Having learned the terrible news, Dmitry Nagiyev continued to joke on the air. Dmitry Nagiyev about the death of the young actor "Fizruk": "For me, this is a personal tragedy. The attack on Dmitry Nagiyev while trying to cash

Having learned the terrible news, Dmitry Nagiyev continued to joke on the air.  Dmitry Nagiyev about the death of the young actor
Having learned the terrible news, Dmitry Nagiyev continued to joke on the air. Dmitry Nagiyev about the death of the young actor "Fizruk": "For me, this is a personal tragedy. The attack on Dmitry Nagiyev while trying to cash

The life of public people is always heard. But when it comes to Dmitry Nagiyev, the hearts of the weak half of humanity begin to beat with a vengeance. And this is understandable - many people like the brutal image of the famous actor and TV presenter. What happened to Nagiyev recently, changes in his personal life and in which television projects you can see the showman in the future, read below.

Path to glory

Being an outstanding personality, in 2016 Nagiyev becomes the highest paid artist in Russia. According to Forbes magazine, his income reached the mark of $ 3.2 million.

But it was not always so. Dmitry's path to fame was not easy:

  • Institute... The future profession was far from acting - the faculty of autonomy and computer technology (LETI University);
  • Army... Urgent service in an anti-aircraft unit near Vologda;
  • LGITMiK ( now SPbGATI)... Once in the acting workshop of V.V. Petrova, Nagiyev becomes the best graduate of 1991.

And at that moment the unexpected happened - paralysis of the facial nerve, a terrible diagnosis for a creative person, raises the question of the future of the actor. Fortunately, Dmitry coped with the disease.

  • Radio "Modern" and the title of the best radio host in the country;
  • A number of TV programs, the pinnacle of which was the "Windows" talk show;
  • Participation as a host in the show "Big Race", a role in the TV series "Kamenskaya".

The viewer's full recognition came after the filming of the series "Kitchen" and "Fizruk". Now Nagiyev starred in feature films, is involved as a member of the jury in "KVN", hosts the show "Voice".

According to Dmitry himself - “Glory came late, but better this way than nothing…»

What happened to Dmitry Nagiyev?

The stars of show business, the paparazzi are watched around the clock. A quarrel at a dinner in a restaurant, an unfortunate expression on his face, a stupid accident - all this instantly appears on the pages of domestic tabloids.

But when there is no decent material, dirty tricks are used:

  • Nagiyev died... Returning home from the filming of the series, the actor had an accident;
  • Nagiyev is terminally ill... Knowing the terrible diagnosis, Dmitry bequeathed his body to science;
  • Nagiyev lost an eye. Here the artist himself tried, posting his photo in makeup on his instagram

During the day, all fake news is refuted:

  • In the first case, the screen star had a day off. There was no filming. Moreover, Dmitry decided to take a break from his busy work schedule, and on that day did not leave the house at all;
  • The second piece of news is Nagiyev's joke after a hard training session. The photo and video were taken in the gym by him personally;
  • The third case is a photo from the set of the Fizruk-4 series. Any sane person understood - Dmitry was "fooling around", because such things are not seriously posted on the network.

Any person, especially a successful one, monitors his health and controls his every step. Ridiculous and unpleasant news happens to them extremely rarely. Dmitry Nagiyev was no exception - firmly entrenched in the Olympus of Russian show business, he pleases his fans with his new works, and ignores all ridiculous rumors about himself.

What happened to Nagiyev now?

Being a public person and avoiding scandals is an art not comprehensible to everyone. When giving an interview, a star can express a thought that would run counter to conventional wisdom. And this, excuse the tautology, results in popular enmity.

Nagiyev knows how to bypass tricky questions and situations, and everything that happens to him now is connected exclusively with success in creativity:

  • "Kitchen. Last fight"... The finale of the famous TV series "Kitchen" is being filmed. The picture should draw the line over the project that has delighted the viewer for the past five years;
  • "Gym teacher"... The fourth season will be! At the end of the third part, many predicted the closure of the project. But the series ended too ambiguously, and now the continuation is being filmed;
  • Personal life... This side of the actor's life is kept secret. After breaking up with Natalya Kovalenko, with whom the actor lived in an unofficial marriage for about 8 years, Nagiyev was alone for a long time. And now, according to rumors, he has a new passion named Christina. How they met, and what the showman's new passion is doing is unknown. It can be said for sure that Christina is not associated with show business.

So now Nagiyev is doing fine ... Work, work and more work. It remains to enjoy life and fight off rumors of a piquant nature that have been haunting the actor lately.

Nagiyev: love affairs

On the love front, Nagiyev is a complete mess - news with ambiguous relationships with female colleagues is constantly heard:

  • Olga Seryabkina... First, Nagiyev admitted his sympathy for the Russian singer, later Olga reciprocated. But there was no further development of events;
  • Olga Buzova... Nagiyev explained the spy story with SMS between the stars with Olga's support during her divorce proceedings. Although later he hinted in two ways - there was something between them!

Most likely, the above facts are common PR. Although everything related to Nagiyev is hard to call "ordinary" - star status obliges you to always be in sight.

Did you know that Nagiyev:

  • ... is so popular that half of the proposals related to new projects are rejected;
  • ... I have always adored women over 40. It was in my youth, it remains now;
  • … Even as a teenager became a master of sports in judo;
  • ... believes that a head shaved to shine takes more than ten years from his age and gives his appearance a unique charisma;
  • ... at the beginning of his creative career he had a love affair with Larisa Guzeeva.
  • ... has a sibling younger brother. Evgeny is a successful businessman, but by his nature he is a completely non-public person.

We hope you understand: ridiculous rumors that something terrible happened to Nagiyev, nothing more than gossip. He feels good, healthy and prepares to take new creative heights. “Working at a frantic pace,” according to Dmitry, allows you to keep your body in good shape and be in the pool of the most popular actors in Russia.

Video: how Nagiyev changed

This video for 29 seconds shows how the image of Dmitry Nagiyev changed during his life:

    Well, of course this is a very successful make-up, because he constantly acts in films and now he has three projects in work.

    The question was asked one month ago, and then approximately this photo was posted, but at this time every week we see him presenter on the show Voice and such beatings cannot be smeared with tonic.

    And in any case, in this way, he decided to amuse his Instagram subscribers by posting such a photo.

    If he was beaten, there would be a lot of publications and details in paper and electronic sources.

    And the photo clearly shows that he is in the actor's dressing room.

    Photos of the allegedly beaten Dmitry Nagiyev he posted on Instagram. If this photo was taken after some incident, then the actor would hardly be proud of such a face.

    From here we conclude - this is a photo of an actor in makeup. And therefore the fans of the actor were in vain alarmed.

    Dmitry Nagiyev- a famous actor who often plays the role of negative characters. Most likely, bruising and a split eyebrow are makeup for one of these roles. It is unlikely that a famous showman and an actor revered by fans would post photos with an injured face on Instagram.

    Yes and lack of information in the media about Nagiyev's fight indicates that the changes to the face were made deliberately. The event connected with the beating of Dmitry would have been trumpeted by all the news media, and after that the TV channels would have added such shocking information to their programs about acting life for a long time.

    Dmitry Nagiyev cannot afford a fight, as he is the host of many television projects, plus he acts as an actor. There are no rumors about him as a brawler and a drinker; in the event of an attack, the case would be tried in court. There is none of this. Therefore, excellent work of make-up artists and something new on the TV screen from Dmitry Nagiyev.

    Dmitry Nagiyev has been filming a lot and quite successfully. It can be assumed that the photo that he personally posted on the social network is a captured image of some of his next film hero.

    Nice makeup, very natural.

    Dmitry Nagiyev is a very famous person who is talked about every day on TV, media and radio. If Dmitry Nagiyev was severely beaten, the whole country would know about it. Therefore, judging by the photo, Dmitry Nagiyev has very good makeup, which was made for the next role in the cinema. In addition, Dmitry Nagiyev has Sambo techniques and can stand up for himself in such cases, which he has repeatedly demonstrated in public.

    How plausible the facts about Dmitry Nagiyev's beating on his face did not look, but this is just make-up and nothing more.

    If something really took place in reality (fight, attack, etc.), then there would be a lot of hype around.

    There is some ostentation in the photo of the beaten Dmitry Nagiyayev, but it is not clear what Nagiyev is demonstrating.

    Perhaps Nagiyev had a good make-up artist and Nagiyev decided to check the quality of his work, hence such bloody pictures on Instagram.

    But there is another option, that this is a real fight and Nagiyev won.

    Why did you win?

    Because only the winners post their photo of the beaten face on Instagram, if there was a loser, then most likely this photo would be seen only in the police.

    Photo of the beaten Dmitry Nagiyev(a split eyebrow, a bruised nose and a split lip) seriously worried his fans and Instagram followers where the star posted this photo. Indeed, what could this have happened to Nagiyev and how in general could this have happened ...

    The first thing that immediately comes to mind is a new image of Nagiyev for a new role, it turns out that in the photo Dmitry is in the image / in makeup, where his hero was seriously injured in some kind of scuffle.

    I don’t think that if some real incident with beatings happened in life, Dmitry would post such photos for everyone to see.

    Nagiyev's subscribers continue to wonder about the origin of the beating on the star's face, he himself will leave a short comment to the photo:

    so think - guess ...

    Dmitry Nagiyev is not averse to tickling the nerves of his fans. This also applies to the photograph in question.

    A few days ago, a video of the newly beaten Nagiyev appeared on his Instagram. The lips are swollen, there is a bump on the forehead, the eyes are not visible due to swelling. The subscribers got alarmed and bombarded the actor with questions.

    Here is a photo of the beaten Nagiyev, and the video can be viewed here.

    The video was captioned with the words:

    Everything fell into place at once. Nagiyev in makeup. Nagiyev is joking. Nagiyev jokes like that all the time.

    On Instagram, a version was born that the fourth season of Fizruk is being filmed. Dmitry Nagiyev did not provide any further comments on this matter.

18-year-old actor Yegor Klinaev. The young man was driving his car along the Moscow Ring Road. On the way, Yegor saw an accident - three cars collided. No one was injured in the accident, but Klinaev stopped anyway, got out of the car and asked if help was needed. When the actor was talking with the participants in the accident, they were run over by another car, the driver of which was passing by and did not notice the accident. Yegor died on the spot, two more victims were taken to the hospital.


18-year-old Yegor Klinaev became famous after the release of the third season of the series "Fizruk". 50-year-old Dmitry Nagiyev, who played the main role in the sitcom, took the news of Yegor's death hard.
“This is a terrible message that plunges me into an absolute abyss of terrible experiences. I filmed with Yegor a lot, for a long time. A bright person, with an amazing sense of humor, with a great acting future, "Nagiyev said in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel.


Dmitry said that he and Yegor often talked on the set of the series. Nagiyev gave the young artist advice on acting.

“We communicated with him in the same language, which does not happen often. I take this news as a personal tragedy, ”Dmitry shared.

Fans know the famous actor and TV presenter Dmitry Nagiyev as a sociable and open person in communication. Despite his absurd disposition, the artist prefers not to communicate on personal topics. He does not show anyone his relatives and occasionally mentions them in interviews.

Dmitry is a professional in his field and prefers not to expose his personal information to the public. True, sometimes professional ethics can be the most difficult test in life ...

A striking example of this was the case that 49-year-old Dmitry Nagiyev spoke about only a year later.

As an irreplaceable host of the Voice show, the artist experienced a heartbreaking moment in the midst of one of the broadcasts.

“I remember the story of last year, when we had the December shoot. Half an hour before the live broadcast, my brother called me and said that my mother had died ... And this is the cruelty of our work ... The broadcast cannot be canceled ... I hope that the viewer did not see anything, "Dmitry shared his innermost.

It even does not fit in my head how an artist, after such a terrible news, could joke and entertain the audience as if nothing had happened.

It is worth noting that the actor and his mother Lyudmila Zakharovna have always had an incredibly warm relationship. Every day, after hours of filming in the series "Two Fathers, Two Sons," Nagiyev got on a plane and flew to St. Petersburg to spend several hours with his beloved mother.

Dmitry still recalls how his mother, a 17-year-old boy, said: “First, make sure that the person who is next to you feels good - in communication, in bed, everywhere. And then think about yourself. " These words later became the main motto in the life of the actor.

Dmitry Nagiyev showed incredible courage in this situation. This story once again reminds us of one simple life truth: appreciate your loved ones and rejoice in every minute spent with them, because at some point they may not be there. Neither fame nor wealth insures you against the loss of loved ones.