Reading fiction senior group filing cabinet target. Video: song for the introduction to the lesson

Reading fiction senior group filing cabinet target.  Video: song for the introduction to the lesson
Reading fiction senior group filing cabinet target. Video: song for the introduction to the lesson

This planning was developed for children of the preparatory group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for the "Rainbow" program

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"Long-term planning for reading fiction in the preparatory group"

MKDOU "Zolotukhinsky kindergarten of combined type, second category"

Reading planning ahead fiction v preparatory group.


Zolotareva N.V.




Dal V.I. Old man year

S.P. Aksakov The Scarlet Flower

3. Natural science literature. Smart books.

Prishvin M. "Forest floors"

N.A. Nekrasov Before the rain


Silly Ivan


Topelius S. Three Spikelets of Rye (Translated from Swedish by A. Lyubarskaya)

Ershok P.P. The Little Humpbacked Horse

Sladkov N. Healing herbs

Barto A.L. I thought adults weren't lying.

5. Folklore

When the sun comes up


Skrebitsky G.A. Everybody in every way

Dragunskaya K.V. A cure for obedience

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Paustovsky K. Cat - a thief

Black S. Before bed

5. Folklore

Knocked down, knocked off a wheel


Aimé M. Paints (Translated from French by I. Kuznetsova)

Pushkin A.S. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Charushin E. In our yard

Voloshin M.A. In autumn

5. Folklore

Fedul, that pouted his lips?



Anderson G. The Ugly Duckling

Remizov A.M. Swan geese

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Onegov A. On a forest clearing

Vladimirov Yu.D. Orchestra

5. Folklore

Did you eat the pie?


How a dog found its owner Bashkir tale)

"Boy with a finger", from the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault, trans. with fran. B. Dekhtereva.

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Bianchi V. Who lives where?

Moshkovskaya E.E. We ran to the evening

5. Folklore

Where jelly, there he sat down


Sokolov-Mikitov I.S. Salt of the earth

N. Nosov. Bobik visiting Barbos

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Voronin S. Trusishka

Moshkovskaya E.E. What are the gifts

5. Folklore

You guys listen


Perrault C. Puss in Boots (Translated from French by T. Gabbe)

K. D. Ushinsky. Blind horse

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Paustovsky K. Disheveled Sparrow

Tokmakova I.P., I'm sad

5. Folklore

Rich Ermoshka



RNS "Princess - Frog"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Shim "Very harmful nettle"

E. Trutneva "Autumn".

5. Folklore

"Knocked down, knocked together - here's a wheel ..."


D. Mamin - Siberian "Gray Neck"

N.Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

J. Taits "Obedient Rain"

"The sky was breathing in autumn ..." A.S. Pushkin

5. Folklore

"Where is the jelly, then he sat down ..."


RNS "Nikita Kozhemyaka"

"Great Travelers" M. Zoshchenko

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

L. Tolstoy "Oak and hazel"

“Better not native land"P. Voronko

5. Folklore

"Brothers, brothers! .."


"Flower-seven-flower" A. Kataev

A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

A.K. Tolstoy “Autumn! Our poor garden is sprinkled "

"Winter! The peasant, triumphant ... "A.S. Pushkin

5. Folklore

"Chigariki-chok-chigarok ..."



"Seven Simeons - seven workers", arr. I. Karnaukhova

A. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

V. Bianchi "Bathing Bears"

I. Bunin "First Snow"

5. Folklore

"The fox went rye ..."


"Sonko-Filipko", retelling by E. Polenova

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Charushin "Little Wolf" (Volchishko).

E. Mikhailova "What is New Year»

5. Folklore

"Pussy, pussy, pussy, scatter."


"Wonderful apple", arr. L. Eliseeva

K. Chukovsky "Barmaley"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

G. Snegirev "Deer Trail"

E. Uspensky "If I were a girl"

5. Folklore

"Bayu-bye, byu-bye."


"The Wolf and the Fox", arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

N. Sladkov "How the Bear Scared Himself"

D. Kharms "Ivan Toropyshkin"

5. Folklore

"Winter has come"



Korney Chukovsky "Aibolit"

N. Nosov "Screw, Shpuntik and Vacuum Cleaner"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

R.N.s. "Zayushkina hut"

I. Tokmakova "I'm sad"

5. Folklore

"Like our cat."


Fly-Tsokotukha Roots Chukovsky

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

A.K. Tolstoy "The Squirrel and the Wolf"

E. Moshkovskaya Sly old women "

5. Folklore

“Come on, the cat is under the bridge. , ".



Brothers Grimm "Sweet porridge"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

V.M. Garshin "The Frog the Traveler"

B. Zakhoder "Cooks"

5. Folklore

"Shrovetide, Shrovetide"


RNS Sivka-Burka

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

I.S. Nikitin "Meeting Winter"

L. Fadeeva. "Mirror in the shop window"

5. Folklore

"Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word…"


RNS "Magic pipe"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

I. Sokolov - Mikitov "Glukhari", "Tetereva"

N. Rubtsov. "About the hare"

5. Folklore

"Humpty Dumpty", English, arr. S. Marshak


V.Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

A.A. Block "Snow and snow all around"

N. Matveeva. "Confusion"

5. Folklore

"Fingers", it., Per. L. Yakhnina



The Brothers Grimm "Mistress Blizzard"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

B. Zhitkov "About the Elephant"

S. Yesenin "Birch"

5. Folklore

"Fish", "Ducklings", French, arr. N. Gernet and S. Gippius


Brothers Grimm "Golden Goose"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

L.N. Tolstoy "Shark"

S. Marshak "The young month is melting"

5. Folklore

Songs. "Like thin ice."


RNS Shepherd's pipe

E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, dog and cat"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Trutneva "Bell"

A. Pleshcheev "Spring"

5. Folklore

"I am already amusing the pegs."


P.P.Bazhov "Fragile twig"

I, Ekholm "Ludwig the Fourteenth, Tutta Karlson is the first and only"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

M. Poznananskaya "Dandelion"

I. Tokmakova "Ship"

5. Folklore




RNS "Khavroshechka"

V. Kataev "The pipe and the jug"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

N. Sladkov "Flower Lover"

N. Zabolotsky. "On the river"

5. Folklore

"Oh, you little bird, you are a stray."


RNS "Tale of rejuvenating apples and living water"

B. Zhitkov "How I Caught Little Men"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Serova "Lily of the Valley", "Carnation", "Forget-me-nots"

A. Vvedensky. "Song of the Rain"

5. Folklore



RNS "On pike command»

G. H. Andersen "The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

E. Blaginina "Dandelion", "Bird cherry"

A. Fet. "The willow is all fluffy" (excerpt

5. Folklore

"You knock on the oak, a blue siskin flies."


Charles Perrault "Cinderella"

G. H. Andersen "The new outfit of the king"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

L. N. Tolstoy "The Old Man and the Apple Trees", "The Stone"

F. Tyutchev. "Spring waters"

5. Folklore

"Rain, rain, more fun."


The tale of the glorious and mighty hero Eruslana Lazarevich

A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

V. Kataev "Mushrooms"

A. Pushkin "For the spring, the beauty of nature ..." (from the poem "Gypsies")

5. Folklore



Maxim Gorky About Ivanushka the Fool

A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

Leo Tolstoy "Bird"

M. Lermontov. "In the wild north"

5. Folklore

"The House That Jack Built", "The Old Woman", English, trans. S. Marshak


G. H. Andersen "Wild Swans"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Ashamed in front of the nightingale"

D. Harms. "Cheerful old man"

5. Folklore

"About the little mouse who was a cat, a dog and a tiger", ind., Trans. N. Hodzy


RNS "Magic Ring"

D. Mamin - Sibiryak "Parable about milk, oatmeal and gray cat Murka"

3. Natural history literature. Smart books.

    V. Oseeva "Ezhinka"

P. Solovyov. "Day and night"

5. Folklore

"Ting-ting-ka! .."

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Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Combined kindergarten number 9


Tarasova Svetlana Yurievna

First qualification category

2017-2018 year

Educational area « Speech development"(Reading fiction)

Advanced planning in the preparatory group.

To acquaint with the work of the writer D. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Education of a reader capable of experiencing a sense of compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the work.

Clarify ideas about genre features, the purpose of riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs.

To learn to understand the generalized meaning of proverbs and sayings, to be able to compose small stories based on them, correlating the content with the title of the text.


9. K. Paustovsky "Warm bread"

10.D . Mamin-Sibiryak "Medvedko"

11. Fairytale Zalten "Bambi". Fragment from the beginning of the tale to the words

"- Bambi, - she said, - my little Bambi!"

12. Epic "Sadko"

Software content

Learn to comprehend the content of the story, evaluate the actions of the heroes, promote the development of coherent speech

Help remember the title and content of familiar works of the writer. Learn to determine which genre each work belongs to. Develop interest and love for the book

Continue to develop an interest in fiction; to replenish the literary baggage with fairy tales; to educate a reader capable of experiencing compassion and empathy for the characters in the book.

To clarify the concept of the genre features of the tale, to help understand the motives of the heroes' actions.


13. A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

14. Memorizing the poem by I. Surikov "Winter"

15. Forging "Stozhok"

16. Fairy tale by folk stories"Snow Maiden"

To deepen and expand children's knowledge about the work of A.S. Pushkin. To cultivate the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale.

Help to feel the beauty of the described nature in a poem, to learn it by heart. Consolidate knowledge about the differences between poetic and prose genres. Learn to listen carefully, express your attitude to the content

To acquaint with a new literary work. To learn to determine the character of the characters, to convey individual episodes in faces when retelling. Help to understand the motives of the heroes' actions

Learn to understand: - the figurative content of the tale; - the characters of the heroes; - evaluate the actions of the heroes and motivate their assessment. To foster love for Russian folk art


17. S. Topelius "Three spikelets of rye" (Lithuanian fairy tale)

18. Reading In Dragoon "The Secret Becomes Revealed"

19. Marshak "The young month is melting ..." (learning)

20. Russian folk tale "Seven Simeons - seven robbers"

Teach: - to distinguish the genre features of the tale; - to comprehend the content of what you read; - to coherently transmit the content read by means of the game. To form an evaluative attitude towards the heroes of the fairy tale

Teach children to understand correctly moral sense depicted, motivated to evaluate the actions of the hero of the story; to deepen the understanding of children about the correspondence of the title of the text to its content.

Continue to acquaint with the work of S. Marshak. Help remember the content of a previously read work. To consolidate the knowledge of the poem and the ability to read it expressively. Introduce a new poem.

Continue to acquaint with Russian folk tales, their genre features. Repeat the elements of the composition of the tale (beginning, ending). Learn to comprehend the characters of the fairy tale characters, compose descriptive story... Develop the ability to retell a fairy tale according to plan. Form the imagery of speech, understanding of figurative expressions


21. The story of M.Zoshchenko "The Great Travelers"

22. S. Yesenin "Birch"

23. Great storyteller H.-K. Andersen ugly duck"(Reading)

24. Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful"

Continue to develop an interest in fiction; to replenish the literary baggage with fairy tales; educate the reader, develop a sense of humor in children, continue to introduce artists to illustrations.

Teach: - to feel the rhythm of the poem; - to see the beauty of nature expressed by the poet in the poem

Help remember the familiar fairy tales of H.-K. Andersen, to introduce a new tale... Exercise in retelling simple short works with the help of an educator, using various theaters. Develop intonational expressiveness of speech

Continue acquaintance with the Russian folk tale. Learn to comprehend the characters' characters. Form the imagery of speech, understanding of figurative expressions. Develop Creative skills


25. The tale of H.-K. Andersen "Thumbelina"

26. Epic "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber"

27. V. Dahl "The old man-year-old"

28. Reading the tale of Ch. Perrault "Puss in Boots"

Continue to teach to distinguish the genre features of the tale; to form an evaluative attitude towards heroes; teach to comprehend the content of what you read; improve the ability to communicate content coherently by means of the game.

Continue to introduce genre features literary works... Teach: - to understand the main idea of ​​the epic; - stick to the chosen one storyline in creative storytelling; - use the means of communication between the parts of the sentence of the story

Continue to teach to understand the genre features of the tale. Teach: - to highlight the main idea of ​​a fairy tale, its moral; - use figurative expressions, folk proverbs to formulate the idea of ​​a fairy tale

To learn to distinguish the genre features of fairy tales, to comprehend the content of what has been read, to form an evaluative attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale


29. E. Nosov "Like a crow on the roof got lost"

30. Learning by Ya. Akim "April"

31. Reading V. Bianchi "Forest houses"

32. Tale of the Brothers Grimm "Pot of Porridge"

Continue teaching to distinguish between genre features of prose. Form an evaluative attitude towards heroes. Teach: - to comprehend the content of what you read; - coherently transmit content by means of the game

Develop poetic ear, the ability to hear and highlight in the text expressive means... Learn to feel the rhythm of a poem, read it by heart.

Continue to acquaint with the work of V. Bianchi; work on the development of knowledge about the genre features of the tale and story. Learn to understand the main idea literary tale, communicate its content coherently.

Learn to perceive the figurative content, its moral meaning. Consolidate knowledge about genre, compositional, language peculiarities fairy tales. Bring to understanding the idea of ​​the work. Develop accuracy, expressiveness, clarity of presentation of thought


33. Alekseev "First night battering ram"

34. Memorizing P. Solovyov "Snowdrop"

35. Reading and discussion of the fairy tale by A. Lindgren "The princess who did not want to play with dolls."

36. Time for riddles, tongue twisters and rhymes

Learn to emotionally perceive the content of the story. To consolidate knowledge about the features of the story, its composition, differences from other literary genres. Develop the ability to perceive the moral meaning of the story, motivated to evaluate the behavior of the characters

To develop poetic ear, the ability to hear and highlight expressive means in a poem.

Continue to develop an interest in fiction; to replenish the literary baggage with fairy tales; to educate a reader capable of experiencing compassion and empathy for the heroes of the book;

Repeat famous works small forms of folklore. Introduce new works


O.S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish "Introducing Literature to Preschoolers". M. 1999

Approximate general education program preschool education/ ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - 3rd ed. - M.: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2014

Works of poets and writers of Russia


  • V. Berestov "Dragon";
  • A. Block "The Wind Brought From Far Away" (squeezed), "On the Meadow";
  • A. Vvedensky "Song of the Rain";
  • Yu.Vladimirov "Orchestra";
  • M. Voloshin "Autumn";
  • S. Gorodetsky "Spring Song", "First Snow",;
  • S. Yesenin "Porosha";
  • V. Zhukovsky "Lark" (abridged);
  • N. Zabolotsky "On the River";
  • M. Lermontov "In the Wild North", "Mountain Peaks";
  • N. Matveeva "Confusion";
  • E. Moshkovskaya "What are the gifts", "Sly old women", "Resentment"
  • N. Nekrasov "Before the Rain" (abridged);
  • A. Pushkin "For the spring, the beauty of nature ..." (excerpt from the poem "Gypsies"), "Bird", "Winter! A peasant triumphant ... "(excerpt from)
  • A. Remizov "Kalechina-Malechina", "The Fox has a Ball";
  • N. Rubtsov "About the Hare";
  • G. Sapgir "Rhymes, tongue twisters";
  • P. Solovyova "Night is day";
  • I. Tokmakova "I'm sad ...";
  • F. Tyutchev "Spring Waters";
  • E. Uspensky "Memory", "A Terrible Story";
  • L. Fadeeva "Mirror in a Showcase";
  • A. Fet "What an evening ..." (in abbreviated form), "The willow is all fluffy" (excerpt);
  • D. Kharms "The Merry Old Man", "Ivan Toropyshkin";
  • C. Black "The Wizard", "Bedtime"


  • S. Alekseev "The First Night Ram";
  • E. Vorobyov “A piece of wire;
  • M. Zoshchenko "Great Travelers";
  • Yu. Koval “Shot”, “Rusachok-herbalist”, “Stozhok”;
  • K. Korovin "Squirrel" (abbreviated);
  • A. Kuprin "Elephant";
  • D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Medvedko";
  • E. Nosov "Like a crow on the roof got lost", "Thirty grains";
  • M. Prishvin "Chicken on Pillars";
  • A. Raskin "How dad threw the ball under the car", "How dad tamed the dog";
  • S. Romanovsky "At the Dances";
  • N. Teleshov "Ear" (abbreviated)

Literaryfairy tales.

  • V. Dahl "The Old Man-Years Old Man";
  • V. Dragunsky "Deniskin stories"
  • K. Dragunskaya "Medicine for obedience";
  • P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse";
  • K.Lagunov "Romka, Fomka and Artos"
  • N.Nosov "Bobik visiting Barbos";
  • K. Paustovsky "Warm Bread";
  • A. Pushkin "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes ";
  • A. Remizov "Geese-Swans", "Bread Voice";
  • G. Skrebitsky "Everybody in his own way";
  • I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Salt of the Earth";
  • A. Usachev "About the smart dog Sonya" (chapters);
  • A. Usachev "School of Snowmen"
  • K. Ushinsky "Blind Horse"

Works of poets and writers from different countries


  • B. Brecht "Winter conversation through the window", translated from German by K. Oreshin;
  • M. Valek "Wise Men", translation from Slovak. R. Sefa;
  • L. Stanchev "Autumn scale", translated from bulg. I. Tokmakova;
  • E. Lear. Limerick ("Once upon a time there was an old man from Hong Kong ...";
  • "Once upon a time there was an old man from Winchester ...", "There lived an old woman on a mountain ..."; "One old man with a scythe ..."), translated from English. G. Kruzhkova.

Literary tales.

  • H. K. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", trans. with Danish A Hansen; F. Zalten "Bambi" (chapters), translated from German by Y. Nagibin;
  • A. Lindgren "The Princess Who Didn't Want to Play with Dolls", translated from Swedish by E. Solovieva;
  • M. Matsutani "The Adventures of the Tarot in the Country of Mountains" (chapters), translated from Japanese by G. Ronskaya;
  • B. Potter "The Tale of Jemima Nyrnivluzhu", translated from English. I. Tokmakova;
  • S. Topelius "Three ears of rye", translated from Swedish by A. Lyubarskaya;
  • G. Fallada "Stories from Bedokuria" (chapter "Story about the day when everything went topsy-turvy"), translated from German by L. Tsivyan;
  • M. Aimé "Paints", translated from French by I. Kuznetsova.

To memorize

  • Ya. Akim "April";
  • P. Voronko “There is no homeland better”, translated from Ukrainian by S. Marshak;
  • E. Blaginina "Overcoat";
  • N. Gernet and D. Harms "Very, very tasty pie";
  • S. Yesenin "Birch";
  • S. Marshak “The young month is melting ...”;
  • E. Moshkovskaya "We ran to the evening";
  • V. Orlov "You fly to us, little bird ...";
  • A. Pushkin "The sky was breathing in autumn ..." (excerpt from "Eugene Onegin");
  • N. Rubtsov "About the Hare";
  • I. Surikov "Winter";
  • P. Solovyova "Snowdrop";
  • F. Tyutchev "Winter is angry for a reason"

For reading in faces

  • K. Aksakov "Lizochek";
  • L. Levin "The Chest";
  • S. Marshak "Cat's House" (excerpts);
  • D. Samoilov “Elephant's birthday” (excerpts);
  • A. Freudenberg "The Giant and the Mouse", translated from German by J. Korinets

Fiction is an invaluable source of wisdom, a powerful tool for the development of speech, as well as the intellectual, aesthetic and spiritual enrichment of the child's personality. Art word nourishes the baby's emotions, stimulates the imagination, develops a figurative perception of the world, fosters speech culture. Reading stories and fairy tales awakens a sincere interest in the feelings and experiences of the main characters, teaches you to understand the motives of their actions, to perceive the plot plot. The joint efforts of parents and teachers will help open the kids of the older group Magic world literary adventures and fairy-tale wonders.

Organization of classes on reading fiction in the senior group of kindergarten

Older preschoolers by virtue of the accumulated life experience are able to perceive the figurative speech of the author more subtly, to more deeply understand the meaning of the work, to analyze the characters of the main characters. All this awakens a genuine interest in books, a desire to learn new literary plots.

Give a person a taste for reading and give him the opportunity to read, and you will inevitably make him happy ...

John Herschel

Older preschoolers develop a genuine interest in books, a desire to learn new literary plots

Goals and objectives of the lessons

Objectives of Reading Lessons senior group:

  • the formation of a child's genuine interest in books and an internal need for reading fiction;
  • education of a competent and sensitive reader.

Educational tasks:

  • expand horizons, form a holistic picture of the world;
  • to learn to listen to poems, stories, fairy tales, to perceive emotionally, and also to understand the content of the work;
  • teach to analyze the reasons for the actions of the main characters, see hidden contexts, encourage people to talk about their understanding of the characters' characters;
  • develop skills expressive reading poems, help to participate in role-playing theatrical games and dramatizations;
  • prepare for a comprehensive literary education, organize initial acquaintance with an illustrated book, folk art, to acquaint with information about genres of works, writers and poets.

Developmental tasks:

  • aesthetic and moral development the personality of the child;
  • formation and development of competent literary speech.

Educational tasks:

  • foster the ability to emotional perception works of literature;
  • contribute to the formation of literary and artistic taste.

Children learn to listen to poems, stories, fairy tales, emotionally perceive, and also understand the content of the work

Pedagogical techniques for working with works of art

When teaching reading, visual, verbal and play techniques are used. Among the visual ones, the most popular are:

  • acquaintance with the author of the work (demonstration of the portrait of the writer);
  • examination and comparative description of book illustrations;
  • demonstration and discussion thematic presentations, slide shows, videos dedicated to this or that work (it is advisable to use this technique after reading the book);
  • children's drawing as a way of conveying impressions from a heard fairy tale or story.

Verbal techniques are varied and are designed to work with the entire text, as well as its parts, and even single words. This includes:

  • expressive reading from a book or by heart, focused on consolidating the ability to listen, hear, perceive the content of the work;
  • storytelling with elements of free improvisation (replacing words, rearranging them);
  • a conversation that is built around questions that allow you to determine the genre, plot, main idea works, means of artistic expression;
  • selective reading of key fragments of the text of the book, which enhances the emotionality of perception and activates the attention of children;
  • explanation of the meaning of unfamiliar words:
    • replacing a synonym in the process of reading, for example, "crown - crown", "crafty - cunning"; acquaintance with new words during the demonstration of pictures;
    • discussion of unknown phrases and phrases during the introductory conversation.
  • creative tasks for coming up with a plot, continuation of the story, selection of rhyme, comparative descriptions, epithets.

All kinds of games and staging are used as play techniques (provided that children have excellent knowledge of the text of the work):

  • costume performance with the participation of children;
  • theatrical performances and games (tabletop, puppet);
  • didactic literary games and quizzes.

In the classroom for reading fiction, the method of theatrical play is actively used

Quiz "Learn a fairy tale" using a multimedia presentation (a picture appears on the screen if the children answered the questions correctly and named the fairy tale).

  • In this tale, the grandfather raised the crop, but he could not pull it out of the ground. He pulled, pulled, but did not pull. A grandmother, a granddaughter, a bug, a cat came to his aid. Who did I forget to name? What did they get out? Did you recognize this tale?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Turnip"

  • In the next fairy tale, an old man lived with an old woman, and also forest animals (bunny, fox, wolf) who meet our main character. The fox ate it. Whom did the fox eat? How did he end up in the woods? Which of the animals did I forget to name?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Kolobok"

  • The heroes of the fairy tale found a cozy house in the forest and settled in it, but for some the house turned out to be too small. He decided to live on the roof, perched on the house and destroyed it. Who was that? Name everyone who lived in the house. What is the name of the tale?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Teremok"

  • Someone with cunning and deceit took the bunny's house. A bear, a wolf, a dog wanted to chase away the intruder, but could not. Who could? Who helped the bunny and freed the hut? What is the name of the tale?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"

  • The kids were left alone in the house. They disobeyed my mother's order not to open the door to anyone. How many kids were there? Who managed to deceive them and how?

    Slide to the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

  • And in this fairy tale mother and father left on business, left daughter and son at home alone. The older sister was assigned to look after the little brother. The girl played with her friends, forgot the request of the father and mother, and the evil birds took her brother to Baba Yaga. What kind of birds stole the boy? What trials did the girl go through in search of her brother? Who helped her?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

  • Grandfather and Baba fashioned a snow girl. What happened to her next? What is the name of the main character?

    Slide to the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

Forms of work used in teaching reading

To instill in preschoolers a strong interest in reading, the following forms of work should be introduced into constant practice:

  • daily reading of works of various genres;
  • independent acquaintance of children with a book in a specially equipped literary corner;
  • organized scheduled sessions;
  • easy communication between the teacher and children based on fiction during games, walks, other activities;
  • fruitful cooperation with parents, popularization of home reading:
    • consulting work on the optimal choice of literature for reading, taking into account the age characteristics of children;
    • participation of parents in the design of book exhibitions, quizzes, literary holidays;
    • design of information stands and travel books;
    • holding open classes for parents.

A fiction corner is usually present in all kindergarten groups. The main goal is to increase interest in the book, create a special cozy, secluded place where kids can calmly and intently communicate with the book, flip through its pages with pleasure, carefully examine the illustrations, recall exciting episodes, and “live” their story together with their favorite characters.

The main purpose of the book corner is to increase interest in the book, to create an especially cozy, secluded place where kids can calmly and intently communicate with the book.

Rules for the design of the corner of the book:

  • Located away from the noisy and dynamic play area, creating conditions for a thoughtful leisurely pastime.
  • There is correct daylight (near the window) and evening (local electric).
  • Decorated with shelves or tables.
  • Books are selected according to age characteristics children.

The range of interests of older preschoolers is expanding, so a book exhibition can include ten to twelve books, providing an opportunity for each child to individually select the book of interest to him. It is imperative to familiarize children with the rules:

  • take books with clean hands;
  • leaf through carefully;
  • do not tear, do not wrinkle;
  • do not use for games;
  • after looking, always put the book back.

Thematic book exhibition

Book exhibitions are usually devoted to questions that provoke cognitive interest at children, as well as anniversaries of writers or holidays. The topic should be significant, lasting no more than a week, since the interest and attention of children in the future to the books shown will decrease.

Thematic book exhibitions usually devoted to questions of interest to the guys

Ideas for a motivating start to class

Awakening children's cognitive interest in literary works is the primary task of the educator. A thoughtful approach to the organization of the lesson, comprehensive preliminary preparation will create an informal, lively environment, increase the efficiency and emotional return of children.

To activate the attention of his pupils, the teacher can use questions, poems, riddles, a multimedia presentation in his work.

To activate the attention of his pupils, the teacher can use a fascinating conversation, poems, riddles, didactic games, elements of a costume performance, demonstration of illustrations, listening to an excerpt piece of music watching multimedia presentations, videos or cartoons.

  • An interesting start is the appearance fairytale hero that will involve children in the game or invite them on a fantastic journey. For example, a group includes Buratino and shares his problem with the children: “I was invited to visit the fairy forest by a bear from the fairy tale“ Masha and the Bear ”. I really love tea with cakes, but I'm afraid to travel myself through the mysterious forest. Guys, I ask you to help me find my way to the bear's house. "
  • With children of the older group, you can conduct short introductory conversations on familiar works (6-8 questions). For example, the following conversation would be appropriate to the topic "Russian folk tales":
    • What fairy tales do you know?
    • Who invented these tales?
    • What animals are the heroes of fairy tales?
    • In what fairy tales is the bear found? ("Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears", "Teremok")
    • The heroes of which fairy tales were the bunny, the fox, the wolf?
  • Children will also be captivated by a story that introduces the personality of the author of their favorite work. For example, about P. P. Bazhov, the creator of the fairy tale "Silver Hoof", you can tell as follows:
    Guys, today I will introduce you to an author who loved folk tales so much that he called his invented stories fairy tales. What is a fairy tale? This is an ancient legendary legend, which was passed down by word of mouth from grandfathers-great-grandfathers to grandchildren-great-grandchildren. In a fairy tale real life and magic miraculously intertwined, next to earthly heroes act supernatural powers who can be good helpers, or can appear as evil forces... These are the tales that Pavel Petrovich Bazhov invented.
    P.P.Bazhov was born in the family of a mining breeder about one hundred and forty years ago. That plant was located in the distant Urals, near the city of Yekaterinburg. The boy studied at the theological seminary, where he met a wonderful teacher of literature, who taught his students to understand, appreciate and love fiction. Bazhov was happy to learn poems from memory, already at the age of nine he could recite entire collections of poems by his favorite poets by heart.
    Growing up, Bazhov followed in the footsteps of his teacher and began to teach children Russian, during Civil War fought in the Red Army, and then became a journalist. From a young age, Bazhov was fond of folk tales, carefully collected works of folklore. All his works, collected in the book "Malachite Box", "breathe" with folk legends.
  • A didactic game as a motivating technique will be appropriate if it is not too voluminous and will be carried out at a fast pace, otherwise it needs to be moved to the main part of the lesson.
    Didactic game "Remember the story" (based on the works of NN Nosov). The teacher offers to consider pictures with painted objects: cucumbers in the garden, a shovel, a telephone, a pot of porridge, a hat, pants with a patch. The children need to remember the name of the corresponding stories of the beloved children's author("Cucumbers", "Gardeners", "Telephone", "Mishkina's porridge", "Zhivaya hat", "Patch").

Photo gallery: didactic game based on the works of N.N. Nosov

The task of establishing the correct sequence of events Correct sequence Questions on the knowledge of the text Choose the appropriate sequence It is necessary to correctly connect words and pictures

Table: card index of riddles on a fairy-tale theme

The red girl is sad
She doesn't like spring.
It's hard for her in the sun
The poor thing is pouring tears. (Snow Maiden)

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp, someone caught her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin.
Have you become cute, beautiful, handsome? (Princess Frog)

Her grandfather planted her in a field
The whole summer grew.
The whole family pulled her
It was very large. (Turnip)

All the riddles were guessed and the heroes were named.
You represent friends
Koschey was visiting yesterday
What has done, just - Ah!
All the pictures are mixed up
He confused all my tales
Puzzles you must collect
Name the Russian fairy tale!
(Children from puzzles collect a picture of a fairy tale and call it.
Fairy tales: Masha and the Bear, Ivan Tsarevich and Grey Wolf,
Three bears, Porridge from an ax, Morozko,
By the pike's command).

Oh you, Petya, simplicity,
Blundered a little,
I did not obey the cat,
Looked out the window. (Cat, rooster and fox)

There is no river or pond
Where to drink water?
Delicious water
In the fossa of the hoof.
(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Near the forest, at the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three cots, three pillows.
Guess without a clue,
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

In heaven and on earth
a woman rides on a broom,
Scary, angry,
who is she? (Baba Yaga)

He is kinder to everyone in the world
He heals sick animals.
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled it out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous
Good doctor ... (Aibolit)

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Mixed with sour cream.
The window is chilly.
Round side, ruddy side.
Rolled ... (Kolobok)

Father had a strange boy
Unusual - wooden.
But daddy loved his son
Fidget (Pinocchio).

Hurry up the evening
And the long-awaited hour has come
So that in my gilded carriage
Go to the fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will recognize
Where am I from, what am I called,
But as soon as midnight comes
I will return to my attic. (Cinderella)

Walking briskly along the path,
Buckets themselves drag the water. ("By the Pike's Command")

The nose is round, with a patch,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail,
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
Brothers are similar.
Guess without a clue,
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three pigs)

We are planning classes on reading fiction in the senior group of kindergarten

The duration of the lesson is increased compared to middle group for five minutes and is now 25 minutes.

Classes are traditionally held once a week, but do not be limited by narrow time frames forward planning learning activities... Daily free reading, playful literary situations and conversations while walking or spontaneous creative games out organized classes will help to introduce children to the world of fiction.

Time plan and types of activities

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational part - motivating start of the lesson, introductory conversation (3-5 minutes).
  2. The main one is reading the work (15–20 minutes).
  3. Final - the final analytical conversation between the teacher and the children. Children are taught to articulate their point of view and independently talk about their perception of the content of the work, to assess the characters and actions of the main characters (3-5 minutes).

Types of occupation:

  • Targeted reading of one work.
  • Comprehensive reading of several already familiar and new works of different genres, united by one theme (New Year, the arrival of spring, forest animals, etc.).
  • Combining works that represent different types arts:
    • acquaintance with the book in combination with viewing illustrations, slides, films, cartoons;
    • fiction and background sounding of a musical work;
    • reading using theatrical improvisation (dolls, toys, cardboard figures).
  • Reading as a structural part of a speech development lesson.

Methodology for conducting classes

The selection of a work is carried out in accordance with the following criteria:

  • age and psychological and perception characteristics;
  • simplicity and accessibility of style and compositional solution, the degree of fascination of the plot;
  • value in terms of artistic excellence and educational effect;
  • compliance with program requirements and pedagogical objectives.

The reading may be preceded by a short introductory conversation of an introductory nature, including short story about the personality of the writer, mentioning other works of this author, with which the children met earlier. Next, you need to voice the genre of the work. The interest and emotional involvement of children in the work will be enhanced by a well-chosen riddle, poem, illustration, fragment of a piece of music or an excursion to the museum held the day before.

It is important to maintain close emotional contact with the children while reading. Reading should be whole, intonational and figuratively expressive, not interrupted by questions and comments about children.

It is important to take good care of the child's immediate reaction, first impressions and experiences from the listened work, which will allow the children to fully experience the satisfaction of communicating with the book, fill their inner world new feelings and thoughts. It is more expedient to offer a serious analytical conversation when reading it again.

It is difficult for children of five to six years old to cope with monotonous monotonous work, therefore it is advisable to carry out motor, finger or respiratory gymnastics with little fidgets in time, to connect outdoor games of a literary orientation in the process of work.

Card index of topics for art reading classes in the senior group

Genre variety of literature for reading in the senior group:

  • Russian folklore as well folklore works peoples of the world ("Like a goat with a grandmother", "Swallow-swallow", "The house that Jack built", "Vesnyanka").
  • Russian and foreign folk tales ("The Frog Princess", "Goldilocks". "Teremok").
  • Poetic and prose works of domestic and foreign authors (A. Pushkin, I. Turgenev, I. Bunin, S. Yesenin, V. Dragunsky, N. Nosov, R. Kipling, A. Lindgren).
  • Literary tales (V. Bianchi, P. Bazhov, A. Volkov, V. Kataev, B. Zakhoder).

Table: card index of literary works for the senior group, indicating the objectives of the study

V. Dragunsky
"Enchanted letter"
Learn to analyze a work of art, develop the ability to understand the character of characters, enrich speech with phraseological units
Favorite poems. stories, fairy tales about autumn. Bianchi "September"
Pushkin "Already the sky breathed in autumn"
Develop oral speech, to form the ability to analyze the signs of autumn, to foster love for native nature.
respect for nature, which generously endows us with its riches.
Memorization. Tolstoy "Autumn, our poor garden is sprinkled" To develop poetic ear, to form the ability to reproduce figurative expressions, to select comparisons, epithets, to consolidate the ability to form different shapes verbs.
Reading the fairy tale by I. Teleshov "Krupenichka" Expand the reader's horizons, enrich vocabulary.
Help to understand the motives of the heroes' actions, to clarify the concepts genre features fairy tales.
Reading Dragoonsky's story
"Childhood friend"
To acquaint with the work of V. Dragunsky, to reveal the character of the main character Deniska.
Memorizing a poem
M. Isakovsky "Go over the seas oceans"
Learn to expressively recite a poem, choose epithets on your own, develop the ability to feel the melodiousness of the language
"Princess Frog"
Learn to perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale; highlight figurative expressions in the text. Consolidate knowledge of the genre features of the tale.
A. Lindgren "Carlson who lives on the roof" (chapters) Learn to understand the characters of fairy tale characters; select figurative definitions for words; feel the humorous content of the work. Develop a sense of humor.
I. Surikov "Here is my village" (memorization) Songs and nursery rhymes about nature. Learn to listen carefully, express your attitude to the content.
Consolidate knowledge of nursery rhymes and folk songs about nature.
"Bouncer hare"
Help to understand the meaning and main content of the tale. Learn to highlight artistic expressive means. Introduce fairy tale illustrations
"Living Hat"
Learn to understand the humor of the situation. Clarify the idea of ​​the features of the story, its composition, differences from other literary genres. Encourage people to come up with the continuation and ending of the story.
Reading poems about winter To acquaint children with poems about winter, to introduce them to high poetry.
S.Marshak "The young month is melting"
To recall with children the works of S. Marshak.
To help remember and expressively read the poem "The young month is melting."
P. Bazhov "Silver hoof" To acquaint children with P. Bazhov's fairy tale "Silver Hoof"
S. Georgiev "I saved Santa Claus"
To acquaint children with a new work of art, to help them understand why this is a story, and not a fairy tale.
A. Fet
"The cat is singing, his eyes screwed up ..."
Develop an understanding of figurative speech. Form an idea of ​​family relationships. Cultivate interest in your ancestry. Learn to invent stories based on your ancestry.
A. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek" (chapters, reading) Consolidate knowledge of the features prose... Learn to understand the motives of the heroes' actions; express your attitude towards them.
Reading the story by E.Vorobyov "A Patch of Wire" To acquaint children with the work about the defenders of the Motherland during the war years, To educate children in respect for war veterans.
O. Chusovitina
"Poems about Mom"
Learn to expressively read a poem. To consolidate knowledge about the difference between poetry and prose works.
Reading an excerpt from the work of K. Paustovsky "Cat-Voryuga" Develop speech, logical creative thinking cultivate kindness, responsiveness, love for animals.
Reading the work of N. Leshkevich "Traffic Light" To acquaint with the content of the poem, repeat the rules of the road.
Reading of the poem by I. Belousov "The Spring Guest" Continue to develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature

Table: card index of didactic literary games used in reading classes

"Tell the story correctly" Once upon a time there was mom and dad. And they had a son, Shurochka. Shurochka went to the forest for sweets and got lost. Shurochka came across a house. There is a huge lion in the house. He began to live with him, to cook porridge. Shurochka decided to run home, made cookies and ordered the lion to take it to mom and dad, and hid in his backpack. A lion came to the village, and there the rooster began to crow at him, the lion got scared, threw the backpack, and ran away. And Shurochka returned alive and well.
"Change the plot of the fairy tale" The children are invited to change the fairy tale about the kolobok so that the fox does not eat it.
"Book Bazaar" In front of the children is a set of five books, of which all but one are the author's literary tales. The children need to identify an extra (folk) fairy tale and explain their choice.
"Literary Lotto" Visual material: cards depicting fairy-tale and literary heroes.
Children take cards one by one and name the characteristics of the drawn character, for example, the wolf is gray, scary; kolobok - round, ruddy, tasty, etc.
"Take the words to the toy" Children stand in a circle, a soft toy sits on the floor in the center. The teacher throws the ball to the child and says: “This is Cheburashka. What is he? Name his friends. Whom did they help? Etc.". The children take turns listing the characteristics of the fairytale hero, answering questions and returning the ball to the teacher.
"Prove" Speech development work (development of reasoning skills). Educator:
- Guys, I think a bear is a bird. Do not agree? Then prove it, and you begin to formulate your thought with the words: if ... (the bear was a bird, then it would have a beak and he knew how to peck).
"Explain the meaning of words" (Tale of K. I. Chukovsky "Tsokotukha Fly") Tsokotukha - to publish unusual sounds with the syllable "tso".
A villain is one who is capable of doing evil, bad deeds.
Birthday girl - main character celebrates his name day, invites guests.
"Make up your own fairy tale" (with elements of dramatization) Children come up with their own fabulous plot on the example of Russian folk tale"The Wolf and the Seven Kids", then show their stories at a specially prepared table, on which there are a model and cut-out figures fairytale characters.
"Fabulous telegram" The teacher reads the texts of the telegrams sent by the heroes of the fairy tales, and the children guess their authors, say the name of the fairy tales:
An evil and cunning wolf ate six of my brothers. Please, help!
My bast hut was occupied by a deceiving fox. Give me back my house!
Dear Eeyore, we congratulate you on your birthday, we wish you happiness in your personal life!
I was locked in a room by the "housewife" Freken Bok. Help!
My brother was kidnapped by the terrible Baba Yaga. Help me save him!
I lost crystal slipper! Help me find!
I love it very much winter fishing, but my tail remained in the hole!
Calm, only calm! I ran out of all the jam jars and sweet tarts!
"Seven-flower flower" On the demo board model magic flower with missing petals:
The first is yellow
The second is red
Third - blue
Fourth - green
Fifth -
Sixth -
Seventh -
Educator questions:
- Why is the flower magical? What petals are missing? What desires did the petals fulfill? Why didn't the fulfillment of desires bring joy to the girl? What was the most valuable desire?
"Magic screen" The game reinforces the understanding of the difference between an author's fairy tale and a folk tale. One child shows a book, and the children name the writer or poet who wrote it.
"Find a shadow" The task is carried out individually. The child connects the image of the character with his silhouette and calls the name of the hero and his tale.
"Guess the fairy tale" Carlson is very fond of this book, he reads it so often that he read it almost to the holes, some letters have disappeared. I will read out the remaining letters, and you try to learn the tale: "Number ... lie down ..., lie down ..., vz .. and a ride .. - from the window .. to the lava .., from the lava .. to the floor, by floor ... to two .., ave .. black .. long .. - yes in sep .., from sen .. to krill .., from krill .. to dv .., from dv .. for the thief .., gave .. and gave ... "
Confused Pictures Children cope with the task in small subgroups. Pictures must be laid out in the correct logical sequence for the development of the plot of the fairy tale. For example, from a literary tale about Buratino's adventures: an alphabet book, a cat and a fox, a log, a wooden boy's doll, gold coins, a magic key.
"Good and Evil Heroes" On the table are jumbled cards depicting fairy-tale characters. Children choose a hero and explain why they have identified him as good or evil.
"Correct mistakes" "Wolf and seven kittens (kids)", "Sasha (Masha) and the bear", "Cockerel (chicken) Ryaba", "Boy with a leg (finger)", "Geese-hens (swans)", "Mishkina (Zayushkina) hut "," Princess-Turkey (frog) ".
"Vasilisa the Wise" - ball game The child who caught the ball must continue the name of the character or the name of the magic object: Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich, bunny-jumping, chanterelle-sister, top-gray barrel, running boots, self-assembled tablecloth, invisible hat, mouse -norushka, a boy with a finger, Serpent Gorynych.

Table: physical education minutes on the theme of fairy tales

(Children alternately bend their fingers. Clap their hands on the last line.)
Let's count our fingers, (vigorously clench and unclench our fingers)
We will name fairy tales.
Mitten, Teremok, (Children alternately bend their fingers)
Gingerbread man - ruddy side.
There is a Snow Maiden - a beauty,
Three bears, Wolf - Fox.
Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,
Our prophetic cow.
We know a fairy tale about the firebird,
We do not forget the turnip
We know the Wolf and the kids.
Everyone is happy with these fairy tales. (claps)
We are a nice family of kids
We love to jump and bounce (bouncing in place).
We love to run and play
We love to butt horns (they melt in pairs and index fingers
both hands show "horns")
A fairy tale walks, a fairy tale walks (walking in place)
The fairy tale finds us itself. (hug ourselves with both arms)
The fairy tale tells us to run (we imitate running in place)
Directly into a warm bed. (we fold our hands under the cheek)
A fairy tale brings us a dream, ("we swim in a dream", closing our eyes)
Let him be beautiful! (we stand up straight, arms to the sides, up).
The mouse ran quickly (running on the spot).
The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement).
Oh, dropped the testicle (bend over, "raise the testicle").
Look, I broke it (show the "testicle" on outstretched arms).

Table: a fragment of a summary of a lesson on reading the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The Bone" by Ubusheeva Nadezhda Sergeevna

GCD stage Stage content
Organizational part The introduction of the game moment.
Do you guys like to travel? Would you like to travel with me? Then, I will ask you a riddle. If you answer correctly, you will find out what we will take on the trip.
  • It floats on the waves bravely, without slowing down the speed,
    Only the car hums is important, what is it? (steamer)

So, take your seats, we are embarking on a journey across the sea. Guys, tell me, who is in command of the steamer? (captain) What should be the captain and sailors on a steamer? (strong, honest, courageous).
And now let's read the story of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy and decide whether the boy - the hero of the story - can be a captain on a ship?

Main part Reading a story.
Conversation on its content:
  • What did mom buy? (plum).
  • How did Vanya behave? (walked around the sinks and smelled them all).
  • Why were they interested in Vanya? (He never ate plums).
  • How did Vanya behave when he was left alone in the room? (Grabbed one plum and ate it).
  • Who noticed that one plum was gone? (Mother).
  • Did Vanya admit his act? (Vanya said that he did not eat plums).
  • Why was dad worried? (he said that if one of the children ate a plum, it is not good; but the trouble is that there are seeds in the plums, and if someone swallows a bone, he will die in a day).
  • What did Vanya answer? (that he threw the bone out the window).
  • Why did Vanya cry? (he felt ashamed of his act).
  • What would you do if you were Vanya? (I waited for my mother to give the plum herself, I would admit it myself).
  • There is a proverb "The secret always becomes apparent." How do you understand it? (You need to immediately admit that you have done a bad deed, because they will find out about it anyway).

Physical minute "The sea is worried"

  • Guys, we are on the high seas, I suggest we rest a little.
    The sea is worried - one! (walking in place)
    The sea is worried - two! (body bends to the left - to the right)
    The sea is worried - three (turns of the body to the left - to the right)
    Sea figure freeze! (sat down)

Vocabulary work
In the story there is such an expression: "reddened like a cancer", what does it mean?
Children: From shame, it turned red, like a boiled crayfish.
Educator: And what is a room?
Children: Bright, beautiful room.
Educator: How do you understand the word "found"?
Children: I counted.
Educator: Swallowed?
Children: Ate quickly.
Educator: Turned pale?
Children: Has become white, pale with fright.

  • Do you think the plot of the story is invented or in fact this can happen?
  • Why do you think so?
  • What genre can the story be attributed to? (fairy tale, verse, true story)
  • It was a reality, based on real events that actually happened.
  • Why did Tolstoy call the story "Stone" and not "Plum"?
  • What he wanted to teach us (be patient, honest, have willpower).

Summing up the work with children

A competently conducted final conversation on a work is no less useful than an introductory one. It allows children to consolidate and systematize the knowledge gained in the process of reading, develops memory, the ability to highlight the main thing from what they hear.

Sometimes, after reading the work, a few questions are enough, but they should be meaningful and guide children to highlight main idea... So, the final questions to the story of NN Nosov "Dreamers" can be something like this:

  • How did you like this story?
  • Who are the dreamers?
  • Why did the author give this name to his story?
  • Which of the heroes of the story would you call dreamers and why?
  • How can you tell a lie from a fictional story?
  • Why, after the story told by Igor, did the boys not want to be friends with him?
  • How did his story differ from the stories of other guys?

You can also conduct the final part in the form of a conversation-repetition, which helps to remember and consolidate ideas about the structure of the tale. For example, a conversation based on the tale of S. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower" may have such content.

A fragment of a piece of music sounds. The teacher asks questions:

  • Guys, what kind of mood does this music create? (Magic, wonderful, mysterious)
  • What fairy tale did you meet?
  • How to understand that this is a fairy tale, and not a poem or story? (The tale begins and ends with certain words, for example, "Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman ...", "And they began to live and live and make good ...")
  • What wonderful changes are happening to the characters in fairy tales? (The frog turns into beautiful princess, an overseas monster into a young prince)
  • What kind magic items help good to win? (Running boots, self-assembled tablecloth, saucer with an apple, magic mirror etc.)
  • How many daughters did the father have in the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"?
  • What was the youngest daughter like?
  • What did the daughters ask their father to bring back from a long journey?
  • How did the youngest daughter feel about the monster?
  • What made her return to her father and sisters?
  • What did the sisters do? Why? Did they want to help their little sister?
  • What do you think of the character of the monster?
  • What happened to him when the promise made to him youngest daughter has been violated?
  • How did it end?

Since reading classes are conducted not only for the sake of developing the skill of listening and memorizing the text, but mostly for educational purposes, the main attention should be paid to the moral and ethical side of the works and the formation of positive qualities and behavior patterns in children. The educator must express his own assessment of the work and the events taking place in it, his attitude to the characters and their actions, thereby giving the children moral guidelines.

A selection of videos on the topic

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of videos about reading in kindergarten.

Video: staging of the fairy tale "Kolobok in a New Way" Video can’t be loaded: Staging of the fairy tale "Kolobok on new way»MADOU kindergarten" Rosinka "(

Video: forms of work on acquaintance with fiction Video can’t be loaded: Reading fiction (

Video: game tasks in an art reading lesson

Video can’t be loaded: Literary quiz"What? Where? When?" (

Video: poetry evening at the preschool educational institution Video can’t be loaded: Pushkin readings in kindergarten (

Video: song for the introduction to the lesson

Video: lesson "Journey to the land of fairy tales" Video can’t be loaded: Lesson Traveling to the land of fairy tales. Makukha Natalya Valentinovna (

A preschooler can be called a reader conditionally, he is rather an attentive and active listener. His acquaintance with the world of the book entirely depends on the literary taste and preferences of an adult, be it a parent or educator. It is the adults around the baby who determine the circle. works of art, help to interpret complex texts, awaken interest in the perception of the book. In many ways, it will also depend on the educators whether the baby in the future will become a literate, deeply thinking and feeling connoisseur of the book, or his acquaintance with the world of literature will remain a superficial, passing episode of his life. A teacher who is keen on his work will be able to give a child a holiday of communication with a book, will open for him a rich world in which he will never feel lonely.

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