Why can not be baptized the first girl? Is it possible to baptize the girl unmarried? Rules and superstitions.

Why can not be baptized the first girl? Is it possible to baptize the girl unmarried? Rules and superstitions.
Why can not be baptized the first girl? Is it possible to baptize the girl unmarried? Rules and superstitions.

Any church sacraments in the folk consciousness are associated with fetaled and empty ancient reflections, superstitions and prejudices that have no connection. The word "superstition" is formed by two parts: " suiver» - « in vain"And" vera", Which means" vain belief», « thiege vera", I.e. Empty. It is extremely unreasonable to live one superstitions and give them important, especially with the accomplishment of church sacraments. One of them is baptism - the beginning of the path of the immortal soul to eternal life, to God.

Why can not be baptized the first girl?

We reached various superstitions that concern the choice of the godfather (dentals). For example, it is believed that it is impossible to baptize the child with pregnant women, otherwise their child can die, not born, or will not live after birth.

Many have heard such a superstition that for the girl was not called to the godfather unmarried girls and women. unmarried? The people there are several answers to this question:

  1. Unmarried women can "give" their happiness to the skeleton.
  2. So that the "crown of celibacy" did not get a skeleton, chose only married to the godfather.

In addition, due to the fact that the scenic "takes off" the fate of his godfather, took only happy women in marriage and satisfied with the fate of women.

The opinion of the Church

Civilized, and even more so, believers do not have to believe in prejudice. For a child, it does not matter what social situation is its godfather. It is important that the perception lives in God's laws and transmitted its spiritual knowledge.

English superstition

Such superstitions regarding baptism exist not only in our country. The British, living in the north and west of the country, try not to baptize the girl ahead of the boy. Why you can not baptize the first girl in England?

According to the medieval, I will believe, the witch flying around the girl can pick up the vegetation on the face of the boy: the lack of vegetation in the man on the face - mustache and beard, is a satanic sign, and the person himself is a girlfriend Satan.

Baptism rite

The ritual of baptism existed long before Christianity, which borrowed him from ancient-language beliefs. The baptism in the deep antiquity "introduced" the newborn in the community, which defended its new member from enemies, evil forces and evil spirits. Basically, the baptism was held immediately after birth: the filler "sold" the child with the future godfather, who carried him to the church to "create a person." According to scientists, the rite of baptism in paganism has a ritual value. According to him, the obstacle is a pagan principle, the nature that "sculpts" the body creates a form, and the cross-Christian, they give the name of the newborn and attach it to the spiritual sphere. Together with the joint efforts of the godfather and obstacles, a new person through the baptism rite enters the community, society.

That is why baptism is considered the main rite of the beginning of life, as a result of which the child receives one more, spiritual, parents (perceptions) - the godfather and the godfather (for biological - Kumany), which are responsible for the spiritual education and piety of the godfather before God. In addition, in the daily life of the godfather protruders and wise advisors.

The meaning of the sacrament

As a result of baptism from a child, his original sin was washed off, and he appears to be clean before God. In addition, baptism allows a person in the future to become a perception of another child, to be married, to participate in other church sacraments, and others to pray for him.


It can be said that the choice of perceivers is a responsible moment when preparing for christening. The choice of godfather for baptism was based on a good relationship between Kumany and parents. In the godfather, they sought to choose people of baptized, kind, cheerful, with a light hand, who have everything in life. Accept a child from the font on a light hand, it was considered to give him a long and happy life. An important point in choosing the godfather is the absence of marriage between them, both during the christening and after them.

For baptism, it is enough to invite someone one of the godfall: the boy - the godfather, the girl - the godfather. Catholics do, however, in Orthodoxy in Russian tradition, both are invited to the child.

What give the godfather?

The criticism gives the cross, and the cross - a baptismal shirt, a handkerchief and a kryph, which takes the child from the holy font.

According to the first ancient rites, Kum paid the christening, she gave the revenue with money ("redeemed" the baby) and gave the mother's mother's handkerchief from Citz.

Making a choice - to be the godfather or not, do not follow the signs and superstitions. Do not think about the question " Why you can not baptize the first girl ? ". Become a godfather is a sacred, honorable and responsible role. The church does not recognize and does not confirm any existing superstition and firmly on their way. According to church canons, the godfather is not only nothing to lose, but on the contrary, it acquires a positive energy, participating in a good deed. Especially important is the role of gods for unmarried woman. After all, only becoming a godmother, you can understand your responsibility for the purity of the soul man before God. A good godfather will take part in the upbringing of his gods, will be the adviser and support in life.

Taking the decision to become a godfather in the girl, remember that baptism is a good job, and the role of perception is honorable, and God's grace will fall into your life.

To the choice of godfather in our time, people try to approach responsible. Therefore, the scrupulously try to find the most suitable candidate. One of the interesting issues in this sense is in what cases a unmarried girl can become a godmother.

Is it possible to baptize the girl unmarried

Despite the fact that the church denies the existence of magic, various superstitions, it does not prevent people from trusting legends, which many centuries ago were traditional for our ancestors or arose from nowhere else.

So, today a lot of parents do not want the godfather of their daughters to become alone women. But why is it going on?

There are 2 beliefs that explain such an opinion. The first warns that, first of all, a similar role may be dangerous for the girl itself. It is explained by the fact that the future kissan will take the beauty and women's happiness from his patronage.

Second belief about the danger for the girl. If an adult woman is going to the patroner who has not yet been married and does not have children, then alone be unlikely, this is a crown of celibacy and he can go to the kiss.

Of course, the church treats such superstitions negatively and indicates that if the girl has already reached an adult age, is an Orthodox Christian, goes to church, believes in God and really wants to become a child's godfather, then she can do it.

Signs about the ban baptize the boy

With the baptism of the boy, of course, superstition are also connected. Some of them should be dispelled. Here are the most common of them:

  • if you do not have a godfather, then alas, you can not baptize the boy, since the patron must be the same sex with a baby;
  • preferably girl the first twisted the boy, then her life will be good;
  • not in married a woman is not recommended to baptize a male baby, because she will not marry for a long time.

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As you can see, we have three signs that contradict each other. You can say with confidence that it is all superstition. The church rejects similar species and focuses on the fact that the believer does not fit his head like such things.

There are certain rules for choosing the godfather and there it is not stated that being a patron of your child can not be in married a woman. At the same time, absolutely no matter how the floor is a child. It is worth noting that in some churches they really ask to find patron of one sex with baby (if the godfather is only one person).

As you can see, any woman can baptize the child, regardless of its marital status. If someone tells you that it is forbidden, you can be sure of the person simply does not understand the subtleties of the baptism. And such superstitions are just the fruit of human imagination.

When an unmarried girl is invited to become a godfather, then a dilemma gets up in front of her: "Breasting a child, or refuse?". The future godfather often asks loved ones: "Is it possible to baptize the girl who is unmarried?". These throwing are related to fears and superstitions that do not support.

The people believe that the unmarried girl who has become the godfather, it will be difficult to marry in the future. Priests believe that all the will of the Lord, and with the sacrament of baptism, personal life is not connected.

There is still a superstition that the godfather, which is not married, can give his fate of the scenic. In the church they say that each person is unique and cannot exchange his fate with others.

There is also a myth that a young godfather will take many sins of the godders for themselves when she enters adult life. But this can not happen, since God perceives every person separately and sees only his sins and good acts.

Another superstitious fear is associated with the parents of the child. Some parents believe that the young and unmarried godd can unwittingly or deliberately pull away their daughter, youth or beauty during baptism. In Christianity, witchcraft is denied, so this fear remains at the level of "grandmother's fairy tales".

For what true reasons unmarried can not be the godfather?

It would seem that fears are calmed down, the myths are debunked and can be safely becoming a godparent girl. But besides superstitions, there are real bans when unmarried can not baptize the child. Consider them in more detail:

All of the above is good reasons for the abandon from the role of the godfather. And parents themselves should not invite a person who does not suit the above reasons to this important role. Now you have learned whether it is possible to baptize the girl unmarried a girl. And what does it really mean to be the godfather?

The godfather is honorary title and great responsibility. The real godmother will be able to replace the mother's mother genuine if something happens with that.

The godfather must actively engage in the spiritual development of the kiss. She is obliged to participate in all events important for the girl, attend her wedding.

The godfather is a spiritual example for the scenic. Their close communication should enrich the christian views of the child. But also a worldly participation in the life of the godders is not rebored.

A woman who became the godfather must pray for her goddly and maintain it in difficult periods of life. After all, she witnessed the child's admission to the world of Christianity.

Lee to agree to the role of the godfather - the personal cause of each woman. If fears because of accepting and superstitions are too strong, you can tell about them to confession to the priest. But it is not worth refusing to be close because of myths and believes. It is better to figure it out in your inner readiness for this meaningful step. After all, the status of the godfather is for life. And it is impossible to abandon such a role, even if a desire arises.

It is still worth remembering that the fact that the godfather or the godfather is preparing is not welcomed. It is better to participate in the sacrament of baptism after your own wedding. But if the desire to become a sacred sincere and strong, then the church can approve such candidates.

So is it possible to baptize the girl unmarried? According to folk signs - no. But the church looks at it positively. The main thing is that the future godfather is not too young and fully aware of the importance of this step. And then everything will be wonderful, and the girl will have the first named child - her gardens. And parents will find in her face the assistant who will be not indifferent to the fate of their daughter. After all, the more the child has loved ones and loving his people, the better.

For the parents of the child who decided to make the sacrament of the baptism of the baby, perhaps the main task is to choose the attorney Mom and Pope. Until the day of the rite of the rigging, the question often arises whether it should be a married woman or not.

Traditionally, they believe that the godfather must be selected from the single. There is a belief: if the godfather is not married, then after making a rite, she will meet his long-awaited love. But if the girl, unfortunately, can not become pregnant for a long time and suddenly acquires the status of a godfather mother, then in a short time and she will definitely be able to enjoy maternity.

If the godfather leads the world's life of a child, then the godfather is designed to lead him spiritual way: it was she who introduced a baby to the temple, she also raises him in faith and cleanliness.

Not an easy choice

To choose a girl to the role of the godfather, you can contact the San or simply an experienced priest. Most often, a week before the father, they are talking about the very sacrament, about what things need to be purchased, and about the important role and the mission that the chosen new parents carry. In the end, the most important thing when choosing the godfather becomes not the question of its status in society, but the topic of religion. It is important that the godfather is believing and baptized.

The godfather is obliged to buy the icon of the saint with the name of the girl and a special tissue that is a hound. The best hidngth will be a completely new fabric, symbolizing the purity of a little girl. It is believed that this fabric in the future mother of the baby will be carefully stored and not shown anyone.

The child can be baptized 8 days from birth, but it is important to take into account that the woman who gave birth can not enter the temple for 40 days from childbirth.


But nevertheless, there are many terrible legends that if the godfather did not have time to get married before the rite, she will give his family happiness, and he will not be a happy wife herself. Allegedly, it is why it is necessary to invite a married woman who has already perfectly developed fate and there is its own family. Anyway, all this is only superstition, and choose who will be the godfather, yet parents, the main thing is to approach seriously to address the issue. It is important that the person planned for the role was good, believed in the Lord, with all entrusted him of his responsibility. The godfather is the second mother of a child who throughout the future life will help him and maintain in all matters and endeavors.

With the Institute of Cross Parents, a lot of acceptance and superstitions are associated. Becoming the godded parents, it is necessary to take care of the child, if possible, try to take part in his upbringing, well, and without gifts, no godfall never cost. Why there is a sign that the girl can not be baptized first. For men, such superstitions have no power and power, but more emotional women tend to take signs on faith and follow these folk wisdoms. Ancient signs and superstitions are intertwined here that it is impossible not only to baptize the first girl, but it is possible to drink milk to drink, why it is impossible to sit on the table, why it is impossible to give certain things. The roots of these superstitions go to the gray old old, but you can try to figure out that the terrible trap is the ban to baptize the first girl.

According to one belief, it is impossible to baptize if the future godfather is not married and has not gave birth yet. It was believed that the scenic would take the future of happiness and she would not marry. There is also a belief that the girl can adopt in the future fate of his godfather. Therefore, you need to choose those happy in marriage on this honorary role.

The next superstition says that if the boy is the first kick, then his own fate of such a girl will be afraid. Similar friends who refused to be the godfather may seriously hurt young parents who may be, and believe in challenges, but the happiness of the child is more important for them.

Interesting belief from England can be found on the Internet. It turns out that in North and Western England such a problem arose completely for another reason. According to the medieval English superstition, the girl can not be baptized first because flying around the witch will endow it with her ability to pick up all the vegetation from the second baby - the boy, and he will be the rest of his life without a mustache and beard, which in those days was considered a sign of a girlish Satan.

Believe in such signs or not, parents decide. Refuse such an honorary mission, how to become a gentle child is extremely shameful. After all, baptism is a sacred rite, and evil signs and superstitions are invented to justify their own mistakes and failures. The Orthodox Church never confirmed such superstitions, and no minister of the church refuses to baptize the girl first, because the church stands on the path of such. Therefore, it is not necessary to abandon such an honorable right, how to become a godmother because of fear of something to lose in life. Baptism gives such a positive energy that nothing bad can happen.

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