Project on theatrical activities “Theatre – children – theatre. Project (preparatory group) on the topic: Creative project on theatrical activities for children of the preparatory group "Theatre and Children"

Project on theatrical activities “Theatre – children – theatre.  Project (preparatory group) on the topic: Creative project on theatrical activities for children of the preparatory group
Project on theatrical activities “Theatre – children – theatre. Project (preparatory group) on the topic: Creative project on theatrical activities for children of the preparatory group "Theatre and Children"

City Kazan Republic of Tatarstan

Goal: Formation in children and their parents of interest in theater and modern theatrical activities development of children's artistic abilities.

  • To awaken interest in the theater in children;
  • To instill in children primary skills in the field theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppetry);
  • To interest parents in visiting the theater with children;
  • Give information to parents about ways to play at home with children;
  • Develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in preschoolers

Problem significant for children, which the project aims to solve:

Unfortunately, today, our children are brought up not on fairy tales, but on modern cartoons. Most parents don't have time to sit down with their child and read a book. Child psychologists consider this a big omission of adults in raising their children.

Expected Result:

Parents and children get acquainted with the history of the theater, its types, ways of making and playing. There is a growing desire to visit the theater with the children. Relationships between parents and teachers are strengthened. Artistic abilities of children develop.

Project relevance:

With the help of theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and the questions posed make children think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of playing, listening, viewing works, the child's vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonational structure are improved, the child's creativity is manifested, and the experience of various experiences is accumulated. The artistic abilities of children develop from performance to performance. Theatrical activity contributes harmonious development preschoolers. Their life in kindergarten becomes more interesting, more meaningful, filled vivid impressions, the joy of creativity.

Implementation forms:

  • Reading fiction
  • Speech and breathing exercises
  • Entertainment
  • Conversations
  • Viewings of theatrical works for children, presentations
  • Working with parents
  • Role-playing games
  • Photo design - newspaper
  • Theater trips

Implementation stages:

Preparatory stage

  • Collection of literature
  • Conversations with children
  • Drawing up a work plan
  • Making attributes
  • Development of recommendations for parents
  • Selection of visual information

main stage

  • Watching children's performances
  • Making a stand recommendations for parents:

Theater in the life of a child ;

"Play with the kids" ;

"The role of fiction in the development of children's speech"

  • Role-playing games with children "Theater"
  • Finger theater
  • Expression Games "Make a Face"
  • Reading folk tales
  • Games for the development of facial expressions
  • Theater "Kem nәrsә yarata" , "Three Daughters"
  • View slides about theaters and theatrical costume
  • rehearsals
  • Learning poems
  • Photo design - newspaper "We are artists"
  • Breathing exercises
  • Articulation gymnastics
  • Finger gymnastics
  • Development exercises fine motor skills
  • Dramatization of poems

Project products for children:

Sculpting, drawing and applique "A hero from a favorite fairy tale, drawing characters from the fairy tale" Kem nerse yarata " , new knowledge and impressions, meaningful time spent with parents, children's books.

for teachers:

themed album design "Heroes of our favorite fairy tales" , card file of proverbs, sayings, riddles, multimedia presentations, finger theater, organization of an exhibition of children's works.

for parents:

The final stage (project presentation)

  • Photo - newspaper "We are artists"
  • Theatrical activities of children as part of the holiday
  • Showing a fairy tale "Three Daughters" parents for children

GBOU d / s 2504 Moscow

Pedagogical project:

Theatrical games for the development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age

“Creativity is not only for geniuses who have created great works of art.

Creativity exists wherever a person imagines, combines, creates something new”

(L.S. Vygotsky)

Relevance of the problem

For modern stage The development of the system of preschool education is characterized by the search and development of new technologies for teaching and educating children.

At the same time, an active approach to the personality of the child is used as a priority. One of the types of children's activities widely used in the process of education

And the comprehensive development of children is a theatrical activity, which fully allows you to implement all the principles of education.

From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities, because at this age children are extremely inquisitive,

They have a great desire to know the world. And adults, encouraging curiosity, informing children of knowledge, involving them in different kinds theatrical activities, contribute to the expansion of children's experience.

And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than that of older children.

It is not yet crushed by dogmas and stereotypes, it is more independent. And this quality needs to be developed in every possible way. Preschool age provides excellent opportunities for the development of creativity.

And the creative potential of an adult person will largely depend on how these opportunities were used.

Formulation of the problem:

Now children know much more than their peers 10-15 years ago, they decide faster logical tasks, but much less often admired and surprised, indignant and worried.

Increasingly, children show indifference and callousness, their interests are usually limited, and games are monotonous. Many preschoolers are addicted to computers, and adults often follow the lead of children,

acquiring computer games-wars with monsters, vampires, without thinking about what harm it does to the personal development of the child.

As a rule, such children do not know how to occupy themselves in their free time and look at the world around them without surprise and special interest, as consumers, not creators.

The intensive change in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate the teacher the need to choose more effective means training and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies. To identify the relevance of this problem for our preschool institution, we conducted a diagnosis among children (Appendix No. 1)

and a survey of their parents (Appendix No. 2), which showed that: 64% of preschoolers by the age of 5-6 have no interest in theatrical art and activities 53% of children have a low level of development of creativity in speech, motor and productive activities 65% of parents have a poor understanding of theatrical art · 12% of parents do not know the theaters of our city. The purpose of the project: the development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age by means of theatrical games.

Project objectives:

1. Encourage children to fantasize, come up with their own plot.

2. Develop the ability to propose a new game idea.

3. Teach children to transform into roles, to improvise.

4. Learn to get used to the artistic image, to be creative in depicting the plot.

5. To develop in children the creative expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, movements.

Tasks pedagogical activity educator:

1. Use theatrical games to solve the main tasks of educational areas in accordance with the FGT.

2. Develop creativity through theatrical games. 3. Complicate the game material by setting more and more creative tasks for the children.

4. Create an atmosphere of creativity and trust, giving each child the opportunity to speak about the process of the game

5. Encourage improvisation, the ability to feel free in the role.

6. Unleash the creative potential of children by involving them in various activities and theatrical performances

Base characteristic:

The materials of the project can be used in the pedagogical activities of educators with children aged 5-6 in groups of a general developmental orientation in preschool educational institutions.

Stages and timing of the project

1. Preparatory (formative) - (September)

2. Main (practical) - (October-April)

3. Final - (May)

Conditions for the implementation of project activities

The environment is one of the main means of development of the child's personality, the source of his individual knowledge and social experience.

I tried to create favorable conditions in the group for independent theatrical activities of children.

The object-spatial environment provides a joint theatrical activity of children and is the basis for the independent creativity of each child, a kind of form of his self-education.

The group has created a corner of theatrical activities, which houses:

· Props for playing scenes and performances (a set of puppets, screens, costume elements, masks, game props).

· Attributes for various game positions:

1. "actor" (costumes, masks, puppets, theatrical props);

2. "director" (scenery, various material for the manufacture of theatrical attributes, books, cassettes with music, theatrical noises, books with fairy tales - audio recording);

3. "spectator" (seats for spectators, posters, theater box office, tickets, binoculars, "money", buffet props);

4. “Designer” (types of paper, glue, paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, fabrics, threads, buttons, boxes, natural materials).

The next step was the organization of work with preschoolers, consisting of 2 stages:

Creation of an emotionally safe atmosphere;

enrichment of children's play creativity; preparation and holding of theatrical games.

This provided: an integrated approach to the organization educational process;

a high level of development of theatrical knowledge and skills; Creation of conditions for the development of creative manifestations of children;

optimal load on the child in order to protect him from overwork.

The creativity of children in their theatrical and gaming activities manifested itself in three directions:

productive creativity (writing your own stories or creative interpretation of a given story);

Performing (speech, motor);

decoration (decoration, costumes, paraphernalia, etc.).

Enriching children artistic means the transfer of the image was facilitated by sketches from read works or the choice of any event from a fairy tale and its drawing (the audience guesses).

Etudes were interesting, in which children moved to fragments of musical works. Children actively discussed what is better to play, coordinated their plans and desires.

The game was repeated several times and everyone had the opportunity to try themselves in the role they liked, they agreed on two or three compositions of “artists”.

In order to assimilate the sequence of events, to clarify the images of the characters, artistic and creative activities were organized: drawing, application, modeling on the theme of the work.

Children in subgroups were given a task, for example, to fashion figures of characters to act out a fairy tale.

This eliminated the need for special memorization of the text. The main directions in the development of theatrical play consisted in the gradual transition of the child from playing according to one literary or folklore text to the game-contamination, which implies the child's free construction of a plot in which literary basis combined with the free interpretation of the child or combined several works.

From the game, where means of expression are used to convey the characteristics of the character, to the game as a means of self-expression through the image of the hero; from a game in which the “artist” is the center to a game in which a complex of positions “artist”, “director”, “screenwriter”, “designer”, “costume designer” is presented, but at the same time, the preferences of each child are associated with some one of them, depending on individual abilities and interests;

from a theatrical game to theatrical game activity as a means of personal self-expression and self-realization of abilities.

I built my work with children without direct instructions, and shifted more emphasis to indirect influences through the organization of joint activities, games, game communication, and the use of literature and art.

Forms of organization of the educational process

· Conversations and organized activities;

Didactic and theatrical games, exercises;

Artistic and productive activity;

· Registration of exhibitions of works of children, joint creativity of children and their parents; photo exhibitions;

· Trips to the theater and photo tours; · Carrying out theatrical performances;

Sports, music, folklore entertainment and holidays

The form of children's organization was carried out in free and joint activities in the afternoon.

She offered the children to work sitting and standing, as it was convenient for them. Children could move away from their workplace to look at the activities of their comrades, ask for advice,

Ask for help or offer your own, or find another activity for yourself. Having finished this or that task, no one waits for anyone, puts things in order and goes about their business without attracting attention.

In working with children, game techniques were used with the inclusion of characters such as Dunno, Pinocchio, Cheburashka, etc., who make inaccuracies, make mistakes, and confuse.

Children gladly came to their aid, rejoiced, felt self-confidence, realized the importance and usefulness of knowledge and skills.

The work was built on the basis of seasonality, various manifestations of nature, calendar holidays, from what is close, dear and interesting to children. I organized joint activities in the form of a game through a fairy tale.

For example: "Visiting autumn", " Winter Tales» etc. A special creative atmosphere reigned in the joint activity. All activities were accompanied by vivid experiences, surprise moments.

After all, only a child living in an environment vivid images, fantasies, able to create something. Once a month, a creative day was organized, where children were given the opportunity to do any kind of activity. Collaboration with children for productive artistic activity was organized in small subgroups (6-8 children each).

For children of senior preschool age, creative tasks are available, for which they unite according to their interests.

Each subgroup was offered a creative task to choose from, which the subgroup does “in secret” from others during the week.

At the end of the week, exhibitions, competitions, games and other activities were organized, and the fruits of children's creativity were demonstrated. Due attention was paid to entertaining games and exercises, games-experiments with materials and tools, as well as game tasks that are carried out in all forms of organizing productive activities and, of course, at any free time in different regime moments.

For better assimilation and organization of assimilation of educational material, the following techniques and methods were used: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, research, heuristic (partially search), diagnostics, reflexive.

Games used in joint activities and security moments were combined into several blocks:

FIRST BLOCK "Introduction to the theater".

The purpose of this block is to expand the horizons of children, educate people who love and understand art, striving for theatrical creativity.

Our preschool educational institution works in partnership with traveling theaters (puppet theaters Tales of Lukomorye, Dolls Laughing, Nursery Rhymes, the dramatic A Clockwork Orange, the Magic Magic Theater, which come to the garden, where there is a direct acquaintance with the "theater", theater artists.

Trips to different theaters are also organized with parents and children: "Old House", Theater " musical comedy". A very interesting excursion to the Puppet Theater, where there is a toy museum.

Here there is an acquaintance with the history of toys, how toys “play roles”. We also introduce children to the professions of people working in the theater. Children listen with interest to the story about various theaters, look at the illustrations. Didactic games and visual material were developed to prepare children for theatrical games

SECOND BLOCK "Magic world of theater".Games and sketches that introduce children to the basic emotions of a person, the means by which children understand each other and the world of adults. To summarize for each emotion, a game with pictures “Emotions for All” was held: situations are given that the child must, as it were, pass through himself and give an answer. Thus, the child's behavior was corrected, the ability to be open and sensitive, to understand the feelings and emotions of other people, developed.

THIRD BLOCK "I'm a little actor."Purpose: training of the speech apparatus, various muscle groups, breathing. This includes creative games with words, exercises for diction, intonation, finger games, games for the development of expressiveness of speech. One of the types of games of this block is rhythmoplasty. Rhythmoplasty games allow you to achieve:

emancipation of the child, to feel the possibilities of his body;

Development of expressiveness of body movements; development of motor abilities;

· muscle freedom, relieve muscle strain.

In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, their own statements, the child's vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech is improved.

The role played by the child, especially the dialogue with another character, confronted the little actor with the need to express himself clearly, clearly, and understandably.

The games and sketches used helped the children to feel the ease and joy of communicating with their peers and adults, to be ready for improvisation and creativity.

In the afternoon, in joint activities included games - dramatizations, preparation for theatrical performances, puppet theater.

Dramatization games were carried out in the form of a literal retelling in persons (by roles) of a work of art read by the educator, or a free retelling of the text by children - a role-playing game for children.

The verbatim retelling of the text was carried out together with the children, I took on the role of the leader, and the children were assigned other roles. The staging of a work of art in the free retelling of the replicas of each character by children takes place as a role-playing game.

As a rule, these were fairy tales, read many times.

Puppet theater is a kind of story-driven "director's" game: here it is proposed to children to pronounce the text of a work of art by roles, forcing them to simultaneously act for the heroes of this work.

Works of ordinary toys (toy theater), parsley (dolls worn on fingers), cut out pictures, etc. The puppet theater was used as a methodological tool that activates the speech of children.

Working with a doll allows you to improve fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements; be responsible for managing the doll; to show through the doll those emotions, feelings, states, movements that in ordinary life for some reason the child cannot or does not allow himself to show; allows you to learn to find an adequate bodily expression for various emotions, feelings, states

Working with parents(Appendix No. 4) Children's creativity was facilitated by close contact between teachers and parents, where parents became active allies and assistants in organizing children's artistic speech activity.

Parents were invited to participate in the creation of scenery for children's performances, make costumes together with the children, and help memorize the texts of the roles. One of the interesting forms of work was

involvement of parents to participate in theatrical performances as actors. Parents were also involved in the work on puppet theatricalization. They assisted in the manufacture of puppets for various theaters and scenery. In the fall, she invited parents to make a joint work “Vegetable Theatre” with children, dolls on wooden spoons, from gloves.

Purposefully, together with the children, parents watch videos, visit theaters, read works.

To carry out effective work on theatrical activities at home, recommendations were offered to parents in the form of consultations. "Home puppet theater", " home theater as a Means of Forming Relationships in the Family”, “Glove Dolls”, “Chewed Paper”, “On the Role of Parents in the Development of a Child's Speech”.

All this contributed to the expansion of horizons, the enrichment of the inner world, and most importantly, it taught family members mutual understanding, brought them closer.

The manifestation of such a common interest rallied the family, the team of children, educators and parents.

Form of work with parents(Appendix No. 4)

· Thematic consultations, memos. The goal is to encourage parents to engage in joint activities with their children. (Appendix No. 5)

· Questioning "Do you like theater?", "Does your child like to fantasize?", the purpose of which is to identify the creative possibilities and interests of children. (Appendix No. 2)

· Reviews - competitions. "Our Tales" The goal is to bring children and parents closer together, to form a strong motivation for parents to work together with children.

Working with the teaching staff(Appendix No. 8)

Work on the development of the creative abilities of children in theatrical activities was carried out in close contact with the second educator, junior educator, speech therapist, music director.

The entire staff of the kindergarten took part in the preparation of theatrical performances: they helped to make scenery, posters, and develop sketches of costumes.

In classes with a speech therapist, the children practiced clear diction, worked on the expressiveness of speech, correct speech breathing

Together with the music director, they selected musical pieces, learned them, and worked on staging dances.


1.1 preparatory stage

1. Diagnosis of the level of creativity in children (Appendix No. 1)

2. The study of methodological literature.

3. Creation of an emotionally prosperous atmosphere in the kindergarten group, special pedagogical conditions for the development of children's creativity.

4.Organization of the subject-developing environment.

5. Drawing up a long-term work plan for the development of creative abilities in older preschoolers by means of theatrical games (Appendix No. 3).

6. Create interest among project participants

7. Development of a cyclogram of joint activities of specialists with the inclusion various forms work.

8. Questioning of parents. (Appendix No. 2 (1)) September educators senior educator music director

Stage 2 - practical(Appendix No. 3)

1. Development of speech creativity, expressiveness of speech

2. Development of creativity in motor activity

3. Productive creativity. Entertaining games and exercises, games-experiments with materials and tools, game tasks. (They are carried out in all forms of organizing productive activities, at any free time, at different regime moments).

4. Theatrical games.

5. Work on staging a theatrical performance: Expressive reading works and conversations about what has been read; the right of free choice and voluntary participation in the performance: Work on the role.

6. "Creative workshop" (together with parents to create the necessary costumes or elements of costumes, scenery, etc.). october - april educators senior educator music director

Stage 3 - final

1. Speech at the teachers' council with the theme "Theatrical games for the development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age" (Appendix No. 8)

2 Dramatization of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood on new way"(for parents) 2. Quiz for parents 3. Exhibition of creative works "Our creativity" (Appendix No. 9)

4. Creation of the book exhibition "Our Tales" 5. Photo exhibition "We are actors" 6. Diagnosis of the level of creativity in children (May) (Appendix No. 1)

5. Analysis of the results of diagnostics of creative abilities in children of the older group.

6. Questioning of parents. (Appendix No. 2 - (2)) April April throughout the year May May educators, music director educators, music director senior educator

Expected results

Implementation of a project to develop the creative abilities of children through theatrical games in a joint and independent activity will help:

development of psychophysical abilities (facial expressions, pantomimes); mental processes (perception, imagination,

fantasies, thinking, attention, memory, etc.), speech (monologue, dialogue); creative abilities (the ability to transform, improvise, take on a role).

enrichment of the theatrical experience: children's knowledge about the theater, its history, theatrical professions, costumes, attributes, theatrical terminology.

Solving the main tasks of educational areas in accordance with the FGT (any task of any educational activity is solved by children easier, easier and faster if children beat it).

The appropriate inclusion of theatrical elements in integrated classes:


Theatrical activity has become a significant assistant in solving educational problems.

And in this we were helped by the active use of gaming activities. As a result, the result is more effective, and knowledge is much stronger.

The game plot allows children to be interested, since the natural need to intervene in the course of events and influence them makes children make every effort to complete tasks.

Project implementation quality assessment

There was an opportunity to involve children in active independent activities.

90% of the parents of the group were involved in working with children, which helped to establish relationships between the project participants.

Working on the project helped shape the desire to do original creative work. In the course of collective activities, preschoolers have learned to interact productively,

hear each other, express their emotions with words and movements (facial expressions, gestures, etc.).

Practical significance of the projectMy project is aimed at developing the creative abilities of older preschoolers by means of theatrical games.

The project implements general educational and educational tasks. The knowledge acquired by children in the learning process is strong and stable.

Participants in the educational process are ready for the future creative development. Upon completion of the project, work on the development of the creative abilities of children does not stop.

The subject-developing environment is enriched, cooperation with teachers of other groups, parents is developing.

Anastasia Lisina
Project on theatrical activities in the preschool educational institution

In kindergarten according to GEF

Theater is a magical world. He gives lessons in beauty, morality and morality. And the richer they are, the more successful is the development of the spiritual world of children…” (B. M. Teplov)

In a preschool educational institution theatrical activity one of the most accessible types of art for children, it enables the child to satisfy his any desires and interests, get acquainted with the world around him in all its diversity, activate the vocabulary and sound culture of speech. Theatrical activities is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of the child.

It is known that children love to play, they do not need to be forced to do it. While playing, we communicate with children on "their territories". By entering the world of play, we can learn a lot ourselves and teach our children. And the words spoken by the German psychologist Karl Gross are in connection with this relevant: "We play not because we are children, but childhood itself is given to us so that we play."

We know that getting to know theater takes place in an atmosphere of magic, festivity, high spirits, so to interest children theater is not difficult.

Relevance. In the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the basic principles of preschool education, reflected in Standard: "Implementation of the Program in forms specific to the children of this age group, primarily in the form of a game, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

Theatrical activities in kindergarten - this is a great opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child, the education of the creative orientation of the individual.

Target project: Introduce children to theater culture.

Tasks project:

1. Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in.

2. Teach children various means of improvisation.

3. To form children's ideas about various types theater and theater genres.

4. Create conditions for joint activities of children and adults.

5. Provide conditions for interconnection theatrical and other activities.

Members project:

1. Pupils of the group.

2. Group educators.

3. Parents of the children of the group.

Expected results:

1. The development of the child in all areas of educational areas.

2. A significant expansion of children's ideas about theater culture.

3. Creation subject environment that promotes the development of children theater culture .

Forms of work:

Organization of training, developing and creative activities;

Organization of joint events with parents;

Organization theater evenings(showing fairy tales and performances);

Organization of visits cultural events (senior group).

Forms of work with parents:

1. Joint production of toys and manuals for the organization of a subject-developing environment.

2. Involving parents in joint activities.

3. Open demonstrations of classes and theatrical performances.

4. Advising parents on leading and current issues.

5. Organization of visits to cultural sites and cultural events.

Main stages of implementation project:

preliminary work

The study of methodological literature.

Acquisition didactic material for the organization of a subject-developing environment.

Main job

Drawing up a program of activities for the implementation of tasks project.

Final work

Monitoring the execution of tasks project.

At the final stage of implementation project the final testing of pupils and the analysis of the subject-developing environment are carried out.

preliminary work:

The study of methodological literature;

Organization of the subject-developing environment.


1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education.

2. SanPiN.

3. N. F Sorokina, L. G. Milanovich “The development of creative abilities in children from one to three years old, by means of puppetry theater»; "Iris - press", Moscow 2007.

4. A. V. Shchetkin " Theatrical activity in a kindergarten with children 4-5 years old, Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2008

5. A. V. Shchetkin Theatrical activity in a kindergarten with children aged 5-6, Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2008

6. N. B. Ulashchenko “Organization theatrical activities in junior group ", publishing house "Corypheus" Volgograd.

7. I. P. Koshmanskaya « Theater in kindergarten» , Rostov-on-Don, publishing house "Phoenix".

8. N. F. Sorokina "Scenarios theatrical puppet classes» , Moscow, publishing house "Arkti", 2007

9. N. V. Smirnova, V. K. Shalaeva "Development environment preschooler: essence and structure " Ivanovo, 2009

10. S. N. Zakharova "Holidays in Kindergarten", "Vlados", year 2001.

11. N. V. Zaretskaya and Z. A. Root "Holidays in Kindergarten", Moscow publishing house "Iris-press", year 2001.

12. V. V. Gerbova, M. A. Vasil’eva, T. S. Komarova "The program of education and training in kindergarten" Moscow, publishing house "Mosaic-synthesis", 2005 year.

13. Magazines "Preschool Education", magazines "Child in Kindergarten".

14. Internet sites of preschool institutions, Internet portals.

Organization of the subject-developing environment.

For successful implementation of tasks project it is necessary to create an appropriate subject-developing environment.

1. Mini-stage with a screen and a microphone.

2. Bi-ba-bo dolls.

3. Riding puppets.

4. Dolls on gape.

5. Planar theaters.

6. Flannelgraph.

7. Finger toys.

8. rubber toy theater.

9. Soft Toy Theater.

10. Mug theater.

11. puppet theater.

12. Round table stage.

14. Dressing room with a large mirror.

15. Dressing corner.

16. Shady theater.

17. spoon theater.

18. Folding books.

19. Cone dolls.

20. Musical instruments (noise, drums, keyboards, brass, strings).

21. Attributes for dance improvisations

Diction exercises (articulation gymnastics) ;

Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;

Transformation games, figurative exercises;

Exercises for the development of children's plasticity;

Rhythmic minutes;

Finger game training;

Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of pantomime;

Theatrical sketches;

Playing mini-dialogues, nursery rhymes, songs, poems;

Watching puppet shows.

Starting work on this topic, we studied the literature on theatrical activities of preschoolers: tasks, means, methods of work. Using in the system of teaching children in preschool educational institutions, we tried to solve a set of interrelated tasks in all educational fields according to GEF DO.

Social and communicative development

Formation of positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities;

Raising a culture of knowledge of adults and children (emotional states, personal qualities, evaluation of actions, etc.) ;

instilling in the child respect for himself, a conscious attitude towards his own activities;

Development of emotions;

Education of ethically valuable ways of communication in accordance with the norms and rules of life in society.

cognitive development

The development of versatile ideas about reality (different types theater, professions of people creating a performance) ;

Observation of natural phenomena, animal behavior (for transmission by symbolic means in a play-dramatization) ;

Ensuring the relationship of design with theatrical a game for the development of dynamic spatial representations;

Development of memory, learning the ability to plan your actions to achieve results.

Speech development

Promoting the development of monologue and dialogic speech;

vocabulary enrichment: figurative expressions, comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms, etc.;

Mastery of expressive means communication: verbal (control of tempo, volume, pronunciation, intonation, etc.) and non-verbal (facial expressions, pantomime, postures, gestures) ;

Artistic and aesthetic development

Introduction to highly artistic literature, music, folklore;

Imagination development;

Joining the joint design- activities on modeling costume elements, scenery, attributes;

Creation of an expressive artistic image;

Formation of elementary ideas about the types of art;

Realization of independent creative children's activities.

Physical development

Coordination of actions and accompanying speech;

Ability to implement creative movement mood, character and process of image development;

Expressiveness of the performance of the main types of movements;

Development of general and small motility: coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hand, removal of muscle tension, formation of correct posture.

In our work with children, we use various tricks: diction exercises (articulation gymnastics); tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness; transformation games, figurative exercises; exercises for the development of children's plasticity; rhythmic minutes; finger game training; exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of pantomime; theatrical sketches; playing mini-dialogues, nursery rhymes, songs, poems; watching puppet shows.

To identify the interests of children in groups, exhibitions of books with fairy tales were made, a quiz was held "Visiting a fairy tale".

To organize a children's theater we need dolls of various systems that form certain skills and abilities in children, stimulating children's creativity(song, dance, game, encouraging improvisation on children's musical instruments. I have replenished theater corners in groups. Of all kinds of puppetry theater most popular in kindergarten picture theater, bi-ba-bo dolls.

In our work, we used different types theater:

1. Finger theater- contributes to better control of the movements of one's own fingers.

2. Theater puppets on the table - contributes to the possession of the technique of managing table puppets theater(dolls made of paper cones, cylinders, boxes, toys made of fabric, fur, foam rubber, etc.)

3. spoon theater, riding puppets (bibabo, puppets on the gape*)- introducing children to theater screen, the basics of puppetry.

4. Puppets, puppets with a "living hand"

5. People-dolls and cane puppets.

Participating in the holidays as a host, in the role fairy tale character, teachers, by their own example, try to show children how interesting reincarnation is.

Preschool education involves the interaction of all participants in educational process: children, teachers, parents. Recognition of the priority of family education requires such family relationships and educational institutions which are determined by cooperation and trust.

In his work on theatrical activities I actively involve parents and other family members of pupils, as I consider this cooperation necessary and effective in the upbringing and education of children.

Parents take an active part in creating a developing environment for their children. Having set a task for himself - to interest parents in creating a developing theatrical environment, Dow teachers offer them help in tailoring costumes for children and adults, making various attributes, hats, and decorations.

Introducing parents to different species theaters, a story from what and how you can make them for kindergarten and for home at consultations, sliding screens ( "What's happened theater» , "First steps to the stage"). Parents actively help in everything, thanks to which in each group and in music hall has everything you need for theatrical activities.

Almost every event (whether holiday, leisure or entertainment) the roles of some characters are played by parents or children of older groups. We practice staging performances, both by adults and together with children. Preparing for performances is always fun, on an emotional upsurge. This unites us, parents and teachers are full of optimism, interest, children get tremendous pleasure from the process. Watching such productions and participating in them gives children the opportunity to fully adopt the experience of adults. This allows you to more effectively solve the set pedagogical tasks, develop artistically - aesthetic taste and creative abilities of children, as well as to maintain the relationship of the kindergarten with parents in the common cause of upbringing, education and development of the child.

The results of the work:

Children master the skills of expressive speech, rules of conduct, etiquette of communication with peers and adults.

Show interest and desire theatrical art.

They are able to convey various feelings using facial expressions, gesture, intonation.

They independently perform and transmit images of fairy-tale characters.

Children try to feel confident during performances.

The subject-spatial developing environment of the preschool educational institution was supplemented by various types theaters, manuals, drawings, file cabinets of creative games.

Established close contact with parents.

Dealing with children theater, I set myself the goal - to make the life of our children interesting and meaningful, to fill it with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity. I strive to ensure that the skills acquired in theatrical activities, children were able to use in daily life.

Theatrical games help the educator, who loves his children, to create a joyful, relaxed atmosphere in the group. Dealing with children theater, the teacher sets himself the goal - to make the life of his pupils interesting and meaningful, to fill it with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity.

It is very important that children develop their own attitude to the actions of people, the ability to approve some actions and condemn the opposite. For this, we used the technique "Moral Pieces", which are built according to a single scheme: The child abuser violates the rights of another child victim. The third participant - the defender restores justice. The theme of such plays was enough varied: "Alien Cube", "Swing", "Spoiled Drawing", "The Fallen Plate", "Pebble in a shoe" etc. The teacher played the play with the help of character puppets, and the children then gave their assessment of the actions of the characters.

Various game exercises were used ( "Affectionate Name", "Smile to a friend", "Praise a friend" etc., discussion problem situations ("Why did you quarrel", "How to Reconcile", "Don't laugh at trouble", "I want to help a friend" which also contribute to the formation of social skills in children.

The system of work on the formation of benevolent relations in children of different ages in theatrical game includes the following types children's activities productive, artistic and aesthetic, theatrical.

A work plan was developed to form friendly relations among preschoolers in a group of different ages. The repertoire was selected taking into account the ages of the children and the national component. For children, both well-known fairy tales and new Tatar fairy tales were used. In free activities children were also allowed to use theatrical attributes which they happily did. As a result of our work, it could be replaced that the children began to be less divided into microgroups by age.

The plan included various Events: decor theatrical corner together with children, a conversation on the topic « Theater» , didactic game "Learn the tale", in which children recognize a fairy tale from the picture, a conversation on the topic "My favorite fairy tale character" reading a fairy tale "bean seed", conversation on its content, solving riddles and rebuses according to a fairy tale, reading and playing puppet theater according to the Tatar folk tale "three sisters"(h kyz, reading a fairy tale "Under the Mushroom", preparing heroes for theater on flannelgraph, acting out a fairy tale on flannelgraph.

In addition to all of the above, work was carried out with the educator on the formation of friendly relations in children with the help of theatrical activities. The kindergarten also participated in the municipal competition for the best theatrical game, where it was noted by the jury in the nomination "best puppet theater» Children showed the Tatar folk tale "Three sisters".

In addition to the planned activities, it cannot be ruled out that the free play children wanted to use different theatrical games. For them, we have prepared sets of finger theaters, magnetic Turnip and Kolobok theaters. Using them, children could combine characters from various fairy tales and invent your own. Watching this children's activities, we noticed that when inventing their own fairy tales, children play up the problems of morality, benevolence and humanity that concern them. For example, such as the friendship between a panda and a hare, or mutual assistance between a mouse and a hen - pockmarks. I would like to note that here we also work with the national-regional component and cultivate tolerance towards people of different nationalities. We make it clear to children that they need to protect their ethnic culture, but at the same time respect other nationalities, religions and confessions.

Activities for the formation of friendly relations among preschoolers in theatrical play

Work with children

Activity Purpose

Decor theatrical corner Prepare conditions and children. Psychological rapprochement of children. Learn how to organize senior and junior activities.

Conversation on the topic: « Theater» Show illustrations and photographs. Introducing children to theater.

A game "Learn the tale" (by illustrations, by excerpts) Consolidate knowledge of the texts of fairy tales. Develop memory.

"My favorite fairy tale character" Form the interests of children. Contribute to the ability to convey the personality traits of your favorite hero. To teach to tell the younger ones about the heroes of fairy tales with whom they are unfamiliar

Reading a fairy tale "Bean Seed". Conversation on its content Introduce children to the plot of the fairy tale. Work on intonation, expressiveness, diction

Riddles, word games based on the text of a fairy tale "Bean Seed" Strengthen children's knowledge of the fairy tale. To promote the development of imagination, speech, speech breathing. Develop a sense of empathy, empathy for the characters

Acquaintance with the text of the Tatar folk tale "Three sisters" Recall the plot of the fairy tale with the children. Work with text. Teach children to characterize the characters themselves and their actions. Develop empathy, empathy, respect for elders.

Decor theatrical corner to show a fairy tale "Three sisters" preparing dolls, theatrical scenery . To form an emotional atmosphere and activity of children. Involve children of all ages in the creation of scenery and dolls. Help children of all ages bond

Theatrical representation of a fairy tale "Three sisters" To educate children in the ability to convey the content of a fairy tale. Form diction, intonation expressiveness

Fairy tale "Under the Mushroom". Acquaintance with the text of a fairy tale To promote the ability of children to convey the content of a fairy tale in their own words. Form memory, speech. Develop humane feelings.

Preparing heroes for a fairy tale on a flannelograph Unite children of different ages with the help of a joint activities

Showing a fairy tale on flannelgraph "Under the Mushroom" Inform parents about the results of their children's work. Teach them to show respect for performing children

Fairy tale decoration "Kolobok" from papier-mâché to unite children, to teach them to work together, together

theatrical performance"Kolobok" for elementary school students To promote the ability to perform on stage, develop diction and coherent speech, the formation of friendly relations between preschoolers and elementary school students

Moral plays With the help of puppets, play out various situations to form all humane qualities in a child

Cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with adults and peers in different situations

Game exercises

"Affectionate Name", "smile at a friend", "Praise a friend". etc. Contribute to the formation of friendly relationships between children

Problem situations

"Why did you quarrel", "How to Reconcile", "don't laugh at trouble", "I want to help a friend" To promote the socialization of children in society, their rapprochement.

Develop a desire to show empathy and empathy for those who need it.

To form an idea of ​​honesty, justice, kindness

Sketches The variety of the same image contributes to the development of imagination and creative manifestations. For example: each child in his own way conveys the image of the same character, choosing facial expressions, gestures, movements. At the same time, the emotional sphere of the child develops, he sympathizes with the characters, empathizes with the events being played out.

Reading and preparing to play out a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" by using « theater on spoons» To learn to put oneself in the place of another, to better understand the reasons for the actions of the hero of the work, to develop sympathy and empathy

Working with parents

Individual conversations "The formation of ideas about the norms of morality", "Fairy tale education".

Consultations "Development of the emotional sphere through theatrical activities», "Give Children Joy".

Clamshell folders "We are a reading family", "Children's Friendship", Dramatization games as a means of introducing children to family values.

Parent meeting "Teach Children to Feel", "Journey through the pages of books".

Invite parents to make theatrical costumes and attributes for games. Parents help children learn roles.

Working with teachers

consultations "Organization theatrical activities in kindergarten», "Educating friendly relations in preschool children" « moral education through theatrical activities».

Open event for theatrical activities"When my friends are with me"

municipal competition "Best theatrical play»

Theater for children is a magical land where fantasies become reality, objects come to life, and good always triumphs over evil. All this is a kind of game that is an integral part of the life of a preschooler. Theatrical activity has a huge emotional impact on the child, awakening his imagination, activity. Middle preschool age is a wonderful time for developing creative talents. Kids of the fifth year of life are happy to try on various roles, imbued with experiences fictional characters while liberating and comprehending the nature of human relationships.

Methodology and organization of theatrical activities in the middle group of kindergarten

Theatrical activity remains an important component pedagogical process in middle preschool. Such classes are most often held as part of the subject "development of speech" (for example, once every three to four weeks) or taken out in circle work.

Tasks and methods of theatricalization in preschool educational institutions

Theatrical classes solve many problems, contributing, above all, to the harmonious development of the child.

Educational tasks:

  1. The basic foundations of theatrical culture. The children get acquainted with theatrical terminology, varieties of theatrical art, learn how to behave correctly while in the theater.
  2. Theatrical game. Preschoolers improve their ability to navigate in the stage space, move around the site, build a dialogue with a partner in staging on a specific topic, and memorize the words of the characters in a theatrical sketch.
  3. Work on the play. The children develop the skills of manipulating imaginary objects. The children learn to embody specific feelings, experiences in the game, to create a certain image through intonation, facial expressions and pantomime.
  4. Rhythmoplasty. Preschoolers learn to respond to musical signal or a command, while acting in concert, memorizing various poses and conveying them figuratively.
  5. Speech culture. Children develop speech breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, develop the ability to change intonation, compose short stories and fairy tales, and find elementary rhymes.

Development tasks:

  1. Theatrical activity instills in the children the skills of public speaking.
  2. In children, the dictionary is activated, the vocabulary is enriched, the intonation structure is improved, and dialogic speech develops.

Educational tasks:

  1. rises common culture child, there is an introduction to spiritual values.
  2. Theatrical activity brings up independence, artistry, creativity ability to communicate with peers and adults.

Organizing on average preschool age theatrical activities, the teacher relies on certain techniques:

  1. Verbal: reading short stories and stories (which are then transformed into the script of the play), conversations with kids, appeal to their personal experience, competition of readers.
  2. Visual: joint examination of costumes, scenery for specific performances, watching theatrical performances in kindergarten (they are organized by teachers or professional actors are invited).
  3. Practical: this includes dramatization games, playing short sketches, drawing episodes from specific fairy tales and stories, making decorations, attributes, masks and other costume elements with your own hands.

Photo gallery: methods of work in the middle group for teaching theatrical activities

Watching theatrical performances makes kids want to play their own performance The initial stage is to get acquainted with the scenario of the future performance Preschoolers themselves play a small performance

Types of theatrical activities in the middle preschool level

Theatrical activities in the middle preschool level can be divided into two key groups: dramatization games (drama theater) and director's games. In the first case, preschoolers themselves become actors performance: they put on costumes, play the roles of characters, conveying their movements and experiences with the help of intonation, facial expressions and pantomime.

Variety drama theater is the theater of masks, which also takes place in the middle group. According to the size of the child's head, the teacher makes hats-masks. They can be sewn or knitted, you can also use a cardboard image, which is fixed around the head with an elastic band.

With the help of costumes, masks or hats, kids transform into fairy-tale characters

During the director's game, the child only creates a scene by controlling a toy hero - three-dimensional or flat. In this regard, the following types of theater are distinguished:

  1. Desktop. These are manipulations with the most common toys (matryoshka dolls, animal figurines, etc.), while the stage platform is a children's table. The content of such performances is usually chosen to be extremely simple, there are no intricate movements and actions. The teacher may well come up with a small plot himself.
  2. conical. It is a kind of desktop. The characters are made from paper cones.
  3. Theater on flannelgraph (or magnetic board). Kids are usually carried away by the very process of the game action: after all, the pictures do not fall, but seem to be glued to the board, as if magical. The teacher can easily make many characters for such performances: the image can be drawn or cut out of postcards, magazines, old books. The picture is pasted on thin cardboard, with reverse side which is pasted flannel. If the sketch is played out on a magnetic board, then the teacher uses small magnets that are invisible in color to attach the heroes.
  4. Shadow. This is great fun for kids who enjoy watching human and animal figures move across a brightly lit screen. The teacher wraps a wooden frame-screen with a thin white cloth, cuts out the figures of characters from loose cardboard and paints them black (while parts of the body can be movable, for example, the head, arms and legs) by using threads or wire. When showing a performance, the figures are tightly pressed against the material, and a light source is located behind. It is desirable that the audience does not see the hand of the puppeteer: for this, each figure is equipped with additional element for which it is comfortable to hold.
  5. Bibabo (or Petrushki Theatre). It is a set of dolls that are put on hands like a glove. Such characters are sold in children's stores, if desired, they can be made independently. The simplest doll consists of a shirt body, head and arms. The head can be borrowed from an old doll, a rubber toy, or made from plasticine, papier-mâché, a plastic ball, indicating the appropriate details. The body-shirt is sewn according to the size of the child's hand. During the demonstration of the sketch, the head is placed on the index finger, and the hands (or paws of the animal) on the thumb and middle finger. At the same time, the stage of the bibabo theater is a screen on which the scenery is placed. Little puppeteers are behind the screen and control the pupae. Such a theater usually causes delight and a sea of ​​vivid emotions in kids.
  6. Finger. These are small dolls sewn from material, knitted from yarn or glued from paper. The face is made out with the help of buttons, beads, beads, threads, etc. Children put toys on their fingers and show a play with the help of a screen.
  7. Mittens Theatre. It is based on the use of unnecessary children's mittens, to which eyes, ears, mouth, hair and other details are sewn. Alternatively, a mitten can be cut out of paper and then glued. Children are very fond of making such dolls, coloring them with pencils, gouache, felt-tip pens, decorating with appliqué. Such mittens, by the way, may include part of the scenery, for example, grass or trees.

Photo gallery: varieties of puppet theater in the middle group

Characters of the bibabo theater are put on hands like a glove An ordinary mitten can be transformed into a fairy-tale character B cone theater characters are paper cones table theater the stage platform is an ordinary table. Small puppets are put on the fingers and a game action is played with the help of a screen. To create shadow theater need black figurines and white screen Flat characters attached to flannelgraph

The performances staged by the kids turn out to be brighter and more interesting if they are accompanied by musical accompaniment. The music director can play along with the children on the piano, or the teacher selects suitable audio recordings. Thus, theatrical activity in the preschool educational institution is closely connected with the musical one.

Theatrical corner in the group room

In a developing environment middle group a theatrical corner must certainly be decorated, where a variety of types of theater, scenery and costumes, caps-masks and various theatrical props (tickets, box office, posters, etc.) are presented. With the help of all these paraphernalia, in their free time, kids can develop their acting skills by playing small performances, imagining themselves as various characters.

In the theatrical corner, children can independently act out performances using various puppets, scenery, costumes.

Conducting classes in theatricalization in the middle group

In order for the work on the development of the creative abilities of children by means of theatrical activities to be effective, it is necessary to conduct it systematically and systematically, taking into account the age, psychological and individual characteristics of the kids.

Individual approach in class

In the theatrical activity special meaning acquires an individual approach. The teacher must create such conditions that each preschooler has the opportunity to reveal their abilities. For these purposes, the following methods are used:

  1. Choice of a role at will (according to character of the child).
  2. Assigning timid and shy kids to key roles (this will allow them to overcome their fears, become more confident in themselves and increase self-esteem).
  3. Playing dialogues in pairs.
  4. If a child has problems with speech (many children of the fifth year of life still speak poorly, especially boys), then you need to choose a role for him, where the main effect is based on facial expressions and pantomime.
  5. If a preschooler remembers a large amount of text well, then you need to give him roles with a large number of words.
  6. Some children need to be given time to manipulate the toy before acting out the play (perhaps the baby will want to talk to it).

Some children in the dramatization class need to pay special attention

Motivating beginning of theatrical activity

Theatrical activity in the middle group is in itself a very exciting activity for children, especially if the teacher comes up with an intriguing motivation for it.

For example, the teacher shows the kids a beautiful chest - she found it on the way to kindergarten. There are characters from the fairy tale (it can be "Teremok" or "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen" or "Zayushkina's hut", etc.). To open the chest, the children must solve riddles.

In a beautiful chest are the heroes of a fairy tale

Another option for starting a lesson is for the teacher to hold a ball of thread in his hands. It is not simple, but magical, it can lead to a fairy tale. The ball rolls and leads the children to the toy Luntik. He tells the children that they really found themselves in a fairy tale where animals and birds talk, and good always triumphs over evil.

Favorite cartoon character Luntik invites kids to a fairy tale

To interest children in theatrical activities, the teacher can dress up as a storyteller grandmother (Malanya or Arina) and invite the children to play with her. At the same time, it’s good to stylize a group room a little like a Russian hut - put a stove, painted wooden utensils, etc.

The teacher dresses up as a grandmother-storyteller

Another option for a motivating start to a class that is sure to inspire children is an offer to turn into actors. Preschoolers are very fond of reincarnating as representatives of a particular profession. And being an actor is very interesting, because you can feel like anyone: a beautiful princess, a little puppy, a cowardly bunny.

The acting out of the performance can be preceded by a short conversation about the theatre. The guys remember if they have theaters in the city, which ones (dramatic, puppet), what are the names of the people who work there. Thus, the lesson acquires a patriotic focus - the kids replenish knowledge about their hometown.

Topic options for classes in the middle group

The very first classes in theatricalization should be of an introductory nature (“What is the theater”, “The World of the Theater”, “Journey to the Theater”, etc.). The teacher introduces the children to the theater, explains its internal structure, shows photographs of beautiful buildings. Preschoolers learn that there are drama and puppet theaters, get acquainted with the profession of an actor.

The children will learn that all the buildings of the theater are very beautiful and majestic.

In subsequent lessons, the kids play short scenes in which they learn to express certain emotions through intonation, facial expressions and gestures (for example, “Change your voice”, “Guess who I will show”, “Mimic studies at the mirror”), expressively read poems (for example, "What I can do" B. Zakhoder).

The subject of the main block of classes in theatricalization in the middle group is connected with Russian folk and literary tales. The teacher plays performances with the children on the following works: “Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Zayushkina Hut”, “Three Bears”, “Gingerbread Man - Prickly Side” by V. Bianchi, “Who Said “Meow”, “ Under the Mushroom" by V. Suteev, "My phone rang" by K. Chukovsky.

According to the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”, both puppet and dramatic performances can be staged

Also, classes can have a patriotic focus (“Theaters in my city”) or teach politeness to preschoolers (various scenes from life are played out, where children must use polite words).

Children of the fifth year of life can also practice the profession of a screenwriter and director: invent their own scenes from the life of toys (for example, “Where do the toys live”, “Toys came to visit the doll Katya”, etc.).

Table: fragments of abstracts of classes on theatrical activities in the middle group

Author and title of the lesson Lesson progress
Khlebnikova N.A.
"Playing theater"
The teacher enters in the form of a storyteller and talks with the children about where you can see fairy tales. The children are invited to transform into artists - to learn to convey feelings through facial expressions and gestures.
Warm-up game "Transmitters".
  • On the instructions of the teacher, children must convey specific emotions to each other: a smile, “angry”, “fright”, “horror story”.
  • The next task is to pass in a circle a certain amount of cottons.
  • Convey a mood with your voice. It is necessary to say the phrase "Let's go, let's go to the forest for nuts" sadly and cheerfully.

The storyteller informs the preschoolers that a kitten has come to visit them. Children remember cartoons and fairy tales in which this hero is present, and then they pass a toy kitten to each other, stroke it, and say affectionate words.
The teacher reads a poem by B. Zakhoder "Kiskino grief"

  • Crying pussy in the hallway
    She is in great grief.
    Evil people poor pussy
    Do not let them steal sausages.
  • Kitty, kitty, kitty! -
    Yulia called the kitten.-
    Don't rush, wait! -
    And stroked her hand.

The children are invited to imagine how they stroke the cat with their hands.
It's time for the storyteller to go home. She asks the guys what they liked most about the lesson, what interesting things they learned.

Kamenskaya N.K.
Fairy tale "Teremok"
The teacher tells the children that on the way to kindergarten she found a beautiful box. To open it, you need to guess riddles (toys are shown in the course of guessing):
  • Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts.
    Short legs, afraid of cats. (Mouse).
  • I'm green like grass
    My song "qua-qua". (Frog)
  • He jumps across the field - he hides his ears.
    Will stand up as a column - ears upright. (Bunny).
  • Who walks in the cold cold winter, angry, hungry? (Wolf)
  • The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.
    Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox).
  • Sleeps in winter, stirs hives in summer. (Bear)

The guys guess that the animals are the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok". The teacher offers to play this fairy tale, says magic words, and the guys turn into forest dwellers - they put on hats-masks. One of the guys plays the role of the sun and Christmas trees (corresponding masks).
The teacher in the role of the author tells a fairy tale, and the children play the roles of characters.
A physical training session “We are building a house” is being held.

  • Knock-knock with a hammer,
    (Imitation of a hammer).
  • We build, we build new house.
    (Walking in place).
  • You, drank, drank faster,
    (Saw imitation).
  • We are building a house for the animals.
    (Jumping in place).
  • worked together,
    the house was quickly built -
    each in a room.
  • The animals lived together, did not grieve,
    fired up the stove in the house.
  • Here is the end of the story
    and who listened well done!

And now we must again turn from forest animals into guys!
(the teacher takes off the masks from the children).
Children are invited to sit at the tables and lay out the towers from counting sticks.
Lesson analysis. The teacher finds out from preschoolers what they liked the most and what was difficult.

Lagutina A.V.
"Marfusha visiting the guys"
Marfusha (an adult in disguise) appears before the children. She says that when she put things in order, she found a sock, a handkerchief, a glove, a mitten and slippers. And now Marfusha does not know what to do with all this. She decides to put things in magic chest and cast a spell.
Finger gymnastics is carried out:
  • We put it in a big bag
    (stroke on the left and right palms).
  • One of each item
    (we bend the fingers of the left hand in turn):
  • Slipper, mitten, sock
    (connect fingers big with big),
  • And a glove and a handkerchief
    (index with index, etc.)
  • You are our bag, grow
    (palms and fingers are pressed to each other, open, make a “ball”).
  • What happened, show
    (palms up, down, up, down).

Marfusha leaves the bag and leaves.
The teacher takes out objects one by one and is surprised.
Slipper turned into a mouse. Children imitate her thin voice.
The teacher takes out a toy ant. The game "Ant and a bird" is being played: when the teacher says "ant", the children should run in small checkers, and you need to sit down on the "bird" signal.
The next character from the bag is a glove bunny. The kids turn into rabbits - they press their heads to their shoulders, pick up their “paws” under themselves and tremble.
The teacher takes out a butterfly, turns on two melodies in turn.
The children must guess under which one the butterfly can flutter. Girls perform dance moves to the music.
The last hero is a sparrow. Children guess a riddle about him. Children, with the help of a teacher, guess that all these characters are the heroes of V. Suteev's fairy tale "Under the Mushroom". At first they were sad, but friendship helped them, and the characters became cheerful (the conversation is accompanied by a demonstration of pictograms with a cheerful and sad face).
The guys take turns playing the role of a character and asking for a fungus.
The game "Recognize friends by voice" is being played: children pass the wand. Whoever has it in her hands calls the leader by name, and he must determine by voice who called him.
The game "Transfers": you need to pass a large ball to your neighbor in your palms.
Breathing exercises "Wind": on the exhale, preschoolers pronounce "fu-u-u".
Preschoolers share their experiences. The teacher takes out a treat from the bag.

Table: fairy tale script for dramatization

Name of the fairy tale Content
"Masha's birthday" Once upon a time there was a girl Masha. She was a very cheerful and kind girl. She was loved not only by her friends, but by all the animals!
And then one day, when Masha's birthday came, the animals decided to congratulate her on the holiday. They prepared gifts and congratulations for the birthday girl.
First, a cat came to Mashenka! (the cat gradually appears on the screen). He went up to her and said: “Masha, I congratulate you on your birthday! And accept a gift from me!” (the cat sways slightly, and Masha stands motionless).
The girl was very happy about the arrival of Kotik and his gift and said: “Thank you, kitty, I am very glad that you came! Come on, please."
The cat walked over and sat on the chair.
And at this time, Bunny was running hopping along the path. He saw Mashenka and joyfully said: “Hello, Mashenka! I congratulate you on your birthday! And I give you…”
The girl thanked Bunny: “Thank you, Bunny! Come in, please!”
Bunny happily agreed, walked over and sat down next to the cat.
As soon as Bunny sat down, everyone heard the song. It was sung by Little Fox, who was also in a hurry with congratulations to Mashenka. The little fox ran up to the girl and happily said: “I congratulate you on your birthday! Here's a present for you! “I gave Mashenka a gift and was just about to leave, when Masha said: “Thank you, little fox, stay for the holiday!”
The little fox thanked the girl, went and sat on a chair next to the Bunny.
And then everyone saw that Mishutka was waddling. Mishutka was very timid and shy. He came up and said quietly: “Happy birthday!” Gave Masha a gift and quietly went home.
And Masha followed him and said: “Thank you, Mishutka, stay at the holiday!” Mishutka even quietly growled with pleasure, went and sat down next to Kotik.
And then everyone saw that the Little Wolf and the Cockerel were coming to Masha with congratulations. The Cockerel walked ahead and crowed loudly, and the Wolf Cub followed him and kept thinking how he would congratulate Masha.
They approached the birthday girl and said: “Happy birthday to you! We wish ... Here are the gifts from us!”
Masha said: “Thank you, please come in!”
The Wolf Cub went and sat down next to Mishutka, and the Cockerel next to Fox, because they were friends and always played together.
When the guests sat down, Masha saw that the Goat was hurrying towards her. She was smart and cheerful. The goat also brought Masha a gift.
She approached the girl and said: “Happy birthday to you! And accept a gift from me!”
Mashenka said: “Thank you very much, please come in!” The goat gladly passed and sat down next to the Cockerel.
Masha was very happy with the guests, but she was looking forward to her friend Dashenka. And then she saw that Dashenka was hurrying along the path, and the Mouse was with her. When Dashenka and Mouse approached, Masha said: “I'm glad you came, look how many guests I have!”
Dasha and Mouse congratulated the birthday girl on her birthday and offered to dance “Loaf” for Mashenka. All the animals agreed, stood in a circle, and Masha in the middle of the circle, and they began to dance!

Theatrical activity project

Theatricalization is a great material for project activities in the middle group. These can be short term or long term projects. The duration of the short-term - from one day to two weeks, long-term - from two weeks to six months and even a year.

An example of a long-term project is “The Theater next to us” by the Educator I. G. Gimaeva. It involves children, teachers and parents. At the same time, parents are involved in the manufacture of characters from fairy tales, the exhibition of drawings "We are from a fairy tale", the organization of the photo exhibition "To the puppet theater with the whole family."

The problem to be solved during the implementation of the project: the inability to convey the emotional nature of the characters, insufficient vocabulary, difficulties in coherent speech.

Developed by educator detailed plan of the project, including scenarios for open events, the expected results of activities are thought out. During preparatory phase the teacher creates various types of theater in the group (parents and preschoolers themselves are involved in this process), reads fairy tales and stories to preschoolers - future scenarios of performances.

Table: Theatrical tales used in the project

Month Name of the fairy tale Theater type
September Belarusian fairy tale "Puff" puppet show
October Russian folk tale "Turnip" cardboard theater
November "Teremok" puppet show
December "Zayushkina's hut" finger theater
January "Winter hut of animals" finger theater
February "Kolobok" finger theater
March Tale of L. N. Tolstoy
"Three Bears"
cardboard theater
April T. Karamanenko's story
"Hedgehog and mushroom"
finger theater
May "Masha and the Bear" dramatization,
The final stage

During the implementation of the project, theatrical activities are closely intertwined with artistic creativity(children are offered coloring books on the theme of fairy tales, drawing their favorite characters), physical education(physical education minutes on fairy-tale topics).

Analysis and diagnostics of theatrical activities in the middle group

All classes in theatrical activities in the middle group are built according to a similar scheme. At first, the teacher immerses preschoolers in the topic, creates the necessary emotional mood. Then a specific sketch or performance is played, where the kids demonstrate their creative abilities.

An obligatory stage of each lesson is an emotional conclusion. The teacher, together with the children, analyzes theatrical activities. The teacher gives preschoolers the opportunity to express their opinion, to note that each of them liked the lesson the most. The guys remember what fairy tale they played out, which tasks were easy and which ones seemed difficult. Thus, in the course of the analysis, the educator notes the points that need to be worked on in the future, including in individual activities.

Theatrical activity in the middle group includes diagnostics, which is carried out twice a year (as a rule, this is October and May). The teacher indicates the skills that children should acquire by the end of the school year, notes how each child possesses them at the beginning of training (October), and then at the end of the year (May). Based on the data obtained, the teacher draws conclusions about the success of training.

To assess the level child development a three-point scale is used: good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory (some use a five-point system). Characteristics high level development for diagnostics:

  1. Through intonation, facial expressions and gestures conveys the character and characteristics of the hero of the work.
  2. Knows how to transform into a character, improvise during the game.
  3. Pronounces the character's words clearly.
  4. Oriented in different types of theater, owns toys, finger puppets, bibabo puppets, etc.
  5. Willingly participates in children's performances in the preschool educational institution.

Related videos

Video recordings of children's performances are a very interesting sight for teachers, preschoolers and their parents.

Video: dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" in the middle group Video can’t be loaded: Theater activities part 2 (

Video: theatrical activity in the middle group "Kurochka Ryaba" Video can't be loaded: Theatrical activity. Fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" (

Video: theatrical event with the participation of children and parents (middle group) "Cat's House" Video can't be loaded: "CAT'S HOUSE"Theatrical event of parents for children of the middle group of fire safety(

Theatrical activity is close and accessible to children. After all, it is inherent in their very nature: the baby seeks to transform any fiction and impression from the environment into a living image. Pupils of the middle group take part in performances with pleasure, like to dress in bright costumes, control puppets, and speak on their behalf. Such actions help the comprehensive development of the child, help the overly mobile and emotional to become more collected, purposeful, and timid - on the contrary, to overcome shyness and self-doubt.

MADOU "TsRR-D / S No. 87", Syktyvkar

Project for theatrical activity in senior group

"The Theater and Us"


Mikhailova M.A.

Syktyvkar, 2016


Now children know much more than their peers 10-15 years ago, they solve logical problems faster, but are much less likely to admire and be surprised, indignant and worried.

Increasingly, children show indifference and callousness, their interests are usually limited, and games are monotonous. Many preschoolers are addicted to computers, and adults often go along with children, purchasing computer games-wars with monsters, vampires, without thinking about the harm it does to the child's personal development.

As a rule, such children do not know how to occupy themselves in their free time and look at the world around them without surprise and special interest, as consumers, not creators.

The intensive change in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate the need for the teacher to choose more effective means of teaching and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies. We conducted a survey of parents, which showed that: · 64% of preschool children by the age of 5-6 have no interest in theatrical art and activities. Since the theater reflects the phenomena of the surrounding reality, the lack of knowledge on such an interesting and exciting activity has caused the need to work in more detail with both children and their parents. So, we decided to learn everything we can about the theater.

Target: To form the development of creative abilities through theatrical activities, the development of artistic abilities in children.


Type: Creative, medium term.

Members: Educators of the senior group, children, parents, music director.

Expected Result:

Parents and children get acquainted with the history of the theater, its types, ways of making and playing. There is a growing desire to visit theaters with children. Relationships between parents and caregivers are strengthened. Artistic abilities of children develop.

Implementation stages:

    Preparatory stage

Collection of literature

Conversations with children

Consultations with parents

Drawing up a work plan

Making attributes

Selection of visual information and folders - movers

    main stage


Conversation: "What is theater?"

Slideshow with different types of theater: opera, ballet, drama, puppetry

Production of theater tickets

Viewing children's visiting performances in the preschool educational institution

Role-playing games with children "Theatre", "Family"

Finger theater

Mobile games with heroes

Reading Russian folk tales

Games for the development of facial expressions

Theater Bi-Ba-Bo: "Gingerbread Man", "Three Little Pigs", "Teremok"

Viewing slides about the history of the theater and theatrical costume

Rehearsals of matinees

Staging fairy tales

Learning poems

Design of the album "The Theater and Us"

Breathing exercises

Articulation gymnastics

Finger gymnastics

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills (with plasticine, with rings, with napkins, with pencils)

Showing theatrical performances

Making different types of puppet theater


Visiting the theater with a child

Preparation for showing a fairy tale for children (selection of a work and script, learning the script, rehearsals)

Making attributes

    The final stage

Showing the fairy tale of older children "Chanterette-sister and Gray wolf» for younger preschoolers

Participation of children in the festival "Fairy chest"

Create an album


Questionnaire for parents

1. How old is your child?

2. During what period does he visit preschool?

3. In what forms does the child show creativity?

4. Does he share his impressions about theatrical performances, classes, holidays held in kindergarten?

5. Does it evoke an emotional response in him? puppet shows?

6. Are there children's cassettes, discs with fairy tales in the house?

7. Do you arrange theatrical performances at home?

8. Have you been to the theater with your child?

9. Your wishes and suggestions for theatrical activities in our garden.

Thank you very much!

After completing the questionnaire, we set the following tasks:

    Awaken interest in the theater in children and parents;

    To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppetry) through playing fairy tales;

    Develop expressive memory competent speech, vocabulary, to form the correct sound pronunciation;

    To interest parents in acquiring, making different types of theater and give information about how to play at home with children and in a group;

    Involve parents in creating joint activities;

    Develop emotional sphere child through theatrical activities (games, sketches);

    Conduct final events (card file of theatrical games, staging a fairy tale, creating an album);








Conversation with children about mood, rules of conduct, their observance. Viewing presentations

"Theater", "Professions in the theater"

Reading thin. works,

word games, viewing slides about the history of the theater and theatrical costume.

Reading thin. works

Preparation for the participation of children in the festival "Fairy chest"

Participation of children in the festival "Fairy chest"

Showing the fairy tale of older children "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" to younger preschoolers


Consultation for parents "Theater at home"

Involving parents in the production of attributes.

Drama theater visit

Preparing to show a fairy tale for children


The selection of a card file is theatrical

Drama theater visit

Exhibition of books "Visiting a fairy tale"

Equipment of the pedagogical process

Selection of presentations to enrich the plots and game actions.

Production and acquisition of didactic material for theatrical games.

Album art

Articulation gymnastics

open mouth wide - "hot"
close your mouth - "cold"
"Clean your teeth"
smile, open your mouth
with the tip of the tongue from the inside, "clean" alternately the lower and upper teeth
"Knead the Dough"
slap your tongue between your lips - "pya-pya-pya-pya-pya ..."
bite the tip of the tongue with teeth (alternate these two movements)
wide open mouth
stick out a wide tongue and give it the shape of a "cup" (i.e. slightly raise the tip of the tongue)
pull lips forward with tension (teeth closed)
smile, exposing clenched teeth with tension
lips in a smile
open your mouth
stroke the palate with the tip of the tongue
click your tongue like you're riding a horse
touch the wide tongue to the palate
lips in a smile, mouth open
the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth
bend the tongue with a slide resting the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth
"Catch a mouse"
lips in a smile
open your mouth
say "ah" and bite the wide end of the tongue (caught the mouse by the tail)
draw out the lips
open your mouth
clatter with a "narrow" tongue (like horses clatter their hooves)
"Steamboat hums"
lips in a smile
open your mouth
pronounce a long "s-s-s ..." with tension
"Elephant drinks"
stretching the lips forward with a tube, form an "elephant's trunk"
"gather some water", while smacking lightly
"Turkeys talk"
quickly move the tongue along the upper lip - "ba-ba-ba-ba ..."
mouth closed
the tip of the tongue with tension alternately rests on the cheeks
hard balls are formed on the cheeks - "nuts"
open your mouth
tip of tongue behind upper teeth
tip of tongue behind lower teeth
smile, open your mouth
move the tip of the tongue (like a clock hand) from one corner of the mouth to the other
open your mouth
put a wide tongue on the lower lip
"Delicious jam"
open your mouth
lick the upper lip with a wide tongue in the shape of a "cup"
puff out your cheeks
blow your cheeks
make a "mushroom" (i.e. stick a spherical tongue to the palate)
without lifting your tongue, open and close your mouth (do not close your teeth)
open your mouth
tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth - "de-de-de ..."
put cotton on the tip of the nose
with a wide tongue in the shape of a "cup", pressed to the upper lip, blow off the cotton wool from the nose up
"Kick the ball into the goal"
“Push out” a wide tongue between your lips (as if you are driving a ball into a goal) blow with your tongue between your lips (do not puff out your cheeks)
It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics V game form.

Breathing exercises.

Exercise 1.

"Hamster". The child portrays a hamster - puffs out his cheeks and so goes a few steps. Then he turns around, slaps his cheeks, letting the air out.

Exercise 2.

"Rose and Dandelion" The child is standing straight. A deep breath in through the nose - “sniffing the rose”, exhalation - releasing air as much as possible, “blowing on a dandelion”.

Exercise 3.

"Crow". The kid stands with his arms down and his legs slightly apart. Inhale - arms spread wide to the sides (wings), exhale - hands slowly lower, the child says: "Karrrr."

Exercise 4.

"Hen". The child sits on a chair with his hands down. Quick breath - hands rise palms up to the armpits (wings). Exhale - lower your arms, turning your palms down.

Exercise 5.

"Balloon". The child lies on his back, hands on his stomach. On inhalation slowly inflates the tummy-ball, on exhalation - the tummy-ball slowly blows away. Exercise 6. "Wave". The child lies on his back, arms along the body, legs together. Inhale - hands rise up and back, touch the floor. Exhale - hands return to the starting position, while the child says: "Come-and-and-s."

Exercise 6

"Watch". The child is standing, arms lowered, feet shoulder-width apart. Depicting a clock, the child swings his straight arms back and forth, saying: "Tick-tock." Exercise 8. "Diver". The child must imagine that he is going down into the sea. A deep breath is taken, the breath is held for as long as possible.