The plot of fairy tales about Zadkom Duckling. Tale of a nasty duck - Hans Christian Andersen

The plot of fairy tales about Zadkom Duckling. Tale of a nasty duck - Hans Christian Andersen
The plot of fairy tales about Zadkom Duckling. Tale of a nasty duck - Hans Christian Andersen

The main character of the fairy tales of G.H.andersen "Nasty Duckling" is a chick from one numerous duck family. From his brothers and sisters, he was distinguished by unsightly appearance and large sizes. The inhabitants of the bird's yard immediately did not confuse him and tried more than more. Even the girl bringing the bird feed, repelled it from other chicks.

Without making such a relationship, the chick ran away from the bird's yard. He got to the swamp and hid there from everyone. But in the swamp he was not peace - hunters came and began to shoot geese. The poor traveler was hiding all day from hunting dogs, and closer to night ran away from the swamp.

He stumbled upon a dilapidated hut, in which one old woman lived. The old woman had a cat and chicken. The old woman saw badly, and she took a big ugly chick for a fatty duck. Hovering that the duck will bear the eggs, she left the chick to live in her house.

But with time, the chick began bored in the hut. He wanted to swim and dive, and the cat and chicken were disapproving about his desire. And duckling left them.

Until the autumn he walked and dived, only the forest residents did not want to communicate with him, so he was ugly.

But one day, large white birds flew to the lake, at the form of which the chick covered a strange excitement. He passionately wanted to be like these beauties, the name of which was swans. But the swans shoved, sent and flew into the warm edges, and the chick remained wintering on the lake.

Winter was cold, and the bore-duckoo had difficulty. But time went. Once he again saw beautiful white birds and decided to drink to them. And then he saw his reflection in the water. He was like two drops of water similar to the snow-white shywell swans. He was too swan!

Who knows, for what reasons the swan egg turned out to be in a dying nest? But because of this, a small swan had to move a lot of difficulties and a lot of grief. But everything ended well, and now everyone loved him and admired his beauty.

This is a summary of the fairy tales.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "Ugly Duckling" is that it is impossible to guess what the child will be when it grows. Perhaps now the child is unsuitable and ugly, inept and awkward, but, he matured, he will be completely different. Everything comes on time to the one who can wait. The tale teaches us not to hurry the events, draw conclusions on time. As for children, it is not necessary among them to choose a beautiful. If a child from childhood will see love and good attitude towards him, he will be able to grow and become beautiful and soul and body.

In the fairy tale I liked the character Duckling, because the difficulties did not break it, he turned out to be solid.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale "Ugly Duckling"?

How much duck is not waiting, but no swan.
Anyone considers his geese swans.
You won't know where you will find where you lose.

Duck raised ducklings. One of them was late, and outwardly failed. The old duck frightened the mother that it is turkeyonok, not otherwise, but it walked better than the rest ducklings. All the inhabitants of the bird courtyard attacked the ugly duck, even the bird pushed out of the feed. The mother first settled, but then also faded against the ugly son. One day, the dings could not stand and ran into a swamp where wild geese lived, the acquaintance with which was silent: although two young hussaki offered a wonderful Ryang to be friends, they immediately killed hunters (the hunting dog ran past the dying - "Apparently, I am so nasty that Even the dog is afraid to eat me! "). At night, he got to the hut, in which the old woman lived, a cat and chicken. Woman sheltered him, picking up a fat duck, but a cat and chicken, who considered themselves the best half of the world, poke a new cohabitant, for he did not know how to carry eggs and purr. When the duck pull to swim, the chicken stated that it was all from dull, and the loyalty went to live on the lake, where everything was still laughing at him. Once he saw swans and loved them as he never loved anyone.

In winter, the duckle is frozen in ice; The peasant brought home, stopped, but the chick of the chick did his chick and ran away. All winter he sat in the reeds. In the spring soared and saw floating swans. The dincon decided to surrender to the will of beautiful birds - and saw his reflection: he also became a swan! And according to the children and the swans themselves - the most beautiful and young. He did not dream about this happiness when he was a nasty cliff.

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Finally, the eggshells shook.

Ducklings stirred, littered with the beaks and dried heads.

- PIP, PIP! - they said.

- Kryak, crack! - answered duck. - Skill!

Ducklings scored some of the shell and began to look around around, looking at the green leopa leaves. Mother did not interfere with them - green is useful for the eyes.

- Oh, how great is the world! - said ducklings. Still would! Now they were much more spacious than in the shell.

- Do not you think that here and the whole world? - said mother. - What there! It stretches far away, there, behind the garden, behind the field ... But, in truth, I didn't happen in the oppression there! .. Well, everyone already got out? - Ion rose to his feet. - Oh no, not all ... The biggest egg is Kozhonko! Yes, when this is the end! I will soon lose patience soon.

And she sat down again.

- Well how are you? - asked the old duck, leaking his head into the school of the burdock.

"Yes, here, with one egg I can't cope," the young duck said. - I sit, sit, and it does not burst everything. But look at those little things that have already hatched. Just lovely! Everything like one is in the Father! And he, unsuitable, did not even visited me!

"Wait, show me first that the egg that does not burst," the old duck said. - Is it no turkey, what is good? Well, yes, of course! .. That's exactly the same, I once spent once. And how much trouble I was then with these turks! You will not believe: they are afraid of water that they do not drive them into the ditch. I also gotten, and rushed, and just pushed them into the water, - do not go, and only. Let me look again. Well, it is! Turkey! Throw it to go to his babies to swim!

"No, I, perhaps, I sit," the young duck said. - So much endured that you can suffer a little more.

- Well, sit! - she told the old duck and left. And finally, a big egg cracked.

- PIP! Pip! - I regained the chick and fell out of the shell.

But what he was big and nasty! Duck looked around from all sides and splashed the wings.

- Horrible freak! - she said. - And not at all like others! Is it really turkeyonok? Well, yes, in the water, he will be at me, at least I had to push him there strength!

The next day the weather was wonderful, the green burdock was chosen by the sun.

Duck with his whole family went to the ditch. Booley! - And she found himself in the water.

- Kryak kryak! Behind me! Vividly! - she called, and ducklings alone, too, were blunting into the water.

At first, the water covered them with her head, but they immediately emerged and shoved fine. They worked their paws and earned. Even the ugly gray duck did not lag behind others.

- What is the turkeyonok? - said Duck. - Won how nicely crept legs! And how directly keeps! No, this is my own son. Yes, he is not at all so bad if a pretty look at him. Well, it's too much for me! I will now introduce you to society - we will go to the bird courtyard. Just keep me closer to me so that anyone does not come on you, but take care of cats!

Soon the duck with all his brood reached the bird's yard. Oh my God! What was the noise here! Two duck families fought because of the head of the eel. And in the end, this head got a cat.

- That's it always happens in life! - said the duck and licked the tongue to the beak - she herself was not averse to trying the head head. - Well, well, move your paws! She commanded, turning to ducklings. - Groken and worship with that old duck! She is more valuable here. She is Spanish breed and therefore such a fat. See, she has red flasks on her paw! How beautiful! This is the highest difference, which only can be a duck. This means that they do not want to lose it, "on this flap, people and animals immediately recognize it. Well, alive! Yes, do not hold the paws together! Ultimate duckling should turn the paws out. Like this! See. Now tilt the heads and tell me: "Kryak!"

Ducklings did it.

But other ducks looked around and spent loudly:

- Well, another whole scale! For sure without them there was little! And one is whappy! That we will not be careful!

And now one duck flew and pecked him into the neck.

- Leave it! - said Duck-mother. - After all, he did nothing!

- We put that so. But some is big and awkward! - The evil duck had stuck. - It does not prevent him a little teach.

And a noble duck with a red flask on the paw said:

- Glorious children you have! Everything is very, very miles, except for one, perhaps ... the poor thing failed! It would be nice to remake it.

- It's impossible, your grace! - answered the duck-mother. - He is ugly - it's true, but he has a kind heart. And he floats not worse, I dare even say - better than others. I think over time he is leveled and becomes smaller. He lay down too long in the egg and therefore a little increasing. - And she smoothed the beak of the feathers on his back. - In addition, he is spleen, and the beauty is not so needed. I think he will grow strong and will try his way to life.

- The rest ducklings are very, very miles! - said noble duck. "Well, be at home, and if you find an acne head, you can bring her to me."

And here ducklings began to behave like at home. Only the poor duckling, which hatched later than others and was so nobody, no one gave a passage. His roared, pushed and tease not only ducks, but even chickens.

- too big! - They said.

And the Indian cock, who was born with spurs on his legs and therefore imagined himself almost the emperor, inflated and, as if the ship on all the sails, flew straight to the duckling, looked at him and angrily shrot; His rolling on him and flowed blood. The poor duckling simply did not know what to do, where to go. And it was necessary for him to be crumbling so much that the whole bird was laughing at him!

So passed the first day, and then it became even worse. All the chasters of the poor duckling, even the brothers and sisters angrily told him: "At least a cat dragged you, a wobble freak!" And the mother added: "My eyes would not look at you!" Ducks pinched him, the chickens were stuck, and the girl who gave the bird to the food, repelled him.

Finally, the duckling could not stand. He ran across the courtyard and, dismantling his clumsy wings, somehow turned over the fence right into the spiny bushes.

Little birds, sitting on the branches, they rescued and scattered in different directions.

"This is because I am so nasty," thought Duckling and, clouding his eyes, rushed to run, not knowing where. He fled until While I did not find yourself in a swamp where wild ducks lived.

Then he spent all night. The poor duckling is tired, and he was very sad.

In the morning, wild ducks woke up in their nests and saw a new comrade.

- What is the bird? They asked them. Duckling and bowed in all directions as he knew how.

- Well, nasty you! - said wild ducks. "However, we have no matter before that, if only you didn't climb into your relatives."

Poor! Where he was and thinking about it! If only he was allowed to live in the reasons and drink the swamp water, - he did not dream of more.

So he promoted in a swamp for two days. On the third day two wild hussak flew there. They recently learned to fly and therefore very important.

- Listen, buddy! - they said. "You're so wonderful that you have fun at you." Want to be friends with us? We are free birds - where we want, there and fly. There is also a swamp nearby here, there are premium wild goose baryschni. They know how to say: "Rap! RAP! " You are so funny that, that's good, you will have a great success.

PIF! PAF! - Suddenly he was heard over the swamp, and both hussak fell into the roots of the dead, and the water was reddened from the blood.

PIF! PAF! - he was heard again, and a whole flock of wild geese rose above the swamp. Shot thundered after a shot. The hunters surrounded the swamp on all sides; Some of them climbed on the trees and led the shooting on top. Blue smoke clouds enveloped the tops of the trees and stared over the water. Hunting dogs digged on the swamp. It was only audible: slap-slap! And the reed sworn from side to side. Poor duckling from fear was nor dead. He wanted to hide his head under the ward, as a suddenly, a hunting dog with a dried tongue and sparkling evil eyes rose right in front of him. She looked at Duckling, scolded sharp teeth and slap-slap! - ran further.

"It seems that carried out," thought Duckling and turned the spirit. - It can be seen, I am so nasty that even the dog is disgusting to eat me! "

And he drank in the reeds. And his head and the case whistled fraction, shots were heard.

Pillan poketed only in the evening, but Duckling was still afraid to move long.

Several hours have passed. Finally, he dared to get up, carefully looked around and set off to run on the fields and meadows.

There was such a strong oncoming wind that duckling barely moved his paws.

By night, he reached a small wretched hut. The hut was launched that it was ready to fall, but I didn't know what side, therefore I kept.

The wind picked up the duckling, - had to be pressed to the earth itself, so as not to be taken.

Fortunately, he noticed that the door of the hut jumped out from one loop and so twisted that through the slot could easily get into the inside. And duckling straightened.

In the hut there lived an old woman with her chicken and cat. Cat she called a son; He knew how to bending his back, purrab and even to pour sparks, but for this it was necessary to stroke him against wool. The chicken had small short legs, and therefore it was so nicknamed by a short-skin way. She diligently carried the eggs, and the old woman loved her like a daughter.

In the morning, the duckling noticed. The cat began to purr, and Chicken is cached.

- What is there? - asked the old woman. She looked around and saw in the corner of the duckling, but the cutlel took him for a fatty duck, who fell off from the house.

- That's how the find! - said the old woman. - Now I will have duck eggs, if only it is not a spleen. And she decided to leave a homeless bird. But there were three weeks, and there were no eggs. The present owner in the house was a cat, and the mistress - chicken. Both they always said: "We and the whole world!" They considered themselves half the world, and more than half. Duckoo, however, it seemed that this expense could be another opinion. But the chicken did not allow it.

- Can you carry eggs? She asked Duckling.

- So keep the tongue on the leash! And the cat asked:

- Can you benting your back, pour sparks and purr?

- So do not fall with your opinion when you say smart people!

And the duckling was sitting in the corner, thoroughly.

Once the door turned out widely, and a jet of fresh air and a bright sunbeam burst into the room. Duckling pulled so much to the will, so she wanted to swim, that he could not resist and said about this chicken.

- Well, what else invented? Chicken frightened on him. - Looking down, here's your head and climbs all nonsense! Nesom-ka eggs or purr, fool and pass!

- Oh, swim so nice! Said Duckling. - Such a pleasure to dive down your head in the deeper!

- That's how pleasure! - said chicken. - You completely went crazy! Ask the cat - he is the judgment of everyone I know, whether he likes to swim and dive? I'm not talking about myself. Ask, finally, our Mrs. old women, smarter, probably no one in the world! She will tell you if she loves to dive down his head in the deeper!

- You do not understand me! Said Duckling.

- If we do not understand, so who will understand you! You can see if you want to be smarter than the cat and our mistress, not to mention me! Not Duri and be grateful for everything that they did for you! You were sheltered, prigel, you got into such a society in which you can learn something. But you are an empty head, and you should not talk to you. Believe me! I wish you good, so I will scold you. So always come true friends. Try the same eggs or learn to purr and pour sparks!

- I think I'm better to get away from here where my eyes look! Said Duckling.

- Well, go to yourself! - answered chicken.

And duckling left. He lived on the lake, sailed and dived down his head, but everything around was still laughing at him and called him nasty and ugly.

Meanwhile, autumn came. Leaves on the trees wishes and punched. They were so poured with the branches, and the wind picked them up and circled through the air. It became very cold. Heavy clouds sowed on Earth then hail, then snow. Even raven, sitting on the hedge, a kankal from the cold in all the throat. Brock! Freeze with one thought about such a chate!

I had a poor duckling badly.

Once in the evening, when the sun was still shining in the sky, because of the forest, a whole flock of wonderful, large birds rose. Such beautiful birds duckling never saw - all white as snow, with long flexible necks ...

It was swans.

Their cry looked like the sounds of the pipe. They spread their wide, powerful wings and flew from cold meadows into the warm edges, for the blue of the sea ... so they rose highly high, and the poor duckling watched them after it, and some incomprehensible anxiety covered it. He spun in the water, like a top, stretched out the neck and also shouted, and so loud and strange that he himself was frightened. He could not tear the eye from these beautiful birds, and when they completely disappeared, he dived on the bottom, then he flew out again and still could not come to his senses for a long time. Duckling did not know what the name was of these birds, did not know where they would fly, but would love them. As no one still loved. He did not envy their beauty. He never occurred to him that he could be the same beautiful as they.

He was glad Radhechonek if at least ducks did not repel him from herself. Poor whappy duckling!

Winter has come cold-strong. Duckling was supposed to swim on the lake without rest, so as not to give water to freeze at all, but with every night, the worm of the walker in which he was swimming was becoming less and less. Frost was such that even the ice was cracked. Duckling without tired worked legs. At the end, he completely embarked out of his strength, stretched out of ice.

Early in the morning a peasant passed by. He saw Duckling Surgeted to Ice, broke the ice with his wooden shoe and took a semi-limbery bird home to his wife.

Duckling washed.

The children wondered to play with him, but duckling seemed that they want to offend him. He stragped from fear into corner and got straight into the scene with milk. Milk flowed across the floor. The hostess cried and threatened his hands, and the duckling was noticed around the room, flew into a tub with butter, and from there in a barrel with flour. Easy to imagine what he became like!

The hostess Branila Duckling and chasing him with coal tongs, the children ran, sneaking each other with his feet, laughed and squeezed. It is good that the door was open, "the duckling ran out, spreading the wings, rushed into the bushes, straight to the freshly fallen snow, and long-stayed there almost no feeling.

It would be too sad to talk about all the troubles and misfortunes of the ugly duckling in this harsh winter.

Finally, the sun again noded the land with his warm rays. Flashlights were raised in the fields. Returned spring!

Duckling got out of the root, where he hid all winter, waved the wings and flew. Its wings were now much stronger than the old, they walked and raised him over the ground. He did not have time to come to his senses, as the fleet was already up to the Great Garden. The apple trees stood in bloom, fragrant lilac inclined her long green branches over a winding canal. Oh, how it was good, as smelled in spring!

And suddenly, three wonderful white swans were floating from the cane. They sailed so easily and smoothly, exactly slid along the water. Duckling learned these beautiful birds, and it covered some incomprehensible sadness.

"We will fly to them, to these great birds. They probably conclude me to death for the fact that I, such a nasty, dared to get closer to them. But still! It is better to die from their blows than to demolish the tweaks of ducks and chickens, pinkies of the bird yes tolerate cold and hunger in winter! "

And he sank into the water and sailed towards beautiful swans, and swans, envy him, caught the wings and swam straight to him.

- Kill me! - said the nasty duckling and lowered his head.

And suddenly in clean, as a mirror, he saw his own reflection. He was no longer a nasty dark gray duckling, but a beautiful white swan!

Now the duckling was even glad that he suffered so much grief and trouble. He suffered a lot and therefore could better appreciate his happiness. And the big swans floated around and stroked it with their beaks.

At this time, children came to the garden. They began to throw swans pieces of bread and grain, and the youngest of them shouted:

- New flew! New flew! And everyone else picked up:

- Yes, new, new!

Children clapped in his hands and danced from joy. Then they ran after her father with her mother and again began to throw pieces of bread and cake into the water.

And children and adults said:

- The new swan is best! He is so beautiful and young!

And the old swans bowed heads before him. And he was completely embarrassed and hid his head under the wing, not knowing why. He recalled the time when everyone laughed at him and drove it. But all this was behind. Now people say that he is the finest among beautiful swans. Lilac inclined fragrant branches to him in the water, and the sun caresses his warm rays ... And here is the wings of him, a slim neck straightened, and a junk cry out from his chest:

- No, I didn't dream about such happiness when I was still a shy duckling!

Tales Andersen

One of the best fairy tales of Andersen about the ugly duckling, born and brought up in the family of ducks. Based on this fairy tale, a lot of cartoons were shot, it was translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The fairy tale describes the difficult fate of the ugly duckling, which from childhood was subjected to ridicule and mockery from their relatives. Once the garde duckling saw on the pond beautiful and graceful swans, since then he envy these noble birds and their beauty. Time passed everything in places, the ugly duckling of the appultel and in one drock moment it was so all tolerated with his bullying, that the ugly duckling swelled to beautiful swans, in the hope that they would kill him for his deformity, but what was his surprise when he bowed The head is waiting for death and saw its reflection in the water. He turned into a wonderful noble swan, to envy all his relatives.


X irney was outside the city!

Standing summer. Golden Rye, Green Oats, hay was sour cream in a stack; On the green meadow, the long-legged stork was packed and chatted in Egyptian - he learned this language from his mother.

Large forests stretched behind the fields and meadows, and in the forests were deep lakes. Yes, it was good at the city!

Right in the sun, lay the old manor, surrounded by deep ditch with water; From the walls of the house to the water of Ruff, and so much that small children could stand under the largest leaves in full growth. In more often, the burdock was deaf and wild, as in the thick forest, and here it was sitting on the eggs duck.

She had to bring ducklings, and she was tired of her order, because she was sitting for a long time ago and rarely visited her - another duck liked to swim across the docks than sit in the burdocks yes to crack with her. Finally, the eggshells shook.

Pip! Pip! - Writing inside. All egg yolks came to life and dried heads.

Fuck! Fuck! - said Duck. Ducklings quickly dropped out of the shell and began to look around with a circle under green leopa leaves; Mother did not interfere with them - green is useful for the eyes.

Oh, how great is the world! - said ducklings.

Still would! It was much more spacious than in the shell.

Do not you think that here and the whole world? - said mother. - What there! He stretches far away, there, behind the garden, in the field, but there I did not have the outfit! .. Well, are you all here?

And she got up.

- Oh no, not all. The biggest egg is desoge! Yes, when this is the end! I will soon lose patience soon.

And she sat down again.

Well how are you? - asked the old duck, which came to visit her.

Yes, with one egg, it is not controlled, "the young duck said. - Everything is not bursting. But look at the baby!

Just lovely! Everything like one thing is in the Father.

"Well, let's show me an egg that does not burst," the old duck said. - Surely it is an egg turwish. That's exactly the same way I spent once. Well, it was me with these turks of the trouble, I tell you! I could not lure them into the water. I and kryakala, and pushed - do not go, and only! Well, show the egg. And there is! Turkey! Throw him yes go to teach the babies to swim!

- I'll sit even! - said young duck. - So much sitting that you can still sit.

As you wish! - she told the old duck and left.

Finally burst and big egg.

Pip! Pip! - I regained the chick and fell out of the egg. But what he was big and nasty!

Duck looked around him.

Hornly great! - she said. - And not at all like the rest! Is it really turkeyonok, in fact? Well, yes, in the water, he will be with me, by force, and pound!

The next day the weather was wonderful, the green burdock was chosen by the sun. The duck with all the family went to the ditch. Booley! - And she found himself in the water.

Fuck! Fuck! She called, and ducklings alone also stuck in the water. At first, the water covered them with her head, but they immediately emerged and shoved fine.

They worked their paws and even ugly gray duckling did not lag behind others.

What is it turkeyonok? - said Duck. - Won how nicely crept legs! And how directly keeps! No, my own, my relatives ... Yes, he is not alike, as you look at him good. Well, alive, alive for me! Now I will introduce you to society, I will present you on the bird courtyard. Just keep me closer to me so that anyone does not come on you, but take care of cats!

Soon got to the bird courtyard. Batyushki! What was the noise here!

Two duck families fought due to one head of the eel, and it ended the fact that the head got a cat.

You see, as happens in the world! - said the duck and licked the tongue to the beak - she herself was not averse to trying the head head.

Well, well, move your paws! She said to ducklings. - Groken and worship with that old duck! She is more valuable here. She is Spanish breed and therefore such a fat. See, she has a red flap on her paw. How beautiful! This is the highest difference, which only can be a duck. This means that they do not want to lose it, - on this flap they will learn and animals and animals. Well, alive! Yes, do not keep your paws inside! Ultimate duckling should turn out the paws outside, like father and mother. Like this! Look! Now tilt your head and tell me: "Kryak!"

So they did. But other ducks looked at them and said loudly:

Well, still the whole pain! As if there were few of us? And one is unheom! I will not get it!

And now one duck flew and pecked him in the head.

Leave it! - said Duck-mother. - After all, he did nothing!

Put, but he is so big and strange! - answered someone else's duck. - He needs to ask a good one.

Nice you have children! - She told the old duck with a red flap on the paw. - All nice, just one ... This failed! It would be good to remake it!

This is not possible, your mercy! - answered the duck-mother. - He is ugly, but he has a good heart. And he floats not worse, I dare even say - better than others. I think over time he is leveled and becomes smaller. He lay down too long in the egg, because it was not quite successful.

And she scratched him in his head and announced the feathers.

In addition, he is spleen, and the beauty is not so needed. I think it will strengthen and break the way.

The rest ducklings are very, very miles! - She told the old duck. - Well, be at home, and you will find an acne head, you can bring her to me.

Here ducklings and settled at home. Only poor duckling, which hatched later, was so ugly, roared, pushed and teased everything - and ducks and chickens.

Painfully great! - They said.

And the Indian rooster, who was born with spurs on his legs and therefore imagined himself by the emperor, inflated and, as if the ship on all the sails, flew to Duckoo, looked at him and angrily shrot; His rolling on him and flowed blood.

The poor duckling simply did not know what to do, where to go. And it was necessary for him to be crumbling so ugly that the whole bird was laughing at him! ..

So passed the first day, and then went even worse. All chasing the poor duckling, even brothers and sisters angrily told him:

If only the cat dragged you, a fussy freak!

And the mother added:

The eyes would not look at you!

Ducks pinched him, the chickens were stuck, and the girl who gave the bird to the food, pushed the nail.

I could not stand the duckling, the yard ran - and through the hedge! Small birds frightened from bushes.

"It's because I am so ugly!" - thought Duckling, closed his eyes and started on.

Fight ran, until he found himself in a swamp, where wild ducks lived. Tired and sad, he lay down here all night.

In the morning, wild ducks rose from the nests and saw a new comrade.

- What is the bird? They asked them.

Duckling and bowed in all directions as he knew how.

Well, you are! - said wild ducks. - However, we don't care, just do not think to curtail with us.

Poor! Where he was thinking about it! If only they allowed him to sit in the reeds and drink the marsh water.

Two days he spent in a swamp. Two wild hussak appeared on the third day. They only recently hatched from eggs and therefore very important.

- Listen, buddy! - they said. - You're a freak that, right, like you! Want to fly with us and be a free bird? There is another swamp nearby, there are pretty wild gus-lamen. They know how to say: "Ga-ga-ha!" You're such a freak that, what good, you will have success.

PIF! PAF! - suddenly heard over the swamp, and both hussak fell in the roots; Water spawned them with blood.

PIF! PAF! - Once again, and the whole pack of wild geese rose from the reel. Fucking a palfa. The hunters surrounded the swamp on all sides; Some sat down even in the branches of the trees hang over the swamps.

Blue smoke clouds enveloped trees and stabbed over the water. Hunting dogs ran in the swamp - Shone! Shone! Reed and reeds and swore from side to side.

Poor duckling was nor alive dead from fear. He wanted to hide his head under the wing, as suddenly right in front of him the hunting dog with a stung language and sparkling evil eyes.

She jumped to Duckling, scolded sharp teeth and - Shone! Shone! - ran further.

"Not touched," thought Duckling and turned the spirit. "It's clear that I am ugly that even a dog disgusting me!"

And he drank in the reeds.

On his head, it was whistling shisters, shots were heard. Fallet styled only in the evening, but duckling was still afraid of move.

Only a few hours later he dared to stand up, looked around and set off to run further around the fields and meadows. There was such a strong wind that duckling barely could move.

By night, he relocated to a poor hut. The hut was launched that it was ready to fall, but I didn't know what side, therefore I kept.

The wind was picked up Duckling - I had to rest in the Earth with a tail. And the wind all rig.

Here Duckling noted that the door of the hut jumped out from one loop and hangs so crookedly, which can be freely slipped through the slot into the hut. So he did.

In the hut there lived an old woman with a cat and chicken. Cat she called a son; He knew how to bending his back, purrab and even to sparks, if you stroke him against wool.

The chicken had small, short legs, because it was nicknamed short-skinned; She diligently carried the eggs, and the old woman loved her like a daughter.

In the morning of someone else's duckling noticed. Cat closed, chicken swallowed.

What is there? - asked the old woman, looked around and noticed Duckling, but he took him on blindness for a fatty duck, which was fought from the house.

That's how the find! - said the old woman. - Now I will have duck eggs, if only it is not a spleen. Well, let's see, we will try!

And Ducky took on the test. But there were three weeks, and there were no eggs.

The present owner in the house was a cat, and the hostess - chicken, and both always said:

We and all the world!

They considered themselves half the world, and more than half.

True, Duckling believed that it was possible to be on this subject and other opinions. But the chicken did not suffer.

Can you carry eggs? She asked Duckling.


So keep the tongue on the leash!

And the cat asked:

Can you bending your back, purrab and start sparks?


So do not fall with your opinion when you say smart people!

And the duckling was sitting in the corner.

Suddenly he remembered the fresh air and the sun, terribly wanted to swim. He could not stand and said this chicken.

What's wrong with you? She asked. - Looking down, here you are blazing and climbs! Nesom-ka eggs or purr, fool and pass!

Oh, swim so nice! Said Duckling. - Such a pleasure to dive down your head in the deeper!

That's how pleasure! - said chicken. - You're completely crazy! Ask the cat - he is smarter than everyone I know, whether he likes to swim and dive. About myself, I really do not speak! Ask, finally, our old woman, Mrs., smarter than her no one in the world! Do you think, and she want to swim or dive?

You do not understand me, "said Duckling.

If we do not understand, so who will understand you! What do you want to be smarter than cat and hostess, not to mention me? Not Duri, and be grateful for everything for you! You were sheltered, prigel, you got into such a society in which you can learn something. But you are an empty head, and you should not talk with you. Believe me! I wish you good, so I will scold you. So always recognizes true friends. Try the same eggs or learn to purring and let the sparks!

I think I'm better to get away from here where my eyes look, "said Duckling.

Well, go to yourself! - answered chicken.

And duckling left.

He walked and dived, but all animals were still despised him for disgrace.

Autumn has come. Leaves on trees wishes and punched; The wind picked up and circled them through the air. It became very cold.

Heavy clouds were poured on Earth, then the snow, and the raven sitting on the hedge and rank from the cold in all the throat. Brock! Freeze with one thought about such a cold!

I had a poor duckling badly. Once, in the evening, when the sun was still shining in the sky, a whole flock of beautiful big birds rose from the bushes, the duckling has never seen such beautiful: all white as snow, with long, flexible necks.

It was swans.

After making a strange cry, they spilled out with magnificent large wings and flew from cold meadows into warm edges, behind the blue sea. The swans rose highly highly, and the poor duckling covered incomprehensible anxiety.

A wolf spinned in the water, pulled out the neck and also shouted, and so loud and strange that he himself was frightened. Oh, he could not tear the eye from these beautiful happy birds, and when they completely disappeared from sight, dived at the very bottom, he snapped and was not like himself. I did not know the duckling, as the name of these birds, where they fly, but loved them, as no one still loved.

He did not envy their beauty; He never occurred to him that he could be the same beautiful as they. He would be glad Radhechonek, if at least ducks did not repel him from herself.

Poor whappy duckling!

Winter has come cold-strong. Duckoo had to swim without rest, so as not to give water to freeze at all, but with each night, in which he walked, it was getting smaller and less.

It freezed so that even the ice crackled. Without tired, he worked with paws duckling, but at the end completely embarrassed from the forces, froze and the whole fruit.

Early in the morning passed by the peasant. He saw Duckling, smashed ice with his wooden shoes and carried a semi-limbery bird home to his wife.

Duckling washed.

But the children did he want to play with him, and it seemed to him that they would want to offend him. He strangled from fear of duckling and pleased directly in the scenery with milk.

Milk spilled. The hostess screamed and waved his hands, and the duckling between those flew into the tub with oil, and from there - in a barrel with flour. Batyushki, what he became like!

The hostess screamed and chasing him with coal tongs, the children ran, sneaking each other with the legs, laughed and squeezed.

Well, still, the door was open, - Duckling jumped out, rushed into the bushes, right on the freshly fallen snow, and for a long time I lay there almost without feelings.

It would be too sad to describe all the troubles and misfortune duckling for this harsh winter. When the sun again noded the land with his warm rays, he lay in a swamp, in the reeds.

Put the larks. Spring came! Duckling waved the wings and flew. Now in the wings, his wind buzzed, and they were much stronger than the previous one.

He did not have time to come to his senses, as found himself in the Great Garden. Apple trees stood in bloom; Fascular lilac inclined her long green branches over a winding canal.

Oh, how it was good, as smelled in spring!

And suddenly, three wonderful white swans were floating from the cane. They sailed so easily and smoothly, exactly slid along the water.

Duckling learned beautiful birds, and it covered some incomprehensible sadness.

I will fly to them, to these great birds. They probably conclude me to death for the fact that I, so ugly, dared to get closer to them. But let him! It is better to die from their blows than to demolish the tweaks of ducks and chickens, pinking birds yes tolerate cold and hunger in winter!

And he sank into the water and sailed towards beautiful swans, who, jealous of him, too floated to him.

Kill me! - said the poor thing and lowered his head, waiting for death, but what did he see in clean, like a mirror, water? Its own reflection.

But he was no longer a disgusting dark gray duckling, but a swan. Do not trouble be on the light in a dinner nest if you got out of the swan eggs!

Now he was glad that he suffered so much grief and trouble, "he could better appreciate his happiness and the surrounding his magnificence.

And the big swans floated around and stroked his beaks.

Little children came to the garden. They began to throw bread crumbs and grain swans, and the smallest shouted:

New flew!

And everyone else picked up:

New, new!

Children clapped in his hands and danced from joy, and then ran after her father and mother and again began to throw bread crumbs and cake into the water. All said:

New swan is best! He is so beautiful and young!

And the old swans bowed a head in front of him.

And he was completely embarrassed and hid his head under the wing, not knowing why.

He was very happy, but not at all regenened - a kind heart knows pride; He recalled the time when everyone laughed at him and drove it. And now everyone says that he is the finest among beautiful birds.

Lilac inclined his fragrant branches to him in the water, the sun shine so warmly, so bright ...

And here is the wings of him, the slender neck straightened, and a joy of a chest broke out:

No, I didn't dream about such happiness when I was still a whappy duckling!

In the thickets of the burdock, one old estate mother brought ducklings, but her last chick looked terribly and was not like the rest. The inhabitants of the bird courtyard immediately unloved the ugly duck, because of which they constantly attacked the chick. Mother at first defended his son, soon, too, cooled to him. Without sustaining the humiliation, the duckly ran from the yard to the swamp, where, despite his appearance, was able to make friends with wild geese. But soon they were killed by hunters.

After that, the duck ran away from the swamp and after a whole day of the wanda, I noticed the hut, where the old woman, cat and chicken lived. The old woman left the chick at himself, in the hope that he will carry eggs. The cat and chicken, who lived in the house, began to mock the cloud, and when he suddenly wanted to swim, he did not find understanding and went to live on the lake. Once on the lake, a nasty duck saw the swans and loved them, as no one would still love. But he never decided to approach them, fearing, which will also be rejected as before.

With the arrival of winter, the duckly of a frozen in the ice, but soon the peasant passed by the peasant and took him home. In a new dwelling, the duck stayed for a long time: he was afraid of children who wanted to play with him, and escaped to the street. Winter he spent in the bushes at the lake. When spring came, the dot learned to fly. Once, flying over the lake, he saw swans floating in him. This time he decided to get closer to them, even if they decide to cherish it. But dropping into the water, the duckly looked at his reflection and saw there the same beautiful young swan. Other swans with joy accepted him in her flock. More recently, a nasty duck and could not even dream of such happiness ...

The main meaning of the Andersen fairy tale is that it is necessary to persist and patient difficulties, adversity. Unhappy duckling (who was actually swan) had to withstand a number of cruel tests at the very beginning of his life. His teased and trembled rude conifers. From him turned away his own mother-duck, caught public opinion. Then, when he escaped from a bird's yard and made friends with wild geese, these hunters, and the duckling himself saved only a miracle. After this unfortunate duckling, the old woman picked up and brought to his home. But his inhabitants - a cat and chicken - laughed at the new tenant and unceremoniously taught "Mind-Mind." Duckoo had to leave the house of the old woman, he spent the winter in the reeds at the lake, where the next spring met beautiful swans. And the fairy tale ended with a happy outcome.

The moral of this fairy tale is that life can present a lot of hard tests, but it is necessary not to fall in spirit and not to lower your hands. After all, Duckoo-swan was very difficult, but he stood it all and eventually became happy.

Similarly, a person who did not bother before destiny, as a result, can triumph victory.

Because of which the troubles started

Moral fairy tale consists also in the fact that it is not necessary to be afraid to be unlike others. Duckling was different from other ducklings. That is, it was not like that. And so it began to tease and rush ducks. Why did it scribble and unceremoniously passed the cat and chicken? Because he behaved not as it should. That is, again was not like everyone else! The duckling had a choice: or to accept the fact that it is impossible to differ from others or the appearance, no behavior, or habits, or behave in accordance with the principle: "Yes, I'm another, but I have the right!" And he made this choice, not frightened by what the misunderstanding, Branj, and even betray.

A person should also defend the right to be himself, even if this will have to go to public opinion.

Some connoisseurs of Creativity Andersen believe that in the image of the ugly duckling, the author of the fairy tale depicted himself. After all, Andersen also had to endure a lot of ridicule, misunderstandings and unceremonious teachings from the surrounding people before he became a famous writer, and his appearance was very different from the appearance of the "average" Dane. Never lower your hands, fight for your happiness, despite all obstacles.

The name of the Great Danish Fairy Tale of Hans Christian Andersen is known to everyone almost from early childhood. Fairy tales of Nadko Duckling, the Snow Queen, a mermaid, the princess on the pea and other characters became the classics of world literature still during the life of the author. However, Andersen himself did not like when he was called a children's writer, as many of his writings were addressed to adults.


Among the works of Andersen there are both good fairy tales with a happy finals intended for children's reading, there are more serious stories, more understandable by adults. At the same time, the author of the author imposed numerous and experiences from his own life.

Oddly enough, it sounds, but one of the best fairy tales of Andersen "Guffy" to some extent can be considered autobiographical. After all, the writer himself, like the urban duckling, was distinguished from childhood with a non-zeal appearance and a dreamy character. And, as the urban duckling in the final of the fairy tale, it is destined to turn into a wonderful swan, and Andersen himself from a permanent object of ridicule turned into a world-famous fairy tale.

Something echoes with the "ugly dunchon" and the fairy tale of "Thumbelina", telling about the numerous misadventures of a tiny girl, which, like a fabulous fairy, was born from flower bud. In the final, the inch is really becoming the fairy named Maya and the wife of a good and beautiful king of elves.

"Princess on the pea" is a short but very well-known fairy tale, which is based on the motive of the wonderful transformation of the heroine. Progressing in the rain and seemingly an inconspicuous girl turns out to be a real princess capable of feeling a small pea through forty perin.

Much more large-scale both in terms of volume and