Zinaida Serebryakova. Hereditary talent and strength of character

Zinaida Serebryakova.  Hereditary talent and strength of character
Zinaida Serebryakova. Hereditary talent and strength of character

Zinaida Serebryakova. In front of the mirror (self-portrait). 1910 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow city. Wikipedia.org

Zinaida Serebryakova (1884 - 1967) was waiting happy life... A beautiful and kind girl. Married by Great love... She gave birth to four healthy children.

Joyful everyday life of a happy mother and wife. Which had the opportunity to be realized. After all, she, like many children in the Lanceray-Benois family, painted with early childhood.

But it all began to crumble in 1917. She was 33 years old. Wonderful world turned into a series of hardships and suffering.

Why Serebryakova did not fit into new era? What made her leave for Paris for good? Why would she be separated from her children for 36 years? And recognition will come to her only a year before her death in 1966?

Here are 7 paintings by the artist that will tell us about her life.

1. Behind the toilet. 1909 g.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Behind the toilet (self-portrait). 1909 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Wikipedia.org

Unusual self-portrait. The girl is reflected in the mirror. We understand this by the double candle. Snow-white underwear. White color in the interior. Women's trinkets in front of the mirror. Pink blush. Big eyes and a spontaneous smile.

Everything is so charming and fresh. It's like an allegory of a carefree youth. When the mood is good even in the morning. When a day full of pleasant worries lies ahead. And there is so much beauty and health in stock that it will last for many more years.

Zinaida Serebryakova was a sickly and withdrawn child as a child. But her childish thinness has turned into a graceful figure. And isolation - in a modest and benevolent character.

Her acquaintances noted that she always looked younger than her years. And at 40, and at 50 years old, she almost did not change externally.

Self-portraits of Z. Serebryakova (aged 39 and 53).

Self-portrait "Before the Mirror" was painted in happy years life. She married her cousin, with whom she was deeply in love. She has already given birth to two boys. Life went on as usual in their family estate Neskuchnoye.

2. At breakfast. 1914 g.

Zinaida Serebryakova. At breakfast. 1914 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Art-catalog.ru

There are three children of Serebryakova in the picture. Zhenya buried his nose in the glass. Sasha turned around. Tanya also looks attentively, putting the pen on the plate. The fourth child, Katya is still in the arms of a wet nurse. She is too small to sit at a common table.

Why is the painting called "At Breakfast"? After all, we see a tureen on the table.

Before the revolution, it was customary to have two breakfasts. One was light. The second is more satisfying. Which later became known as dinner.

The plot of the picture is very simple. As if a photograph was taken. Hand of grandmother pouring soup. The view of the table is slightly above, from the height of an adult. Immediate reactions of children.

The husband is not at the table. He is a track engineer. And at that time I was on a business trip in Siberia. On construction railroad.

3. Whitening of the canvas. 1917 g.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Whitening the canvas. 1917 g. Artchive.ru

In the 1910s, Serebryakova created a series of works with peasants. Who worked on her estate. She got up very early and ran with paints in the field. To make sketches from nature.

Serebryakova was an esthete. Simple women are all beautiful with her. Passing the images through themselves, they came out from her purified and clear. Even the most ordinary person became special. The ugliest thing is amazing.

Her paintings were in stark contrast to the works of other artists. At that time, they admired the luxurious Vrubel and the extraordinary Chagall.

Left:. 1890 State Tretyakov Gallery. On right: . Birthday. 1915 Museum contemporary art, New York

Among these bright, expressive images, the unassuming peasant women of Serebryakova stood apart. But she was still appreciated. And he was even awarded the title of academician at the beginning of 1917.

But a life full of recognition and prosperity will soon collapse. Like a house of cards.

4. House of Cards. 1919 g.

Serebryakova Zinaida. House of cards. 1919, St. Petersburg. Artchive.ru

This is one of the saddest paintings by Serebryakova. There is no extravaganza on it light colors... Only sad children. A fragile house of cards. And even a lying doll takes on an ominous meaning. A tragedy happened in the life of Serebryakova ...

The year is 1919. The peasants came in a crowd to the owners' house. They decided to warn Zinaida that things were really bad. Nearly all the estates were looted around. And if something happens, they will not be able to protect the hostess with the children.

Serebryakova put the children and mother on the cart. They left for good. In a few days, the estate will be set on fire.

There was no news about her husband whole year... He was in jail. On the way home he gets typhoid fever. And it will quickly fade away in the arms of his wife.

Serebryakova was monogamous. Even then, she realized that her happy life was over forever. She will never marry.

5. Snowflakes. 1923 g.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Ballet dressing room. Snowflakes (ballet "Nutcracker"). 1923 State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. Artchive.ru

Serebryakova had four children and an aging mother in her arms. I had to feed my family. And she decided to move to Petersburg. Hoping to earn money there.

She often drew ballerinas at the Mariinsky. In a theater that her great-grandfather had once designed.

The ballerinas are not depicted on stage. And behind the scenes. Hair straighteners or pointe shoes. Again the effect of a photograph. A moment in the life of beautiful, elegant girls.

But in St. Petersburg, work brought her mere pennies. Her paintings did not fit into the new era in any way.

The artists were required to retrain as posters and designers of Soviet life. The leaders of Stepanova and Rodchenko willingly obeyed the call "Artist for production."

Left: Varvara Stepanova. Sportswear project. 1923 Right: Alexander Rodchenko. The poster "The best nipples have never been and are not." 1923 g.

Poverty persecuted the family. Serebryakova decided to go to Paris to work. I thought for a couple of months. But it turned out forever.

6. Illuminated by the sun. 1928 g.

Serebryakova Zinaida. Illuminated by the sun. 1928 Kaluga State Museum. Avangardism.ru

In Paris, things went well at first. She painted portraits to order.

However, Serebryakova lacked the ability to defend her interests. She gave portraits or sold for a penny, just to win the sympathy of wealthy clients. Many took advantage of this generosity. As a result, she worked almost at a loss. Twisted. Made homemade paints. To keep working.

One day - good luck. Baron Brower ordered Serebryakova's panel for his mansion. He liked the work of the artist so much that he even sponsored her trip to Marrakech. Where she got incredible impressions.

There, her masterpiece "Illuminated by the Sun" was written. An incredible feeling from the picture. Heat, from which the air “melts” and aches the eyes. In contrast to the dark skin of a smiling Moroccan woman.

It is amazing that the picture was completed in 30 minutes! The Koran forbids people to pose. Therefore, Serebryakova worked with phenomenal speed to complete the drawing in half an hour. For more, her Moroccan models did not agree.

But vivid impressions only temporarily muffled the mental pain. The Soviet government allowed only two of her children, Sasha and Katya ( youngest son and the youngest daughter).

The two remaining children, the eldest Zhenya and Tatiana, are unknown reasons was never released. She will see them only 36 years later.

7. The sleeping model. 1941 g.

Zinaida Serebryakova. The sleeping model. 1941 Kiev Museum of Russian Art. Gallerix.ru

In Paris, Zinaida created a lot of nudes. They are written in a neoclassical style. Like the old masters. Her nudes are similar to or Giorgione. Beautiful. Delicate. Pink-skinned.

There was not a drop of Russian blood in Serebryakova. She was French by birth (nee Lancer). But in France she felt herself Russian. She was not friends with anyone. She worked around the clock.

In addition, she was again out of fashion. The ball was ruled by the Art Deco style.

Autobiography of Z. E. Serebryakova

(I answer on questions).

1. I was born in our estate "Neskuchnoye" (Kursk [oy] province [ernia] of the Belgorod district) on December 12, 1884 (For a long time, in the indication of the year of my birth, an error crept in - marked 1885 mb because I was born at the very end of 1884? ..

2. She received her artistic image, mainly in the family of my grandfather, Nikolai Leontyevich Benois, where we moved after the death of my father, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Lanceray, in 1886: everything is in our the family was engaged in art - my brothers Yevgeny Yevgenievich] and Nick [olai Yevgenievich] (architect), my mother, my uncle - Alexander Nikolaev [ich] Benois, my sisters. After graduating from the Kolomna Women's Gymnasium, I entered the Art School of the Prince. M. K. Tenisheva, the head of the school I. E. Repin. But, unfortunately, I stayed there for only 25 days and I never saw Ilya Repin, because the school was closed! But there I first started working from nature (May 1901). Then I entered the studio of the artist OE Braz (1903-1904) (1904-1905).

3. Nowhere in other educational institutions did I study, either in Russia or in the West.

4. Teaching activities did not study.

5. Unfortunately, I did not travel much around Russia: as a child, I spent the summer either in Peterhof or in Finland. After the death of my grandfather, Nik [olai] Leon [tyevich] Benois, in 1898, they began to go to Neskuchnoye for the summer. After marriage in 1905, she remained there until late autumn, and even in winter.

During civil war"Neskuchnoye" perished (was burned), and I lived in Kharkov with my children and my mother for 3 years. There I worked at the Archaeological Museum, painting finds from the mounds (necklaces, etc.) of the Scythians. (These drawings, it seems, are still in the Archaeological Museum in Kharkov).

Yes, I forgot that I went to the Crimea in 1911 and 1913, where I spent one month each spring - Yalta, Gurzuf; 2nd time - Simeiz, was, more precisely, passing through, in Bakhchisarai.

She was abroad for the first time in 1902 in Italy on the island of Capri, and then 3 months [egg] in Rome (1902-1903). After marriage, in 1905 she spent the winter with my husband and my mother in Paris - 1905–1906. At that time I attended the art school Academie de la grande Chaumiere (but I never saw the heads of the school, the artists Simon and Doche).

In 1914, she spent 1.5 months [egg] in Italy - Venice, Florence and Milan, and through Switzerland, Vienna and Kiev returned to Neskuchnoye (just on the eve of the declaration of war).

6. Has not worked in any other art, except painting.

7. The list of exhibitions in which I participated, or independent - I attach separately.

8. Was a member of the World of Art Society since 1910. In Paris I am a member of the Syndicate French artists"Since 1947

(Z. Serebryakova: Collection of materials and exhibition catalog for the 100th anniversary of the artist's birth. M., 1986. P. 44–46)

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The main dates of the life and work of Z.E. Serebryakova 1884, November 28 (December 10) - birth in the estate of Neskuchnoye of the Belgorod district of the Kursk province (now - the Kharkov region of Ukraine) in the family of the sculptor Yevgeny Alexandrovich Lansere and his wife Ekaterina Nikolaevna

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Letters from P. N. Filonov to E. A. Serebryakova 1 Leningrad. August 6, 1937 Good, fair, my dear Katyusha! Thank you for making me happy with the letter. I saw you alive in it. It seemed to me how you walk along the Siversky steep banks, sit in the forest, collect

Zinaida Evgenievna, nee Lancere, came from artistic family... Her life, which was easy at first and formed "out of love", once collapsed and never got better. Even after death: the Russian artist died not in her native land, but in distant France. Her ashes rest in an émigré cemetery in Paris, among others talented people"from art", left once and for all without a fulcrum and with eternal longing for the homeland in the soul. And the paintings of Zinaida Serebryakova, in spite of everything, returned to Russia and became an integral part of Russian art.

Zika. Boring

Zika Lansere was born, according to some sources, on 10, according to others, on December 12, 1884 in the estate of her parents not far from Kharkov. The estate had the sonorous name "Neskuchnoye". Maybe because the people who lived in it were not bored to live - they loved the world that surrounded them too much and were carried away by creativity: mother and brothers - painting, father - sculpture, grandfather - architecture. Or maybe because the inhabitants of this area were cheerful people and loved life very much.

Perhaps the natural talent of the graphic artist and the influence of his father would have made of young talent good sculptor, but Eugene Lansere dies very early from consumption. At the time, Zika was only two years old.

Zina very early became interested in drawing - her family abilities affected. In 1886 the Lansere family moved to St. Petersburg. And Neskuchnoe remained just a place for the plot of the annual summer fairy tale... But it was this fairy tale that became a whole stage in her life: on the opposite bank of the Muromka River, almost opposite the Lancere house, in Neskuchny, the blue-eyed handsome Boris Serebryakov lived, love for whom illuminated a girl's existence and brought into it a life-giving pure stream and a tart taste of expectation of a miracle.

Even in Italy, where Zinaida traveled, the girl was unable to enjoy her nature and culture, so she missed her Boris and Neskuchny. At the same time, she wrote eagerly and a lot. but italian paintings Zinaida Serebryakova much attention not attracted to themselves.

Zinaida Lansere. Petersburg

The stage of Zinaida Lancere's life, which took place in St. Petersburg, gave her the opportunity to receive good education and creative development. Art education Zina received at the school of Princess Tenisheva. Early creativity did not give the girl fame. But in 1905, the family status of Zinaida changed - she married Boris Serebryakov and took his last name, under which she would become known to all lovers of Silver Age poetry.

Immediately after the wedding, in the biography of Zinaida Serebryakova, France appears for the first time, where she goes to study her favorite business. Great amount sketches, sketches, paintings of various subjects were written by her during this trip, which she went on with her husband.

Romantic moods, inspired by a warm and deep feeling for her husband, are also reflected in the artist's paintings: bright pure joyful colors, the drawing seems to be transparent and completely weightless, from everything comes a feeling of positive, happiness and light. Zinaida paints a portrait of her beloved husband and herself before starting a new have a good day- behind the morning toilet. These paintings were included in the first exhibition of paintings by Zinaida Serebryakova, held in 1910 in St. Petersburg. Then the paintings: Zinaida Serebryakova's self-portrait "Behind the Toilet" and "Green Autumn" - were bought by Pavel Tretyakov and entered the main fund of his gallery.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Fruitful

The time after marriage, when four children are born to a young couple in a short time - two sons and two daughters, became the most fruitful in the artist's work. And the topics to which the young mother addresses are connected with the land, its fertility and abundance, the Russian countryside with its large friendly and hardworking families and peasant labor, but not a heavy burden, but a living joy that fills the toilers on earth. The beauty of Russian nature, the immensity of native spaces are reflected in such paintings as "Peasants", "Harvest", "Whitening of Canvas", etc.

The pictures of Zinaida Serebryakova are still bright and joyful, the perception of the world is clear and naive in a good way. The color scheme is the same bright and saturated, and the images of people and nature exist in complete harmony... And she writes them in her beloved heart, Neskuchny. The paintings of Zinaida Serebryakova precisely in these three pre-revolutionary years make her famous. The most famous work this period is the painting "At Breakfast", reflecting the happiness of a quiet family life and is the epitome of quiet and cozy family life Serebryakov.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Collapse

Everything terrible in life always happens unexpectedly. Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova, according to her memoirs, had a presentiment of trouble: even before the revolution in 1917 tragic death the village girl Poli Molchanova, who drowned in Muromka, seemed to her a bad sign. And so it happened. And the first to suffer was the native Neskuchnoye - in 1918 it was burned down. Zinaida with her mother and children moved to Kharkov and got a job at the archaeological museum. At that time, her husband Boris Serebryakov worked on the construction of the Ufa-Orenburg railway, and they rarely saw each other. It was not always possible to get through - sometimes the connection was interrupted for a long time. On the way home, Boris becomes infected with typhus and dies suddenly in his wife's arms. Zinaida is left with four small children in her arms. At the same time, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Benois, the artist's mother, fell seriously ill.

In 1920, the family of Zinaida Serebryakova moved to St. Petersburg and settled in a communal apartment located in the Benois family apartment. The artist was offered to work as a teacher at the Academy of Arts, but she refused. She also does not want to write the propaganda posters demanded by the Soviet authorities, which at that time could have given them both food and prosperity. She writes what was familiar to her: landscapes, portraits, still lifes, everyday paintings... Little money, almost no means of subsistence. It was during this period that the most difficult in spirit and perception of the canvas were written. The most famous of them was the painting "House of Cards", painted in 1919.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Abroad!

It would seem that life and luck suddenly turned to face Zinaida Serebryakova: first, in 1924, all her paintings that were included in the exhibition of Russian art in America were sold, then an order was received from Paris to create a large decorative panel... In order to get the job done, it was necessary to leave native land and go to France, to Paris. The woman grabs this lifeline and leaves, leaving her mother and children in Russia.

Zinaida Serebryakova. In exile

In Paris, it turns out to be of no use to anyone. The little money earned for the painstakingly sold canvases is barely enough to somehow tie ends with ends. She sends most of them to mothers and children. A year after leaving for France Soviet authorities allowed to go to her middle son Alexander, and two years later - the youngest daughter Catherine. Zinaida Serebryakova will no longer be able to return to her homeland, although her paintings are returning to Russia: in the 1960s, exhibitions of Zinaida Serebryakova were held with great success in Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. Eugene and Tatiana lived in Leningrad with their grandmother Ekaterina Benois.

The works of this period are partially "inspired" by Sergei Diaghilev's Russian seasons and are dedicated to Russian ballet, but, in addition, they are associated with that page of life when her daughter Tata was engaged in ballet: "Ballet Dressing Room. Snowflakes", "Girls-Sylphs" and others.

A number of paintings cover landscape themes and reflect the beauty and unusualness for the perception of Serebryakova's European nature. There are portraits and still lifes. But all these paintings retain a shade of gloom and melancholy, sadness and philosophical contemplation.

Zinaida Serebryakova. Return without return

The thread that connected the artist with the Fatherland was her daughter Tatyana Borisovna Serebryakova - theater artist Moscow Art Academic Theater.

In the 1980s, Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova was remembered and talked about in her homeland, even allowed to return. But the artist no longer had the strength or health for this long and difficult path. At the age of 82, she died and was buried in the Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery.

Recently, in April 2017, another exhibition by Zinaida Serebryakova was presented at the Tretyakov Gallery. In addition to those mentioned above, the portraits of the artist's children stand out. Self-portraits of Zinaida Serebryakova are also eye-catching. Something nagging creeps into the soul when you peer into these faces and remember the difficult fate of the characters.

The images of Russian beauties with features of European Madonnas, presented in the works of Zinaida Serebryakova, are also unforgettable. Mischievous open faces, wide-open eyes, a half-smile ... There is something in them from the beauties of the Renaissance, depicted on the canvases of Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael. Hymn female beauty and youth!

The biography of Zinaida Serebryakova was very difficult. However, the artist, overcoming all hardships and hardships, became one of the few examples of women who managed to win recognition in the art world.

Zinaida Lancere, by her husband Serebryakov, was born near Kharkov. She was destined to give birth to four children, become a widow, change Kharkov to Petrograd, and then to Paris, and there to calm down at the Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery.

She was born and raised in a family where more than one generation worshiped art. Great-great-grandfather Caterino Cavos - originally from Italy, musician, author of operas, symphonies; great-grandfather, Albert Kavos - architect; his own grandfather - Nikolai Benois - an architect, academician. Zinaida's father - famous sculptor Nikolay Lanceray.

After the death of her father, Zina lived with her grandfather, Nicholas Benois, where a creative atmosphere reigned, and the atmosphere of the house was permeated with the spirit of art. The dining room was decorated with paintings painted by her mother, a student of the Academy of Arts. The rooms were furnished with antique furniture made by old masters. The house gathered famous people: Bakst, Somov, Diaghilev and others.

Since childhood, Zina herself loved to draw. She did not thoroughly study drawing anywhere: only two months in private school drawing under the guidance of I. Repin, two years studied in the studio of O. Braz. But she was so good at learning, absorbing everything useful, and already at the age of 17 she easily learned to work with watercolors in two or three colors, to achieve purity and beauty of tone.

For health reasons, in 1901 she was taken to Italy, where she enthusiastically and a lot painted mountain landscapes with rich vegetation, the sea with coastal stones, narrow, sun-drenched streets, houses, interiors of rooms.

In 1905, Zina married a railway engineer Serebryakov and went with him to Honeymoon in Paris. There she entered a school-workshop, where she worked hard, imitated the Impressionists. But besides the streets and houses of Paris, she was interested in the life of the peasants, she sketched cattle, carts, sheds.

Returning to Moscow, Zinaida writes a lot, especially loves to paint portraits. In magazines they began to say about her that she had a "big, colorful temperament." She began to exhibit among already famous painters, and she was noticed. Later A. Benois wrote about the exhibition of Serebryakova's works: "... she gave the Russian public such a wonderful gift, such a" big smile "that one cannot but thank her ..."

In Serebryakova's paintings, complete spontaneity and simplicity, true artistic temperament, something sonorous, young, laughing, sunny and clear were noted. All her works are striking with vitality, innate skill. And the village guys, and students, and rooms, and fields - everything with Serebryakova comes out bright, living its own life and sweet.

Before the First World War, the artist visited Italy, Switzerland, where she painted many landscapes. She returned home in the summer of 1914, where she was greeted by gloomy and confused male faces, wailing soldiers and roaring girls.

In 1916, Alexander Benois was offered the painting of the Kazan railway station in Moscow, then he attracted recognized masters to work - Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, Boris Kustodiev, and Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova was among these chosen ones.

In 1918, the Neskuchnoye estate, where the Serebryakovs lived, burned down. The family moved to Kharkov. Boris Anatolyevich, Zinaida's husband, contracted typhus in 1919 and died.

The Serebryakovs lived poorly, sometimes on the verge of poverty. The artist was forced to earn money by drawing visual aids... A joyless life dragged on. Then the Serebryakovs moved to St. Petersburg, settled in the empty apartment of N.L. Benois's grandfather. At least somehow to live, the artist enters the service in the workshop of visual aids for a beggarly salary.

Meanwhile, in 1924 in America there was an exhibition of Serebryakova, at which about 150 paintings were sold. In the meantime, it was a lot of money, especially in the destroyed Land of the Soviets. Alexander Benois, who settled in Paris with his family, called them to them. Moreover, she received an order for a panel from Paris. What will a mother of four children living in the "restricted to travel" Soviet Union do? Leave them and rush to France? Or will he stay with them? In addition to the children, Serebryakova still has a sick mother in her arms. Livelihood - zero.

Serebryakova decided to go. Biographers say: "Subsequently, she repented and wanted to return to Russia, even in the USSR. But she did not succeed." But why failed? Or did you not want to? For example, Marina Tsvetaeva succeeded. Zinaida Serebryakova - no. Although her older brother, Yevgeny Lansere, a Soviet professor, came to her in France. He worked in Tbilisi and was sent to Paris by the decision of the Georgian People's Commissariat for Education. They managed to send two children to her in France, two more remained in Russia - Serebryakova will see one of her daughters only 36 years later, during the Khrushchev thaw.

France did not bring Serebryakova happiness. There was little money, she lived an almost poverty-stricken life. I sent a penny to the children. And she very much regretted her decision to leave Russia. And the creativity of the period of emigration was not so bright, splashing colors, temperament. All the best remained at home.

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova (1884-1967) - artist.

Z. Serebryakova, 1900s

Zinaida Serebryakova was born on December 12, 1884 in the estate Neskuchnoye, Kursk province. She was the youngest of six children in the family of the sculptor Evgeny Alexandrovich Lansere (1848-1886) and his wife Ekaterina Nikolaevna (1850-1933), nee Benois.

The father died when Zinaida was two years old, and the mother and the children left Neskuchny for the St. Petersburg apartment of their father, Nikolai Leontyevich Benois (1813-1898). Everything in my grandfather's house lived in art: exhibitions, theater, the Hermitage. In her youth, Zinaida's mother was a graphic artist, uncle Alexander Nikolaevich Benois (1870-1960) and older brother Eugene Lansere were fond of drawing.

The family was not surprised when a gifted girl decided to become an artist. For several years she changed schools, countries and teachers in search of what she needed. In 1900 - the art school of Princess Tenisheva. A year later, several months at the school of Ilya Repin. Then a year in Italy. In 1903-1905. apprenticeship with the portraitist O.E. Braza (1873-1936). In 1905-1906. - Accademia Grand Chaumier in Paris.

In 1905, Zinaida Lansere married Boris Serebryakov, who was her cousin... They had known each other since childhood. And in 1910 the artist Zinaida Serebryakova received recognition for the painting "Behind the Toilet". Family happiness and the joy of creativity!

The October coup found Zinaida Serebryakova in Neskuchny. In 1919, a husband died of typhus. She was left with four children and a sick mother. The estate was plundered, and in 1920 she left for Petrograd to her grandfather's apartment. There was a place after the seal.

Serebryakova left for Paris in 1924 and never returned. After a while, they managed to ferry the children Sasha and Katya to her. She helped her mother and Tata and Zhenya, who remained with her, as much as she could.

The brilliant artist Zinaida Serebryakova spent half her life in the impoverished Parisian emigration. Abroad, fame came to her after her death. And at home? In the USSR in 1960, after 36 years of separation, her daughter Tatyana Borisovna Serebryakova, Tata, came to Paris. But the artist did not dare to follow her to Russia. There was no strength to move. Only in the spring of 1965, the 80-year-old artist realized her dream - she came to Moscow to the opening of her first exhibition in the USSR.

Serebryakova - the joy of life

In a scarf, 1911

Bather, 1911

Pierrot. Portrait of 1911

Girl with a candle, 1911

In red. Portrait of 1921

Biography of Serebryakova

Zinaida Serebryakova.
Self-portrait 1930

Z.E. Serebryakova.
Self-portrait 1946

Z.E. Serebryakova.
Self-portrait 1956

  • 1884. November 28 (December 12) - birth in the estate of Neskuchnoye of the Belgorod district of the Kursk province in the family of the sculptor Evgeny Aleksandrovich Lanceray and his wife Ekaterina Nikolaevna (née Benois) daughter Zinaida.
  • 1886. March 23 - death of his father from tuberculosis. Autumn - moving to St. Petersburg to his mother's parents - academician of architecture Nikolai Leontievich Benois and grandmother Kamilla Albertovna.
  • 1893. Studying at the Kolomna women's gymnasium.
  • 1898.11 December - death of N.L. Benoit.
  • 1899. Summer - the first summer after the death of his grandfather, spent entirely on the Neskuchnoye estate.
  • 1900. Graduation from gymnasium and admission to Art school M.K. Tenisheva.
  • 1902. A trip of Ekaterina Nikolaevna with her daughters Ekaterina, Maria and Zinaida to Capri, Italy - "Capri" sketches.
  • 1903. March - moving to Rome, meeting under the guidance of A.N. Benois with the art of Antiquity and Renaissance. Summer - work in Neskuchny on landscapes and sketches of peasants. Autumn - admission to the workshop of O.E. Braz (studying there until 1905).
  • 1905. Spring - visit organized by S.P. Diaghilev historical exhibition portraits in the Tauride Palace. September 9 - marriage with Boris Anatolyevich Serebryakov. November - departure with his mother to Paris to study at the Accademia de la Grande Chaumiere. December - arrival in Paris of her husband, who entered the Paris High school roads and bridges.
  • 1906. Studied at the Accademia de la Grande Chaumiere. April - return to St. Petersburg. May 26 - the birth of a son in Neskuchny, named after the artist's father Eugene.
  • 1907.September 7 - the birth of his son Alexander.
  • 1908-1909. Serebryakova painted landscapes and portraits in Neskuchny.
  • 1910. February - participation in the VII exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists in St. Petersburg with thirteen works. Acquisition three works Tretyakov Gallery.
  • 1911. December - participation in the exhibition "World of Art" in Moscow. Serebryakova was elected a member of the association.
  • 1912 January 22 - the birth of his daughter Tatiana.
  • 1913.28 June - the birth of his daughter Catherine.
  • 1914. May-June - a trip to Northern Italy(Milan, Florence, Padua, Venice). On the way - Berlin, Leipzig, Munich.
  • 1915. November - Serebryakova took part in the exhibition of sketches, sketches and drawings "The World of Art" in Petrograd.
  • 1916. December - participation in the exhibition "The World of Art" in Petrograd. Work on panel sketches for the Kazansky railway station. Images of oriental beauties did not appear in the station's paintings.
  • 1917. January - Serebryakova was nominated for the title of Academician of the Academy of Arts. S.R. Ernst completed a monograph on the work of Serebryakova, published in 1922.
  • 1918. Serebryakova with her mother and children lived in Kharkov in temporary apartments. Sometimes she came to Neskuchnoye.
  • 1919. January - Zinaida Serebryakova came to her husband in Moscow. March 22 - death of B.A. Serebryakov from typhus in Kharkov. Autumn - Neskuchnoye estate was plundered and destroyed. November - relocation with mother and children to Kharkov. End of the year - participation in the "First Art Exhibition of the Kharkov Council of Workers' Deputies".
  • 1920. January-October - work in the Archaeological Museum at Kharkov University. December - return to Petrograd.
  • 1921. April - the Serebryakova family moves to the Benois house. Acquisition by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts of a number of the artist's works with their subsequent transfer to the Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery.
  • 1922. May-June - participation in the exhibition "The World of Art" in Petrograd. Beginning of work at the Choreographic School and the Mariinsky Theater on sketches of dressing rooms, portraits of ballerinas.
  • 1924. January - participation in the exhibition of artists "World of Art". March 8 - opening at New york exhibitions of one hundred Russian artists in the USA. Of the 14 paintings by Serebryakova, two have been sold. August 24 - Serebryakova's departure from the USSR. September 4 - Arrival in Paris.
  • 1925. Spring - Serebryakova in England with her cousin H.L. Ustinova. May-June - work on custom portraits. Summer - the arrival of the son of Alexander to France. Moving with his son to Versailles, work on sketches in the Versailles Park.
  • 1927. March 26 - April 12 - exhibition of Serebryakova in the gallery J. Charpentier. June-August - E.E. Lancer.
  • 1928. March - the arrival of Katya's daughter to Paris. Summer - work in Bruges on portraits of members of the family of Baron J.A. de Brouwer. December is the beginning of a six-week trip to Morocco.
  • 1929. January - End of trip to Morocco. February 23 - March 8 - Exhibition of Moroccan works by Serebryakova in the gallery of Bernheim the Younger. April 30 - May 14 - exhibition of Serebryakova in the gallery of V.O. Hirschman.
  • 1930. January-February - participation in the exhibition of Russian art in Berlin. Summer - a trip to the south of France, creating numerous landscapes in Collioure and Menton. Participation in an exhibition of Russian art in Belgrade.
  • 1931. March-April - participation in exhibitions of portraits of the French Association of Artists. July-August - Trip to Nice and Menton. November-December - exhibition (together with D. Buschen) in Antwerp and Brussels.
  • 1932. February-March - a trip to Morocco: work on portraits, landscapes, everyday scenes... Summer - work in Italy: landscapes of Florence and Assisi. December 3-18 - exhibition of Serebryakova in the gallery J. Charpentier, articles by A.N. Benois and K. Mockler. December - participation in the exhibition " Russian art"at the Renaissance gallery in Paris. Participation in the exhibition" Russian painting of two centuries "in Riga.
  • 1933. March 3 - the death of his mother in Leningrad. April - participation in an exhibition of portraits of the French Association of Artists. Summer - a trip to Switzerland and the south of France. Moving to Rue Blanche in Montmartre.
  • 1934 April - participation in an exhibition of portraits at the House of Artists in Paris. July-August - Serebryakova in Brittany: work on landscapes, portraits of lace-makers and fishermen.
  • 1935. Spring - participation in an exhibition of Russian art in London. Summer - a trip to Estenes (Auvergne), creating still lifes with grapes. End of the year - preparation for painting the hall of the villa of Baron J.A. de Brouwer "Manoir du Relay". Participation in the exhibition "Russian Art of the 18th-20th Centuries" in Prague.
  • 1936. Work on a panel for Manoir du Relay. December - Serebryakova in Belgium to "try on" four panels in the Manoir hall.
  • 1937. April - Serebryakova in Belgium to hand over the panel and revise the maps written by his son Alexander. June - visit to the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris. June-August - trips to Brittany, to the south of France, to the Pyrenees.
  • 1938. January 18 - February 1 - exhibition of Serebryakova at the gallery J. Charpentier in Paris. June-August - Trips to England and Corsica. Serebryakova sharp deterioration health - neurosis of the heart. On the recommendation of doctors, she left for Italy, in San Gimignano. December - eye surgery.
  • 1939.6 May - death of K.A. Somova. July-August - Serebryakova in Switzerland: work on portraits and landscapes. September 3 - entry of France into the Second world war... Moving to Campagne Premier street.
  • 1940. The beginning of the year - the termination of postal communication with relatives in the USSR. June 14 - introduction German troops in Paris.
  • 1941. June 22 - German attack on the USSR. Autumn - participation in three works in the Autumn Salon. Work on the landscapes of the Tuileries and the Luxembourg Gardens.
  • 1942. Operation for Graves' disease. Death in prison in Saratov of the brother of H.E. Lanceray, arrested in 1938.
  • 1944. 25 August - Liberation of Paris.
  • 1946.September 13 - death in Moscow of his brother E.E. Lancer. December - resumption of correspondence with relatives.
  • 1947-1948. Serebryakova in England: work on custom portraits and still lifes.
  • 1949. August - a trip to the French provinces of Auvergne and Burgundy to work on commissioned portraits.
  • 1951. Beginning of permanent exhibiting in the USSR of Serebryakova's works at exhibitions from private collections and museum funds.
  • 1953. Summer - Serebryakova in England: work on landscapes.
  • 1954. May-June - nine-day exhibition of works, together with A.B. and E.B. Serebryakov, in a workshop on Campagne Premier Street.
  • 1955. November - decision to bequeath several of his works to museums in the Soviet Union.
  • 1956. August - meeting with A.N. Benois and in his workshop with F.S. Bogorodsky.
  • 1957. May-September - visits of Serebryakova by the vice-president of the USSR Academy of Arts V.S. Kemenov.
  • 1958. March - Serebryakova's meeting with V.S. Kemenov and the USSR Ambassador to France S.A. Vinogradov, who offered to return to their homeland. June - visiting a tour performance of the Moscow Art Theater " The Cherry Orchard", meeting with the leadership of the theater and actress K. Ivanova.
  • 1960.9 February - death of A.N. Benoit in Paris. April - the first visit of Tatiana's daughter to Paris after thirty-six years of separation. December 15 - the opening of the exhibition "The Benois Family" in London, in which Serebryakova participated in three landscapes.
  • 1961. Address by TB. Serebryakova on the board of the Union of Artists to organize an exhibition of her mother in the USSR. March - visit of Serebryakova by employees of the Soviet embassy, ​​visit of S.V. Gerasimova, D.A. Shmarinova, A.K. Sokolov to view the works.
  • 1962. February 17 - participation in four works in the evening in favor of Russian invalids of the First World War.
  • 1964. May - arrival of Tatiana's daughter from Moscow. Spring-Summer - Serebryakova selected and put in order the works for the exhibition in Moscow. Submitting works with the help of the Soviet embassy. Autumn - correspondence regarding the design of the poster and catalog of the exhibition.
  • 1965. May-June - exhibitions of Zinaida Serebryakova in Moscow in Exhibition hall Union of Artists and Kiev in Kiev State Museum Russian art.
  • 1966. February - a visit to Serebryakova by art critic I.S. Silberstein. March-April - an exhibition of Serebryakova's paintings in Leningrad at the Russian Museum, which was a huge success. Spring - visit of the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Pushkarev. The Russian Museum acquired 21 works by Serebryakova from the exhibition. December - the first visit to Paris of the son of Eugene.
  • 1967. Spring - Eugene and Tatiana's arrival in Paris for a meeting with their mother. Creation of portraits of Tatiana and Eugene, V.A. Pushkarev. September 19 - Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova died after a short illness. She was buried in the Saint Genevieve de Bois cemetery near Paris.

Serebryakova's paintings

The life of the talented artist Z.E. Serebryakova, after 1917 turned into years of wandering, suffering and memories of the past. She was torn between the need to create and the need to earn money to support her family. But Serebryakova's paintings are always about beauty and harmony, an open and benevolent look.

Serebryakova in Moscow

  • Komsomolskaya, 2. Kazansky railway station. In 1916, Z. Serebryakov, at the invitation of his uncle A.N. Benoit participated in the painting of the station.
  • Lavrushinsky, 10. Tretyakov Gallery. After an exhibition organized in 1910 by the World of Art association, the Tretyakov Gallery acquired several paintings by Serebryakova.