A major way. How to distinguish minor from major

A major way. How to distinguish minor from major
A major way. How to distinguish minor from major

Let's look at a piano keyboard carefully. It has white and black keys. The distance between the adjacent keys is called halfone. Two halftone make up the tone.

For example, between the "up to" and "to diges" keys - halfton, between the keys "to diez" and "re" also halftone. And between the keys "to" and "re" - tone. Between the "Mi" and "Fa" keys - halftone, because they are the nearest keys, there are no black keys between them.

Major and Minor

A certain structure of halftone and tones is musical way. There are many lands in music. The most common ones are Major and Minor. You probably heard these names.

Major lord Built on such a system:


For example, we need to build a major way from sound to. That's what we do:

We built "to major". If according to the same scheme, build a major way from the sound "re" will be "D Major". And also by analogy, you can build a major or sound from any sound.

Minor hand Built on another scheme:


For example, we will build a minor foot from the sound of La, as you already probably guessed, la in Minor. That's what it looks like:

By the same principle you can build minor freight from any other sounds.

It turns out that the tonality is the altitude arrangement of major or minor Lada. That is, the construction of the Lada from the specific sound (tonic). Lada sounds are called Lada steps. They indicate Roman numbers.

One of the functions of Lada is the ratio of stable and unstable steps. I, III and V are stable steps. II, IV, VI, VII - unstable. Unstable sounds in stable. Usually, the musical work begins and ends with steady steps. I step (tonic) is of particular importance, it is the main and most stable.

Tonic sober consists of stable steps (I, III and IV). In to the major, it will be sounds (pre-Mi-salt). This is the basis of Lada, the most stable chord, to which all the other Lada chords are. In addition to tonic, the main treatments include the sober IV steps (or subdominant), the sober IV steps (dominant). Dominanta (designated latin letter D) unstable, always to the tonic (denoted by the letter T). The subdominant (denotes the letter S) - expresses soft instability, it is much less active to the tonic than the dominant.

The main sober (T, S, D) form the basis of ladhotonality. When they say about the song that it is built on three chords, they usually mean these chords.

In addition to the main sober, there are also side. These include II, III, VI, VII steps. They do not have special names, except for the VII stage, are called along the stage number, for example, sober II steps. The sober VII stages are called a reduced sober.

The task

To secure the material, I propose to perform such a task.

Build yourself the following Lada according to the construction scheme of Major and Minor: Fa Major, G Major, Si Minor, Re Minor. The task must be performed in writing with a pencil on a not aware sheet.

If something is incomprehensible, write your questions in the comments.

Musical Lad - Another concept of musical theorywith whom we will get to know. Lad in music - This is a system of sustainable and unstable sounds and a consonance that works on a specific sound effect.

There are quite a few lads in music, now we will consider only the two most common (in European music) - major and Minor. You have already heard these names, they heard their banal decodents of the Major type - a fun, life-affirming and joyful way, and Minor - sad, email, soft.

This is just sample characteristicsBut, in no case, not shortcuts - music in each of the musicists can express any feelings: for example, tragedy in Major or some light feelings in Minor (see, the opposite is the opposite).

Major and Minor - Major Lads in Music

So, let's analyze the major and mining way. The concept of the road is closely related to the skewers. Sounds of the Major and Minor consist of seven musical steps (that is, notes) plus the last, the eighth step repeats the first.

The difference between major and minor is just in relations between the steps of their speakers. These steps are one of the other for the distance or the whole tone, or halftone. In Major, these relationships will be as follows: tone-tone halftone tone-tone halftone (easy to remember - 2 tones halftone 3 tones halftone), in minor - tone halftone tone halftone tone tone (tone semitone 2 tones halftone 2 tones). We look at the picture and remember:

Now let's see and the other musical paw on a specific example. For clarity, we build major and minor skews from the note before.

You see that in the record of Major and Minor there is a significant difference. Play these examples on the tools - you will find the difference and in the sound. Let me allow myself one small digression: if you do not know how tones and halftones are considered, refer to the materials of these articles: and.

Properties of musical ladoons

Lad in music There is no just like that, it performs certain functions, and one of these functions is the regulation of the ratios of stable and unstable steps. For Major and Minor, stable steps are the first, third and fifth (I, III and V), unstable - the second, fourth, sixth and seventh (II, IV, VI and VII). Sustainable steps begins and the melody ends, if it is written in a major or minor log. Unstable sounds always strive for stable sounds.

Special meaning It has the first step - it is called tonic. Sustainable steps together form tonic sober, this is a sober - identifier music Lada.

Other musical Lada

A major and mining way in music are not the only options for sound. In addition to them, there are also many other freedoms inherent in one way or another. musical cultures or artificially created by composers. For example, pentatonic - The five-foot paw, in which the role of tonic can play any of his steps. Pentatonic is extremely widespread in China and Japan.

Let's summarize. We gave the definition of the concept, learned the structure of the sorons of major and minor logs, divided the steps of the spellings to stable and unstable.

You remember that Tonic is main stage of musical Lada, main steady sound? Excellent! Well worked, now you can and have a little fun. Check out this cartoon joke.

IN folk music There are a variety of freedoms. IN classical music (Russian and foreign) to some extent affected folk artAnd therefore, and inherent variety of lads, but still the most wide use of Lada Ajora and Minhano.

Major(Major, in the literal sense of the word, means b about lodine) is called a way, the stable sounds of which (in a sequential or simultaneous sound) form a large or major sober - consonance consisting of three sounds. Sounds of major sober are located in terms of colors: a large column - between the lower and middle sounds, and small - between the middle and the upper sounds. A pure quinta interval is formed between the extreme sounds of the sober.

For example:

A major sober, built on tonic, is called tonic sober.

Unstable sounds in such a rud are located between resistant.

A major man consists of seven sounds, or, as they are called, steps.

The consistent row of Lada sounds (ranging from tonic and to the tonic of the next octave) is called the oscillator of the Lada or gamut.

Sounds forming gamut are called steps, because the gamma itself is quite clearly associated with the staircase.

The gamma steps are denoted by Roman numbers:

They form a sequence of intervals of a second. The order of the steps and seconds is as follows: B.2, B.2, M.2, B.2, B.2, B.2, M.2 (that is, two tones, halftone, three tones, halftone).

Do you remember the piano keyboard? There is very clearly visible, where in the major gamma tone, and where halftone. Let's see more specifically.

This is where there are black keys between white, there is a tone, and where there is no - then there is a distance between the sounds equal to halfone. Why, asks, it is necessary to know? Here you try to play (clicking alternately) first from the note Before to note Before next octave (try to remember the hearing obtained). And then the same thing from all other notes, without resorting to the help of derivatives ("black") keys. It turns out something not that. In order to bring everything in an equally decent look, you need to withstand the scheme tone, tone, halftone, tone, tone, tone, halftone. Let's try to make a major gamut from the note. Recall that you must first build two tones. So, Re-Mi. - This is the tone. Very good. And here Mi-Fa... Stop! "Chernidka" keys between them are not observed. The distance between the sounds - Polton, and we need a tone. What to do? The answer is simple - upgrade a note F on the column up (we get Fa resid). Repeat: Re - Fa-Diez. That is, if we needed that there was an intermediate key between the steps, and the black between them did not turn out, then be the key to perform this intermediate role - and the stage "moves" to black. Further requires a halfway, and he himself turned out (between Fa resid and sol-Bekar just a distance of halfton), it turned out Re - Fa-Diez - Salt. Continuing strictly adhere to the scheme of the major speaker (once again remind: tone, tone, halftone, tone, tone, tone, halftone) Re-major gamut, sounding just like gamma sounded BEFORE:

Gamma with the above-mentioned levels of steps is called natural major gamut, and a way, expressed by this order, is a natural major. Major may not only be natural, therefore such clarification is not suitable. In addition to digital designation, each level of Lada has an independent name:

I Step - Tonic (T),
Stage II - downward introductory sound
III Step - Mediant (average),
IV Step - subdominant (s),
V Step - Dominant (D),
VI Step - Submandiant (Lower Mediant),
VII Step - Ascending Sound.

Tonic, subdominant and dominant are called the main steps, the rest are by side steps. Please, please, these three rooms: I, IV and V are the main steps. Let you not bother you that they are located in the skews so so far, without visible symmetry. This is the fundamental justifications, the nature of which you will learn from the lessons on harmony on our website.

Dominant (translated - the dominant) is located a pure quint above Tonic. Between them is the third stage, so it is called the mediant (medium). The subdominant (Lower Dominant) is located quinte below the tonic, its name occurs, and the submediant is between the subdominant and tonic. Below is the location scheme of these steps:

Introductory sounds got their name due to their tonic. The lower introductory sound is in the upstream direction, and the upper - in the descending direction.

Above it was said that in Major, three stable sounds are I, III and V steps. The degree of sustainability of their unequal. The first step - tonic - is the main support sound and therefore most stable. III and V steps less stable. II, IV, VI and VII steps of major Lada are unstable. The degree of their instability is different. It depends: 1) from the distance between unstable and resistant sounds; 2) on the degree of sustainability of the sound, to which he was directed. A smaller sharpness is manifested in steps: VI to V, II to III and IV to V.

For an example, let's listen to two options for the resolution of sounds. First - for major tonalities, and second For minor. Minor we will still study in the following classes, but for now try to perceive on rumors. Now, engaged in practical lessons, try to find stable and unstable steps and their permissions.

To know how to determine the tone of the work, it is required, first of all, to understand the concept of "tonality". You are already familiar with this term, so I can only remind you, without deepening in the theory.

The tonality is generally the height of the sound, in this case, the height of the sound of any Lada - for example, a major or minor. Flood is the construction of a skeleton according to a specific scheme and, moreover, the way is a specific sound color of the skewness (major paws are associated with light tones, minor - with sad notes, shadow).

The height of each specific depends on its tonic (main stable note). That is, tonic is this note to which the way is tied. Floor in interaction with tonic and gives a tonality - that is, a set of sounds built in a certain order located at a particular height.

How to determine the tone of the work on the rumor?

It is important to understand that not at any moment of sound It can accurately say in which tone this part of the work sounds. Need to select individual moments And analyze them. What are these moments? It may be the very beginning or the easiest of the work, as well as the end of any partition of the work or even a separate phrase. Why? Because the beginning and ends sound stable, they claim, and in the middle it usually takes removal from the main tonality.

So choosing a fragment for yourself, pay attention to two things:

  1. what is the whole mood in the work, what kind of challenge is a major or minor?
  2. what sound is most stable, what kind of sound is suitable for it to complete the work?

When you determine this, you should have clarification. The type of inclination depends the majority of this tonality or minor, that is, what is the tonalness of the way. Well, tonic, that is, the steady sound you heard, you can just pick up on the instrument. So, you know the tonic and is known to be a lade ignition. What else is needed? Nothing, only to connect them together. For example, if you heard the minor mood and Fa tonic, then the tonality will be in Minor.

How to determine the tone of the work in notes?

But how to determine the tone of the work, if you have a note on your hands? Probably, you already guessed that you should pay attention to the signs when the key. In most cases, in these signs and tonic, you can unmistakably determine the tonality, because the key signs put you before the fact, offering only two concrete tones: one major and one parallel to her minor. What kind of tonality in this work depends on tonic. Read more about key signs you can read.

Finding tonic can cause difficulties. Often it is the last note of the musical work or its logically completed phrase, just less often she is also the first. If, for example, the work begins with applications (incomplete clock preceding the first), then often a steady note is not the first, and the one that falls on a strong share of the first normal full tact.

Do not be lazy to look at the part of the accompaniment, you can guess what kind of note is tonic. Very often, the accompaniment beats the tonic sober, which, as it is clear from the title, contains a tonic, and by the way, and the way too. The final accumulation chord almost always contains it.

He summarized the above, highlight a few steps that you must take if you want to determine the tone of the work:

  1. For rumor - find out the general mood of the work (major or minor).
  2. Having on the hands of notes - look for alteration signs (with the key or random changes in the priment of the tonality).
  3. To determine the tonic - conditionally this is the first or last sound of the melody, if not suitable - to determine the stable, "support" note on the hearing.

It is hearing that is your main tool in solving the issue that this article is devoted. Following these non-good rules, you can determine the tonality of the musical work quickly and correctly, later you will learn how to determine the tonality at a glance. Good luck!

By the way, a good tip for you on initial stage A crib known to all musicians -. Try to use it - very convenient.

Making a variety of musical sound achieved large quantity ways. Today we will analyze some of the most important - varieties of major and minor series, in particular the harmonic minor and major. Let's start with the characteristics.

What is it - Harmonic Minor?

One of the types of Sounds belonging to Minor Lada. This is the definition of the concept made in the subtitle. The difference from natural sound is the increase in the VII stage. The reason for this in the presence of imitation of the input tone, which is characteristic only for natural major.

The harmonic minor is considered the most common type of series of the same name in both classical and pop, popular music. In order of climbing, his sound is built as: T - PT - T - T - PT - one and a half time - PT.

Thus, the harmonic minor gives a specific color that is exactly an enlarged second (in other words, one and a half way), which is noticeable between the sixth and seventh steps. From here there is an interesting trend. In the classic musical works of the XVIII - the beginning of the 20th century, which are created in Minor, the transition of a melodic move on one and a half time is avoided. The exception will be the compositions that the author seeks to give an oriental (Eastern) color, the sound in the spirit of the Russian East. Such a move on an increased second is more correct to call modalism.

The existing tonality of minor

We observe, in which tonalities you can see the harmonic minor:

  • La Minor.
  • Mi Minor.
  • SI Minor Harmonic: the appearance of a la-diezer.
  • Fa res: increase in the seventh stage when climbing.
  • Pre-Diez: C-dishes are added with harmonic form.
  • F Minor: The sound is characterized by an increase in Mi-Bekar.
  • Until Minor: raising a Si-Bachar in harmonic sound.
  • Salt Minor: With this form, the phase is exhibited.
  • Harmonic is an increase in pre-diez.

Harmonic major

The harmonic major is called the type of the same name of the same name. Her Home distinctive trait - Reduced VI step. This is distinguished by a harmonic variety from genuine.

Let's look at the Harmonic Major Floast in the climbing trend: T - T - PT - T - PT - one and a half time - PT. The sixth reduced step here has one feature: it helps to build intervals that will be identical to Minor. As an example: an enlarged second on this stage.

Thus, it can be said that the specific color of the harmonic major is the same oriental flavor. It gives its second between the sixth and seventh steps that is increased.

What could be Minor?

Initially, the sound was represented by a natural minor. But over time, new "paints" was added to Lada in order to diversify it. So there was a harmonic and melodic minor. Consider two not submitted views.

Natural. This is the name of the simple gamma, as it is, without adding random signs and taking into account only key. When moving up and down, the sound seal is traced the same. Overall: Simple, sad, strict sound without unnecessary details.

Melodic. His difference is that when moving up, two steps are becoming higher at once - the sixth and seventh, and when the downward movement, they are canceled. That is, B. last case The performer plays or sings almost natural minor. Increasing the sixth stage here is necessary to overlap the increased interval. It is characteristic of harmonious varieties. It is necessary because minor is melodic, and in the melody, the move on an increased second is prohibited.

The increase in VI, the VII stage gives a directional, but at the same time softened movement towards tonic. I also wonder why this alteration is canceled when moving down? The simplest explanation: the increase in the sixth and seventh stage gives some funny melodia. But taking into account what is fulfilled by Minor, the repetition of such a frivolous notch will already be superfluous.

What could be a major?

Just like Minor, major can be natural, melodic and harmonic. Consider unintended varieties.

Natural. This includes ordinary gamut with key signs, if necessary. Random in natural major are missing. It is the most common in musical works View from the whole trip.

The sequence of the tones of the outerness is observed here: T - T - PT - T - T - T - PT.

Melodic. As you remember, two steps rose in the melodic minor - the 6th and 7th. In Major, they do not rise, but, on the contrary, decrease. And the VI and VII stage are changed with a downward movement. That is, the rules for municipal minor are exactly the opposite. This makes it easy to remember their difference and shared features.

An interesting feature here is this: due to the decrease in the sixth, the steps between the sounds are formed both larger and reduced intervals - characteristic tritons. And in general, with an ascending movement, a natural major is played here, and the sixth and seventh step downly falling down.

Parallel tonality

Two types of tonalities (major and minor) are considered parallel if they have the same alteration symbols at the key. Examples of this phenomenon:

  • La Minor and to major. Parallelism is that they do not have any signs with the veneer.
  • MINOR and such tonalities with the veneer veneer.

If you are looking for parallel Major. Tonality, then remember one fact. The tonic parallel to him minor will be below the small policy.

Note that melodic and harmonic majors are all the signs of alteration - random. For example, in harmonic minor, they do not bring them to the key, but noted where necessary, in the work itself.

So we disassembled two harmonic species of the skeleton - Major and Minor. For the first characteristic, the increased seventh step is for the second - the reduced sixth. When listening to the game, we note that such a tonality is distinguished against the background of others with their orientability, oriental style, which gives classical music a kind of highlight, peculiarity of sound. In addition to harmonic, for Minor and Major, a natural and melodic variety, we also touched in this material.