Methodical development on appliqué, modeling (senior group) on the topic: Methodical development. Abstract Continuous Educational Activities: Educational Area - Artistic and Aesthetic Development, Lrack in the Elder Group Spring Flowers & Q

Methodical development on appliqué, modeling (senior group) on the topic: Methodical development. Abstract Continuous Educational Activities: Educational Area - Artistic and Aesthetic Development, Lrack in the Elder Group Spring Flowers & Q
Methodical development on appliqué, modeling (senior group) on the topic: Methodical development. Abstract Continuous Educational Activities: Educational Area - Artistic and Aesthetic Development, Lrack in the Elder Group Spring Flowers & Q

Irina Belyanina
The abstract of the node on the modeling in the older group "Flashlights arrive, the spring is a red meeting!"

MBDOU Kindergarten number 17 combined species

Abstract Node on modeling

in the senior group No. 6 of the compensation

"Flashlights arrive, Spring Red Meet!"

Performed: Belyanina I. V.



Continue to teach children a combined way of poultry modeling (larks): head, torso and tail from a whole piece, wings of several; Putting out the form similar to the original, to highlight the eyes, the beak using additional materials (Grech instead of eyes, seed). Continue to form cognitive interest.

To develop in children the independence in finding ways to transfer the movement of a winged bird (the head is lowered down - the larks pecks, the wings are raised up - the bird will fly away from place to place).

Develop a feeling of shape, visual perception, consistency of the movements of the hands, shallow motorcy.

Brief interest in wildlife, folk traditions.

Material: Salted dough, grains Crupes, stacks, boards for modeling, napkins, pictures with migratory birds, Audio recording P. I. Tchaikovsky "Lark song", Bird Lark (from the test, scheme with a sequence of modeling.

Preliminary work. Observation of birds while walking. Excursion to the urchics. Games with wooden folk toys - birds.

Structure occupation

1 Organizing moment Children on the carpet.

V. Children, want to guess the riddle:

Melting snow

The meadow comes to life

Day arrives -

When does it happen?

Educator. And why did you decide that the riddle about the spring?

(The sun began to shine brighter and warm the warmer, the snow melts, processes appear.)

Educator. And what happens only in spring?

(Bird arrival)

Show illustration.

What migratory birds do you know? Look at the pictures, they will tell you.

(Children's responses)

Educator. Children, one of these birds flew to us today. (The bird sits on a poplar branch standing in a vase) is a lark.

2. Most guys! You know that on March 22, everyone has a holiday lark. They are waiting for them in every house, so this long-awaited guest flew to us.

And how should we celebrate guests?

(Children's responses)

We must be welcoming and offer the guest the most convenient place.

There are signs when the larks arrive, the real spring comes. Even long ago on March 22, baked from the lark dough, treated everyone, read the shakes, sang songs.

You want to call spring, blind larks. Go beyond the tables.

Fingering gymnastics "Lark"

Lark, Zhavoronok

Cute Zhavoronushki

Where were you?

What did you come with?

Beyond the sea. Spring mined!

We are carrying, carry, spring-red!

Survey call, from which parts is the larks?

Answers children: head, neck, beak, eyes, wings, tail, legs.

B. I propose to make the lark of the combined way. (Scheme) We divide the dough into two parts. From the whole large part of the blind head, neck, torso, stretch the tail. For wings, you need to take a small piece, divide it according to the number of wings. How to make eyes?

Q. How can I portray a feathers on the wings and tail of the bird?

Answers children

(partial show).

Well, now you can proceed to work.

First, dry your hands in the flour. Why did we do it?

Answers children (so that the dough does not stick to hand). I pay attention to the posture of children.

Independent work.

Audio recording: P. I. Tchaikovsky "Lark song"

Well done guys coped with work!

Q. And now the guys of all birds let's put on the stand in the form of leaves, let them get sick.

Analysis of children's work: - We tried, we looked

Wonderful birds created.

Larks blind

Red spring invited!

Guys, how many larks flew to us. See what kind of larks you have turned out.

What, do you like more? Why? What seemed difficult?

Who wants to talk about her bird: what material was scorched, which makes the larks.

Stories of children

You all worked well today. Now we have "Flashing" and we can enhance the spring to bring us warm and sunny days.

Larks, arrive! Lark, Zhavoronki.

Student Winter rolong! Go to us!

Top Spring Bring! Bring us the spring - Beauty

Winter tired of us, Red Sun

We had all the bread! Green tricky!

You are birds, fry,

Go to us.

Spring clear, spring red

Bring us!

When the birds are dried, you will take them home and congratulate your relatives with the arrival of spring. And now I suggest a little rest.


In the sky, the larks sang,

(Children perform handplay hands)

The bell rang,

(Rotation of risen hands)

Rushed in silence

Hid a song in the grass,

(Lower hands, squatted, knees wrapped around)

Song who will find

(walk on the spot)

Will merry all year

(clap your hands)

Publications on the topic:

March 22 - according to the Orthodox calendar, Soroki, on this day in Russia, the "Lark", spring jammed. So we are the guys of the middle group.

Abstract Node for artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group (modeling) Theme: "Cockerel" purpose: Teach children to transmit a bright image.

Abstract Node on Skier Lrack in the Elder Group Abstract Node on modeling on the topic "Skier". (Senior Group) Tasks: 1. Learn to sculpt the figure of a person, transmitting the form, structure, proportion and.

Purpose: accumulate and enrich children's knowledge about summer sports; Forming the ability to transmit expressiveness of the image in the modeling, sculpt.

Abstract Node for speech development in the senior group "March Spring meets" Topic: "March Spring meets." Software tasks: - Written monologic forms of speech, stimulate the speech creativity of children; -develop.

Educator: Come guys. Let's check with which mood you came today.


To the sun reached out

The ray took

To heart pressed

People gave people

And smiled!

And they told everyone: "Hello"

Educator. What are you all well done! Wonderfully we greeted you and our greetings wished health and good to each other. Wonderful day today! Listen. Don't you hear anything? Who stuck so quietly outside the window?

Spring noise recording sounds.

Who came so quietly?
Well, of course, not an elephant,
And, of course, hippo
It could not go quietly.
And none of you heard
As a leaflet from the kidneys came out,
And you could not hear,
Like green blades,
Removing green boots
Quietly left the ground.
And the snowdrock quietly came out.
And everywhere silence.
This means that it means:
His quieter (children's response) Spring has come.

Educator: Yes, guys, right - this is spring. And I met her today on the way to kindergarten. As if swan sailed spring. She produced a silk grass to Earth, spread the pearl dew, merged small streams into fast rivers. I invited the spring to a group to us so that she warmed us with his warmth, played, would have fun with us. Here it should come from minutes for a minute.

Oh, we came some message, it probably wrote spring to us.

A winter laptop image appears on the laptop screen.

"Spring they are waiting! Warmth and sun rejoice. And I have been deceived by the winter, having sodged and planted in the magic chest. And the key from the chest hid far. So wait, do not wait for it to you. You still have enough strength to cope with me. Ha ha ha ".
What should we do, how should we be, you need to freeze the spring, the magic chest spike. But how do we find it and the key where to find?

Hare. Running rustle.The tutor takes a hare toy on the floor.

Voice hare: "I want to help you, guys, I saw where the winter chest hid. Just passing through you have a lot of tests before you find a chest. Now turn it around three times around yourself and lean down. Here is the magic girl, where it will ride, keep the way there and the way.

Children thank hare. The tutor takes the ball in his hands and throws it. The tangle rolls ...

1 Polyanka. The teacher finds a snowball, and in it a note: "You wait for the spring, and do you know a lot about her? Name the spring months and signs of spring. "

Educator. And now let's show Winter as the Summer Signs we know. Well, let's get together. The visor starts talking about the signs of spring, and children continue.

1. In March, the clouds float quickly and high - to good weather.
2. Blue clouds in April - to warmth and rain.

3. Swallows flies close to the ground - to the rain.
4. From the birch flows a lot of juice - to rainy fly.
Educator. Well done boys! We coped with the task. And it's time for us again!

The educator throws a tangle, he rolled into the clearing. The teacher finds another snowball with a note inside: "What are these birds that, with the onset of cold weather, fly into the warm edges, and with the onset of spring come back? Guess the riddles. Record the votes of birds.

2 Polyanka. Migratory birds.

Educator. What a wonderful singing. And what is this bird, which, with the onset of cold weather, fly into the warm edges, and with the onset of spring come back? Responses of children (migratory).

And now guess the riddles and find these birds on this beautiful birch.

1. All migratory birds of blacks,

He cleans a lot of worms.

Back and forth for a lot of scroll,

2. I returned from the distant countries
To please you, friends.
"Spring came! Winter - End! " -
Sang at the nest ... (Skzorets)

3. Guess what kind of bird -

Dark small.

White with belly,

The tail is spread in two tails (swallow)

4. Although it is modest.

Mute feathers, little sock,

In the field he lives,

All spring and summer Song sings (larks)

One of the first birds to us flies the larks. With the arrival of spring in every village house of the hostess baked from the dough "Zhavorkov" - biscuits in the form of birds with open wings, with horsepower and eyes - peas. Piece of freshly baked birds were eaten, and part were used to make real birds. Highly holding up his larks over her head, the children ran the name of real larks, and with them and the spring and warmth. So we will play the game "Lark". Bell

There is a mobile game "Lark". Children become a circle.

Children go in a circle and sing:

In the sky, the larks sang,

The bell rang.

Rushed in the embroidery

Hided the song in the grass.

"Lark" (leading child) with a bell moves the bins inside the circle. With the end of the song stops and puts the bell on the floor between two children. These children turn back to each other. Everyone says: "He who will find a song will be happy for a whole year!" These two ride a circle, moving in opposite sides. Who is the first grabbed the bell, becomes a "lark". The game is repeated.

So we are now, guys, let's glare the larks from the salt dough, in order to prove again with Winter to Luta, that we are not afraid of her, because we already know a lot and know how to do it yourself.

The educator shows the techniques of modeling: From the big lump of the dough roll off the ball, the ball roll over in the circle. Making four cuts. Two upper wings are intersect - wings, two medium wings - tail. From the little lump, you ride the ball, pull the beak, take a raisin - that's eyes. Lubricate water above the connection site of the wings and glue the head.

The educator offers children in turn to repeat the sequence of performance.

Educator. But that our fingers work well, they must be prepared.

The tutor performs with children finching gymnastics.

"Migratory birds"

Tili-Tili, Tili-Teli - (cross thumbs, mashed with palms)

From the south of the birds flew!

I flew to us a digger - (alternately bend on both hands, starting with the mother's little hand)

Serious feather.

Lark, nightingale.

Torch: Who is more?

Heron, Swan, Duck, Streach

Stork, swallow and chiz -

Everyone returned, flew (again, crossed thumbs, mashed with palms)

Songs are called! (index and thumbs make the beak - "birds sing")

The educator invites children to start work, explaining that with the test you need to work carefully, with great love, so that you get beautiful, lush "larks".

Now it's time to hurry, the larks to sculpt all.

Spring melody sounds.

After performing the work of "Zhavoronkov" from the dough, lay on a beautiful tray and asked to attribute to the kitchen, in order to bake them.

Educator. In order for the birds to see our "larks", flew faster and brought the spring on their wings, we will say to the shallow. Deli bring birds and pronounce Shafovo:

Carry, carry on the will

Educator.It was out of the strength of the old winter, ran far and far behind the high mountains, hidden in ice holes. Guys, look, the snowdrift melted, and here is the chest. Well, where is the key?

Educator. Let's rather exempt from captivity soon.

Under the music in the group enters spring.

Spring. Spring costume

Hello my friends,

I'm glad to see you.

I am Spring - Red

I walked the land from sleep.

Fill the kidney juice.

On the meadows, Razch flower.

I run out of the river ice.

Light make a sunrise.

Everywhere - in the field and in the forest

People joy I carry.

Thank you, guys that winter Luta was not frightened and I was freed from her captivity. Now people will not be left without spring heat, juicy green grass, sunlight of radiant and songs cheerful, perky.

Children and spring dance song.

Spring. Well, you have warm, fun, but waiting for me the forests and rivers, the sunshine radiant and the cloud fluffy. Bye!

Spring leaves.

Educator. Maybe this is a fairy tale, and maybe not a fairy tale. But they believe in a miracle children on the whole of the big planet. And we made this miracle with you guys, we freed the spring-red from the winter Luta, because good always wins evil. And it's time for us to say goodbye to other affairs.

Here are our larks arrived. On the tray of baked larks.

And for goodbye taste, guests are expensive, our larks. And you guys are waiting for you, can't wait. Let's say for goodbye to everyone: "Goodbye!". Music.


For modeling:

  • dough,
  • kleenki,
  • round pattern of cardboard,
  • stacks,
  • water jars,
  • rolls
  • brushes,
  • raisins,
  • stands for brushes and stack,
  • napkins.

Illustrations, 2 snow, 2 scrapbooks with signs and riddles, tangle, hare, 2 trays, storms baked, Spring suit, birch with birds, fabric, chest, bell, gymnastics hint.

Thematic modeling is a great way to develop a child. And the seasons, and in particular, spring, contain a lot of ideas to create crafts with their own hands.

Spring - It's time to update and bloom in nature. With the arrival of this excellent time, not only the earth wakes up. Awaken from winter hooks and a fantasy handra, blooming creative impulses and inspiration. With the word spring, in front of the eyes immediately arise the first flowers, peeling out of snow, gentle green grass, swollen buds on trees. Spring Wonderful time of the year and time to create crafts do it yourself.

For the manufacture of thematic objects perfectly suitable lepak. Materials for this type of creativity There are a great set. It can be plasticine, clay, dough, plaster and much more. Each of them has positive characteristic of them, features. Anyone and novice newcomer, and a high-class master can choose a material to taste. The age limits of the modeling, as a type of creativity, practically does not exist. I am pleased to pose and kids and adults.

Spring of plasticine.

Pleasing plasticine usually do kids. It is easy to knead it, it plastic and has bright colors. Diligently rolls plasticine with her fingers and palms, children develop fine motility, memory, imagination and fantasy. Very often you need ame for modeling, and spring is perfect for this. The easiest way to sculpt what they see is what surrounds them. Make a craft from plasticine on the topic of spring is the easiest way on the cardboard. Just smoke and smear plasticine on the white side. Let Kroch come up with a picture itself, or will create it in the process of modeling. This will help develop fantasy and reveal the creative potential of the baby. If a child makes it difficult to make a holistic image, adults can help him, drawing a pencil contours, and the baby will only remain paint them. Only instead of paints will be multicolored and bright plasticine. No need to limit the creativity of the baby with a rectangular piece of cardboard. You can cut an oval and depict the lake with water lily, which bloom in the spring, or turn a round piece of cardboard in the pennies and "plant" to God's cow, also created from plasticine. To blind a butterfly, "squeezed" into the blooming flower, this is a new level of skill. Create a bulk figure is more complicated. Several such products can be combined into the composition. For example, make some spring floweries and put them in a plasticine vase. And you can combine. On one piece of cardboard, depicting a cleaner with green grass and snowdrops, and a second piece of cardboard fasten up vertically, creating a background.

Spring from the dough.

One of the most popular and eco-friendly material for modeling is the dough. You can buy it in specialized stores on needlework or create your own hands at home. Adults and children are loved from the dough. The easiest recipe includes only three components. Flour, water and salt are in every home. Such a dough can be without concerned to give to work kids, even if they taste it, nothing bad happens. Adults, to create their creations, can add wallpaper glue into the dough, starch, dyes and much more. Dough products are dried in the oven or outdoors. They can be covered with glossy or matte varnish or decorate with paints.

Basket with salted dough flowers.

Such a craft can be created together adults and children. To prepare the test you will need:

  • Flour 2 cups;
  • Salt 1 cup;
  • Water ¾ cup.
  1. Mix all the ingredients and mix until the dough becomes elastic.
  2. From a small piece of dough to make 3 flashes.
  3. Split braid from them, crop edges and align. (Basket blank)
  4. Roll out a thin strip, folded twice and twisted in the harness. (Basket handle)
  5. Range a few small drops, flatten them and draw a knife of the streak. (Leaf)
  6. Make a few different dough pellets. (flower petals)
  7. From a piece of dough to make a cake and attach all the details, wetting the place of connection with water.
  8. Let the basket dry.
  9. Coloring a basket and flowers
  10. Peer dry a basket.

    Spring from clay.

    Clay It is a natural product formed during the destruction of rock rocks. It can be different colors - green, blue, white. The clay is best suited for the modeling, bought in a special store for needlework. Sold in the form of powder or ready. Lepak Of the so-called polymer clay is more attractive and simple, thanks to the absence of the need for firing products. Before proceeding with the modeling, clay, like plasticine, and the dough, it is necessary to smash. When working it is better to use both hands for symmetric design of the right and left side of the product.

    In the modern world, it is more and more than a polymer clay or, in other words, plastic. By the method of solidification is divided into:

    • Self-sharpening;
    • Baked.

    Self-hardening - hardened in the air during the day. Such clay is plastic, it is easily stretched and very thinly rolled. Thanks to these properties, it is popular when creating flowers and dolls. Keep such a clay need in hermetic packaging. The disadvantage of such clay is fragility of finished products and deformation from water contact. Crafts from this clay requires careful care.

    Baked polymer clay harvested when heated to a temperature of 110-130 ° C. You can use the oven or "cook" the product from such clay in the water. Thermoplastic is sensitive to temperature. In the cool room, it will be necessary to knead it longer. Old solid thermoplastic can be softened with special means or ordinary vegetable oil. Thermoplastic products are durable. Thin parts can restore their shape after deformation, they are very flexible.

    Little kids better work with natural clay. This material is environmentally safe and easy to handle. Kids can, for example, make a gift for their mothers for March 8 - Clay beads and paint them with bright colors.

    Beads from clay.

    For cooking you will need:

    • Clay;
    • Acrylic paints;
    • Bamboo stick;
    • Thread or lace for hanging beads.

    A gift for mom is ready.

    These are just a few examples of children's creativity. Let the kids make, fantasize and create masterpieces.

Organization: Madou d / s "Alenka"

Locality: Moscow Oblast, O.Kotelniki



1. Formation of the concept of "Spring";

2. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic: Flowering branch


1. Develop the ability to portray the spring tree branch using plasticine; Transmit characteristic features of the flowering branch.

2. Develop rolling, flattening, plasticine, division into parts using stacks;

3. Develop a fine motor skill;


1. To educate aesthetic perception, love for nature, the desire to transmit its beauty in his work

Material:spring twigs, cardboard, plasticine, stack, napkin for hands, wool.

Travel course.

Organizing time.

Guessing Riddles:

I spread the kidney

In the spring leaves.

Trees watering

Motion is full

Your name is ....... (Spring)

Children: Spring.

Educator: Well done children, immediately can be seen that you are observed. What other signs of spring do you know?

Children: Snow melts, the grass grows, returned from the warm edges of the bird, etc.

Educator: True, in the spring comes to life all around. Everything begins to grow and blossom. Everyone who was hidden for the winter in different clashes, under the bark of trees, underground, in mink - wake up. All nature comes in motion: the beasts after the winter hooks lead to the order of the blind fur, the birds make the nests. What happens to the trees in the spring?

Children: the kidneys bloom, the first leaves appear, flowers bloom. Everything begins to grow and blossom. Birds make nests.

Educator: Well done! I want to show you a branch of flowering apple tree. We draw it, but we will draw plasticine, which will give the volume to our image. But before we proceed to work, let's carefully consider branches. (Children along with the educator consider the branch, color, form)

Phased performance:

Educator: And now I will proceed to our work. You are lying in cardboard and plasticine. From brown plasticine, we roll thin sausages and put it, slightly pressing, to the cardboard (eyelid of the educator).


Now we will sculpt flowers. First, make a middle of the flower - for this you need to roll out the balls of yellow color, decompose on branches in different places.

Then we make stamens: To do this, it is necessary to roll out a thin yellow sausage, the stack is divided into small part in size, roll the little peas and the middle of the flower to fill them with them. Emboss the same middle.

The next stage is the petals. You have to roll a thick white or pink sausage, divide the stack on 5 parts, from each part to roll the ball and make the petal from it. (Squeeze the ball between the fingers). Drop the petal at the bottom of the petal. Make all 5 petals and make up a flower from them near the finished middle, slightly pressing. So we carry out all other flowers. Range sausage from green plasticine, cut the stack to the same parts, flatten each to become flat. Now every leaf is flattened with a tip on one side, make it pointed, and on the other hand, to take off the folding. The place of the leaf is on the branch between the colors.

Children perform a task.

Educator: Guys, your fingers are tired, have done a lot of work. Let's get them out a little.

Finger gymnastics.

Long, long we sculpted,

Our fingers were tired.

Let a little rest

And again sculpt will begin.

Commonly hands learned

And sculpt again.

(Hands are adhered to the castle, circular rotations.

Shaking hands with hands.

Stroking each finger.

Hand breeding to the parties.

Cotton hands.)

Educator: A little rested, and now you can continue. You have already blinded the branches, and now on the twigs join the kidney, and so that we got the willow, we will decorate your kidney and get fluffy, beautiful lamb.

Show tutor.

Children perform a task.

Educator: Guys, you really tried, you got wonderful spring twigs. Let's hang your work on the board and admire their beauty.

Directly educational activities

on modeling in the senior group

Topic: "Skill Spring"

Software content:

    To acquaint children with folk customs.

    Create expressive images based on folk techniques of modeling: sculpt the birds from the test, make cuts on a disco-shaped form, connect the edges in the shape of wings.

    Learn children to decorate stucco products by the "Nalep" method, a throwing material.

    Rail interest in folk traditions, customs, listening to classical music.

    Develop a shallow motorcy, microcopying of the movements of the fingers.


Salted dough, illustration with birds, paper candy, peas, buckwheat, raisins, stack sticks.

Methods and techniques:sensual, gaming, the use of artist Noslov.

Move: The teacher makes him a mystery to children:

"The warm southern wind blows.

The sun shines everything brighter.

Snow is losing weight, sculpt, melts,

The bird is small flying.

What is this during? Who knows? "

Children: "Spring".

Educator: "Spring! Fertive, long-awaited spring with warmth, with the first drip, with the first protanes. In the old days waiting for the spring, Song-Vezhniki Songs, who were called spring, so that she hurry so that birds quickly returned from the south, the snow was melted in the fields, and the bread rose. Guys, let's call the spring. "

Children: "Spring, spring red!

Come, spring, with joy,

Come, spring, with grace! "

Educator: "People rejoiced the arrival of spring, they talked about her good words. What words about spring pore do you know? "

Children: "Mother Spring to all people Red",

"Spring - Sister Sun",

"Spring sunshine as grass grows,"

"Spring will live everything."

Educator: "And about the spring they spoke" forty fortificest birds flew due to maritime countries, the spring is carried. " Why did you say how you think? "

Children:"Spring birds return home from warm countries."

Educator: "The arrival of the birds arranged the arrival of spring. What signs of the arrival of spring, associated with the arrival of birds, do you know? "

Children:"Ruch on the mountain - spring on the courtyard",

"How many Protalin, so many larks",

"I saw Skvortz - know, spring at the porch",

"Seagull would come, and spring will be."


"Hands raised and shocked

These are trees in the forest,

Hands buried, brushes shook -

The wind knives the dew.

In hand, smoothly fell -

This is a bird to us fly,

As they sit down, we will also show -

Wings fold back "

Educator: "Spring begins with the arrival of birds. Day March 22 was considered a large holiday from the Russian people, they celebrated him fun and solemnly - after all he opened the spring. It was called this day "Forty forty". For popular customs on this day, baked fiery cookies. Baked peat sent native and relatives. The children ran through the streets with baked birds, threw up, scattered the crumbs and shouted: "Flashlights arrive, bring the red summer, the winter is tired, the whole bread wool". "The larks" attached to the branches of trees, to the shoulder, put under the roofs of houses. Guys, why baked larks? "

Children: "Baked the larks, because they were the first to return from warm edges."

Educator:"Yes, the larks are singing birds, which first arrive from the south, the birds, which are above all the other birds rise in the air and are closer to the sun and their ringing trills are annoying the arrival of spring."

The educator offers to choose from several illustrations of birds image of the lark.

Educator: "How did you guess that this is a lark?"

Children: "This is a lark, because he is small, sulfur."

Educator: "Yes, the larks are outwardly inconspicuous: gray with dark sand mills, with a small round head, a small tail. We have already sculptive birds. And today we are blind from the dough of Zhavoronkov. "

The teacher invites children to her table.

Educator: "We divide a piece of dough into two parts. What are we going to sculpt from most? From the little? "

Children: "From a large piece we will sculpt the torso, and from the little one.

Educator: "From a big piece we roll a cake. In it we will make four cuts. Where the head will connect the edges. Two wings with an overavel tube. The tail will be taking a fan, (the tutor accompanies his words by showing). "

Educator: "Flashlights - inland birds. But people love these birds, so they decorated them with non-ferrous candy, they sculp the heads, they poured a feather in the head. To squeeze the birds, they made a pattern of holes on them. Instead of eyes, peas were inserted, buckwheat grains, raisins. "

The educator suggests to do finger gymnastics:

"Sorry, singing ! ", I. Tokmakova

Ten birds - a flock.

This bird is nightingale,

This bird is sparrow,

This bird is Sovice,

Sleeping head

This bird - Sweet,

This bird is a corner,

This bird is a lavetle,

Serious feather,

This is a chapter, it's a strife,

This is cheating,

Well, this is an evil eye ...

Birds, birds, home! "

(Fingers of both hands are compressed in the fists. Hearing the name of the birds, the children squeeze one finger at first right, and then left hands. For the last words, the fingers of both hands are compressed in a fist).

Educator: "Create the image of the lark will help you the beautiful music of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, which is called "Lyubric Song". In this call, joyful melodies you will hear and the murmur of the stream, and the chime of bells.

Educatorit proposes to start plowing birds. During independent work, if necessary, the teacher assists, encourages children if they strive to decorate the birds in different ways.

Spectator gymnastics

    "Shooting through your eyes." Turn the eyes to the left left and right (8-10 times).

    Circular eye movements left and right using toys-birds;

    "Butterfly". Quickly and easily blink (eyelids as "butterfly wings").

Educator: "Look at what wonderful larks from us turned out.

The educator together with the children is considering winged birds.

Educator: "Guys, take the Zhavoronkov and call the spring" CHILL ":

"Flashlights, Larks,

Fly to us

Bring us


Winter tired

All bread washed. "

Outcome.Children plant the larks on the woven.