List of contemporary dancing for girls with recommendations for choosing and learning. Movement for dance Beautiful movements in dance for ladies

List of contemporary dancing for girls with recommendations for choosing and learning. Movement for dance Beautiful movements in dance for ladies

Dancing is not only the opportunity to shine at a party to friends and attractive strangers. They develop plastic and grace, teach beautifully and harmoniously move in any situation, and not only performing intricate PA. The dancing people often have a cool gait and an attractive figure. And this is an excellent and most importantly - non-piece aerobic load. Dances are emotions and drive!

Today's video review is devoted to how to quickly learn to dance and that in order to achieve this goal can be found on the scope of the network.

Dance lessons for beginnersAs we found out, the popular topic on the Internet and useful material was found quite a few. We selected the best.

How to connect dance moves

The first in our review is a very useful and affordable lesson that answers one of the main dance issues "How to harmoniously connect dance movements?" The connectedness of a variety of movements is distinguished by a dance from fitness or aerobics.

Heard the phrase "he does not dance, he is engaged in sports!"? This is the situation when a person seems to make movements and by themselves they look good, but they are not related to each other, there is no single narration ...

Salsa for beginners: Basic steps and turns

Salsa is an incendiary Latin American dance. Like all of them, he will make your shape and movement in sex and beautiful.

This is a very simple and understandable lesson for beginners who will teach you some major movements of this dance. If you like, you can always continue by posting in the studio where Latin American dances teach.

Wave with hands

In this lesson, you can learn how to move the new way. It only first seems to have a wave with hands - it is difficult. Understandable instructions and a little training - and you will feel that you have the ability to dance.

Gypsy dance lesson from Venus Fair

Gypsy dance is a fire and passion, long skirts, beautiful movements and a rich century-old story.

Video lesson: Side Gait Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is the king, and it does not matter, he is alive or dead! So he danced, no one was tamneal before him and it is unlikely to dance after. He created his unique and spectacular dance style and gained a huge number of imitators and fans.

After reviewing this video lesson, you will learn from performing one of the most famous movements.

Video Tutorial: Moon Gait Michael Jackson (Gloid)

And finally, legendary!

Dancing is a great way to cheer up, raise yourself mood and burn extra calories. Do not underestimate benefit from such a simple cardio load. Even light dance movements contribute to strengthening the heart muscle and help burn about 300 calories per hour.

Light movements of legs

The easiest movement for dance is called "Square". Mentally draw a square with a width of the rib, equal to the distance between your feet. At the expense of times - the left foot in the upper left corner of the imaginary square, making a step forward. At the expense of two - the right foot in the right upper corner of the square (left, still stands in the left corner). While learning the movement, the hands are better to hold on the belt, and the body is a little fed forward to the leg that steps. Next, we put the left leg back to the lower left corner of the imaginary square, and the right to right. Everything is completed. You get a step "Box Step" which you have repeatedly seen in the clips and various fitness programs.

"Square" can be performed crosswise. Imagine the same imaginary square. Now the step will be somewhat harder, try to do slowly to not get confused. We start with the right leg, we take it forward and put in the upper left corner of the fictional square. Foots will now stand cross-cross, but you need to leave left legs because of the right leg and put in the upper right angle of the fictional square. You can go a little forward, as you do not work out the clear line. The cross again turned out - the cross. From this position, we walk the right foot back by putting it into the lower right corner of the square, and the left foot back to the lower left corner. That's right, go ahead, we stepped crosswise, and back exactly.

Another simple foot movement is "slide." We put one leg aside and a little seed it, and the second "pull" follows as a slippery floor, gradually straightening the supporting leg, now in the other direction: I put my leg, we moved the body weight, and on the inertia, the second leg reaches the body. Do not forget to making one leg, which I pull to the support leg. At this moment you can make cotton with your hands and it turns out a ready-made movement for dance. Such slides are often used in hip-hop.

Light movements with hands

The easiest movement of hands for dance begins with shoulders. We put your hands on the belt, tighten the left shoulder first to the ear, because the right, left then right. We do in turn. Now they lowered their hands and straightened. Raise the left shoulder flood right and again left and right, quickly. We will add small shaking by the body from side to side (each time to one shoulder, which rises), we have moved by hand.

If you poorly manage standard movements, imagine that it is glass in front of you, and a rag in your hands. Now you need to wash the glass, and you begin to make characteristic movements with a cloth, like when washing the window. Change your hands: the left, then the right, try to wash the glass with two hands at once, then above, then below.

From such associative movements may consist of all dance. For example, imagine that you send a bowling ball on the track. Simple hips on the sides and in parallel you let go of a fictional bowling ball, first with one hand, because the other.


Eight movements can be attributed to light movements. The principle of movement is very simple. You need to move along the trajectory of infinity sign. Separately, you can perform the "eight" thighs, separately by the knees, separately, shoulders or at once with all hull. Try to perform this technique, with a different amplitude to understand what kind of "eight" looks best in your performance.

Dance moves

Source position for all options (if not stipulated additionally):
feet in the main rack, hands in any position.

"Swing small" - Children stand, holding hands and slightly shaking them from side to side.

"Swing big" - The same, only strongly shake hands from side to side.

"Spring" - standing still, easy, often, continuously squat. The knees at the same time are slightly bred to the sides. Spin - straight. This movement can be performed from the 6th position of the legs (on the "narrow track"). In this case, the knees of the legs are not bred.

Podop. - Standing on his left leg, rhythmically pouring the right, a slight spring with both.

"Three tribe" (The initial position "Narrow track") - in place a step with right foot, then left and again right, slightly pouring. Repeated from the left leg. Movement is performed rhythmically. The priest is alternately two legs - the technique is the same, only on "once, and" - the tribe of the right (left) foot, and on "two, and" - left (right) foot. Patch in combination with a "point" - the heel, toe of a neopular leg next to the reference or at a distance of a small step in front.

Squat - The technique is the same, only on "times" - squatting, on "two" - return to its original position. The amplitude depends on the age of children. Full squating is performed only in the preparatory group. At the same time, the heels of the legs are broken from the floor, and the knees are bred to the sides, the back is straight, strong.

Semi-graduate - Performed in combination with a "point" - a heel or toe of the right (left) leg at a distance of a small step forward. Semitment with a rotation of the body - to make semi-man, turning the housing to the right (left) by 90 °. Deploying the housing straight, take the starting position.


1st Option: The right leg is put back on the sock, then endured forward on the heel and on the spot - three trim.

2nd option: the right (left) leg bent in the knee and put to the side of the sock unhaperantly (the heel up); At the same time, slightly bend knee left (right) legs. Pulling the straight right (left) leg, put it on the heel. Make a triple tribe, starting with the right (left) leg.

"Spasching" - On "Once" semi-man with cotton "Ladushka" bent in his elbows in front of the hands. On "Two" - straighten up and put the right (left) leg in the "point" ahead-right on the heel. At the same time, stretch your hands on the diagonal: right - toward-down, left - in the direction-up. On the 2nd clock the same on the other legs.

"Samovarchik" - At "Once" - semi-man and cotton "Ladushka" bent in his elbows with hands before breasts. On the "two" - straighten, stretch the left hand towards-up, right - clap on the inside of the leg of the left leg, bent in the knee and raised up at an angle of 90 °.

"Fir-tree" - Source position: Legs - "Narrow Track", Hands "Shelf", "Rock" and more .. on "Once" - Rotate the legs of the legs (taking off the floor socks) to the right at an angle of 45 °. On "Two" - the same heels. Movement can be performed both on straight legs and on the "spring". Back straight.

"Big Harmoshka" - Legs together. At "Once" - breeding socks on the parties, on "two" - breeding heels. Then return to its original position in the same order.

"Topotka" - Source position - legs together, slightly cropped, hands are compressed in the fists on the belt (taking up). It is often alternately to turn the legs on the spot.

"Lever" - Feet on the "narrow track". On "Once" - right hand bends in the elbow and hand pulls to the right shoulder, jerk. Simultaneously with the hand up, flexing in the knee, the first leg rises. On "and" - at the starting position. All on the Spring. Turn around yourself (circling) - standing face to viewers to start moving to the right. Easy on the socks turn in place around itself and stop at the initial position.

"Hairbrush" - Children stand in a checkerboard. At a distance from each other, face in one direction. 1st Option: First, the second Sherge goes forward through the first, stopping a little ahead. Then the first (being behind) goes forward through the second, stopping a little ahead, etc. 2nd Option: The first Sherga goes back, while the second is moving forward. Passing through each other - the ranks are changing in places. "Play with a handkerchief" - holding a handkerchief (folded diagonally) for two angle in front of them at the level of the chest, lift alternately, then the other corner is a handkerchief.

Dance movements for boys 6-7 years old:

"Kozlik" - The initial position is the right leg stands before the left, the hands are crossed in front of the breast. This movement is performed on the jump. Jumping on his left leg, heavily pouring right. At the expense of "Once" - hands on the arc open on the side - up (the cams are slightly compressed and raised up), at the expense of "two" - returned to its original position.

"Merry legs" - The position of the focus-sowing from behind. Feet often, sharply "thrown out" alternately. Returning to its original position, the foot relies with a toe about the floor.

"Goose step" - Source position - in the half-period, legs on the "narrow track". Widely walking in the half-spring on the "spring". Hands, bent in the elbows, wave ahead-back. Follow posture. The duration of the movement is not 8 cycles.

The easiest way to relax after labor everyday life, remove the tension and distract from problems - dancing. However, many avoid it, because they do not know how to dance. But do not be afraid, because to learn this is very simple even at home. The main thing in the club dancing feel rhythm and beautifully move under it. To begin with, practice at home, and when you are confident in yourself, boldly go to the dance floor.

We present you a learning video lesson on club dance for girls. It is suitable for all regardless of the level of physical preparation and age. The main thing here is the desire to learn to dance.
This lesson will help you independently master the basic movements of club dance. The choreographer will show the simplest dance elements. You
Learn beautifully and gracefully move under the club music. Restrained a little, you can
Feel freely on any dance floor and you will feel free to improvise to the music in the club.

So drop all doubts and solve. Learn to club dancing for girls at home. The main thing, relax and be yourself. Turn on a video lesson, music and dance in your pleasure. You will definitely get the charge of energy and
Positive emotions. Successes!

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