refuses after all the feelings, paralyzed and dies. At that moment, when the mod and Humphrey finally find a saving ship in the ocean, they recognize each other in love.