KVN in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Spenting KVN in the preparatory group KVN "I want to know everything" in the preparatory group

KVN in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Spenting KVN in the preparatory group KVN
KVN in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Spenting KVN in the preparatory group KVN "I want to know everything" in the preparatory group

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

(Nursery-garden) №10 "Alyonushka"

Municipality of the City District Krasnoperekopsk

Crimea Republic

Summary of mathematics

in preparatory school group (final)

"KVN" game ("Young Cognition Club")

Amounted to and spent


Mazurenko V. A.

March, 2016. year


Educational tasks:

Continue to learn to solve arithmetic examples and record their solution using numbers.

Exercise children to draw up and solve tasks by pictures.
Exercise in direct and reverse account within 20, in the ability to distinguish between the quantitative and the sequence account within 20.
Secure knowledge about the composition of numbers within 10 of two smaller numbers.
Secure knowledge about the sequence of the week of the week, the seasons, months of the year.
Secure the ability to distinguish the concepts: above - below, wider - already, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.

Compare groups of items using signs more, less and equal.

Expand and intensify Children's Dictionary (Communication)

Apply geometric shapes to create flat images.

Developing tasks:

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, attention.
Develop a smelter, visual memory, imagination, goodwill and desire to help.
Promoting the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

Promote the formation of training skills and skills, the ability to work in pairs

Educational challenges:

To bring up independence, the ability to understand the learning task and fulfill it yourself.
Educate interest in mathematical classes, the ability to act together, bring the work started to the end

Create an emotional positive attitude in children (socialization)

Rail a sense of partnership, mutual assistance, collectivism, spirit of competition (socialization)

Integration of educational areas:


- "Communication"
- "Socialization"

Innovative technologies: "Columbovo Egg", "Tangram"

Equipment: Emblems Teams, Set of numbers and signs, cards with digital houses, game - Puzzle "week", d / and "Fort the error", cards with tasks, cards, examples, pictures with a connection of dots, sets "Tangram" and "Columbovo Egg ", Watches layout, markers for each, 2 easers, cards for fizminutka, sheets for mathematical dictation, diplomas for awarding.

Participants of the game to the music "We are starting to KVN ..." enter the hall.


All! All! All! We start our KVN. Today we spend the most real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN guys-preschoolers. Two teams of reasonable and attentive will compete with each other and will pass through several stages of testing.

Guys, soon you will become first graders. Today we learn how you have prepared for school. For this, we gathered at the club cheerful and resourceful. Today you will solve the tasks, perform the tasks for the smell.

Then we will summarize, and at the end will be the award ceremony of participants. Our competition will evaluate the competent jury (announced the name, patronymic of the head of the orphanage, children's parents). And now - the presentation of the teams.

Welcome team "Accidental" (Represents Captain Team)!

Members of the team "Troops":

We are dosoquolat guys,
We are not afraid of obstacles.
We love to play in KVN,
Together, honestly win!

Team "Lovely".Welcome her! (Represents Captain Team).

Members of the Team "Lovekniki":

We are fun guys
In kindergarten we do not miss
In games different playing
In KVN, we defeat!

So, we start! I invite teams to take our places.

At the beginning of the game I suggest you

First Competition- warm-up.

"Accidental": How many ears have two ies?

"Labor": How many tails have four cats?
"Accidental": How many noses have three elephants?
"Labor": How many paws have two cubs?
"Accidental": How many nuts in an empty glass?
"Labor": What tree to sit the crow during the rain?
"Accidental": If the tree is above the bush, then the bush ... (below the tree)
"Labor": If the line is longer a pencil, then a pencil ... (shorter ruler)
"Accidental": If the rope thicker thread, then thread ... (thinner rope)
"Labor": If the sister is older brother, then brother ... (younger sister)
"Accidental": What day will come after the medium?
"Labor": What day before Tuesday?

"Accidental": Count quantitative account up to 20.

"Labor": Count the sequence account until 20.

"Accidental": Count the countdown from 10 to 1.

"Labor": Name the "even" numbers up to 10.

"Accidental": Name the "odd" numbers up to 10.

"Labor": Name the days of the week.

"Accidental": Name the seasons.

"Labor": Because months of the year.

Leading: We continue KVN. I invite teams to take our places.

Second Competition - "Find a mistake"(couples)

(Children are suitable for the table. Here are the cards with objects, and next to the numbers, just here something is integrated. Check and correct the errors. Correct errors if they are).

Well done, you coped with this task.

Third Competition - "Count and Compare"(individually)

(Children compare the number of objects with the help of signs (, \u003d) and read equality or inequality)

Fourth competition - the game "Tangram" (couples)

(Using tangles, children collect cut pictures, collected called)

And now we will draw a recreation pause.

Fizkultminutka for eyes:

(The movements of the eyes are accompanied by words)

Oh, how long we wrote,
The eyes of the guys are tired.
(Frog through eyes)
Look all the window,
(View Left - Right)
Oh, how the sun is high.
(View up.)
We will close your eyes now
(Close your eyes with palms)
In the Rainbow group we will build
Up the rainbow let's go
(View on the arc up, right and up - left)
Right, left, right
And then we rush down
(View down)
Bug down strongly, but hold on.
(Snorce your eyes, open and peer them)

And we continue our KVN.

And the next fifth competition "Riddle - Family"

Guys, let's remember what geometric shapes are, using mysteries (Teams make each other riddles on geometric figures).

Three vertices are visible here,

Three corners, three sides, -

Well, perhaps, pretty! -

What do you see? - ... ( Triangle)

He has long been familiar to mine

Each corner in it is straight.

All four sides

Equal length

You are glad to imagine him

And the name is it ……(square).

Neither angle nor side

And relatives - one pancakes ... (a circle)

Four corners like a square I have

But only a square, I do not dare

And yet, it looks like a square,

by the way, two long sides and two shorter. (Rectangle)

If I take a circle,

From two sides a little squeezed,

Respect the children together -

Would be ... (oval)

If all squares got up

On tops at an angle

Would have seen guys

Not squares we, and ... (rhombus)

Leading: Guys, you are great, all the figures solved.

Sixth Competition -"Fill out a house"(individually)

You have inverted "numeric houses" on the tables.

It will be necessary to make a "numeric house" of two smaller numbers. "Write" numbers will be numbers from Penal. Check from each other. If your comrade does not agree with your comment, it means that prove your opinion.

Seventh Competition - "Share the problem"(for captains)

(Each captain of the team receives a picture for which the task of 2 should compile and solve me in ways: drawing and example)

Captains, each of you have a card with a task. You carefully consider it, make up the task, and with the help of the numbers from the Penal, decide it.

..., tell me the condition of your task?

..., ask a question for your task?

..., call the answer of your decision?

Leading:In the meantime, our captains are preparing, teams will begin to task - "Connect numbers by points"(Children must connect numbers by points: within 20).

Seventh Competition - The game "Columbovo Egg"

(On the trays of the part of the "Eggs", folded into the whole. Children are offered using all parts, fold the figures on holistic images.)

Guys, and now let's do a dynamic pause (on cards)

The eighth contest - "week"

Guys, and now I suggest you remember the days of the week. Captains of teams, select one of the participants from your team for this task. They will work at the board. And the remaining players - share for another two teams. (Children need to bring a split picture on the days of the week in a certain sequence)

Ninth Competition - "Tik-so"

Leading:Guys, soon you will go to school and should be able to determine the time by the clock so as not to be late for the lesson.

Set the time when we get up in the morning? (7:00)

What time do we go for charging? (8:00)

What time do we dine? (12:20)

What time do you go to bed in the evening? (21:00)

Tenth Competition "Solving an example"(individually)

Guys, you have examples on your tables. You need to solve them and with the help of mathematical pool to put an answer.

And the last, eleventh, competition - "Mathematical dictation"

Sit smoothly, put a leaflet in front of you. Take a pencil. Be careful!

Graphic dictation - "House".

1 cl. Right, 1 CL. Down, 1 cl. Right, 1 CL. Down, 1 cl. Right, 1 CL. Down, 1 cl. Right, 1 CL. Down, 1 cl. Left, 3 cl. Down, 5 cl. Left, 3 cl. Up, 1 cl. Left, 1 CL. Up, 1 cl. Right, 1 CL. Up, 1 cl. Right, 1 CL. Up, 1 cl. Right, 1 CL. up. From the center of the roof, retreat 2 cl. Down, draw the window into one cell, from this window, retreat 2 cells down, draw 2 windows so that 1 cell is passed between them.

What did you do?

If you were attentive and complied with all the rules, then you should have the same house as I have. (Independent check of children).


So our wonderful KVN came up to the end. The respected jury will have to sum up the results of the game, and at this time we will rest and play the MPU "Man to Man." (Children are divided into pairs and on the teacher's team in contact with those parts of the body, which calls the teacher: back to back, knee to the knee,hand to hand, head to head, knee to knee, ear to ear, elbow to elbow, nose to noseetc. According to the team "Man to Man" couples exchange partners).

The jury summarizes the results and announces the winners of the KVN, the winners are awarded (children are awarded with diplomas (diplomas, medals) "for the desire for knowledge").

On this, our club cheerful and resourceful closes.

I imagine you scenario of speech therapy KVN., For children prepared for school groups who have passed correctional training on the speech therapy point of the DOU (children with NPOS, FFNR, ONR). In an entertaining, gaming form, children enshrine the knowledge gained on speech therapy occupations during the school year.

Secure the knowledge of children received on speech therapy occupations during the school year.

1. Exercise children in the ability to perceive and correctly pronounce all the sounds of speech.
2. Exercise in the proper use of grammatical categories, selection of words with the opposite value.
3. Exercise in the ability to draw up words from syllables, letters, focusing on color, shape, magnitude. Fasten reading skills.
4. Develop logical thinking.
5. Rise in children a culture of speech communication, expressiveness and emotionality of speech.

Materials: tape recorder, easels, rebuses, crosswords, envelope, letters on threads.

Travel course:

Children to the music "We are starting KVN ..." enter the hall, get up near the tables.

Host: Hello dear adults and children! Today in the club of merry and resourceful guys unusual competitions. We will find out which team knows better letters, knows how to read, correctly and beautifully talk.

Evaluate our teams will be a respected jury. Well, the fans will support their comrades together.

So, we start KVN ...


Two teams take part in the competition:

The "Salok" team. Your motto. / Clearly, speak clearly, because they are not in a hurry. /
Team captain…

Team "Melo". Your motto. / We are always beautiful, boldly and leisurely. /
Team captain…


We have a language in our mouth,
To the words of the familiar he is used to.
Easy to tell him: "Water, duckling, heaven, no yes",
But let him say: "Turtle"
Does he tremble from fear
Children: Che-Re-Paha!

Let such a word be repeated for me: "Snowman".

And now our tongue will say:
"Chiki chiki-chok!
I sat down on a cricket! "
Let's say together: "Sha-schu!
Fish is not delicious bream! "
Repeat: "Zhamnyya!
Have you seen hedgehog? "
If you have seen the ridge,
Reply: "Cha-Cha-cha!"
Let's say together: "Chiki chiki-chok!
Became obedient tongue! "

How to know how to read!
Do not need to pester
No need to ask my grandmother:
"Read, please read!"
No need to tend to sister:
"Well, read the page!"
Do not call, do not wait,
And you can take and read!
(V. Berestov)

1. Reading words that are written in geometric shapes.
2. Multicolored letters.
3. Read the word in the word.

A lot with the letters of trouble
So they are the people.
But when with the mind, intelligent
They will build them in a clear row
Will turn the letter to word
And you will talk with you ...

Participants are offered tasks:

321 34512 3214
Nose Fabric Lisa

54312 4312 45231
Pine bush hair

If you take a big word,
Take out the letters time and two,
And then collect them again,
New words will come out!

Participants are offered tasks:

To Olya - Olya, r rose - Rose
To mouth - mouth, mustache - mustache
Code M - kom et al.

Guys, see what letters are strange, just as foreign. Try to restore the letters and read the words.

And now there came a turn
Play the game "On the contrary".


I'll tell you the word is high, and you answer ...
I'll tell you the word far, and you answer ...
I will say the word ceiling, and you answer ...
I'll tell you the word, lost, and you say ...
I will tell you the word Coward, you will answer ...
Now I will say start - well, answer ...

I am antonym for the word heat.
I am in the river, in the shade of thick, and in a bottle of lemonade.
And call me ... coolness.

I am antonym for the word laughter
Not from joy, joy
I am unwillingly
from misfortune, and from pain,
From resentment, failures.
Guess? This is crying.

Competition Captain

And now tasks for attention!

1. Mom calls her daughter home. Who is on the street? Who is home?
2. Wolf ate the sheep. Who is weaker?
3. The hunter killed the duck. Who shot?
4. Vitu listened to the teacher. Who spoke?
5. Petya hit Vanya. Who is Drachun?
6. Dog bites Osa. Who bneed?


Once the letters played
Not in order in the word stood
But how do they find the place?
Words should not be understood.
And cry the letters loudly, together,
Who will put us in the way?

Whose team will quickly collect her word and read it.

The game "Live letters."

Letter from Lokovka

Guess the names of the name from whom the letter came from the first letters. / Dunno /

Game "Right Offer"

1. Grandfather in the furnace, and firewood on the furnace.
2. On the table boots, under the table of cakes.
3. Booth / boulder bug / dose: reluctance, tired.
4. I was rode uncle without a vest / ticket / - he paid a fine for it.
5. Snow melts. The stream flows. On the branches are full of doctors / Grach.
6. In the meadow of the forest rose tooth / oak / young.
7. In the buffet buffet - under the buffet of a spoon.
8. Under the bed is sleeping Fedot, on the bed - Vaska cat.

Better mental charging no for adults and children,
The one who rents the rebel, he becomes smarter.

And now we will find out which team knows more proverbs and sayings about the teaching.

Proverbs and sayings (see Appendix)

The jury summarizes the winners with memorable gifts.

But here, the game is time to finish.
We all hope that with her
You became a little clever,
Learned many words funny
And a lot of things all sorts,
And if you remember them,
No wonder your day is spent!
To the music "We are starting KVN ..." Children leave the hall.

1. Volin V. Russian. Learning playing. M., 1996
2. Druzhinina M. Let's play words. M., 1997
3. Zhigulev A.M. Russian folk proverbs and sayings. U., 1986


Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
Reading the best learning.
Without sciences - as without hands.
Read the teacher as a parent.
Without patient there is no teaching.
Live and learn.
Knowledge is power.
Hours - a way to reduce.
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
Slug on the track runs, and Dunno on the furnace lies.
With a diploma, and without letters, at least cry.
We will tell the book - I'll get away with the mind.

Gogoleva Svetlana Alekseevna,
teacher speech therapist
MDOU kindergarten № 28 "Forest fairy tale",
G. Tchaikovsky

Purpose: Fasten the knowledge of children about the composition of the number and related numbers.


1. Exercise in solving tasks for addition and subtraction, independent compilation of tasks, account in direct order to fix numbers

2. Check the correctness of the image of the geometric shapes, the location on the sheet of paper.

3. Develop attention, intelligence.

Equipment: Silhouettes of two houses: four-storey and five-storey. Two sets of cards with numbers: from 0 to 5 and from 0 to 6. Square sheet of paper, markers. Ball. 10 circles - "bumps". Two sets of paper "petals" and "middle" daisies.

Direct educational activities.

Educator: Guys, soon you will become first-graders. Today we will learn how you are preparing to school. For this, we gathered at the club cheerful and resourceful. You will solve the tasks, perform tasks for the smell. Two teams take part in the club's meeting: "Salties" and "Tweak".

The jury includes the head of the senior educator and educator of the senior group.

In our club we invited Lepu's clowns and Cleap, but they could not come, because they now have classes in a circus school. But they prepared in advance the task for you. To perform it successfully, we will warm up. Guess the riddles and answer questions.

1. Five steps - Lestenka,

On the steps - a song. (Notes)

2. Two-in hand, two-in the legs,

Do not fall in the snow

And you will pass without

Only fall two trail. (Skiing)

3. In one aquarium 4 fish,

And in the other - not one.

How many fishes in two aquariums? (four)

4. On the table 4 apples.

One of them was cut in half.

How many apples on the table? (four)

5. Chicken, standing on two legs, weighs 2 kg.

How many chicken weighs standing on one leg? (2 kg)

6. Three people waited for a train for 3 hours.

How much did everyone wait? (3 hours)

W .: Well done! Now you can easily be able to task clowns. It says that Lepa and Klepa live on the street of merry men: lepa in house number 5, Klepa in house number 6 (attach at home). These houses are going to make numbers. Clowns are asked to settle numbers on the floors so that on each floor of the house number 5 the numbers constituting the number 5, and in the house number 6 there were numbers constituting the number 6. (work at the board 2 people from each team). Check children.

And now the captains contest. Now we will check whether you are friends with geometric shapes. You need to draw different geometric shapes on a square sheet of white paper, paint them, name and describe the location of the figures on the square.

W: While the captains perform the task, the teams will recall the riddles and make them coming to their rivals.

1. Who has one leg,

Yes, and that without shoe? (At the mushroom)

2.Dva twins - two brothers

On the nose riding sit down. (Glasses)

3. Five brothers - all one name,

More equal, different growth. (Fingers)

4. Four, and can't walk. (Table)

5. A year at the grandfather - four names.

What is it? (Winter, Vienna, Summer, Autumn)

6. I'm so sweet, I cried

I consist of two circles.

How glad I already found

Yourself, like you, friendships. (Digit 8)

7. Brothers these exactly seven

They are well known to you.

Every week around.

Says goodbye to the last

Front appears. (Days of the week)

8. Four ears, two abdomen. What is it? (Pillow)

Check the tasks from the captains.

The result of the jury.

W.: Let's play the game "Days of the week." I will throw a bar and call you some day of the week. You have to catch the ball and call all the days that go after this day. (In a circle)

Entrance clown lepty.

Phys. minute Times, two - above the head,

Three, four - hands wider,

Five, six - sit quietly,

Seven, eight - too lazy to throw

Nine, ten - we work together.

W: Lepa, what happened? After all, you should be in the circus school? And what are you looking for?

Lepa: I was in Kola. Now there is a lesson of mathematics, and the teacher gave the task to find ridiculous numbers. So I'm looking for.

W.: You all confused. Not funny, and adjacent numbers.

Lepa: Yes, not all are ridiculous, adjacent.

W.: Guys, explain Lepe, please, what are related numbers.

Children: These are the neighbors of the specified number.

Lepa: I did not understand anything. Explain somehow differently.

"Name the neighbors" game (the educator calls numbers)

W.: Did you understand, lepa, what numbers are called adjacent?

Tepa: Now I understood.

The game "Do not wet legs"

W: Now we will check how you solve the tasks. Imagine that you were given five candies. You gave one candy to Clep. How many candies do you have left?

Lepa: five.

Lepa: five.

W.: Why are five, because you gave one?

Lepa: I won't give anyone, I love sweets myself!

Children: No!

Q.: How many candies should he stay?

Children: Four.

W.: Right! Lepa, with friends you need to share. Are not you ashamed?

Lepa: A shame.

W.: Well, let's believe you. Listen to the task. You have two balloons and Klepa - one. How many balls do you have both together?

Lepa: What are we going to do with these balls?

W.: Why do you need to know it?

Lepa: it is necessary!

W.: Imagine that you will go with them to the parade.

Lepa: Will the wind on the street?

W.: Suppose it will be.

Lepa: Strong?

W.: Strong.

Lepa: then we will not have a single ball.

W.: Why?

Lepa: Because the wind will take into the sky.

W.: Children, right Lepa solved the task?

Children: No!

W.: Tell me how many balls from Lepa and Cleps?

Children: Three.

W: Lepa, you, of course, cheated us, but you did not decide this task.

Lepa: some tasks you are wrong. Let the children themselves come up with tasks (add-on and subtraction charts) (three tasks from each team, the decision at the board is 1 task).

After the solution. What is the task of?

The result of the jury.

Lepa: praises children. I want to see how you are from paper petals. Flowers are able to collect. One team is the composition of the number 7, and the other -8 (2 people from the team).

The game "Collect the flower".

Check job. Cloown praises children.

Lepa: I realized that I still need to learn and learn to become the same smart and intelligent as you. Bye!

W.: Well done guys! You all tried not to bring our team. They thought up well and solved the tasks, they thought they had geometric shapes on the sheet and described their location. You already know what related numbers are able to form a number of two smaller. Each of you can proudly carry the title of a member of the club cheerful and resourceful. The word jury.

Greetings of teams.




Mathematical KVN in the preparatory group of kindergarten.

Evdakova Olga Stepanovna, the first category, the educator of MBDOU №41 D / s "Snowdrop" of Anapa Art. Anapskaya.

Educational tasks:

Continue to learn to solve arithmetic examples and record their solution using numbers.
Continue to learn to solve inequalities.
Continue to teach children analysis and synthesis, constructive thinking: Build new, more complex on the specified contour from the simplest geometric shapes.
Exercise in the score within 10, in the ability to distinguish between the quantitative and the sequence account within 10.
Secure knowledge about the composition of numbers within 10 of two smaller numbers.
Secure knowledge about the sequence of the week of the week, the seasons, months of the year.
Secure the ability to distinguish the concepts: above - below, wider - already, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.
Secure the skill to use tables to solve logical tasks.

Developing tasks:

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, attention.
Develop a mixture, visual memory, imagination.
Promoting the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

Educational challenges:

To bring up independence, the ability to understand the learning task and fulfill it yourself.
Rail interest in mathematical classes.

Preliminary work with children:

guessing mysteries, solution of logical tasks, solving constructive tasks, observation of the calendar, individual classes.

Pre-work of the teacher:

Prepare demonstrative and distributing material.
Prepare a visual allowance "Azbukovad", "Robot +", "Robot-".
Prepare a phonogram.

Methodological techniques:

Soothing exercises before occupation.
Game (journey to the country of mathematics).
Visual (use illustration).
Sensual (reminder, indication, questions, individual answers of children).
Promotion, analysis of classes.


Magnetic board, numbers, signs.

Demonstration material:

"Numerical track", "Azbukovad", "Robot +", "Robot-".


cards with tasks, envelopes with geometric shapes, pencils, cards with logical symbols, train compositions.

Structure classes:

Game Situation: Travel to Mathematics Country.
Greetings of teams.
Selection of tracks to occupy the source positions of commands.
Finding a pair (number of numbers).
Logic trains - determination of goods.
Building "School" from geometric shapes.
Solution of examples, definition of the letter, drawing up a word.
Coordination and educational exercise "Japanese machine"

Travel course:


Today we are holding the most real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN preschoolers-mathematicians. Two teams of reasonable and attentive will compete with each other and will pass through several stages of testing. Then we will summarize, and at the end will be the award ceremony of participants. I want to introduce you to members of the jury. (Represents members of the jury.) And now - submission of commands. Welcome to the team "Accidentation" (represents the captain of the team)!

Members of the team "Troops":

We are dosoquolat guys,
We are not afraid of obstacles.
We love to play in KVN,
Together, honestly win!


Team "Lovely". Welcome her! (Represents Captain Team).

Members of the Team "Lovekniki":

We are funny guys
In kindergarten we do not miss
In games different playing
In KVN, we defeat!



Do the warm-up: if the tree is above the bush, then the bush ...?


Below tree.


If the line is longer a pencil, then a pencil ...?


Shorter ruler.


If the rope thicker thread, then the thread ...?


Thinking rope.


If the sister is older brother, then brother ...?


Younger sister.


If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream ...?


Already rivers.


March - the second month of spring?
Spring will change winter?
What is the day of the week?
What day of the week will come after the medium?
So, teams are ready for competitions.


And now our teams will have to choose the game track to their competitive tasks. Teams can advise and explain their solution.


In order to go to its game tables and take their jobs. You need to crash into pairs, make a couple of numbers that give the number 8 in sum.


A few days later in our kindergarten group graduation holiday, you will go to school life. Each of you have to go to school. Let's build our future school. You need to distribute cargoes according to the compositions of logical trains (solution of inequality).


Building materials should be brought to the construction site for the construction site. For this, the "real estate catalogs" are received for this, fill the blanks of orders, count what and how much building materials are needed, the building materials are obtained (geometric shapes) and begin to build a school (according to the real estate catalog).


Well done, coped with the task. You can enter the school building by reading the encrypted word. In this you will be helped by our faithful friends: grandfather, robot +, robot -. (Children decide examples, find a number, the number corresponds to the letter of the Azbukovda, find all the letters, read encrypted words).


Well done team. And now I suggest you relax while the jury sums up, and play the "Japanese machine".

Japanese machine

All stand (or sit, at will) face in a circle. Each player gets its serial number, by the number of players. Selects a person who starts the game. His task to transfer the course to another player as follows. He utters his own number, and then the number of the one who wants to pass the move. That in turn, pronounce your number and then the number of any of the players. The transfer of the progress is accompanied by movements that simulate the sound of the typewriter: everyone is simultaneously hit on the knees of 2 times, then raise the right hand (here we speak our number), then left (we say the number of the one who transmits the move). Rhythm is diminished. If a person is mistaken, he leaves the game, respectively, his number too. The game is underway until the most attentive, it is 2-5 people. Give them applause.
This warm-up game trains: a) coordination of movements, b) the connection of coordination with the pronouncement of words, c) the ability to distribute attention. Not to all students manage to quickly assimilate the sequence of movements, they confuse the order of gestures, do not fall into the overall rhythm, do not cope with its changes. But it only stimulates their interest. Introduction of the number, numbers, that is, speeches on clicks when transmitting the relay with the eyes of "one-one", "two or two", etc., is a new difficulty. Then the "voice" - "five or five, five-one", "one-one, one-seven", etc. begins, and so on, here you already need to send the word and be ready to accept "voice"; Both requires organized attention and allows you to learn correctly distribute it.

Complex mathematics lesson in the preparatory to school group.

KVN "Mathematics - Queen of Science"

Software content:

Form a sense of solidarity, the ability to empathize each other;

Exercise children in solving logical tasks;

Improve the skills of performing arithmetic action;

Consolidate the representation of the interconnection of the whole and parts;

Exercise in orientation on a sheet of paper;

Consolidate the knowledge of children about geometric forms, sequences of days in the week, days of the year and names of months in the year;

Interested in children in the final result.

Registration : posters, drawings, phonogram, distribution material.

Preliminary work: study of geometric forms; conversations about the days of the year, about the days of the week; solving mathematical tasks; learning the composition of numbers; determination of time by the hour; Work with parents - preparation of collages and posters on the mathematical theme.

Activation of the dictionary: the names of geometric forms; names of the days of the week, months; Use in the speech of the words "plus", "minus", "equal"

Location: Music hall.

Structure occupation

2 teams are involved in the group preparatory for school, each of which is 6 people. Each emblem command corresponding to the command name.

Leading : Time is moving, not entitled

We forget about it.

Case - time, hour - fun,

KVN It's time to start.

Music sounds, teams come to the hall and sit in place.

Leading : Good day Dear colleagues. We are glad to welcome you to our KVNE "Mathematics - Queen of Sciences."Leading : I present you a jury that will help evaluate the tasks performed.

I imagine the jury that will evaluate the contests:

1., 2.

Each competition will be assessed at 2 points. And now I want to introduce the teams to you that will participate in the game:

1st team "Circle"

Your motto:

It is easier to solve and win!

2nd team "Square"

Your motto:

Our "Square"

All parties are equal.

And our all guys

Fremost strong.

Leading : And now the teams welcome our guests


One, two, three, four, five,

We came here to play;

We will quickly share you,

Mathematics we know!

I. Master : First Competition - "Workout".

Teams are offered funny tasks that guys must decide together for 30 seconds. After that, the captain raises the card with the desired number.

1) 6 kids bear

Mom laid down.

One will not sleep in any way.

How many sleep is good?


1) Marina frowned in a mug

10 berries of raspberry,

6 gave her girlfriend.

How many berries has become in the circle?


2) Naduha has five notebooks,

Blocks in them and mess.

Nearby is a draft.

Vasya, first student,

Gave a notebook nad

How many notebooks do she have?


2) Sisters-proteins were sitting

Lester in Hollow on ate.

To them, one more time -

It saved from the rain.

Everyone is now sitting in warmth.

How many proteins in the Dupell?


3) Hedgehog for mushrooms went

And 6 Ryzhikov found

3 He put in a basket,

The rest is on the back.

How many Ryzhikov are lucky

On your needles Yozh? (6-3 \u003d 3)

3) Four ripe pears

On the branch rushed

Two pears took off Pavlusha,

And how many pears left (4-2 \u003d 2)

II. Host: Second Competition - "Geometric Fantasy"

Each team receives an envelope with geometric shapes. Task: Collect your animal, while music sounds and describe your work.

During the execution of the task, music sounds (for 3 minutes).

III. Leading : Third Competition - "Pick up a couple"

(highest score-2)

Each participant will be heard on the mittens on which an example is written. Task: Solve an example on your mittens and find the second mittens with the same answer. The colors of the molds differ.

Sounds phonogram "Captains"

IV. Leading : Fourth Competition. Captain Contest -

"Seasons". (highest score-2)

The task for captains consists of two parts.

I. Detail on questions:

1) How many months a year? Name them.

1) How many days in the week? Name them.

2) How many times of the year?

2) Because of the seasons?

3) What are the autumn months?

3) What are the winter months?

II. Split cards.

Task: Select one picture of each time of the year and decompose them in order. Explain your answer.


Leading : And now I suggest a little rest and play with me

the game "Go arroges in a circle."

Here you will use knowledge about clock and time.

On the carpet in a circle, cards with numbers from 1 to 12 are laid out. Children get up near cards. The educator stands in the center and pronounces poetic lines along with children (for the correct team answers get at the end of the game 1 point).

We are a clock, our accurate moves,

(Children walk in a circle, holding hands.)

Shoot arrows in a circle

And they want to catch up with each other.

Arrows, arrows, do not rush

You will tell us time!

Children sit down next to

with the nearest card.

Educator. Five hours!

(Must settle children sitting near

cards with numbers 5 and 12).

The game is repeated several times.

V. Master : I declare the fifth contest - "Salted houses"

This competition for the knowledge of the number of numbers. Task: Each player is heard in the "house", it must be filled, while the music sounds (the phonogram sounds for 3 minutes).

The filled cards are transmitted by the jury.

Vi. Leading : Sixth Competition "Scattered Photographer".

Children show a composition of three volumetric bodies.

Task: Name volumetric bodies and find the right photo of this composition.

VII. Leading : I declare the seventh contest "Graphic Dictation"

The guys are heated by sheets in a cage and markers.

Task: Properly draw graphic pattern.

1. Find the left lower corner.

2. Squeeze three cells to the right from the lower left corner.

3. In the upper right corner of the third cell, put the point.

4. Find the left top corner.

5. Sample three cells to the right from the upper left corner.

6. In the lower right corner of the third cell, put the point.

7. Find the upper right corner.

8. Squeeze four cells to the left from the right upper angle.

9. In the lower left corner of the fourth cell, put the point.

10. Locate the lower right corner

11. Squeeze four cells to the left from the right lower corner.

12. In the upper left corner of the fourth cell, put the point.

What figure turned out? (rectangle)

Leading : Our contests ended. In the meantime, the jury sums up, the guys sing the song "twice or two, four". Next, there is awarding winners (diplomas, medals).

Used Books:

1. "Once - step, two - steps" / Mathematics for children 5-6 years / l. Mr. Peterson, N. P. Holina, Juven, 2006.

2. Zhm "Preschool Education"

education area "Cognition"

The goal of the game: Checking the skills of children to independently perform tasks in the conditions of competition.
Software tasks: to form computing skills, consolidate the sequence account, establishing links and relations between the numbers of a natural series, the composition of the number of two smaller numbers, instill interest in solving entertaining tasks with mathematical meaning, exercise in solving examples with missing numbers, develop logical figurative thinking , attention, visual memory, competitive spirit.
Materials and equipment: Gong, 15 bags, stopwatch, parcel, envelope with tasks, examples with missing numbers, markers, numerical houses, trays with geometric shapes.

Game traffic:

Host: Hello, our dear guests! We invite you to mathematical KVN. Let's greet our teams!
(enter and become a semicircle "Smile" and "Luche" team)
Host: "Smile" team Imagine your captain.
Captain: Our motto: Play friendship,
Decide quickly
Smile to others!
And in KVN we will win!
Our emblem ...
Presenter: Luckch team Imagine your captain.
Captain: Our motto: "Lucking" forward
We are waiting for us.
In mathematics strong
Only we, not they!
Our emblem ...
Host: Commands pass by tables, sit down. And now I will introduce the jury, which will observe our game and evaluate the contests.
(Presentation of the jury)
Host: Now listen to the rules of the game. After the task set by me, the team will have time to discuss the decision and come to the correct answer. After that, the captain hits the gong. Whose team first will hit Gong, the team and has the right to respond first. The more the commands of the correct answers, the more gold bags they have such, and each bag is an additional 10 seconds of time to perform the last most complex task. We start KVN.
1 Competition "Workout"
Five raven on the roof of the village
2 went to them,
Respond quickly, boldly:
How many all they arrived. (seven)

On a large sofa in a row
Tanyina dolls cost
Matryoshka, one Buratino,
Bunny one and still chipollino.
Help Tanyushka
Count toys. (four)
Host: The team hit the gong faster ... She has the right to answer the first. Gets a golden bag.
2 Competition "Not Mistor"
Host: The numbers that need to be compared on the easel are written. Each participant of the team comes up in turn to the easel and puts the desired sign between numbers: "more", "less" or "equal." As soon as the last participant of the team cope with the task, the captain beats in the gong. The jury checks the correctness of the signs.

5 8 7 1
3 5 6 8
6 6 2 5
7 4 8 8
4 0 5 6
1 7 9 10
9 6 4 8
4 4 6 0
2 3 2 2
10 9 3 1

(the jury summarizes the contest "not mistaken", hands a golden bag)
Host: A golden bag receives a team ... The next captain competition.
3 Captain Competition (music sounds)

(knock on the door, Postman Pechkin comes)

Postman Pechkin: Is this kindergarten?
Children: Yes.
Postman Pechkin: Preparatory Group?
Children: Yes.
Postman Pechkin: So I got there. You write a letter to team captains.
Host: Postman Pechkin, you just in time.
Postman Pechkin: Well, okay, I gave a letter, I will go to other addresses letters to spread.
(Postman Pechkin leaves)
Host: What is the letter in the envelope? Task: Connect in order correctly points with numbers and see what happens. Captains, here is your molbert task. Get started, and we will play the team "in order to become" with other participants.
The game "in order is becoming"
(On the floor, figures are laid out from 1 to 9 for each command, the child raises any digit at the signal and gets into the right place in the numeric row)
Host: "Smile" team in order will calculate (the "Luche" team will calculate in order). The eighth in the team "Smile" for whom you cost? (for seventh). Third in the team "Luche" after whom do you cost? (after the second). The fourth team "Smile" between who are you standing? (between the third and fifth). Sixth in the "Luche" team in front of whom you stand? (Before the seventh). Well done teams, sit down in our places, and we check our captains.
(the jury summarizes the contest of captains, hands the golden bag)
3 Competition "Empty Window"
Host: Teams I speculate the sheets on which examples are written with the missing numbers. Task: Enter the missing number to get the right answer. As soon as the team cope with the task, the captain hits the gong and reads the examples, and we all check together.

(The jury summarizes the "Empty Window" contest, hands the golden bag)
Host: And now the task for the smelting, intelligence. If the team knows the answer, the captain quickly hits the gong.
How many ears have two mice? (Four Ear)
How many paws have two cubs? (eight paws)
January came. At first, 3 apple trees were blooming, and then another apple tree. How many apple trees bloomed? (none)
The cat has two paws left, two legs are right, two lats front, two paws rear. How many paws have a cat? (four paws)
Musical pause.
4 Competition "Numeric houses"

Host: Numeric houses are written on the easel for each team. Each participant of the team comes to the easel and enters the correct answer. That team that quickly and correctly cope with the task, the captain recovers and hits the gong.

(the jury summarizes the contest "Numeric houses", hands the golden bag)
Host: And now we come up with you to the most complex competition, but first examine the bags. The team "Smile" earned additionally ... Seconds, the "Luche" team earned additionally ... seconds. 1 minute is assigned to the task. Thus, the "smile" team has so many time on the fulfillment of the last task, the "Luche" team has so many time on the fulfillment of the last task. The jury in the stopwatch will take place time. Task: On trays are geometric shapes. Teams for the allotted time must be put on the tray of a cat and a sample hare.

(Children perform a task, at the end of the allotted time the jury summarizes: which team won in KVN, hands the medals winners for 1 place and losers for 2 place)

A knock on the door, the postman Pechkin appears.
Postman Pechkin: I completely forgot to send you a parcel, I had to return the second time.
Host: Thank you, Postman Pechekin, you all went out.
(Postman Pechkin leaves).
Host: And on the parcel it is written: Read the countdown, otherwise it will not open. Guys, let's find all together in the reverse order: 10, 9, ... .1.
(presenter gives children gifts)
Host: Dear guests! Thank you for attention. We will greet again our teams!
(children under the music come out of the music hall)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten №175 "Fidgets" of a combined species

Abstract Open Famp Claim

in the preparatory speech therapy group "Salla"

MBDOU №175

Amounted to: Preparatory teacher

speech therapy group

TM Khaliyev


vladikavkaz - 2016

Subject: "Journey to the planet Mathematics"

Tasks: 1. Sign the ability to play games with mathematical


2. Develop logical thinking.

3. Relieve the ability to enjoy the success of comrades.

Equipment: the phonogram of the song "Little Country"; Plane images of numbers: "2" - 16 pcs.; "1" - 16 pieces; "4" - 2 pcs; twine - 3 m.; Juice - 2 pcs. 1 l., different in width; glass - 2 pcs.; Colored disposable glasses - 8 pcs.

Guests: Hello!

Educator: What special there we said to each other?

Children: Just "Hello"!

Educator: More after all, we did not say anything?

: Why did the sun gain in the world on the droplet?

: Why did the world gain in the world on a drip of happiness?

: Why did life become joyful on the droplet?

: From the fact that we all wished each other.

Children: From the fact that we are pleased to guests.

: Today in our hospitable kindergarten mathematical

KVN. Mathematics - wonderful science, it develops a logical

thinking, attention, intelligence. Two teams are reasonable and

attentive pupils - fidgets will compete

with each other and show you, dear guests, what to do

mathematics is just as exciting how to play KVN. Allow

submit members of our jury. Each competition will be

estimated at 2 points. So, teams, start.

Representation of commands.

"Magniki" "Experts"

We are friends with mathematics we are a team of experts

We are clever and in knowledge, ask us questions,

We can not fall behind. We will answer them.

1 contest "Quickly answer"

    How many months a year?

    Name parts of the day.

    How many days a week in the week?

    Name the seasons. How many of them?

    Name the neighbors of the number 5.

    Name the neighbors of the number 8.

    What is harder: 1 kg. wats or 1 kg. Nails.

    3 candles burned on the table, one candle went out. How many candles are left on the table?

2 contest "Build a geometric shape and tell about it"

(One team for another is built from twine well-known geometric shapes, the rival team must guess the figure and tell about it).

3 contest "Forward, captains!"

* Who will be the first to achieve a fence: a turtle or bunny?

* In the names of what fairy tales there are numbers?

* How many characters lived in Teremka?

* How many nuts in an empty glass?

* How many paws have two cubs?

* Grandma knitted grandson scarves and mittens. Total she tied 3 scarf and 6 mittens. How many grandchildren of grandmother?

* How many colors have a rainbow?

* There were 4 bear and 3 rams in the zoo. How many wild animals in the zoo?

4.Fizminutka "We know how to count everything"

1,2,3,4,5 - children step forward;

We can relax too - walk in place around themselves;

Hands behind your back - put your hands behind my back and lean forward;

We will raise the head above - lift your head and straight hands up;

And we raise the breathing exercises.

5. Concurs "Sold down the house"

"Name on the contrary"

Day Night

Morning evening

Summer Winter

Big small

Wide narrow

Long short

Thick - thin

Far close

At the top - down

Left - right

Back and forth

One is a lot

Outside - Inside

Light heavy.

7. Concurs "Young researchers"

(Fluid measurement using measurement conditions)

Educator: Guys, look at me on the table 2 packs with juice. Compare them, what do they differ?

Responses of children: One wider, the other already.

Educator: Guys, let's think about how can we determine how much juice in each pack? How can I measure juice?

Responses of children: With any measure in which liquid can be pouring.

Educator: I suggest you to measure the juice glass.
Remind the measurement rules:

Measure must be alone;

Every time we measure the full glass of juice, you should set any subject for memory to not be confused.

(Each command is measured at your table, laying out chips and after the measurement is completed).

Educator: Compare the results of our experiment and output.

Conclusion (answers of children): Despite the fact that packs of different sizes, they turned out to be the same amount of juice.

8. Competition "Cunning insects."

(Children should determine which of the geometric figures sat down beetle and butterfly and to count how many geometric figures see).

Upon graduation, the jury summarizes the results and declares the winners.

Presentation of prizes.

Teams become a swarming and play the song "Little country ».