Draw the steps of flowers. Draw flowers Poetadno

Draw the steps of flowers. Draw flowers Poetadno

All love flowers. Their appearance and fragrant fragrance leaves no one indifferent. We want to teach you how to draw beautiful flowers in several stages is easy. It will be a lesson for a phased drawing of colors for beginners.

Step 1. We draw one oval of a large diameter, it will show a drop-shaped figure. Then, just above another oval with a similar drop-like figure inside. And next to him also oval, but a slightly different form - stretched in a vertical position and smaller size than two previous figures.

Stage 2. Inside the small figures start drawing the hearts of flowers. Initially, this is usually crashes-ovolchiki, for which we join several small petals.

Stage 3 Then to these cores we begin to draw petals, which, as it turn out from the center in different directions. Then we draw the petals from below a bit of another form, which as if clashed the central, like an overtake.

Stage 4. To the central flower, Dorising the wavy petals evenly from all sides to the border of the oval. At the left flower we draw a number of petals on the side and below.

Stage 5. Now to the left flower I will add a number of large petals by wavy lines to the most borders of the sketch figure. At the extreme, the flower is also drawn the petals for giving the full size of the flower to the edge of the oval.

Stage 6. At the top and to the left of us, you give several buds of unacceptable flowers. I will be depicted at the beginning of the sebel in the form of straight lines, on which you draw elongated boutons. There will be two of them from above, and on the left - three.

Stage 7. From each of the roses, we will show the leaflets, we will place them evenly, in all directions. These are ordinary leaves with jazzed edges.

Stage 8. Dorisuing curls.

Stage 9. Such is a black and white pattern.

Stage 10. Collect it on our sample!

Usually, children draw exclusively simple flowers by the type of chamomile, other varieties of colors seem difficult to them. And parents also do not always shine with artistic abilities. Thanks to these simple step-by-step schemes, you can explain to the child how to draw flowers - daffodils, tulips, roses, snowdrops and others. The phased drawing is a much more efficient method than to try to redraw an object from a photo.

Draw flowers with a child step by step

The first spring flowers are, of course, snowdropsTherefore, the ability to draw them will be useful for any.

From simple forms that can draw a drawing 4-6 years, a beautiful tulip. The child will be very proud of what was able to draw such!

Here is another simple option:

Daffodss - Yellow pets of June. So that they look carefully and in the same way, explain to the child that it is better to first outline the circle to which the petals need to fit. Circle circle then erase.



Bells: This option is for older children, as there are many small details.

In the course of study, pay attention to the child's details of different colors: the degree of bend stem, the shape of leaves and petals, different types of inflorescence. You can also accompany the drawing with small stories or just information about a particular flower - where it grows, what time it blooms, which looks like his smell. "It will help the child to remember the names of different colors faster and learn to distinguish them.

Learn to draw flowers and teach this child - quite simple! Try the next time your child instead of ordinary color points, which he used to designate flowers, draws a whole blooming meadow!

This article collected for you drawings of colors with a pencil for drawing. Probably, everyone wants to learn to draw them, but in nature there are a large amount and keep in mind what a particular copy looks like, difficult, and often it is simply impossible. Draw from nature is not always possible, because some plants in the country do not grow and see them only in the photo. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the pictures of colors for drawing, on which all sorts of plants are depicted in the correct form. And from which you save your favorite option without problems.

Start drawing a better simple pencil, carefully studying drawings for drawing, which depict flowers. It is worth paying attention to the bends of lines, correctly imposed shadows, for different power of push with a rod. If you step in step bypass what you see, the result will not make yourself wait. Images of plants will be alive, despite the black and white palette. In the future, having experienced experiences, you will go to the paint and color pencils, so that the pictures are set by new paints.

If you are a novice and doubt your abilities and talents, look for simple drawings of colors and first draw them. We took into account your fears and found a lot of light pictures of colors for drawing a pencil, so you will be from what to choose.

Among our images you can find just beautiful drawings of colors in a single instance where you can consider all the details of the execution of such an image. On more complex pictures depicts flowers in a vase, wherees other than plants need to draw third-party items for completeness of the picture. There are drawings with bouquets of flowers from which several plant species can be drawing at the same time.

When drawing such pictures you get indescribable pleasure. In them, everything is so sophisticated, everything is so thought out, there is nothing superfluous, all in their places. It would seem that everything is so simple, but at the same time they are beautiful. One of the most beautiful phenomena that nature gives us. The process of drawing pacifies, gives the state of rest, so it is very important that you will draw at that moment. An ideal option will be beautiful drawings for sripet, in particular flowers.

There are no ugly species in the world, so you will definitely find what to srink. And we will help you a little, we will throw new ideas and select beautiful pictures of colors for sripet. Just imagine how your album is transformed from the diversity of plants, their shapes and parts. Each page will come to life and will delight your look.

Such images will become good options for gifts close and familiar. A live bouquet will start, and drawn will remind you for a long time. Skills and skills will be useful in school not only in drawing lessons, but also on biology for example. With your paintings, you will conquer everyone.

In the future, start experimenting, invent non-existent instances, then transfer them to paper. Make your contribution to this diverse world.

How to quickly draw a flower using different techniques.

Draw something that likes

The first step is the choice of the object. Start with the colors that you like: it is always easier to draw what inspires. Gerbera, Magnolia or Tulips - make up a watercolor bouquet to their taste.

Determine the flower shape

Determine the simple, basic form of the plant. It can be a cone, bell or triangle. You may want to start drawing faster and skip this stage. But believe me: it helps a lot and speeds up the process.

Sketching with light lines the basic form, you will figure out the structure of the entire plant.

Council: The first sketch can be made in the sketchbook. Getting Started on the Watercolor Paper, do not take a very soft pencil and do not press too much. Otherwise, you can damage the paper, and the lines will remain noticeable after erasing.

Draw the leaves right

The leaves depends on how convincing the image will be. The secret is not to interrupt the main central lodgment. If it is not in place, the sheet will look unnatural. Start drawing a sheet with a central streak. Imagine that the sheet is transparent and you can see only its edges and a straw.

Tip: Drawing, do not erase unnecessary lines immediately. Otherwise there is a chance to make a mistake again. And if the wrong line remains before our eyes, it will be easier to draw next to the right one.

To get a soft uniform erosion, it must be pre-moistened with water. It provides natural spreading paint before it starts absorbed into paper, and gives extra time to stretching the color (creating a smooth transition from one color to another) and blinks.

Moisten from the middle and erode the water to the edges. Repeat a couple of times to make sure that the paper is well moistened. In this case, the edges are dry not so quickly. After you evenly distributed water, check if the "puddle" left remains on the surface of the paper, and if they are - blot them with a humid brush.

1. Type the water on the brush and moisten one sheet or petal. The surface of the paper should purchase a uniform shine.

2. While the paper is wet, apply paint.

3. Distribute the color to the edges of the picture by the minimum number of passes with a brush.

4. Gently stretch the paint to the edges of the element, while at the same time aligning the contour.

5. Before the erosion dries, you can get a paint to reveal the illuminated areas and emphasize the form of the element.

Technique "Stretching color"

It is often necessary to use two or more colors on the same area. The advantages of this method are that it is not necessary to put additional erosion and easily set the desired form. You can work simultaneously with any number of colors.

1. Clean water moisture a separate petal or sheet, then apply the first color paint.

2. While it has not yet dried, apply a second color paint.

3. Find the tip of the brush and make the transition between colors.

4. Continue until the transition becomes smooth. Try to work quickly until the paint dried. Avoid unnecessary smears, otherwise the stripes will remain after drying. In the example in the photo, such a smear is visible on the fold of the petal.

5. Before the paint is driving, getting blunks and accommodate the residence on each petal. Smooth color change can be applied to refer to the direction of light. Similarly, draw the remaining petals. Work on them through one, so as not to hurt a wet layer of paint on the next petal, and when they are completely dry, proceed to the missed.

Technique "Textual Damage"

This is an interesting technique that is suitable for complex folded or wavy petals. For example, to simulate folds on the surface of the poppy petal.

1. Moisten the paper in the desired area and apply the paint of a saturated red in the technique of "wet wet".

2. While the paint is still wet, add a dark purple color to the flower base so that it merges with red.

3. Crumpled paper towel blot paint only once.

4. Raise the towel.

5. Repeat a couple of times using every time a clean towel to avoid getting paint with a towel back to the drawing.

6. Let all dry and specify the glare to get the petal folds.

Council: For the first erosion, take saturated colors at once so that then you do not have to strengthen the color. Dark shades will give good, strong contrast of dark and light in the pattern.

Our planet is rich in a variety of flowers, each of which has its own unique appearance, feature of the shape of petals and color. Drawing flowers with a pencil in a bouquet, you need to take into account that different types of their kinds combined with each other. In addition, it is necessary to make it so that the color of each individual flower has increased. Learn how to combine the flowers correctly - this is a whole art. Especially difficult to do it on paper. The more colors in the bouquet, the more beautiful it will look like.

Drawing contours

Depicting the colors with a pencil, first of all it is necessary to draw contours. Ovals and circles will be the main elements. They should be connected to small groups, but it should be understood that it is necessary to leave a little distance between them. The first contours should not be clear and accurate, because they will only be the basis for a bouquet. Drawing flowers with a pencil stages, we should not forget about the leaves. They must have an oblong triangular shape. Also, it is also not worth a pencil too much. Because of this, it will be overly jumped into paper, and in the future, when the need to color the drawing will appear, white stripes can remain. Therefore, for this purpose, it is best to use paints, and not colored pencils.

Image of pestles and stamens

Painted pencil flowers will look unnaturally, if you do not portray pestles and stamens. This is the core of each flower. To draw it, you just need to add one small mug in the center of each booton. At the same stage, it is possible to highlight stalks. For their drawing, you should apply a few thin strips in the center of each booton below.

Flower details

Many are interested in the question of how to draw flowers in gradually. After all, if you do not add all the necessary details, the picture will look unnatural. All drawn circles must be turned into a chamomile. To do this, the usual line should be replaced with wavy. Each contour is desirable to divide into several segments - it will be petals. So that the bouquet looks colorful, you can add several tulips to it. To do this, it is necessary to draw oval, and at the top portray the English letter W. It is desirable that they "look out" from the total weight of colors. In addition, it is recommended that they are in the future painted in another color. In addition to tulips, you can add roses, violets, carnations, daffodils. Of course, the drawing technique of each of them is different, so you first need to portray them on paper. Only after that you can combine them in one bouquet.

Bouquet decoration

Flowers drawn with a pencil, in a bouquet will look more expressive if you decorate them with ribbons, large leaves, sparkles. Such a bouquet will look festively. To portray the ribbon, it is enough to draw two rounded lines located in parallel to each other. Then you need to portray a large bow.

Drawing colors usually does not take much time. Even if you are an amateur in this case, after a few attempts you can recreate luxury buds on paper.