Acquaintance of senior preschoolers with painting. Summary of the GCD for introducing preschoolers to the visual arts in the senior speech therapy group (Landscape painter I.I.Shishkin) Summary of classes on acquaintance with the fine arts

Acquaintance of senior preschoolers with painting. Summary of the GCD for introducing preschoolers to the visual arts in the senior speech therapy group (Landscape painter I.I.Shishkin) Summary of classes on acquaintance with the fine arts

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with art in the senior group

Topic: "March - the dawn of spring » .
Creation of conditions for the implementation of creative ideas of children.
To form in children an emotional response to painting, poetry, music and the ability to express impressions in drawings.
To develop an artistic vision of a landscape painting, the ability to correlate a pictorial image with a poetic and musical one.
Foster emotional responsiveness to works of art.

Equipment. Reproduction of the painting "March" by I. Levitan. Audio recording of music: "Song of the Lark" from the cycle "Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, "Spring" from the cycle "Seasons" by A. Vivaldi. Various visual materials, album sheets, brushes, easels.

The course of the lesson.

Children sit comfortably on pillows in front of an easel with a covered painting.
Guys, what time of year is it? True, spring, or rather, its very beginning. In spring, soft blue, emerald, turquoise and other shades of green prevail. In one season, fleeting periods of spring replace each other: spring of light, spring of water, spring of greenery and pre-summer. In the spring, all nature comes to life, everything around wakes up and turns green! Admiring the spring bloom of nature, landscape painters reflect their impressions in their canvases. Now we will consider one of the landscapes about spring (I open the picture). Admire this masterpiece and listen to a short piece of music from the album "The Four Seasons" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

I give time to look at the picture and listen to the music.
- What did the music tell us? What have you heard?
Children's answers.

- What is the character of this play: sad or joyful, perky; voiced or quiet?
The reasoning of children.

- Look at the image. Do you think the music conveys the mood that the artist created?
The reasoning of children.

- The picture depicts the first month of spring - March. Recently, we got acquainted with folk signs about spring, let's remember the signs of March.
1 child. March is the dawn of spring. In the old days it was called a drip. Indeed, at the beginning of spring, drops ring everywhere, snow swells and melts, thawed patches form. Therefore, March is also called the "protalnik". Its poetic name is "morning of the year"!

2 child. It gets warmer every day in March, but the March heat is deceiving. Often there is coldness in the evening, and in the daytime the sun takes its toll, the sky shines with bottomless pure blue, puddles spill over the whole earth, and a bird chirp is heard in the heights.

- To give us a complete idea of ​​the beginning of spring, I suggest listening to poems.
Children read works A. N. Plescheeva ,A.A. Feta.

- Let's take a close look at the landscape. It was painted by the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan and called it briefly "March". What attracted the artist's attention, and he decided to capture it on his canvas?
The reasoning of children.

- Exactly, the beginning of spring is depicted somewhere in the village or in the country. In the foreground is a thawed yellowish-brown road leading to the house. It seems that we can feel the smell of wet melt snow, steam coming from the hewn planks of a wooden house heated by the sun. A horse drawn to a sleigh stands by the porch, squinting in the sunlight. Pay attention to how interestingly the painting is constructed: the artist does not paint the whole house, but only part of it - the wall and the porch, several aspen trunks against the background of large green pines. The green forest darkens in the distance. The aspens behind the porch involuntarily stretch towards the sun. We see that everything in the picture is in motion: the tops of the pines, the shadow of the open door creates the feeling that the door is swinging, the melted snow on the roof of the porch is ready to fall down with a noise, the horse is slowly shifting from foot to foot.

- Name and show the colors that characterize the palette of the picture.
Children list colors and shades.

- The color mood of the picture is characterized by the contrast of the reddish tones of the sleigh road, showing through the cold gray-blue tones of the snow, the combination of the colors of the sunlit wall of the house, sparkling gold in the rays of the sun of aspens and birches and sparkling bluish-purple in the snow, and in the shade - bright blue snowdrift.
- Is there a person in the picture?
- But, despite the fact that there is no one on the canvas, we feel that a person is present here. What does it say about this?
Children's answers.

- You correctly noticed all the signs of a person's presence: the open door of the house, the shutter removed from the window, a horse waiting for its master.
- How can you characterize the mood of the landscape, what is it?
The reasoning of children.

- Yes, in my opinion, this landscape is joyful, bright, sunny! It is full of transparent air, blinding bright sun, spring light, awakening of nature. On it, nature comes to life, wakes up after a long winter sleep.
I suggest you go behind the easels and draw your own spring.
I remind you of different techniques of execution, a possible combination of visual materials!
Children draw to the play "Spring" from the cycle "Seasons" A. Vivaldi.
When the work is completed, I encourage the children to consider and highlight the distinguishing features of each work.

Title: Synopsis of a lesson on familiarization with art in the senior group "March - the dawn of spring »
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, visual activity, Senior group

Position: educator of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU DS No. 71 "Pochemuchka" of the Starooskolsk urban district
Location: Belgorod region, the city of Stary Oskol

Software content: to bring children to the understanding that at all times the people praised their defenders and were proud of them; develop a desire to speak out about what he saw; arouse interest in the peculiarities of the clothes of warriors-heroes, in the presence of decor (the clothes protected the warrior and were beautiful); find means of expressiveness that help determine the characters of the heroes, their thoughts; ...

Equipment: Reproduction of the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov "Heroes", material for application on the theme: "Let's decorate the helmets for the soldiers."

Course of the lesson

A conversation with children about why the country needs warriors. How can you distinguish a warrior among ordinary people? What should every warrior be like to win?

Educator (V.). The people needed defenders at all times. Only they looked a little different. Do you want to see the warriors who were in Russia many years ago?

The teacher hangs out a reproduction of the painting by V. Vasnetsov "Heroes".

V. Descended from the high hills and stopped in the middle of an even field, three warriors - three heroes. In the middle, on a black (raven) horse, is Ilya Muromets. He covered himself with his palm from the sun in order to see better, and with a keen, sharp gaze peers into the distance. On a white horse - Dobrynya Nikitich. He, too, stares into the distance. They don't just look, they see something in the distance. Even the damask sword is half pulled from its scabbard. What do you think they could see? What could have alarmed them so? (Answers of the children.)

What can you say about the third hero? How is he different from others? Looking into the face of Ilya Muromets, we can say that he is strong, calm, Dobrynya Nikitich is brave and ardent, and Alyosha Popovich is young, gentle, he seems to think about his own. He can not only fight, but also sing songs and play the harp. Take a closer look, and you will find a harp on him.

Children, and how many of you know the name of the clothes of warriors, their weapons?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher notes that the hero has a helmet on his head, and a metal chain mail protects his chest. Weapons - spear, heavy mace, shield, sword, bow and arrows. It is necessary to pay attention to decorative ornaments made by chasing, forging, inlaid with precious stones. All this adorns the warriors and their horses. Horses also match the heroes: the strong black horse of Ilya Muromets, the white horse ready to race and the calm, even obedient, golden horse of Alyosha Popovich.

V. In the image of the heroes, the artist Viktor Vasnetsov used a lot of red and gold colors. This is no coincidence, since red is the color of victory, joy. How did the artist manage to convey the shine of the metal? (He did not paint over the chain mail in one color, but left light reflections, and the shine of the metal chain mail turned out.)

Do you think the Motherland is behind the heroes or in front? The artist really wanted us to guess, and painted the sky white and pink.

What is the most unprotected in the picture? Find the youngest Christmas tree. The Christmas tree that grew up earlier than others. What do you think the Christmas trees are worried about at this moment? What are they saying to each other? (Reception of empathy.) But in vain are the Christmas trees worried that the strong legs of the horses will take them. Another minute - and the horses with the heroes will rush off to where the warriors peered so attentively: not to see the enemy, if they offend someone?

Let's come up with a story about what lies ahead for the heroes.

After that, the teacher invites children to decorate the silhouette shapes of helmets with "precious stones" using bright colored paper. An old Russian folk song about a Russian soldier can serve as a background for this artistic activity.

Examination of a reproduction of the painting by V. A. Serov "Girl with Peaches"

Software content: develop the skills of the figurative language of portrait painting, a sense of beauty; stimulate the desire to analyze a work of art, to understand the means of artistic expression of a portrait.

Equipment: portrait of V. A. Serov, reproductions of paintings "Girl with peaches », "Girl illuminated by the sun", "Portrait of Mika Morozov".

Course of the lesson

V. Portrait painters in their paintings create portraits of famous people: commanders, composers, poets, artists, etc. our days. Do you want to admire?

The teacher shows a reproduction of the painting "Girl with Peaches".

V. What immediately caught your attention? You don't know anything about this girl, but let's try to figure out what the artist wanted to tell us about her? He wanted us to feel the joy of life that he felt when he painted the picture. What makes us happy? (From the abundance of light and warmth, a summer sunny day outside the window, from the girl's calm, sweet face, her slight smile, from ripe velvety peaches on the table.) If color is a means of conveying mood, then what shades did the artist use to convey joy with color?

What color can we say that it is olive yellow? Find it. Pale pink? Find shades of pink in the painting (lightest and darkest). I'll tell you a secret that the artist spent most of his time looking for the right shades to convey the elegance of the girl's blouse. A black bow with a red flower stands out in contrast.

Why did the artist need a bluish-gray, lilac-gray color here? (To convey the shadow.)

Who will find more shadow traces? Where do you see the sun tracks?

We guess that there are trees outside the window, maybe this is a garden. But we already know: to paint a river, sky, trees, artists take not only green, blue paint. What did the artist want to show using such light colors outside the window? (Sunlit day.)

You are probably wondering how the girl got here. Her name is Vera Mamontova. She is with her parents at the dacha. She really likes it here. She looks at the artist with her dark, calm eyes. Maybe she's even a little embarrassed because the artist has painted a blush on her cheeks.

What do you want to know about her? What would you ask her if you were in this room? What would you ask artist Valentin Serov about? (Show the stages of creating a portrait: a pencil sketch, the first color spots, detailed color work.)

How would you name this picture? (After the statements of the children, the teacher calls the author's name.)

If the interest of the children has not disappeared, you can present to their attention the pictures "Girl illuminated by the sun" and "Portrait of Mika Morozov".

Show here the mood of the picture - a feeling of peace from the sunlight and the warmth of a tree, to note the excellent transfer of the character, the inner world of the boy ("Portrait of Mika Morozov").

Examination of reproductions of paintings by I. E. Repin "Dragonfly" and "Autumn Bouquet"

Software content: develop the ability to perceive the portrait genre; arouse the desire to unravel the artist's intention, to determine the character, the inner content of the person depicted in the portrait; show the power of such a means of expressiveness as color; , the feeling of joy from the ability to "read a portrait".

Equipment: reproductions of paintings by I. E. Repin "Dragonfly", "Autumn Bouquet", self-portraits of I. E. Repin in his younger years and in the last years of his life.

Course of the lesson

V. Now you will see a painting that the artist Ilya Repin called "Dragonfly". What do you think can be depicted on it? (The picture can be opened gradually, from top to bottom.) Maybe the artist confused something with the title? If not, what would he like to say by that name?

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Vera. She was the daughter of the artist I. E. Repin. She was a fast, joyful, easy girl who enjoyed everything: a sunny day, warmth, red summer, cheerful fun. Oh, and Vera was a fidget! It was worn all day long, fluttering like a dragonfly. And now she jumped on the perch, and the next moment she is no longer there, but one moment is enough for the artist to convey all this. Artists see more than we do, they know the secrets of colors and are able to reflect a lot in their paintings. Let's try to figure it out. What color is in the picture the most? (Light blue, muted.) Do you know how a color can sound?

Bright, warm colors sound fun, joyful, loud. Cold - fresh, calm, cheerful; light, muted colors sound gentle, soft.

This is why there is so much blue in the painting. The artist thus emphasized love, tenderness for his daughter.

We do not see the sun, but there is so much of it in the picture. Find it. The hat covers her face from the sun, but it has crept in and caresses the girl's cheek. We can even guess which side the sun is shining from.

We are standing in front of the picture, but it seems to us that the girl is high, and we are, as it were, looking from the bottom up. Why do we think so? (The artist placed the portrait against the sky. The earth is almost invisible, the tops of the blades of grass are visible. Our fidget seems to be floating in the air.)

And what else tells us that Vera is a fidget? (The folds on the tights (stockings).

I wonder what she will become when she grows up? How do you imagine it? (Statements of the children.)

Many years have passed, and Vera has grown. And she became like this (the picture "Autumn Bouquet" is hung out). IE Repin painted a portrait of an adult Vera.

Can an adult Vera be called a dragonfly? Why? What has she become? Find your words.

If in the painting "Dragonfly" the light but cold blue color was warmed by the sun, then in the painting "Autumn Bouquet" there are many warm tones. Find traces of autumn. (Vera's outfit complements the autumn flavor.) Silence, calmness and even sadness sound in the picture. Vera looks directly at us. What do you think she wants to tell us? Or maybe she wants to give us this wonderful autumn bouquet?

When Ilya Repin painted a portrait of little Vera, he was young (showing a self-portrait). But Repin lived a very long life and painted his portrait in the last years of his life. Years have changed a person's face, but his love for art has not changed. Nothing was dearer to him than painting.

If the children have not lost interest, you can exhibit reproductions of other paintings by Repin and conduct didactic games "Find a picture on the palette", "Find a picture according to the scheme", "Find a picture by sketch".

Topic: Zainka (viewing illustrations by Yu.Vasnetsov)


Continue to foster interest in visual arts.

Develop auditory perception, attention, observation;

Improve verbal communication.

Continue learning how to draw round and oval shapes, fix

Ability to hold a pencil correctly; develop a sense of color.

Foster a love of nature.

Materials and equipment:

Toy hare, bunny mask, illustration by Y. Vasnetsov

"Zainka", sheets of yellow paper with painted vases,

A sample drawing on a chalkboard, colored pencils in a box for each


Preliminary work:

Consideration of illustrations "Ladushki" by Y. Vasnetsov and "Who

V. Suteev said "Meow".


Children enter the group and see a sad gray bunny sitting on the carpet. The children and the teacher are interested in what happened to the bunny, why he is so sad. The bunny replies that he quarreled with his friends hares and does not know how to make peace with them now. The teacher offers to help the bunny.

Bunny, we know one game with children, about you, do you want to watch? (Yes I want to).

Optionally, one of the children is chosen for the role of a bunny, and a round dance game "Zainka" is held.

Zainka, enter the garden

Gray, enter the garden.

Bunny, bunny, enter the garden

Gray, gray enter the garden!

Zainka, pick the color

Gray, pick the color.

Bunny, bunny, pick the color

Gray, gray, pick the color!

Zainka, your wreath,

Greyish, own wreath.

Bunny, bunny own wreath,

Gray, gray wreath of yours!

Zainka, dance

Gray, dance.

Bunny, bunny, dance,

Gray, gray, dance!

During the round dance, the child chosen by the "zainka" performs the movements corresponding to the words of the song. After the game, the teacher, together with the children, asks the bunny if he liked the game. (Yes very).

Then the teacher invites the bunny, together with the children, to consider the illustration by Y. Vasnetsov "Zainka".

Children, look at the picture. Where is the bunny here? And what does he do? (dancing). How did you guess? Show me how he dances? (children show)

Why is he so happy? What does he hold in his paws? (bouquet of flowers) And the flowers look like cabbage heads! The bunny is very fond of cabbage. So he is happy!

Tell us what the bunny is wearing? (Smart red patterned boots, a jacket with red buttons and multi-colored borders).

And what is this bunny? (ears)

What are his ears?

What else does the bunny have?

And what is drawn around the bunny? (blue flowers, all patterned, painted). On green twigs, yellow berries also grow.

And the sun is so amazing! Tell us about it. (Yellow, round, with a belt of white dots, with many rays.)

What color is the entire page? (pink).

This is how interestingly and elegantly the artist Yuri Alekseevich Vasnetsov drew a song about a bunny.

After the examination, a physical minute is carried out:

Gray bunny sits

And wiggles his ears

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws,

Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny must jump.

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny - jumped - and ran away.

After a physical minute, the teacher invites the children to draw a bouquet of flowers for the bunny and his friends. At the end of drawing, the lesson is summed up. After the result, the bunny gives a treat for the children and leaves with the pictures of the children.

summary of the lesson on familiarization of preschool children

with fine arts

"Travel to the land of art"

Lesson objectives:

Ø To consolidate ideas about the main genres of fine art (landscape still life portrait); the ability to find one of the genres among others and justify your choice.

Ø Teach children to see the distinctive and complex features of the landscape.

Ø Continue learning how to compose a still life composition according to your own design.

Ø To expand knowledge about the portrait genre, to determine the inner world of the depicted person, to distinguish feelings, mood by facial expression, by facial expressions.

Ø Learn to change facial expressions by moving parts on a flannelgraph.

Ø Activate the dictionary, teach to select synonyms.

Ø To form love for beauty.

Course of the lesson: Today a fairytale hero should come to us. Guess who it is? "The boy in the hat is very curious and funny, he loves to draw very much, but now, guys, he doesn't know anything." Children: Dunno. Enters Dunno: Hello guys. It's good that you know me. Probably read about me? Remember, once I wanted to be an artist, but nobody liked the pictures I drew? So I came to your kindergarten to learn. After all, I love art so much! I want to visit the fabulous land of art. But you can't get there so easily. You need to show your knowledge, but I can’t do anything. Educator: Guys, let's help Dunno. We know a lot. Listen, Dunno, carefully. What is painting Children: pictures painted with different paints or other colored materials Educator: Who is painting the picture? Children: painter Educator: What helps the artist, what assistants does he have? Children: paints, pencils, crayons, gouache, charcoal, pastel. Educator: What colors do you know? Children: watercolor, mental, gouache Educator: what is the difference between watercolor and gouache. Children: watercolors are diluted with water, but gouache is not diluted with anything Educator: and what is used for oil paints? Children: oil Educator: Oil paints are painted by real artists, and these paintings have survived for many, many years. What are shades? Children: All colors similar to the base color, only darker or lighter. Educator: Name the shades of red Children: pink, burgundy, crimson, scarlet. Educator: Did Dunno listen? What do you say? Dunno: How much do you know! Well done! Do you agree with me to visit the fabulous land of art? Bell, call, call to the world of art

(music plays, children go in a circle and come up to a group of landscape paintings) Dunno: Oh, how many pictures are there! Educator: Let's see what paintings are hanging here. What are they talking about? True about nature. How, in one word, to call pictures about nature? Children: landscape Educator: Look carefully and tell me, what mistake was made here? True, among the landscapes there was another picture. We'll take it off. What landscapes are you familiar with here? Who wrote them? Looking at these pictures, we see the beauty of nature. What mood arises when looking at these pictures? Children: mood sad, joyful, gentle, cheerful Educator: What do you want to do when looking at pictures? Dunno: I also want to paint a landscape. How to draw a landscape correctly? Educator: Yes, usually a landscape is painted, but you can also make a sketch. We, Dunno, will now make such a sketch together. To compose it, we will use diagrams. (we consider the schemes, what order of drawing up) - the season - we divide the sheet in half - a corner of nature Children choose according to the scheme and make up a landscape on a flannelgraph. Dunno: How beautiful! Well done! Educator: And where should the picture we shot be placed? Children: to still life Dunno: To "Mamort"? What is it? Educator: Not "mamort", but still life. Guys, let's tell you what a still life is. We approach the group of still life paintings Children: The image of beautiful things and objects such as dishes, fruits, vegetables, flowers Dunno: Do you know how to create a composition? Educator: We will now show you different compositions of still lifes (children collect a still life from cut-out objects on a sheet of colored paper) Dunno: Oh, this takes a long time to learn. It turned out so beautifully! Physics: "Beautiful bouquet"(to the music who will collect a beautiful bouquet faster) Educator: And what genre is still left, we have not considered? (portrait) What is a portrait? Children: image of a person Educator: Can you learn a lot about a person from portraits? What? Children: you can learn about mood, character, how a person lives Educator: What can you say about these people? Dunno: My friend Tube also paints portraits, so he painted himself Educator: Children know the name of the portrait of the author himself, written by him (self-portrait) Dunno: And he drew me too! Here! Educator: Guys, why do you think all portraits are different? Yes, Dunno has a different mood, so the expression on his face changed. What Dunno is depicted in this picture? What is his face? (sad, sad, calm, surprised) Mimicry game(show how children are angry, sad, surprised, having fun) Educator: Help me turn a sad Dunno into a cheerful one. What details need to be changed. (on a flannelgraph, a split portrait (mouth and eyebrows change) Dunno: Oh how funny I am Educator: Here we have visited the land of art. It's time to go back to kindergarten Dunno: I'll stay here Educator: Bell, call the kindergarten, bring us back. Here we are in kindergarten. Where we were? Liked? What did you like the most? What was the difficult part of this journey? Would you like to travel again? Now in the group, if there is a desire, we will draw.

1) To acquaint children with such a genre of painting as landscape.

2) To learn to perceive the content of landscape katina, to understand the beauty of nature, which the artist depicted.

3) Develop imagination, fantasy; make children want to look at pictures of nature.

4) To expand the knowledge of children about the work of landscape painter I.I.Shishkin.

4) To bring up in children an artistic taste, the ability to highlight shades of colors, as a means of expressiveness.


Enrichment of the dictionary - pine forest, dense, gloomy.

Activation of the dictionary - dark, impassable, deaf, clumsy, funny, cute, club-footed bears, rare, pawed, openwork crown.


Show, explanation, conversation, reminder, repetition, game technique, artistic word, physical minutes, encouragement, evaluation of actions.


Screen, projector, computer, slides-reproduction of II Shishkin's painting "Morning in a pine forest", portrait-reproduction of II Shishkin, audio recording (musical accompaniment during creative work), blanks in monotype technique.


Examination of illustrations, pictures about nature, excursion to the grove, park, reading of the Russian fairy tales "The Frog Princess", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear", organization of an exhibition of paintings-reproductions by I. And Shishkina - "Rye", "Pine Forest", "Ship Grove", "Before the Thunderstorm".


Imagine, children, that we are in the forest now. Turn around you and turn into trees. Show how tall the trees are in the forest. (Children raise their hands)

A warm breeze blew, leaves rustled. (Children quickly wiggle their fingers)

A cold wind blew, pine trees swayed. (Children sway and wave their hands)

The wind has died down - neither leaves nor branches move. (Children relax)

The wind blew again. (Children tense up again and wave their hands, then relax again)

Guys, what a wonderful world surrounds us, this is the world of nature. Artists help us to be able to see its beauty. You are already familiar with artists who illustrated fairy tales, and there are others who help us to see the beauty of nature in a painting. The pictures they paint are called landscapes, and landscape painters.

What is the name of the artist who paints landscapes? (Suggested answers by landscape painter)

And the pictures that he writes? (Landscapes)

In Russia there lived a wonderful artist I.I.Shishkin, who loved to paint the forest.

Look at his portrait. A strong, broad-shouldered man with a beard, somewhat reminiscent of a mighty tree. People called him so - "Forest Hero", "King of the Forest"

I.I.Shishkin has a picture that many know. It is called "Morning in a pine forest."

Look guys carefully, what are the names of the trees that the artist painted? (Pine trees)

And what is the name of a forest in which only pines grow? (Pine forest)

Right, pine forest. Look at the trees. How can you characterize them - what are they? (Tall, mighty, slender, thick, etc.)

What is the crown of a pine? (Rare, clawed, openwork)

What do you think is the main color in the forest? (Green)

Does the artist use the same green color when painting a forest? (Different shades of it)

What time of day do you think is depicted in the picture, why? (Morning, because the sun just rose and lit up the tops of the trees)

Whom do you see in the center of the picture? (A bear with cubs)

Look and tell me what the cubs are doing? (Children talk about what the cubs are doing)

So what artist did we meet with you? (I.I.Shishkin)

And what is the name of the picture that we examined? ("Morning in a pine forest")

How can you name in one word what is depicted in the picture? (Landscape)

Yes, guys, now we know that the picture in which nature is depicted is called a landscape, and the artist who painted it is a landscape painter.


Hands raised and shook

These are the trees in the forest

Elbows bent, hands shook,

The wind knocks down the dew.

To the sides of the hand,

Gently wave -

These are birds flying to us.

How they sit, we will show too

The wings folded back.

Now guys, each of you will become a landscape painter.

Children go to their workplaces and perform the task in a non-traditional monotype technique.

Guys, what time of year is it? (Golden autumn)

So let's depict a golden autumn in our paintings.

At the end of the activities of the children, the works are hung out and everyone admires, shares their impressions, chooses the ones they like.

You turned out to be wonderful landscape painters!