Pedagogical principles. Pedagogical principles What kind of sport was fond of the Goldenveyor

Pedagogical principles. Pedagogical principles What kind of sport was fond of the Goldenveyor
(1875-03-10 ) Place of death


His first musical impressions received from Mother Varvara Petrovna Goldenveyor, who had a subtle artistic taste and loved singing and playing the piano. At the age of five, having learned to disassemble notes under the leadership of the older sister Tatiana, he became independently gradually playing the piano. When he was eight years old, the family moved to Moscow, where his serious music classes began with V. P. Prognich, collector of Russian folk songs, one of the students P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Teaching activities began in 1895. In 1895-1917, a teacher of the Piano of the Nikolaev orphans, and Ekaterininsky women's institutions, in 1904-1906 - Music and dramatic school of the Moscow Philharmonic Society (now). Also taught at Prechistan working courses, in the People's Conservatory, Alpherovskaya gymnasium (art history)

Since 1901, he acted as a musical critic in the press, collaborated in the "Courier" newspaper, the magazine "Music World" and other publications (under the pseudonyms: A., A, Borisov, Gl), was a member of the editorial board "Music worker "I led educational work.

From 1932 to 1934 - Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Branch of the Union of Soviet Composers of the USSR.

A family

  • Father - Boris Solomonovich Goldenveyor (1839-1916), lawyer, lawyer, publicist.
  • Mother - Varvara Petrovna Goldenveyor (nest. Cheekotikhina, 1848-1898).
  • Brother - Nikolai Borisovich Goldenveyor (1871-1924), lawyer, translator, teacher of the history of the Moscow Imperial Lyceum in memory of Zesarevich Nikolai, Pushkin (his wife - Nadezhda Afanasyevna Goldenveyor (1869-1934), teacher, employee of the Rumyantsev Museum).
  • Sister - Tatyana Borisovna Sofiano (1869-1955) was married to the brother Anna Alekseevna Goldenveyor Konstantin Alekseevich Sofiano (1891-1938).
  • Sister - Maria Borisovna Goldenveyor (1873-1940), Pianist, was married to literary review, Pushkin Mikhail Osipovich Herrelzon (1869-1925).
    • Nephew - Sergey Mikhailovich Gershenzon (1906-1998), genetics, microbiologist.
    • The niece - Natalia Mikhailovna Gershenzon-Chegodaeva (1907-1977), art historian, art historian wife, Professor Andrei Dmitrievich Chegodaeva (1905-1994), Mother of Artist Maria Andreyevna Chegodaevaya (1931-1916).
  • The first wife (c) - Anna Alekseevna Goldenveyor (nest. Sofiano, 1881-1929), Daughter of General A. S. Sofiano, Pianist, Music teacher, Graduate of the Moscow Conservatory in class V. I. Safonova (1905), Translated by A. A. Goldenveyor in 1929, published letters F. Chopin.
  • The second wife - Elena Ivanovna Goldenveyor (Ur. Gracheva, 1911-1998), Pianist, student A. B. Goldenveyuizer, Director of the Museum-Apartment A. B. Goldenveyser.

Father's brothers:

  • Alexander Solomonovich Goldenveyor (1855-1915) - a lawyer-civilistist. His sons (cousins \u200b\u200bA. B. Goldenveizer):
    • Alexander Goldenveyor (1880-1940), anthropologist, specialist in the field of anthropology of the Iroquois;
    • Emmanuel Goldenveyor (1883-1953), economist and statistics, head of the Statistics Department of the Federal Reserve System of the United States (1926-1945), President of the American Association of Economists;
    • Alexey Goldenveyor (1890-1979), lawyer, Jewish public figure in Kiev, Berlin and New York, publisher, publicist.
  • Moses Solomonovich Goldenveyor (1837/1838-1921), a lawyer, lawyers of the bank L. S. Polyakova, Bibliophile, Literary critic and historian (in his house in Moscow, the parents of A. D. Sakharov lived in a granate alley in the 1910s). His son:
    • Nikolai Moiseevich Goldenveyor, lawyer, playwright and prose.
  • Vladimir Solomonovich Goldenveyor (1853-1919), nobleman, publicist, communication engineer. His children:
    • Elena Vladimirovna Goldenveyor (1881-1958), the wife of the Right Esra V. L. Uromogoff;
    • Lev Vladimirovich Goldenveyor (1883-1959), lawyer, theatrical director director, playwright, prozaik, translator, in 1927-1937 - Head of the Literary Department of Goskino, father of scientist in the field of theoretical mechanics Alexey Lvovich Goldenveyser (1911-2003).
  • Yakov Solomonovich Goldenveyor (1862 - after 1919), a lawyer, a writer, lived in Kiev.

In the family of lawyer Boris Solomonovich Goldenveyuizer (1839-1916).

He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1895 by P. A. Pabsta class (previously engaged in A. I. Ziloti), in 1897 according to the class of composition M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanova. Also, the compositions of A. S. Roshensky and Counterpoint from S. I. Taneyev also studied. Teaching activities began in 1895. In 1895-1917, the Piano Lecturer of the Nikolaev Orphan Institute, in 1904-1906 - in the Music and Drama School of the Moscow Philharmonic Society, (now - Gityis).

In 1907 he acted as part of the Moscow Trio, replacing the Pianist David Shura. Concerto (up to 1956), including in ensembles with E.Izai, D.F.Ostrath, L.B.Kukan, S.N. Knoshevitsky, Quartet. Ludwig van Beethoven.

In 1906-1961, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory in the Piano Class. In 1936-1939 - Head of the Department of Piano, in 1918-1922 and 1932-1939, Deputy Director (Vice Rector), in 1922-1924 and 1939-1942 - Director (Rector) of the Moscow Conservatory. From 1932 to 1934 - Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Union of Composers. In 1931, organized a "special children's group" at the conservatory. From 1936 to 1941, the artistic director of the Central Music School at the Conservatory. The creator of one of the largest Soviet pianistic schools. Among the students of the Goldenveyuizer: S. E. Fainberg, T. P. Nikolaeva, R. V. Tamarkina, Ginzburg, D. B. Kabalevsky, D. A. Bashkirov, L. N. Berman, D. D. Good, F. I. Gotlib, A. L. Kaplan, M. S. Leboenszon, L. I. Roizman, V. G. Feroes, Margarita Chkheidze, Lyudmila Dmitrievna Imanadze, S. V. Evseev, Nigar Khanum Usubov, N . Kapustin and more than 200 others.

He died on November 26, 1961 (on other sources - November 27). Buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery.

A family

  • Wife A. B. Goldenveyuizer (from January 24, 1903) - Music teacher, graduate of the Moscow Conservatory in class V. I. Safonova (1905), Pianist Anna Alekseevna Goldenveyor (Ur. Sofano; 1881-1929); Translated by A. A. Goldenveyor in 1929 were a separate book published letters from Chopin. Her nephew is a Soviet physicist and human rights activist A. D. Sakharov.
  • The second wife A. B. Goldenveyuizer - Pianist and director of the Museum-Apartment A. B. Goldenveyuizer Elena Ivanovna Goldenveyor (Ur. Gracheva, mind. 1998, Moscow)
  • Sister A. B. Goldenveizer - Tatyana Borisovna Sofiano (1869,

Alexander Borisovich Goldenveyor (1875-1961) - Russian Soviet pianist, composer, teacher, publicist, musical critic, public figure. Doctor of Art History (1940). People's Artist of the USSR (1946). Winner of the Stalinist First Degree Prize (1947).


Born on February 26 (March 10) of 1875 in Chisinau (now - Moldova) in the family of lawyer B. S. Goldenveizer.

His first musical impressions received from Mother Varvara Petrovna Goldenveyor, who had a subtle artistic taste and loved singing and playing the piano. At the age of five, having learned to disassemble notes under the leadership of the older sister Tatiana, he became independently gradually playing the piano. When he was eight years old, the family moved to Moscow, where his serious music classes began with V. P. Prognich, collector of Russian folk songs, one of the students P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In 1889, he was adopted in the Moscow Conservatory in class A. I. Ziloti, where he was in the environment of musicians, in many respects formed his views on art, on the role of the artist in public life and on the tasks of the teacher.

He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1895 in the class of Piano P. A. Pabsta (previously engaged in A. I. Ziloti), in 1897 - according to the class of composition M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanova. Also, the compositions of A.S. S. E. Taneyev (1892-1893) studied (1892-1893).

Teaching activities began in 1895. In 1895-1917, a teacher of Piano of the Nikolaev orphan, Elizavetinsky and Catherine women's institutes, in 1904-1906 - Music and dramatic school of the Moscow Philharmonic Society (now the Russian Institute of Theatrical Art - Gityis). Also taught at Prechistan working courses, in the People's Conservatory, Alpherovskaya gymnasium (art history)

In 1906-1961 - Professor of the Moscow Conservatory for the Piano Class, in 1936-1959 - Head of Piano Department. In 1918-1919 - Assistant Director, 1919-1922 and 1932-1934 - Deputy Director (Vice Rector), in 1922-1924 and 1939-1942 - Director (Rector) Conservatory.

In 1931, organized a "special children's group" at the Moscow Conservatory.

From 1936 to 1941, the artistic director of the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory.

A. Goldenveyor is the creator of one of the largest Soviet pianistic schools, an active participant in the restructuring of the musical education and the development of a modern system of training musicians in the USSR, the author of many articles and reports on these issues. Among the students: S. E. Fainberg, T. P. Nikolaeva, R. V. Tamarkina, G. R. Ginzburg, D. B. Kabalevsky, D. A. Bashkirov, L. N. Berman, D. D. Good , F. I. Gotlib, A. L. Kaplan, I. V. Malinina, M. S. Lebenszon, L. I. Roizman, V. G. Feroes, M. D. Chkhaidze, L. D. Imanadise, with . V. Evseev, N. Usubov, N. G. Kapustin and more than 200 others.

In the period "Zhdanovshchina" (en: Zhdanov Doctrine) spoke from the standpoint of protection of traditional musical values.

One of the oldest musicians, Alexander Goldenveyor, expressed rather a traditionalist point of view, which was not so aggressive as the position of the songnies, but turned out to be fundamentally close to the declared Zhdanov idea "Protection of the Classical Heritage". Repeating the words that the music "was born from a folk song and dance" and "the greatest composers of all time were drawn from this source" that modernist music "more tend to express the ideology of the degenerate culture of the West, right up to fascism than the healthy nature of Russian, Soviet man "The Goldenveyor, which mussed in the house of Leo Tolstoy, accused, for example, Sergey Prokofiev is that the heroes of His" War and Peace "sing" on the International Music and Modernist Voloype. " This position was more from senile grinding than from consciously pogromic installation.

He performed as a soloist and an ensembler. In 1907, he acted as part of the Moscow Trio, replacing the Pianist D. S. Shor. Concerted until 1956, including in ensembles with E. Izai, D. F. Justrach, L. B. Kogan, S. N. Knushevitsky, Quartet. Ludwig van Beethoven.

Singing voice Instruments Genres

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Awards Autograph

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Alexander Borisovich Goldenveyor. (-) - Russian Soviet pianist, composer, teacher, publicist, musical critic, public figure. Doctor of Art History (). People's Artist of the USSR (). Winner of the Stalin's first degree premium ().


His first musical impressions received from Mother Varvara Petrovna Goldenveyor, who had a subtle artistic taste and loved singing and playing the piano. At the age of five, having learned to disassemble notes under the leadership of the older sister Tatiana, he became independently gradually playing the piano. When he was eight years old, the family moved to Moscow, where his serious music classes began with V. P. Prognich, collector of Russian folk songs, one of the students P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Teaching activities began in 1895. In 1895-1917, a teacher of the Piano of the Nikolaev orphans, and Ekaterininsky women's institutions, in 1904-1906 - Music and dramatic school of the Moscow Philharmonic Society (now). Also taught at Prechistan working courses, in the People's Conservatory, Alpherovskaya gymnasium (art history)

Since 1901, he acted as a musical critic in the press, collaborated in the "Courier" newspaper, the magazine "Music World" and other publications (under the pseudonyms: A., A, Borisov, Gl), was a member of the editorial board "Music worker "I led educational work.

From 1932 to 1934 - Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Branch of the Union of Soviet Composers of the SCC.

A family

  • Father - Boris Solomonovich Goldenveyor (1839-1916), lawyer, lawyer, publicist
  • Mother - Varvara Petrovna Goldenveyor (Ur. Cheekotikhina, 1848-1898)
  • Brother - Nikolai Borisovich Goldenveyor (1871-1924), lawyer, translator, teacher of the history of the Moscow Imperial Lyceum in memory of Cesarevich Nikolai, Pushkin (his wife - Nadezhda Afanasyevna Goldenveyor (1869-1934), teacher, employee of the Rumyantsev Museum)
  • Sister - Tatyana Borisovna Sofiano (1869-1955), was married to Brother Anna Alekseevna Goldenveyor Konstantin Alekseevich Sofiano (1891-1938)
  • Sister - Maria Borisovna Goldenveyor (1873-1940), Pianist, was married to literary review, Pushkin Mikhail Osipovich Gershenzon (1869-1925)
  • Nephew - Sergey Mikhailovich Gershenzon (1906-1998), genetics, microbiologist
  • Niece - Natalia Mikhailovna Gershenzon-Chegodaeva (1907-1977), art historian, wife of art historian, Professor Andrei Dmitrievich Chegodaev (1905-1994), Mother of Artist Maria Andreevna Chegodaevaya (1931-1916)
  • The first wife (c) - Anna Alekseevna Goldenveyor (nest. Sofiano, 1881-1929), Pianist, Music teacher, Graduate of the Moscow Conservatory in Class V. I. Safonova (1905), Translated by A. A. Goldenveyor In 1929, a separate book published letters F. Chopin
  • The second wife - Elena Ivanovna Goldenveyor (Ur. Gracheva, 1911-1998), Pianist, student A. B. Goldenveyuizer, Director of the Museum-Apartment A. B. Goldenveyser.

Titles and awards

  • People's Artist RSFSR ()
  • People's Artist of the USSR ()
  • Doctor of Art History ()
  • Stalin's first degree premium () - for concert-performing activities
  • Two orders of Lenin (1945, 1953)
  • Three Orders of the Red Banner (1937, 1950, 1955).
  • Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"


  • In Moscow, there is a museum-apartment A. B. Goldenveyuizer - a branch of state. M. I. Glinka. Museum address: Tverskaya ul. 17, entrance 8, square. 109-110, Tel.: 629-29-29. The basis of the assembly is the archive, library and other items from the assembly of A. B. Goldenveyuizer, transferred to them in 1955.
  • 1975 - the year of the musician century - the UNESCO was declared a year A. B. Goldenveyser.
  • In 2005, the name of A. B. Goldenveyuizer (Moscow, ul. Academician Volgin, d. 17a, was awarded in Moscow of the Children's Music School No. 65.

Write a review about Article "Goldenveyor, Alexander Borisovich"


  • Goldenveyor A. B. Articles, materials, memories. - M.: Soviet composer, 1969. 448 c.
  • Nikolaev A. Performing and pedagogical principles A. B. Goldenveyuizer // Masters of the Soviet pianist school. - m., 1954.
  • Yampolsky I. M. // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - m .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • In the class of A.Boldenweizer / Sost. D.D.Blagoya, E.I.Goldenveyor. M.: Music, 1986. 214 p.
  • Chernikov O. Music does not sleep me // Music and time. - 2004. - № 10.
  • Lessons of the Goldenveyser / Sost. S.V.grhotov. M.: Classic-XXI, 2009. 248 p.
  • Chernikov O. Piano and voices of the Great. - Phoenix, 2011. - 224 p. - (Music Library). - ISBN 978-5-222-17864-5.
  • Mentor: Alexander Goldenveyor through the eyes of contemporaries. M.; St. Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, University Book, 2014. 518 p. - ISBN 978-5-98712-199-3.
  • "Our old man": Alexander Goldenveyor and Moscow Conservatory. M.; St. Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, University Book, 2015. 704 c. - ISBN 978-5-98712-548-9
  • Musician family: Alexander Goldenveyor at home, in class and on stage. M.; St. Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, University Book, 2016. - ISBN 978-5-98712-622-6



Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov

Konstantin Igumnov
Valentina Shatskaya
Rector of Moscow Conservatory
Vissarion Shebalin

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Excerpt characterizing Goldenveyor, Alexander Borisovich

Grandma returned to the room and literally froze on the threshold with her cup in her hand. Of course, I immediately rushed to explain that "this she just flies like that ... And, because the truth is, it is very beautiful?" ... In short, I tried to find any way out of the situation, just not to seem helpless. And then I suddenly became very ashamed of me ... I saw that my grandmother knows that I simply can't find an answer to the problem that arose and trying to "disguise" my ignorance with some unnecessary beautiful words. Then, I, indignant to myself, gathered my "bitwise" pride in a fist and quickly blurted out:
- Well, I do not know why she flies! And I do not know how to lower it!
Grandmother seriously looked at me and suddenly said very fun:
- So try! In order for you and give your mind.
I like the mountain fell from the shoulders! I really didn't like to seem inadid and especially when it concerned my "strange" abilities. And I tried ... From morning to evening. So far, it did not fall down and did not begin to seem that I don't think at all that I was doing. Some sage said that three ways lead to the highest reason: the path of reflection is the most noble, the path of imitation is the easiest and the path of experience on your neck is the most hard. So I apparently choose for some reason the most difficult path, since my poor neck really suffered from my, never stopping, endless experiments ...
But sometimes "the game cost the candle" and my stubborn works were walked by success, as it finally happened to the same "engine" ... After some time, any desired items moved to me, flew, fell and rose when I This desired and was already absolutely not seemed difficult to manage this ... In addition to one very insistently missed case, which, to my great regret, occurred at school, which I always honestly tried to avoid. I absolutely did not need an excessive sense of my "oddities" and especially among my school comrades!
The fault of the wrong occurrence, apparently, was my too much relaxation, which (knowing about his "motor" abilities) was completely unforgivable to allow in such a situation. But we all once make big or small mistakes, and as they say - they are learning on them. Although, frankly, I would prefer to learn from anything else ...
My great leader at that time was a teacher of hybienne, a soft and good woman, whom all schoolchildren sincerely adored. And in our class, her son, Remy, who, unfortunately, was very spoiled and an unpleasant boy, always with all those who mock the girls and constantly bombarded their mother. I was always surprised that, being such an open, smart and pleasant man, his mother did not want to see the real face of his beloved "Cups" ... probably it's true that love can sometimes be truly blind. And in this case she was blind, genuine ...
In that ill-fated day, Remy came to school was already pretty informatively inflated and immediately began to look for a "scapegoat", to pour all his goat, from somewhere accumulated, anger. Well, naturally, I "lucky" to be at that moment exactly in the radius of his reach and, since we did not really love each other initially, on this day I turned out to be exactly the hotly desired "buffer", in which he could not get to indiscriminate Your dissatisfaction is unknown than.
I do not want to seem biased, but what happened in the next few minutes, I did not rejoice later, not even the most dirty, classmate. And even those who did not like me very much, were very pleased in the soul, which was finally someone who was not afraid of the "thunderstorms" of an indignant mother and teaching his arrogant Balovna. True, the lesson turned out to be quite cruel and if I had a choice again to repeat it, I probably would not have any such thing with him. But, no matter how conscientiously and sorry, it is necessary to pay tribute to what this lesson worked simply for surprise successfully and failed "usurper" Never no longer expressed any desire to terrorize his class ...
Choosing how he assumed his "sacrifice," Remy went straight to me and I realized that, to my great regret, the conflict would not be able to avoid. He, as usual, began to "get it" and here it suddenly just broke it ... Maybe it happened because I have long been subconsciously waiting for this? Or maybe just tired of being endured all the time, leaving unanswered, whose cheeky behavior? One way or another, at the next second, he, having received a strong blow to the chest, flew off from his desk right to the board and, flying about three meters in the air, slammed on the floor with a screaming bag ...
I never learned how I got this blow. The fact is that Remy I did not touch at all - it was a purely energy blow, but as I applied it, I could not explain so far. In the classroom, an indescribable Kavardak rose - someone with a fright cutting ... Someone shouted that it was necessary to call an ambulance ... And someone ran to the teacher, because whatever he was, but it was her "crippled" son . And I, completely stunned from the deed, stood in a stupor and still could not understand how, in the end, all this happened ...
Remy moaned on the floor, portraying almost a dying sacrifice than I refer to the real horror. I had no idea how strong the blow was, so I could not even approximately know if he played to take revenge, or he really so bad. Someone called an ambulance, the mother came to come, and I still stood the "post", not able to speak, so strong was emotional shock.
- Why did you do it? - asked the teacher.
I watched her eyes and could not utter a word. Not because I did not know what to say, but simply because I still could not move away from the terrible shock, which I myself received from the deed. I still can not say that the teacher saw in my eyes. But that rain outrage, which all expected everything, did not happen or rather, did not happen anything at all ... She, somehow, managed to collect all his indignation "in a fist" and, no matter how it happened, calmly ordered everyone Sit and start a lesson. Also simply, as if absolutely nothing happened, although her son was the victim!
I could not understand this (no one could understand) and could not calm down, because he felt very guilty. It would be much easier if she shouted on me or just kicked out of the class. I perfectly understood that she had to be very offensive for what happened and unpleasantly, which I did it exactly, because before that she was always very good for me, and now she had something hastily (and preferably "accurately"!) decide with respect to me. And I knew that she was very worried about her son, because we still had no news about it.
I did not remember how this lesson passed. Time stretched surprisingly slowly and it seemed that this would never end. Something like the call, I immediately went to the teacher and said that I am very and very sorry about what happened, but what I honestly and absolutely do not understand how this could happen. I do not know if she knew something about my strange abilities or just saw something in my eyes, but somehow she realized that no one could punish me more than I had punished myself ...
"Get ready for the next lesson, everything will be fine," just said the teacher.
I will never forget that terribly painful hour waiting, while we were waiting for news from the hospital ... it was very scary and lonely and it was forever imprinted in a nightmarish memories in my brain. I was to blame for the "attempt" on someone's life !!! And it did not matter, it happened randomly or meaningfully. It was human life and in my opinion, she could unexpectedly break into ... And, of course, I did not have any right on it.
But, as it turned out, to my greatest relief, nothing terrible, except good frightened with our "classmate, did not happen. He got rid of just a small brush and the very next day sat for his desk again, only this time he was surprisingly quietly and, universal satisfaction, no "vengeious" actions from his part did not follow. The world again seemed beautiful !!! I could breathe freely, without feeling more terrible, just hanging guilt on me, which for many years would completely poison my existence, if another answer came from the hospital.
Of course, there was a bitter feeling of reproach to itself and deep regret from the deed, but no longer there was no terrible genuine feeling of fear that kept my creature in cold vice until we received positive news. It seems that everything was fine again ... Only, unfortunately, this ill-fated incident left such a deep mark in my soul that I didn't want to hear anything more than "unusual". I shared the slightest manifestation in me any "unusualness" and, as soon as I felt that something "strange" began to appear, I immediately tried to pay off, without giving any opportunity to draw myself into the whirlpool of any dangerous surprises.
I honestly tried to be the most ordinary "normal" child: I was engaged in school (even more than usual!), I read a lot, more often than before I went with friends to the movies, carefully attended her favorite music school ... and continuously felt some kind of deep, Numbering mental emptiness, which could not fill in any of the above-mentioned classes, even if I honestly tried my best.
But the days fled to each other with a friend of distillation and all the "bad terrible" began to forget the bit. The time he heal in my children's heart the big and small scars and, as they always say, turned out to be truly the best and reliable healer. I once began to come to life and gradually more and more and more returned to my usual "abnormal" state, which, as it turned out, all this time I was very and really lacked ... It is not for nothing that they say that even the most severe burden for us is not so hard only Only because it is ours. So I, it turns out, I really missed my own, so for me ordinary, "abnormalities", which, unfortunately, was already pretty often forced me to suffer ...

In this winter, I was manifested by another unusual "novelty" which would probably be called self-denial. To my great regret, it also disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Just like many of my "strange" manifestations, which suddenly opened very brightly and immediately disappeared, leaving only good or bad memories in my huge personal "brain archive." But even for a short time that this "novelty" remained "acting", two very interesting events occurred, which I would like to tell here ...
Winter has already come, and many of my classmates began to go on a rink more and more often. I was not a very big fan of figure skating (or rather, more preferred to watch), but our skating rink was so beautiful that I liked just there. He was satisfied every winter at the stadium, which was built right in the forest (like most of our town) and enjoyed a high brick wall that from afar made him like a miniature city.
Already since October, a huge Christmas tree dressed there, and the whole wall around the stadium was decorated with hundreds of multicolored light bulbs, whose reflections were woven on the ice in a very beautiful sparkling carpet. In the evenings there was a pleasant music there, and all this together created around the cozy festive atmosphere, which I did not want to leave. All the guys from our street went to ride, and, of course, went with them on the rink and me. In one of these pleasant quiet evenings and happened, not exactly the usual incident I would like to tell.
Usually we rode in a chain of three or four people, as in the evening it was not quite safe to ride alone. The reason was that in the evenings there were many "catching" guys, whom no one loved, and who usually spoiled the pleasure of everyone around. They cloured several people and, rushing very quickly, tried to catch girls who, naturally, without holding away from the counter strike, usually fell on ice. It was accompanied by a laugh and guikanim, that the majority found stupid, but, unfortunately, for some reason, no one from the same "majority" was prevented.
I was always surprised that among so many, almost adults, the guys were not anyone who would have built or at least outrageous, causing at least some opposition. Or maybe he threw, but only fear was stronger? .. After all, there is no darker there is a stupid saying that: arrogance - the second happiness ... these are "catchers" and took all the other simple impudence. It was repeated every night and there was no one who at least tried to stop the height.
It was in such a stupid "trap" that evening I came across. I do not speak skating well enough, I tried to hold on the crazy "catches" as far as possible, but it didn't really help, as they were rushed across the entire platform as a caustic, without sparing anyone around. Therefore, I wanted it or not, our clash was almost inevitable ...
The push turned out to be strong, and we all fell a moving bunch on the ice. I did not hurt borrow, but suddenly felt something hotter flowing on the ankle and the leg ends. I somehow slipped out of the tel telly flying on ice and saw that I somehow terribly cut my leg. Apparently, I very much faced with someone out of the falling guys, and someone's konon piled me so much.
It looked like it, I have to say, it's very unpleasant ... I had the skates with short boots (it was still impossible to get the high at that time) and I saw that my mykle was cut almost to the bone ... Others too They saw, and there was already a panic. The nervous girls almost fell faint, because the view, to be honest, was cracked. To his surprise, I was not afraid and did not cry, although in the first seconds the condition was almost shock. With all my might holding the cut by hands, I tried to focus and think about something pleasant that it turned out very not just because of the cutting pain in my leg. Through the fingers, the blood was seeded and the trees fell on the ice, gradually gathering on it into a small puddle ...
Naturally, this could not calm down already and so enough breeding guys. Someone ran to call ambulance, and someone awkwardly tried to help me, only complicating and so unpleasant to me the situation. Then I tried to focus and thought that the blood should stop. And began to wait patiently. To universal surprise, literally a minute later, nothing was seeping through my fingers! I asked our boys to help me stand up. Fortunately, there was my neighbor, Romas, who was usually never contradicted in anything. I asked him to help me climb. He said that if I get up, the blood would certainly "fly the river again." I took my hands from the cut ... And what was our surprise when we saw that the blood no longer goes out at all! It looked very unusual - the wound was great and open, but almost completely dry.
When the ambulance finally arrived, the doctor looked at me in any way could not understand what had happened and why me, with such a deep wound, did not flow blood. But he also did not even know that I did not only have flowed blood, but I also did not feel any pain in general! I saw the wound with my own eyes and for all the laws of nature was to feel wild pain ... which, oddly enough, in this case was not at all. I was taken to the hospital and prepared to sew.
When I said I did not want anesthesia, the doctor looked at me, as a quiet-ax and prepared to do an anesthetic injection. Then I stated him that I would shout ... This time he looked at me very carefully and, nodding his head, began to stitch. It was very strange to observe how my flesh is pierced with a long needle, and I, in a place of something very painful and unpleasant, I feel only a light "comlarn" bite. The doctor watched me all the time and asked everything in order several times. I replied that yes. Then he wondered if she was always like that with me? I said no, just now.
I do not know if he was very "advanced" for that time by the doctor, whether I managed to somehow convince him, but, one way or another, he believed me and no more questions asked me. After about an hour, I was already at home and with pleasure absorbed in the kitchen a warm grandmother's patties in the kitchen, in no way coming and sincerely surprised by such a wild feeling of hunger, as if I were not the same for a few days. Now I, naturally, I already understand that it was just too much energy loss after my "self-treatment", which was urgently needed to restore, but then I, of course, could not know it yet.

Alexander Borisovich Goldenveyor. (-) - Russian and Soviet. (). (). First degree laureate ().


His first musical impressions received from Mother Varvara Petrovna Goldenveyor, who had a subtle artistic taste and loved singing and playing the piano. At the age of five, having learned to disassemble notes under the leadership of the older sister Tatiana, he became independently gradually playing the piano. When he was eight years old, the family moved to Moscow, where his serious music practices with, a collector of Russian folk songs, one of the students began.

Teaching activities began in 1895. In 1895-1917, a teacher of the piano of the Nikolaev orphans, and women's institutions, in 1904-1906 - a musical drama school (now). He also taught on, B, (art history)

Since 1901, he acted as a musical critic in the press, collaborated in the newspaper "", the magazine "Music World" and other publications (under the pseudonyms: A., A, Borisov, Mr. Mr), was a member of the editorial board "Music Worker" , led educational work.

From 1932 to 1934 - Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Branch.

A family

  • Father - (1839-1916), lawyer, lawyer, publicist.
  • Mother - Varvara Petrovna Goldenveyor (nest. Cheekotikhina, 1848-1898).
  • Brother - Nikolai Borisovich Goldenveyor (1871-1924), lawyer, translator, teacher of history, (his wife is Nadezhda Afanasyevna Goldenveyor (1869-1934), teacher, employee).
  • Sister - Tatyana Borisovna Sofiano (1869-1955) was married to the brother Anna Alekseevna Goldenveyor Konstantin Alekseevich Sofiano (1891-1938).
  • Sister - Maria Borisovna Goldenveyor (1873-1940), Pianist, was married to literary critic, Pushkunist (1869-1925).
    • Nephew - (1906-1998), genetics, microbiologist.
    • Niece - (1907-1977), art historian, art historian wife, Professor (1905-1994), Mother Art historian (1931-1916).
  • The first wife (c) - Anna Alekseevna Goldenveyor (nest. Sofiano, 1881-1929), Daughter of General, Pianist, Music Pedagogue, Graduate of the Moscow Conservatory in class (1905), translated by A. A. Goldenveyor in the separate book published letters.
    • Daughter - faith (sister of his wife, which A. B. Goldenveyor focused). There were no children.
    • Son (Reception) - (1904-1961), Pianist, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1946).
    • The nephew of his wife and the gloomy son - (1921-1989), physicist and human rights activist.
  • The second wife - Elena Ivanovna Goldenveyor (Ur. Gracheva, 1911-1998), Pianist, student A. B. Goldenveizer, Director.

Father's brothers:

  • (1855-1915) - a lawyer-civilist. His sons (cousins \u200b\u200bA. B. Goldenveizer):
    • (1880-1940), anthropologist, anthropology specialist;
    • (1883-1953), economist and statistics, head of the Statistics Department (1926-1945), President of the American Association of Economists;
    • (1890-1979), lawyer, Jewish public figure in, and publisher, publicist.
  • Moses Solomonovich Goldenveyor (1837 / 1838-1921), a lawyer, legal adviser, Bibliophile, Literary critic and historian (in his house in Moscow, in the 1910s she lived by Parents A. D. Sakharov). His son:
    • , lawyer, playwright and prose.
  • (1853-1919), nobleman, publicist, communication engineer. His children:
    • Elena Vladimirovna Goldenveyor (1881-1958), the wife of the right Eser;
    • (1883-1959), lawyer, theatrical director director, playwright, prozaik, translator, in 1927-1937 - Head of the literary department, father of scientist in the field of theoretical mechanics (1911-2003).
  • Yakov Solomonovich Goldenveyor (1862 - after 1919), a lawyer, a writer, lived in Kiev.


Musical writings

  • opera - "Pier during plague" (by, 1942), "Singers" (according to I. S. Turgenev, 1942-1943), "Wounds" (by, 1946-1947)
  • "Light October" (Sl. Yu Swifted, 1948)
  • for Orchestra - Overture (software, 1895-1997), 2 Russian suits (1946)
  • chamber-instrumental works - string quartet (1896; 2nd. 1940), memory trio (1953)
  • for violin and piano - Poem (1962)
  • for piano - Sonata (1890s), 2 expression (1890s), 12 miniatures (1890s), 24 plays, 4 notebooks (1930), 14 revolutionary songs (1932), counterpunctic sketches (2 Tetr., 1932), 15 Fougette (1933), Sat. "From children's life" (1954), Polyphonic Sonatina (1954), Sonata Fantasy (1959)
  • for voices with piano - 6 songs on the cl. (1936), 6 songs on the cl. (1946), 3 wound (1948), 6 songs on the cl.