Retro postcards of the USSR Happy New Year. Old Soviet postcards Happy New Year New Year postcards 60 70s

Retro postcards of the USSR Happy New Year. Old Soviet postcards Happy New Year New Year postcards 60 70s
Retro postcards of the USSR Happy New Year. Old Soviet postcards Happy New Year New Year postcards 60 70s

And after some time, the industry produced the widest range of postcards, pleasantly rejoicing the eyes on the showcases of newspaper kiosks filled with traditionally nonsense printed products.

And let the quality of the print and brightness of the colors of Soviet cards gave way to imported, these disadvantages were focused on the originality of plots and high professionalism of artists.

The genuine flourishing of the Soviet New Year postcard came in the 60s. The number of plots increased: there are motives such as space development, the struggle for peace. Winter landscapes crowned wishes: "Let the new year succeed in sports bring!".

In the creation of postcards reigned a variety of styles and methods. Although, of course, it was not without intermittent in the New Year's theme of the content of newspaper editorial.
As the famous collector Evgeny Ivanov, the well-known collector Yevgeny Ivanov, on postcards "Soviet Santa Claus actively participates in the public and industrial life of the Soviet people: he is the railwayman on the Bama, the space flies, melts the metal, works on a computer, delivers mail, etc.

His hands are constantly busy business - perhaps, because Santa Claus is much less likely carrying a bag with gifts ... " By the way, the book E. Ivanova "New Year and Christmas in postcards", in which plots of cards in terms of their special symbolism are perfectly seriously analyzed, proves that there is much more sense in the usual postage card than it may seem at first glance ...


1968 year



1972 year

1973 year

1977 year

1979 year

1980 year



Postcards for me - one of the memories of childhood. They came often, and for holidays so generally packs, pieces of 15-20. We also wrote, one of the pre-holiday days was given by mail. Time for all cards left a lot, the geography of sending is almost the whole country.

Today is a small selection of Soviet cards that have survived with me. Let's see what I was depicted on them in the 80s, as Santa Claus changed and the characters closer to the 90th. Cards were printed with huge circulations, so that you can find such as remember themselves.

Mail, almost the only one then the way of communication, cost the cheap, which was available to many. I hardly ever become a fan of the USSR, but I will always talk about Soviet cards with warmth. Many were made high quality, with beautiful drawings and good characters. Among the last one who will not meet. Here is the traditional Santa Claus, who has not yet supplanted Santa (I have nothing against the old man from Lapland, but now you can meet it with us more often than our grandfather). Here are happy kids on sled, here are the beasts, here are the heroes of cartoons.

Unfortunately, I have no postcards of the 50s - 60s, where rockets, astronauts and other familiar details were solemnly depicted, but something you can show something.

1. In general, postcards from the past I would divide into several groups. One of them is cards with Santa Claus. He was depicted or with funny messengers, as

3. Or already rushing on the troika to those who behaved well, while Santa also prepared a deer sled

4. Closer to the 90th, grandfather became more like his European brother and began to use another transport

5. Frost even acquired some things without which it got into an earlier Soviet era, and ceased to forget about technical progress

6. Something overreal and his assistants, and he himself even got out of such a scenario)

7. Sometimes grandfather depicted in the company

8. Another group of New Year's postcards did not allow to forget about the Kremlin

9. And the Red Star has always turned out to be dotted all the other parts

10. But the snow-covered houses and bells came across infrequently. Probably, they could remind workers about pre-revolutionary Christmas postcards with angels and churches, which was not allowed then

11. There were rare various mythological characters. Dwarfs much closer to Christmas cards from Europe

12. But we had kids with sleds. There was no computers yet, I had to frown on the hill) or one

13. Or massively. Portray pre-revolutionary traditional leisure in the 80s no longer considered a crime

14. Folk costumes in the 80s already few people wore, and the postcards did not let you forget how they look. That's cool

15. By the beginning of the 90s, these cards began to appear. In my opinion it was the first step to the primitiveness of drawings on postcards, which comes across and now

16. But these look good

17. Even steeper - postcards with toys of the 50s - 60s. These decorations are just chic. I will soon dress up with a Christmas tree

18. As a bonus - a couple of postcards of socialist Bulgaria

19. They were not exotic, many were rewriting with the Coclarage countries

I specifically publish this post a little earlier than the pre-holiday bustle will begin. Maybe one of you will want to congratulate your friends in this way. I have nothing against different more modern congratulations, but agree that it will be nice to hold a postcard in your hands with warm congratulations from expensive people. And after 10-20 years it will be that remember. Email letters and sms will not accurately live. In general, given the speed of our mail, there is also a possibility that your opening will have time to come to the new year.

Do you have preserved similar to you? Show in the comments.

And by the way, where can I buy good postcards now? Not pop, and made with taste and love. Most of what is for sale in the kiosks, I will never send me to people who are expensive.

In this selection, we collected the best Soviet postcards on the New Year 50 - 60s and a little later - New Year's postcards of the 70s. This is what you need to create a festive mood for the New Year. And we will tell you a fascinating story about how the tradition of the gift of such beauty appeared in the country.

History remembers the case when Sir Henry Cole sent his friends festive congratulations in the form of a small drawing on the cardboard. It happened in 1843. Since then, the tradition has fixed throughout Europe and gradually reached Russia.

We immediately like the postcards - it is available, nice and beautiful. The most famous artists attached their own hand to creating postcards. It is believed that Nikolai Karazin drew the first Russian postcard for the new year, but there is another version - Fedor Berenshat - a librarian from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

Europeans used basically biblical plots, and in Russian postcards, landscapes and household scenes, and animals could be seen. Expensive and expensive copies - they were made embossed or with a golden crumb, but they produced such limited parties.

As soon as the October Revolution turned rare, the Christmas symbolism was banned. Now you could see the postcards only with the communist theme or with a children's story, but under tough censorship. By the way, the postcards released until 1939 were almost preserved.

Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the postcards often portrayed the Kremlin's chimes and stars. In the war years, postcards appeared with the support of the defenders of the Motherland, who were given in this way hello to the front. It was in the 40s that it was possible to receive a postcard with the image of Santa Claus, which swept the fascists, or a Snow Maiden, which tied out the wounded.

After the war, the postcards have become even more popular - this is an affordable way to congratulate a relative or friend, having transferred him a news. Many Soviet families collected entire collection of postcards. In the end, there were so many of them that postcards went to crafts or collages.

Mass postcards became in 1953. Then the huge circulations released the "State Summary" using the drawings of Soviet artists. Still remaining under tough censorship, the correspondence topics expanded: fabulous plots, new buildings, airplanes, the results of labor and scientific progress.

Anyone who will look at these postcards will cover nostalgia. At one time they were bought by packs to send them to familiar and friends throughout the USSR in different cities. There were true connoisseurs of illustrations of Zarubin and Chetverikova - famous authors of Soviet greeting cards Happy New Year.

Enthusiasts were happy to study from professionals, redrawing favorite characters on wall newspapers and albums. Our grandmothers and mothers are stacks of such postcards on the upper shelves of cabinets.

In the 60s and 70s, postcards with athletes were popular, which in the New Year skiing or sleigh.

And often portrayed couples and companies of young people who celebrated New Year's holidays in restaurants. On postcards of this era, it was already possible to see the wonder - TV, champagne, mechanical toys, exotic fruits.

The subject of space also quickly spread to the 70s, but to the latter the most popular were postcards with chimes and the Kremlin stars - the most recognizable symbols of the USSR.

I bring to your attention a selection of postcards "Happy New Year!" 50-60s.
My favorite is a postcard of the artist L. Allas, where the past passersby rushing home. With such pleasure, I always look at it!

Be careful, under the cut as much as 54 scans!

("Soviet artist", artists Y.Pernkov, T. Sazonova)

("Isogiz", 196-1 year, artist Y.Pernkov, T. Sazonova)

("Leningrad Artist", 1957, artists N.STrohanova, M.Aleksev)

("Soviet artist", 1958, artist V.Drievich)

("Isogiz", 1959, artist N. Tokolskaya)

V.Arbekov, Renkov)

("Isogiz", 1961, artists V.Arbekov, Renkov)

(Edition of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1966, artist L.Arista)

Bear - Santa Claus.
Bear behaved modestly, decently,
They were polite, studied perfectly,
That's why they are Forest Santa Claus
With the joy of the Christmas tree as a gift brought

A. Benov, poems M.Ruttera)

Reception of New Year's telegrams.
On the edge, under the pine,
Telegraph knocks forests,
GATE Bunny Telegrams:
"Happy New Year, Pope, Moms!"

("Isogiz", 1957, artist A. Benov, poems M.Ruttera)

("Isogiz", 1957, artist S. Bylkovskaya)

S. Bylkovskaya)

("Isogiz", 1957, artist S. Bylkovskaya)

(Cards. Riga factory, 1957, artist E. Pikk)

(Edition of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1965, artist E. Pozdnev)

("Isogiz", 1955, artist V.Stoshatov)

("Izogiz", 1960, artist N.Golts.)

("Isogiz", 1956, artist V. Korodetsky)

("Leningrad Artist", 1957, artist M. Grigoriev)

("Rosglavkniga. Philateliya", 1962, artist E. Gundobin)

(Edition of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1954, artist E. Gundobin)

(Edition of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1964, artist D. Denisov)

("Soviet artist", 1963, artist I. Kaznamensky)

I. Kaznamensky

(Edition of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1961, artist I. Kaznamensky)

(Edition of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1959, artist I. Kaznamensky)

("Isogiz", 1956, artist I. Kaznamensky)

("Soviet artist", 1961, artist K.zotov)

New Year! New Year!
Cheer the dance!
This is me, a snowman,
On the rink is not new to
I invite everyone to the ice,
On a fun round dance!

("Isogiz", 1963, artist K.zotov, poems Yu.Posnikova)


("Isogiz", 1957, artist I.Kominarian)

("Isogiz", 1956, artist K. Lebedev)

("Soviet artist", 1960, artist K. Lebedev)

("Artist RSFSR", 1967, artist V.Lestev)

("Holds a view of the outflowing Mussettva I Music Liateruri Ursr", 1957, artist V.Melnichenko)

("Soviet artist", 1962, artist K.rotov)

S. Rusakov)

("Isogiz", 1962, artist S. Rusakov)

("Isogiz", 1953, artist L. Rybchenkova)

("Isogiz", 1954, artist L. Rybchenkova)

("Isogiz", 1958, artist A.Sazonov)

("Isogiz", 1956, artists Yu.Severin, V.Chnuha)

Old postcards for the new year, such fun and kind, with a touch of retro, in our time they became very fashionable.

Now we will surprise the brilliance-anime, but the old New Year cards immediately cause nostalgia and touches us to the depths of the soul.

Want to call in a close man born in the Soviet Union Memories of Happy Childhood?

Send him a Soviet postcard with the New Year holiday, having entered into it the most cherished wishes.

Scanned and detected versions of such postcards can be sent over the Internet through any messenger or email in unlimited quantities.

Here you can you can download free Soviet postcards New Year's.

And you can sign them by adding from yourself

Happy viewing!

A little story ...

Regarding the appearance of the first Soviet greeting cards there are some disagreements.

Some sources argue that for the first time they were published to the new one, 1942. According to another version, in December 1944, soldiers began to send unprecedented colorful foreign New Year's postcards unprecedented by relatives, and partnership decided that it was necessary to establish the production of their own, ideologically despicable products.

Be that as it may, but the mass release of New Year's postcards began only in the 50s.

At the first Soviet New Year postcards, happy moms with kids and the Kremlin tower were depicted, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden joined them.

And after some time, the industry produced the widest range of postcards, pleasantly rejoicing the eyes on the showcases of newspaper kiosks filled with traditionally nonsense printed products.

And let the quality of the print and brightness of the colors of Soviet cards gave way to imported, these disadvantages were focused on the originality of plots and high professionalism of artists.

The genuine flourishing of the Soviet New Year postcard came in the 60s. The number of plots increased: there are motives such as space development, the struggle for peace.

Winter landscapes crowned wishes: "Let the new year bring good luck in the sport!".

Postcards of past years reflected the trends of time, achievements, changing the direction from year to year.

One thing remains unchanged: a warm and spiritual atmosphere, created by these wonderful postcards.

New Year's postcards of Soviet times to this day continue to warm the hearts of people, reminding the past times and festive, magic smell of New Year's Mandarins.

Old postcards Happy New Year - Something more than just part of the story. These postcards pleased the Soviet people for many years, the happiest moments of their lives.

Christmas trees, bumps, happy smiles of forest characters and a snow-white beard Santa Claus - all these inalienable attributes of New Year's Soviet greeting cards.

They were bought in advance of 30 pieces and sent by mail in different cities. Our moms and grandmothers knew the authors of the pictures and hunted postcards with the illustrations of V. Zarubin or V. Chetverikov and the years were kept in boxes from under shoes.

They gave a feeling of the approaching magical holiday of the New Year. Today, old postcards are festive samples of Soviet design and simply pleasant memories of childhood.