Tatars (origin, customs, traditions, holidays). Tatar people: culture, traditions and customs

Tatars (origin, customs, traditions, holidays). Tatar people: culture, traditions and customs
Tatars (origin, customs, traditions, holidays). Tatar people: culture, traditions and customs

Tatars, Tatarlar(self-taking), people in Russia (the second in numbers after the Russians), the main population of the Republic of Tatarstan .

According to the 2002 census, russia lives 5 million 558 thousand Tatars. Live in the Republic of Tatarstan (2 million people), Bashkiria (991 thousand people), Udmurtia, Mordovia, Mari Republic, Chuvashia, as well as in the regions of the Volga-Ural region, Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Resize in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. According to the 2010 census, 5310649 Tatars live in Russia.

History ethnonym

For the first time ethnonym "Tatars" Appeared among the Mongolian and Turkic tribes in the 6-9 centuries, but he entrenched as a common ethnonym only in the second half of the 19th and early 20th century.

In the 13th century, as part of the Mongols, who created the Golden Horde, were conquered by the tribes, including the Turks called the Tatars. In the 13-14th centuries, the Kipchak's numerically prevailed in the Golden Horde assimilated all other Turkic-Mongolian tribes, but learned the ethnonym "Tatars". Also called the population of this state european peoples, Russians and some Central Asian peoples.

In the Khanaters formed after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Tatars were called noble layers of Kipchak-Nogai origin. They played them main role In the spread of ethnonym. However, among the Tatars in the 16th century, he was perceived as a derogatory, and even the second half of the 19th century, other self-discharges were told: Meselman, Kazanla, Bulgarian, Misher, Tyter, Nagaibek and others -volgo-Ural and nougay, Karagash, Yurt, Tatarla and others - At the Astrakhan Tatars. In addition to Mesenman, they were all local self-discharges. The process of national consolidation led to the choice of unifying all self-supplying. By the time of the census of 1926, most Tatars called themselves by Tatars. In recent years, a small amount in Tatarstan and other regions of the Volga region refer to themselves Bulgars or Volga Bulgars.


Tatar language Refers to the Kypchak-Bulgarian subgroup of the Khpchak Group of the Turkic branch of the Altai language family and has three main dialects: Western (Mishar), medium (Kazan-Tatar) and East (Siberian-Tatar). The literary rate was formed on the basis of the Kazan-Tatar dialect with the participation of Mishar. Writing based on Cyrillic graphics.


Most believers Tatars - Muslim Sunni Khanafi Mazhab. The population of the former Volga Bulgaria was Muslim from the 10th century and remained those as part of the Horde, by virtue of this standing out among the neighboring peoples. Then, after the occurrence of Tatars, the Moscow state entering the Moscow state, their ethnic self-consciousness was even stronger with religious. Part of the Tatars even defined its nationality as "Mesaleman", i.e. Muslim. At the same time they have persisted (and partly persist to this day) elements of an ancient associate calendar ritual.

Traditional classes

The traditional economy of the Volga-Ural Tatars in the 19th - early 20th century was arable farming. They grown ozimous rye, oats, barley, lentil, millet, shell, flax, cannabis. Also engaged in gloomy, messengers. Pasture-stall animal husbandry with some features resembled nomadic. For example, horses in separate areas have grazed on the foot of the stern. Only Misharians were seriously engaged in hunting. High-level development achieved handicraft and manufactory (jewelry, valral-felt, rapid, weaving and gold-selling), leather and clouded plants worked, and trade was developed.

the National costume

Men and women consisted of a sharovar with a wide step and a shirt, which was put on a sleeveless, often embroidered. Women's costume Tatar The abundance of silver decorations, Kauri's shells, glass flaring. Casakin served the upper clothes, and in the winter - quilted Besht or fur coat. On the head of the man we wore a tubeette, and on top of her a fur hat or hat from felt. Women wore embanked velvet hat and handkerchief. Traditional Tatars shoes are leather Ichigi on a soft sole, on top of which Galosh was put on top.

Sources: Peoples of Russia: Atlas of Cultures and Religions / Answer. V.A. Tishkov, A.V. Zhuravsky, O.E. Kazhmin. - M.: IPTS "Design. Information. Cartography", 2008.

Peoples and religions of the world: Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. V.A. Tishkov. Roll.: O. Yu.Artemova, S.A. Aarutyunov, A.N. Kozhanovsky, V.M. Makarevich (Deputy Ch. Red.), V.A. Popov, P.I. Schkov (Deputy Chick . Ed.), G.Y. Sitonyansky. - M.: Big Russian encyclopedia, 1998, - 928 s.: Il. - ISBN 5-85270-155-6

For us, Russian historians, the history of the Volga Tatars and Bulgar has a tremendous value. Without her study, we will never understand Russia's connection to the East.

This story is brilliant, bright, talented, energetic, bold people - the Tatar people, attracts us with their big value in history, I would say, in general, international.

Academician M. N. Tikhomirov

In 1946, the Department of History and Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, together with the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Kazan branch of the Academy of Sciences, held a scientific session in Moscow for the ethnogenesis of Kazan Tatars. The session was organized in order to further scientific development of the history of the Tatar ASSR in the light of the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) dated August 9, 1944, "On the state and measures to improve mass-political and ideological work in the Tatar party organization."

It was the first and successful experience of holding ethno-genetic conferences in the history of the study of the past peoples of the Volga region and the Survival. With four major reports at the session, A. P. Smirnov - "On the issue of the origin of the Kazan Tatars", T. A. Trofimova - "Ethnogenesis of the Central Tatars of the Middle Volga region in the light of anthropology data", N. I. Vorobyev - "The origin of the Kazan Tatars According to ethnography, "L. 3. Plight -" On the issue of the origin of the Tatars of the Volga region (based on the materials of the language). " Covers made: N. F. Kalinin (based on epigraphics) and X. G. Gimadi (by historical sources). The speeches were attended by prominent scientists of countries, corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR M. N. Tikhomirov (later academician), A. Yu. Yakubovsky, S. P. Tolstov, N. K. Dmitriev, S. E. Malov and others. The session was led by an outstanding Soviet historian, Academician B. D. Greeks.

Despite the fact that this session could not fully solve all the issues of the complex problem of the ethnogenesis of the Kazan Tatars, which, naturally, could not be solved only at one conference, but a large and useful work was done - the issue of origin and the formation of the Tatar people was completed before science. After discussing the issues raised, scientists adopted a kind of program of further, more in-depth study of this serious and relevant problem. The reports and most speeches were the idea that in the formation of the ethnos of the Kazan Tatars, the main role was played by Turkic-speaking nations (Bulgars and others), which were even before the arrival mongolian conquerors, entering into contact with local Finno-Ugric tribes, created the Bulgarian state, which was at a higher level of economic and cultural Development Compared to Mongols-nomads. "It must be emphasized that this basic conclusion of the session was confirmed and even more enriched with new valuable materials identified over the forty years after the session.

Especially great progress is achieved as a result of archaeological research. Based on a long-term continuous examination of the former territory of the Volga Bulgaria, when taking the pre-revolutionary

research, the most complete arch of Bulgarian and Bulgaro-Tatar monuments was compiled, which includes about 2,000 different facilities, 85% of which are accounted for by the Tatar ASSR. Excavations of the Bulgarian, Bilyar and some other landmarks and selers, the claims of Kazan and the Kazan Kremlin, the study of the epigraphic monuments of the XIII - XVII centuries. They opened new pages in the history of the formation of the Volga Bulgaria, its individual cities, revealed very valuable information on the material culture of the Volga Bulgarians and Kazan Tatars.

Excavations of the more-Tarkhan, Tankeevsky, Tetyusky, Biilya and some other monuments, the circle of monuments of the Pre-Biragian era allowed to express their research new ideas about the early Turkization of the Middle Volga region, about the ethnic composition of the region during the formation of the Volga Bulgaria, in particular,

on the significant role of the Ugric or Turkic-Ugric component in the formation of the Volga Bulgar. A number of new provisions requires clarifications and new work in order to obtain confirmation data.

Significant successes achieved; I am studying the history of the Tatar language, especially his dialects, issues of education and the development of the national literary language, the language of individual monuments of the high school literature and manuscripts of XVI -

XVII centuries, anthroponyms and toponyms of the Tatar ASSR. The most valuable information was obtained as a result of the historical and linguistic analysis of the ancient Bulgarian language (the born of Bulgarian princes, the Turkic borrowing in the Hungarian, the Language of the Bulgarian epitaph) and the comparison of this language with Tatar. Such serious work allowed to put this complex problem on a truly scientific basis.

In the study of certain periods of ethnogenesis and the ethnic history of the Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Viurala, especially later periods, and representatives of other sciences reached considerable success. In the 50s and 1950s, N. I. Vorobyev and under his leadership found fundamental works on the traditional ethnography of the Kazan Tatars. Studies of the material culture of other ethnographic groups of the Tatar people (Tatars-Misharey, Tatar-Kryashen) increased markedly lately.

It is necessary to note the in-depth scientific study

tatar folk ornament, other species and artistic and technical means of decorative and applied arts of the Kazan Tatars, allowing to see the origins of this art from the Volga Bulgar. Being one of the most stable elements of material culture reflecting the development of the spiritual culture of the people in different historical periodsThe ornament is a valuable source in setting and solving issues of ethnogenesis. The successes of folklorists are also significant in collecting and publishing works of almost all genres of oral folk creativity, this huge heritage of spiritual culture. Considerable shifts are made in the study of the musical folklore, the musical ethnography of the Tatar people.

Within the framework of one section of a small book, it is impossible to analyze all this huge scientific material, lit into a sufficiently large number of monographs, collections and individual articles published in central, local, partially foreign publications.

Taking this opportunity, I want to give summary The main conclusions arising from the analysis of historical and archaeological materials accumulated to date on the origin of the Tatar of the Middle Volga region and the Viurala. These findings also flow from that excursion, which was made in previous essays of the book on the history of the Volga Bulgaria and Kazan Khanate, their main cities. Naturally, as a historian, the ability to use the ability to use the published, tested information from other related sciences. So, these basic conclusions are briefly reduced to the following.

The Bulgarian origin of the Kazan Tatars is confirmed by all the availability of data on material and spiritual culture, self-consciousness of the Kazan Tatars. The basis of the economy of the Logger Bulgaria is a fatal agriculture on large and fertile areas - was the basis of the economy and Kazan Khanate. It was the settlement agricultural, and not the nomadic Mongolian, the culture of Kazan Khanate was listed from the former, the agricultural center of the Bulgaria; Bulgar agricultural culture was the basis for the development of feudal relations of this state. The Bulgar Steam System was inherited by Kazan Tatars, the Bulgarian Plow with Metallic Lemeh (Saban) was the basis

agricultural instrument of the population of Kazan Khanate and later times. The old agricultural culture of the Bulgar was reflected in the national festival of the Tatar people "Saban-Tui".

Kazan with her living room island on the Volga, like a Bulgar with his Volzhsky Aga Bazaar, was the center of international trade between the West and East. On the example of Kazan and Kazan Khanate, the complete preservation and further development of the traditions of the Bulgarian internal and external transit trade are obvious.

The continuity of the Bulgaro-Tatar economy and culture can be traced in urban planning. Bulgarian defense architecture (serfs of cities, feudal castles and military outposts) found a continuation in the construction of urban fortifications of Kazan Khanate. The presence of stone structures in the Tatar Kazan was the preservation of the traditions of the monumental architecture of the Volga Bulgaria. Preserved stone structures XV century. In the city of Kasimov (Minaret of the Khansky mosque), built by esteys from Kazan, and architectural monuments of the city of Bulgar (Small Minaret) belong to the same architectural school in the presence of separate local elements. The features of the eastern classicism of Bulgar monumental architecture were manifested later not only in architecture, but also in the ornamentation of the epitaph of Kazan Khanate. In general, the city culture of Kazan Khanate is a continuation and further development of urban culture of the Volga Bulgaria.

The identity of the Bulgarian Tatar material culture is clearly highlighted in the craft and applied art. Archaeological finds detected on the settlements of the Volga Bulgaria and Kazan Khanate, repeat each other. Back in 1955, A. P. Smirnov wrote: "Now it is quite firmly established by comparing the large material of the settlement Great Bulgarians from the layer of the XIV century with materials from the oldest layers of Kazan The continuity of the culture of the Kazan Tatars from the Volga Bulgar".. Rich material in this regard They gave further excavations of the Bulgarian, Biilian townships, Iska-Kazan and Kazan Kremlin: the proximity or identity of jewelry, iron

1 Smirnov A. P. Results of archaeological works in the flooding zone of the Kuibyshev HPP. Kazan, 1955, p. 24.

dIY Labor and weapons, household items, simple nobility and irrigation ceramics, remnants of craft production, epigraphy. The most characteristic in this regard is the old Kazan is a large and striking link of the Bulgarian and Kazan-Tatar material culture: here layers with a heavy material of the Domongol and Goldenopa Bulgaria and Kazan Khanate. Jewelry and in general decorative and applied arts of the Kazan Tatars are not only the XV-XVI centuries., But also later than the last time (XVIII - early XX century) is based on Bulgarian. Types of Tatar folk ornament - vegetable, geometric and zoomorphic - mainly go up to Bulgarian.

The epigraphic of the Kazan Tatar was based on the epigraphy of the Volga Bulgar. A monographic study of the epigraphic objects of the Middle Volga region (G. V. Yusupov) showed that the typological elements of the Bulgarian epitaphs (both I and II styles) in the process of shift political system formed the basis of the new style of gravestones first half XVI In., Moreover, an organically binding role in the emergence of this classic style played the monuments of the XV century. Although in the paleographic relations of the monument XV century. Significantly inferior to Bulgarian, but they are found to be relief handwriting I style of XIII - IV centuries. and a new style of the XVI-XVII centuries. In language terms of the XV century. Also close to epitaphy as the XIV and the XVI centuries, as well as to such literary heriters of the Kazan Khanate, as "Nury-Sado" and "Tukhfai Mardan."

Speaking about the epigraphic monuments, it should be especially noted that the custom of their establishment in the Volga region is inherent in only Volga Bulgaram, later - Kazan Tatars. Noteworthy is the fact that at the same cemetery of modern Tatar villages, the monuments of the XIV, XV, XVI centuries are not found. or XIV and XVI centuries. and later. It vividly testifies to the continuous functioning of "Tatar cemeteries from Bulgarian time. It is necessary to emphasize the extremely careful attitude These monuments on the part of the Tatar population, unlike other Turkic peoples of the region. Kazan Tatars belong to the Bulgarian epitaphs with decent respect: carefully guard them "updating the fences, call them" Tash Gazzlәr "(stones

shrine ")," Tash Bilge "(" Stone Monument ")," Fog Tash "(" Holy Stone ")," Izge Zirat "(" Holy Cemetery "). Definitions of the "shrine", "Saint" are applied in this case in the sense of deeply tritimy, dear, cherished.

Tatar people Keeping careful attitude not only to the epigraphic, but also other monuments of Bulgarian antiquity: settlements, Seliam, separate tracts, calling them "Shәһra Bulgar", "Shem-Suar", "Kashan Calas", "Costa Kazan", the names of other historic cities, As well as the common names of Kala Tau (abbreviated from Kala Tauy - "Mountain, where the city used to be"), "Kyzlar Kalasi" ("Devichi city"), "Avyl" ("Old Selion"), " Yort "(" Old dwelling "), Russians call these Bulgarian monuments of the" Tatar town "," Tatar dwelling ", Iska-Yurt. Legends, legends and other works of oral folk creativity about Bulgarian cities and villages, about resettlement Bulgar in order and northern forever,

on the occurrence of the claim of Kazan, in return, the Bulgar was widespread among the Kazan Tatars and found bright lighting in the literature.

Many researchers of the history of Eastern Europe tied the Kazan Tatars with Bulgarians, said Kazan Khanate to the continuation of the history of the Volga Bulgaria, paid special attention to the fact that the Kazan Tatars proudly called themselves bulgarias, and their past - "Bulgarlyk" ("Bulgaria"). The use of epithet "Al-Bulgari" ("Bulgarian") not only in the old century, but also in the XX century. (According to the materials "SEZER" - pedigree) serves as an excellent example of the consciousness of Kazan Tatars of their Bulgarian origin.

The fact that Kazan Tatars used to be called Bulgarians, pronounced the well-known expression of the Nikonovsky chronicle, compiled in the second half of the XVI century: "Bulgarians, Glagolemia Kazan", that is, Bulgars, called Kazan. Especially remarkable a more specific phrase of the chronicle: "Bulgarians, the Kazan seems to see me" 1.

However, it would be unilaterally to limit the ethnogenesis of Kazan Tatars only by Volzhsky Bulgarians. The story of the Bulgarian State

1 PSRL, t. XI. M., 1965, p. 12.

darisia was closely related to the history of Khazaria, later - the Golden Horde. Bulgarian culture experienced the influence of cultures of many nations, elements of the cultures of Central Asia, Russia, the Caucasus, Mamluk Egypt penetrated the Bulgaras.

At the Moscow session of 1946, it was noted that the modern Tatar language could not be considered a continuation of one Bulgarian language. Tatar language at its base survived very large changes. In addition to Bulgarian, in the formation of the language of the Kazan Tatars played a role and kip. At the same time, it is necessary to note the proximity of the Bulgarian and Kipchak language, their relationship to one language group. This is somewhat confirmed, in addition to these linguistics, the statements of contemporaries that the Polovtsy, i.e., Kipchak, "from Bulgarians the language and Rod one." These words belong to the great prince of Vladimirsky Vsevolod III, a major political and statesman of his time (the end of the XII - beginning of the XIII centuries), which was well aware of his closest neighbors, that is, about Bulgarians and Kipchak, with whom Russia has long been There were close economic and cultural ties.

First of all, it should be noted the ethnic and linguistic proximity of the Bulgar with Nizhnevolzhsky Kiphels called Saksinov. The resettlement of some part of Saksinov to the Volga Bulgaria before the invasion of the Mongols, in general, the historical proximity of the Bulgars and Saksinov at the following time was noted in a number of written sources - in Russian chronicles and in the writings of araboperside geography. There are several Polovtsian-Kipchak grave and burials in Zakami and partially ordered regions of the Tataria: Bairo-Tamaksky grain in the Bavlinsky district and Kipchak "Stone Baba" in the same area in p. Urussu, Lebedinsky burial in Alekseevskaya district and Kipchak burial with residues of a horse in the Kamaevsky settlement. Kipchaksky genus as part of the princely surnames of the Kazan Khanate. At the same time, the share of the Kipchak ethnos in the origin of the Kazan Tatar was small, as evidenced primarily incomparably a small number of Kipchak antiquities at the Bulgarian Tatar territory, unlike Bulgarian - comparing: about 2,000, the actual Bulgarian monuments (settlements, whitewings, gravemen, epigraphic objects .

the richest treasures and finds, individual locations) and only 4 Kipchak's monument (about the boils will be still said below).

In addition to the Kipchak component, in the origin and formation of Kazan Tatars there was a role and nog followed, which traced linguistically and on historical sources: Nogai elements in the ordered dialects, individual Tatari toponyms associated with the ethnonym "Nogai" ("Nogai Ostrog" in the past, "Nogai ", Nogai cemeteries), the presence of a large number of Nogaians in Tatar Kazan, Nogai militia from ordered during the siege of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible.

Finally, it is impossible not to take into account the presence of the Finno-Ugric element, which is especially noticeable in the northern lane by ordering - in the pools of the Ashita River, Sheshma, partially Kazani - according to Toponymy: Old "Cheremis" cemeteries, "Chirmesh Yrue" ("Cheremsky Rod"), "Chirmesh Yaga" ("Cheremis side") of Tatar villages, as well as on materials of ethnography, anthropology and language.

So, the formation of the ethnos of the Kazan Tatar was, a complex historical process included a number of Turkic-speaking, partly the Finno-Ugric components. The basis of the ethnogenesis of the Kazan Tatars was the Volga Bulgars in certain participation of Kipchak-Saksinov from the XII century., Nogai from the XV - XVI centuries. and Finno-Ugric Nations during the X - XVI centuries.

In addition to the theory of Bulgarian origin of the Tatar people, mostly Kazan Tatars, there is also the theory of the Kipchak origin of modern Tatars. It is based on language data, to some extent - on historical materials and, of course, on the famous fact that the Golden Horde boils. XIV - XV centuries. They also called Tatars. The main linguistic source in this issue It is the well-known "Codex Kumanicus" ("Kumansky Dictionary"; "Kumanika" - parallel, Western European name of the Kipchak), compiled at the beginning of the XIV century. At one time, Academician-Turkologist V. V. Radlov, analyzing this dictionary, expressed the view that he stands closer to the Tatars-Mishary language.

True, there were also different points of view: some seen the analogies of the language "Code" in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Karaimov (Western Karaimov), Nogai, Karakalpakov; Other fores

lagali searches for parallels in the south-western corner of the South Russian Steppes, in the Crimea. However, a number of researchers, among them and Kazan, for example, Ali-Rakhim, G. S. Gubaidullin, L. T. Makhmutova, I. A. Abdullin 'to some extent, the opinions of V. V. Radlova.

In recent years, S. F. Muhamedyarov spoke with the theory of assimilation of the Bulgarian language Kipchak. The possibility of such assimilation was also expressed by Linguist V. X. Khakov, who noted at the same time, that this opinion requires additional argument and specific clarifications. To a certain extent, taking the concept of S. F. Muhamedyarova, although not agreeing with the number of its items, I would like to note that such assimilation mainly refers to the Mishary Tatars, which can be traced in some historical and archaeological sources using language data.

In the 50s and 1950s, M. R. Polesi was investigated by a group of medieval archaeological monuments of the Penza region, among which there were more than 40 settlements and selers. Their main part is located in the basin of the upper and average currents of the Sura River to the east and southeast of modern Penza. Part of the settlements is located in the upper flow of the Moksha River in the north-western part of the region. In the process of studying this group of monuments, the point of view was changed several times about their ethnicity, as explained, apparently, the novelty of this circle of monuments for both the region and the researcher. So, in the first, preliminary publications of their research, he dated these settlements of the XIII - XIV centuries. And they tied them with the aliens of "Polovtsko-Kipchak or Alanian origin", shifted by the Mongolian invasion. A little later, he took them to bartes, assimilated Mongols; Finally, he defended the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Bratskaya affiliation of monuments and later, but by dating their XI-XII centuries. At the same time, M. R. Polessky believed that the bartas were assimilated by the Cychak, who participated in the ethnogenesis of Tatar-Misharey.

I had to get closely familiar with the materials of the Penza group of monuments. Their ceramics in their shape, color and ornamentation finds a good analogy in the ceramics of monuments of the actual Bulgar lands. A small part of collections has early features,

for example, individual elements of the dishes of Julovsky and the Narovsky settlement; silver jewelry From the Zolotarev settlement is largely connected with the Domongolsky time. However, the main part of Penza monuments belongs to the XIII - XIV centuries. In general, the mass of the entire collected ceramics is evidenced about the goldside period: the pronounced elements of the form and ornamentation of the Latebulgarian clayware and the lack of famous species of the Domongolian pottery and stucco ceramics are clearly expressed. At the same time, this dishes are somewhat different from the actual Bulgarian pinkish tinge of the outer surface, which is inherent in the ceramics of the Golden Town cities of the Lower Volga region.

A number of grains in the same Penza region are associated with these settlements and green areas and in the neighboring Mordovian ASSR. Such burial grounds as Starosovansky, Karmalesky, assigned by M. R. Polessky to the ancient Mordve and dated XIV century, contain and a noticeable number of Bulgarian elements, such as ceramics, bronze boilers. The synchronous Mordovian burial ground with Bulgarian things was found in the center of the first century; There are also revealed burials with a purely Muslim ritual of burial.

The presence of Mordovian grains of the XIV century. In the distribution area of \u200b\u200ba settlement and seelings with red pottery ceramics, as well as the parallel existence of two types of burial grounds, i.e. Mordovsky and Muslim, once again testifies to the goldside period of the Penza Group of settlements. Ethnically, they relate to Bulgaram; An attempt to link them with bartas, which has been made by some Kazan archaeologists in recent years, is not convincing, because Bratskaya material culture, with which one could compare the indicated monuments is not known at all.

Based on all this, it can be said that a certain part of the population of the Volga Bulgaria, forced to leave their indigenous lands after the invasion of the Mongols, came to the modern Penza region (some small group of Bulgar could be here at the end of the Domongolsky time during the period of friendly relations with East - Mordovsky Prince Purgas). The Bulgarian population, having come to the ancading land, partially assimilated the inhabitants or lived in parallel with them, as evidenced by the indicated grains.

This Bulgar Group begins an independent path of development, which is associated with its insoxiance from the main Bulgar lands. Soon there is a separate ulus of the Golden Horde with a center in a century, located on the territory of Prince Behane and also known as the city of Mokhush, where the chasing of Jucid coins began with 1312. In the Foundations of the former Sarov Monastery Mordovskaya ASSR, the historian M. G. Safargaliyev found the pedigree of the Tatar princes of Seid-Ahmedov, Adshevy, the Keshev, Tenishevy and Yangalychev, who took place from this Behanda "from the Golden Horde", which "for the power of the Golden Horde the Tsar owned many surrounding cities and other stanches of Tatar and Mordovskiy "along the valley of the river Mokhi; Since then, their descendants "have become owned by the patrimony and land and settled in different places." On the territory of the possessions of one Prince-Dolnik, who belonged to the descendants of Behane, in 1257-1259. There is a city of Dathers.

Since the 60s of the XIV century. In these Western lands, a separate Narovsky principality was formed under the leadership of sex-bey mentioned in Venetian diplomas of 1349 as a governor of the ruler Tana (Azaka-Azov). Capturing Tana Mama in 1361 made sex-bey to retire to the Mordovian lands, the drunk river area. However, in the same year, another Ordini Prince -Tagai came run there. Nikonovsky chronicle reports that with him and other princes, between which the struggle for power on the new land began. The principality of tagging with the center in the survey took a fairly large territory. According to the observations of M. G. Safargaliyeva, within the former Symbirian, Nizhny Novgorod and Penza provinces in the XIX century. There were quite a few toponyms that were called "Tagai".

So, the listed historical materials talk about the big role of the princes and arrivals with them Kipchakov (Tatars) in the pools of Sura and Mokhi. These materials make it possible to judge the larger number of kipchakov compared to the Bulgarians, included in partial contact with the local face. In the same contact with the local population entered the boil, as evidenced by the language of the language. The Cychak-based Mishar dialect of the Tatar language has already been written in Turkic. This is confirmed by the studies of the Kazan Lyn

guists of the last 20-25 years. This is also indicated by the data of the language of the Armenian-Kipchak manuscripts of the XVI-XVII centuries.

Kipchak language XI-XIV centuries. Among various ethnic impurities contained a significant OGZSKA layer (Oguza, puzzles are the main ancestors of modern Turkmen). According to research L. T. Makhmutova, from Tatar dialects the largest number of referees of the Oguz type is located in the Mishar dialect, while quite a large number of cep elements refers to the period not earlier than the XI century. These elements are obviously explained through the Kipchak language - in the XI century, starting promotion to the West, the Kipchaks subordinate to themselves a significant mass of Oguz and Pechenegs. Some of the Pechenegs, with the exception of the capped boiled to the West and assimilated after this by the Majars, dissolved among the Kipchak. The ceps were a considerable component in the formation of a powerful Kipchak's tribal union. The contemporary of these events Mahmoud Kashgari, mentioned Kipchakov, put them in the tongue closer to the OGUM, and in a hundred years of Al-Garnati as the main population of the city of Saksina in the lower reaches of the Volga, and approximately 100 years later, in the XIII century, this population It began to appear in the sources called Saksinov, i.e., Nizhnevolzhsky Kipchakov.

Researcher of ethnography of Tatars-Misharya R. G. Muhamedova sees in their ethnogenesis, besides Kipchak and Bulgar, participation and uroch, calling them with taught ugilities. The linguist-turkologist M. is more consistent here. 3. Zakiyev, noting in the formation of a Mishar ethnic group, except Akacirov (ancienturk, Gunnskoye tribe) and Kipchak, and Turkic-speaking Madzhar. Please note: It is the Turkic-speaking Majaras (MAAR), and not Finno-Ugors (Ugrian!) Magyar-Hungarians. The researcher believes that Majars were later dissolved among the Kipchak - the main Turkic population of the southern strip of Eastern Europe. For our part, I also want to draw the attention of the reader to the proximity of the ethnonyms "Mishar" and "Mazhar".

Thus, the ethnogenesis of Tatars-Mishary was a rather complicated historical process that included a number of components, the main of which was Kipchak-Bulgarian with the predominance of the Kipchak ethnos.

A few words about the Khalovka themselves. Kipchak - Turkic-speaking nomadic tribes of the Northern Altai, famous

there from the II-I centuries BC. e. In those days, they had not yet played any noticeable role in the history of Siberia and Central Asia. From viii century. n. e. As a major association, they enter the Kimaki kaganate formed in Western Siberia. By the average, Irtysh - Kipchak was the Western branch of the Kaganate, the nomadic part of its population. From the middle of the IX century. In the history of Kipchakov, great socio-economic changes occur: property inequality, output

the privileged class is ultimately led to the classroom of society to expand its possessions, to the hikes.

Together with the other Ural-Altai tribes, the Kipchak began mass movement to the West, which was the second after Gunnov a major resettlement of the tribes. Having stolen cookies and tumbs, at the beginning of the XI century. Kipchaki captured the Volga and the Merrachier of the Volga and Don. In 1055, they reached the Dnieper and thus became the hosts of a large area between Volga and Dnipro, which turned into their second homeland. These land later received the name "Chet-I-Kipchak", which translated from Persian means "Steppe Kipchakkaya" or "Pilovtskaya Steppe"; Polovtsy - the Russian, the chronicle name of the Kipchak, from the word "field" and meant a person of the field, that is, the nomad. From this period, the history of the Polovtsy world was closely contacted by the history of Russia: feudal wars, diplomacy, trade, marriage relationship between princes and becks (and later, in 1223, joint struggle against Russians against the Mongols on the river Kalka).

In the second half of the XI century. Two large Kipchak's tribes are developed: west on the territory from Dnipro to Don and East - from Don to Volga and in the Lower Volga region. Western Union, under the leadership of Khan Kobyak, collapsed in 1183 under the blows of Svyatoslav and Rüric troops. The eastern union, on the contrary, intensified, and under the guidance of Khan Konchaka, a powerful feudal union of the Polovtsian-Kipchak tribes was formed. In response to the defeat of Western Kipchakov and killing Khan Kobyak, in 1183 Kohl began military actions against Russia, Pereyaslavl and Putivl, defeated the troops of Igor, Son Svyatoslav, and the prince himself was captured (these events are brightly reflected in the famous poem " The word about the regiment of Igor ",

the later plot for the heroic opera "Prince Igor"),

As a result of permanent communication with Russians, Poland from the middle of the XII century. began to move into Christianity; Even the successor to Konchak was baptized (Yuri). Hiking of Russians 1190-1193. Undermined the forces of Polovtsy, they in the period of Mongolian conquest entered close contact with Russians.

In the 30s of the XIII century. Bachman boil under the leadership of Bachman rebelled against Mongols (in the Bachman army, Alans and Bulgars were also), but were defeated. Kipchaks became part of the Golden Horde formed by the Mongols of the state on the lands of Diax-Kipchak, the main, the Turkic population of which was kipchak. The main part of the Mongols ("Tatar-Mongols") in the Army of Genghis-Khan, and then Batha-Khan, after the conquests of Eastern Europe returned to Mongolia, and the remaining assimilated among the Kipchak, but left their name "Tatars" (from where the name " Tatars "- see below). This historical phenomenon is most clearly described by al-Omari, the largest Arabic scientist-encyclopedist of the first half of the XIV W.:

"In ancient times, this state was a country of Kipchakov, but when they searched the Tatars, the Kipchaks were made by their subjects. Then they (Tatars) were mixed and threatened with them (Kipchak), and the Earth won over the natural and racial qualities of them (Tatars) and they all became exactly kipchaks, as if they were one (with them) kind that Mongols (and Tatars) Settled on the land of Kipchakov, married with them and remained to live in their land (Kipchakov). " one

Finishing the story of the Cleps, it is necessary to pay special attention to one most important moment. Under this common ethnic term, one cannot imply a single nationality with one "Pistukhakksky" language. Kipchaks played a particular role in the formation of a rather significant number of Turkic-speaking peoples: Bashkir, Kazakhs, Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Siberia, Crimean and Siberian Tatars, Uzbeks and other (European and mongoloid).

Famous Soviet Turkists E. V. Sevortyan and A. K. Kuryszzhanov celebrate the heterogeneity of Kipchakov,

1 Tisengausen V. Collection of materials related to the history of the Golden Horde. St. Petersburg, 1884, vol. 1, p. 235.

it is believed that under the ethnographic name "Kipchak" there was meant the political military-tribal association of a number of Turkic peoples, tribes and childbirth, removed from each other sometimes for many thousands of kilometers who spoke in their native languages, for which Kipchak did not become a single language. Kipchaksko-Polovtsaya, Kipchak-Bulgarian, Kipchak-Nogai subgroups of the Kipchak group of languages \u200b\u200bare connected with the modern Karaites, Kumyksky, Karachay-Balkarsky, Crimean-Tatar, Tatar, Bashkir, Nogai, Karakalpaksky, kazakh languages. Although this classification N. A. Baskakova requires more clarifications, and maybe to some extent and revision, but it does not cause doubt that the Kipchak language and its carrier was far from unity. Examples of the heterogeneity of large unions of tribes, different even in the language, but there are one collective name, in the history there is: it is a Gunna to Kipchakov, before - sarmatics, even earlier - Scythians, and later - Tatars.

So, where did the name "Tatars" come from? Tatars - ethnonym, the name of some Turkic-speaking on the origin of the tribes of the East Turkic Kaganate, known from the VIII century. According to the tombstone monuments on the graves of the leaders of the Kaganat. These tribes are known under the names of Tokuz-Tatars ("Nine Tatars") and "Ouz-Tatars" ("Thirty Tatars"). Tatars are also mentioned in Chinese sources of IX century. In the forms of yes, yes, Ta Tan Tang. In the Persian essay x century Hudud al-Alam Tatars are named as one of the birth of Tokuz-Oguz - the population of the State of the Karakanids, formed after the collapse of the West Turkic Kaganate. Tatars are also known for the sources of the XI century. Thus, Mahmoud Kashgari among the 20 Turkic tribes calls the Tatar tribe, and al-Gardisi leads a legend from the history of the formation of Kimaksky kaganate, according to which there were a significant role in Him from the Tatar tribe.

In the XII century Tatars began to play a prominent role in the movement arising in the steppes of Central Asia in the process of the formation of the Mongolian Empire. "According to

1 These events are brightly reflected in a number of valuable sources: in Mongol Un-Niucha Tobcha'an (" Secret History Mongols "; Also known as "intimate legend", and in Chinese "Yuan-Chao-Bishi", created in 1240;; A number of "Zham'at Tavarich" ("Collection of Chronicles") of an outstanding Persian historian and state Worker First floor. XIV. Rashid hell-Dean; In the Mongolian chronicle of the XVII century. "Altai Tobchi" ("Golden Tale"), as well as in the Chinese chronicle of the XIII century. "Men-da Bay Lou" ("Full description of Mongol-Tatars").

sources, on the territory where modern Mongols live, in the XII century. Mongols and other Mongolian tribes, for example, careyites, Merkites, Ewot and Nimany lived. If they all occupied most of the Orhon basins and Kerul, as well as the lands of the west and north of these rivers, then the Tatars were inhabited in the east, in the areas of Lake Buir-Nor and Kulmen-Nor. In sources, especially "Men-da Bay Lou", these Tatars are named East Mongolian tribes; Despite the fact that they were once turcuable by origin over time they assimilated more numerous Mongols. This process intensified during the creation of a single Mongolian Empire under the leadership of Genghis Khan ("Great Han"; his given name - Temujin or just Timuchin).

As a talented commander and an experienced diplomat, Genghis Han has achieved great success in the unification of the scattered Mongolian and subordinate to them other tribes. At the same time, he successfully took advantage of a long-time entrant between some Mongolian tribes and Tatars. Considering the Tatar with his blood enemies (they once killed his father), Chingiz was revenge on them, urged to exterminate them. When he began his trip to the West, he set the Tatar by the forward detachment of his army, introduced into battle first, as a kind of suicide bonuses. Western European traveler, Hungarian monk Julian, who visited Eastern Europe in 1237-1238., I.e. during the Mongolian conquest, wrote that the Mongols, arming the tribe and peoples defeated by them, send themselves to fight themselves and force them to call them tatars. Another traveler Flemandes Gille Rubruk, visiting Karakorum in 1254, the capital of the Mongolian Empire, wrote: "Then Chingiz sent Tatars everywhere, and from there their name spread, because I shouted everywhere:" Here are the Tatars "

Consequently, by the name of the avant-garde squad, all the Mongolian invasion was taken as Tatar. Soon this name has become a common, none name

1 Gille de Rubruk. Trip to eastern countries. - In the book: Journey to the eastern countries of Carpini and Rubrukka plan. M., 1957, p. 116.

for all these conquerors. Actually, the Tatars, originally the Turkic-speaking tribes, by that time they had already disappeared as an ethnos, were assimilated, absorbed by the Mongols, leaving them only their name. All Mongolian conquest was called Mongol-Tatar or Tatar.

However, soon after the creation of the Golden Horde in the Western regions of the extensive Mongolian Empire and the return of the main Mongolian forces in Central Mongolia, the same story took place with the Mongols themselves left in the new conquered lands in Deja-I-Kipchak. As they saw the above al-Omari, they were assimilated by the boils, but left their none nominal name "Tatars" after the last. Such phenomena in history is enough; Recall only Asparukhovy Bulgarians, absorbed in the South Southern times, the Divots Slavs who took the name "Bulgarians" from them, as they are now called.

Gradually, the word "Tatars" began to be used to name the Turkic-speaking population of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Western Siberia; At the same time, it spread most in Western regions - in the Volga region and in the surrounding areas. The name of the military-feudal top passed onto the entire population of the region, but this term applied these nations themselves, and others, first of all, Europeans and Russians. In other words, the Turkic world is Eastern Russia called Tatar, was long known as the Tataria, Tartarium. In the title of this world Tatar special role Russian historical and fiction, in general, the public opinion of Russia of feudal and later epochs has played.

The artificial distribution of the name "Tatars" among the Turkic-speaking peoples of Eastern Europe and the adjacent regions was explained by the "reministences (echoes - R. F.) of Mongolian conquest, primarily a Russian historical tradition, for Russians in most cases retain this term as the name of these peoples that Almost at all this name did not use or did not use them at all. "*

The strongest Turkic state after the collapse of the Golden Horde in the Volga region became Kazan

1 Sat. The origin of the Kazan Tatars, p. 137.

khanate - the nearest oriental neighbor of Russia, which in the old tradition was taken as Tatar. In Russian sources reflecting the events of the XV century., The time of education and the initial history of this Khanate, along with the words "Bulgarians", "demenny" (from the word "Bursurmans", i.e. Muslims), the word "Tatars" appears. The entire XV century is the time of parallel use of these three terms for the designation of the population of the new, Bulgar-Tatar land - at the beginning of the Kazan Principality, and then the Khanate. However, the population itself, i.e., former Bulgars then did not call themselves Tatars. Both in the XV and in the XVI century, already during the independent existence of Kazan Khanate - this population was called mainly Kazan, which was noted as we saw above, and in Russian chronicles: "Bulgarian, Glagolemia Kazan". Another curious example: In the most famous "Kazan history", the author of which lived 20 years in Kazan before taking it by the troops of Ivan the Terrible, the term "Kazan" in the meaning of the main population of Kazan and Kazan Khanate mentioned 650 times, while Tatars are only 90 time.

"Tatars" as self-disposal began to be applied only in the XIX century. In other words, the Tatars began to call themselves tatars only during this period. However, and then some foreign things were still felt. In protest against this name, old-timers often called themselves Muslims, and then just bulgaria. In the numerous Tatar SEZER (pedigree), compiled at the end of the XIX - the first quarter of the XX centuries, the epithet "Al-Bulgari" (Bulgarez) is very often found. Moreover, it was not only representatives of early generations, but also compilers themselves. The epithet "Al-Bulgari" is characteristic of all centuries from the XII century, up to the 20s of our century.

In the late XIX - early XX centuries. A number of Turkic peoples of Russia were still the common name "Tatars". In addition to the Kazan, Siberian, Astrakhan, Kasimov and Crimean Tatars, there were, for example, Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Uzbek, Jagatai Tatars, Tatars-Kazakhs, Tatars-Kirghiz, Tatars-Khakasi and others. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, all these peoples, except Tatars, returned their true names, ethnonyms. The name "Tatars", although with difficulty, but he was fixed forever and became the self-inflating of the modern Tatar people -

the numerous Turkic-speaking people of Eastern Europe, which leaving the most notable mark in the complex medieval history of this region. It also firmly entrenched it for the population of the former Siberian, Astrakhan, Kasimovsky and Crimean Khansi, formed at one time after the final breakdown of the Golden Horde - the former "Tatar" state.

It should be noted that the nationalist Tatar bourgeoisie played a certain role in the adoption of this name, which considered himself the descendants of the "Great Chingiz", Ordans. Anyway, the name "Tatars" by the will of fate entrenched all the people. However, it is always clear necessary to keep in mind that the origin of the people and the origin of his name often does not coincide, which is especially clearly seen by the example of the modern Tatar people.

There was a time when modern Tatars considered the descendants of the Mongols-conquerors. This idea, i.e., the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Mongolian origin of the Tatar people was widespread in the former, noble-bourgeois historiography. Although the echoes of this theory are still alive to a certain extent, but our Soviet historical science has almost already abandoned it primarily because between the Mongola-Chingizids of the XII-XIII centuries. And modern Tatars there is nothing in common in the language, nor in anthropology, nor in material and spiritual cultures. The current Tatars, as you know, have long been talking on the Turkic (Tatar), and not in Mongolian. In the structure of its physical type, they relate to the Europeanid race, and the Mongols were and now there are pronounced Mongoloids. True, among the current Tatars there is a small proportion of the Mongoloid - 14.5%; In addition, there is a noticeable part of the sublaponoids (the type formed as a result of mixing the Europeanoids and the Mongoloids) - these are 24.5%. However, they are by no means descendants of the Mongols-conquerors.

According to anthropologists, the Mongoloid of modern Tatars is connected with the Cychak, and the sublaponoid type was formed as a result of penetration into the average Volga region of Siberian (Mongoloid) tribes of the I millennium. e. (and even earlier) and mix them with local Europeanoids. Between the Mongols of Chingizis and modern Tatars - the Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Viurala - there is nothing in common and ethnography

chesky. There are no Mongolian archaeological monuments in the Tataria and adjacent areas, with the exception of residuals of several houses characteristic of Central Asia, who did not play roles in the addition of the ethnos.

Above it was briefly told about the origin of the Kazan Tatars and Tatars-Mishary. In addition to them there are other ethnographic groups Modern Tatars - the above-mentioned Siberian, Astrakhan, Kasimov Tatars. In the formation of the ethnos of the Siberian Tatars played the role of Altai Turks and to a certain degree of late Cleps. Astrakhan Tatars also have early and late components: Khazar and Nogai. Casimovsky Tatars are immigrants from the Kazan Khanate, Kazan Tatars, but in the West, they greatly mixed with Tatars Mishary.

The composition of these groups have separate small groups. Each of them. Passed its historical path. This path was not always straight. Entering ethnocultural contact with other groups, peoples, these groups have been enriched with new elements of the language and culture. As a result historical Development All these groups and subgroups created in the XIX century. Bourgeois, and after the Great October - Tatar Socialist Nation. The Tatar people from the time of centuries lived in friendship with the great Russian people and with other nations, shared with them, if we say with the words of Tuka, "the language of your rich, custom and morality."

In 1913, heavily sick tukai in his incomplete 27 years, two months before death wrote:

Our track will not fade in Russian land.

We are the image of Russia in the mirror glass.

In the way there were and sang in the Russians in the Russians,

Evidence - morals, habits, dictionary.

My people with the Russian people have long been long ago

In all tests stand at the same time.

Such kingdoms are not overcome, -

We are tightly related thread history!

As tigers, we are bolds in the alarms of the war,

How horses work in peace days.

For happiness - with the people of any part -

We have the right in the country's country! one

The cherished dreame of the poet about the equality of its people with other nations was carried out after the Great October. October, Great Lenin gave the Tatar people freedom, gave the republic. Today, almost seven millionth Tatar people are in a single, friendly, family of Soviet socialist nations.

1 Gabdulla Tukai. Favorites. M., 1986, p. 146-147.

There is a mixture and mongoloid, and European ancestors - therefore representatives of this very different. There are several types of Tatars, for example, Ural, South Kamsky, Volga-Siberian. The last of them is distinguished by the appearance of a mongoloid type - a wide face, dark hair, brown and the so-called Mongolian fold in the upper eyelid. But there are few such Tatars, this type is the smallest. Most often there are European appearance with rusia and blond hair. Almost all types of Tatars have a thin nose, sometimes with a small hubber or lowered tip.

Distinctive features of the Tatar character are considered, cleanness, willingness to come to revenue, patience. It is believed that this nation is characteristic of self-confidence, pride and self-confidence. Tatars live not feelings, but a mind, so they are law-abiding, respect, love order and stability. Tatar will not swim against the current - hitting the unfavorable situation, it will show flexibility and adapt to new conditions. Tatars are peculiar tolerance, religiosity and deepest respect for the elders.

Tatars are distinguished by the presence of a commercial vein. They won the reputation of the best workers with their hardworking, the conscientious fulfillment of obligations, discipline and perseverance in fulfilling their work. Representatives of the Tatar nation seek knowledge. They are sweaty and responsible. Honor senior affects professional activity - Never ruins an employee of pre-age. The negative quality of the Tatarin is an excessive sharp directness of judgment.

Our names are associated with nationality. When a child gets the name of his nationality, he involuntarily begins to rank herself to the history, nature and customs of his people. And if you decide to call the kid with a beautiful Tatar name, he will undoubtedly grow a decent, kind and cheerful man. So let's choose a name!

You will need

  • Head and list of men's Tatar names and their values.


Pay attention to how you liked will be combined with. If the father's father has a Tatar name, everything is simple here, since Tatar names and Tatar form a beautiful combination. Another thing, if the father is endowed, for example, by a simple Russian name Ivan. The choice, of course, will have difficult. It may happen that the name I liked and most revealed you can not at all approach. In this case, sacrifice, not name. Do not forget about relatives and loved ones who are always ready to help you and give advice.

The population of the Volga Federal District has more than 32 million people, of which more than 20 million, or 67% - Russians.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is that the ethnhemographic feature of the district is that in the Russian Federation it is one of the most none-depleted (ranks second after the central district, in which 38 million people), and at the same time here is the lowest in Russia Share of Russians. In the North Caucasus, which is the basis of the Southern District, this share is the same or slightly higher, which is explained by the "transmission" of this district of two Volga regions - Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, mainly Russians in composition.

The total number of Russian population of the district grew by a slow pace during the 1990s. Due to the exceeding the migration inflow from the countries of the near abroad, primarily from Kazakhstan, over a natural loss, and then replaced by zero increase.

More than 13% of the population of the district constitutes the Tatars, the number of more than 4 million people. In the Volga district lives the greatest number Tatars of the Russian Federation.

Russian and Tatars in aggregate are 80% of the entire Volga region population. The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bincludes representatives of almost all ethnic groups living in Russia. Among ethnic groups, however, there are only 9, which, together with Russian and Tatars, constitute 97-98% of the population in the district.

In Russia, about 6 million Tatars. Abroad 1 million Tatars lives in states that were previously part of the USSR (especially many in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan). The ethnonym "Tatars" combines large and small ethnic communities.

Among them are the most numerous - Kazan Tatars. The exact number of Kazan Tatars, using the data census data, is impossible to determine, since all groups, except for the Crimean Tatars, up to the 1994 micropreps were marked by the same name. It can be assumed that from 5.8 million Tatars of the Russian Federation at least 4.3 million people make up the Kazan Tatars. The question of the ratio of the ethnonym "Tatars" and the term "Tatar people" to a certain extent is politicized. Some scientists insist that the ethnonym "Tatars" means all the Tatar groups as an expression of a single, consolidated Tatar people (Tatar nation). On this basis, even a special term appeared in relation to groups of Tatars, living outside the Republic of Tatarstan, "Distance Diaspora".

The purpose of this course work is to consider the features of the settlement and residence of Tatars in the Volga region.

To achieve the goal of the course work, consider the following tasks:

In the Volga district, the number of Tatars for the 2000s. Slowly increased, first of all, due to the natural increase (on average 0.8% per year).

Most of the Tatars are resettleve in the middle Volga region, above all, in the Republic of Tatarstan. There are more than a third of all Tatars - about 2 million people. The thick-seated Tatar area stretches to the neighboring Republic of Bashkortostan (where the Tatars are numerically superior to Bashkir) and further - to the Chelyabinsk region. Large groups are seased and in the Lower Volga region (Astrakhan Tatars), as well as in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Moscow and the Moscow region. The area of \u200b\u200bTatars extends to Siberia.

According to the data censuses, 32% of Russia's Tatar population live in the Republic of Tatarstan. If you take only Kazan Tatars, then this share will be much higher: most likely it is 60%. In the republic itself, the Tatars make up about 50% of all residents.

The basis of the literary Tatar language is the language of the Kazan Tatars, regional dialects and dialects remain on the household level. The main dialects are three - West, or Mishar; medium, or Kazan; East, or Siberian.

In the Volga-Ural region, the Tatars of Kazan and Mishary (or Mishari), as well as a small group - quicken. These groups are divided into smaller territorial community.

Mishary - the second large division of the Volga-Ural Tatars - somewhat different from the Kazan Tatars in language, culture (it is considered, for example, that Mishara in their traditions and household peculiarities are similar to the neighboring face). Their Area, coinciding with the area of \u200b\u200bKazan Tatars, will be shifted to the southwest and south. The characteristic feature of the targets - erased differences between the territorial groups.

Tatars-grated (or baptized Tatars) stand out among the Volga-Ural Tatars on the basis of confessional affiliation. They were addressed in Orthodoxy and their cultural and household and economic features are connected with this (for example, unlike other Tatars, they have long been engaged in pig breeding). Tatars-grated, as believed are a group of Kazan Tatars, subjected to baptism after the Russian state conquering Kazan Khanate. This group is numerically small and focused mainly in Tatarstan. Experts distinguish the following groups of Kryashen: Molkeevskaya (on the border with Chuvashia), Premota (Laishevsky, Pestrechensky districts), Elabuga, Chistopolskaya.

In the Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regions there is a small group (about 10-15 thousand people) of Orthodox Tatars, calling themselves "Nagaibaki". They believe that Nagaybaki is descendants or baptized Nogai, or baptized Kazan Tatars.

Neither among the researchers, nor among the population itself there is no consensus on whether all the Tatars groups are formed, which bear this name, a single people. It can only be said that the greatest consolidation is characteristic of the Volga-Ural, or Volga, the Tatars, the overwhelming majority of which are Kazan Tatars. Besides them volga Tatars It is customary to include the Casimov Tatars groups living in the Ryazan Region, the Nizhny Novgorod Region, as well as Kryashen (although there are different opinions about cracking).

In the Republic of Tatarstan, one of the highest percentage of local natives in rural areas in Russia (72%), at the same time migrants predominate in cities (55%). Since 1991, the city has a powerful migration influx of rural Tatar population. Another 20-30 years ago, the Volga Tatars had a high level of natural increment, which remains positive and now; However, it is not so large to create demographic overload. Tatars are at one of the first places (after Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians) in the share of urban population. Although in the Tatars environment there is a significant number of inter-ethnic marriages (about 25%), this does not lead to widespread assimilation. Inter-ethnic marriages are mainly tatars living dispersed, whereas in Tatarstan and in the areas of compact residence of Tatars, especially in rural areas, a high level of inta-ethnic marriage remains.

When writing this course, the works of such authors were used as Vedernikov T.I., Kirsanov R., Makhmudov F., Shakirov R., et al.

Structure of the course work: The work consists of an introduction, five chapters, conclusion, a list of used literature.

Anthropology of Tatars Volga region and Viurala gives interesting material For judgments about the origin of this people. Anthropological data show that all the studied groups of the Tatars (Kazan, Misharians, quicken) are pretty close to each other and have a complex of signs inherent in them. For a number of signs - according to pronounced European duration, the presence of sublaponoids of Tatars cost closer to the peoples of the Volga region and the Survival, than to other Turkic peoples.

Siberian Tatars having a pronounced sublaponoid (Ural) character with a known admixture of South Siberian Mongoloid type, as well as Astrakhan Tatars - Karagashi, Dagestan Noga, Khorezm Caracalpaks, Crimean Tatars, the origin of which in general is linked to the population of the Golden Horde, differ in their greater Mongoloid from the Tatars Volga region and the Survival.

According to the external physical type of Tatars, the Volga region and the Urals show a long-time moistization of European and mongoloid signs. The last signs of the Tatars are significantly weaker than many other Turkic peoples: Kazakhs, Karagasha, Nogai, etc. Here are some examples. For the Mongoloids one of characteristic signs is a peculiar structure of the upper eyelid, so-called. Epicantus. Among the Turks are the highest percentage of Epicatus (60-65%) in Yakuts, Kyrgyz, Altaians, Tomsk Tatars. In Tatars Volga region and the Urals, this sign is expressed weakly (from 0% of Kryashen and the Mishamen of the Church of the Chipopolsky district to 4% of the Arsk and 7% of Casimov Tatars). Other groups of Tatars who are not related to their origin with the Volga region have a significantly greater percentage of Epicatus: 12% - Crimean Tatars, 13% - Astrakhan Karagashi, 20-28% - Noga, 38% - Tobolsk Tatars.

Beard development is also one of the important signs that distinguish the European and mongoloid population. The Tatar of the Middle Volga region has an increase in the beard below the average level, but still more than Nogai, Karagasha, Kazakhs and even Marie and Chuvash. Given the fact that the weak growth of the beard is characteristic of the Mongoloids, including sublaponoids of Eurasia, as well as the fact that the Tatars located in the north have a significantly greater increase in hair cover, the more southern Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, can be assumed that it manifested The impact of the so-called Pontic groups of the population with a rather intensive growth of beard. For growth, the beard Tatars is approaching Uzbeks, Uiguram and Turkmen. Its greatest growth is celebrated by Mishar and Kryashen, the smallest of Tatar ordered.

The Tatars mainly noted the dark pigmentation of the hair, especially at Tatars ordered and the Narovchast hosts. Along with this, up to 5-10% there are also brighter hair shades, especially in the Chistopolian and Casima Tatars and almost all groups of the Misharians. In this regard, Tatar Volga region is to local peoples of the Volga region - Marie, Mordve, Chuvasham, as well as to Karachai and Northeast Bulgarians.

In general, the Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Urals have mainly the European -ide appearance with a certain inclusion of the Mongoloid features, and with signs of long-standing mohethisation or mixing. The following anthropological types are distinguished: Pontic; light Europeanoid; sublapanoid; Mongoloid.

The Pontic Type is characterized by relative long-headed, dark or mixed hair and eye pigmentation, we are highly transmitted, a convex back of the nose with the tip of the tip and the base of the nose, the significant increase in the beard. Growth of medium with a tendency to increase. On average, this type is represented by more than a third of the Tatar - 28% of the Kryashensky district of the Church of the Chipopol region to 61% of the Mishar Narovchatovsky and Chistopolsky districts. Tatar ordered and Chistopolsky district he fluctuates within 40-45%. This type of Siberian Tatars is not known. In Paleoanthropological material, he is well pronounced at the Domongallic Bulgarians, in the modern one - from Karachay, Western Circassians and in non-foster Bulgaria at the local Bulgarian population, as well as part of the Hungarians. Historically, he should be linked to the main population of the Volga Bulgaria.

The light European one-type type with an oval shape of the head, with light pigmentation of hair and eye, with an average or high we transmit, with a straight back of the nose, a medium-breeding beard. Middle growth. On average, 17.5% of all Tatars studied, from 16-17% of the Tatars of Elabuga and Chipopolsky districts, up to 52% of the Elabuga district crackled. It is a whole rank of features (nose morphology, the absolute sizes of the person, pigmentation) gets closer to the Pontic Type. It is possible that this type is penetrated into the Volga region along with the so-called. Saklabami (blonde on S. Mardzhani), which were written by Arabic sources of VIII - IX centuries., putting them in the lower, and later (Ibn Fadlan) and on the Middle Volga region. But we should not forget that among the Kipchak-Polovtsy were also light-pigmented by Europeanoids, it was not for nothing that the ethnonym "Polovtsov" is linked with the word "Polov", i.e. Light, red. It is possible that this type, as characteristic of the northern Finns and Russians, could penetrate the ancestors of Tatars and from there.

Sublapanoid (Ural or Volga-Kamsky) type is also characterized by an oval shape of the head and has mixed hair and eye pigmentation, a wide nose with a low we move, weakly developed beard and a low, medium-wide face. Some features (a significantly developed fold of the eyelid, occasionally occurring epicantus, a weak beard growth, some facial flattening) this type with is close to the Mongoloid, but has strongly smoothed signs of the latter. Anthropologists view this type as formed in ancient times in Eastern Europe from the mixing of Euro-Asian Mongoloids and the local European-wide population. At Tatars Volga region and the Urals, it is presented 24.5%, the least of all at the Mishar (8-10%) and more in Kryated (35-40%). It is most characteristic of the local Finno-Ugric peoples of Volga-Kamya - Marie, Udmurts, Komi, partly Mordov and Chuvash. It is obvious to Tatars, obviously, he penetrated as a result of the trickization of the Finno-Ugors in Doboligskaya and Bulgarian time, for sublapanoid types are already found in the Bulgarian materials of the Domongongol Time.

The Mongoloid Type, which is characteristic of the Tatars of the Golden Horde and preserved by their descendants - Nogai, Astrakhan Karagasha, as well as the eastern Bashkir, partially Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, etc., at the Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Viurala Tatar pure form Not found. In mixed with the European-like components (Pontic type), it is part of the average of 14.5% (from 7-8% of the time to 21% from Tatar ordered). This type, which includes signs of both Srznosibirsk and Central Asian Mongoloids, begins to be observed in the anthropological materials of the Volga region and the Survival from the Hungary-Turkic Time, i.e. From the middle of I thousand AD, he is also known in the early Bulgarian majority burial ground. Therefore, the inclusion of it in the anthropological composition of the Tatar Volga region and the Survival can not be listed only with the time of the Mongolian invasion and the Golden Horde, although at that time he strengthened.

Anthropological materials show that the physical type of Tatar people was formed in difficult conditions of mohethisation in the main European-wide population with the mongoloid components of the ancient pore. According to the relative degree of severity of the European-like and the mongoloid features of Tatars Volga region and the Urals (average score - 34.9) are located between Uzbeks (34.7), Azerbaijanis (39.1), Kumykov (39.2) Russians (39.4), Karachay (39.9), gagauzia (34.0) and Turkmen (30.2).

The ethnonym historically entrenched the Turkic-speaking population of the Ural-Volga historical and ethnographic area, the Crimea, Western Siberia and the Turkic on the origin, but lost their native language by the Tatar population of Lithuania. There is no doubt that the Volga-Ural and Crimean Tatars are independent ethnic groups.

Prolonged contacts of the Siberian and Astrakhan Tatars with the Volga-Urals, especially intensified in the second half of the XIX century, had important ethnic consequences. In the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries. It was an active process of consolidating the Middle Volga-Uralsky, Astrakhan and Siberian Tatars to a new ethnic community - the Tatar nation. The core of the nation is due to its numerous and socio-economic, as well as the cultural advanceness of the Tatars of the Volga-Ural region. Sophisticated ethnic structure This nation illustrate the following data (at the end of the XIX century): In it, the Volga-Ural Tatars accounted for 95.4%, Siberian -2.9%, Astrakhan -1.7%.

On the modern stage It is impossible to talk about the Tatars without the Republic of Tatarstan, which is the epicenter of the Tatar nation. but tatar ethnos. By no means limited to the framework of Tatarstan. And not only because of the dispersed settlement. Tatar people having deep history And millennial cultural traditions, including writing, is associated with all Eurasia. Moreover, being the very northern Forpos of Muslim, Tatars and Tatarstan are also part of the Islamic world and the Great Civilization of the East.

Tatars are one of the major Türco-paternal ethnic groups. The total number of 6.648.7 thousand people. (1989). Tatars are the main population of the Republic of Tatarstan (1.765.4 thousand.), 1.120.7 thousand people live in Bashkortostan., In Udmurtia - 110.5 thousand people., Mordovia - 47.3 thousand years old., In the republic Mari El - 43.8 thousand, Chuvashia - 35.7 thousand people. In general, the main part of the Tatar population - more than 4/5 lives in the Russian Federation (5.522 thousand.), Occupying in numbers second place. In addition, a significant amount of Tatars lives in the CIS countries: in Kazakhstan - 327.9 thousand people., Uzbekistan - 467.8 thousand years., Tajikistan - 72.2 thousand people., Kyrgyzstan - 70.5 thousand people ., Turkmenistan - 39.2 thousand people. Azerbaijan - 28 thousand people., In Ukraine - 86.9 thousand people, in the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) about 14 thousand years. There is also a significant diaspora throughout the rest of the world (Finland, Turkey, USA, China, Germany, Australia, etc.). Due to the fact that some accounting of the number of Tatars in other countries has never been conducted, it is difficult to determine the total number of Tatar people abroad (according to different estimates from 100 to 200 thousand people.).

The Tatars of the Volga region distinguished two major ethnic groups (subethntes): Kazan Tatars and Mishari.

The intermediate group between Kazan Tatars and Misharya is Casimovsky Tatars (the area of \u200b\u200btheir formation of Kasimov Ryazan region and its surroundings). Ethnocon confessional community is praised by the baptized Tatars-quicken. Due to the territorial disunity and under the influence of neighboring peoples in each of these groups, in turn, ethnographic groups have formed, having some features in language, culture and everyday life. Thus, as part of the Kazan Tatars, the researchers allocate NuCratskaya (Chepetsk), Perm, ethnic-lyric team of the teeth and others. Local features are also Kryashen (Nagaybaki, Molkeevtsy, Elabuga, Chistopolian et al.). Mishari are divided into two main groups - North, Sergach, in the language "Casting" and South, Temnikovskaya, in the language "Language".

In addition, as a result of repeated relocations among the hostilities, several territorial subgroups were also formed: Right-Bank, Left-Bank or Zavolzhskaya, Uralskaya.

The ethnonym of the Tatars is nationwide, as well as the main self-inflating of all groups that form a nation. In the past, Tatars had other local ethnonyms - Moselman, Kazanla, Bulgarian, Mishar, Tyter, Kereshen, Nagaibek, Cachem, and others. In the conditions of the formation of a nation (Floor. XIX century) began the process of growing national identity and awareness of his unity . Objective processes occurring in the folk medium were aware of the national intelligentsia, which contributed to the abandonment of local self-visages in the name of the acquisition of one common ethnonym. At the same time, the most common and uniting all groups of Tatar ethnonym was chosen. By the time of the 1926 census, most of the Tatars considered themselves Tatars.

The ethnic history of the Volga Tatars is still not fully clarified. The formation of their main groups - the Mishamen, Casimov and Kazan Tatars, had its own characteristics. Early stages of the ethnogenesis of the Kazan Tatars are usually associated with Volzhsky Bulgarians, ethnic composition which was inhomogeneous, and their various groups have passed a long development path. In addition to the Turkic tribe, actually, the Bulgarians, such tribes are known as Bersils, Esegels, Savira (Suwara) and others. The origins of some of these tribes go to the Gunno environment, later mentioned among the Khazar. The Finno-Ugric Groups played a significant role in the formation of the Bulgar. As part of the Volga - Kama Bulgaria) from many tribes and post-combed formations, Bulgarian nationality was developed, in the premongol time experienced the consolidation process.

Established during the VIII - beginning of the XIII century. Ethnic connections are violated in 1236 by the Mongolian invasion. Conquerors were destroyed by cities and villages, especially located in the center of the country. Part of the Bulgar moves to the north (to the pre-comic areas) and west (in the prevolution). As a result of these migrations, the northern border of the settlement of the Volga Bulgar is moved to the pool R.Ashit. Separate small groups of the Bulgarians penetrated the R. Chapets, thereby laying the ethnic basis of Chepetsk or Nucrate Tatars.

After Mongolian conquest, the Volga Bulgaria became part of the Golden Horde. The goldordin period in the ethnic history of Bulgarians and their descendants, including the Volga Tatars, is characterized by the strengthening of contacts with the Turkic-speaking world. Epigraphic monuments of the XIII-XIV centuries. It indicates that certain changes in the direction of strengthening the elements of the Kipchak language characteristic of the Golden Horde population experienced the Bulgarian language. This is explained not only by the interaction of crops, but also the process of consolidating Kypchak and other Turkic-speaking tribes. Starting from the second half of the XIV century, especially after the defeat of the Bulgaria Timur (1361), there is a mass migration of the Bulgar from the Section in the ancestor (in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Kazan). In the middle of the XV century. The feudal state was formed here - Kazan Khanate. Russian chronicles call his population with new bulgaria or bulgaria, verbated Kazan, later Kazan Tatars. The ethnic development of the Bulgarians in this area imposed a close neighborhood with the Finno-Ugric population.

The ethnic formation of the Misharians occurred in the Occassion interfluve as a result of a complex mixing of the Turkic, Turkized Ugric and Finnish groups in the era of the Volga Bulgaria and the Golden Horde. During the collapse of the Golden Horde, they were in the territory of the Goldenopa Prince Behane, later the Narovsk Principality. This territory wounded early in the scope of economic and political influence Moscow state.

Formation of Casimov Tatars as independent group Camened within the framework of Casimovsky Khanate (1452-1681), which was the buffer principality between Moscow and Kazan, fully dependent on the Russian state. The population is already in the XV century. It was ethnically inhomogeneous and consisted of the progress of the Goldenopa population (the dominant layer), the Mishary, Mordvoy, a little later than the Russians who had a certain impact on their culture.

From the middle of the XVI century. The ethnic history of the Tatars was determined by diverse bonds with ethnic processes occurring within the framework of the Russian multinational state, which, after the defeat and capture of Kazan, from 1552, the Kazan Tatars were included.

The ethnic territories of Tatars in the Middle Ages occupied an extensive zone: Crimea, the lower and middle Volga region (with a part of the Siberia), Western Siberia. Almost in the same area, the Tatars lived in the XVI - beginning. XX centuries. However, during this period, intensive migration processes were also among the Tatars. Especially intense they were among the Volga-Ural Tatars. The active resettlement of the Tatars from the Middle Volga region in the Ural region began after the elimination of the Kazan Khanate, although in some areas the Tatars and their ancestors have lived before. The peak of the resettlement of the Tatars in the Uralship fell on the first half XVIII in. His reasons are associated with the strengthening of the socio-economic oppression, cruel persecution on religious grounds with violent Christianization, etc. Thanks to this, the number of Tatars in the Ural in the middle of the XVIII century. amounted to 1/3 of the Tatars of the Ural Volga region.

In the current period of Tatars-Migrants from the Middle Volga region and the North-Eastern Kazakhstan across the North and Northeastern Kazakhstan advanced to Western Siberia and Central Asia. Another direction of the Tatars migrations from the considered zone was the resettlement to the industrial areas of the European part of Russia and in the Transcaucasus. Volga-Ural Tatars in the XVIII - beginning. XX centuries. They became a noticeable part of the Tatar population of the Astrakhan Territory and Western Siberia. In the Astrakhan Territory, their share at the end of the XVIII century. amounted to 13.2%, in the 30s. XIX century -17.4%, and at the beginning of the XX century. - exceeded 1/3 of the total number of the Tatar population of the Lower Volga region. In Western Siberia, a similar picture was observed: by the end of the XIX century. Tatars-immigrants amounted to 17% of all Tatars Western Siberia.

Historically, all the Tatars groups had a noticeable layer of urban residents especially during the existence of independent Hangey. However, after the accession of the Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberian Khanate to the Moscow State, the city layer of the Tatar declined sharply.

As a result of the socio-economic transformations of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Urbanization processes among the Tatars began to develop quite intensively. Nevertheless, the urbanization remained quite low - 4.9% of the total number of Volga - Ural Tatars on the beginning. XX century Most of the Tatar-citizens lived in major cities region - in Kazan, Ufa, Orenburg, Samara, Simbirsk, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma, Penza, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Troitsk, etc. In addition, people from the Middle Volga region and the Urals lived in a number of cities in the European part of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, etc.), Transcaucasia (in Baku), Central Asia and Western Siberia. Extremely significant changes in the placement of the Tatar population occurred in the XX century. As a result of urbanization processes, more than half of the country's Tatar population became urban residents in the period 1950-1960s. In 1979-09 The share of Tatars-citizens rose from 63 to 69%. Now Tatars are one of the most urban peoples of the former Soviet Union.

The traditional religion of Tatars - Islam Sunni is a sense, with the exception of the small group of Christian-Kryashen, which were facing Orthodoxy in the XVI-XVIII centuries. As evidence historical sources and archaeological excavationsThe ancestors of modern Tatars - Bulgars began to join Muslim already in the first decades of the IX century, and this process ended in 922. The Islam is the official religion of the Volga Bulgaria.

The adoption of Islam opened the opportunity to adopt to advanced Arab-Muslim culture, wide penetration into the Volga-Kamie common in the East scientifically philosophical and literary and artistic ideas. And this in turn played a very significant role in the development of culture, scientific philosophical thought at the Bulgarians themselves. The basis for enlightenment was laid, the learning system is being established. The Muslim school was the most important factor in national consolidation and self-preservation.

Grave tests fell to the share of Tatars after conquering Russian Kazan Khanate in 1552. From this time, the systematic offensive of the state and the church on Islam begins, especially tightened since the beginning of the 20th century, since the reign of Emperor Peter I. The Process of Appeal "Inoverts" was carried out at enhanced Economic pressure on those who did not want to be baptized: the land of the Inoverstsev-landowners unsubscribed the sovereign, the newly new ones were given tax breaks for 3 years, and all the defeats on them were shifted on the shoulders of the remaining in the "disbelief" of Tatar Muslims. Missionaries ocked muslim cemeteries, squeezing plates were placed in the foundation of the construction orthodox churches. By decree 1742, the destruction of mosques began: literally in two months in the Kazan district from the 536 mosques were broken 418, in the Symbirian province of 130 - 98, in Astrakhan from 40 - 29.

Tatars could not withstand: on the one hand, their escape was massive in those areas where life was easier. The most affordable from such districts was a subdomain, the Volga; On the other hand, they took part in a number of uprisings, including in the Peasant War under the leadership of E. Pugacheva (1773-75), shook all the foundations of feudal Russia. In this confrontation of the Tatars, the unifying influence of Islam and Muslim clergy increased even more. Even in the Durant period of Tatar history, when Islam occupied the dominant ideological positions, he did not play such a significant role in the spiritual life of the people, as in the period of persecution and oppression of the second half of the XVI - mid-XVIII centuries. Islam began to play a huge role in the development of not only culture, but even ethnic identity. It seems that it is not by chance that in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Many of the Tatars Volga region and the Urals, defining their ethnicity, preferred to call themselves Muslims.

The Tatar people defended self-exciting and Orthodoxy in the fight against the spiritual IGA historical faceBut this struggle for survival at least two centuries detained the natural course of the development of secular culture and social thought. It resumes in the last quarter of the XVIII century, when autocracy, frightened by the growing national liberation movement among the Muslims of the Volga region and the Urals, changes tactics. The reforms of Catherine II legalize the Muslim clergy - the Orenburg spiritual assembly opens, create prerequisites for the development of Tatar bourgeoisie, secularization of public thought. Gradually, the forces that feel the need for social change and departure from the dogmas of medieval ideology and traditions are gradted, a reformist-renewed movement is formed, the name of jadidism: a religious, cultural reformity, and finally political (end of the XVIII - beginning. XX centuries).

In Tatar society until the beginning of the XX century. Three generations of Islamic reformers changed. The first generation includes G. Tutz-Imani and Abu-Nasre Al Kursavi. The main and most vivid representative of the second generation of religious reformers was Shigabuddin Martzhani. The essence of the religious reformation was to refuse Islamic scholasticism and finding new ways to understand Islam.

The activities of Muslim reformers of the last generation accounted for the period of deployment in the Tatar society of cultural reformation and at the stage of drawing jadidov in politics. Hence the two main features of the Muslim reformity among the Tatars of the end of the XIX - the first decades of the XX centuries: the desire to consider Islam within the framework of culture and active participation in politics. It is this generation of reformers through a radical reformity of the beginning of the XX century. Provided the movement of Tatar-Muslim Umma to secularization. The most prominent representatives of this generation of Muslim reformers were Rizautdin Fahruddinov, Musa Yarulla Bags, Gabdulla Bubi, Ziauddine Kamali, etc.

The main outcome of the activities of Muslim reformers was the transition of Tatar society to the responding time requirements, purified Islam. These ideas were deeply penetrated into the crowd of the people primarily through the education system: Jadidist Mectebe and Madrasa, through printed products. As a result, the activities of Muslim reformers, at the Tatar to the beginning of the XX century. Vera mainly separated from culture, and politics became an independent sphere, where the religion has already occupied the subordinate position.

The believers of the Tatars of the Saratov region in the overwhelming majority - Muslims of the Sunni sense of the Hanifite direction. The policy of a mass Christianization of the Volga peoples actively held by the Tsarist government in the XVIII-XIX centuries was not crowned with success.

In the pre-revolutionary time, the mosques functioned in all Tatar villages.

IN soviet periodEspecially in the 30s, most mosques were destroyed, some of them were converted to schools, clubs, shops, medical beds and warehouses. Only in some villages, the mosque continued to function, although most of the official ministers of the cult were repressed, and their functions were performed by local old men.

To date, there are 20 mosques and 2 madrasas in the Saratov region. The spiritual administration of the Muslims of the Saratov region (Duso) was created.

Newly built in the countryside of the mosque in the architectural plan completely copy the old Mahalla mosques, while their size, quantity and size of windows are increased, and some of them are built of bricks.

Tatar language is included in the so-called Kypchak-Bulgarian subgroup of the Kypchak Group of Turkic languages. In lexical terms, he exists the greatest intimacy of Bashkir, then Karakalpaksky, Kazakh, Nogai, Balkar, Uzbek and Kumyk language.

According to UNESCO, the Tatar language belongs to the 14th Most Communication Language of Peace. It was formed with the people of the carrier of this language in the regions of the Volga region and the Vyrachia in close communication with others as related and not related languages. He experienced a certain impact of Finno-Ugric (Maryan, Mordovsky, Udmurt, Holvvenger), Arab, Persian, Slavic languages. Thus, the lingules believe that those features in the field of phonetics (changing the scales of vowels, etc.), which on the one hand combine the Volga-Turkic languages \u200b\u200bamong themselves, and on the other, they oppose them to other Turkic languages, are the result of their complex relationships with the Finno Ugrian languages.

The People's Spoken language Tatars is divided into 3 dialects: West (Mishar), Medium (Kazan-Tatar) and East (Siberian-Tatar). Until the middle of the XIX century, the old assembly function literary language. The earliest of the preserved literary monuments - Poem Kõys and Yosif. This language close to Chagatai (Staporte) literary language, but who experienced and certain exposure to the Ottoman language. It was present a large number of borrowings from Arabic and Persian. All this did an old-strike literary language to the masses, as well as other literary languages \u200b\u200bof the Donational period, a subtle layer of scientists, writers, religious and state (diplomats) of figures.

From the second half of the XIX century. Based on the Kazan-Tatar dialect, but with a noticeable participation of Mishar, the formation of a modern Tatar national language, which ended at the beginning of the XX century. In the reform of the Tatar language you can allocate two stages - the second half XIX - The beginning of the XX centuries. (until 1905) and 1905-1917. At the first stage, the main role in the creation of the national language belonged to Kayuma Nasoyari. It was he who sought that the literary language would become more Tatar. After the revolution 1905-1907. The situation in the reform of the Tatar language has changed dramatically: there is a convergence of the literary language with people's conversational, the terminological apparatus is being developed on it.

An important value was the reform of the alphabet and spelling. The Arab alphabet, which was based on Tatar writing from the period of the Middle Ages (before this period there was the Turkic Honguba), was not sufficiently adapted to the peculiarities of the Tatar language. Legislative consolidation of the reform of the letter occurred at the end of 1920 by the adoption of the decree "On Alphabet and Spelling", accompanied by the Decree of the Commissar of Enlightenment of Compelation for All Schools and All Editions Marked on Decpete, the features of Tatar writing. At the same time, work began (completed in 1926) to improve the writing of Arab letters, important for typography, newspaper, magazines and letters. However, in 1929, the Latin alphabet was introduced, by the way, more adapted to the phonetics of the Tatar language, and from 1939 - the Russian alphabet. Since the 1990s, the issue of the introduction of Latin graphics is again raised.

Until the end of the XIX century. The Volga-Ural Tatars dominated the confessional (Muslim) school of two types: the initial - Mectebe and the average - the madrasa contained at the expense of the parishioners. Their network was extremely wide. They functioned not only in large cities and villages, but also in the most deaf villages. Thus, in 1912, only in the Kazan province there were 232 madrasas and 1067 memories, in which about 84 thousand people were studied. And throughout Russia, there were 779 madrasas and 8117 mextribus, where Muslim education was obtained about 270 thousand students.

From the end of the XIX century. New member (jadidist) schools, whose training programs included a wide range and secular items appear and get widespread. Literacy at the Tatars was mainly in his native language - in 1897, 87.1% were literate in Tatar language, in 1926 - 89%.

This in turn contributed to the widespread printed product among the population. By 1913, the Tatars on the teary of national books came to second place in the Russian Empire, lifting only Russians and in the third place in the number of published books (a greater number of books, except Russian, was published only in Latvian language). The main place, along with religious, occupied the publication of works of folklore, fiction, textbooks, various calendars, books on history, philosophy, pedagogy, etc. All this book products, published not only in Kazan, but also in many cities of the Volga region, Urals, St. Petersburg, etc., distributed throughout the territory of the Tatars. Almost every large Tatar village had book traders. Mullah, Shakirds were engaged in this noble matter.

At the beginning of the XX century. Tatars have created an extensive network of periodicals. Newspapers and magazines went out in almost all major cities of the Volga-Ural region (in Astrakhan, Kazan, Samara, Ufa, Orenburg, Troitsk, Saratov, Simbirsk, etc.), in the capital's cities. By the way, published in the beginning. XX century The newspaper Samara Tatars was called "New Power" - "Yana Kech".

IN soviet time In connection with the transition of control over the content of education to the state, total subordinate communist ideology, the Tatar school gradually loses its position. Even in the countryside, education is translated into Russian (most actively since the early 1960s), pedagogical schools are closed, institutions preparing teachers in their native language. The absolute majority of periodicals in the Tatar language and the absolute majority of the Tatarstan are closed.

According to linguists, in the territory of the Saratov region, a single Tatar speech has been formed, which has specific features. Since the predominant majority of immigrants were from the number of mocked targets, the characteristics of the language of this group and are observed in the Tatar show in the north-west of the Saratov region. At the same time, close contacts with Mishairs who moved from areas with a gauge, as well as with the dialects of the Middle (Kazan-Tatar) dialect and other neighboring peoples, contributed to the emergence of local specifics. Languages \u200b\u200bcalled this spelling Meshlese Mishar dialect. At the same time, in the eastern regions of the region, settlements have been preserved with a molding language.

Livestock - pasture-stopped played a subordinate role. Hold a large and fine horned cattle. In the steppe zone of herds were significant. For Tatars characteristic special love To horses. Poultry breeding, especially chickens and geese, was common. Gardening and gardening were poorly developed. The traditional was beekeeping: before the on-board, in the XIX-XX centuries. - Packy.

Along with agriculture, crafts and crafts were essential: waste to the areas of entrepreneurial agriculture on the harvest, etc. And at the factory, factories, forecasts, to the city (Mishari and Casimovsky Tatars were more often resorted to the last). Tatars were famous for skill in the processing of the skin "Kazan Safyan", "Bulgarian yuft". Organized for them were trade and trading and intermediary activities. They practically monopolized in the region a petty trade; Most prasolo-blanks were also tatars.

At the end of the XX century. Tatars, becoming one of the most urban peoples of Russia, both in the republic and abroad, are engaged mainly in industrial production: in oil production, in the production of petrochemical products, mechanical engineering, instrument maternity, etc. Tatarstan is the republic of highly developed agriculture, important manufacturer of grain and livestock products.

The traditional economic activity of Saratov Tatars was arable farming and utility animal husbandry. From the XVI century, agriculture was conducted on a three-rolled basis using characteristic arable guns: heavy wheeled plow - "Saban", two-way soils with a cloth, wicker, later frame harrow - "tyrma". A set of grain crops, as well as the method of processing, was the same as the other peoples of the Volga region. Gardening and gardening were poorly developed.

Cattle breeding (animal husbandry) had a stalish character, a large and finely horned cattle prevailed in herd. The meat of horses at the Tatar was a favorite food. Battle breeding was widely practiced. In accordance with religious prohibitions, the pork was not used, because of which they practically did not hold pigs.

The Tatars also developed crafts: jewelry, leather, felt.

Tatars are the most numerous ethnos of the Volga Federal District from among the peoples of traditionally professing Islam. According to the 2002 population census, 4 million 063 thousand Tatars live in the territory of the Volga Federal District, of which more than 2 million - in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Until 1917, the list of ethnic communities, called Tatars, was much wider than now. In Russian sources, Tatars were sometimes called the Turkic peoples of the Caucasus, Central Asia, so called Azerbaijanis, Balkarians, Shorets, Yakuts.

Currently, various ethnic groups, called in official statistics and scientific studies of Tatars, combines primarily the proximity of the languages: almost all of them speak in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Kypchak subgroup of Turkic languages.

Tatar language has one of the most ancient traditions in Russia. More Bulgars, the predecessors of the current Volga Tatars, had a runer writing. As it is Islamized, the rune letter was replaced by Arabic graphics. The oldatar literary language was formed on the basis of Arabic graphics in 16-19 centuries. In 1927, the Tatar letter was translated into Latin schedule, in 1939 - to Cyrillic with the addition of six letters to transfer sounds missing in Russian. The grammar of the Tatar language was developed since the late 19th century.

The basis of the literary Tatar language is the language of the Kazan Tatars, regional dialects and dialects remain on the domestic level. The main dialects are three: Western (Mishar), (Kazan), East (Siberian).

The daily household culture of Kazan Tatars developed on the basis of agricultural economy, a significant impact on the household culture was provided by Islam.

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Each people have their own distinctive features that allow almost no mistake to determine the nationality of a person. It is worth noting that the Asian peoples are very similar to each other, since all are descendants mongoloid race. How can I define a tatar? What is the difference between the appearance of the Tatars?


Without a doubt, each person is unique, regardless of nationality. Nevertheless, there are some common features that combine representatives of race or nationality. Tatars accepted to refer to the so-called Altai family. This is the Turkic group. The ancestors of the Tatar were known as farmers. Unlike other representatives of the Mongoloid race, the Tatars do not have pronounced features of the appearance.

The appearance of the Tatars and the change, which now appear in them, are caused in many ways to assimilate the Slavic peoples. True, among the Tatars sometimes found blonde, sometimes even red representatives. This, for example, cannot be said about Uzbeks, Mongols or Tajiks. Do the features of the eye of the Tatar? They do not have a narrow eye cut and dark skin. Are there any common features of the appearance of the Tatars?

Tatars description: a little history

The most ancient and crowded ethnic groups include Tatars. In the Middle Ages, mention of them bought everyone around: in the east of the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic coast. Different scientists included mentioning the people in their works. The mood of these records was obviously polar: some wrote with an exquisite and admiration, other scientists showed out fear. But united all one thing - no one remained indifferent. It is obvious that it was the Tatars that had a huge impact on the development of Eurasia. They managed to create an original civilization that affected the most different cultures.

In the history of the Tatar people were both ups and downs. The periods of the world were replaced by the cruel time of bloodshed. The ancestors of modern Tatars took part in the creation of several strong states at once. Despite all the events of fate, they managed to maintain both their people and identity.

Ethnic groups

Thanks to the works of anthropologists, it became known that the ancestors of Tatars were not only representatives of the Mongoloid race, but also the Europeans. It was this factor that led to a variety of appearance. Moreover, the Tatars themselves are made to divide into groups: Crimean, Ural, Volga-Siberian, South Khaska. Volga-Siberian Tatars, whose features have the greatest signs of the Mongoloid race, differ in the following signs: dark hair, pronounced cheekbones, brown eyes, wide nose, fold over the top of the century. Representatives of this type are few.

The face of the Volga Tatars oblong, cheekbones are not too pronounced. Eyes big and gray (or brown). Nose with a hubber, oriental type. The physique is correct. In general, the men of this group are quite tall and hardy. They don't have dark skin. Such is the appearance of the Tatar from the Volga region.

Kazan Tatars: appearance and customs

The appearance of the Kazan Tatars is described like this: firmly folded strong man. Mongols are noticeable with a wide sulfur face and a slightly narrowed eye cut. Neck short and strong. Men rarely wear thick beard. Such features are explained by the merge of Tatar blood with different Finnish peoples.

The marriage rite is not similar to religious action. From religiousness - only reading the first chapter of the Quran yes special prayer. After marriage, the young girl does not immediately move into his spouse's house: another year she will live in his family. It is curious that her new-minced husband comes to her as a guest. Tatar girls are ready to wait their lover.

Only a few have two wives. And in cases where this happens, there are reasons: for example, when the first is already aged, and the second one is more young - now leads a household.

Most often there are European Tatars Tatars - owners of blond hair and light eyes. Nose is narrow, eagle or hidden. Growth is low - in women about 165 cm.


In the nature of the men-Tatar, some features were seen: hard work, choplost and hospitality bordering stubbornness, pride and indifference. Respect for the eldest - that's what is especially distinguished by Tatars. It was noted that the representatives of this people tend to be guided by the mind, adjusts to the situation, law-abiding. In general, the synthesis of all these qualities, especially hard work and perseverance, makes a man-Tatar very purposeful. Such people are able to achieve their career success. The work is brought to the end, have the habit of achieving their own.

Purebred Tatar seeks to receive new knowledge, showing enviable heaviness and responsibility. Crimean Tatars celebrates special indifference and calm in stressful situations. Tatars are very curious and talkative, but during the work stubbornly silent, apparently not to lose concentration.

One of the characteristic features is a self-esteem. It is manifested in that Tatar also considers himself special. As a result, some arrogance and even arrogance is observed.

Cleanity allocates Tatars. In their housing, they do not tolerate mess and dirt. Moreover, it does not depend on financial capabilities - both rich and poor Tatar maritimely monitors cleanliness.

My home is your home

Tatars - the people are very hospitable. Ready to take a person, regardless of his status, faith or national affiliation. Even with modest delta, they show welcoming hospitality, ready to divide a modest lunch with the guest.

Tatar women stand out with huge curiosity. They are attracted beautiful clothingThey are watching people with interest to other nationalities, follow the fashion. Tatars are quite tied to their home, devote themselves to raising children.

Tatar women

What is amazing the creation - Tatar woman! In her heart, the immense, deepest love for her loved ones, to children. Her destination is to carry peace to people, serve as a model of peace and morality. A woman-tatar is distinguished by a feeling of harmony and special musicality. It radiates some spirituality and nobility of the soul. Inner world Tatars full of wealth!

Tatar girls from the young years are aimed at strong, durable marriage. After all, they want to love her husband and raise future children behind the solid walls of reliability and confidence. No wisest says the Tatar saying: "A woman without a husband, that a horse without a zlond!" The word husband for her is the law. Although witty tatars are complemented - on any law, however, there is a correction! And yet these are loyal women who sacred traditions and customs. However, do not hope to see the Tatar in the Black Parandge - this is a stylish lady, which is characteristic of self-esteem.

The appearance of the Tatars is very well-groomed. Modnitsa in the wardrobe can be observed stylized things that emphasize its national affiliation. Here, for example, there are shoes that imitates chitte - national leather boots that wear tatar girls. Another example is the applications where the patterns transmit the stunning beauty of the earthly flora.

And what about the table?

Woman Tatarka is an excellent hostess, loving, hospitable. By the way, a little about the kitchen. The Tatars National Kitchen is quite predictable in the fact that the basis of the main dishes is often the dough and fat. Even a lot of dough, a lot of fat! Of course, this is far from the most healthy nutrition, although guests are usually offered exotic dishes: Kasel (or dried horse), Gubady (is a puff pastry with a large variety of stuffs, from cottage cheese to meat), Talcisch-Kaleva (incredibly calorie dessert From flour, oils and honey). Squeeze all this rich treats can be anaran (a mixture of riding and water) or traditional tea.

Like men-Tatars, women are characterized by purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals. Overcoming difficulties, they show seamless and resourcefulness. All this is complemented by great modesty, generosity and kindness. Truly, the Tatar woman is a great gift over!