How to determine your ethnic origin? What is nationality? Who should define her? For what features.

How to determine your ethnic origin? What is nationality? Who should define her? For what features.
How to determine your ethnic origin? What is nationality? Who should define her? For what features.

Exact knowledge to a particular ethnic group may need a person when he is looking for his relatives, restores the genealogical tree or is going to move to another country and to receive citizenship there. And in almost every case, the question arises - how to identify ethnicity with maximum accuracy?

If you used to traditionally studied family archives, now the development of modern technologies, the emergence of new types of research has brought dNA analysis for ethnic origin to a new level.

How to determine the ethnic

A modern, accurate and reliable DNA testing method allows you to get answers to a number of issues related to the genealogy of a person and its belonging to a particular ethnic. In the process of evolution in the human genome, various mutations were concentrated, which were transmitted from generation to generation. As a result of this, each nationality appeared characteristic genetic markers, which determine the color of the skin, eye cut and other features of appearance.

A special study of DNA fragments allows to identify the ethnic affiliation of a particular person and its genetic history. To date, four special groups of populations are used for this:

  • European - includes countries of Europe and the Middle East.
  • East Asian - South and North Korea, Japan, China.
  • Southeast - Australia and Oceania, Philippines.
  • African - Libya, Egypt, etc.

To determine the percentage of each group in the human genome, 175 SNR markers on all chromosomes are used. Alleles, which are determined by these markers, correspond to a specific group. As a result, the share of human ancestors from a certain corner is established. globe. For example, a study may have 15% of relatives from the South-Eastern Group and 80% from African.

How to find out your ethnic origin

Genetic examination is carried out in special laboratories that have the necessary equipment and reagents for this. To learn your ethnicity, it is necessary to hand over a sample of biological material. In most cases, visual epitheliums are used for research, which is obtained from the inside of the cheek. If it is not possible to take such a smear, then use another material - spots biological fluid, hair, skin particles and much more. Such samples are called non-standard.

DNA testing is carried out in different methods, depending on the floor of the study:

  • Women. The definition of belonging to the ethnic group through the mother line is carried out by studying the mitochondrial DNA, which is allocated from its own bioprob. For testing along the Father line, a male DNA sample is required. It may be any man along the father's line, for example, Uncle, Brother, Grandfather, etc.
  • Men. To establish a relationship to a specific group on the male and female line, there is enough biomaterial of a man. This material is sufficient, both for the study of the male line (Y-chromosome) and for the study of the female line (mitochondrial DNA).

In the study of the mitochondrial haplogroup, you can find out ethnicity at the level of the continent. The definition of a haplogroup allows you to establish the nationality of a person on DNA test.

How to define your ethnos in the DTL laboratory

Center "DTL" offers to undergo a modern genetic examination and learn your ethnic origin, genealogy, determined race. To customers - the most modern technologies, new equipment and experienced genetics.

For testing, you must pass a sample of biomaterial, wait a few days and get an official conclusion with the result obtained. More detailed information You can get from the specialists of the center by calling the specified phone.

Nationality nationality - 1) personality person to a certain ethnic generality people who are characterized by the peculiarities of the language, culture, psychology, traditions, customs, lifestyle. According to Part 1 of Art. 26 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation no one may be forced to define and instruct its n.; 2) in a number of Romanesque states, the term (Nacionalidad), used to designate citizenship or citizenship (Spain) or affiliates to a certain national state, which do not coincide entirely in its content with citizenship relations (so, in Mexico, citizens recognize persons possessing Mexican N., who have reached an adult age and "leading decent lifestyle").

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutsky, A.Ya. Sukhareva. 2003 .


Watch what is "nationality" in other dictionaries:

    nationality - And, g. Nationalité f. 1. State, state affiliation. Also notice the unattractive rules of the historian regarding the reasons that approved and exalted Russia, and in the opinion of him and for future times should be ... ... ... Historical Dictionary Galticisms of the Russian Language

    Nationality, nationality, wives. 1. The same as the nation. "... only subject to development national cultures It will be possible to introduce under this backward nationality to the case of socialist construction. " Stalin. "Supreme Council of the USSR ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    1) belonging to any nation, people; 2) the most people. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. Nationality Nature, Aggregate distinctive features and properties of the people. Explanation 25000 ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    This political legal category, denoting the combination of the characteristics formalized by the law, the possession of which the person makes a full member of the National State. The concept of nationality has developed in the 19th century, in the process ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

    See the nation dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language. Practical directory. M.: Russian. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. Nationality of land., Number of synonyms: 5 ... Synonym dictionary

    Nationality, and, wives. 1. See National. 2. In some combinations: the same as the nation. 3. Affiliation to which n. nation, nation. By nationality, Ukrainian. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    English etnicity; Nationality; it. Nationalitat. 1. NAC. and ethnic group, nationality. 2. Affiliation of an individual to to. L. nat. or ethnic group, nation, nation. 3. Citizenship or citizenship; Legal handles to one or another ... Encyclopedia of sociology

    NATIONALITY - Nationality, 1) Designation of the SDU. Nations, nations, etc. Ethnic. groups inhabiting the country (eg, nationality of the USSR); Tribes are usually not applied. 2) a person's belonging or group of people to a certain nation or nation. ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    nationality - belonging to a certain nation, national state ... Dictionary on geography

    NATIONALITY - (Ip. Nacionalidad) in a number of Romanesque states the term used to designate relations between citizenship or citizenship (Spain) or the relationship of personality to a certain national state, which is not fully coinciding ... ... ... Legal encyclopedia


  • Nationality and Socialism, P.L. Lavrov. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the publication of 1887 (Publisher`parge`). IN…
  • Nationality and Socialism, P.L. Lavrov. This book will be made in accordance with your order using Print-On-Demand technology. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the publication of 1887 (Pubir's publishing house ...

Over the past quarter of a century, the self-identification of our country's citizens has repeatedly undergone changes and most often against the background of political unrest. Well, over the past few years, it even has become fashionable to be "Russian." It is not for nothing in vain that the nationality of "Russian" is more than just the concept of "nationality", this is the state of the soul. How many things in the world of nationalities, how are they formed and how do they differ from citizenship? All these questions have become very relevant recently.

The origin of nationalities

Literally a few centuries ago, such a thing as "nationality" did not even exist, only data on the carriers of a given language were calculated. Actually, it happens now in many other countries of our planet. Humanity has always sought to divide themselves on some ethnic groups, for example, in the tribes of the primitive-free system. Later, in the era of slavement and feudalism, the concept of nation has already begun to form. And when society came to the bourgeois system, the concepts of "nation" and "nationality" appeared as the next stage of the development of ethnic groups. In most countries of the world, these definitions refer to citizenship identification, whereas in Russia and some other countries they have wider importance.

On global scale

The concepts of "nationality", "nation" and "nationality" are practically identical, and it is difficult to identify the main difference between them, because the division on ethnic groups exists much longer than any of these definitions. To date, all nationalities of the world is incredibly difficult to calculate, because they are in constant dynamics, merging with each other, as a result of which many disappear. By approximate estimates on the planet now there are about two thousand nationalities with the trend of their constant decrease. It is somewhat more than self-identification on a linguistic or territorial basis, because if there are 251 official states in the world there are about six thousand languages, each of which is for someone native. Therefore, it is difficult to determine how many nationalities really exist. In addition to the most common and well-known, such as Americans, the British, Germans, French, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Bulgarians and others, there are small and few people who are famous ethnic groups: Beluhi, Goldes, Inhrants, Lappy, Mishari and many others.

Difficulties of determination

Nationality is customary to call belonging to a specific ethnic. She has inheritanceTherefore, its main features are the surname and appearance of a person, as well as some character traits that are defined as mentality. But the concept is quite conditional. Due to the constant dynamics of mixing ethnic groups in a pedigree of a person, the presence of representatives of a wide variety of people is possible, which makes it difficult to define nationality. Thus, despite the fact that in many countries the main sign of such a definition is citizenship or language, the nationality is increasingly remaining the concept of self-identification of the person.

From the empire to the Federation

IN Russian Empire In 1897, the population census was held, then a citizen belonging to a particular ethnic group was determined by a language and religious basis. A little later, the concept of "nation" and "peoples" began to apply, and the Count "Nationality" in passports appeared already in the Soviet Union in the 70s of the last century. The Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR had such a name for more accurate definition The territorial entities presented in it (republics, autonomous regions and districts). Well, today the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the right to self-determination in the choice of national affiliation.

Such different "Russians"

Many are very interested in the question of why all nationalities of the world are nouns (Latvians, Poles, Romanians, Tatars and others), and only Russians are adjective. It is difficult for sure to answer this question, and different scientists nominate different theories. Start followed by the fact that this is the greatest nationality in the world. The nationality of "Russian" have in different counts from 130 to 150 million people around the globe living not only in Russia, but also far beyond. Russians are the most numerous East Slavonic ethnic. This is the main part of the population and the indigenous people of Russia, as well as most of The population of the former Soviet republics, such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova and others. But the Russians are distributed not only in the post-Soviet space, in the USA, Germany, Canada and Brazil, as well as in other major states they are represented by large diasporas. The language of nationality is Russian. Some subethtones of the Russian people in other countries have their own names: Mountains (Ukraine region), Liplovan (Region of Romania), Albazins (China Region), Nekrasovtsy (Turkey Region). As for directly territories of Russia, then, despite the total nationality of "Russian", the population is also divided into narrower ethnic groups, such as the Cossacks, Sayans, Tudovlyan, Pomor, Kramchans, Siberians, Markovtsy and many others, depending on the region of residence .

What determines Russian?

It is believed that as a nationality "Russian" is too compressed. This is not just some anthropological signs or end of the surname to -O -OV. V. I. Dalya, the Great Russian scientist, writer and lexicograph, had its own point of view to identify the nationality of a person, and rational grain in this opinion is undoubtedly present. He believed that, depending on which language he thinks, he belongs to the people. In Russian, there is a huge part of the population of the earthly ball and, in addition to Russia, the overwhelming majority of the population of some former republics USSR, at the same time counting itself to other nationalities in the territorial sign. Russians are more than nationality, it is a civilization, original and unique, connecting into a single whole language, culture, mentality.

Nationality - in modern Russian, the term denoting the personality of a person to a certain ethnic community; Sophisticated historical educationIt is formed as a result of the blood mixing races and tribes, many of the redistributions of the land with which it connects their destiny, and the spiritual and cultural process, creating its unique spiritual face.

The concept of "nationality" in the understanding of philosophers

"Nationality is the historical spiritual community of people related to the unity of faith, spiritual and material culture. Neither the territory, nor state affiliation, nor blood and anthropological type, nor life, nor even language themselves are not signs that distinguish the representative of one nationality from the representative of the other ... ". (N. Berdyaev)

There are two opposite points of view of the existence of nationalities. Some believe that nationality is atavism. Having identified himself with one or another nationality, a person limits himself by the framework of this nationality, and this is just another restriction of freedom of thinking and development. Other, that it is value.

A person enters humanity through the national personality as national man, not a disturbed man, like Russian, French, German or Englishman. A person cannot jump through a whole step of being, he would have shown and empty. Culture has never been and will never be abstract-human, it is always concrete-human, i.e. National, individually and folk and only in such an asking ascending to generality.

The concept of "nationality" in terms of historians

Anton D. Smith said: "Nationality is a group of people who have a name, myths about general forefathers, common historical memories, one or more elements. common culture, Communication with the homeland and a certain degree of solidarity, at least among the elite. "

One nationality may consist of several racial types, most often from their hybrids. Starting from the "Great Resettlement of Peoples" and to our time there was a significant mixing of races and at certain stages historical Development The nationality of a person was determined in different countries Different way.

In Hitler's Germany, nationality was determined based on the national affiliation of ancestors and biologically - on external signs. In Russia, until the beginning of the 20th century, the issue of human ethnicity was practically did not occur, although in the nominal statement about the disciples and in the certificate of maturity there were information about religion. Since 1850, a graph appeared in Vedomosti on the nationality of foreign students, and in the document of the administrative accounting of residents of the city also appeared and information about Jews. In the passports of the Count "Nationality" appeared only when soviet powerIn the framework of the fight against any religion. At the same time, a citizen has made a choice based on the nationality of his parents. Currently, in many countries, nationality is not indicated in passports, but only citizenship.

With the quality of the life of the life of the SELF, all the need for a choice of becoming a matter, knowing with the nickname. There is no one knowing with this na to touch, you need to make it na night pleasant one. WHO WARNING NEWOBNEX SITUATIONS, VALL NOTE, KAKOH NAZOOVOES AT SELECT WORDS WITH A NAXOP HOUSE, AFTER ETHER COME CONTRIBUT ETHER ETHER NOTES. For most surnames, you can unmistakably determine the national affiliation of your friends, neighbors, business partners, etc.

Russians - enjoy the last names with suffixami -an, -yn, -in, -ska, -OV, -Ev, -skaya, - Skov, -Y,, si (Snegirev, Ivanov, Voronin, Sinitsyn, Donskoy, Moscow, gray);

Belorus - Typical Belarusian surnames ends on -YCH, - Siberian, -Yo, - Well, -onk, -Onk, -K, -K, -Sh. (Radakevich, Dubrov, Parshonok, Kitchen, Kassyushka); Many surnames B. soviet years were Russified and froired (Dubrovsky, Kostyutko);

Poles - Most of the surnames have suffix -sk, - Skk, and the end of-and (s), pointing to the male and female genus (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Khotsky, Volnitskaya); There are also exist double surnames - In case a woman, going married, wants to leave his last name (Mazur-Komorowskaya); In addition to these surnames, among the Poles are common and surnames with a constant form (Novak, Senkevich, Vuyzik, Wozniak). Ukrainians with the end of the names are not Ukrainians, but Ukrainian Poles.;

Ukrainians - The first classification of the names of this nationality is formed with the help of suffix -Enko, --ko, -Uk, -yuk (Kraschenko, Grishko, Vasilyuk, Kovalchuk); The second series indicates a kind of craft or classes (potter, Koval); The third group of surnames make up separate ukrainian words (Gorobets, Ukrainian, Bubbles), as well as the merger of words (vernigora, non-five, bilos).

Latvian - Feature to male sign indicates the surname with the end of the on-school, - is, and to the female - on -a, -e (Verbickice - Verbicksk, Shurins - Shurin)

Lithuanians - male surnames End to -conis, Yunas, -Atis, -Aytis, -Enas (Patrase, Norvidaithis), Women's surnames are formed with the surname of her husband with the help of suffixes -Un, -Uven, Wen and End (Granius - Grijnoven), surnames unmarried girls Contains the basis of the Father's Familia with the addition of suffixes -t, -, -Ait and endings (Orbakas - Orbakayte);

Estonians - Male and female floor with the help of surnames do not differ, all foreign surnames (mostly German) were in their time Estonian (Rosenberg - Roosemaee), this process acts to today's day. For example, in order to be able to play for the Estonian national team, Sergey Khokhlov's football players and Konstantina Kolubastenko had to be sent surnames on Simson and Farm;

French people - Before many surnames, the lespier le or de (Le Pen, Mol Pompadour); Basically, unlike nicknames and personal names were used to form the names (Robert, Jolie, Socon - Pig);

Romanians: -Be, -U (L), -an.

Serbs: -Is.

British - the following surnames are common: formed from the names of the place of residence (Scott, Wales); denoting profession (Hoggart - Shepherd, Smitht - Kuznets); Indicating on exterior appearance character and appearance (Armstrong - Strong, Sweet - Sweet, Bragg - Balavsky);

Germans - surnames formed from personal names (Werner, Peters); Surnames characterizing a person (Craise - Wavy, Klein - small); surnames pointing to the nature of activity (Muller - Melnik, Lehmann - Geomor);

Swedes - Most of the surnames end on --sson,-Berg, -Sed, -strom (Anderssson, Olsson, Forcemberg, Bostrom);

Norse - They are formed from personal names with the help of suffix-he (Larsen, Hansen), may be found by surnames without suffixes and endings (Per, Morten); norwegian surnames may repeat the names of animals, trees and natural phenomena (Blizzard - Blizzard, Svana - Swan, Warred - Pine);

Italians - The surnames are characterized by suffixes -ini, -ino, -ello, -ello, -ettot, is -etto,, it's (Benedetto, Maretti, Esposito), may end on -O, -a, -I (Conti, Jordano, Costa) ; The prefixes are denoted by respectively the person's belonging to their genus and the geographic structure (Di Maretti - the son of Maretti, and Vinci - native from Vinci);

Spaniards and Portuguese - wear surnames ending on -a-and -Az, --Z, -Ze (Gomez, Lopez), common and surnames pointing to the character of a person (Alegre - joyful, Bravo - Brave, Malo - Slevier);

Turks - Most often, the surnames have the ending -Oku, -Ezhi, -Zade (Mustafooglu, Ekijni, Queenji, Mamedzade), in the formation of surnames often used turkish names or domestic words (Ali, Abaza - Fool, Capaccishes - Hat);

Bulgarians - almost all bulgarian surnames Formed from personal names and suffixes -OV, -Ev (Konstantinov, Georgiev);

Gagauza: -How.

Tatara: -In, Man.

Greek - The names of the Greeks do not confuse with any other names, only they are inherent in the end of -Idis, -Kos, -Pulos (Angelopoulos, Nikolaydis);

Cheri. - the main difference from other surnames is the mandatory ending -OV female family namesEven if there, where it seemed to be inappropriate (Valdrov, Ivanov, Andersonova).

Georgians - Common surnames ending with Ashvili, -Dze, -UI, -Ava, -a, -U, -Ya, -I, -I, -Ya (Baratashvili, Mikadze, Adamia, Karchava, Gwishiani, Tsereteli);

Armenians - A significant part of the names of residents of Armenia has suffix -yan (Hakobyan, Galustyan); Also, -yan, -nu.

Moldovan: -Be, -U (L), -an.

Azerbaijanis - Formed surnames by taking as the basis of Azerbaijani names and attaching Russian suffixes -OV, -Ev (Mamedov, Aliyev, Hasanov, Abdullayev). Also, -Zade, -I, lies, -How, -Kyza.

Jews - The main group consists of names with the roots of Levi and Cohen (Levin, Levitan Kagan, Koganovich, Katz); The second group occurred from male and female Jewish names with adding different suffixes (Jacobson, Yakubovich, Davidson, Godelson, Tsivyan, Beilis, Abramovich, Rubychchik, Vigorchik, Mandelstam); The third classification of surnames reflects the character of a person, the features of his appearance or belonging to the profession (Kaplan - Capellan, Rabdanovich - Rabbi, Melamed - Pestun, Schwarzbard - Chernoborodny, Schlteller - Quiet, Starkman - strong).

Ossetians: -th.

Mordva: -yn, -in.

Chinese and Koreans - For the most part, these are surnames consisting of one, less often of two syllables (Tang, Liu, Duan, Qiao, Tsoi, Kogai);

Japanese - Modern japanese surnames Formed a merger of two full-known words (Vada - Sweet-eyed and rice field, Igarasi - 50 storms, Catama - Sotka, Kitamura - North and Village); The most common names of the Japanese are: Takahasi, Kobeayasi, Kato, Suzuki, Yamamoto.

As you can see to determine the nationality of a person, it is fairly accurately analyzed by his surname, singling the suffix and ending.

What do the names for "-in" mean? Families ending with National Roots or Jewish?

In the collection of famous Language-Slavist B. On Unbegun "Russian surnames" you can read that the names for "in" are predominantly Russian type of surnames.

Why exactly the end of "-in"? Basically, all surnames ending with "Ying" originate from words with the end - and from noun female With the end of the soft consonant.

Examples of erroneous addition --in to the basics with the final solid consonants are: Orekhin, Carpin, Markin, where it should be. And in another case, it turned out to be on the spot --in: shimorors from the foundation of Shisimor. It is possible to mix formants. After all, Russian -in and -s are semantically indisputable for more than a thousand years. The meaning of the difference is still lost in the general Slavonic language, the choice is elevated or -in depends only by relicing from the phonetic sign of the foundation (Nikonov Geography of Families).

Do you know how the surname of the famous head of the national militia of 1611-1612 minin has occurred? Minin wore a personal nickname Sukhuk, he did not have the surname. And minin meant "Son Mina". Orthodox name "Mina" was widespread in Russia.

Another old one russian surname - Symin, also surname to "-in." According to the main version, the surname Semin goes back to the baptized male name of Semyon. The name of the Semyon is the Russian form of the ancient Simeon, having the meaning of the "listening", "heard by God." On behalf of Semyon in Russia, a variety of derivatives were formed in Russia, one of whom - Syoma - and formed the basis of this surname.

Famous Language-Slavist B. O. Unbegown in the collection "Russian surnames" believes that the surname Symina formed from the baptized Russian name next scheme: "Semen - Syoma - Symin."

We give another example of the surname, which we investigated in detail in the family diploma. Rogozhin is an old Russian surname. According to the basic version, the surname keeps the memory of the profession of distant ancestors. One of the first representatives of Rogoheus could be engaged in the manufacture of rogers, or sell the cloth.

Rohoja called a rough wicker fabric from the urinary ribbons. Rosie (Rushent, Rushemny) in Russia called the workshop, where the tails of Rogodh, and the Rodgery - Rogo Tavern or a detention center.

In his close environment, household households were known as the "Rogozhina Wife", "Rogozhin Son", "Rogo Hog Herds." Over time, the terms disappeared, denoting the degree of kinship, and in the descendants of Rogozhin, hereditary surname was entrenched - Rogozhin.

To such Russian surnames ending with "-in" include: Pushkin (gun), Gagarin (Gagara), Borodin (beard), Ilyin (Ilya), Polysnik (Bird); Fomin (from the personal name of Foma); Belkin (from the nickname "Protein), Borozdin (furrow), Korovin (Cow), Travin (grass), Zamin and Zimin (Winter) and many others

Please note that the words from which the surnames for "In" are mainly completed on "-A" or "-I". We will not be able to say "beards" or "Ilyona", it will be quite logical and will pronounce Ilin or Borodin.

Why some believe that the names ending with "- Ying" have jewish roots? Is it really? No, it is not true, one after the end can not be judged about the origin of the name. Sound jewish surnames Coincides with the Russian endings simply by pure chance.

You always need to explore the surname itself. The end of "s", for some reason does not cause our doubt. We believe that surnames ending with "-Os" are certainly Russian. But there are exceptions. For example, we recently prepared a beautiful family diploma for one wonderful family by the name Maxuit.

Surname Maksutov has the end of the "s", common among Russian surnames. But, if you explore the surname deeper, it turns out that the name Maksutov is formed from Tatar male name "Maksud", which translated from Arabic means "desire, in advance of a thoughtful intention, desire, purpose", "long-awaited, desired." The name Maxud had several dialect options: Maksut, Makhsud, Makhsut, Maxuit. This name is still widespread among the Tatars and Bashkir.

"Surname Maksutov - ancient princely surname tatar origin. ABOUT ancient origin Maxuit's names are spoken historical sources. For the first time, the name was documented in the 20th century: Maksutov (Maxutov, Charms. Maxuit, Tat. Maxutovlar) - Volga-Bulgarian Prince-Murzinsky Rod, comes from Casimovsky Prince Maxuta (1554), in the pedigree legend, Prince Maxut was named the Ulyn and the descendant of Tsarevich Casima. Now the doubt about the origin of the surname is almost no remaining.

How to find out, surname to -in has jewish origin Or is it an original Russian surname? Always analyze the word that underlies your last name.

We will give examples of Jewish surnames with the end of the "-in" or "-ov": Edmin (derived from the name of the German city of Emden), Coton (comes from Hebrew קטן- in the Ashkenaz pronunciation of Katn, meaning "small"), eunts (derived from Hebrew "Even Tov" - " gemstone"), Khazin (derived from Hebrew" Hazan ", in the Ashkenaz pronunciation" Hazn ", meaning" man leading worship in synagogue "), Superfin (in translation means" very beautiful ") and many others.

The end of "-in" is simply the ending, according to which it is impossible to judge the nationality of the surname. It is always necessary to explore the surname, analyze the Word that lies with it and try to search for various books and archival documents the first mentions of your last name. Only when all the information is collected, you can confidently establish the origin of your last name and find answers to your questions.

Surnames ending on sky / -skaya, - Sky / -tskaya

Many Russians have a hard and not based on the conviction that the surnames are on-ст - certainly Polish. From the textbooks of the story known the names of several Polish magnates, formed from the names of their possessions: Potocksky and Povetsky, Zablotsky, Krasinsky. But from the same textbooks, the names of many Russians with the same suffixes are known: Konstantin Grigorievich Zabolotsky, the regional king of John III, the end of XV is the beginning of the XVI century; Dyack Semen Zaborovsky, the beginning of the XVI century; Boyar Shuisky and Belsky, approximate Ivan the Terrible. Russian artists Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Makovsky, Kramskaya are known.

An analysis of modern Russian surnames shows that the forms on-α (-tsky) exist in parallel with the options on-one (-Ev, -in), but their smaller. For example, in Moscow in the 70s of the twentieth century, 330 people with the surname Krasnov / Krasnova accounted for only 30 with the surname Krasnovsky / Krasnovskaya. But enough rare surnames Kuchkov and Kuchkovsky, Macs and Makovsky are presented almost equally.

A significant part of the names ending at -skaya / -skaya, -tsky / -tskaya, is formed from geographic and ethnic names. In the letters of our readers who want to learn about the origin of their surnames, the following surnames are mentioned / -tsky.

Brynsky. The author of this letter, Evgeny Sergeevich Brynsky, sent the story of his last name. We only give a small piece from the letter, as it is not possible to publish it entirely. Bryn - River Kaluga region, falls into the influx of Oka Skrad. In the old time, the big densesting Bryn forests stretched along it, in which the Old Believers were hidden. According to the eponym about Ilya, Muromster, it was in the Bryn forests that the nightingale-robber died. We add that there are several locations in the Kaluga and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The surname of Brynski / Bryansk found in Poland is formed from the name of the two settlements of Brynsk in different parts Countries and also, apparently, goes back to the names of the rivers, Brynitsa. There is no uniform interpretation of these rivers in science. If the soffix is \u200b\u200badded to the name of the settlement, then such a word denotes a led from this place. In the Crimea in the 60s - 70s of the 20th century, the grapes of Maria Brytseva was well known. Her surname is formed from the word BRET, that is, a leaving from the city or the village of Bryn.

Garbavitsky. This belarusian surname corresponds to the Russian Gorbovitsky (in belorussian At the site of the unstressed about the letter a). The name is formed from the name of any settlement of Gorbovitsa. In our materials we have only Gorbov, Gorbovo and Gorbovtsy. All these names occur from the designation of the terrain: Gorbovina - Plugs, sloping hill.

Dubovskaya. The surname is formed from the name of one of the numerous settlements: Dubovka, Dubovo, Oak, Dubovskaya, Dubovsky, Dubovskoye, Dubovtsy, located in all parts of the country. Find out what exactly it is possible only by the information that has been preserved in the family where the ancestors who received this surname lived, or from where they arrived at the place of their future habitat. Emphasis in the surname on "O": Dubovsky / Oak Island.

Stebulia. Ukrainian surnamecorresponding to the Russian, - Steblevsky; Educated from the names of the locations of the Sabelle of the Transcarpathian region or Steblev - Cherkasy. In the Ukrainian spelling in the place of the second E is written i.

TERS. The surname comes from the name of the River Terek and indicates that someone from distant ancestors of this person There lived. There were the TERSA region and the Teress Cossacks. So the carriers of the surname TERSKA can also be descendants of the Cossacks.

Ugian. The surname, apparently, is formed from the name of the village of Urya. In our materials such a name is fixed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Perhaps the same names are in other places, since the name of the settlement is associated with the name of the river and with the designation ethnic group ur, as well as the name of medieval turkic people Uryanka. Similar names could meet in different placesSince the medieval peoples led a nomadic lifestyle and assigned their ethnos to those places where they were delayed for a long time.

Chiglinsky. Surname comes from the name of the chogla settlement Voronezh regionwhich apparently is associated with the designation of the union of medieval Turkic tribes Chigili.

Chabansky. The surname is formed from the names of the Sabanovo settlements, Shabanovskoye, Chabanskaya, located in different parts of the country. These names originate from the Turkic name Shaba Arabic origin. IN arabic Sha'ban - the name of the eighth month lunar calendar. The name Shaban is witnessed in Russian peasant families In the XV-XVII centuries. In parallel with this in Russian, there was a spelling version of Shiban - obviously, by analogy with Russian sail, bash. In the records of 1570-1578, Prince Ivan Andreevich Shbib Dolgoruky is mentioned; In 1584 - the sterepieces of the king of the feodora John Osip Shiban and Danilo Shikhman Ermolaevich Kasatkin. The servant of Prince Kurbsky was called Vasily Shibanov - executed by Ivan Grozny in 1564.

In addition, the name of the ethnic group is known. siberian Tatars chibans and generic name crimean Tatars Shib Murza. IN Perm region there is locality Shibanovo, and in Ivanovo - Shibanich.

So closely related to each other. Different types of own names are: Names of personal, geographical and ethnic namesas well as surnames.