Bride Dmitry Shepelev. Shepelev with a new wife took the picture

Bride Dmitry Shepelev. Shepelev with a new wife took the picture
Bride Dmitry Shepelev. Shepelev with a new wife took the picture

Shepelev Dmitry Andreevich - media face and easily recognizable. He is a beautiful, bright and charismatic person, whose insightful glance cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Shepelev - a guy with a challenging and even tragic fate, he fought with a terrible disease to his beloved civil wife, but the oncology won. After this loss, a man tried to start his life again, and the whole country discussed the steps taken by him, often inflaming stick.

However, Dmitry Shepelev, like a Phoenix bird, revived from the ash, he brings up his son, participates in new projects, loves and love.

Growth, weight, age. How many years Dmitry Shepelev

Many fans attract not only appearance, but also the soulfulness of Dmitry, however, they do not mind to know what he has height, weight, age. How many years Dmitry Shepelev became the main question when the guy met Zhanna Friske.

Shepelev was born in 1983, so he has already been thirty-four years old. A man was born under the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius, which gives him such a feature of character like impermanence, sociability, wit, a sharpened sense of justice.

The eastern horoscope gives Dmitry Shepelev sign a good-natured, simple, rich and lucky boar.

Dmitry's growth reaches a meter of seventy-five centimeters, and the weight was set at a level of seventy two kilograms.

Biography and personal life Dmitry Shepelev

Dmitry Shepelev's biography and personal life are full of rapid attacks and falls. The boy was born in the Belarusian capital, he was very sporty, so he was engaged in water polo and tennis.

Dimka studied in a prestigious Minsk gymnasium on the fourth, he did not really like the exact sciences, but on the humanitarian reached incredible success. The guy was a merry and balalage, however, his friends had a little.

Dmitry saw that parents were very hard, so he began to repair even in junior grades. He washed cars, distributed leaflets, and in high school he began working in a computer company.

The young man still studied at school when he was invited to participate in the youth television program. Soon after, Dima passed the casting on the leading current show "5x5" and decided to tie his life with television.

He filed documents in BSU, after the end of which received a specialty leading television and radio programs. Dmitry studied perfectly, but often missed lectures, so he wanted to deduct him.

Shepelev worked for a long time on the first Belarusian Channel, was the Alpha Radio DJ. Later, he began to guide the youth program "Guten Morgen" on the M1 channel and moved to Kiev.

In 2008, he was invited to the role of the leading second season of the "Star Factory", after the projects of the star karaoke, "you play, don't play," "Komika laugh", "Red or Black", "One Family", "Republic's property", "Minute of Glory", "Two Voices", because of which he threw the work on Minsk Radio.

From 2008 appeared on the screens of Russia, since was invited as a lead show "Can you? SPIAY! " The guy became so popular that he was one of the leading Eurovision of 2009 and the drawing of the 2018 World Cup.

From 2010 began to receive a second education at the department of visual culture of the Lithuanian EHU. He released his own book on the relationship with Friske, which was called Jeanne. He claims that in 2017 will be the leading transfer of "direct ether".

The news that Dmitry Shepelev was arrested - sheltered the expanses of the Internet, however, this is a common gossip. The guy was really accused of prohibiting the parents of Zhanna to see their only grandchildren. For evading the execution of the decision, Dmitry can pay a fine of 5,000 rubles or be arrested. Shepelev argues that it acts in the interests of the baby, because after meetings with his grandfather, the child rose the temperature on the nervous soil.

The personal life of the TV host includes two marriages, as well as a huge number of stormy novels. Including with Anastasia Prikhodko, Masha from Minsk, however, they were confirmed or was not refuted.

Shepelev carefully supports the image of Lovelace and Man is absolutely not family. After the tragic death, Zhanna Friske was completely given to the upbringing of his son, although he was interviewed that he was not against marrying the woman who would replace the baby mother.

Family and children Dmitry Shepelev

Dmitry Shepelev's family and children are the closest people for him, he constantly protects their reputation and carefully protects against the attention of the press.

The family of Dima was not very rich, so the boy had to work out from the small years. At the same time, no one forced the boy to this, he hurt with all his heart for his relatives and wanted to help close.

His parents had no relation to the world of sports, cinema or television, so the guy just tried to achieve independently. Father - Andrei Shepelev - was a programmer and worked in a computer company, and Mom - Natalia Shepelev - had a technical education and worked as an accountant.

Dmitry Shepelev has no extramarital children, as argued by yellow press gossips. The famous leader brings up the only son from his beloved woman.

Son Dmitry Shepelev - Platon Shepelev

Son Dmitry Shepelev - Platon Shepelev - Born in 2013 in hot Miami. His mother became the civilian wife of Dmitry - Zhanna Friske, who died suddenly when the plateshka was hardly two years old and a couple of months.

The woman gave birth to the baby at the thirty-eight years, and the baby could not be born, because in front of Jeanne was the choice: to give birth or overcome oncology. Little Plato did not see how his mother faded, because he was taken away by dad in Bulgaria.

Platonic Shepellev is insanely similar to the famous mom. He is a very artistic and restless guinea. Plato became the little man who allows Dime to survive a loss, not to start abuse of alcohol and believe in the best.

The boy loves to pick up a wardrobe and skating. Plato dreams of a private motorcycle, however, while developing a two-wheeled bike.

Former wife Dmitry Shepelev - Anna Tabolin

Dmitry Shepelev's former wife - Anna Tabolin - appeared in his life in the ninth grade. The guys together the Youth Show "5x5" in 1998, however, discussed only working moments.

A year later, Dima invited Any on a date, after him young people met for another seven years. In 2005, the guys filed a statement to the registry office, but immediately after the conclusion of the marriage, they went to different cities.

Life into two cities quite strongly spoiled relations between spouses. Officially, they separated in 2008, however, they lived together for only three weeks.

Anna received a medical education and married the second time for the Belorussian leader, two children will grow up. With Dmitry Anna, it does not communicate in principle.

Civilian wife Dmitry Shepelev - Zhanna Friske

Civilian wife Dmitry Shepelev - Zhanna Friske - met with a future husband in the distant 2009 on the set of Show Program "Therent of the Republic". The girl was at the peak of his popularity, she was in demand, popular, bright. She sang, starred in the clips, and also shone in the films "Night Watch", "First Smell".

Despite the fact that Jeanne was older than Dima for nine years, she rushed to the Smoothie of Love. Young people carefully hid their relationships from media representatives, arguing that they were just friends.

After a little Plato appeared on the light, the couple announced that they were going to marry. However, the plans destroyed the news about the oncological disease Friske. She was treated in Germany and the United States, but the brain tumor failed to win. Zhanna died in 2015 in his own home.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after Zhanna

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after Zhanna - such headlines often appear on the Internet and on the pages of the yellow press. Dima does not comment on the articles about his possible passion, but also does not refute them.

In the media, articles constantly appeared that a personal cosmetologist Zhanna Friske will be a personal cosmetologist of Shepelev and its best friend - Oksana Stepanova.

For the first time, the father of Jeanne spoke for the first time, who condemned the fact that someone else's woman helps to raise the kid. However, the sister Friske Natasha said that Oksana had no relation to Dima. Moreover, she is married and raises his grandchildren from his favorite children.

Natalia Friske clarified that Dmitry has no woman because he still loves Joan and Silice. However, the designer Katya Tulupov can become the new Passion of Dima, because Shepelev began to hint more often about changing the status of a bachelor to the role of a young spouse.

Transfer show "In fact" with the leading Dmitry Shepelev

The transmission show "In fact" with the leading Dmitry Shepelev, should start the other day on the first channel. She is designed to merge close people who become enemies, and help them solve their problems.

The producers of the Program claim that Dmitry is the perfect version, since he himself experienced the loss of his beloved woman and enmity because of the baby with her relatives. Shepelev will be able to help each project participant to speak and find a compromise, as well as to deal with who is right, and who is to blame.

According to Dmitry Shepelev, the new program on the first channel will definitely be objective, and the verbal battles are hot. At the same time, everyone can find their truth or try to prove its own right.

The main task of Dmitry will be assisted in the establishment of a dialogue between the guests, which should lead to reconciliation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Shepelev

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Shepelev is quite official, since there is information concerning personal and family life, children's and youthful years. Special attention is paid to the career growth of television leading in three fraternal countries.

178,000 people were signed on the page in instagram, which can enjoy photographs and video materials from Dmitry Shepelev's personal archive.

Each photo is equipped with a brief, but interesting comment, which tells about what he felt at a particular point in time. At the same time, Dmitry is not shy to communicate with his fans and answer all their questions.

Not so long ago there were rumors in the network that Mourning Dmitry Shepelev was over. After resting on the seas, the star was seen at the exhibition Lion Baksta with a mysterious brunette. Later it became known that this is Ksenia Stepanov. But the master himself does not speak anything concrete about his personal life.

Dmitry and Ksenia met for a long time. It is Stepanov's grinding a TV list to survive a heavy loss. On the anniversary of the death of Zhanna, Shepelev himself wrote that after the death of his wife, his woman was with him who helped him. This woman was Ksenia Stepanov.

At the same time, the father of singer Zhanna Friske accuses the lead and his new girl in the planned actions against the deceased family.

Shepelev with a new wife was published Photo: Death of singers

During the last few children, Dmitry Shepelev was next to his civil wife Zhanna and did not think about his future. In 2014, a terrible diagnosis was made. Despite this, the singer was able to get pregnant and give birth to an absolutely healthy boy.

Ksenia Stepanova was friends with Zhanna Friske. Ksenia was a cosmetologist singer. And after death, the girlfriend was near Dmitry and in many rumors helped him to survive the death of his wife and help in the upbringing of the Son.

Shepelev with a new wife published photo: new relationships

This is the first relationship of the lead after the death of his wife. For the first time, newsmen spoke about it, who completely accidentally filmed Shepelev with a girl on one of the art exhibitions.

Rumors were even more aggravated after the letter of Dmitry on the anniversary of the death of his wife, that he would thank a woman who helped him cope with a severe depression, reports the site site. Some editions even suggest that the relationship between young people last for a long time. But there is no evidence for this.

At the same time, Zhanna sister, says that there can be no relationship between Ksenia and Dmitry. She claims that Girlfriend Zhanna has his family in which she is happy. In addition to this Stepanov, the mother of two sons and from recently grandmother. And the fact that their journalists met at the exhibition nothing like a simple coincidence.

Some suspect that Shepelev is associated with another girl - Catherine Tulupova. The spectators of the "Snow Show of Fame are half amented", noticed Dmitry with this girlfriend. And, according to many present, young people cutely communicated, arriving at the show.

Catherine owns the Creative Breakfast Club. The girl rarely exposes his photos on social networks, so it is difficult to call it a public personality. Confirmation of relations between Shepelov and Tulupova at the moment is also not.

Shepelev with a new wife published photo: new scandal

Father Zhanna Friske continues to negatively belong to the son-in-law. Not so long ago in one of the interviews, he once again accused Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl in the fact that they negatively configure the son of Plato against the grandfather and grandmother.

FRESK Parents believe that Dmitry has a relationship with Ksenia Stepanova, and at the same time, according to them, they began to meet even before the death of Zhanna. Vladimir Borisovich spoke that Dmitry dismissed the entire servant and entrusted the upbringing of the son of Oksana. This in turn hurt Father Friske. After all, he believes that thus the son-in-law configures his grandson against relatives.

Dmitry Shepelev was born on May 25 in 1983 in Minsk. Today, the personal life of the actor, the body and the radio leading subject of the discussion of many. Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl constantly turn out to be the focus of scandalous stories, which there is no end after leaving the singer Zhanna Friske.


Dmitry family has no relation to the world show business ever. The boy has grew, getting in sports, like any normal child periodically visiting different sections. Loved tennis and pool. Over time, he achieved certain success in sports by entering the top ten Junior to Belarus. A confident young man was very ambitious, and after the 9th grade, he firmly decided to flow to the faculty of journalism.

We must give Dmitry tribute, it turned out. And he passed on a state basis. Shepelev perfectly managed to combine studies and work. He was taken by leading to the TV channel and at the same time, he began to lead a radio broadcast by trying himself as a DJ. For a while, a young man managed to combine work on television, and to be removed in different countries.

Dmitry Shepelev in youth

Since 2008, Shepelev has finally moved to Kiev. The decisive factor was the invitation to the role of lead in the project "Factory Stars-2".

Then the suggestions about the work came one after another. And in 2009, was invited to Moscow as a lead. So he finally moved to Russia.

His creative abilities and talent did not disappear. A bright confirmation of the program "in fact", which he leads on the first channel. Today, Dmitry Shepelev is not just recognizable, he is so popular so that his personal life has become a universal subject of discussion.

Brief marriage - youth error

Despite the attractive appearance and the fact that Dmitry was not deprived of female attention, he does not apply to those whose can be called Casanova. He had a girl with whom he met for 7 years, and then married her. But the marriage lasted only about a month.

The first wife of the famous TV presenter

Spouses divorced, as Dmitry says, they hurried with marriage, it was a mistake of youth. Then Zhanna Friske appeared in his life.

Romantic history of Dmitry and Zhanna

At that time, the charming Zhanna Friske did not go from the TV screens. However, the star did not particularly spread the star. For the first time, information that Jeanne and the young promising leading together appeared in 2011, when journalists managed to capture them together in the photo. They themselves did not give any comments about this, but, as they say, there is no smoke without fire.

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

After some time, they stopped hiding their relationships from others. Their romance developed rapidly. Six months after the acquaintance with Shepelev, Zhanna breaks a favorable contract and travels along with his beloved to relax in Italy. And in April 2013, Plato, the son of Zhanna and Dmitry appeared on the world. But even despite this, before the registry office did not come. Dmitry made a proposal to his beloved, but they did not have time to sign. Soon Zhanna did not.

Cause of conflict with relatives Zhanna Friske

Dmitry and Jeanne did not in official marriage, while she had been sick, he went abroad, taking their joint son with him. He explained his act by the fact that the baby has no reason to look at the suffering of the mother and wanted only one, to protect his son from unnecessary experiences.

Relatives of the famous singer counted his actions beyond the Grallia, which was the beginning of a serious conflict between them, which lasts not the first year even after the death of Zhanna.

Famous TV presenter can not reconcile with parents Zhanna Friske

Dmitry himself does not share this position, saying that he acted within the law and carried out the will of his civil wife, who herself asked him to do this. Dmitry was accused of an embezzlement of funds for personal needs, which were collected for Zhanna's treatment from cancer. But this information did not find confirmation and remaining only speculation and no more.

Son Dmitry Platon Shepelev

Today's personal life of Dmitry Shepelev, still does not give rest to the relatives of Zhanna. They can not negotiate peacefully among themselves. Each of them defends their right to raise Plato.

Who is she new chosen Dmitry Shepelev?

She became Ksenia Stepanov, who was friends with Zhanna and was in her in her with Dmitry House. The girl worked as a makeup artist in the group "Brilliant" and was responsible for what the team participants look like during filming and concerts.

When Zhanna Friske left the group "Brilliant" and began the solo career, Ksenia became her personal cosmetologist and soon their relationship from the category of simply business, turned into a strong friendship, erased all borders. Ksenia almost always accompanied the singer on the tour. So the doors of the house Jeanne Friske and Dmitry Shepelev became open to Ksenia Stepanova.

Zhanna Friske and Ksenia Stepanova

The singer trusted the girlfriend unconditionally as herself. Maybe therefore, native Jeans can not forgive her, considering their relationship with whispered betrayal in relation to Zhanna Friske.

Having learned about the disease, the tour life of the singer went to "no" but Ksenia continued to visit the girlfriend and she still treated it confidentially.

The news about the disease of the civilian wife Hip Dmitry, all his thoughts were occupied only by this and, of course, he did not pay any attention to Ksenia, despite her constant presence in their house. He stopped appearing in public and give interviews.

Caring Zhanna Friske

Dmitry and Ksenia relations began after the death of Zhanna. And up to this point, a young man tried to spend as much time as possible with Jeanne and their joint son. A terrible diagnosis, sounded like a thunder among the clear sky. It became aware of the public in 2014. Then Shepelev came from the TV screen to all with the only request to pray for the health of his civilian spouse.

The singer herself learned that he was hospital, being pregnant. But it did not stop her, and she took a firm decision to give birth. Despite the prohibitions of doctors. The singer more than once in his interview, said that she dreams of going to give birth to a child.

Zhanna Friske with his parents

Friends, relatives and doctors believed until the latter in the fact that the disease will retreat and Jeanne will win this terrible disease, but unfortunately the miracle did not happen.

As soon as she gave birth to a son, to whom they and Dmitry gave the name Plato, Jeanne went accompanied by Shepelev in the States for treatment.

Oksana Stepanova at every opportunity was near, cared for Jeanne and her son. Since by the time the singer was difficult to cope with everything without any assistance.

In June 2015, in the personal life of Dmitry Shepelev there were changes. It was not Zhanna. At that moment he was not with her next. He did not come to the funeral, remaining with his son abroad. Today, as the father of Zhanna Friske assumes, Shepelev lives together with her girlfriend, that Ksenia Stepanova and raises the son of Plato. It is rumored that in fact the novel between Shepelov and Stepanova began to the death of Zhanna Friske. Is it really, they know only themselves.

Today, they do not particularly hide their relationships, periodically posting joint photos on the network. Ksenia is engaged in the upbringing of the son of Zhanna, and they all live together in the house of Plato, whose guardian is his father, Dmitry Shepelev. According to Father Zhanna Friske, Dmitry abandoned the nanny services, which was followed by the boy, as Xenia is helping to educate the child now, Dmitry's new chosen.

Dmitry with her son

Today, not only the personal life of Dmitry Shepelev is successfully developing, but also a career. He became the leading one popular talk show on the first channel. Dmitry works a lot to provide a son-free life and that the boy does not need anything. In addition, not so long ago, he released a book called "Zhanna", in which it shares with readers how he lived without his beloved Zhanna, so early.

And he says the words of gratitude to all those who provided support not only financial, but also just a good word. Before entering the book, Shepelev for the first time in a year and a half decided to give an interview and arrange all the points over "and". Frank's relatives on the presentation were not for obvious reasons. The conflict broken does not subside, to this day, despite the fact that after the death of Zhanna has passed for two years.

Dmitry Shepelev Now

The father of the singer believes that it is Xenia, the current girlfriend Dmitry prevents Plato meetings with them. Dmitry himself tries not to comment on this, preferring to solve all the questions relating to this topic in court.

Details Created: 10/16/2016 14:36 \u200b\u200bUpdated: 10/21/2017 21:29

Dmitry Shepelev - an attractive, charismatic and very gifted TV host. How his personal life was formed after the death of the beloved woman Zhanna Friske, let's learn more.

The body and radio presenter, originally from Minsk (Belarus), conquered many viewers with their attractive appearance and charisma. Most recognize this young man from such popular TV programs: "Guten Morgen", "Mix comic", "Minute of Glory", " Russian Factory Russia-Ukraine" other.

According to some sources, for the first time Friske and Shepelev met during the shooting of the TV program " Property of the Republic"(2009). A lightning romance was twisted between them, despite the fact that the singer is 9 years older than his cavaller. For a long time, the couple hid her relationship, and annoying journalists answered that there were only friendly relations between them. But, paparazzi is very often Seen lovers together and their friendship questioned.

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

According to the media, the couple has ceased to hide their relationships only after the birth of Plato's son (in April 2013). In the same year, the former soloist of the Brilliant Group first learned about his terrible disease. Dima with his head rushed to save his beloved: gathered money, looking for a better clinic for treatment and answered questions from journalists about the state of her health.


For some time it seemed that the disease was retreated: Jeanne went on amendment, the little Plato smasted and pleased his parents. It is rumored that the couple was even going to legalize her marriage and had already picked up a wedding date. But, irreparable happened ...

Recall that everyone's favorite singer Zhanna Friske died on June 15, 2015 In his house from glioblastoma (brain tumors). No matter how much Zhannaughter was treated and no matter how fastening, terrible illness won all the same. She claimed the life of a young mother, her beloved wife and a talented artist.

Photo with son

Dima was terribly experienced after the death of Zhanna. Killed grief, for a while disappeared from television screens, stopped putting a photo in instigams and communicate with the press. It is concerned that the guy has even been looking for consolation in alcohol and reading books, but it did not help. In order to somehow pour out his soul, Shepelev began to keep a diary and write letters to the beloved. After that, it became a little easier.

Personal life today

To date, Dmitry Shepelev's personal life is very confusing and very hidden. Always a cheerful and active young man, after the death of his beloved wife, has changed very much - closed from society and communicates very little with journalists.

According to the media, after a short time after the death of his wife, the guy at home began to appear often - Oksana Stepanova (Best Frieze Friend, Personal Cosmetologist). Some sources believe that this is his new girl after the death of Zhanna. Also, this relationship condemns the Father Zhanna. But, what is this relationship, it is not clear to the end. After all, neither Dmitry, nor Oksana herself wish to communicate with the press and give any comments. And the fact that the best friend helps to raise a child and morally supports her husband, many do not see anything bad.

And recently, sister dead artist Natalia Kopylova, denied all the rumors The fact that Dima has a girl and that it consists in relations with Oksana Stepanova. According to media, Natalia stated in one of the interviews that all these rumors are real nonsense, because Oksana is already married for a long time, she has children and even grandson. And the father killed by grief does not consist in any respect, because it still has not yet recovered, it feels bad and morally not ready for new love intrigues.

Natalia Kopylova with sister

Dmitry Andreevich Shepelev - the famous Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian television and radio officers, who, thanks to their eccentricity and ability to attract the views of millions of television viewers to themselves, became famous.

Dmitry Shepelev was born on January 25, 1983 in the capital of Belarus - the city of Minsk. Family of the future celebrity was far from the world of art and cinema, his mother and father had technical education, worked in the specialty. Parents loved her son very much and strongly encouraged all his aspirations. In childhood, Dmitry was fond of sports, in particular, water polo and large tennis. In tennis, he reached considerable success, entering the top ten of the best tennis players of Junior Belarus.

Dmitry studied in Gymnasium №11, was a good one. Despite the technical education of the parents, the future artist himself did not like the exact science, preferred by humanitarian subjects. At school, the boy walked the company's soul, he was cheerful, polite and enjoyable in communication, but communicated far from everyone. At the choice of friends and their surroundings, Shepelev also approached extremely responsible.

Alone to earn money Dmitry Shepelev also learned at an early age. In junior grades, he earned the distribution of leaflets on the streets of the city. In the future, Father Shepelev decided to encourage his son's desire for independence and proposed to work in his computer company that was engaged in developing databases.

While studying at school, the biography of Dmitry Shepelev has enriched in the participation of the program in one of the merits. The future artist remained a great impression of the magic of TV. When his friend and classmate Denis Kuryan suggested trying himself on casting leading for youth talk show, Dmitry immediately agreed. The guys passed the casting and in 1999 began to maintain the program "5x5", which was four times a week. Then Shepelev finally decided to stop his choice of profession at the leader's career.

After graduating from school, the guy entered the Belarusian State University at the Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting. Soon also signed up to the local TV presenter school. He continued to work on the first channel of Belarus, and soon settled by DJ on the popular radio station "Alpha Radio". His parting on radio and TV channels were so numerous that Dmitry was forced to skip classes. Because of the frequent passes, Shepelov twice was under threat of deductions. But thanks to his talent and purposefulness, the lead with honors, graduated from the university in 2005.

A television

After graduating from the university, the guy continued to work on Minsk television. However, the young leader soon realized that the "ceiling" his career on the Belarusian canals could be only the role of lead news on the central channel. Dmitry also wanted to participate in more creative projects, so I decided to send my video to the music Ukrainian channel "M1", known for its non-standard and fascinating programs. Channel executives were very favorably reacted to him, inviting him to the role of the leading morning show "Guten Morgen". In 2004, he moved to Kiev. A new round of the creative biography of Dmitry Shepelev began here.

At first, after moving, Dmitry had not easy. The channel highlighted him an apartment not far from Teletozer, but the leading barely enough money for life: he did not refuse to work DJ in his hometown and was forced to constantly ride in Minsk to please his radio listeners.

Nevertheless, the relocation had a positive effect on his professional career: In 2008, Dmitry was invited to the role of a leading popular musical talent show "Star Factory-2". It was this project that brought an incredible success to Belarusian leading. He was invited to lead two more Ukrainian teleproducts: the show "Star karaoke" and "You are not playing" playing on the "Ukraine" TV channel. Such a busy shooting schedule forced the artist to refuse trips to Minsk and work on the radio station. Parallel Dmitry decided to try to break through the screens of Russian television, taking part in the shooting of the music show "Can you? SPLE! " on the "First Channel".

In 2009, Dmitry Shepelev was proposed to continue to lead the popular show "Star Factory-3", but the presenter refused. At the same time, he received a proposal from Moscow to join the "First Channel" team, and Dmitry moved to the capital of Russia. In 2012, Shepelev again became the leading famous show "Factory of Stars Russia-Ukraine".

In the spring of the same year, Shepelev became the leading "Green Room" at the World-famous Music Competition "Eurovision 2009". Here the guy posted on full, spending more than 80 press conferences. For his work, he was awarded the Tefi television award.

The Belarusian lead continued its work on Russian television, taking part in the filming of the music show "Therent of the Republic". Dmitry led the program together with the famous Soviet and Russian TV presenter.

Since 2011, Dima again began to live in two cities, returning to Ukrainian television. He became the leading humorous show of "Komik," where he met the famous Ukrainian humorist. A year later, shepels, together with Zelensky, began to host the entertainment show "Red or Black", combining elements of gambling and talent show. In 2013, he led his culinary program "Summer kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev" on the Inter TV channel.

The creative biography of Dmitry Shepelev in 2016 was replenished with the experience of writing a book. She is dedicated. Famous TV presenter explained that the purpose of this book is to help people who have found themselves in a similar situation. The book of Dmitry Shepelev "Zhanna" went on sale already in November 2016.


In February 2017, it became known that Talk Show TV presenter. In the media began to immediately assume, who will change him to the post of lead. It turned out that Dmitry Shepelev could be the next leading scandalous television.

At the same time, most viewers ambiguously perceived the news about the replacement of Korchevnikov on Shepelev. Many users in social networks frankly declare that they do not intend to watch the transmission in this case. Some social network users openly call on the boycott of his appearance on the screens of the Russian television channel.

On his page in the Instagram network, Shepelev commented on this information, saying that he would actually lead:

"Well. It seems my protracted "vacation" approached the end. Before you, the new leading program "Direct Ether" on the TV channel "Russia". Start already in March. Who if not me?".

Personal life

Dmitry Shepelev married, while still a student of the Belarusian State University. Anna Startseva became his wife, with whom the host at that time met about seven years. The decision to sign young people took on very prosaic reasons: after the end of the Medical University, Anna had to determine in one of the hospitals of the country, and the presence of a marriage helped her stay in Minsk.

Dmitry held in the status of a married man no more than three weeks, after which she gathered things and moved from his wife. In his interview, Shepelev is extremely negatively expressed in favor of official marriage, supporting its image of an independent man.

In 2011, the first rumors about the novel of the leading and famous singer Zhanna Friske, the former participants in the group "Brilliant" appeared. Singer older than Shepelev nine years old. Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev met during the filming of the Program of the Republic of the Republic in 2009. In July 2011, the presenter flew to the singer in Miami to congratulate her on his birthday. This act gave a reason for numerous gossip, but journalists poorly believed in the presence of a novel of two stars. Shepelev in his interview himself argued that he and Jeanne - just good friends and refused to comment on further comments.

Nevertheless, a couple often saw together at various resorts. In the summer of 2012 at the Moscow Film Festival, Friske reported to journalists that they and Shepelov broke up. But literally a few days later, the couple was again together. They went on vacation in Italy, and on returning to Moscow Zhanna introduced Dima with his parents.

Soon, Dmitry Shepelev's personal life was inextricably connected with Zhanna. In April 2013, they had a son Plato. Dmitry and Zhanna have repeatedly stated that they do not plan to be combined with official marriage, but the press constantly walked rumors about the date of their possible wedding.

Death Zhanna Friske

Soon, Zhanna Friske. At the end of 2013, Zhanna showed the first signs of the disease: the heart began to hurt. She stopped appearing in public and add photos to their pages on social networks. The official statement about the serious illness of Friske (brain inoperable tumor) followed only in January 2014.

In these difficult times for Jeanne, Dima took all the concerns about her health and well-being. He answered the questions of journalists, looking for funds for the treatment of spouses and agreed with respected therapeutic institutions around the world. As a result, the TV presenter opted his choice on New York Hospital, where Zhanna spent almost six months. When the singer went on amendment, the couple moved to Jurmala, where Friske passed further rehabilitation, but oncology was still a deadly sentence for the singer.

The funeral was held at the Nikolo Arkhangelsk Cemetery. Farewell to a famous performer lasted for several days.

Dmitry ordered that the entrance to the mourning ceremony would be closed for press representatives. In addition, the funeral was organized in the Elohov Cathedral. The husband insisted that the spouse was sent off in this cathedral, because here Zhanna was baptized, and the ceremony itself will be closed from otherworldly eyes. "

The son of the famous singer was not present on a mourning procession. Plato at that time was in Bulgaria along with her grandfather - Dmitry Shepelev's father. The relatives decided that for the boy it is better not to visit this event to protect the son from psychological injuries.


The death of Zhanna became for all a real shock. Only at the end of 2016, Dmitry Shepelev openly spoke about his experiences due to the death of the spouse. He shared about this with TV presenter in the transfer "Let them talk." Recognition of Dmitry Society perceived clearly negatively, because soon the video appeared on the network, on which Dmitry Shepelev was captured in the company of an unknown companion while visiting the exhibition Lion Baksta in the Pushkin Museum. In social networks immediately began to assume that this is his new girl.

In addition, information appeared in the media with reference to close people from the environment of the famous singer that Dmitry is found with Oksana Stepanova, which was a friend of Zhanna. It is assumed that the woman after death girlfriend helped Dmitry with the upbringing of Plato's son.

His death spouse sincerely touched the fans of the pop singer who sympathized with the family. However, many were unhappy with the behavior of the famous TV presenter.

After the tragic events, Dmitry Shepelev was drawn into a lot of scandals. Vladimir Friske, who is the Father Zhanna, in 2016 he even appealed to the court in order to secure himself and relatives to see his grandson and participate in the life of the boy. The relationship between civilian husband Friske and its relatives only aggravated after the release of the book of Dmitry Shepelev.

Many stars of show business, who personally knew the singer, sincerely hoped that soon all the scandals between the warring parties would end. In particular, the singer, the ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant," said that no one would replace his mother's little son.

The media informed that Dmitry Shepelev even wrote an application to the police, saying that Vladimir Friske threatened him to kill him. In a statement, the TV presenter pointed out that the father of the famous singer more than once "threatened him with personal violence and intended to even attract third-party performers to implement such actions."

Russian editions with reference to the sources close to the singer's family informed about the new family solving - to educate Plato will be a father. Shepelev did not obstruct the parents of Zhanna to communicate with the grandson, allowing him to take it towards himself in the suburbs.

Despite a certain understanding in some issues, nevertheless the situation gradually came out of control, between Dmitry Shepelev and Vladimir Friske there was a conflict. The active struggle for the son of Zhanna began.

No less scandalous was history of collecting funds that the TV viewers of the First Channel were collected for the treatment of the singer. In February 2017, a meeting was held in one of the lawsuits of Moscow on the suit of Rusfond to the heirs of Zhanna Friske, since information about money was not provided.

TV project

  • "5x5"
  • Guten Morgen.
  • Factory ZVEZD-2
  • Do you play or don't you play?
  • Property of the Republic
  • Cheer comic
  • Red or black
  • Summer kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev
  • Moment of glory
  • Russian Factory Russia-Ukraine