How to easily draw lips with a pencil. How to draw a person's lips with a pencil

How to easily draw lips with a pencil. How to draw a person's lips with a pencil
How to easily draw lips with a pencil. How to draw a person's lips with a pencil

Good day, our dear readers, today we, i.e. YOU Find out how to draw a person's lips using for this pencil. In general, my sister and I have been advised for a very long time on what lesson to publish today. I offered her to draw owl, but she insisted on his own and offered to make another one on the drawing anime! As a result, it's a little reflection, remembering about your positive feedback on our eye drawing lesson, we came to a common denominator and drew a lesson about the lips :) And I think we did right, because all sorts of different animals and birds we have enough on our site, Yes, and 2 posts in a row about anime would probably be wrong.

And * We tell you this in a big secret * Initially, we wanted to give this lesson a little different name "How to draw ... Dumplings" !!! instead of normal and adequate "How to draw a person's lips"

But again, common sense won our madness and we left the lesson with a normal name! Moreover, dumplings are better not to draw, but sculpt or, that even better, there is !!! Although better than you, our readers, no one will answer this question, maybe still rename? We will be glad to your opinion in the comments to this post :)

Well, everything, you need to tie talking and start actively. We hope that you are ready for them! With you a pencil, eraser, blank paper and a little desire. Start, you will succeed, How to draw a man's lips.

and do not forget to click on the picture :)

Lips are hard to depict on paper, as well as eyes or noses, because they are too individual, too depend on the features of the face and your drawing technique, too unusual. If you fulfill this lesson to the end, you will learn how you can easily draw almost any lips.

We start drawing with an outline. Carefully read and sketch on paper a line that shares the lips. The line will almost always be bent up and down. Like any sketch, this line will not be accurate, but after all, the pencil sketch can always be corrected. Also sketch the outline of the Cupid Budrock - the middle, serving part of the upper lip. Since it forms the tops of the upper lip, it is simply necessary for us.

We continue to draw the sketch, outlining the contours of the lips. We draw characteristic depressions, similar to the middle line. All concave. The base on which we will build our drawing, ready.

Finish the sketch. Connect the upper lines with the ends of the lips, we will do the same with the bottom. Remember, they will be varied depending on the shape of the lips.

Look at the side view of the lips, which is shown in the picture, remember the form and imagine how the shadow would lie to such lips. The lower lip will be the brighter and illuminated, the upward will be in the shade, as the sharp corners of the lower lip will be in the shade. Shadows on a cupid tubercle will be located specially as on the speaker.

Go to the next stage. We draw what is around the lips and at the bottom of the face. A noticeable space between the lip and chin will be in the shade, above the upper lip, there is also an unusual area that requires study. These are two bulbs connecting the peaks of the lips with the nose, with the concaveness between them. Also worth noting the Mimic wrinkles at the lips.

Everything, it remains to bring our drawing to the end, removing all the extra lines, expanding the line of connecting the upper and lower lips and once again handling the shadow. After practicing you get to draw your lips as they really look like.

Finally, you will teach you to draw your teeth. Forget that the teeth should be white, this is a big mistake of young artists. If you want to emphasize their brightness, it is better to draw flare on them. The front teeth will be the most bright, subsequent - darker and darker. The gums should be made a little darker lips.

Video lessons

If you decide to portray a person, then surely the question arose: "How to draw lips?". For a professional, this will not be difficult. He had to draw so many times to draw lips of different shapes and sizes that he was able to do it almost closed eyes. If you just learn to embody your images on paper, then this article is for you. More specifically, how to draw lips with a pencil in stages for beginners. On our resource, such lessons often appear. If you do not want to skip them, make a subscription.

How to draw lips with a pencil

There are many techniques that allow you to portray this part of the body, both on paper and on the monitor screen. However, we still advise you to start with a simple pencil. This will allow you to hone your skills and understand the basic principles of the image. Especially, it is much easier to get used to it than to a graphical tablet.

It is also worth saying that all the lessons you can find are only a recommendation. Their task is to show the basic principles of lip images on paper. No one and nothing prevents you from creating your own and unique style. Perhaps it will ever be as the basis for drawing textbooks sometime. However, before that it will have to work a lot and fruitfully.

For the lesson you will need:

  • pure landscape sheet;
  • one or more simple pencils of different rigidity;
  • eraser;
  • patience.

Geometry in nature

If you carefully look at, then everything consists of geometric shapes. This is true for human lips. To draw them with a pencil, we use a triangle. Picture an equally chaired triangle. The higher it will turn out, the greater the size of the lips you will succeed. In the upper corner, draw a convex line as if you needed to depict the angle of the figure. About the triangle in the middle of the triangle. The wider she is, the wider lips, than already, those puffy. In this case, we draw women's lips. Therefore, the line will be shorter.

To draw the top contour of the lip of the pencil, swipe down two lines from both ends of the convex line at the top of the triangle. The ends of the contours should touch the transverse line drawn earlier. Contour ends slightly. As a result, you should have a figure, a little resembling a medieval bow.

In addition, I want to give you some more tips about the lips image:

  1. Improve. Draw every day. You should not stop only on our materials. Try to draw lips once, while this skill is not brought to automatism. Also try to depict them from different angles.
  2. Picture a speaker. The more dynamic and more detail, the more interesting. Static, closed mouth will attract much less attention than lips, distorted from joy or anger. If you do not know how to portray one or other emotion, stand in front of the mirror and look at your reflection. By the way, this is how many illustrators of the company
  3. No axioms. We have already mentioned in the material, but let's say again. There are no inflexible truths. There are only general recommendations. If you think that for better effect you need to neglect one or another rule, feel free to do it.
  4. Do not be afraid of criticism. The best way to learn something, listen to criticism. Register on various thematic resources. Lay your work in open access with the possibility of commenting.
  5. Learn to other people's mistakes. Yes, you need to lay out your work. But it will not be superfluous and the study of the works of other authors. Browse, what mistakes they allowed and try not to do the same. It is always better to learn from other people's mistakes than on our own.
  6. Do not seek faithful ways. It is not worth spending time on thinking about the correctness of the selected path. Better try three wrong. But in the future you will definitely know that they should not pay attention to them.

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Learning to draw lips: s

1. Draw your lips using simple contours

To draw beautiful lips, you will need to first make a simple marking, in the form of three parallel lines. Make just like on my drawing, just keep in mind that the further there will be small invasses from the main line, the lips in the figure will be thicker.
In this picture, the distance between the upper and lower line is 4cm., The length of the central line is 13cm., The length of short lines is 3 cm.

2. Lips acquire the initial form

Using a step-by-step drawing method, you can not even know how to draw, draw very beautiful lips. You will be sure of this at the end of this lesson. In the meantime, continue the drawing of the lips and connect short invasses, forming the corners of the lips.
See, you can already say that you were able to draw lips.

3. Lips acquire a real form

It would be too easy to draw if all lines in the portrait could be drawn for a ruler. A little will have to apply the imagination and draw a "real" lip shape, divide the upper lip of the "heart" into two parts. The top contour of the lip you must reduce, and the lower on the contrary to increase.

4. How to draw a dividing lip line

First, remove the old marking with the eraser, and look at the lips almost like "real". But you still need to draw a dividing line between the lips. For this, almost repeat the contour of the upper lip to the main separation line, slightly stretching its central part - "heart". It is advisable to make it exactly like my drawing. Do not rush to delete a marking line from the drawing. She will not hurt to draw lips. Favorite fighters from the intersection of lines simply adapt to a soft simple pencil.

5. Drawing lips is almost finished

In order for the drawing of the lips to be realistic, you need to make the drawing of the lip volume. The volume is done with the help of shadows, so apply light shadows along the edges of the lips and in the places of their connection. You may, you will paint the lips with colored pencils, then this can be done at this step.
If you decide to draw lips with a simple pencil, then you need to complete one more step.

6. How to draw a person's lips. Shadow

The man's lips have "wrinkles" or folds that stretch when he smiles. To accurately and beautifully draw lips, draw these "little things." After that, apply shadows with a soft simple pencil and your drawing is now completely complete.
Now I hope you will agree with me that it's easy to draw a man's lips in stages.

How to draw lips pencil stages

Step one. Sketch the filling lines for the elements of the face and turn.
Step second. Draw your eyes, sponges and teeth.
Step Three. I will add hatching on the face and lips, in order to show the shadows, it is still a portrait.
Step fourth. Remove the auxiliary lines and correct the contours. It should get like this:

Step 1.

Draw the outlines of the lips, as shown in the picture.

Step 2.

Start darkeing lips.

Step 3.

Darken your lips.

Step 4.

Continue sketch and darken lips.

Step 5.

Use a pencil to darken.

Step 6.

And add a darkening of the skin area around the mouth.

Roth and lips are a very interesting part of the face. I will show you some moments and make a small review of lip drawing and mouth.

To begin with, let's spend through lips lines describing the volume of the mouth. You see - red lines are enveloped all lips. Fail the attention that the upper lip is usually darker, since it drops less light. Here we have a lower lip convex, so there is more light on it, it is completely bright. Do not forget about the shadows in the corners of the mouth! The corners of the mouth are often "drowning" in the cheek, so we highlight the dark.

In this picture, I noted the violet the most shaded areas of the upper lip. As a rule, the entire upper lip is darker, compared to the bottom but purple places - especially dark.
In these places, the lip is especially strongly passing inside, at a large angle.
Such a technique helps us to focus on specific lips bending, see illustration below

Here I specifically shared lips on 5 parts.
Pay attention to a small central piece is the so-called "Cupid arc."
This is a very important distinguishing feature of the lips, always celebrate it when you want to give the picture individuality, the people of the Cupid arc can differ very much!

We turn to the bottom lip: Orange, I noted the shaded areas that are more cornering "deep into" the cheeks and less discovery.
But still the lower lip will be a lighter top, because it is facing the main pingness up and forward - to the light.

But here green I designated the necessary shadows, which are always present near the mouth.
They denote the facial muscles surrounding the mouth. Iguby's mouth - not just rusked on a flat face! They must be "entered", not forgetting about total volumes.
These shadows are not too deep, but nevertheless under the bottom lip and in the corners of the mouth must be present.

But here pay attention to the bright areas around the perimeter of the lips!
This is a small, but important item, you can't forget about it.
This is the most protruding "edge" of the lips, as a rule, it is quite strongly distinguished and not painted. In these places, no beard, nor mustache, but dark-skinned people, this edge is even more noticeable.
The most strongly this edge stands out when the shadows fall, expressing the tongue of pilots - for 5 hours (that is, the light falls on top, a little left).

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1. Select schematic sketch of lips.

2. Lock the shades shaded places on the upper and lower lip, highlight the light areas on the sides of the bottom lip and on the top of the mouth.

3. Earn hatching. Do not forget about the edge of the lips and the facial muscles that need to be outlined. Senten the dark corner of the mouth.

Start with drawing the inclined line, which will be used to separate two persons.

Step 2.

Now we need to chain the Male's mouth shape, as you see above, and then go to the next step.

Step 3.

Now you have to make out the sketches of the women's lips, as shown in the picture. Chin and lips should concern.

Step 6.

When you finish, your kiss drawing should look like that. I hope you enjoyed this lesson about how to draw a kiss.

P.S. Also lips all the same :)))

Step 1.

To draw lips, you need to represent how they are arranged. Draw first simple sketches similar to seaw.

Step 2.

The upper lip consists of three parts - the convex middle and two parts on the sides.

Step 3.

The lower lip is also divided into two symmetric halves.

Step 4.

We begin to impose shadows

Step 5.

According to both parts of the upper lip, the shadow will make shadows under the bottom lip, in the corners of the mouth and the spindle over the upper lip.

How to draw a smile?

The smile is drawn very long, but you can draw it with the help of these phased pictures. And so, throw the lines on the sketch of our smile, then draw the shape of the lips and the line inside for the teeth.

Scary, brr: D

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: first stage

I make an outline with a pencil labeling in. A pencil may be 2V and 4B - this is not very important, since almost all labeling pencils are suitable for an outline.

The sketch turned out to be quite simple, consisting of just a few lines. It should not have anything superfluous. In general, the first stages of drawing in the lessons how to draw eyes and how to draw lips, almost identical to each other. First, the sketch is made, and then decisive.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the second and third stages

At the second stage, I make a light decay on the sketch and wip out the contours of the lips because it is almost impossible to make the contours. Do not forget to wipe out the sketch and break the lips more detail.

Of course, you need to leave a bright lip plots without cutting.

I start drawing lips with pencils of the group n. At the third stage, even after a minor drawing, the lips volume begins. So I do everything right. Also, darker pencil, rice corner of the mouth and line between the upper and lower lip.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the fourth stage

At the fourth stage of the lesson, how to draw lips with a simple pencil, I already draw the lips in detail, leaving bright areas. It is important to draw by semicircular strokes - this is the features of the lip structure, which I mentioned above.

Also, at the fourth stage, I draw shadows around the lips. More attention should be paid to the shadows under the bottom lip - it will give lips the desired volume. We should not forget about the shadow above the upper lip, but it should be lighter than the shadows under the bottom lip.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the last fifth stage

Final, fifth stage, I finish the drawing. In principle, after the four stages of the lip and it looks rather not bad - they have the volume, they are well drawn both the lips themselves and the corners of the mouth, but still, I would have worked a little over them. It is necessary to lead in order around the lips and shadows on the lips themselves, because the light falls on me on the right side, and therefore, the lips on the left side should be darker. Even, you need to draw shadow over the so-called "cupid onion" - it is a pretty cauldron on the upper lip.

On this page you can see the instructions on how to draw one of the main suts of the face phased pencil. We are talking about such a part like lips. This page contains a way to draw exactly the chubby lips with a pencil in several stages.

How to draw lips with a pencil phased? First we draw chubby sponges Scarlett Johanson. For example, take this photo:

Here Scarlett is captured by the captain, or in ¾. We draw the outlines of the upper lip of the actress. We use the Pencil HB.

Then tying the bottom lip. We draw ajar lips, so it is necessary to leave some free space between the lips, where the teeth will appear in the future.

I decided to draw the tip of the nose. You can also do it if desired. We draw the front teeth.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil?

Now you can proceed to lip hatching. Covered with a uniform stroke. The teeth also stroke, as they can not be absolutely white in the picture.

Now, looking at the photo, sealing the touch in some parts of the lips and the adjacent regions. Simply put, we look, where in the photo the darkest places and dimming them in the picture.

Now take a softer pencil, for example, 3B. Put the touches in the shape of lips.

We gradually draw more and more shadows in the corners of the mouth, in the open space between the lips, in a dog jam (so called a small deepening between the nose and the upper lip).

If you painted your nose, then it is also worth darkening.

And finally, we take into my hands the milder pencil (I have 8B), and put the final strokes - cover the darkest patterns of the picture. As often as possible, compare your drawing with a photo, try to accurately transmit the features of the lips. So, we learned how to draw the lips of the girl.

Immediately I warn you to draw an open smile with teeth more difficult than closed lips. If you just learn to draw, start with a simpler picture. And then try to gradually draw the smiling lips of Angelina Jolie.

We draw the outlines of the upper lip and mark the location of the bottom.

Take the top lip and start drawing the bottom.

Lower luba is ready.

With two lines inside the mouth, I noted the magnitude of Angelina's teeth.

In small sections, we mark the width of each tooth. Neither draw them too much. 6 left and 6 right will be quite enough. Otherwise, the actress can turn into Godzilla ...

Two front tooth are the widest, the rest have a smaller width.

And now we celebrate the lower teeth. They can be seen far from all smiling people, because everyone has a very different smile. Angelina Jolie the lower teeth are visible quite strongly, since she has a big mouth and she smiles wide.

When a person smiles, folds are necessarily formed around the mouth. I drew a nose and two such folds.

Now stitch the drawing of the lips. As in the previous case, first, evenly cover the image with a flat touch, using a firm-soft pencil.

Then, looking at the photo, dim items in some places.

Take a pencil 3B or 4B and start drawing a shadow under your nose and above the upper lip.

Now as little gums. They should be darker than the tone of the lips, as they are in the shade of the lip.

The lower teeth on the tone are darker than the top, as fewer light falls on them. The boundaries between the teeth should not be underwhelmed too bright, otherwise it will seem that joli's teeth are large clips or teeth are spoiled.

It remains to draw a shadow under the bottom lip, thereby emphasizing the volume - the actress has enough plump lips. We stametly painted a smile with a pencil.

How to draw men's lips? I propose to draw the lips of the famous French actor Jean-Field Belmondo.

Draw contours of lips. The actor's lips are wide and elongated horizontally.

If you look at the lips, you can always see thin folds. Inside the dotted pencil draw these folds in the form of lips. In this photo, the actor is about 50 years old. Accordingly, there are age wrinkles near the lips. We celebrate their location.

Now proceed to the hatching. Fill the entire drawing with strokes in one direction.

On top of hatching darkest plots of lips, creating volume. To draw realistic lips, you need to show their volume. Simple pencil to help us.

We take a soft pencil (for example, 4B). With it, we create a drawing depth. Stroke upper lip. Strokes put it, emphasizing her form. Dimming the strip place where the lips are closed with each other.

Now stroking and lower lip. Please note the middle of the bottom lips is lighter than the other parts of it. This is due to the fact that the most convex areas of the lips drops more light. Accordingly, it is almost no need to stroke this area. The plot under the lips is dark enough, as it is in the shade.

At the last stage, with the help of the most soft pencil, we emphasize the corners of the lips and additionally dimly under the lips. Note - above the upper lip, along its entire length, a thin light strip remained. If you look at the photo or in the mirror on your lips, you will see that in reality this site is really quite high enough. Such a strip of light also helps create volume and realistic. Men's lips are ready.

The complexity of artistic work with the profile of the lips, as the most faithfully active part of the person, is due to several factors: a large variety of forms of this part of the person, the choice of the corresponding mimic position of the lips in the absence of the opportunity to fix them statically, the difficulty of applying a tone and microcomponent drawing to the surface of the lips due to their severe physical relief.

For the lips, it is also required to prepare a pencil with a hardness of H - for applying a circuit, 2B - to impose halftone, and the hardness above it is to designate faces and harsh shadows.

Choice of lip and lipstick shape

It should be remembered that the model will be able to "hold" lips immobilely only in a state of complete calm. If you need to portray a smile or any other mimic grimace on the lips, from the artist, it is necessary to extremely clearly remember this condition so that with further drawing to reproduce it. To do this, you can prepare an auxiliary thick-facial sketch before it becomes gradually to draw a pencil's lips. The sketch consists of eight straight lines repeating the outlines of the lips.

Another necessary condition for a successful portrait or copy consists in the correct selection of lighting and applying it to a preliminary sketch. An example is shown in the image below.

How to draw lips and put the glare on their wet outer shell in accuracy? To do this, use pencils with firmness from 4V and eraser.

The role of muscle frame and a lobster in the construction of the contour and lip plane

Lips together with the groove form the most mobile component of the human face. The concentration of muscle frame around them involves the presence of specific folds and, consequently, individual tones and halftone forming unique portrait quality.

The circular muscle of the mouth, creating their elevation, completely surrounds the lips. Yamks on both sides of them are created by large-sick muscles, the muscles of lowering the mouth, muscles of laughter. Paddina under the lip form the muscles of lowering the mouth and the muscle lowering the lower lip.

So how to draw lips in stages?

Specificity Images of Mimic Light Wrinkles

Wrinkles as skin deformations due to its regular movement are formed in childhood. If only the deepest and clear wrinkles are depicted on the groove and skin around the lips, drawing up a full-fledged microenvolution with a native, then directly on the lips drawing wrinkles according to their planar and overall features will give lips a living expression, a healthy realistic look and bring the artist to understand how to draw beautiful lips.

It should be remembered that you need to portray such irregularities on rounded planes, without teeting them with lines, but by creating an additional layer circuit, from which the folds are then neatly flashed.

Building contour lip.

How to draw lips, "tied" with their position to face? To do this, it is necessary to build several additional planes in Figure.

Asking the question of how to draw lips with a pencil, and starting the coordination lines on paper, it is necessary to remember first of all about the perspective of the perspective and turning the face. To do this, the axial line of the person is first carried out, according to which the lip of the tilt is drawn.

The figure below shows how two lines that outline the borders of the lobster form their maximum elevation over the mouth line. These lines, following the lips, descend to the lower edge of the lipola and face muscles are attached to the chin. If you require the features of the person, these vertical blocks are separated by one or more horizontal faces. It is necessary to build similar lines, dividing the remaining part of the lips in half and reducing them to the chin muscles marked in the figure with a cup-shaped elevation. Followed lines, limiting the corners of the lips.

Now, according to the fastened facial structural grid, a lob-facial sketch is transferred to it.

Tone overlay on lip plane

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the pencil - 4B and above - everything is extreme to the viewer of the face: the top corner of the lip of the groove, the front and middle circumference of the lower lip and the border of the top in the foreground.

Tone overlay is carried out strictly with the definition of the angle of the lighting drop. It is necessary to remember the stroke culture, the slope of the strokes in 85% of the tone should be directed in one direction, preferably parallel to the lighting. First, the shadow is put on the vertical plane: the nasolabial folds, the folds of the mouth, the deep vertical lipstock and two faces of the lobster. The shadow from the nose is superimposed.

A pencil of medium softness from 2V to 4V shadow the upper lip to the center in the foreground is shaded - the tone pattern is made to the light with the departure of the tone to the background. It is released by the bottom edge of the lower lip at the place of its connection with the muscles leading to the chin. The semicircular strokes to the desired plane are superimposed on the lip, also making the distant corner pale. A soft pencil emphasizes the front discovering lip plane. Halftone is superimposed on muscle folds.

The eraser is chosen and shiny surfaces on which the light falls. The closest to the viewer of the lips plane is emphasized, creating a contrast with darkened faces.

Stretching of small parts and various decorative lip attributes

Together with the task, how to draw lips, the question of their decoration and drawing is determined.

In general, the wrinkle on the plane of the wrinkle occurs in the latter. If the portrait is assumed to be a mustache or any other lap that is directly related to the lips, in recommendations, as statenly draw the lips with a pencil, the shadow imposition stage is passed - they are added to several strokes on the free plane. If the lips need to draw piercing passing directly through the upper or lower marriage, as well as the teeth-taught to the grade, the deepening is drawn according to the size of the desired accessory, which is allocated by several strokes of N.