Project PROReading. The "Child and the Book" project for introducing preschool children to fiction through interaction with the children's library

Project PROReading. The "Child and the Book" project for introducing preschool children to fiction through interaction with the children's library

Children's literary project "Golden Key"

The project is presented: children of preparatory group for school No. 6, teacher Chasovskikh S.O.
Informative. Creative. Short.

The power of art in raising children is enormous, in particular fiction, which opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops the thinking and imagination of the child, generalizes his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language.
Works of art make you worry, empathize with characters and events, and in the process of this empathy, certain attitudes and moral assessments are created that have incomparably greater coercive power than those that are simply communicated and assimilated. They introduce the child to a special, exclusive world of feelings, deep experiences and emotional discoveries.
How can a small child comprehend the height of a grateful deed and the baseness of deceit, anger and betrayal, experience the joy of love and the power of hatred? Of course, from works of art. Children understand the idea only when it is embodied in vivid images. The impressions received in childhood are the most vivid, lasting and memorable.

1 To acquaint children with the phenomena of the surrounding reality through art (fiction).
2 To form the ability to actively use their knowledge and skills in various activities, develop imagination, the ability to form an idea and find a form for its implementation.
3 To develop a dialogical and monologue form of speech, a culture of verbal communication in various communication situations.
4 To cultivate emotional responsiveness, moral feelings (empathy, compassion, justice).
5 Development of interest in fiction, books.
6 Develop creativity.
7 Awaken in preschoolers the desire to independently refer to the book as a source of meaningful and entertaining leisure time

Project plan.
1. Reading a fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"
2. Independent artistic activity based on the read chapters of the fairy tale.
3. Making albums "Buratino"
4. Conversation with parents on the topic "Educational project" (help, cooperation, participation).
5. Retelling of a fairy tale to children's drawings.
6. Consultation for parents “The Way to the Land of Books. From listener to reader. "
7. Making a folder “Quiz in verse based on the tale of AN Tolstoy. We draw a fairy tale. Literature and applied art "

Results achieved.
In the course of work on the project, the expected results were achieved: the children grew interested in fiction, the desire to independently examine books, to transfer the knowledge gained from books in independent artistic activity. Parents listened to a retelling of a fairy tale based on children's drawings.

Currently, the problem of reading is one of the most acute in our country.
Interest in reading fiction among the younger generation is significantly reduced. Of course, our century is the century of development of computer and other technologies, but nevertheless the book and the world of multimedia format in the life of a child should exist in parallel, without canceling or replacing each other. It is necessary to introduce the child to the book as early as possible. After all, preschool childhood plays an exceptional role in shaping what will become not only each individual person, but all of humanity, the world as a whole. Educational, ideological, moral and cultural priorities laid down in preschool age determine the life path of generations, affect the development and state of our entire country. Reading fiction makes a huge contribution to the formation of the child's inner world, the upbringing of his creative principle, since in the process of communicating with a book, the child learns to think, analyze, empathize with the heroes, and establish connections between his experience and the experience of others. Thus, the moral and cultural basis of his personality is formed.

How to get a child to read?

The urgency of solving this problem is obvious. To educate the reader in a child, an adult must himself show interest in the book, understand its role in human life, know the books recommended for preschool children, be able to have interesting conversations with kids and help in analyzing the work.

We were faced with the question of how to motivate children, but still more parents to read with a child, not only in kindergarten, but also at home? How to revive the traditions of family reading?

We decided to proceed in this way:
On the locker of each child, we placed a circle representing the head of a caterpillar and invited the children to assemble the largest caterpillar, whose caterpillars will be the largest at the end of the year, those children will be presented for an award. For each work read at home, having named the author and retelling the work, the child received a token, thereby increasing the size of his caterpillar.
Having received motivation in kindergarten, the child himself encourages the parents to active joint activities. And, as you know, the best motivation for a parent is, of course, a beloved child.

Project type: informational - cognitive, creative.
Duration: long-term (September 2016 - May 2017)
Project participants: children of the preparatory group "Rays", educators, parents, library staff.
By quantity: all children of the group.

The intended result is:
Increasing children's interest in reading and fiction.
Increasing the level of development of children's speech (enrichment of the vocabulary, development of the lexical and grammatical structure,
coherent speech).
Introducing children to moral and cultural values.
Ability to use the library fund.
Replenishment of the developing environment in the group.
Establishing close cooperation between social partners.
Revival of the home reading tradition.
Positive attitude of parents in joint activities with teachers.

Tatiana Zvonova
Project "Introducing children to the world of fiction"

View the project: creative, cognitive

Participants the project: children 3-4 years old, teachers, parents of pupils, music director, teacher-psychologist.

Educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech and artistically-aesthetic development

An object: development of cognitive activity in children younger preschool age

Item: the formation of cognitive interest in Russian folk tales.

Problem: the need for children to read fairy tales

Location: kindergarten number 1

Duration: short term (3 months)

Goals: introduce children with Russian folk tales, instill love and interest in Russian folk art, create conditions for active use literary experience in their creative activity.



1. Form u children knowledge about Russian folk tales.

2. To improve the dialogical and monologue forms of speech.

3. Encourage the desire to independently and consistently convey the content of the text, use the expressive means characteristic of literary work.

4. Enrich the child's vocabulary by learning roles for theatricalization.


1. To foster interest in Russian folk art.

2. To cultivate the ability to listen to fairy tales, follow the development of the action, empathize with the heroes.

3. Foster a sense of responsiveness to the content of what you read (rejoice at the good ending, the victory of good over evil).

4. To foster a culture of verbal communication.

5. To cultivate a respect for the book.


1. Develop speech, memory, thinking.

2. To develop artistic, creative abilities, with the help of a teacher, to stage folk tales.

3. Develop the ability to use what you read in other activities (playful, productive, self-service, communication with adults).

Forms of work with children: reading fairy tales, conversation, using game situations, viewing illustrations, viewing fairy tales using ICT, staging games, ethical conversations, puppet shows, exercises of imitative - performing and creative nature, making riddles.

Expected results:

Listen to works fiction(fairy tales)

Emotionally experience the content of the read, the heroes of the work;

Retell the content of the work based on the drawings in the book.

Answer questions about the content of the reading;

Analyze the phenomenon, event, actions literary heroes, evaluate them;

Reproduce the content of the work;

With the help of an adult to dramatize (to stage) small fairy tales.

Guessing riddles

The intended result:

The main result, which I would very much like to hope for, is to instill a love for Russian folk tales, to be able to stage fairy tales that are small in content with the help of an adult, in the assimilation of the eternal values: justice, love of truth, mercy, generosity, sympathy, striving for good.

Explanatory note

A fairy tale is a wonderful work of art. Many centuries ago, when there was no written language, oral folk art arose. For children people have created wonderful tales, songs, nursery rhymes. The works of folk art have not lost their impact on the child today. The oral works reflect the deep moral ideas, dreams and convictions of the people. The tale speaks simply and convincingly of the victory of good over evil, of truth over lies, of the triumph of justice. The positive hero of a fairy tale always wins.

The teacher KD Ushinsky highly appreciated the folk tale. He wrote about fairy tale: "These are the first and brilliant attempts of Russian folk pedagogy, and I do not think that anyone would be able to compete in this case with the pedagogical genius of the people."

A fairy tale is a necessary element of a child's spiritual life. Entering the world of miracles and magic, the child plunges into the depths of his soul. Russian folk tales, introduce children in the circle of extraordinary events, transformations taking place with their heroes, express deep moral ideas. They teach a kind attitude towards people, show high feelings and aspirations. KI Chukovsky wrote that the goal of a storyteller, and first of all a folk storyteller, is "to bring up humanity in a child - this wondrous ability of a person to worry about other people's misfortunes, to rejoice in the joys of another, to experience someone else's fate as his own."

A meeting children with the heroes of fairy tales will not leave them indifferent. The desire to help a hero in trouble, to understand a fairy-tale situation - all this stimulates the child's mental activity, develops an interest in the subject. As a result of empathy, the child gains not only new knowledge, but also, most importantly, a new emotional attitude to surrounding: to people, objects, phenomena. Children draw many from fairy tales knowledge: the first ideas about time and space, about the relationship between man and nature, the objective world. Preschoolers are faced with such complex phenomena and feelings as life and death, love and hate; anger and compassion, betrayal and deceit. The form of the depiction of these phenomena is special, fabulous, accessible to the understanding of the child, and the height of the manifestations, the moral meaning remain true, "Adults"... Therefore, the lessons that the fairy tale gives are lessons for life for both big and small.

The language of fairy tales is large picturesqueness: it contains a lot of apt comparisons, epithets, figurative expressions, dialogues, songs, rhythmic repetitions that help the child remember a fairy tale.

Relevance the project:

It is known that the reading experience begins to take shape from early childhood. Acquaintance with literature every child begins with the fairy tales that accompany his entire childhood and remain with him for the rest of his life. By instilling love for the book, we help the child to learn about the world around him and himself in it, to form moral feelings and assessments, to develop perception artistic word.

The problem of children's reading is one of the most pressing and burning problems of the modern world. Children have stopped reading, which means that literacy, and intellect, and emotional and moral education, and many components of the harmonious development of the individual suffer. Namely, the harmonious development of the personality is one of the main tasks facing teachers. In our time, the question of recognizing the reading process as decisive in education and development, worldview and moral formation of a child is especially relevant. Many modern children do not know the heroes of good old fairy tales, preferring the heroes of blockbusters and computer games to them. Of course, every time has its own literary heroes, but it is no coincidence that fairy tales and legends have been passed down from generation to generation for many years now and serve as an excellent educational tool.

Children do not like to listen and read fiction but they are very passionate about computer technology. Therefore, I decided to combine the problem with passion by developing a project to introduce children to fiction through reading fairy tales using

computer equipment, through the dramatization of fairy tales with the participation of children.

Implementation plan the project

Stages the project Activity content

Practical activities

I. Discussion of the topic, determination of the motives for participation children in the upcoming activity 1. Invite the children to bring their favorite books with fairy tales from home to the group, to have conversations with them.

2. Viewing books with fairy tales with children in a group. Conversation on theme: "Safe storage of books" 1. Conversations "My favorite fairy tale" and .

2. Conducting the game "Book Hospital"

II. Selection of ideas, search for solutions to the problem. 3. Organize an excursion to the d / garden library.

Interaction with a teacher-psychologist 3. Game-lesson "Unusual books"

Acquaintance children with library books.

Training by a teacher-psychologist in the techniques of using BI-BA-BO dolls

III. Implementation of the idea 4. Reading p. n. fairy tales: "Teremok", "The wolf and the fox", "Masha and the Bear", "Little fox-sister and the wolf", "Zayushkina hut", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Cockerel and a bean seed", "Fear has big eyes".

Show them with the help of finger and puppet theaters.

5. Exhibition: "Our Favorite Tales"

6. Final event - presentation using ICT "A journey through fairy tales" 4. Game "From riddle to fairy tale"- to form the ability to guess riddles to fairy tales.

5. Game "Show the hero"- children determine the name of the hero, imitating his gait.

6. Staging a fairy tale by children "Teremok"

7. Collage design "Our Favorite Tales"

8. Conducting a competition with parents "My favorite fairytale hero"

9. Conducting OOD for the development of speech_ "Chest of fairy tales", "A journey through fairy tales".

Interactions with parents

1. To acquaint parents with the work plan for the project: "Give children fairy tales" 1. Implementation plan the project

2. Conduct a parenting meeting. 2. Parental meeting: "The role of a fairy tale in a child's life"

3. Questioning parents on this topic. 3. Results of the questionnaire

4. Counseling for parents 4. Consultations: « Introducing children to fiction» , "How to read books for children correctly"

"What time in the daily routine should be allocated for reading?", "How to use fairy tales as a means of developing a baby?"

Output: Upon completion of implementation the project

Children learned to listen attentively to fairy tales, answer questions, analyze actions, with the help of an adult to stage small fairy tales, guess riddles, their creative abilities were revealed. But most importantly, such qualities as justice, compassion, the desire to do good deeds began to appear in children.

Marina Malkova
"The Magic World of Books" (a project to familiarize preschool children with fiction)

State educational institution of additional professional

education (training) specialists "Kuzbass regional

Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers "

Advanced training faculty

Department preschool education

« The magical world of books»

(a project to familiarize preschool children with fiction)


Malkova Marina Konstantinovna

educator MBDOU No. 10 of the city of Belovo;

Ostrovskaya Zhanetta Viktorovna,

educator MBDOU No. 10 of the city of Belovo.

Passport project ... 3 p..

Relevance project ...... 7 p.

Short description project by stages ... 9 pages.

Thematic planning ... 10 pp.

List literature ... 18 pages.

Passport the project

For children of middle preschool age- a very important stage in the education of an attentive, sensitive reader, loving the book that helps him to know the world around you and yourself in it, to form moral feelings and assessments, to develop perception artistic word. Book should enter the child's world as early as possible, enrich his world, make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries.

Any child is a reader, even if he does not know how to read, but only listens to the reading of adults. But he chooses what he will listen to, he perceives what he hears, and hears what he is interested in. And it depends on the adult to a greater extent whether the child becomes a real, enthusiastic reader.

The project dedicated to generating interest in reading, as for the modern child book has lost its meaning, more and more children prefer book computer games, views of cartoons and TV shows. Reading plays a big role in the formation of a child's personality, it is directly related to literacy and education, forms moral ideals, broadens the horizons, enriches the inner world of a person.

From the above, we can conclude that this problem is relevant in pedagogical science. It is adults who should guide children in this activity, therefore, it is necessary to work with children on a daily basis. familiarization with fiction, moreover, this work should be carried out not only in a traditional form, but in a non-standard one.

We expect that thanks to this the project, children will get acquainted with an artistic description of life, will receive scientifically reliable knowledge about the world, will assimilate moral values ​​and ideals, and enrich speech.


the project« The magical world of books»

Goal and tasks

Project Purpose: develop a sustained interest in reading

fiction of children and their parents.

Form u children emotionally imaginative

perception of works, replenish literary creative baggage;

Foster respect for book as the result of the work of many people;

Cultivate the ability to enjoy

artistic word, have a need for

knowledge of sayings, riddles, folk sayings;

Learn children negotiate, share, help, provide support in the work, show interest in the completed task;

Expand parents' understanding of the nursery literature;

Introduce parents to family reading literary works;

Contribute to the expression of their attitude towards literary works in artistic creation;

Learn to use verbal and non-verbal techniques when staging, reading poems, develop creative independence.


project and


events Educators, children, parents.

group project Project« The magical world of books» designed for children

senior preschool age(5-6 years old).





the project Creation of the necessary conditions in the group for educating children with the works of Russian and foreign writers;

Creation of a book corner;

Creation of a card file with riddles and sayings;

Making an album of drawings based on the read works;

Selection of cartoons and fairy tales;

Instill an attitude children to the book not only as entertainment, but as a source cognitive interests;

Mutual cooperation between parents and kindergarten in implementation the project;

A more respectful attitude children to the living world of nature.

Ability children negotiate, give each other support.

Speech development, vocabulary enrichment children;

Creation of a tradition of family reading in the families of pupils.

stages of implementation

project Long-term project(9 months, September - May).

Stage 1 - preparatory (1 month)

Setting goals and objectives, holding a parent meeting (discussion of goals and objectives the project with parents and children,

questioning parents, creating the conditions necessary for the implementation the project.

Stage 2 - main (7 months)

Implementation of the main activities in the areas the project.

Stage 3 - final (1 month)

Includes collection and processing of methodological, practical materials, correlation of delivered and predicted results with those obtained; synthesis of materials the project.

Relevance the project

The problem of initiation children of middle preschool age to fiction, is one of the pressing problems preschool education, since, having entered the third millennium, society came into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, children suffer, first of all, when they lose touch with family reading.

Addressing the problem of initiation middle-aged children to fiction due to a number reasons: firstly, as the analysis of the practice of introducing children to fiction, in education preschoolers acquaintance with fiction used in insufficient volume; secondly, there is a public need for the preservation and transmission of family reading; thirdly, education preschoolers fiction not only brings them joy, emotional and creative upsurge, but also becomes an integral part of Russian literary language.

The task of the kindergarten, as noted by L. M. Gurovich, is to prepare for a long-term literary education that starts at school. A kindergarten can provide a fairly extensive literary baggage, literary reading since in preschool age the child gets acquainted with a variety of folklore genres (fairy tale, riddle, proverb, fable)... During these years, children get acquainted with Russian and foreign classics - with the works of A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky, the brothers Grimm, H. K. Andersen, etc.

N. S. Karpinskaya believes that fiction book gives excellent samples literary language... Children in stories learn conciseness and accuracy of language; in verse - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness. From books the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they listened to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression when reading the book the connection between speech and aesthetic development is clearly visible, language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Possession of linguistic and visual-expressive means serves the development artistic perception of literary works.

Acquaintance children with the works of Russian and foreign writers, poets, as well as with folklore helps to introduce children to the world of books, because the educational power literary the works are truly impossible to overestimate. Purposeful, thoughtful familiarization of children with fiction promotes the development of their creative abilities, independence of judgment, broadens their horizons.

Short description project by stages

Preparatory stage

Formation of the problem, setting goals and objectives; choice of methods and techniques of work; selection of materials and equipment; conversations with parents about their direct participation in the implementation the project; development of thematic planning.

The main stage (introduction the project)

Conducting directly educational activities in the field artistic creation, cognition; reading fiction, conducting targeted walks, conversations, solving riddles, conducting role-playing games, staging games, exhibitions, etc.

The final

Analysis of results, protection the project on the pedagogical council.

Thematic planning

Stage 1 - preparatory (September)

Activity Objectives


parenting Determine if parents read to their children books and what children prefer to listen to.


meeting Discuss goals and objectives the project... Generate parental interest in creating conditions for implementation the project.

Stock "Give book for kindergarten» Refill the group library books, to form from parents and children willingness to participate in group activities.

Creating a book corner Cultivate an interest in reading fiction.

Parent's corner decoration Parents' education.

Stage 2 - main (introduction the project)

No. Activity Objectives

1 Conversation "Where did it come from book

Tell children how they make books what a long and laborious work it is; cultivate respect for books.

2 Role-playing game "Repair workshop books» Continue to cultivate respect for books; teach to distribute roles, play the game consistently; fix torn books.

3 Game-dramatization "Teremok"

Learn children emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, convey the characteristic features of animals

4 Best Reading Competition "Golden autumn"

Learn to tell a poem expressively, betraying his mood; instill an interest in poetry.

1 Coming up with various options for the continuation of fairy tales and stories Develop creative activity children in the process of coming up with various options for the continuation of fairy tales and stories. Continue to develop communication skills by working in mini-groups

2 Reading the works of V.V. Bianchi: "Blue Animal", "Snowy book» , "Chicken for Squirrel", Getting ready for winter ", "Forest houses" To acquaint children with the work of B... V. Bianchi. To form a readiness for an adequate assessment of what has been read.

3 Application based on the work of V.V.Bianchi To fix the work of V.V. Bianchi in the applique. Ability to create children the image of animals by different types of art.

4 Construction from natural and waste material according to the work of V.V. Bianchi "Forest houses" Encourage children to creativity in the manufacture of crafts (houses) for different inhabitants of the forest.

1 Role-playing

the game "Library" Maintain interest in book in a role-playing game

2 Competition "Draw your favorite fairy tale" To involve parents in cooperation with the kindergarten; develop an interest in Russian folk tales.

3 Modeling from a salty text based on a poem "Snow rabbit" O. Vysotskaya Introduce children with a new piece; teach to express your impression of.

4 Memorizing poems about the New Year Create a holiday mood; continue to teach to tell the poem expressively, conveying his mood; instill an interest in poetry.

1 Production of the play "Hare-boast" To continue to develop interest in Russian folk tales, to teach to convey the characteristic features of animals; intensify speech.

2 Reading stories by N. Nosov "Telephone", "Cucumbers", "Mishkina porridge" To acquaint children with the work of N... Nosova; develop a sense of humor; to teach to find morality in the read work.

3 Watching a cartoon "Dunno in the Sunny City" Continue to acquaint children with creativity... Nosov, develop a sense of humor.

4 Reading excerpts "Dunno in a sunny city" drawing based on the work. Continue to teach to express your impression of literary work in artistic creation.

1 "Small folklore forms" Introduce children with small folklore forms: proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, riddles.

2 Word play "Naughty tongue" Learn to pronounce tongue twisters, develop ZKR.

3 Reading the story of S. Ivanov "What is snow like?" Form an aesthetic perception literary texts.

4 Memorizing poems dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Continue to instill an interest in poetry; teach to read poetry expressively, with a certain tempo, changing intonation.

1 Reading poems and stories about spring Teach to emotionally perceive figurative content literary texts.

2 Memorizing poems dedicated to International Women's Day. To continue to teach intonationally convey the mood of the poem, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards loved ones.

3 Reading the tale of V. Kataev "Seven-flower flower" Consolidate knowledge children about the genre features of the tale, to teach to evaluate the actions of the main characters.

4 Teamwork « Magic book» Fix the read works; to teach to convey in the drawing the character of the characters, the attitude towards them.

1 Reading fables by I.A.Krylov Introduce children to the fable; teach to emotionally perceive the content of the fable; teach to understand its moral meaning.

2 Drawing based on the fables of I. A. Krylov To continue teaching to understand the moral of fables; to teach to reflect in the drawing the attitude towards the characters, the impressions of the reading.

3 Game - dramatization based on the tale of S. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" Develop interest in literary works; continue to teach to speak in different timbre, intonation, tempo; learn to use facial expressions and pantomime in performances; develop speech.

4 Memorizing a poem "Where does the fish sleep?" I. Tokmakova To teach to convey the calm mood of the poem; develop an interest in poetry.

Stage 3 - final (May)

No. Activity Objectives

Literary quiz Pin it systematize knowledge children about literary works.

Exhibition "Our beloved books» Encourage parents to participate in kindergarten life; introduce parents to family reading literary works.

Parents' meeting Summing up the results with parents, evaluating the results.

Analysis of the results the project Processing and design of materials the project, performance analysis

Speaking at the pedagogical council Sharing experience with colleagues

List literature

1. Savenkov AI, Conducting educational research in kindergarten. / Savenkov A. I / Samara: Publisher "Educational literature» , 2005 .-- 32 p.

2. Golitsina VS, Perspective planning in kindergarten. Preparatory group for school. Implementation of FGT in a preschool educational institution. / Golitsina V.S./M .: "Scriptorium Publishing House", 2012.

3. Bondarenko T. M., Organization of GCD in the senior group of kindergarten Bondarenko T. M. / Voronezh, 2012. - 192 p.

4. Veraksa N. Ye., Project activities for preschoolers... A guide for educators preschool institutions... / Veraksa N, E., Veraksa A. N. / M: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.-112s.

Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

State budgetary professional educational institution

Sverdlovsk region

"Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College"

Final qualifying work

Methodological support of the project "Anniversary of the Writer", aimed at familiarizing older preschoolers

to children's literature

44.02.01 Preschool education

Olimova V.R.,

Student 4 to group


Seliverstova E.A.

Kamyshlov, 2017

Explanatory note ……………………………………………… .3

Theoretical and methodological substantiation of the project "Jubilee of a Writer" aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction ………… 3

Substantiation of the structure and content of the project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction ………………………………

Analysis of the resources and conditions for the implementation of the project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction ………… ..

Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction ………….

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction ………….

Methodological support of the project "Jubilee of a Writer" …………….



Explanatory note

Theoretical and methodological substantiation of the project "Jubilee of a Writer" aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction

Today the system of education and training is changing rapidly. The changes taking place in modern society require the accelerated improvement of the educational process, the definition of educational goals that take into account state, social and personal needs and interests.

In the context of modernization of education, Russian preschool educational institutions are restructuring their work in accordance with new regulatory documents in the field of education:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) "On Education in the Russian Federation" (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on December 30, 2015),

- "Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 N 1155.

In the general provisions of the FSES of preschool education, which is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education, its basic principles are set out:

The construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education;

Introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;

Promotion and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant in educational relations;

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities.

In the program "From birth to school", a special place is occupied by the acquaintance of children with fiction as an art. Since fiction contributes to the development of aesthetic and moral feelings, speech, intelligence, lays a positive attitude towards the world. In the structure of the program, fiction is a means of all-round development of the child and takes a place between moral, labor and artistic and aesthetic education.

Our country has adopted the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading, which says that the main task in modern society is to form the need for reading in the younger generation. Thus, the question of introducing a child to the book is one of the most open today. According to the content of the FSES of preschool education, modern education sets before teachers the task of improving traditional and finding new technological approaches to the organization of the educational process. Today, in modern conditions and in the preschool education system, it becomes important to look for effective methods of introducing children to children's literature, and then in the formation of interest in fiction.

The problem is that “in adults who are close to the baby,” Z.A. Gritsenko, “there is almost no need for reading, for communicating with art, for one's own creative expression”. As a result, a modern child often does not have an example to follow, there is no craving for books and reading and the artistic word of the environment necessary for natural development. Therefore, in a preschool institution and a family, it is necessary to plan and conduct special work aimed at fostering interest in books and reading in children from early preschool age.

Unsatisfied need for reading leads to disappointment, and over time to the extinction of the awakening interest in books and reading. Not finding help and support from adults, the child quickly finds a substitute for books and reading, switching his attention to objects and activities that do not require anyone's mediation, because adults do not find time to read books and communicate with the child.

Thus, the problems of forming interest in books and reading in preschool children are:

    lack of understanding by adults of the role of literature in children's life;

    ignorance of the history of its development and current state;

    limiting the range of children's reading to a dozen names of authors and titles of works of art;

    poor understanding of the functions of literature;

    lack of a competent policy and methodology for introducing preschool children to literature (books) and the reading process.

Nowadays, the question of what to read and how to read to children is especially relevant. What is needed is not only deeply thought-out concepts and programs developed by specialists, but also the recognition of the reading process as decisive in education and development, ideological and moral formation of a person, a child. The issue of familiarizing preschoolers with fiction takes an important place in modern and domestic pedagogy. The problem of educating preschool children by means of fiction was considered in a number of studies by R. I. Zhukovskaya, O. I. Nikiforova. EI Tikheeva wrote about the need for widespread use of works of fiction for the development and education of the child's artistic taste. Fundamental pedagogical research by D. B. Elkonin, A. N. Gvozdev, A. V. Zakharov, devoted to the role of fiction in the verbal activity of children, the influence of the perception of literary works on creative activity, played a huge role in solving the problems of children's literary education. Many researchers, such as I. A. Zimnyaya, N. N. Svetlovskaya, M. I. Okorokova, N. G. Morozova, have worked and continue to work on the problem of perceiving a work of art. At preschool age, perception turns into a special cognitive activity that has its own goals, objectives, means and methods of implementation. At the end of the 21st century, numerous problems of modernization of society affected the possibilities of access to culture and education, which affected both reading of adults and children. That is why the introduction of preschoolers to literature is one of the priority areas of modern education. Analysis of the studied scientific and methodological literature on the introduction of children to fiction and the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of preschool education in the form of targets for preschool education reveals the existing contradiction:

Between the natural need of preschool children for search activity, due to biologically, the high potential of students 'project activities and the insufficient use of this potential in the practice of preschool educational institutions in terms of the formation of preschoolers' interest in fiction;

The elaboration of the project method in theory and the lack of application of these theoretical developments in practice;

The requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education (From birth to school) in the educational field is artistic and aesthetic development in the implementation of project technology and the lack of methodological support for their implementation.

The relevance of the problem of literary education of preschool children at the present stage is due to the fact that more and more children are introduced to fiction through the Internet and TV.

Public interest in reading has been steadily declining in recent decades. Various reasons for this phenomenon are named: the influence of the audiovisual media, television, computer; change in life values; change in the attitude of an adult towards joint reading activities with children, loss of family reading traditions. As a result, reading literature is replaced by watching cartoons, computer games, etc.

That's why relevance the choice of the topic of the final qualifying work is that it becomes important and urgent to form interest in fiction, through the project method as a way of introducing older preschoolers to children's literature.

Accordingly, one can determine problem, which consists in the search for technologies that contribute to the formation of interest in older preschool children in children's literature.

After all, it is this age that is most favorable for the development of the child's creativity and imagination. Children perceive the heroes they love not as literary images, but as living people. Children's literature gives young readers the joy of familiarizing themselves with the beautiful, helps to feel the beauty of the world around them. To introduce a young reader from an early age to the spiritual treasures of mankind means to enrich him emotionally and morally, to teach him to understand people and life by means of art. Research materials, periodicals, observations of teachers and librarians indicate a lack of proper interest among young readers in literature, and the low quality of its perception. And this situation needs to be corrected. It is obvious that in solving the problems of literary education of preschool children, a significant role is played by the activities of preschool institutions to familiarize children with literature, since the process of forming a reader in a child begins in preschool childhood, through the joint efforts of teachers and parents. Based on the above, we have developed a diploma project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction.

Based on the problem, formulated thesis project topic:"Methodological support of the project" Jubilee of a Writer "aimed at introducing older preschoolers to children's literature"

To disclose the topic of the diploma project, it is necessary to achieve the following goals: to develop, theoretically and substantiate and test the methodological support of the project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to children's literature.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to consistently solve the following tasks:

To develop and substantiate the methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to children's literature;

Consider the organization of project activities and substantiate the structure and content of the project for introducing older preschoolers to children's literature;

Develop project activities aimed at introducing older preschoolers to children's literature;

To test and prove the effectiveness of the developed methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to children's literature.

Object of the final qualifying work: the process of introducing older preschoolers to children's literature

Design form: methodological support of the project "Jubilee of a Writer", aimed at developing the interest of older preschool children in children's literature.

Research methods: analysis (scientific, methodological and normative literature used to substantiate the urgency of the problem, describe the conceptual field of the problem); synthesis and comparison; generalization and concretization, design of methodological support of the project "Anniversary of the Writer".

Practical significance: the developed methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project can be used by educators, as well as by students, when passing pedagogical practice for the effective and high-quality formation of interest in fiction through the implementation of the project method.

Everyone knows that children's literature is a universal phenomenon. In it you can find answers to all questions related to childhood, child, family. But you need to look for them and use them competently.

We can put forward requirements for a children's book and be guided by them as much as we like, but we will not have a competent reader until we learn to study it from early childhood, respecting his judgments, his ideas about the world.

The reading experience of many generations testifies that interest in the book is born in childhood. And the earlier it manifests itself, the more original, deeper a reader, a creative personality, a person with high intellectual potential is formed in the child.

Nowadays, everyone has their own child-reader. The publishers testify: the child reads and loves what his parents love and remember from their own childhood, therefore, it is beneficial to publish books of the parents' childhood. Listening, reading them, the modern child is thirty years behind in the knowledge of the world. And we all know that children's attitudes toward literature change because they change in adults.

Being dependent on an adult, the child also does not know about the existence of multi-colored, real children's literature.

The child needs not only to read, but also to convince him, to captivate him with the idea so that he listens, begins to think about it. First of all, he must be taught to think, to enjoy mental work: this is of great importance for his personal development.

An interest in a book and reading, a desire to consider it naturally form in a child surrounded by books, in an atmosphere of respect for them, in a reading environment. If even a small library is collected at home or in a kindergarten, adults are interested in books, read and talk about them, children quite quickly learn the model of behavior demonstrated by parents or teachers. Imitating them, they turn to books: leaf through, examine.

Interest in the book will help to form a variety of toy books and picture books, which should appear next to the child in the first months of his life. However, beautiful books by themselves do not solve the problem of educating the reader. For a child to become a reader, he needs an intermediary in communicating with the book, who will select the right one, read the text, help to understand it, share the thoughts that have arisen in the process of communicating with the book, and open the attractive world of the artistic word to the child. Unfortunately, parents do not instill an interest in books and reading for all children; they pay sufficient attention to this. They are successfully replaced by a computer and TV. Our task is to introduce the child to the book culture, to help parents become pedagogically competent in this matter, to understand the importance of this task for the formation of a full-fledged personality of the child.

The process of communication of a preschooler with fiction is the process of becoming a personality in him. A lot has been said in recent years about the most important role of fiction in the formation of a person's personality from the earliest years of life. Fiction should and can influence the mental, spiritual, emotional sphere of the child's personality. Scientists emphasize that "early" injections of interest in fiction are absolutely necessary. " The problem of early awakening and the development of interest in fiction is very relevant today. The purposeful activity of organizing the work of the preschool educational institution in this direction is also very important.

The word "interest" in translation from Latin means "important", "matters". There are numerous interpretations of the concept of "interest". S.A. Ananyin singled out two sides of the issue - psychological and pedagogical (interest as a goal and as a means of education).

Scientists' understanding of interest as a psychological phenomenon is also multifaceted. It seems to us correct to understand interest as an affective-cognitive complex (E.P. Ilyin), i.e. interest is, first of all, motivational education, in which, along with the emotional component (a positive emotional tone of the impression of pleasure from the process), there is another - the need for knowledge, novelty. Satisfaction of interest does not lead to its extinction, but causes new interests that correspond to a higher level of cognitive activity.

To organize activities aimed at awakening and developing interest in fiction, the realization of its pedagogical potential, it is important to identify the psychological laws of the process of communication between a child and fiction, i.e. those relationships that develop in the triad reader (listener) - fiction - child - teacher. It is necessary to know the pedagogical laws of the literary development of a child at different stages of preschool age, what psychophysiological characteristics of age contribute or, conversely, hinder this development.

A difficult and little-studied problem is the analysis of the mechanism of assimilation and assimilation by the child of indirect experience gleaned from fiction. This requires a thorough analysis of the work of psychologists, teachers, art historians, the pedagogical experience of employees of children's libraries, educators, parents, which allows this knowledge to be obtained and effectively used in pedagogical work with children.

The specificity of working with preschoolers, especially older ones, lies in the fact (this is the greatest difficulty) so that, while forming new valuable qualities, not to destroy the existing ones: creative activity, non-standard perception, associative thinking, sincerity, emotionality and, most importantly, the joy and voluntariness of classes ... The mental characteristics of a child's cognitive activity are such that the emotional component is the leading component in communicating with fiction. Its extinction leads to the destruction of two other components of interest - cognitive and volitional. This determines one of the features of the organization of work with fiction: the provision of various emotional reactions to fiction (surprise, joy, satisfaction, etc.) and an emotionally safe position of the child in the process of learning.

The creation of a scientifically grounded system of pedagogical conditions, effective methodological developments that contribute to the introduction of preschoolers to fiction is an important task of pedagogical theory and practice.

We also found that during the entire period of childhood there is an active development and improvement of the ability to perceive literary works, the formation of interest in fiction, that is, the child is successfully formed as a reader. For children of senior preschool age, the following features are characteristic: fiction for a child is a unity of three components: it is a certain type of object; illustrations; text; dependence of the understanding of the text on the personal experience of the child; text, illustrations and printing design are in the child's perception in unity; the establishment of easily perceived connections when events follow each other; the main character is in the center of attention, children most often do not understand his feelings and motives of actions; the emotional attitude towards the heroes is brightly colored; quotation - two-three-word statements from your favorite works; attempts at staging with the participation of adults; there is a craving for a rhythmically organized structure of speech.

The inclusion of a senior preschool child in reading contributes to a more conscious choice of works for reading in adolescence and adolescence, instills a love of reading.

An important condition for successful pedagogical work is the accompaniment of reading with playful actions. Young children are able to listen to the work they like many times, while maintaining the immediacy of the emotional experience. This is facilitated by the emotional involvement in the reading process of the educator or parent himself, who takes the position of a spectator or participant in events. You can start your acquaintance with new fiction by showing bright color illustrations. At an early age, children learn to predict future reading, answer questions based on illustrations: “Who is this fairy tale about? Who is this? Who came to visit whom? " etc. The most effective way of looking at a book with a small group of children (no more than four or five people), when everyone can be included in the conversation, everyone can be provided with access to the book.

In the formation of interest in fiction, play techniques are also of no small importance. For example, when reading poems by S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, I. Tokmakova and others, you can use such techniques as:

- "poetic relay race": an adult pronounces the first lines, and children (or one child) continue the poem;

- "funny rhyme": verses are read, and where the child has to guess the word, a pause is made.

The main thing is to show the children how many pleasant things there are, one way or another connected with reading: you can read it yourself or listen to the reading of others, you can read and play with works, etc.

Matinees, evenings of leisure devoted to the work of a writer or poet, evenings of fairy tales, riddles, literary quizzes (according to folk tales, according to the works of one author, according to well-known books of different writers) contribute to the formation of interest in fiction among children of senior preschool age. Combining different types of arts - music, fiction, fine arts, creates a festive atmosphere.

All forms of work on acquainting children with fiction outside of class develop interest and love for the book, form future readers.

Fiction in the best way opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler. The impact of fiction on the mental and aesthetic development of a child is well known: it develops thinking and imagination, gives excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

In the learning process, it is important to ensure the emergence of positive emotions in relation to educational activities, to its content, forms and methods of implementation. The emotional state is always associated with the experience of emotional excitement: response, sympathy, joy, anger, surprise. That is why deep inner experiences of the personality are connected to the processes of attention, memorization, and comprehension in this state, which make these processes intensively flowing and therefore more effective in terms of the goals achieved.

In the methodological literature, another set of forms, methods and techniques is considered that are used in working with children to form interest in fiction:

The tradition of daily reading;

Thematic exhibitions: books by artists-writers, the work of individual writers, in different genres, works that are the same in name, but belonging to different authors, an illustration exhibition (with readers' drawings), a quiz exhibition, etc .;

Creation of the "Knizhka Hospital" in groups;

Creation of homemade books by children with children's drawings, poems, riddles, fairy tales and stories;

Attending classes in the city children's library;

Creation of layouts based on your favorite works;

Evenings of mysteries, fairy tales;

Viewing cartoons and videos on works of art;

Literary quizzes and intellectual marathons, competitions

Organized educational activities for acquaintance with works of fiction, educational situations;

Method of projects.

From the variety of methods and techniques presented above for introducing preschool children to fiction, the formation of interest in literary works, since the project method is based on a playful, exploratory and entertaining nature, we will consider the project method in more detail.

Project activity, like no other, forms children's cognitive activity in a kindergarten and family. Cognitive interest acts as the most important motive for the activity of the individual, her activities, it is also a prerequisite for mastering the content of the educational program and the result, and is considered as an indicator of the development of preschoolers. Project activities to form the interest of preschool children in fiction will make it possible to implement all the components of literary development:

The first component is the development of the reader's interest, which is characterized in terms of breadth, depth, awareness and selectivity;

The central component of literary development is the perception and interpretation of a work of art, and the quality of aesthetic perception of a text depends on the richness of the child's literary experience, including the volume of literary texts familiar to him;

Another component of the literary development of a preschooler is the ability to reflect literary experience in independent creative activity: visual, play, theatricalization, communication and writing.

Creation of conditions for literary development in the unity of all constituent components will allow teachers to organize an interesting, personality-oriented, developing process of literary education for children in kindergarten.

In view of the fact that project activity develops in stages, it is necessary to introduce elements of research, search activity, starting from early preschool age. At this age, project activity is formed at the imitative-performing level. Lack of life experience, insufficient level of development of cognitive and creative abilities do not allow the child to fully demonstrate independence in choosing a problem and in solving it, here an adult plays an active role: a teacher or a parent. Experience has shown that children with desire and interest perform tasks offered by adults. This interest is due to the fact that the tasks satisfy the needs and correspond to the child's capabilities, help to realize oneself in vigorous activity. In addition, the child is carried away by the very process of joint activities with an adult.

There is a certain algorithm for the actions of the teacher and children at the first stage of mastering the design:

Intriguing start, defining a problem that meets the needs of children, involving parents in project activities

Setting the goal of the project, its motivation;

Involvement of children in the planning of activities and implementation of the planned plan;

Joint achievement of the teacher, children and parents to a positive result;

Analysis of the project, experiencing the result (reflection).

That is why the project activity of preschool children at the stage of development takes place in the form of a game. To stimulate the cognitive activity of preschoolers, it is possible to conduct collective games with interesting plots, when the whole group of children is working on one problem in the study. Games allow you to master the primary skills of conducting independent research. Which will be useful to them at school.

Play, which is the main activity of children, broadens their horizons, stimulates cognitive interest. The experience of using games has shown that in the game process, children develop the habit of thinking independently, and a desire for knowledge appears. The game helps to make the learning process more fun.

Also, the project activity is focused on the unique relationship "child-adult". The child should be led to complicity gradually: from observing his activities, to occasional participation in it, then to partnership and, finally, to cooperation. An indispensable condition for the successful implementation of projects to form the interest of preschoolers in fiction are partnerships with the parents of pupils, their participation in project activities. Involving parents in cooperation, informing about the success of children, explaining the child's problems, agreeing on ways to solve them are the key factors for the success of project activities. The use of such a form of work with parents as a conversation with parents, involvement in excursions and events, questioning will contribute to the formation of interest in literature among preschoolers

A feature of project activities in the preschool education system is that the child cannot yet independently find contradictions in the environment, formulate a problem, and determine a goal (concept). Therefore, in the educational and educational process of a preschool educational institution, project activities are in the nature of cooperation, in which children and preschool teachers take part, as well as parents and other family members are involved. Parents can be not only a source of information, real help and support for the child and the teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their pedagogical experience, experience a sense of belonging and satisfaction from their success and the child's success.

Thus, the method of projects in working with preschoolers today is an optimal, innovative and promising method that should take its rightful place in the system of preschool education.

The project method not only allows adults to "guide" the child, help detect a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it and "involve" children in a joint project, but also makes the educational system of the preschool educational institution open for the active participation of parents

It should be noted that the project method is a unique means of developing cognitive interest and ensuring cognitive activity. After all, cognitive activity is the orientation of the child's personality towards mastering knowledge in a particular objective activity. In the context of the theme of our final qualifying work, this is the desire of children to read and perceive samples of fiction, to study and be interested in books not only within the framework of classes, but also in their free time, both in kindergarten and at home. The reader's interest is one of the factors in the development of cognitive activity, which means it is of great importance in the literary development of a child.

Substantiation of the structure and content of the "Writer's Anniversary" project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction

Pedagogical design is a mandatory stage in the activity of any teacher, which involves the preliminary development of the main details of the upcoming activities of students and teachers.

Pedagogical design is a function of any teacher, no less important than organizational, gnostic (search for content, methods and means of interaction with students) or communicative.

Pedagogical design is about creating the expected results of the forthcoming activity and predicting its result. At the same time, the main attention of the teacher is riveted to the mechanism of the birth and flow of certain actions, processes, systems.

Designing pedagogical systems, processes or situations is a complex multistage activity. V.S. Bezrukova identifies 3 design stages: modeling, design, construction.

The first stage is pedagogical modeling (creation of a model) - the development of goals for creating pedagogical systems, processes or situations and the main ways to achieve them.

The second stage is pedagogical design (project creation) - further development of the created model and bringing it to the level of practical use.

The third stage - pedagogical design (creation of a construct) - is a further detailing of the created project, bringing it closer for use in specific conditions by real participants in educational activities. This stage presupposes probation of methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project aimed at fostering interest in fiction in older preschool children. ...

According to S. N. Ryzhkov, the term KUMO (comprehensive educational and methodological support) is used in two senses: process and result. KUMO as a process is planning, development and creation of an optimal system (complex) of educational and methodological documentation and teaching aids necessary for the effective organization of the educational process within the time and content determined by the professional educational program.

KUMO as a result (more often in this case is called an educational and methodological complex - UMC) is a collection of all educational and methodological documents (plans, programs, techniques, teaching aids, etc.), which is a project of a systematic description of the educational process, which subsequently will be implemented in practice. In this sense, KUMO is a didactic tool for managing the training of specialists, an integrated information model of a pedagogical system that sets the structure and displays its elements in a certain way.

According to T.G. Argunova, the structural components of KUMO DOU are:

    normative documentation, including: federal state educational standards for preschool educational institutions; plans; programs;

    educational and methodological support, which includes a work program, materials for work (notes, methodological instructions, recommendations)

    teaching aids, including a list of manuals recommended in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, normative, reference, periodicals; technical and electronic teaching aids.

Requirements for the development of KUMO DOU:

    the material should be systematized, presented as simply and clearly as possible;

    the language of methodological development should be clear, concise, competent, convincing. The terminology used should be consistent with the pedagogical thesaurus;

    methodological development should take into account the specific material and technical conditions for the implementation of the educational process;

    to orient the organization of the educational process in the direction of the widespread use of active forms and methods of teaching;

    methodological development should disclose the question "How to teach";

When designing the methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project, we followed a number of stages:

    preparatory work, which includes analysis of the design object, selection of the design form, theoretical design support, methodological design support, spatial and temporal design support, design logistics, legal design support;

    project development, that is, the choice of a backbone factor, the establishment of links and dependencies of components, writing a work;

    checking the quality of the project, which includes mentally experimenting with the application of the project, expert assessment of the project, adjusting the project, deciding on the use of the project.

When developing the methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project, we were guided by the principles of pedagogical design:

a) the principle of integrity and consistency of the pedagogical process;

b) the purposefulness of the pedagogical process;

c) the humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process;

d) the consciousness and activity of the individual in the pedagogical process;

e) the principle of human priorities as a principle of human orientation;

f) principles of conformity to nature and humanization;

g) the principle of self-development of the designed systems, processes, situations means creating them dynamic, flexible, capable of changes, restructuring, complication or simplification in the course of implementation.

When developing the methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project, the main design stages proposed by M.V. Shakurova. The chosen approach does not contradict V.S. Bezrukova, but only concretizes and complements it.

    Preparatory work:

    analysis of the design object;

    choice of design form;

    theoretical design support;

    methodological support of design;

    spatio-temporal design support;

    material and technical support of design;

    legal support of design.

    Project development:

    choice of a backbone factor;

    establishing communication and dependencies of components.

    Project writing.

    Checking the quality of the project (expert assessment of the project).

    Correction of the project.

    Deciding on the use of the project.

    Evaluation of results, summing up.

When designing, the following form of design is expedient - the methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project, aimed at introducing older preschoolers to children's literature

According to the philosophical encyclopedia, methodological support is a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other.

Methodological support includes a set of interrelated and interdependent parts, composed in such an order that allows you to reproduce the whole.

Methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to children's literature is a methodological manual intended for educators in order to build a clear mechanism for introducing older preschoolers to children's literature, taking into account the use of project technology.

According to S.I. Kochetov and R.P. Guseva, the methodological support of the project consists in the presence of many interrelated elements (project passport, tasks, proposed project implementation, assessment map, etc.), a single goal for all elements, the presence of links between them, integrity, a certain structure and hierarchy, the relative independence of the elements.

The developed methodological support of the "Writer's Jubilee" project consists of the following parts:

    title page;


    passport of the project "Anniversary of the Writer";

    stages of work on the "Writer's Anniversary" project;

    summaries of events accompanying the preparation and implementation of the "Writer's Jubilee" project;

    evaluation sheet of the project "Anniversary of the Writer";


Let's characterize these parts.

    The title page indicates the name of the educational and methodological support of the project, the year of publication, and the place.

    The abstract contains a brief description of the purpose of this educational and methodological support, the addressee, compiler, reviewer, place of publication are indicated.

    The project passport contains a short description (annotation) of the project and reflects the main goals, objectives, the essence of the project, the form of the product of project activities, and logistics.

    The stages of work on the project contain the planned activities for the implementation of the project at each stage.

    The summaries of activities accompanying the preparation and implementation of the project contain the developed lessons, various activities that are divided into GCD and GCD in regime moments, as well as a summary of the final lesson, which involves the presentation of the developed project "The Writer's Jubilee".

    The project evaluation sheet contains the name of the expert, date, rating scale, FI of children, as well as criteria and indicators for evaluating the process of project activities of children.

    The list of references contains the sources with the help of which this collection was compiled, the number, author, title of books, place and year of publication are indicated.

Thus, a competently developed and substantiated KUMO for the "Writer's Jubilee" project, taking into account the requirements for the structure and content, can become an effective means of introducing children of older preschool age to children's literature and with clearly defined resources and conditions necessary for the effective implementation of the project.

Analysis of resources and conditions for the implementation of the "Writer's Anniversary" project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction

Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the "Writer's Anniversary" project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the "Writer's Anniversary" project aimed at introducing older preschoolers to fiction