Turkish names. Male names in Turkey

Turkish names. Male names in Turkey
Turkish names. Male names in Turkey

As happened everywhere in the Islamic world, the birth of a child is considered one of the most significant days in the life of the family. Therefore, the infancy of the infant is a very important ritual, and the choice of name is very responsible. About what names are given to boys in modern Turkey, will be discussed in this article.

History Name Names

Before the twentieth century, the Turks were not called surnames. Instead, they used various kinds of nicknames, titles and public titles. The end of this was put on Mustafa Kemal, the ruler of Turkey, in 1934. Together with this law, it was customary to cancel all other regalia and established nicknames. The head of state himself took himself the name of Ataturk, which means "father of the Turks".

Like most names in Islamic countries, Turkish names are very strong. Along with them, of course, there are original Turkish forms, but the influence of religion is so deeply that the main priority still falls on the share of Arab borrowings rooted in the Quran.

The traditions of naming name in Turkey

In Turkish families, they often call children by the time of their appearance. For example, Ramadan born in the month is called Ramadanov or Ramazan. Turkish men's names are modern parents, consistent with the traditions of previous generations, can withdraw from the day of the week or the time of day, in which the boy was born. For example, the chaffames call those who appeared on the light at dawn. And the beautiful Turkish male name Tang is burning that his owner was born in the evening.

In addition, the name of the baby is often given on the basis of considerations of geographic location or special weather conditions dropping out at the date of his birth.

A tradition is also very popular to call a child in honor of any outstanding person. For example, Ali, Mustafa, Bekir - favorite Turkish names. Men's figures, behind them, standing, can be both real people and mythological characters.

Prohibited names

Turkey has a category of names that are not accepted. Some of them even apply a direct religious ban. For example, Haffav, Dasim, Aguar, Valha - all these are prohibited Turkish male names. The list is quite extent, but all of them unites what they belong to the Shaitanam - the evil spirits of Islamic mythology. It is interesting to note that the names belonging to the angels are subject to the same ban. Of course, they are motivated by various reasons. If everything is clear with the demons, the Angelic names do not give their children because of respect. Therefore, as a personal name, Muslims in Turkey never use words described by Allah. Turkish names, male and female, also can not be derived from words implying submission or worship anyone except the Almighty God. Well, among other things, the taboo is imposed on all European names. It is believed that the Orthodox Muslim should be the name of its culture exclusively. And ideally, it must be mentioned in good light in the Quran.

Most popular names

Turkish names, men's most advantage, are often given in honor of the biblical prophets, but in Arab transcription. These include, firstly, Ibrahim, then Ismail, Moussa and others. The most revered, of course, is the name of the founder of Islam - the prophet Mohammed.

Often, a design with the root of "GABD", which means the "minister" or "slave" is used to form a name. But at the same time it is understood that a person takes this provision solely towards God and to anyone else.

Almost always, when choosing a name, the value is attached to its semantics. Therefore, the most popular Turkish names, men's and women are always associated with the concept of good luck, light, strength, courage and well-being. Bright examples can serve here such names as "Ugur", meaning luck, or "Kaplan", which can be translated by the word "Tiger".

In general, it should be said that there are extremely many names in Turkey. Such a situation is due not only to the fact that almost every concept that gives an incentive to educate the name, can be involved twice - from Turkish or Arabic, but also by the fact that very many names are complex, combined from two or more roots.

The birth of a child is considered one of the most significant events in the life of every person. Turkish families are no exception. They approach the question of the adoption of their descendants with a special responsibility, remembering the words of Mohammed, one of the main prophets of Muslims, who punished to call his children with beautiful names. There is even a famous saying, which says: "It's not scary if a person is born with disadvantaged fate, but scary if he gets a bad name." This saying belongs to Chinese philosophers, but it is possible to apply it absolutely to all peoples.

Men deserve special attention. After all, they occupy a dominant position in every Muslim family. Therefore, the choice of nickname for a boy is an important event.

History of names

Until the 20th century, the inhabitants of Turkey did not have last names. But on June 21, 1934, Mustafa Kemal, then the ruler of the country adopted the law, thanks to which every resident of the republic was obliged to get the name. And a few months later it was decided to cancel and additions to names in the form of nickname and regalia. Thus, the ruler himself began to wear the name of Ataturk, which in the translation denotes the "father of the Turks"


Along with female, male, mostly, have Arabic or Turkish origin. Any name or surname has a translation. Mohammed, for example, translates as "worthy praise", Deniz - "Sea", Tarkan - "feudal".

Very often in the Turkish women of boys call on the day of the week, the time of day or a significant event, when they were born. For example, the kids who were born in the sacred holiday of all Muslims Ramadan are called Ramadan or Ramazan. The boys who came to the world at dawn often are called Schafak ("Dawn"), but Tang ("Twilight") is called born in the evening.

There are quite a lot of names formed from geographical names, astronomical, climatic and natural phenomena - Goek - "Sky", Pinern - "Pinar", Iyldiz - "Star", Yilderim - "Lightning".

The habit of calling boys in honor of historical and political figures, mythological characters and warlords is common. After all, every parent wants his son to become famous, grew up bold and noble. These include: Ali, Omer, Abdurahman, Mustafa, Bekir.

How to ban children in Turkey

Some names are undesirable to give boys in Turkey. And the believers of Muslims are constant to use them at all. These include:

  • belonging to the Most High Creator. ARTIAL AL: Al-Ahad (only), al-Khalik (Creator) are usually added to them;
  • containing the meaning of something or anyone else, except the Most High;
  • the so-called names of Shaitanov: Haffav ("frightening people"), Valha ("leading to doubt"), as well as Akbas, Daniim, Aguar, Matrash, Dahar, Tamrih;
  • in honor of Pharaoh and similar to them - Pharaoh, Nimrud, Karun;
  • in honor of the idols, the number of which includes 360, for example, Vada, Suwag, Yaguk;
  • in honor of the angels;
  • Affah ("succeeding") and yazar ("left");
  • praising man: YZGA (Saint);
  • european - Albert, Helmut, Adolf and many others.

With the arrival in the Turkish Republic of Socialism, the borrowed names began to give their sons some parents. However, Muslim believers call children only by invoking Turkish and Arabic names, which are in the Quran, as they are highly honored by the history and religion of their people.


Very common among the inhabitants of Turkey, as well as other Muslim states, to call sons in honor of the prophets. In the entire history of mankind, the number of them has more than 120 thousand. The most famous of them are: Ismail, Suleiman, Moussa, Ilyas, Ibrahim and, of course, Mohammed.

Supplically, Islam applies to all male names that have a root of "Gabd -" in its composition, that in translation denotes "Slave, minister": Gabdrakhman, Gabdulla and others.

Choosing a name for the boy, parents give a huge role to give it a value. It is important here not only how beautiful and melodious it sounds, but also what it means. Very popular, such as Dogan - Sokol, Ugur - "Good luck", Alps - Brave, Kaplan - "Tiger" and many others.

According to statistics, the most popular Turkish names, which most often call their babies parents in the last five years, are: Yusuf, Mustafa, Mehmet, Ahmet, Arda, Berat, Mohammed and Ernes. It should be noted that most of them are the names of the Muslim prophets.

Variety of names is striking by their beauty. All of them are so original that they fully give the right to be proud of the Muslim people. He really deserves praise for creating so beautiful on the sound and the meaning of male names.

The correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the character, aura and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to find the perfect name?

Despite the fact that in culture there are interpretations, which means male names, in reality the influence of the name for each boy is individually.

Sometimes parents are trying to choose a name before birth, preventing the child to form. Astrology and numerology of choosing the name of the name of all serious knowledge of the influence of the name on fate in the centuries.

Calendars of the Sky, Holy People, without a consultation of a seerful, inspired specialist do not have any real assistance in assessing the influence of names for the fate of the child.

And the lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodic male names are completely closed with eyes to individuality, energy, child soul and turn the selection procedure into the irresponsible game of parents in fashion, egoism and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Turkish names must primarily approach the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who is not affected by your child's life.

Diverse statistics - Positive features of the name, negative features of the name, the choice of profession by name, the influence of the name on the business, the influence of the name on health, the name psychology can only be considered in the context of the deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), the energy construction, the task of life and Skinny child.

The topic of compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurd that internal mechanisms of influence on the state of their carrier turns out of the interaction of different people. And annuls the whole psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Moves to one false characteristic all the multidimensionality of the interaction of people.

The meaning of the name does not have literal impact. For example, Kuddenet (power, strength) does not mean that the young man will be strong, and carriers of other names weak. The name can weaken health, block the heart center and he will not be able to give and take love. Another boy on the contrary will help solve the tasks of love or power, will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not bring any effect at all that there is a name that is not. Etc. And all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Turkish names for boys is also a delusion. 95% of boys call names that are not facilitating fate. You can only focus on the congenital nature of the child, spiritual vision and wisdom of an experienced specialist.

The mystery of the male name, as a program of an unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in man, and not in the meaning value and characteristic name. And if this name destroys the child, then some kind of beautiful, minor with patronymic, an astrological accurate, benevolent it was not, it would still be harm, the destruction of character, complication of life and the weighting of fate.

Below is a list of Turkish names. Try to choose a few you most suitable to your child. Then if you are interested in the effectiveness of the influence of the name on fate, .

List of man's Turkish alphabetic names:

Adem - Red, Earth
Ahmet - worthy praise
Alta - Dawn.
Ata - ancestor
Alteug - Red horsepower
Alps - brave, brave, valiant
Alpaslan - brave, brave lion
Aries - Bee.
Arykan - Blood Bees
Arslan - Lev.
Atylow - the one that is on horse
Atmadzha - Hawk
Aichoban is the one who grabs a month
Aydin - Enlightened
Aikut - Holy Month
Aytyurk - Turkish Month

Balaban - Young, brave man
Balkans - mountainous
Balt - Topor.
Barysh - peaceful
Bashkhart - Main Wolf, Steel Leader
Batu - Zapad.
Battur - Warrior
Batucan - West Ruler
Baybars - Great Panther
Борбого - Thousand bulls
Berk - solid, strong
Bercant - Faithful oath
Berker - Solid, Upper Man
God - Bull
Bora - Sea Storm
Rozhkurt - Steppe Wolf, Gray Wolf
Bulut - cloud
Burkhan - King Hurricanes

Volkan - Vulcan

Gohan - Heavenly Han (ruler)
Güchle - Strong
Gurkhan - Strong Khan
Gul - Rosa
Gulbarge - Spring Rose

Joshkun - joyful, uncontrollable, stormy
Joshkuner - joyful, uncontrollable warrior
Denise - Sea
Tree - Ocean
Dirench - resistance
Gengiz - Oceanic (huge, like the ocean)
Dogan - Sokol.
Dog - East
Dogucan - the ruler of the East
OrduTug - nine horsepower
Duigu - Feelings, Emotions

Spruce - strong wind
AGI - Victory

Zeks - smart

Ibrahim - Large Father
Ilhami - inspiration
Ilker - the first person
Ilkin - First
Iskander - Protector of People
Iskender - Protector of People

Yigyt - Jigit, a strong young hero
Yyldyram - Lightning
Yylmaz - never
Yyets - high, high-ranking.

Kagan - King of Kings, Emperor
Kaplan - Tiger
Kara - black, dark
Karabulyut - dark cloud
Karadyumanum - Dark Smoke
Karabars - Black Panther
Karakyurt - Black Wolf
Cossack - strong and free
Kazan - Winner
Kan - Life
Cartal - Orel
Klych - Sword
Klycharslan - Leo with a sword
Kyzilai - Red Month
Koskun - Enthusiasm
Kots - Baran
Kora - smoldering moon
Corky - frightening
Kudderet - Power, power
Kubat - rough and strong
Küurt - Wolf
Kyrgyz - forty tribes

Levent - Lev.

Mehmed - decent praise
Mehmet - worthy praise
Metin - Strong
Murat - Desire

Nazar - Amulet "Evil Stone Eyes"

OGOV - We - Arrows
OK - Strela
Ozan - Bard, singer
OZ - Bard, singer
Ozbek - Free Ruler
Ozdemir - Inner Essence - Metal
Ozgur - free
Omer - Living, Life
ONDER - Leader
ONUR - Honor
Osman - Ptense

Pars - Panther

Savas - Warrior
Selim - Safe
Serchat - border
Serkan - Bloodied Head
Siener - the last person
Suleiman - peaceful

Tanner - praising God
Tanriveri - God reward
Tarkan - King Lesser (legendary hero with a friend-wolf)
Tai - foal
Tecker - Lonely Warrior
Tezer - fast warrior
Semes - the main, fundamental
Tymur - Metal
Tolga - Combat Helmet
Tozccoparan - Rising dust
Turgay - Zhavoronok.
TUY - Horsep Tail
Tyun - Night
TUNCH - Bronze
Tyutka - Bronze Month
Tyuran - Turkver Earth
Journey - Turkish month
Tyurker - Turkish Warrior
Turkgutsu - Turkish

Immediate - Peak
Ufuk - horizon
Umup - Nadezhda

Hakan - Head of State, Emperor

Chelik - Steel

Oshik - Light
Osylaya - Glowing month

Chagay - the name of the second son of Chingiz-Khan

Shenol - be joyful
Shimshuyu - Luke Lightning

Erdogan - Warrior Falcon
Ertugruul - Warrior
Ediz - High
Emin - honest
Emre - Bard, Poet
Engin - Huge
Erdem - Virtue
Eren - Saint
Erol - Brave
Ester - achievement

Yumute - Nadezhda
Yuigur - Civilized
Yuzman - Master, Specialist
Yurkmez - always fearless
UNICKAN - Border Ruler
Jufuk - horizon
Yugure - Good luck, Fortune
July - the Great Mighty

Yakhzya - Happy, joyful
Jacket - Gemstone (Rubin)
YALTSIN - slippery slope
Yaman - Wild, Fearless, Brave
Javuv - Cruel, merciless

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. The name you can easily facilitate the life of a person and harm.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable child name in 2019?

Make an analysis of your name - find out right now the meaning of the child's fate now! Write in the wicker, Telegram, Viber +7926 697 00 47

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Many Turkish names for boys have Arabic, Turkish (Turkic) or Persian origin. For example, the most popular male name in Turkey Mehmed is and there is an Arab name Muhammed that in translation from Arabic means "worthy praise." The same applies to Turkish surnames. At the same time there are names that can act as a surname. Most Turkish names are associated with the birth time of the kid - on the day of the week or holiday. For example, the name of Juma is popular in Turkey means "Friday", Ramazan's holiday "Ramadan".

It should be noted that many Turkish names for boys were taken from the Quran. Also in Turkish nameslors there are names of epic or historical heroes, and politicians, such as: Abdullah, Abdurrahman, Ahmet, Ali, Bekir, Mehmed, Mustafa, Omer, Resoul. In addition, there are also names formed from geographic, climatic, astronomical features: Doug - "Mountain", Gek - "Sky", Deniz - "Sea", Ai - "Luna", Gün - "Day", Yyldyz - "Star ", Günesh -" Sun ", Yildyr -" Lightning ", Farat -" Euphrates ", Dijle -" Tiger ", Tuna -" Danube ", Merich -" Evros ".

If you want to give your son to the Turkish male name, we advise you to take advantage of the following list.

Turkish names for boys:

Ari - Bee.

Karabulut - Dark Cloud

Aydin - Enlightened

Kagan - Emperor

Aykut - Holy Month

Koray - smoldering moon

Alparslan - brave

Korkut - scaremen

Arikan - Blood Bees

Kartal - Orel

Atmaca - Hawk

Ozgur - free

AYTURK - Turkish month

Ozbek - Free Ruler

Batu - Zapad.

Ozan - Bard, singer

Batukan - West Ruler

Onder - leader

Pars - Panther

Baybars - Great Panther

Senol - be joyful

Binboga - a thousand bulls

SIMSEKYAY - Lightning

Balkan - Highway

Tuncay - Bronze Month

Bora - Sea Storm

TanriOver - Practicing God

Balaban - brave

Tolga - battle helmet

Baskurt - Ferry Leader

TEZER - Fast Warrior

Bulut - cloud

Turkay - Turkish Month

Burhan - King Hurricanes

TanriverDi - God reward

Cengiz - Oceanic

Celik - Steel

Turkgucu - Turkish power

Coskun - joyful

Tunc - Bronze

Coskuner - joyful

Timur - Metal

Dogan - Sokol.

TURKER - Turkish Warrior

Dogu - East

Tay - Horsenok

Dogukan - the ruler of the East

Tzkoparan - Rising dust

Erdogan - Warrior Falcon

TURAN - Turkver Earth

Ertugrul - Warrior Hawk

TEKER - Lonely Warrior

Guclu - Strong

Gurhan - Strong Khan

UCKAN - Border Ruler

Gokhan - Ruler

ULU - Great, Mighty

Hakan - Head of State

Uzman - Master, Specialist

UGUR - Good luck, Fortune

Isileay - Glowing Month

Ufuk - horizon

Karaduman - Dark Smoke

Urkmez - never afraid

Kizilay - Red Month

Uygur - Civilized

Kubat - rough and strong

Umut - Nadezhda

Yildirim - Lightning

Kilicarslan - Leo with a sword

Yengi - Victory

Kazan - Be the winner

Yaman - wild

Kara - black or dark

Yuce - High

Kazak - strong and free

YILMAZ - Never

Karabars - Black Panther

Yigit - a strong young hero

Koc - Baran

Yakut - Gemstone

Karakurt - Black Wolf

Yahsi - Happy, joyful

Kaplan - Tiger

Yel - strong wind

Yavuz - cruel, merciless