Remote creative contests "city of masters". Children's script "The Magic World of Theater

Remote creative contests
Remote creative contests "city of masters". Children's script "The Magic World of Theater

The collective of the association "Theater" Houses children's creativity Buraevo village RB

The puppet theater is universal - its performances captivate both adults and children alike. This event provides an opportunity for adults - viewers to plunge into childhood again, and children to grow up a little, plunging into the world of emotions and experiences transmitted at a level accessible to them, the theater brings them closer together.



Municipal government institution Education department of the municipal district

Buraevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Municipal budget educational institution additional education House of children's creativity Buraevo village Buraevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


on the topic

« Magic world theater»

Sahibgaraeva F.F.

additional education teacher

MBOU DO DDT Buraevo village


Target: Acquaintance and attraction of children to the world of theater. Formation of interest in theatrical activities... To draw the attention of children to the fact that the theater is able to reveal new qualities of a person and bring him up to be good, kind and sympathetic.



To form an idea of ​​the theatrical art, to acquaint with the history of the theater.

2. Developing:

Develop cognitive interest, Creative skills, attention and observation.

Develop a correct understanding of theatrical terminology and its use in speech.

3. Educational:

Educate children by the example of improvisation positive traits needed for creativity.

Educate emotionally - a positive outlook on the world of theatrical art.

Event progress

Educator - Hello guys, our dear guests!

I'm glad to see you all!

The game.

Many, many, many friends of you,

We will find out who is who now!

A sparrow walked on the roof,

I gathered my friends.

Olya and Christina will sit down!

Mariyka and Marina are dancing!

Vanya and Tatiana are laughing!

Juliet and Yegor are sneezing!

Andrey and Luda are groaning!

Amalia and Valentine are smiling!

Many, many, many of you!

You guys are just awesome!

Educator It's a wonderful day today, let's greet each other. Looking into the eyes with tenderness, with a smile on our lips and stretching out our hands to our neighbor, we will convey kind, affectionate words and expressions.

Children, stretching out their hands to their neighbor, convey kind, affectionate words and expressions.

Educator Today I invite you to take a trip to the unusual, fairy land, to a country where miracles and transformations take place, where dolls come to life and animals begin to speak. Have you guessed what this country is?

Children: - THEATER!

Educator Have you guys ever been to the theater? What performance did you watch? What did you see there? Would you like to get behind the curtain that hides the artists?

Then join hands and I'll lead you to fairy world theater.

(snake walking throughout the group to the song "Little Country")

Educator Carefully ahead of the stairs, it goes down. Well, aren't you afraid to walk along it? Then go ahead! (imitation of a downward movement - walking with a gradual squatting to the squatting position).

Now the ladder goes up (walking squatting up full growth). Higher and higher.

Educator -Finally we have arrived. Let's rest, and if we all close our eyes now, a real miracle will happen!

Guys, where does this door lead to?

Remember how Buratino opened the secret door?

Children's answers.

Educator And to open this door you need to guess riddles.

The writer wrote the play,

He gave it to the theater.

The actor will get his role,

Will stage a play ... (director)

To touch the viewer for a living,

The actor even has to sing

He is an atlas in his work,

The main thing in an actor is ... (talent)

The bell rings

the act is over,

And it begins ... (intermission)

All children dream of playing it,

And everyone knows him in the world

Our favorite newsreel.

And it is called ... ("Jumble")

Here is a whole class at the play,

The action will begin now.

So that the chime does not interfere with us

Everyone turned off ... (phone)

From pictures and initial letters words - guess the word "THEATER" is formed on the screen slide - open door to the world of theater

Educator Well guys, we are at the Theater.

Guys, what do we need to purchase to go to the theater?

Children's answers.

Where can you buy them?

Children's answers.

The cash register appears on the screen.

We go to the ticket office for tickets.

Put on your hats and take seats at the checkout.

Narrator: The theater opens, everything is ready for the beginning

Tickets are offered for a polite word.

The box office opened at three o'clock

Gathered a lot of people.

Even an elderly hedgehog

I dragged myself a little alive.

Cashier: Come in, dear hedgehog, you have a ticket in which lane?

Hedgehog: Closer to me, I can't see well, here ...

Thanks! Well, I'll go!

The storyteller : Says the sheep.

Lamb: I have one place! Here is my ...

Thank you - a kind word.

Narrator: Here comes the duck.

Duck : Quack! A whole series for me and my ducklings!

The storyteller : And the duck croaked

Duck: Good morning!

Narrator: The deer galloped

Deer: Good day! If only you are not lazy,

Dear cashier, I would really ask

Me, my wife and daughter in the second row

Give best places... Here is mine


Narrator: And suddenly, pushing away the old people, cocks, badgers,

The clubfoot burst in, crushed his tails and paws,

Hit an elderly hare ...

Bear : Cashier, give me a ticket!

Cashier : Your polite word?

Bear : I do not have that!

Cashier: Oh, you don't have that? Don't get your ticket!



No! No!

Don't knock - my answer!

Don't growl - my advice!

Narrator: The cashier did not give the bear a ticket.

The clubfoot sobbed.

Well, clubfoot, now you know polite words? So buy a ticket as soon as possible.

(The bear buys a ticket.)

Educator Take your seats according to the ticket numbers, like in a theater.

/ theater noise /.

Teacher: Well, I see that everyone is ready. Guys, you already know a lot about the theater, and today you will hear something for the first time.

Many of you love theater, but not everyone knows that theater emerged a long time ago, about 2.5 thousand years ago, in Ancient Greece... "Theater" - the word Greek origin, meaning "a place to see".

The inhabitants of this country - the ancient Greeks, built theaters under open air... The theater had high auditoriums and a stage where actors performed sad and funny plays and plays. (slides)

When the actors performed a sad play - the tragedy they put on sad, gloomy masks. Put on sad masks. Repeat tragedy - sad play. If a funny play, a comedy, was played on the stage, the actors put on cheerful, smiling masks. (slides). wear funny masks. Let's say a comedy together. What's the name of the sad play? What's the name of the funny play?

Let's play the game "Mirror" where you will portray both tragedy and comedy. Stand in pairs facing each other. The one to whom I give the frame will be a mirror. Whoever looks in the mirror needs to be told magic words and which ones? Come up with.

Children's answers.

Educator My light, tell the mirror, but tell the whole truth: what is my mood? " The mirror reflects, that is, it repeats the mood of the one who looks into it.

Educator : Now pass the frame to your friend. Let's play again. Well done. Did an excellent job. Put the frames on the table and continue our acquaintance with the world of theater ..

Years passed and large, beautiful buildings - theaters - appeared in cities. (slide). Guys, what theaters do you know in our city?

Children's answers.

Educator : Let's look inside the theater. There is a large auditorium inside the theater. The central place in it is the stage

What is a scene?

Children's answers. / The platform where the actors perform. /

Educator : In order for the performance to be bright and colorful, the stage is decorated…. Scenery. What are decorations?

Children's answers.

Educator : Of course, the scenery is they help the audience to be at the magnificent castle, or in deep forest at the hut on chicken legs. And who else is missing in the theater on stage?

Come out to me, put the tickets on your chairs, try yourself as an actor.

Educator : What skills should an actor have?

Children. Speak well and clearly, move beautifully,

Change facial expressions.

Educator : We will now study some of the points that are necessary for the artist. / change the voice, speak with an expression, change the expression on the face, make any gestures with his hands /. Let's start in order.

Teacher: 1. Speak well and clearly - this is called stage speech.

And what should be done for this? What exercises?

- Breathing exercise

Now let's make a surprise for our friends, let's inflate the balloon. We inflate it with a sharp sound "S-s-s-s" Joke on a friend, stretch out your hand, and release the neck, and the ball is slowly deflated "S-s-s-s-s". And now we will inflate a small balloon with the sound "Cs-cs-cs-cs", and again we blow it off slowly "Cs-cs-cs-cs".

Gymnastics or warm-up for the tongue.

The fourth story "Tongue's Morning"

Yazychka's morning began early. It was necessary to have time to redo a lot of things. I didn't want to get up! The tongue yawned (respectively), stretched sweetly (open your mouth wide and reach with your tongue to the palate). Exercising helped to drive away the remnants of sleep. (The mouth is wide open, the tongue rises and falls vigorously in a one-two count at least 5 times). Then Tongue went to the sink. He brushed his teeth from the inside and out (run the tip of his tongue several times along the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth from right to left and left to right), rinsed his mouth (rinse his mouth with air, distilling it from one cheek to another) and washed himself (lick his lips with a wide movement, trying to stick out his tongue as much as possible) and wiped himself with a towel (lick the upper sponge with a wide movement of the tongue from top to bottom).

Then Tongue aired his house and opened all the doors: first the inner (teeth), and then the outer (lips). He protruded outward (corresponding movement of the tongue) and looked first to the left, and then to the right (respectively). "Is the sun shining?" The tongue looked up (raise the tongue up to the nose). "Are there no puddles?" The tongue looked down (respectively). If the weather was good, Tongue went out for a morning run. He ran around his house, moving first in one direction. Then he changed direction and ran to another. (Accordingly, make circular movements with the tongue, while the mouth is open wide, the movements of the tongue are with maximum amplitude.)

After completing the run, Tongue did several breathing exercises (respectively) and went into the house, closing the doors behind him (Close your teeth first, and then your lips.).

Your friend gave you an apple. We bite an apple and chew closed mouth, now open mouth chewing sounds, chewing. We chew the sound "a", "o", "y", "and", "e", "s" "NS".

Let's say the tongue twister "Boris scattered Larisin beads." Let's talk - with our mouth wide open. Let's talk, almost without opening our mouth.

Tongue Twisters.

Let's split into three groups. Take your tickets and they will help you divide into groups. Pull yourself a tongue twister.

Speak it with different emotional connotations. They uttered a tongue twister: - angrily, with malice; - with annoyance; - with a sense of guilt; with a feeling of joy; thoughtfully; dreamily. Show the signal when you're ready.

Educator : 2. Move beautifully - this is called stage movement.

Removal exercise muscle clamps

Imagine that you are on stage, admiring spectators are looking at you.

Now music will sound for you. You need to convey her character in various beautiful movements... (during the exercise, the teacher gives an assessment along the way: how do you move plastically ....)

Educator: well done, you were irresistible.

3. To be interesting for the viewer- what does an actor need to do for this?

Change facial expressions. And this is called facial expressions.

Educator: I suggest you play Mimic Cube. One of you rolls a die, and you get a fruit or vegetable. You need to portray his taste on the face.

The game "Mimic Cube" is held.

Educator: Now I suggest you play the game "Fan". I am showing you a picture of a face, and you need to say the phrase "We have guests" with such an intonation in your voice, what mood you will see on the depicted face. For example: scared "...".

Educator : It was just a little preparation. But it will also allow us now to enter the magical world of the theater as actors. Come here. This is an auditorium, the audience is eagerly awaiting the performance. Here is the stage on which the scenery is located, I suggest you play a small performance, where you will have to apply all the knowledge gained today, and, of course, add your creativity, imagination, in order to play the role that has fallen to you.

So, let's start the show. Do not forget to convey the character of the hero with your voice. (showed) The children are leaving to change. A child comes out and announces.

Hush, guests, you are sitting!

Don't scare off our fairy tale!

There are miracles here, where is she hiding?

We will now tell the tale, and tell and show.


Teacher: everyone coped with their role wonderfully, acted like real actors. Your friendship, diligence helped you to show a fairy tale.

Did you like the magical world of theater?

Teacher: Let's remember what we have learned about the theater.

1. In which country did the first theater appear (In ancient Greece).

2. What are the names of funny performances (comedies), sad (tragedies)

3. What is inside the theater (stage, auditoriums).

Educator : Let's express our impression of the theater in verses.

"The Magic World - Theater"

Child. The world of the theater will open its wings to us,

Child. And we will see miracles and fairy tales.

Child. There Pinocchio, Basilio's cat, Alice

Child. Heroes and masks are easily changed.

Child. A magical world of game and adventure,

Child. Any kid wants to visit here.

Child. Suddenly turns into Cinderella or into a prince,

Child. And show your talents to everyone.

Child. Theater, like a sorcerer, wizard,

Child. With my magic wand,

Child. And here is a child, modest and shy,

Child. Today the king is suddenly playing.

Teacher: Let childhood be like a fairy tale

May miracles be done every moment

And let the world around become kind,

Good over evil, let him win again!

Teacher: Guys put your ticket in the box with a smiley face.

I'm glad you all liked it.

Teacher: Now it's time for us to head back to Kindergarten.

Project theme

"The Magic World of Theater"

Project addressing

The project is intended for educators of preschool educational institutions

Project participants

Elder children preschool age, parents, educators of group number 6


Formation of moral and ethical qualities in children senior group through theatrical activities


  1. Form readiness for joint activities children with peers and adults.
  2. To develop the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions in the process of theatrical activity.
  3. To develop the creative activity of children and emotional responsiveness, empathy for the heroes.
  4. To foster a positive attitude towards the world of theater, other people and yourself.
  5. Foster self-esteem.

Resources for project implementation

Internal resources:

Availability of methodological support: methodical and children's literature, periodicals, methodological developments OOD, availability different types theaters on the topic of the project;

Illustratively - illustrative materials: photographs and illustrations, paintings, audio recordings of sounds of nature, cutting of episodes from various fairy tales (for dubbing, reading by roles), presentations.

External resources:visiting performances of visiting theaters, interaction with the Central Office of Internal Affairs (TI): a master class on performing arts viewing theatrical sketches.

Indicative indicators (results)

For teachers of group number 6:

Implementation in educational process project activities.

For pupils:

Improving the quality level of development:

The level of development of moral and ethical qualities by 30%

The level of psychomotor development by 25%

For parents:

Parents' participation and activity in planned events up to 70%

Expected results

Explanatory note

The urgency of the problems associated with the moral and ethical education of the younger generation is indisputable. Children are the “mirror” of the soul of our society, and society needs to look closely at children in order to understand through them what kind of future we are preparing for ourselves.

Observing what is happening around, you understand that the lack of moral and ethical education of children has now become extremely acute and serious, in connection with a noticeable deterioration in the upbringing of the younger generation. The greatest danger that lies in wait for our society today is not the collapse of the economy, but the destruction of the individual. Modern children are quicker to solve complex math or logical tasks, but less often they admire, are surprised, and empathize, more and more often they show indifference and callousness.

We live with you in a period of intensive development of high computer technologies, which requires great dynamism, mobility, and now there is a time when, no matter what they talk about, be it science, industry, education or art, everything is overgrown with a lot of problems. The press, television, films and even children's cartoons carry a fairly large charge of aggression, the atmosphere is saturated with negative, disturbing and annoying phenomena. All this falls on the unprotected emotional field of the child.

When working with older preschool children, you acutely feel the lack of good breeding. Today, material values ​​dominate spiritual ones, and many of the parents are busy creating favorable and comfortable conditions for their children, where there are an abundance of expensive electronic toys, computers, computer games and other various gadgets, children are often busy conquering virtual peaks and they remain deprived of simple human communication with adults and peers. Under the influence of these factors, children experience a distortion of ideas about kindness, mercy and patriotism.

How to protect children from such a terrible destructive force? Who will come to the aid of the child? Adults only: teachers and parents. But what about the constantly arising contradictions between the kindergarten and the family in matters of the formation of the moral and ethical qualities of children, on the basis of this I have identified problem: how, how? find a way to improve the level of moral and ethical qualities of the personality of older preschool children.

Numerous studies carried out in our country and abroad have shown that the family and the kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child a social experience in its own way. But only in combination with each other do they provide optimal conditions for entering little man v Big world... Degree of participation in educational activities the parents of my group were: 23% of parents take an active part in it.

To determine the level of development of moral and ethical qualities in children of my group, I conducted a survey according to the method of N.V. Vereshchagina in the field of social and communicative development. The results were as follows: high - 9%; medium - 49%; low - 42%.

As a result of the diagnosis of "Psychomotor development of a child" according to the method of A. Burenina and criteria for assessing the results of theatrical - play activities developed by N.F. Sorokina revealed the following indicators: high - 10%, medium - 37%, low - 53%.

The shortest path to emotional liberation of a child, release of squeeze, teaching feeling and artistic imagination is the path through play, fantasizing, writing. All this can be provided by theatrical activity.

Theatrical activities also allow the formation of the experience of social skills, behavioral skills due to the fact that each literary work or a fairy tale for preschool children always have a moral orientation. Favorite heroes become role models.

Considering that in the light of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO in work with children, a large place is given to project activities, as the form that most fully reflects and combines the integration of all areas of children's development. Project activities develops the creative activity of children, helps the teacher himself to develop as a creative person, contributes to the systematization of the knowledge gained and their application in various types of children's activities, I came to the conclusion that it is advisable to use it.

In this regard, I have developed and subsequently implemented a long-term creative project for senior preschool children on the theme "The Magic World of Theater".

The relevance of the project is due to the fact that the world of childhood, inner world child is the key to many problems in our life. Theatrical activity helps to open the cherished door of children's consciousness, which is not only the most exciting direction of work, but also the most efficient way corrective influence on the child, in which the principle of teaching is most clearly manifested: teach by playing.

From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about universality, playful nature and social orientation, as well as about the correctional possibilities of the theater. It is the theatrical activity that makes it possible to solve many pedagogical tasks related to the formation of a versatile developed personality... By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events in the life of the heroes of theatrical performances, which gives them the opportunity to learn more deeply the world, forms a respectful attitude towards each other.

It is obvious that theatrical activity teaches children to be creative individuals able to perceive novelty, the ability to improvise, find the right way out of problem situations, has a beneficial effect on emotional world child and moral - ethical education.

The main subject of theatricalization is a children's fairy tale, because it teaches empathy and compassion. This is confirmed by the outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “Through a fairy tale, fantasy, game, through a unique children's creativity - the right way to a child's heart. A fairy tale, fantasy is the key with which you can open these sources, and they will clog with life-giving keys ... "

V folk art the tale is probably the greatest miracle. Reading fairy tales, we, without noticing it, find ourselves at the mercy of fiction. In fairy tales, it always tells about something incredible, improbable, but at the same time, fiction carries a certain idea. The tale calls for the fight against evil, against the enemies of the Motherland, to defend good and justice. A fairy tale helps to believe in the power of good, which does not win by itself, but by overcoming difficulties and fighting evil. This knowledge enriches the child's world, he sympathizes with the heroes of the fairy tale, loves them.

The developed project on the theme "The Magic World of Theater" allows us to supplement the traditional system of working with preschool children to form ideas about the diversity of human relations, about the norms and rules of life in society through theatrical activities.

On initial stage I studied scientifically - methodological literature on the stated topic: "The upbringing of moral feelings in senior preschoolers" edited by A.M. Vinogradova "; "Education of emotions and feelings in a preschooler", A. Zaporozhets; “Games with fairy tales. I listen and reason ”Berlov AL; "Personality and its formation in childhood"Bozovic L.I .; "You tell the children a fairy tale" ZA Gritsenko; "ABC moral education»Kairov I.A., Bogdanova O.S.

Relying on methodological materials of the above authors, outlined the main directions of her pedagogical activity:

  • the formation of ideas about honesty, justice, kindness, education of a negative attitude towards cruelty, cunning, cowardice;
  • the formation in children of the ability to correctly evaluate the actions of the characters of the puppet and dramatic performances, as well as correctly assess their own and others' actions;
  • developing a sense of self-esteem, self-esteem and the desire to be responsive to adults and children, the ability to show attention to their state of mind, rejoice at the success of their peers, strive to come to the rescue in difficult times;
  • developing children's ability to act in accordance with moral values.

Project participantswere children of the senior group No. 6 "Kolokolchik", teachers and parents.

Terms of project implementation:October 2014 - April 2015

I conducted an analysis of the internal and external resources required for the implementation of the project.

Analysis of internal resources:

The following resources have been created for the development of theatrical activities in the group:

There are various types of theaters: shadow, flannelegraph, puppet, toys, finger, table, glove;

Costumes and masks for games - dramatizations;

Screen; set of decorations;

Audio library of classical and relaxation music, “sounds of nature”;

A set of visual and illustrative material (photographs, illustrations, paintings);

Cutting episodes from various fairy tales (for dubbing, reading by roles), presentations;

Availability of methodological support: methodical and children's literature, periodicals, methodological developments of the GCD, the presence of various types of theaters on the project topic.

External resources:visiting performances of visiting theaters, interaction with the Central Office of Internal Affairs (TI) - a master class in performing arts, viewing theatrical sketches.

Objective of the project: Moral and ethical education of preschoolers in the process of theatrical activities.

Project objectives:

  1. To acquaint children with the types of theater and the rules of conduct in the theater.
  2. Facilitate the acquisition of knowledge by children, relationships accepted in society, norms and rules of behavior by means of the theater.
  3. To develop the creative activity of children, improving the skills of figurative reflection of reality in the process of familiarizing children with the culture of the theater.
  4. Bring up moral qualities, the ability to empathize, the desire to please and do good in relation to other people.

Expected results:

Children possess knowledge, accepted in society, relationships, norms and rules of behavior.

Formed moral qualities in relation to oneself and other people.

Skills of artistic transmission of the image have been developed.

Possess knowledge of norms and rules of conduct in public places.

The project consisted of three stages: preparatory, main and final.

Monitoring the development of moral and ethical qualities in older preschool children according to N.V. Vereshchagina;

"Psychomotor development of a child" according to the method of A. Burenina and the criteria for assessing the results of theatrical - play activities, developed by N.F. Sorokina;

Consultation for parents on the topic "The impact of theatrical activities on the development of the child."

All practical work is carried out in three directions:

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "House of Children's Art named after Klavdiya Ivanovna Nazarova" of the Municipal Formation "Ostrovsky District"


world of theater "


Compiled by:

additional education teacher

Valentina Storozhko

Island, 2016

Chapter educational program: « Introductory lesson».

Lesson topic: "The Magic World of Theater"

Target: generating interest in theatrical creativity

Educational task:

To acquaint children with the basics of acting, to determine the basic qualities necessary for an actor (speech, plastic, creative thinking);

Developmental tasks:

Develop the creativity of children;

Form the initial skills of acting;

Educational task:

To foster a positive creative attitude of the participants in the lesson to theatrical activity.

Age of participants: 7-10 years old.

Form of carrying out: lesson-game.

Occupation type: combined.

Techniques: conversation, game, tasks-exercises, practical work, discussion, summing up.

Lesson structure

    Organizational stage.

- Acquaintance. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

- Dating game "Snowball".

    Main part

    Scenic speech.

Breathing exercises;

Articulation exercises;

3. Stage movement.

Exercise to remove muscle clamps;

- Exercise for orientation in space;

4. Acting skills.

Exercise to develop attention;

Exercise to develop imagination and fantasy;

Theatrical improvisation. An impromptu performance.

    The final stage.

- Reflection. Summarizing.

Lesson summary

    Organizational stage

Hello guys. My name is Valentina Vyacheslavovna, I am a teacher of additional education at the House of Children's Art. Today I invite you to go with me on an exciting journey to one of the magical worlds. And what is the name of this magical world, you will find out when you guess the riddles and make a word from the first letters of the answers:

The writer wrote the play,

He gave it to the theater.

The actor will get his role,

Will stage a play ... (director)

To touch the viewer for a living,

The actor even has to sing

He is an atlas in his work,

The main thing in an actor is ... (talent)

The bell rings, the act is over

And it begins ... (intermission)

All children dream of playing it,

And everyone knows him in the world

Our favorite newsreel.

And it is called ... ("Jumble")

Here is a whole class at the play,

The action will begin now.

So that the chime does not interfere with us

Everyone turned off ... (phone)

The word "THEATER" is formed from the initial letters of the words - the answer

So the magical world into which we will go today is called - THEATER. But before we set off on our journey, let's stand in a circle and get to know each other. And we will do it with the help of the game "Snowball".

Remember how we snowball in winter. We take a small lump of snow, and by rolling the snowball on the snow, we increase it in size. Each of you has a name. (addressing the child on the left) What's your name? (the child says his name). Imagine that you are a little snowball. (to the rest of the children) And you guys are the snow that will stick to our "snowball". Now the "snowball" will choose to whom it will roll first. Approaching the chosen person, the "snowball" will say his name and take the chosen one by the hand, and he will say his name in response. Then the "snowball" chooses the next one who sticks to it and together they will come up to the third participant and say their names, first the snowball, then the second participant. The third participant says his name and takes the second participant by the hand. Then all the actions are repeated until you all find yourself in one big "snowball".

Dating game "Snowball"

II... Main part

1. Conversation on questions about theatrical art.

Well, so we met. Let's move on to the topic of our lesson: "The Magic World of Theater". Today we will try to join the theatrical art and try ourselves as actors. First, please answer me a few questions.

What do we call theater?

Why do people go to the theater?

Do you like to watch theatrical performances?

Without whom the theater cannot exist?

Who would like to become a young actor himself?

Guys, did you know that in our city, in the House of Children's Creativity, there are several children's theater groups, in which you can also, if you want, learn acting. Each team has its own name, for children theatrical collective which I lead is called "The Mask". And today I invite you to feel like students of our school young actors and at the end of the lesson to play an impromptu performance. Do you agree?

What do you think, what qualities should have real actor? (children's answers)

  1. Scenic speech.
In order to become good actors, we learn to speak well and clearly in our classes - this is called stage speech.

To begin with, we learn to breathe correctly. And special exercises help us in this.

Breathing exercises

    Exercise "Let's warm up the handles."

We put our palms in front of our lips and wide open mouth slowly release air onto your palm.

    Exercise "Candle".

Put forefinger in front of the lips. We draw in more air with our nose, stop breathing, and then release the air from our mouth in a thin stream, so that the "candle flame" does not wobble.

    Exercise "Sniper".

The same as the "candle", but we exhale the air at the same time and for the maximum a short time.

    Exercise "Stubborn candle".

The same as the "sniper", but we exhale the air in several steps without additional air intake.

    Exercise "Pump and ball".

Now break into pairs. One of you is a pump, the other is a ball. First, the "ball" is deflated, that is, you are squatting on the floor in a relaxed position. "Pumps" with sound " ps-s"And bending in the lower back to right angle"Pump up" the "ball". Each extension is an inhalation, each tilt is an exhalation. The "ball" is gradually "inflated". In this case, air is drawn in portions. When the "ball" is inflated, the "pump" pulls out the "plug", and the "ball" with a sound "Sh-sh-sh" blown away. Exhalation takes a long time.

Now you will switch roles and repeat the exercise.

We also learn to speak correctly, for this we need other exercises, for example: Articulating

    Exercise "Faces".

Raise the right eyebrow. We omit. Raise the left eyebrow. We omit. Raise and lower both eyebrows. Without opening the lips, move the lower jaw up, down, right, left. Inflate your nostrils. Let's move our ears. Draw out the face. We break into a smile. Without unclenching your teeth, raise your upper lip and lower it. Do the same with the lower lip. And now we make faces, "who is funnier" or "who is more terrible."

    Exercise "Triangle".

With extremely precise articulation, we pronounce the vowels in the following order "A - O - U - E - Y - I". The second time we try to make the sound fly as far as possible.

Complicating... We add a consonant "B". " V ". " G ".

To train diction, we use proverbs, tongue twisters, and poems.

Let's try to remember and pronounce, for example, such a tongue twister:


And now let's try to pronounce it with different emotional connotations:

Angrily, with malice;

With a sense of joy;

With annoyance;


With a sense of guilt;


    Stage movement.

Well done, to become real actors, we also learn to move beautifully - this is called stage movement.

Exercise to remove muscle clamps "Unbalance"

Each of us is one whole, where the head, neck, arms, legs, torso obey the command of the brain and work in a balanced way.

But now we will try to feel and work with each part of our body separately, as if our organs do not depend on each other. It was as if they had turned off the magnet that held everything around them. Only the head moves, the body is in place. Neck. Right shoulder... Left shoulder. Now only the body, while the head and legs do not move. The case was closed, opened (the diaphragm opens). Only the left finger, only the hand, only the elbow. Bottom part torso, everything else does not move. Right knee, left knee, both knees. Body parts move on their own, independent of other body parts.

Exercise on orientation in space "Molecules and Atoms"

Participants depict the Brownian movement of molecules. At the command of the teacher: "Molecule-2, molecule-3, etc.", the participants are divided into groups (atoms) of 2, 3, etc. people. If someone does not have enough space in the atoms for a few seconds, they sit on chairs. As soon as the command sounds: "The molecule is free", the children begin to move again. As soon as the team has 2 members, the game stops.

    Acting skills.

In our classes, we also learn to be interesting to the viewer - this is called acting. And in order to improve your acting skills, you need to develop your imagination, fantasy, attention, memory.

Exercise to develop attention "Do you have a boom-boom-boom?" .

One of you will now walk out the door, he will be the driver. With the rest, we will guess, for example, an item of clothing that some of you have, some do not. After the driver returns to the room, he will ask one single question to each of you: "Do you have a boom-boom-boom?" If you have this subject today, you answer: "Yes." If today you do not have this subject, you answer: "No". The driver must guess what item of clothing we have in mind.

Exercise to develop imagination and fantasy

Imagine that you are fairytale character, and try to play this character for us without words, so that we find out who you have guessed.

Theater improvisation

Today we touched on the activities of the actor, which he goes through in order to go on stage to the viewer. It was just a little preparation. But it will also allow us now to enter the magical world of the theater as actors. I suggest you play a small play where you can apply the knowledge gained today, and of course, add your creativity, imagination to play the role that has fallen to you.

Now, by lot, we will distribute the roles in our impromptu performance. There are cards with pictures on the table. Select one card, the picture will tell you who your hero is. Characters: kitten, sun, 2 magpies, paper, rooster, 2-3 chickens, puppy, horse, cart, butterfly, wind.

Our performance is built on impromptu, that is, it is played right away without rehearsal, just listen to the text of the plot that I will read to you, and follow the steps in the text.

"Kitten" performance-impromptu

Today the KITTEN left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning, the SUN was shining brightly, scattering its rays in all directions. The KITTEN sat down in the middle of the yard and began to squint at the SUN. Suddenly his attention was attracted by two FORties, who flew in and sat on the fence. The KITTEN began to slowly creep up to the birds. FORTY, not paying attention to the kitten, chirped incessantly. The KITTEN jumped high, but missed, and the FORTY flew away. It didn't work out. The KITTEN began to look around in search of new adventures. A light WIND was blowing and a PAPER was driven across the ground. PAPER rustled loudly. The KITTEN grabbed it, scratched it a little, bit it and, not finding anything interesting in it, let it go. The PAPER flew away, driven by the WIND.
And then the KITTEN saw the COCK. Raising his legs high, the COCK walked importantly through the yard. Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song. Chickens rushed to the COCK from all sides. Without thinking twice, the KITTEN rushed into the flock and grabbed one CHICKEN by the tail. But the CHICKEN pecked the KITTEN so painfully that he yelled a heart-rending cry and ran to the side.
At this time, a HORSE with a CART stopped near the house, the HORSE stood quietly and chewed the hay left by its owner. The KITTEN crept up and decided to look at the horse closer, but the HORSE snorted at him so that he rushed to hide behind the CART. After sitting a little behind the CART, the KITTEN saw a BUTTERFLY that flew into the yard and fluttered from one flower to another. The KITTEN tried to sneak up on her several times, but at the most decisive moment the BUTTERFLY flew over to another flower.

During this occupation, the neighbor's PUPPY caught the KITTEN, running past the fence. The PUPPY stopped and, falling on its front paws, barked loudly at the KITTEN, and then rushed into the yard and tried to bite him. In response, the KITTEN hissed loudly, released its claws and hit the PUPPY on the nose. The PUP ran away, whining plaintively.

The KITTEN felt like a winner. He began to lick the chicken wound. Then the KITTEN scratched its hind paw behind the ear, stretched out next to the cart to its full height and fell asleep. What he dreamed, we do not know, but for some reason the KITTEN kept twitching his paw and wiggling his mustache in his sleep. Thus ended the first acquaintance of the KITTEN with the street.

    The final stage.


According to the theatrical tradition, at the end of each performance, rehearsal, and class, the actors give each other applause. The power of applause is the assessment of the work of each participant in the work. Check out how our lesson went. Rate the work of your comrades. Rate your contribution to the work.

Summarizing .

Today we have visited the magical world of the theater. Surely each of you will go to this world more than once as a spectator. But only those who will be trained in the school of young actors will be able to become one of the wizards of this world. Raise your hands, who of you would like to try your hand at performing arts? Thanks to all! Until next time!

The guys take places in auditorium. From this moment, their journey into the world of the Theater begins, acquaintance with acting. Games and contests are held to develop this skill. The winners of the contests show a performance at the end of the event.


Development cognitive interest to the world of theater.


The stage is decorated balloons, paper flowers. You can arrange the exhibition "Theater through the Eyes of Children". There is a curtain on the stage. The presenter before the show is in front of the curtain.


  • Tickets with row and seat indication;
  • Theatrical mask;
  • Chamomile with petals - descriptions of the mood;
  • Cards - tongue twisters;
  • Cards with the names of objects for pantomime;
  • Costumes and decorations for the play "Turnip".


  • Leading

Event progress

Before entering the hall, children receive tickets, which indicate the row and place. Children take seats (not necessarily those indicated on the ticket).

Leading: Hello guys! How are you doing? Good or bad? If everything is great with you, clap your hands! How amazing! What's your mood? If it’s good, walk it! I have great too! And all because today a real journey awaits us. But where we find ourselves today is a surprise!

Dance number "Surprise".

Leading: Guys, today we have prepared a real surprise for you! This is a journey into the magical world of theater! Want to get backstage? Then go ahead! But ... where are your tickets? Show me them!

Children raise tickets, show the presenter.

Leading: Now check if you have your place.

The guys check the row and seat indicated on the ticket with the seat on which they are sitting. They come to the conclusion that they are in the wrong place.

Leading: Oh no no no! We urgently need to correct the situation! Walk up to the stage. Now find your place and take it.

To the music, children look for the seats indicated on their ticket.

Leading: Actor and actress, premiere, intermission, playbill and, of course, a full house - all this can be called in one word - theatrical art... Do you know what the name is Greek muse patronizing this art? Her name is Melpomene!

Melpomene comes out, reads a monologue. Then he bows and leaves.

Leading: Guys, where does the theater begin? That's right, from the hanger. But we had already safely passed it and found ourselves in the auditorium. They took their places, so it's time for us to go to the fairy tale! So today we will take a trip to magic land whose big name"Theatre". Even Shakespeare said that our world is a theater, and we are actors who play different roles. So today I invite everyone to decide on their role, and will help us with this unusual mask.

Takes out theatrical mask, half of which depicts a sad mood, the other - joy.

Leading: See what an unusual mask. Guys, why do you think she is a symbol of theatrical art?

Children answer that an actor must be able to play a role regardless of his mood, he must be able to transform.

Leading: Tell me, what is the difference between the moods of this mask?

One half is sad, the other is joyful.

Leading: Here is our first actor play... You need to define the mood of the music and convey it with facial expressions.

The game "Acting Skill" is being held.

Guys listen to excerpts classical pieces, conveying different moods, mimic the character of the music. Sad - the corners of the mouth are down, cheerful - up. You can use the eyes and eyebrows.

Leading: You are wonderful actors! Everything worked out great for you. Well, now let's hold a casting for best actor... I invite everyone to the stage!

The game "Theatrical daisy" is being held.

Children need to say the same phrase: “I love going to school,” but with different moods. They stretch out the petal and determine the character of the spoken phrase: fun, sad, neutral, thoughtful, aggressive. The winner is chosen according to the reaction of the audience - who was clapped louder. He gets the role of his grandfather in the play and goes backstage to get ready, the rest return to their places.

Leading: The actor must be able not only to transform, but also to speak loudly and clearly, so that the audience can hear him, even with last rows! Guys, can you speak loudly? I invite you to the stage of loud voices!

Leading: Now let's get acquainted with the concept of "Intermission". Do you guys know what this is? This is the name of the break for actors and spectators. During this time, they can rest. I propose to spend a physical minute!

Leading: We rested, we can continue preparing for the performance. The actor must be able to turn into his hero. Let's check if you know how to transform! Who wants to try their hand at magical art?

The "Animal Choir" competition is being held.

Those interested are divided into three groups: dogs, cats, mice. They line up in a chaotic manner. The presenter sings a line from famous song, the participants continue to sing in turn in "their" language. For example, the presenter sings "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass," the dog should bark the second line, the cat should meow the third, and the mouse squeak. Anyone who gets out of rhythm, sings in a language that is not “his” is out of the game. The three winners share the roles of Bug, Cat and Mouse.

Leading: Main actress in the theater - prima. She has the most significant role in the play, she has more fans, she is loved and respected. So we will now choose an actor for the main role in the play. I ask those who wish to go up on stage!

Competition "Pantomime" .

Participants receive a card with the name of the tableware item. Their task is to show the object without words so that the audience can guess what is being shown. If the audience cannot guess the object, the participant is eliminated from the game. The remaining participants go to the second stage of the casting - they show a vegetable with a pantomime, at the third stage they show an animal. The competition continues until the winner is identified, who will play the role of Turnip. He goes backstage.

Leading: In the meantime, our actors are getting ready, I propose to move the convolutions!

Leading: The actors got ready. Are the audience ready? Then I ask you to sit quietly, listen attentively, react violently at the end of the performance! Attention, the fairy tale begins!

Demonstration of the tale "Turnip". After the end of the play, the actors come out to bow, the audience claps.