What does the word epitaph mean. Official terminology what is the epitaph, which means and how to spell

What does the word epitaph mean. Official terminology what is the epitaph, which means and how to spell
What does the word epitaph mean. Official terminology what is the epitaph, which means and how to spell

Dictionary Ushakov


epitistry., epitaph, wives. (from greek. Epitaphios - gravestone) ( book.). Tombstone, marked inscription.

Culturalology. Dictionary dictionary


(greek. Epitaphios - tombstone) - a tombstone, especially poetic.

Anthropological Dictionary


(From Greek. Epitáphios gravestone) - a squeezing inscription, mainly a poetic: a small poem, usually with an appeal to the dead man or from the dead man to passersby ("Passers, stand! ...", etc.). It also existed as a real inscription and as a fictitious (in the collection of poems). IN european literature appears as a kind of antique epigram (Simonide Keossky, 5 V. BC, et al.); As a literary and artistic genre is popular in the era of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Classicism, then gradually comes out of use; Partarodic, satirical epitaph, close to the epigram of the new time (for example, R. Berns) live longer than others.

Terminological Dictionary-Thesaurus for Literary


(from greek. Epitaphios - gravestone) - a genre leading to the origin of the gravestone. Most often a short poems of a commendable or tragic character.

RB: childbirth and literature genres

Rod: genre

Ass: Epigram


He died because he was a stingy:

I could not have done - there was a sorry for money

But if he knew the price of a catatball, -

He would have come to life to carry his corpse.

S. Marshak. Epitaph Scright (from English poetry)

* "The epitaph in the literature of the new time may be conditional in nature, that is, to be addressed to the non-existent grave of the imaginary deceased, in this case it acquires satirical significance ..." (I.V. Stahl). *

Dictionary of the forgotten and difficult words of the XVIII-nineary centuries


, and , g.

Tombstone, marked inscription, mainly poetic.

* ...But now you woke up in me. [Soul], and I read it with her epitaph, // Lermontov. Hero of our time // *

Dictionary of musical terms


(c. Epitaphios - gravestone) - musical composition In honor of the deceased (for example, "At the grave of Richard Wagner" F. Sheet, "tombstone song" to the death of N. Rimsky-Korsakov I. Stravinsky, etc.).

Scythians. Byzantium. Black Sea. Dictionary of historical terms and titles


inscription on the funeral stele.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(from Greek. Epitaphios - gravestone), tombstone inscription, mainly poems; In poetry, stylized epitaph has become an independent genre (the era of classicism) is a panegonic or, like an epigram, satirical content.

Dictionary of Ozhegov

Epit BUTFia and, g.

1. Poems written about jein. of death. E. On the death of the commander.

2. Epitaph. E. on the monument.

The term "epitaph" occurred from Greek Epitaphios - tombstone. The epitaph is an inscription on monuments, which is often performed in poetic form. In Epitaph People express their emotions and feelings associated with loss close man. There are epitaphs in which the dies allegedly addresses passersby, like "wait, passerby! ...".

The ancient Greeks called the epitaph, which was read over the coffin, later under the epitaph, they began to understand the funeral inscription applied to the stone. Nowadays, the epitaph can be allocated in separate genre poetry. For example, in Japan, writing the epitaphs is elevated to the rank of art. Tombing inscriptions In this country, the brevity, impeccable conciseness and traditional Japanese imagery differ. Here is an example of the Japanese epitaph: "To ground too late grave stone Warm blanket. "

Fig. 1 Church of John Forerunner

In Kerch, in the Church of John the Forerunner is one of the most significant in the world cultural Heritage Collections of various antique tombstones. A visit to this church becomes an event that is permanently cut into memory. From epitaphs located in the church, special energy comes, and the buzz from the steps when moving from stone to the stone creates a special atmosphere.

Fig. 2 epitaph

Although the art of epitaph and originated in Ancient GreeceBut the first examples of the tombstones appeared earlier. For example, the ancient Egyptians painted burial sarcophages. In addition to information about the dead, were on sarcophagas and lines dedicated to the buried.

Ancient Jews also had a tradition to leave funeral inscriptions.

Fig. 3 epitaph with drawing

This kind of art existed in the Slavs, but he received his distribution later. Before the inscriptions began to write on the tombstones, white empty plates were widely widespread. For example, in the Moscow Kremlin, ancient such burial was found (XIII B). After a time on the white plates, an ornament appeared in the form of circles. different sizes. And after some time, the epitaph began to apply for tombstones.

Fig. 4 poetic epitaph

Entertaining examples of epitaph are characteristic of the graves of famous people: officials, military leaders, church servants and writers who are buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. There is a huge multitude of epitaph, which were written by great poets, as well as the ruling individuals. It is found in history and ignorant tombstones that most often belong to the merchant.

Although the epitaph is not a humorous genre, however, the inscriptions on some tombstones are forced to smile. Definitely good when despite what happened in life tragic event, There are strength to come up with something cheerful, life-affirming.

Fig. 5 epitaph appeal

Epitaph was the predecessor of the appearance of epigram. What was the epigram? The epigram has practically no difference from Epitaph, it was a similar inscription on a statue, stone, the Divine, applied to honor the memory of the deceased. Over time, such inscriptions were shortened, turning into summary life experience And the path of man, a kind of result. Later, satirical household sketches began to appear, which became the epigram in the usual modern man form.

You can observe interesting reverse exampleWhen the epigram appeals for help to Epitaph and performs a convenient form to express thoughts. It is often cases when epigrams or even auto-epigram are on the tombstones.

The epigram genre reached his highest flourishing in France in the XVI century. Over time, his literature of various other countries took place.

"The black english humor"According to its content, it has similar features with a literary epigram, which expresses an explicit, paradoxical irony above the strict and most terrible in the life of every person. The epigram in England quickly penetrated public life.

Thus, the epitaph is one of the best semantic options for relevant memory of the dead. With the help of epitaph, you can forever leave the mark in the memory of descendants.

Epitaph.ru - This is ideas For unique author's epitaph close as well thousands ready options. The best, in your opinion, postpone the "Favorites" and consult with relatives. In the address (URL) links on your favorites All examples are encoded.

Epitasti.ru: how to use the site

"Epita .Ru" is the most complete campaign on the Internet in Russian. All posts editified personal / addressee, that is, who they are prescribed:

  • woman
  • man
  • parents
  • father,
  • mom ITD,

as well as in form / type:

  • religious
  • secular
  • in verse,
  • brief
  • on behalf of the late ITP.

To sort the epitaph by personality or by type, select the appropriate heading from the left navigation column. Also on the top panel there is a search form by number or text of the epitaph where you can find the record, or another word, for example, "sorrow", "worthy", "Sky" ITP.

On the pages of the site "Epitaph.ru" you can find, above all, ideaswhich most accurately convey the personality features of the deceased or attitude towards it relatives or relatives. Finding a suitable idea, you tend to easily replace a few words in the text and adapt to the epitaph to your case. But no one bothers you to use the found epitaph and in the original form, as is. Many entries on the site are public domain, and those unique, which are written or adapted by the editorial staff, can also be used in any way except mass copying on thematic sites.

Near each epitaph is depicted "Heart". Click on it, and this epitaph (see the right upper corner of the site) . Looking through the epitaph of various sections and postponing them, you form his own collection. From "Favorites" you can delete too much. What will remain in the "Favorites", send relatives to consult. To do this, click on the rectangle with the arrow in the upper right corner and get the address. In the received URL will be encoded all the epitaph pending.

IMPORTANT!!! Changing the contents of the "Favorites" will change this address. Therefore, every time you change your personal collection, get a new link in the upper right corner and send it again.

Fortunately, if this difficult hour "epitaph.ru" has helped you at least something.

Epitaph is ...

Word, term "epitaph" (literally from the Greek - "tombstone"), today is understood in several meanings:
- Brief inscription on the monument, tombstones;
- a short farewell oral sayingvoiced at the funeral or when merging the deceased;
- Specific literary genre brief commendable public speech;
- deceased , for example, an epigraph or epilogue.

In relation to the practice of ritual services in Russia, short epitaphs are used, for the most part, when designing monument, gravestone monument on the grave. And more detailed, often in poetic form - in ritual attributes - On the ribbons of wreaths, at the invitations for commemoration, ITP, as well as in printed or online (internet) neccratogs - pages of memory about the deceased.

Epitaph is an inscription on the gravestone. The word is it greek origin And first referred to the tombstone (epi - "over", Tafos - "Tomb"). Such inscriptions began to make out of respect for the deceased and in the edification of descendants.

Will of the Uden

Some famous people wanting to avoid the fate of the supported idol, managed, which epitaph to capture on his grave.

Unfortunately, the remaining live does not always keep the will of the deceased. But on the grave of Archimedes still installed the ball inscribed in the cylinder, as he wanted.

And in Westminster Abbey on the grave of W. Shakespeare, it was those words that he bequeathed.

The grave of Saltykov-Shchedrin unwittingly stop and read the appeal to the passing.

Often, the epitaph is becoming motto or human life. It happens, the words of one of the characters of the writer are placed on the grave plate of his creator.

Recognition of magnitude

Epitaph is not always a reflection of the person of the past. Often it is a tribute to His Merit to Humanity. Such inscriptions accompany the graves of the fighter for the independence of the United States of Benjamin Franklin, scientist Nikolai Copernicus, a famous Marinist artist Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky.

At the grave of Arthur Conan Doyle read: "Believes like steel, just like blade."

Burnt parting

Epitaph is the expression of the grief, when the unfulfilled close to mourn the death of an expensive person.

Nina Griboyedova, who has become a widow of 16 years after semi-annual happy marriage, expressed all the pain in the words of epitaph. Recognizing great importance for Russia's achievements of her husband, she asked the question of love - how strong, so and short. Nadiv Mourning, and without removing him to death, she appeared an example of female loyalty like Cchindte Arguuelo, who remained faithful Count Nikolay Rezanov.

Jack London has a very simple grave, an ordinary stone, whipped with moss. The inscription on it: "This stone has rejected builders."

In fact, during the construction of a house of a wolf on the farm Jack London, this red stone was considered too big. Later it was he who served as a tombstone on the spot that the writer chose himself. Symbolic inscription - Now the Jack London Museum is closed, he is not understood in America. And, nevertheless, in his books, not one generation of Russian youth was brought up.

Modern epitaph in verse

When leaves life a famous personThe monument often appears a poetic inscription. Usually these are quitters. Sometimes it is stanza famous poet. In Paris, on the grave of the poet V. Bagritsky, the poems of Marina Tsvetaeva are captured.

Mount of non-public people is no less large. Epitaph is the expression of the feelings of friends and relatives, short story life or characteristic of the deceased.

  • There was this world to be cruel. I am waiting for a meeting with you, son.
  • Loved and love. We miss, grieve. We were happy with you one.
  • Freedom I was looking for a lot of liberty, a sudden son with a loved one.
  • You wisdom hit my wisdom and you have supported many in misfortune. Now in the silence of shady rest, and we will stay alone forever.
  • I did not like to create a family, but for other people you have become a kind of mother, learning to live for people.
  • I loved the truth in everything, and in your footsteps in life right we will go how you would go myself.
  • It is easy to live a scoundrel life and not easy to live a sage. You chose in life hard way. Issue, forget about the sorrows.
  • In color, torn roses live not many bright days. Lies here youth, happiness of dreams and all the love of my soul.

Man's departure from the world of living is accompanied by an inscription on the granite stove. This is an epitaph. Examples of expressions of love and grief are at once highly artistic forms. How many of them can be found on ordinary cemeteries all over the world!

One day, such an inscription saved the life of Stephan Colory. One proverb says: "When you are happy - go to the cemetery, when you are unhappy - go on the cemetery." To feel the connection with humanity, its place in history and modernity, sometimes it is also useful to read the epitaph.

Translated from Greek Epitaph is an inscription on the tombstone, invented in the case of the death of a person. Tombing grades can be both in the form of poems and elementary words of sorrow. Epitaphs who are written on mourning monuments often short, but carry the deepest philosophical meaning. Mourning inscriptions show good relations To the deceased, the characteristic of its most important everyday qualities, saying or the word that the deceased itself, the deceased about himself during his lifetime, or which intended to leave at their own monument.

Mostly epitaph is last wordsleft by relatives and close people spent in last way The deceased, given the emotions they are worried. A special attitude towards a dear and close person who left Being, you can express in an interesting monument, formulating your feelings in a brief memorable inscription addressed to the late. The ritual house "Mourning" offers the choice of epitaph, which our employees can write on the monument or you can give your own text. Epitaph is made using bronzing letters or engraving.

Epitaph mom

To correctly choose the inscription on the tombstone Mom, it is necessary to watch the epitaph collection devoted to the most expensive and close person in the life of everyone. Our funeral service Offers read it best verses Data of small creations, among them, you can find the very rows, through which you can express your emotions and resurrect the clear image of the mother. Epitaphs on the tombstone Moms can be made by a special font that will complement the entire picture of the monument.

  • Before your chastity of her knees, love, love and pain, guilt and sorrow with tears.
  • The warmth of your soul left with us ...
  • Leaving life, you still live, you, in our thoughts, dreams.
  • To your premature grave, our path does not tarnish. Your native samples, the image is cute yours, always leads us here.
  • You left too early, our pain will not roll out words, soil, native, dear you are our pain and wound, but the memory of you is alive ...

Epitaph Father

The tombstone of the Father, is considered one of the most brief creations. They fit the clearest feelings and broadcast much more about your emotions than long-hearted sayings. In our section, you can pick up the most touching and deep epitaph, which only bright feelings awaken, reminding how close and kind was the deceased.

  • You left life, and from the heart - no.
  • The one who was valuable was in life, from those who love and fret.
  • After leaving us, you still live in our thoughts, dreams. Destiny of the gift will not experience. We remember about you and in joy and in sadness.
  • He did not die and do not die. He went and somewhere close ...
  • Very dust, the despondency is not counting, respect and honor remained in memory.
  • Father! You gone, and there is no return, but your life has not passed in vain ... the hardest is our loss.

Epitaph parents

Uncomplicated easy work This kind is extremely rare. After all, you need to pass so much in the ratio of those whom we loved them so while and loved after death. Epitaph parents on the general monument can be represented in different stylesTo recreate the best character traits.

  • All his life / her passed in the works of tireless
  • The teaching of his death is the last gift of the parents.
  • You did not leave, at least true land. You are always alive in your memory of your loved ones!
  • Big gratitude of children and grandchildren and warm memories!
  • Spring of life, faith and love for loving descendants.

Epitaph children

  • The death of a loved one is the greatest pain that a person feels. When kids die, then parents lose the part of themselves, they are always deprived of their native blood. In the epitaph of children, deep pain is expressed and maternal tears are visible, the words themselves express sorrow.
  • Your face I see in every cradle, and I know that you make me.
  • About a cute child, my native. Oh poor, forgive me! My soul burned down in that heat that she had a mortal mortal in the country.
  • Oh, how many souls, loved you, oh how many related hearts - hearts, your life of living, your premature will hit the end!

Mourning inscriptions must be ordered exclusively in real masters who will help beautifully and correctly arrange the burial place and arrange all art elements In the composition.