From the "Nutcracker" to "Charger". Melodies about winter, christmas, new year

From the "Nutcracker" to "Charger". Melodies about winter, christmas, new year

We listen to beautiful winter music and remember her story.

Dance Fairies Dragee from the ballet "Nutcracker"

Peter Tchaikovsky Added music to the "Nutcracker" ballet in December 1892. Then premiere passedMarinka . In the "Nutcracker" for the first time in the Russian scene, the chest was performed - the youngest shock-key musical instrument, invented 6 years before this French Musalem. Tchaikovsky, conquered by the delicate sound of the Chelety, personally brought her from Paris. For a music christmas history, she approached as it can not. The chest was sounded in the dance of the Fairy Dragee - the sophisticated Lady of Slavs in confentburg. Crystal chimes and air dance of Italian Antoniette del era were transmitted simultaneously and the beauty and fragility of the fabulous world.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Dance Fairies Dragee from the ballet "Nutcracker"

Polonaise from Opera "Night Before Christmas"

Opera "Night before Merry Christmas"Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov Created in 1895. Libretto to "was-car bead" the composer wrote himself - according to the story of the same nameNicholas Gogol . He introduced a lot of fantastic and pagan in the plot:"Fascination with myths and connecting them to Gogol's story, of course, my mistake, but this mistake gave the opportunity to write a lot of interesting music". The premiere of "Night before Christmas" was held at the Mariinsky Theater in December 1895.

Polonais with the choir in the opera sounds when the vacuum arrives in the royal palace. Panthetic music contrasts with other opera melodies - carols on folk motifs, elegant "dancers" and the penetrated arias of Oksana and vacules. After all, the Palace is a festive ball - courtesy in lush dresses and wigs performed the ceremonial dance.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Polonaise from Opera "Night Before Christmas"

Waltz from the Opera "Tree"

Opera "Christmas tree" Vladimir Rebikikov decided to write in the early 1900s. Her libretto was created based on two works - "Girl with matches"Hans Christian Andersen and christmas storyFedor Dostoevsky "The boy of Christ is on the Christmas tree." Their plots are similar: the child from the poor family does not find a shelter on a festive evening and eventually freezes on an ice street.

Opera Vladimir Rebikova had a great success: it was put in Russia many times and abroad. The most famous melody from the "Christmas tree" was the culminating waltz. The main character heard touching and sad music during their charming visions, after which she no longer woke up.

Vladimir Rebikikov. Waltz from the Opera "Tree"

The song "The Christmas tree was born in the forest"

The text of the popular children's songs wrote the Russian poetess Raisa Kudashev in 1903. For the first time, the poem was published in the December issue of the magazine "Baby" - he went out in St. Petersburg. A few years later, the music was created by Agrona Leonid Beckman. He composed her for his little daughter, and since the scientist did not know the music letter, his wife recorded the melody.

"Christmas tree" survived several births. In the 1900s, she became a very popular Christmas song, they were performed at home holidays, and in gymnasiums, and in children's shelters. INFirst world war when christmas Noted by restraint, the melody was a little forgotten. After the revolution, the hymn of a religious holiday and was not unclearly banned. The "Christmas tree" returned to the third generation of Soviet children - in the 1930s - and became not Christmas, and the New Year's song.

The song "The Forest was born in the forest." Words of Raisa Kudasheva, Music Leonid Beckman

Song "Five minutes" from the movie "Carnival Night"

The perky song about the last five minutes of the outgoing year has been shifted for 60 years. In 1956, she listened to the whole country: film"Carnival night" Eldar Ryazanov They watched almost 50 million Soviet spectators, and the melody itself sounded from every radio. She today remains one of the song traditions of the New Year.

Music to "five minutes" wrote composer Anatoly Lepin, and Words - Vladimir Livvitz. In the movie Song Lenochka Kryonova - HeroineGurchenko - It lasted five minutes and ended in the battle of chimes. Especially for the number made scenery: a huge alarm clock, on the sides of which the musicians from the orchestra were located. "Carnival" watches, too, became a New Year trend for many years - bright Christmas toys - "non-payment" soon appeared in every Soviet house.

Song "Five minutes" from the movie "Carnival Night" (1956). Words of Vladimir Livvitsa, music Anatoly Lepina

Waltz from the movie "Blizzard"

Music for the movie "Blizzard" in the same nametale Alexander Pushkin George Sviridov wrote in 1964. Waltz and Troika, "Military March" and "Wedding" performed on the radio, put in television programs. 10 years after the film went to the screens, Svirida edited the score. She became an independent work - "Musical illustrations for the story of A.S. Pushkin "Misel".

At the same time, the solemn and gentle, the waltz sounds at the very beginning of the film, during the Bala. Here the main heroine - Marya Gavrilovna - for the first time, though a glimpse, saw that who would have to be mistaken to get married. The vertical motives of this melody are heard at the end of the film when the heroes are miraculously found again and recognize each other.

The film "Wizards" on the scriptbrothers Strugatsky Konstantin Bromberg removed in 1982. He was shown on television on the last day of the outgoing year. The music for the picture wrote Evgeny Wildov, and the text of the songs - Leonid Derbenev. Later all the compositions on one plate releasedfirm "Melody".

One of the music symbols of the New Year has become the "Snowfish" song, or "Snowflake", from the movie "Wizard". A song about how to make a good desire to make a magic midnight, sang Olga Christmas with the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Good Mode". "Snowflake" began to appear in blue lights, on festive discos and even children's matinees. And more than three decades it sounds before the new year on all radio stations and television channels.

"Snowfish song" from the movie "Wizard" (1982). Words Leonid Derbenev, music of Evgeny Kryolov

The beauty of nature at all times was worried about the minds of poets, artists, composers. Each of them created works, having a bright juicy summer, multicolored autumn or gentle spring. The snow-white beauty winter was left without attention.

Russian composers also sang the winter in their opuses. For example, in the Russian composer of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, there is the first symphony "Winter Greens", created at the very beginning of the creative path, and the ballet "Nutcracker", which the great musician ended his way. One of the bright numbers in the ballet "Nutcracker" is the "Waltz of Snowflakes".

With winter sketches, the music of the outstanding Russian composer George Sviridova, created to the movie according to the story of A.S. Pushkin "Misel". Orchestral suite, compiled by the author in 1974 from music to this film, brought him nationwide love.

No less known other writings dedicated to the change of seasons. Composer A. Glazunov, who lived at the end of the XIX - early XX century, created the ballet "Seasons".

One of the key works dedicated to winter, the Russian composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov is the Opera "Snow Maiden". The scene tragedy is revealed through the leitmotifs of the heroes of the work.

The change of the time of the year is the topic that the spell of the century attracts the attention of musicians. The glorified composers in their creations are chanting the true beauty of winter. Along with the famous Russian composers, they appealed to this topic and world famous foreign masters Antonio Vivaldi, Josef Haydn, Claude Debussy, Franz Schubert.

So, for example, Josef Haydn, the Austrian composer of the XVIII century, wrote an oratorio (a large work for choir, soloists and orchestra) "Seasons".

In the work of the French Impressionist Claude Debussi there is a prelude called "Steps in the Snow", the vocal work "Winter". The originality of the supply material does not leave indifferent listeners.

The Austrian composer of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. Franz Schubert also dedicated to winter cycle of vocal miniatures accompanied by the piano "Winter Way". Critics consider this collection of the peak of the composer's creativity, in which he revealed the most vivid possibilities of vocal acts.

The concert of the Italian composer, the violinist, Antonio Vivaldi "Winter" is one of the most famous essays of classical music. As you know, four violin concerts of Vivaldi from the "Seasons" cycle have a literary component - sonnets in which the composer gave the program of this cycle; In addition, the notes are given the author's remarks explaining what music is about.

Naturally, it is necessary to understand this program not so much literally as symbolically. This is what is said in verses Antonio Vivaldi (Translation from Italian V. Rabey):


Frosty smooth road

And the man willopy legs

Progressing the path, knocking teeth,

Runs to warm up at least a bit.

How happy he is warm and light

Native focus sheltered from the winter ...

Let the snow and wind there - outside ...

Walking on ice dangerous, but in this

For youth fun; Caution

Go along the edge slippery, unreliable;

Without keeping, falling with a scope

On the thin ice - and away run from fear.

Whisk swirl snowproofs;

How - as if breaking out of the sharpening,

Bush winds counter, in battle

Fraight against each other is ready.

... Large winter, but joy moments

Sometimes soften the face is stern.

In the "times of the year" reflects the moods and feelings of all months a year. All this predetermined the recognition of the cycle as an unsurpassed masterpiece. The end of winter at Vivaldi is simultaneously and harbing a new spring. Music and sonnet composer argues: "gives us winter and their pleasure." Therefore, despite the sadness of the cold period, there is no pessimism in music, nor in verses.

Maybe after watching the "Winter" web artists, and listening to the "winter motifs" of composers and poets, you will encourage yourself and create your own "winter masterpiece"? Let me wish you good luck and inspiration on the creative field!

Material prepared

Music leader

Tyurina Larisa Viktorovna

Albina Solovyova
Winter fairy tale in Russian classical music

Music- Literary living room

« Winter fairy tale»

in the works russian classical music

Leisure script for children russian and Bashkir groups and parents

purpose: instill love for classical music(P. I. Tchaikovsky, A. K. Lyadov, Sviridov, modern composer Gennady Gladkov; for the work of poets - classic(A. S. Pushkin, Yesenin, Ivan Demyanov, I. Surikov; through the synthesis of arts (music, poetry).

Tasks: Develop musical and creative abilities children:

Learn independently determine character and content musical Work, emotionally respond to it; convey musical works through movement, develop motor quality, skills; develop singing skills ear for music;

Improve the ability to play the orchestra, use a variety of games for children musical instruments; expand musical circle;

Develop love K. russian artistic word; Improve the intonational expressiveness of speech; Rail around the culture of communication during the joint activities of children and adults.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the characteristic signs and signs of winter;

Selection and learning of songs and poems about winter;

Acquaintance with the work of composers and poets who wrote works about winter;

Hearing works of P. I. Tchaikovsky « Winter morning» , "Sky", "Waltz snowflakes", Sviridova "Misel";

Conversations about the character of the listened music;

Work with childhood music orchestra(play "Londe dance" A. K. Lyadov.)

Leisure course.

Sounds "Waltz" G. Sviridova from k / f "Misel".

Children and parents enter the hall and dismantle (Slide - winter forest)

Leading: Hello, dear guests! I'm glad to welcome you in our cozy music living roomwhere we are waiting for a meeting with music and poetry. I suggest today to talk about winter, let's listen and see how about winter talk musicians and poets. Composers write what? (children: music) . And poets? (poems) What kind of winter signs do we know? (the sun shines a little, very short day and a long night, lies everywhere snow, very cold. There are no leaves on the trees, there are no butterflies and birds, insects, the water on the river turned into ice, many animals hid in holes from the cold, birds flew into warm edges) right, well done! All around white, the same (Slides 2 - 4) How is it probably boring and not interesting? Why do Nature need so much snow? (children's responses) Now we will tell us about this Gleb F. and his mother (listen)

Poem "Kellets" Performed Gleb F. with mom:

Daughter - Why, native, snow in winter goes?

Mom - from him the nature of the linel plate!

Daughter - a blanket, mom? And why it is!

Mom - without him in the earth would become cold!

Daughter - and to whom, native, in her heat look!

Mom - those who have winter winter:

Baby Seeds, Bread Granks,

The roots of the epic, cereals and flowers.

Tell me what winter happens? (Answers children: Cold, harsh, fit, fluffy, soft, beautiful, often go buran, blizzard, blizzard) Listen to what a verbal portrait of winter painted in his poem poet A. S. Pushkin « Winter evening» (Slide number 5 Portrait A. S. Pushkin)


Brick Male Heaven Croot, Worky Snowy turn:

How the beast she will win, then pay, like a child,

Then on the roof the dilapidated suddenly straw covert,

The way the traveler is late, to us in the window will challenge.

Our old lach tug and sad, and dark.

What are you, my old woman, attacked the window?

Or the storms will overestimate you, my friend, tired,

Or do you sleep under the buzz of your spindle?

Sing me a song, how the siny quietly lived behind the sea;

Sing me a song, like the girl behind the water in the morning walked.

Burning the heaven of the sky, whirlwinds snow twist;

How the Beast, she will win. then pay like a child.

A. S. Pushkin (Slides number 6 - 10)

M. R.: For these verses russian Composer Yakovlev wrote a romance « Winter evening» . Performed by singer Hvorostovsky (listened to the romance « Winter evening» )

M. R.: If you carefully listen more poems, then hear new definitions of winter and snow. Bulgakov Lisa, Sosmarina Vika, Ishbulat Timur (snapped with snow. Exactly silver. White fringe brushes dismissed, sprinkle the branches with new silver, sesions of the bushes to the twig; in white parachuts, winter snowflakes - stars)

Sergey Yesenin

White birch under my window

Dinged with snow, precisely silver.

On fluffy branches Snow border

Brushes blushed with white fringe.

And stands birch in sleepy silence,

And snowflakes burn in gold fire.

And dawn, lazily bypassing around

Slipping the branches with new silver.

Ivan Demyanov "First Snow"

Sedians bushes to twigs. On earth and houses

Winter descetes on white parachuts!

Snowflakes are flying. Looking from under hands:

Circling, dancing in the air, fluffy and easy!

Lighter has become a street, good village.

Snowflakes fly, circling, around white-white!

White snow fluffy in the air is spinning

And to the ground quietly falls, falls.

And in the morning, the snow box was glad,

Exactly pellena all dressed him.

Dark forest, that the cap was knocked out wonderful

And fell asleep under her hard, incombusation.

God's days are short, the sun shines little, -

So frost came - and winter has come.

I. Surikov (Slides number 11 - 20)

M. R.: Leading: In winter, there is another weather when the bright sun shines, the light frost pinches the cheeks, crumbs under the feet of the snow. Beauty! We are waiting winter fun. And what can be done in winter? (Children ride fun on sledding, skating, skiing, building snowmen, fortresses, playing snowballs. (Slide number 21) Let's and we ride on sledding, skiing. Skate (under music ride around the hall) . And what song do we know about winter? ( russian Group execute a song "New Year's Song" Gladkova, Bashkir Group "? Jsh Babai" S. S2LM2NOV music3Y.

Ya8y Yilde8 Yuldaryna 3IBelg2n A7 7ar IK2H.

Jsh Babai6Y8? ARPYLYUY6Y8 A7BU6Atsy Bar IK2H

Jsh Babai Kil2 IK2H, 7ar3 k0l2 IK2N.

Jsh Babai6y8? ARPYLYYY6Y8 A7AB6Ati Bar IK2N.

MUZ. Hands. There are so many winter fairy tales. The most famous, probably New Year story -"Nutcracker". Great russian composer P.. I. Tchaikovsky wrote ballet for this fairy tale. Ballet is a product in which it sounds music and plot fairy tales We show dancers - ballerinas. And in this ballet there is a scene in which the composer described winter snow. It is called "Waltz winter flakes» . Let's see her and listen to her (listen to recording) What tools perform waltz? (symphonic orchestra: flute, violins, cello, harp, triangle, sings choir) what character music(alarming, rolling, ripped) (Slides number 22 - 24) What happens in winter on the river with water? ( answers: It turns into a transparent ice, and water droplets in the ice buckle) Let's play the orchestra with moms "Londe dance" russian Composer Anatoly Konstantinovich Lyadova (Slide number 25)

(I distribute bells, triangle, metalophones, play on recording)

M. R.: I propose to remember winter months(called on russian and Bashkir languages) And what about music sounds now? (Pieces sounds "December" P. I. Tchaikovsky) On what instruments is this play? (Piano) (Slide number 26 Picture piano)

Children. Pieces sounded "December" Composer P. I. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons". Then listen to the plays P. I. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons. January. In Kamelka " At the time when Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was not steam heating. Top chop or fireplace. Sit at Camelka is to sit by the fireplace or stove, look at the fire. Music sounds calm, leisurely. Feedly (they define annealing, smooth character, performs a symphony orchestra (slides number 39, "February. Maslenitsa"

(listen). Determine the rapid, joyful, playful, progress, a whole picture of a noisy crowded holiday. In this music The composer used folk melodies.

And on such fabulous, Magic note I would like to complete our living room today. Did you like the guys? And the winter you saw today and heard, did you like it? You have a very good opportunity - go now for a walk and make sure that winter, about which we today told poets, composers and artists are real, russianAnd we can enjoy all its charms with great joy with great joy. To new meetings! (Sounds "Waltz" Sviridov from k / "Misel" Parents with children go out of the hall)

Pictures of changing the seasons of the year, the rustle of foliage, bird votes, splashing waves, the murmur of the stream, thunderstorms - all this can be conveyed in music. Many famous were able to do it brilliantly: their musical works about nature became a classic musical landscape.

Natural phenomena, musical sketches of the plant and animal world appear in instrumental and piano works, vocal and choral writings, and sometimes even in the form of program cycles.

"Seasons" A. Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi

Four three-part violin concerts of Vivaldi, dedicated to the times of the year, without a doubt, the most famous musical works about the nature of the Baroque era. The poetic sonnets to concerts are written, as it is considered to be the composer himself and express the musical meaning of each part.

Vivaldi passes with its music and thunder-rolls, and the noise of rain, and the rustle of the leaves, and the birds trill, and the dog Lai, and the uphold of the wind, and even the silence of autumn night. Many remarks of the composer in the score directly indicate or another phenomenon of nature, which must be depicted.

Vivaldi "Seasons of the Year" - "Winter"

"Seasons" J. Haydna

Josef Gaidn

The monumental oratorio "Seasons" was a peculiar result of the composer's creative activity and became a genuine masterpiece of classicism in music.

Four seasons are consistently appeared before the listener in the 44th pictures. Heroes Oratori - rural residents (peasants, hunters). They know how to work, and have fun, they have no time to indulge. People here are part of nature, they are involved in her annual cycle.

Haydn, like his predecessor, widely uses the possibilities of different tools for the transmission of nature sounds, such as summer thunderstorms, rogue of grasshoppers and frogs.

Haidna's musical works about nature are associated with people's life - they are almost always present on his "paintings". For example, in the final of the 103th symphony, we are as if we are in the forest and hear hunter signals, for the image of which the composer resorts to a well-known means. Listen:

Gaidn Symphony No. 103 - Final


"Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky

The composer elected the genre of piano miniatures for his twelve months. But the same piano is capable of transmitting nature paints no worse than the choir and orchestra.

Here is a spring jurisdiction of the lark, and the joyful awakening of the snowdrop, and the dreamy romance of white nights, and a livelot of a bootman, striking on river waves, and field works of peasants, and the psovy hunting, and anxious and sad autumn fading nature.

Tchaikovsky "Seasons of the Year" - March - "Song of Lyonk"


"Carnival of animals" K. Saint-Sansa

Among the musical works about nature, the mansion is the "big zoological fantasy" of Saint-Sansa for the chamber ensemble. The disadvantage of the plan defined the fate of the work: "Carnival", whose score of Saint-Sans even forbade publishing during life, was completely performed only in the circle of the composer's friends.

Original instrumental composition: In addition to stringed and multiple winds, there are two piano, chest and such a rare tool, like a glass harmonic.

In the cycle of 13 parts, describing different animals, and the final part, which combines all the numbers into a solid product. It's funny that the composer is taken to the number of animals and beginner pianists, diligently playing gammas.

Carnival's comicness emphasize numerous musical alluses and quotes. For example, "Turtles" are performed by the Offenbach Kankan, only several times slowdown, and the double bass in the "elephant" develops the theme of the Berliosovsky "ballet of the Sylves".

Saint-Sans "Carnival Animals" - Swan


Sea Element N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov

The Russian composer knew about the sea not at the time. Mademaryan, and then Michman on the clip of "Almaz" he did a distant path to the North American coast. Favorite seaside images arise in many of his creations.

Such is, for example, the topic of the "ocean-sea of \u200b\u200bblue" in Opera "Sadko". Literally in several sounds, the author transmits the hidden power of the ocean, and this motive permeates the entire opera.

The sea reigns in the Sadko's Symphony Music Picture, and in the first part of Schöherazada Suite, "Sea and Saintbads a ship", in which the calm replaces the storm.

Roman-Korsakov "Sadko" - the accession of the "Ocean-Sea blue"


"The ruddy glow was covered with the East ..."

Another favorite theme of musical works about nature is the sunrise. Here immediately come to mind the two most famous morning topics, something incense with each other. Each in its own way defias the awakening of nature. This is the romantic "morning" E. Grieg and a solemn "Dawn on the Moscow River" M. P. Mussorgsky.

At the Migra, the imitation of the shepherd horn picked up with string tools, and then and the whole orchestra: the sun rises over the harsh fjords, and the murmur of the stream and singing of birds is clearly heard in music.

The dawn of Mussorgsky also begins with the shepherd melody, in the string orchestral sound as if the ringing of bells is woven, and the sun is closed above the river, the sun covering the water with gold ripples.

Mussorgsky - "Khovanshchina" - the introduction of "Dawn on the Moscow River"


List all in which the theme of nature is developing is practically impossible - this list will turn out too long. Here you can include the concerts of Vivaldi ("Nightingale", "Cuckoo", "Night"), "Bird Trio" from the sixth symphony of Beethoven, "Flight of Bumblebee" Roman-Korsakov, "Golden Fish" Debussy, "Spring and Autumn" and "Winter Road »Sviridov and many other musical pictures of nature.

Purpose: Create conditions for educating a sense of love for nature, poetry, music.


Educational.Competently and emotionally disassemble the musical work, be able to listen to music and fulfill it. Continue mastering the musical language of its expressive agents. Enter children into the sound of the surrounding world, through music.

Educational.Rise the culture of the hearing, the ability to emotionally respond to the musical work. Strengthen interest in music. Continue to teach listen, peering, think about music. Develop a creative beginning in children.

Developing.Develop music mood definition skills. The skill and skills of the intonational clean and rhythmically accurate singing.

Age audience: Students 9-10 years old

Technical equipment: Music center, video projector, synthesizer, screen.

Musical instruments: Piano, synthesizer, violin, guitar



Lecture - Concert

"Winter Music"

Purpose: Create conditions for educating a sense of love for nature, poetry, music.


Educational.Competently and emotionally disassemble the musical work, be able to listen to music and fulfill it. Continue mastering the musical language of its expressive agents. Enter children into the sound of the surrounding world, through music.

Educational. Rise the culture of the hearing, the ability to emotionally respond to the musical work. Strengthen interest in music. Continue to teach listen, peering, think about music. Develop a creative beginning in children.

Developing. Develop music mood definition skills. The skill and skills of the intonational clean and rhythmically accurate singing.

Age audience: Students 9-10 years old

Technical equipment: Music center, video projector, synthesizer, screen.

Musical instruments: Piano, synthesizer, violin, guitar


I. 1. Verses about winter.

2. Conversation about winter (questions).

3. Listening to Music A. Vivaldi and P. Tchaikovsky, performing students of DMSH.

4. Loss.

II. Performance of the song.

III. Outcome.

Accompanying material:

Presentation with paintings of Levitan, Shishkin, Monet. Portraits of composers with surnames of composers A. Vivaldi, P. Tchaikovsky.

Lecture - Concert

Children enter the class to music("Mistel" Sviridova sounds.)

Greeting: "Hello, guys!"

Poems about winter.

Sings Winter, Auukets, Shaggy Forest Baubets Pine Sticks

Circle with longing deep float in the country distant gray clouds

And in the courtyard of Metelitsa carpet silk is harring, but it is hurt.


They guessed, what is our lesson today?(Slide 2)

Topic: "Winter Music"

What did you imagine the winter, listening to poems?

What sounds can be heard in winter?(Skyrplay of snow, Ice ringing, wind noise, howl blizzard)

What paints can be drawn winter?(Sparkling, Sunny, Gray, Soft)

Raise your hand those who love winter?

And now see how artists portrayed the winter.

(Showing slides with the image of winter. Slides 3,4,5,6)

Pictures are captured by their breadth, scope, joyful blooming of paints. Sky green, with gold and pink clouds. Trees are dressed in fur coats and caps.

Artists masterfully depicted a transitional state of nature. Loose, white-gray snow, dark brown puddles, lead gray sky, brown-gray tone is well transmitted warming wet air, the atmosphere thaw. Little houses, shaking fences - all this on the background of winter paints, winter.

The same time of the year artists were portrayed in different ways. What do you think, why?

Depicting this or that condition of nature, the artist thereby expresses its attitude. He does not just blindly copy seen. Through the picture, it transmits his inner state.

What expressive means did the artists use?

At first glance, the nature of the same name is all snow and cold. But no, then the frost is a cracker will hit, then the thaw. ...

And what kind of winter day different, then sparkling, sunny, ringing, then sulfur, soft, quiet.

Perhaps winter is the most magical time of year. She gives us the most favorite holidays, the most fun fun, the most interesting fairy tales with long mysterious evenings.

Before we start listening to music, I want to remind you that music is a special country, not everyone is given to enter her wonderful magic world. Only the most attentive listener, she will open its fabulous gate. We are visiting the guys from a music school.

1. I suggest listening to the play of Tchaikovsky "Ancient French Song" performedKondratovich Nastya.(Slide 7)

What is the mood of music?

What picture did the composer drew us?(Children's responses)

What paints used?

2. And now we will listen to another work, which is called "Lullaby Winter" will performRakovskaya Arina.(Slide 8)

3. Everyone hears the winter in different ways. This is how, through music, I painted this time of the year Antonio Vivaldi. The composer wrote an epigraph to his work:

Frosty smooth road
And man, hound legs.

Progressing the path, knocking teeth,
Runs to warm up at least a bit.

I sounds the first part of the concert of A.Vivaldi from the cycle "Seasons" "Winter". (Slide 9)


What winter in the concert Vivaldi?(Children's responses)

What pace? (Fast)

Dynamics? (Loud, enhanced and subsides)

What picture can you compare the mood of this musical work?

(Slide 10)

Who performs music?(String tools and Clausing)

Name String-Book Tools.(Violin, Cello, Alt, Double bass)

(Slide 11)

Tell me, and with what holiday comes to us winter?(New Year)

How much time on the clock when he comes?

4. Listen to the play "Horsiki" performedCocurova Ilya.

(Slide 12)

Well, a new year, it is of course - the same songs, dancing and fun.

There was such an old dance, called "Mazurka".

5. Listen to the play for violin and piano "Mazurka" performed by Semirikova Tanya.

(Slide 13)

Burre is also an old dance, listen to him performed by the duet of guitarists.

6. Ensemble guitarists "Burre"

And, of course, the main character on the winter holiday is who?(Santa Claus)

What is the character of Santa Claus?

(Slide 14)

6. Listen, as Robert Schumani depicted.

(Slide 15)

Santa Claus sounds performed by Szubtseva E.S.

What is the character of music?(Answers)

And now compare this play with the song "Bubareniki"(Slide 16)

7. Speakers Vocal Duet Semirikova T., Izhenin A.

The beauty of nature, the change of seasons, and each of them is autumn, winter, spring and summer - unique, special. Always were a source of inspiration for poets, musicians, artists! This is how different people saw differently and depicted the same time of the year. Musicians also felt differently in different ways - the winter - and expressed their feelings through music.

The execution of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Let's remember the song about the winter with you and try to express your attitude towards her. The execution of the song "Christmas tree was born in the forest."

(Slides 17,18)


Outcome lesson, generalization.

Each man in the soul is an artist. The beauty of life, touched to the human soul, gives rise to a melody in it, or a picture. Using musical paints, composers create musical paintings, poets paint the rhyphous images of winter, artists - their own, so we find in the works of similarities and differences. All creativity, works of art are the creation of a man's hands.

What means of expressiveness used poets, artists, composers? Name common.

What works about winter sounded today at the lesson?

Name poets, artists, composers, whose creations we learned today.

Our lesson dedicated to the excellent time of the year ended. For a walk, look at the nature of Yesenin, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Shishkin, Levitan. Thank you for the lesson!