What nations live in China names. Ethnic and demographic composition of China's population

What nations live in China names. Ethnic and demographic composition of China's population
What nations live in China names. Ethnic and demographic composition of China's population

China is a country having its own unique and excellent culture. Every year there is more than a million people who come to admire her beauties. Travelers choose this state not only to look at the greatest buildings of China, but also to get acquainted with the culture of the people.

In the Middle Kingdom (so often called this country) lives a lot of nations. Because of this, the tradition, life, the mode of life \\ acquires new motives. Although more than 90% of the population are indigenous Chinese, they willingly perceive changes in their culture, easily intake other nations.

In China, there are minorities who are talking on their own nascha. At the moment, many speak different Chinese dialects, differing from generally accepted norms, they are about 300, including Chzhurzhensky (one of


Known to the whole world thanks to tourist objects. Travelers are attracted by rural species, smoothly replacing the city skyscrapers. Landscapes are the first reason for which there are a lot of foreigners. They are able to surprise not only experienced tourists, but also the most inexperienced.

China's people in antiquity considered their homeland the center of the whole world. Those nations who lived on the border of the country were called barbarians. They were often subjected to repression and discrimination.

Residents are inherent in great respect for books, scientists and various knowledge. All businessmen must have business cards on which the text is printed in Chinese and english. The Chinese are characterized by savings, so they are easily and quickly gaining a huge capital.

Geography of the PRC

China is a country located in the east of Asia. It borders with 15 states. The territory is washed by South Chinese, yellow and East Chinese seas. It must be said that the Middle Kingdom has a sufficient number of mountains. Only 30% of the entire sea level below. In addition to elevations there are water bodies. They are known for their properties, as well as beautiful species. Many rivers are used for shipping, fishing and irrigation. It produces such fossils such as oil, coal, ore, manganese, zinc, lead, etc.

China on the map is conditionally divided into two parts: East (located in East Asia) and Western (located in Central Asia). The possession of this country includes Taiwan and Hainan. These islands are the largest.

History of the country

After the formation of the Republic of China, the first ruling dynasty became Shan. After some time, it was changed by the Chezou tribe. Subsequently, the territory was divided into several parts, for which wars were constantly conducted. It is because of them for protection against Gunov a multi-kilometer wall was erected. The heyday of the state coincided with the period of the Board of the Han dynasty. At that time, China on the map has already been a significant place, expanding its borders to the South and West.

Almost immediately after the conquest of Taiwan (which to this day is the colony of the country) the state has become a republic. This happened in 1949. The government constantly carried out various cultural reforms, and also tried to change the economic sphere. Changed the ideology of China.

Chinese as a nation

The Chinese are the nation inhabiting the PRC. In their number, they are deservedly settled in the first place. refer to ourselves "Han". This name occurred thanks to which was able to unite the entire territory of the state under one government. In ancient times, the word "Han" meant " milky Way" This is due to the fact that the people of China called their country to benomethem.

The greatest number of Hantsev is in China. More than 1 billion people live here. They also make up almost 98% of Taiwan's total population. It is safe to say that the Chinese inhabit absolutely all districts and municipalities.

The United States, Canada, Australia is those states that are currently leading the number of Chinese diaspora. Over the past 5 years, almost 40 million hanians moved to these countries.

Peoples inhabiting China

According to official data, representatives of 56 nations live in the Republic of China. Due to the fact that the Chinese occupy more than 92% of the population, the remaining nationalities are divided into minorities. The number of such people in the country is much higher than the figure, which the government is voiced.

In the south of the country, residents talk in the North However, it is worth noting that they still belong to the Han group.

The main peoples of China:

  • chinese (Hantsev, Hujitz, Bai);
  • tibeto-Burmese (Tujsia, and, Tibetans, etc.);
  • thai (Zhuuana, Bui, Dong, etc.);
  • kadai (Galao);
  • peoples Lee;
  • peoples Miao-Yao (Miao, Yao, SHE);
  • mon-Khmer (Va, Bulan, Jing, etc.);
  • mongolian (Mongols, Dunsyan, TU et al.);
  • turkic (Uigurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, etc.);
  • tunguso-Manchurian (Manchuri, Sibo, Evenks, etc.):
  • taiwanese (Gajahan);
  • indo-European (Pamir Tajiks, Russians).

Culture of state

The culture of the people of China goes in ancient times. She began to nascent before our era. There are legends that the gods transferred certain foundations of life and life to the Chinese. In the history of the subway, you can trace the colossal changes in culture over several centuries.

The main myths of the states known to date are themselves that Panga has created the whole world, Nyva - humanity, Shen Nun was able to open special medicinal plants, and Qiang ChzE became the father of writing.

China's architecture still has a powerful impact on the facilities of Vietnam, Japan and Korea.

Standard houses have a maximum of two floors. In cities, modern buildings have acquired a western look at the time, the original design of the residential structure is preserved in the villages.

The traditions of the people of China

Many traditions are associated with etiquette, ceremonies, gifts. It was they who spawned some proverbs that spread to the whole world.

In order to feel comfortable in this country, it is necessary to know the basic rules of this nation:

  • Handshake - a valid gesture used by the Chinese when greetings with foreigners.
  • The knives, scissors and other cutting items should never be presented as a gift. They mean a gap in relationships. In addition to them, it is better not to give the clock, handkerchief, flowers, straw sandals. These things for the Chinese people mean ambulance death.
  • Here do not eat forks, so you should learn to nutrition using special sticks.
  • Gifts must be opened at home, not immediately after receiving.
  • Tourists are not recommended to wear bright shades. You should choose those things that are made in pastel colors. This explains that China's people do not relate to a similar type of self-expression.


The main attraction, which has been preserved since ancient times, is the Great Wall of China. It was built in the III century BC. At that time, her length was almost 5 thousand km, the height varied from 6 to 10 m.

In Beijing there are other essential architectural facilitieswho are popular with tourists. Most of them were erected in the XV-XIX centuries. Shanghai is rich in temples, the finish of which is made of gemstone. Center LamaZma - Lhasa. China's people love another cultural heritage - a monastery, in which the residence of the Dalai Lama was located.

Some Mountains (Huangshan), Caves (Mogao), Port Victoria, River and the Forbidden City are also considered as attractions. Often there are old Buddhist buildings.

In ethnic plan, more than 90% of China's population make up Hanz, or the Chinese "Han". Due to the migration processes, their number in the areas of residence of national minorities increase, but for the most part they inhabit the Central and East China.

National minorities. The Chinese "Han" traditionally considered all the non-resident of the backward peoples. As the territory of Hantsev expands beyond the initial areas of living, they assimilated some non-Chinese ethnic groups. Other ethnic groups retreated to remote, less convenient areas where many of them managed to preserve their national characteristics.

Many non-residents live in extensive weakly populated areas of Northeast, Western and Southwestern China. According to the census 1953, the total number of residents that are members of more than 50 ethnic groups of national minorities amounted to 35.3 million people, or OK.6% of the total population. The census conducted in 1982 showed that the total number of people of non-Chinese nationality increased to 67.2 million people, and in 1990 this figure was already 91.2 million people, or 8% of the population. The national minorities include a variety of ethnic groups, ranging from almost primitive mountain tribes to peoples standing on equal to the Hanters of the Development. The process of assimilation by the hanians of some national minorities continues. In total in China, according to official data, 55 national minorities. The largest non-Chinese peoples living in the PRC: Zhuhans (OK.1.4% of the population), Hui (0.8%), Manchuri (0.8%), Miao (0.7%), Mongols, Tibetans, Uygura , Kazakhs, Koreans, etc.

China's demographic resources are not even equal in the world. In 2003, the population amounted to about 1.287 billion people., Or 22% of the world's population Earth (see Appendix 1).

Over the past two, more than two decades, the reproduction regime of the population in China has changed radically. In terms of the natural growth of the population, it will no longer relate to the category of underdeveloped countries: in particular, the annual natural population growth has decreased to less than 1%, and the average life expectation has exceeded 70 years (see Appendix). Such a situation is a consequence, on the one hand, conducted by the state a strict demographic policy, and on the other hand, improving the material situation of people and their medical care.

The demographic problem was always in the center of attention and Chinese government, and the world community. Since August 1956, the government purposefully monitors the population of population, namely: young people are prohibited to marry until the age of 20 years, and married couples are allowed to have no more than one child (with the exception of representatives of national minorities for which the plank rises to the level two children). Consequently, the policy of stabilizing the population has brought their fruits.

However, this medal has its own goal: it is necessary to take into account such negative consequences of demographic policies, as a relative reduction in the working-age population, which lies with an increasingly severe demographic load, and the growing dissatisfaction of citizens by the intervention of the state in the personal life of every citizen.


China - multiethnic countryHis peoples speak more than 100 languages \u200b\u200bbelonging to different language families. The description of the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of China has not yet been completed. Listed languages \u200b\u200bare most known and described to one degree or another.

The languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of China belong to the Sino-Tibetan, Thai, Austro-Azia, Altai, Indo-European families.

The Sino-Tibetan family includes Chinese, Tibetan and numerous languages \u200b\u200bof the North-West and Southwestern China, consisting of Tibetan in close or remote relationship. As part of this family, Chinese, as noted, occupies the position of a separate group.

Thai languages \u200b\u200bhave recently been ranked at the Sino-Tibetan family, now they are allocated in an independent family. Thai languages \u200b\u200bare divided into a number of groups. Zhuang Dai Group is represented in China Zhuap languages, Bui, Nung, Sha, gave the people who live in Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area, as well as in Guizhou, Yunnan provinces. The Kam-Sui Group is represented by the languages \u200b\u200bof Kam, Sui and their numerous dialects, which are spoken in Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area and in Prov. Guizhou. A group of Lee consists of one language of Lee on the o-ve Hainan and its dialects.

The Austro-Asian family is presented in China by two groups to which small nations living in the prov. Yupinan. The Va Palaun group includes Kava and Pala-Ung. The group of Buman consists of one tongue tongue with numerous dialects. Miao-Yao languages \u200b\u200bare represented in China, Miao, Yao languages \u200b\u200band their numerous dialects. Peoples speaking them are scattered on the extensive territory of Hunay, Yunnan provinces. Guizhou, Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area, as well as Pa O, Hainan.

The Altai family is represented in China by Turkic, Mongolian, Tunguso-Manchurian languages. China's Turkic languages \u200b\u200binclude Uygur, Salara, Yugur, Kazakh, Uzbek, Tatar languages \u200b\u200b(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region). Mongolian languages \u200b\u200binclude the dialects of the Mongolian language, on which the inner Mongolia is spoken in the autonomous area, the RV Mongol language.

Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bare represented in China dialects of the Tajik language in Suar.

Tibetan, Uygur, Mongolian are old languages \u200b\u200bwith a rich cultural tradition, which enjoy world fame. The Tibetan alphabet in the ancient Indian graphics (Brahmi) and the written tradition of the PA of this language exist with the VII century. The ancient Uygur alphabet in the Sogdic chart was created in the X century. And played an important role in the history of culture of Central Asia.


Thanks to the "cultural revolution" 59% of the PPC population (767 million people) call themselves atheists. However, for a significant group of mainland Chinese, religion plays a very important role, especially Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. In contrast to the PRC, most of The population of Taiwanese China considers religion the necessary component of a private life. 93% profess Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, 4.5% - Christianity of different currents, and 2.5% - Islam, Judaism and other beliefs.

The main beliefs of the PRC are: Confucianism, Taoism, the worship of the ancestors, Buddhism (100 million), Islam (20 million), Christianity (15 million Protestants, 5 million Catholics).

The main beliefs of the Republic of China are: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism.

The PRC is an atheistic secular state, however, it is allowed to follow religious practices that are recognized by the government. That is, there is an opportunity to implement, albeit limited, the right of freedom of conscience. Taoism and Buddhism, together with the Moralestical Confucian Code, were the main religious teachings of China for 2 thousand years, so even the Communist Government cannot neglect this tradition.

Republic of China does not limit any religion or creed. It does not have barriers to realize the right to freedom of conscience.

However, there is another opinion about how the Chinese Communist Party belongs to believers: "In mid-February 2006, a group of human rights experts from the United Kingdom of Jubilee CameRign has published a 140-page material consisting of secret documents illegally transferred by employees of the Ministry public security China to the Committee for Investigations of Religious Races. Previously, the testimony of the sadistic persecution of believers in the People's Republic of China was seeping through informational barriers quite often, but said document is the first case when there were official documents at the disposal of stunned researchers, according to which it became possible to judge the impact of the antirefiosis activities of neo-mauists, their methodologies and plans.

According to these documents, the Chinese government is engaged in a systematic study of "cults", which are able to become a "sore threat of our safety and protection". Under them imply all religious organizations that are not registered by public security authorities, except for fourteen registered and, in the opinion of the party leadership, "peace-loving and safe". As part of a "ceremony threat", except for local cults, the communities of Catholics and Protestants were decided not to join to "patriotic" religious organizationsthat control the atheistic power, illegal Buddhist and other religious groups. For this kind of "threat of national security of the PRC" Believers - Christians, Muslims and others, risk in life imprisonment or be executed. "

China, being the largest for the population of the country of the world, is characterized by a relatively low birth rate (28, with mean rates - 24), low mortality (8, with average indicators - 9), low natural increase (16, at averages - 15). Nevertheless, China suffers from overcrowding, therefore, a demographic policy is carried out in the country aimed at reducing the birth rate. Demographic policy is enshrined in 1978

China is a multinational state. According to the results of the census conducted in 2010, there are 56 nationalities here. Title nation China has hanians, constituting 91% of the country's total population. In the twentieth century, the Chinese government pursued a hard policy of the Consolidation of the Han Nation, accompanied by the absorption of many smaller nations. But today the Chinese are very closely related to their ethnic differences, so there are still a graph "Nationality" in their passports. In general, despite the communist ideology, in China, multiculturalism is held, aimed at preserving national languages \u200b\u200band traditions of even the youngest peoples.

Among the largest groups among representatives of national minorities include:

  • zhuang (16 million people);
  • hui (10 million people);
  • uigur (10 million people);
  • and (8 million people).

China's most small people is the Lobe - about 3,600 people.

Most national minorities live in the west and south-west of the country. The Xinjiang-Uigur Autonomous District is especially noteworthy in this regard. There are many small peoples confessing Islam: Uygura, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, and others. Motion of ethnic composition is distinguished by Guizhou and Yunnan province, where representatives of many small peoples live. Due to the fact that these provinces have long remained the periphery, here from the generation to generation were transmitted ancient traditions, legends and customs. Also very unusual in cultural and ethnicity Tibetan autonomous area. Tibetans who preserved their tongue and culture live here, despite a long confrontation with the Chinese government.


Hans are not only an ethnic majority inside China, but also the biggest nation in the world. They make up 19% of the total population of the Earth.

Hantsey - China autochthonous inhabitants. Their ancestors lived on the territory of the Juanhe basin since the time of Paleolith. In the process of ethnogenesis of Hantsev, many Altai, Indonesian, Thai and Tibetan tribes participated. In the end, a major ethnos with highly developed culture and national self-consciousness appeared in China. Subsequently, Hantsey assimilated many smaller peoples and adopted part of the cultural traditions of their closest neighbors (Mongols, Zhurzheney, etc.).

In the third century BC e. The powerful Han Dynasty became edited by China, who united all local peoples by its beginning. This royal name and gave the name to the indigenous residents of China. In the XVII century, China was conquered nomadic people Manchurov. However, the conquerors who did not have such a developed culture as Hantsev gradually borrowed the customs and traditions conquered by them by the people. As a result, the Manchuri were almost completely assimilated by more numerous hangers.

Hantsev live in all Chinese provinces, but most of them part in the north-east of the country.


China is one of ancient states World. October 1, 1949 was proclaimed Chinese People's Republic.

PRC in size (about 9.6 million km 2) ranks third in the world. It is located in Central and East Asia, on west coast Pacific Ocean. The length of the country from the east to the west is 5700 km, from north to south - 3650, and 21.5 thousand km - land borders, about 15 thousand km - marine.

The PRC borders with Russia, DPRK, Mongolia, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam.

China is the largest country in the world in terms of population. The whole world is excited by the problems of the ever-growing number of China's population. This question could not remain unnoticed and by us. This paper discloses issues such as nationality and nationality, inhabiting China, nominability in the PRC and problems with it related.

For disclosure, reference benefits were used, articles in popular science journals. Statistical data were drawn in the global Internet.

Nationality and nationality of the People's Republic of China

The Chinese call their country Zhongo, which means translated from the Chinese "Middle State". This name arose at that time, when China residents considered their homeland located in the center of the Universe. The ancient is the name Zhong-Hua - the Middle Tribe Hua ("Hua" - one of the early Chinese tribes).

The Chinese are called "Hans" since the time of the ancient Dynasty Han. The European Name of China is German Hina, French tires, English Chinas - originated from the word "Chin" - the Indian name of the Qin Dynasty, the predecessor of Han. In the Russian language, the Word China came from the name of the people of Kidan, who once dwelling in the northwestern regions of China.

The People's Republic of China is a multinational country, 56 different nationalities and nationalities live on its territory. The most numerous Chinese, which constitute about 92% of the total population of the country (according to the 1990 census), besides them, they live on the territory of the country: Zhuang, Hui, Uigur, and Miao, Manchuri, Tibetans, Mongols, Tujia, Bui, Koreans, Dong , Yao, Bai, Hani, Kazakhs, Tai, Lee, Lisu, She, Lahu, Va, Shui, Dong Xiana, Nasi, Tu, Kirghiz, Qiang, Daura, Jingpo, Mulao, Sibo, Salary, Bulani, Galao, Maonan , Tajiks, Pumi, Well, Acha-us, Evenks, Jing, Benluna, Uzbeks, Ji-But, Yugura, Baoan, Douluns, Orochons, Tatars, Russians, Gajan, Hayge, Manba, Loba.

The ancient Chinese ethnic has developed at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. On the Middle Town Plain. The Chinese are carriers of an ancient plow agricultural culture. Their main occupation is irrigated drawback, in which they have valuable skills accumulated by centuries, as well as breeding such industrial crops as soy, peanuts, etc., tea, silverity.

According to anthropological signs, the Chinese refer to the East Asian Group of Pacific Mongoloids (North Kazakhstani racial type). Consolidation ethnic generality The ancient Chinese served as one of the prerequisites for the unification of the ancient Chinese kingdoms.

The formation of the Chinese nation took place in the riverfire of the River Juanhe and Yangtze in the Pool of the tributaries of these rivers - Wehhe and Han-Jiang. Throughout history, this area has expanded significantly due to the spread of Chinese to the north, south and west, during which the Chinese assimilated many non-Chinese people living there. The specificity of local conditions, the peculiarities of the peoples that were assimilated during colonization, some local cultural traits have identified the emergence of significant differences between the groups of Chinese living in certain territories, which manifests itself in the physical type of people. Chinese-Northerners, as a rule, differ from South high height. Southerners of the same lap, thin, but strong and hardy. Very great differences not only in dialects, but in the whole lifestyle.

State official language - Putunhua (general language). This is modern literary languagewhich says speakers of central radio and television, schoolchildren and students are trained. To Putunhua is close to the Beijing dialect. Differences in many other dialects - Guangdong, Anhoi, etc. - so great that people speaking them often do not understand each other. In order to explain, they use a hieroglyphic letter, one for all dialects.

Hieroglyphic writing provided a huge impact on development chinese cultureAnd also played a big role in the culture of Japan, Korea, Vietnam. Hieroglyphs are symbols denoting this or that concept. The origins of the hieroglyphic - a pictographic letter in which the word depicted in drawings. Gradually, the drawings simplified and took the form of modern hieroglyphs.

The Chinese (Hantians) are included in the Chinese group of the Sino-Tibetan family. Along with the Chinese, the same group includes Hui (Dungan). Most of them live in the northern regions of the PRC. Hui have their own autonomy - Ninxia-Hui Autonomous Area. Although spoken language And Hui's writing does not differ from the Chinese, the peculiarities of religion, life, business allow them to allocate them into a special group. Most Hui comes from Iranian-speaking and Arabic-speaking immigrants, which appeared in China in the XIII - XIV centuries, and from Chinese colonists who were settled among the Turkic peoples in the II century. BC e. According to religion, Hui belongs to Muslims. They are usually searched separately from the Chinese, forming independent rural or city blocks.

The Sino-Tibetan family is represented in China also the peoples of the Tibeto-Burmese group, among which are Tibetans, Izzu, Hani, Fox.

Most of Tibetans live in the Tibetan autonomous area. They are engaged in high-altitude fat agriculture - the cultivation of the gifted barley "Zincé". Nomads and democrebers are breeding yaks, sheep, goats. Tibetans are very different from Hantsev in their religious, linguistic, economic and cultural features. The desire of Tibetans to independence, later the entry of Tibet in China and other factors led to instability political situation In the region, aggravated national contradictions.

From representatives of the Thai family, the most numerous Zhuhans living in the southern part of the country, in Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area. Their main occupation is plow agriculture with the most common garden terrace system. Livestock is plays a utility role. Zhuuan settlements are usually different from the Chinese settlements living in the same areas. They are characterized by pile, bamboo and global buildings. Zhuhans are confessing southern Buddhism, the ideas of Taoism have a strong influence among them.

Representatives of the Austro-Azia family - Miao and Yao nationality - live in South and Southwestern China. Main species economic activity These peoples - mountain farming (Miao are mainly engaged in the cultivation of irrigation rice and wheat, Yao - Sukhodol rice, corn), forest products, hunting. Among the believers Miao and Yao received the greatest distribution of politicalism.

Altai. Semia is represented by the Turkic, Mongolian and Tungus-Manchu Group. The Turkic group includes Uigurs, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, living in the north-west of the PRC, and the main part is concentrated within the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Area. Among the peoples of this group, settled farmers are allocated, leading intensive agricultural management with the use of artificial irrigation, nomadic workers, as well as semi-seed population, combining, cattle breeding with farming. Moreover, Uigurs are mainly engaged in agriculture, and the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz - cattle breeding. Most nations turkic Group We confess Islam. The most characteristic is the oasis type of settlement.

Mongols originate from the union of nomadic Mongolian tribes. They live in the Autonomous District of Inner Mongolia, and their settlements are found in Northeast China, Gansu Province, Qinghai, Xinjiang-Uigur Autonomous Area. Mongols living in China speak five different dialects, one of whom is close to the Khalha, which is the basis of the Literary Mongolian language in the MNR. Main occupation - nomadic cattle breeding. Part of the Mongols that had closer contacts with the Chinese and other agricultural peoples were adopted by their agriculture skills. The prevailing religion of Mongols is Buddhism (Lamaism).

The peoples of the Tungus-Manchu Group are resettled in the territory of Northeast China mainly in the deaf mountain and taiga corners. Being the indigenous population of these areas, during the Chinese colonization, they were largely assimilated by the Chinese, "omitized". For many representatives of these peoples, Chinese languages \u200b\u200band writing became relatives. The main occupation of the Manchuri living in the valleys of rivers is agriculture, and their surroundings and their surroundings - trade and crafts.

On chinese about. Taiwan, representatives of the Austronesian family - Gajahan ("Highlanders"), related to Malayians live.

China has representatives indo-European family - Plovemir Tajiks and Russians, as well as Koreans and many other small nationalities.

The main features of the settlement of non-Chinese nationalities are, first, huge areas of Arealas (2/3 of the country), secondly, the joint residence of representatives of different nationsThirdly, as a rule, the placement of their settlements on less comfortable lands.

It should be especially noted that about 25 million Chinese emigrants are living in a number of countries of Southeast Asia, America and Oceania - "Huacei". Many of them retain Chinese citizenship and support close connections from their homeland their ancestors.

If, in relation to neighboring countries, the diplomats of the PRC manifests a special tactfulness and restraint, then internal politics The Chinese are able to demonstrate "their true face" without looking at the opinion of neighbors

Small peoples of the PRC: Unknown China. How to be with him?
Zhannur Ashigali

" Economic Strategies - Central Asia ", №5-2007, p. 72-79

IN lately Many talk about the multinational composition of the population and the polyconfessionality of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. And at the same time, few people represent how many people and ethnically diverse the Chinese People's Republic. In many languages, there is a concept of "Chinese", and in fact, in fact, it means only belonging to China as the universal education "Zhungo" - the "central state" and does not bear any ethnic meaning. True, recently assimilation - the ancient method of the rulers of China, aimed at increasing the number of loyal regime, it leads to the fact that the word "Chinese" gradually becomes a common ethnic concept that unites all CNR citizens.

The Han Ethnic group, which is over 90% of China's population, expanded its possessions at the expense of the territories of Inner Mongolia, Manchuria, East Turkestan, Tibet, Vietnam and Korea. Many ethnic groups, originally those who lived in these territories, became the object of the Han assimilation policy. To the north of the Great Chinese Walls are the spots of the original residence of Manchuro-Tungut and Mongolian nations, which are now mastered by ethnic Chinese. In the West are Tibet and East Turkestan, where Turkic kaganats and Tibetan states have existed since ancient times. Now the accelerated pace is chipping. In the south of sincerely, a number of people of South Asian racial type, whose small number has never threatened Chinese statehood. The main inhabitants of the Middle Plain are modern Hansers - this is the result of the mixing of hanians and a number of once self-sufficient nations assimilated for the last century.

Unfortunately, in the public consciousness, the opinion was rooted that in addition to Hantsev in the People's Republic of China, only well-known nations live, having a certain attitude to residents of the post-Soviet space: Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Mongols, Uigurs, Tajiks, as well as well-known worlds due to the closeness of their territory and peculiarity of culture Residents of Tibet. In fact, this list is much more. Today's communist leadership of the country recognizes the presence of only 56 ethnic groups, while in reality their quantity reaches 100. Among the recognized Behich nationalities there are both quite large and completely small. Khuang, Hui, Uigurov, and (this is nothing but the name of the nation, which is exactly what is pronounced - "and"), Miao, Manchurov, Kazakhs, Tibetans, Mongols, Tujia, Bui, Koreans, Dong, Yao, Bai, Hani. Daura, Mulao, Galao, Sibo, Jingpo, Salar, Bulani, Maonan and many others are small peoples. The most numerous nationalities are Zhuhans whose number is 15.556 million people, and the most small - Loba (2322 people). In this article, the speech primarily will go about sufficiently large ethnic groups, sincecorable people living in close proximity to Hantsev who are little known in the CIS.

In addition to the inner Mongolia, the Tibetan Autonomous Area (created on September 9, 1965), Ningxian-Huieu Autonomous Region, Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region, Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area (created on March 5, 1958) there are 30 autonomous districts, 121 autonomous counties ( somon). It is there, as a rule, the main part of the above-mentioned ethnic groups and Chinese diasporas of such peoples like Mongols, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Evenks, Tatars, Uzbeks, Russians, Koreans, Ohirats are concentrated.
The PRC is also polykonfessional. 9 Ethnic groups - Hui, Uigur, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Salary and Baoants, are confessing Islam. Lamaism, one of the directions of Buddhism, is distributed among Tibetans, Mongols, Lobytsev, Manbays, Tui Tsev and Yigurov. Dians, Dean, Bulani are hinged, the orthodoxy direction of Buddhism. Among Hantsev, there are adherents of different religions: Buddhism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Taoism. Interestingly, Hueans and Manchuri use Chinese as in everyday life and in professional activities. The Chinese economy develops accelerated pace, reaching more and more fantastic results. This development is especially noticeable in East Turkestan - the region, once a little famous in China itself. Mastering new territories, Beijing directs the inhabitants of Eastern provinces, that is, hanians, because they make up the greatest percentage both highly educated engineers, managers, analysts, doctors and cheap labor. In addition, the intensively growing economy of the PRC is becoming more acute in energy raw materials, to obtain and process the working hands in Western provinces. China's neighbors (on space former USSR These are Russia, Kazakhstan, the states of Central Asia), who are trying to identify the true policy of consecutive in relation to them, especially close attention should be paid to the National PRC policy. If, in relation to neighboring countries, the PRC diplomats show special tact and restraint, then in domestic policies, the Chinese are able to demonstrate "their true face" without regard to the opinion of neighbors. As too many ethnic groups live in China, it seems to be logical to consider the most numerous of them, such as Zhuhans, Manchuri, Tujia, Miao.


Zhuana is the most numerous of all the people of the PRC, with the exception of, of course, Hantsev. Their number is just over 15.5 million people. In former times, this people worshiped the spirits of nature, confessing politicalism. Distribution among Zhuanov Buddhism and Taoism began after the reign of Tang and Sunn dynasties, and in the last centuries some of Zhuanov adopted Christianity. This people speak the language belonging to the Language branch of Zhuang-Dai of the Language group Zhuang-Dong Sino-Tibetan language family. It is divided into two dialects: South and North. The Chinese language was widely distributed among Zhuanov - almost all of them own this language. This nation lives mainly (90%) in Guangxi-Zhana Autonomous Area, as well as in Guangdong Provinces, Sichuan, Hunan and Yunnan, where sub-ethnic groups of Sha and Nung reside. Zhuhans have their niche in the labor market of China. They grow corn, vegetables, legumes, butat, engaged in cattle breeding (buffalo, pigs), poultry farming, fishing. Traditional crafts of this ethnos - metal processing, pottery manufacturing, weaving. Zhuanov assimilation is not as noticeable due to their relative numerous, nevertheless it is obvious that Zhuhan language may well be ousted by Han in the near future in all spheres of activity, and confessional fragmentation only aggravates the probability of assimilation.


According to the latest data, the number of manchurov reaches 9800 thousand people. They live in all regions of China, especially many of them (about 46% of the number of ethnos in China) in Liaoning Province. The Manchurian refers to the Manchurian language branch of the Tungus-Manchurian language group of the Altai language family. He, like the languages \u200b\u200bof almost all Ethnic groups of China, has two dialects: South and North. Due to long-term living and close communication with Hansers, Manchura speaks mainly on chinese. The manchurian language enjoys only a minor part of them - those who live in remote villages. Young people practically knows the language, that is, its carriers are for the most part of the people of old age. In former times, shamanism was widespread among Manchus, but today he has lost its former importance, and among the representatives of this ethnos there are a lot of believers and adherents of Taoism. It should be noted that the manchura - a nation, having a rich history, was dominated in the old centuries this region. The ancestors of Manchurov inhabited the extensive territories of the middle and lower flow of the Hailongjiang River (Amur) north of the Changbayash Mountain and the Ussuri River Basin. Direct ancestors of Manchurov - Mohe - formed the Chezhway tribe and founded in the XII century. Dynasty Jin. Nurkhazi acted as a uniform of the Zhurzhen tribes, having finished the creation of the Union in 1583. He also established an eight-chart military system, created a manchurian writing and in 1635 assigned the National National name "Manzhou". The eight-name system had three functions: political, military and productive and was a system-forming design of the Manchurian society. Huangtiji, who joined the throne in 1636, changed the name of the dynasty on the Qing. Starting from 1644, Zing troops begin new epoch In China's history, which are characterized by numerous military campaigns. It is the Qing dynasty in the XVIII century. Conquered Tibet and Jungaria. Modern name This nation acquired after the Xinhaus Revolution of 1911. At the same period, the process of violent assimilation of Manchurov Hangers began, the mass resettlement of which in Manchuria was observed in late XIX. in. Traditional classes Manchurov - arable farming, animal husbandry, in mountainous areas - forestry (ginseng), hunting, dubbing of the oak silkworm. Like many other Mongol-Tungut, Manchurov, until recently, the generic division remained. Birth (hala) had written pedigrees. All these traditional attributes, as well as language and national culture, ethnos loses together with the strengthening of the Han Hegemony and the economic growth of the country.


The main part of the nationality of Tujsia lives in the provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan. Its total number is approximately 5.72 million people. Tujison are an ancient ethnicity of the Middle Kingdom - already 2,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Tuzzy lived in the west of the modern provinces of Hunan and Hubei. Together with other national minorities, they were called "Winman", "Protine", and in later times - "Tudin", "TUMIN", "TUBU". The name "Tujison" appeared only with the beginning of the mass resettlement of Hantsev on the territory of the permanent residence of Tujia, while the Tuzzy themselves called themselves "Bitsyk" ( local). After the formation of the PRC, the government recognized Tujs as an independent national minority. In 1957, a Syanxi Tujia-Mokakan Autonomous Okrug was formed, and in 1983 - the West Hubei-Tujia Markhan Autonomous District. In the following years, autonomous national departures of Yuyan, Suishan, Shizhu, Changgyan, Ufen, Inyjiang, Yanjiang appeared. This ethnic group professes politicalism, has its own language belonging to the Tibeto-Burmese group of the Sino-Tibetan family. Unfortunately, this language is mainly lost, it remains only in the most remote areas of Hunan province. Thus, Tujison is used by Han, and some of them also speak in Mao's language. The origin of this nation is associated with the ancient kingdom of Ba. The ancestors of Tujsazy gradually chopped due to geographical cutness from Tibet. The main classes of Tujison are fatal agriculture (rice, corn, vegetables, batt), cattle breeding, forest fishing (tung, tea tree), gathering. Among the crafts are weaving and embroidery. The breasting attitude of young people was distinguished by significant freedom, supported customs of cousin marriages and levirats. Hanzian had a great influence on Tujian. Well developed agricultureThe economy, education and culture of Tujia are developing rapidly. The nature of the areas of living Tujiang is extremely beautiful. Steneuan recognized worldwide cultural Heritage, and Zhangjiajie is the first National Forest Park of China. Today's tucia adapted perfectly in the conditions of modern China, they almost completely lost their native language and replaced him with Chinese.


One more large nationality China is Miao, whose number of about 7.4 million people. This people mostly ringed compact communities, but lives in mixed communities with other nationalities in provinces such as Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong and Guangxi-Zhuang Autonomous Area. Myo's tongue belongs to the Meoyoo group of the Chinese language family. Three dialects of the Miao language, which are divided into numerous adhesions, are still used in areas densely populated by this nationality, but its influence is increasingly fading. Meo-living in mixed communities also own the Chan's language or languages \u200b\u200bof the Nativity Dong and Zhuang. Miao is distributed animism and traditional beliefs. Like Manchura, Miao - one of ancient peoples China. In historical chronicles, more than four thousand years ago there is a mention of the kind or tribe Nanyman, among the representatives of which were the ancestors of Miao. Speaking about the origins of the ethnos, it is impossible not to remember the super-legendary ancestor Miao, which, according to legends, was a worthy opponent Huangi. Interesting the fact that Miao sequented in different areas, refer to themselves in different ways: "MU", "Maine", "Mao", "Gosjun", "Daisou". Moreover, in some localities, additional people's names are widely practiced by distinctive features In clothing or in habitats, for example, "Miao in long skirts", "Miao in short skirts", "Red Miao", "Black Miao". During the reign of Dynasty, Han Miao inhabited Western regions of Hunan and Hubei provinces, as well as the East of Sichuan and Guizhou provinces. However, prolonged military conflicts, hunger, need, disease, high birth rate and population density, exhaustion of cultivated land and other reasons forced them endlessly move them from the region to the region. The result of this was wide resettlement, significant differences in dialects, clothing, rites and an unbalanced level of socio-economic development of this nation. Today, most Miao is occupied by the cultivation of the filler rice, corn, medicinal plants.

By and large, the settlement of the Hanters of the land, densely populated by minorities, began not so long ago - in the XIX century. And continues to this day. Therefore, it seems that in the coming decades, the problem of self-preservation for national minorities will not be less relevant. Undoubtedly, economic transformations, focus on the development of the economy national districts, the desire to create large-scale production there (which means attracting qualified personnel from the Eastern - Absolutely Chang - Provinces) leads to the erosion of the national components in the Syancy Tujia-Mokakan Autonomous District, Guangxijan Autonomous Area, in Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdun, the West Hubai-Mt Tsjia-Mokakan Autonomous District. Therefore, if we identify common trends, characteristic of Zhuanov, Tujia, Miao, Manchurov, then the next picture is obtained.

First, if earlier the territories where the ethnic groups lived were often mono-ethnic, now they are increasingly acquired by polyethnic. In other words, the percentage of Hantsev and Nehantsev changes in favor of the first. It is possible that in the foreseeable future, the aforementioned nations may lose administrative-territorial autonomy.

Secondly, the dominance of the Han language, culture, lifestyle in the regions populated by national minorities is becoming more apparent. And if in the case of Mongols, Tibetans or Hui, this trend is not as clear, then the ethnic groups living side by side with Hanters and more and more people talking in Chinese, such as Zhuhans, Miao, Manchuri and Tujia, the situation is practically Poor. From year to year, a spoken environment is narrowed, there is a tendency to aging native speakers, as the youth is distinguished from native language, traditions, lifestyle and thinking, national worldview. It is safe to say that young Miao, Tujia, Daura, Sibo, Yao, Lisu, Lee, Bui, Manchuri today are more hanitz than the carriers of culture created by their ancestors.

Thirdly, the PRC positions itself as a multinational, polyconfessional federal state, in which representatives of different nationalities are equal. But still a significant numerical domination of hanians, their actual state-based role leads to the fact that minorities become part of a multi-faceted, multicolored Han civilization. Everyone knows the ability of Hanters to adopt someone else's, chitazing him and then repose as something purely Chan. For example, Buddhism, initially far from the culture of the Middle Kingdom, became an integral part of it, and socialism in China turned into "socialism with a Chinese face." Perhaps you should not be deceived, believing that Manchuri, Zhuana, Tujia or Miao will be able to reverse the aggravated tendency of the chitaization and stay on ethnic maps of the end of the 21st century. To blame someone senselessly, and unfair, because the desire of Beijing chickening minorities is not the only reason for the current trend. Everything is much more complicated. We must not forget that China is huge, it is extremely difficult to manage it. Moreover, in an economic system that is experiencing a real boom, without the limitless scale of which increases with the annual expansion of the zone of influence, it is quite natural to expect a permanent flow of both cheap labor and qualified personnel from the province to the province. Thus, in pursuit of economic success, ordinary Chinese, not suspect, and more convert their huge country In the mono ethnic state. Is it worth blaming Beijing in the current situation? It is more expedient instead of thinking about its own system of relationships with the subway, given the nature of relations to national minorities within China and the degree of influence of this state on neighbors, especially on Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. Of course, the officially established boundaries of these states are a kind of barrier while holding back the inflow of "cheap labor" from the subway. But it is obvious that with the development of economic relations, an increase in turnover between the Russian Federation and China, Kazakhstan and the PRC, not to avoid gradual penetration into these countries of Chinese economic entities, for which overcoming this barrier will not be difficult. The cultural influence of China, the centuries of the assimiring all that came to the miserable, very much. The above-mentioned once self-sufficient ethnic groups were quite quickly in a situation where their language and culture can be only part of the story. All this can not but disturb us, the neighbors of the PRC.

With such a giant as China, we should be especially vigilant. It is necessary to develop a system of relations, adequate to the long-term intentions of this state and the possible results of close contact with it. The closer study of the relationship between Hantsevs with national minorities can be very useful, if not vital for the states - the neighbors of the PRC.

Many experts are asked: from which principles is China in relations with their neighbors who have significantly less economic and political influence As in the region and in the world as a whole? My answer is: "Explore the attitude of the PRC authorities to national minorities, and you will not only understand these principles, but also predict the future of the countries - China's neighbors."