Greek muses. Description and attributes

Greek muses. Description and attributes

According to the legends of the ancient Greeks, the muse dance was called Terraticor. She had eight sisters. Summer evenings, they, holding hands, drove dance. On the Greek frescoes and vases of sisters - the muses hold hands. The dance was closely connected with music, singing, in a word, game.

Terraticor (TERYICORA) - Muz dance and choral singing. IN greek mythology The daughter of Zeus and Monsina, one of the nine muses, patroness dance (sometimes choral singing). Depicted in the form of a young woman in a dancer's pose, with a smile on his face. She had a wreath on her head, in one hand she kept Liru, and in another plectr. She is "enjoying round dances." Muza, opens the harmony between the external and inner, soul and body.
Antique dance was based on strict observance Rhythm, on a combination of a rhythmic step and appropriate movements of the hands. Dances were a mandatory educational subject in gymnasiums. It was believed that Terraticor, a companion of God harmony Apollo, teaches the soul to go well with the body. Poses and movements should be beautiful and harmonious, the dance should reflect the mood of thought and feelings.
About attitude to dance in Ancient Greece He says the fact that Terraticor was included in the deities pantheon. The Greeks understood the dance very widely, considering it and as gymnastics, a means of fluoring the body, and as a faithful art.
There is a myth according to which Terraticor is the mother of singer Lina (according to another version, his mother is uranium).
According to one of the names of the myth, Terraticor gave birth to the god of the Aheloy Siren River (Apoll. Rhod. IV 892-896; Option: Sirens - Children Melpomen).
This muse is associated with Dionysus, attributing to her the attribute of this God - ivy (what the inscription on the Helicon dedicated to Terratihore states).
Certificates have been preserved that the temple dedicated to the muses existed in the Pythagorean school. In this temple, Pythagoras gave instructions to his disciples. Terraticor, Erato and Walia headed earthly physics, science of elements, stones, plants and animals.

Terraticor and dance were not invented by the ancient Greeks for the sake of entertainment and pastime. Muse and dance is the result of a thoughtful contemplation of nature, where everything moves in the rhythm according to unwritten laws.

To understand the spirit of dance, it is enough to immerse yourself in the rustle of thick foliage. Without breaking down from the branches, the leaves dance and sing, giving birth to the symphony of green shades, charming eyes and hearing. Sit down enough to sit on the seashore, turning to him to him, and surrender to the will of the tireless rhythm, with which the waves raided by the shore. It is enough to trace the flight of the bird or the falling sheet of autumn sometimes. It is enough to take a look at the clouds in the sky, taking alternately thousands of fantastic forms. In the end, it is enough just to be able to read the open book, the pages of which life lears daily before us, but in which we appreciate - and it is not always - only the cover.

No, Terraticor did not die, because the wonderful never dies. Yes, perhaps her presence no one will notice, but everything is genuine immutable ....
Dance muse has always been, there will be among us. True, few people already know her name and the art that she patronizes, but perhaps in someone's body awakened a unclear longing, it lost its wings long ago and does not know how to fly or step. And only an eye can be raised to a fleeting vision, and the soul begs it again to become the same as before.
After all, the soul knows how to dance. She lives in each of us, and it all depends on how much we sink it. If the soul is covered with trepidation, the Greeks called it the name of the grace and harmony, then there is a Terratichery.

Muse dance in Greek mythology. It is considered a patronage of dances and choral singing. Popular image and symbol in art. According to the diodorus, he received a name from pleasure (Terpein) of the audience being in the art of good.

Among other nine Muses, the daughter of Zeus and Titanides Monsina. Sister Kallopia - Muse epic poetry; Klio music history; Melpomen - Music tragedy; Waist - music comedy; Polygimnia - Music of Sacred Hymns; Eutherpi - Music Poetry and Lyrics; Erato - Muse of love and wedding poetry; Urania - Music Science. According to the diodorus, received a name from aspiration to the sky (uranas) those who have comprehended her art.

Her epithet is "enjoying round dances." Depicted in the form of a young woman with a smile on her face, sometimes in the pose of a dancer, more often sitting and playing on the lyre. Terraticor appears in a simple tunic with a lyura in his hands, on the head wreath from ivy.

This muse is associated with Dionysis, attributing to her the attribute of this God - ivy (what the inscription on the Helicon dedicated to Terraticor says.

According to one of the legends, Terraticor gave birth to a siren from the god of the Aheloy River (as an option: sirens - children melmons). On another myth, Terraticor is the mother of Singer Lina (as an option: his mother is uranium).

The Russian group of Splin dedicated the whole song of Terpsichore. In honor of the muse, the asteroid (81) of Terraticor, opened in 1864. There is a mention of the muse in the first chapter of Evgeny Onegin Pushkin.

My goddess! what do you? Where are you?

Make my sad voice:

All the same? Other devma

Changed, did not replace you?

I hear again I have your choirs?

Little Russian Terraticory

Flying filled with soul?

Terraticor in the image of artists

Bush Francois, french painter. "Terpsichore".

In ancient Greece, they honored not only the gods that made a dream, but also their children, the deities of the third generation of Olympians. Greece was an enlightened country: wise men, scientists, antiquity philosophers left a deep mark in the history of the whole world. It is noteworthy that Muse in Greece did not always mean the symbol of inspiration to the beautiful: music, love, poetry.

Nine daughters of the father of the gods of Zeus clearly demonstrate the triad: a symbol of absolute harmony. Three types have connected in them: science, grade and real art. A triad is symbolic for Greece, where poetry was also appreciated high, as the ability to read the stars.

Wise men and philosophers rightly believed that each of the music is necessary for prosperity.

Callopa was the mother of Orpheus, from her the son inherited the ability to feel the music. Mother taught the Son that every word in poetry should return to life the soul of the fallen hero, to instill faith and educate the nobility. Scroll and stale in her hands were not just symbolism. Young warriors who went to battle could swear that hearing as Calliopa writes a new work.

Greeks considered the Kalline of the Queen of All Mus No wonder she has a crowned crown or laurel wreath. Apollo himself did not bother to kill the Queen of Muz, when she spoke of fiery speeches about honor, nobility, courage and purity of the soul of a true warrior. Muse can be considered a symbol of love for his homeland, its land. Therefore, at one time, the Greeks ordered miniature images of the Kallopa in front of the long-range wanders. They say, Pallada himself gave such a miniature to her petyssey, so that his heart was always filled with purity of thoughts and the desire to return to his native shores.

An ancient Greek historian and keeper of mythology diodor wrote about her: "The greatest music inspires love for the last". The story is invaluable for any people, and for the residents of Greece especially. Klio, as it was believed, was recorded on his scrolls each, even an insignificant event, so that none of the descendants forgot his past.

The mythology describes the conflict between the muse and beautiful Aphrodite. Muse of history possessed strict shorts, but never made love. Aphrodite, being the wife of God Hephaesta, had a gentle feeling for young Dionysus. The inexorable muse condemned the goddess for the love of mortal. Aphrodite ordered little son Erote to put two arrows: one, burning love, in Klio, and the second, killing feelings, in Pieron. The suffering from unrequited love was aroused by Muse, more Clio did not dare to judge anyone for the feelings.

Studying history, we have made up in which all the features of each of the gods have tried.

According to the myths, Klio was friendly with Calliopa, which is understandable: Muse patriotism is inseparable from the music of history. They were pictured almost the same, often the Greeks ordered the busts of these music only at one master.

Melpomen not only muse the tragedies, which symbolizes a sorrowful mask in right hand. Muse mother of fatal sirens who almost took the argonauts. Although, according to the other version, Siren was Terraticor.

Interestingly, the origin of Sirena is described extremely poor, as if they appeared from air. Two daughters Melpomenne from birth had wonderful voices, but the pride ruined them: in the absence of the mother, they challenged the muses and lost. For this were punished: according to one version, they turned into Siren himself, the thumbs up, on the other hand to the birds was the business of Poseidon's hands.

Melpomen swore eternally to mourn the fate of the daughters and those who dare to go against the will of heaven. It is always depicted in the theater mantle, with a constant mask in his hands. But in the second hand there may be either a sword as a symbol of punishes for eviling and daring, or a scroll of parchment. The mantle on it in accuracy reflects the spirit of Greece of that era: people - toys in the hands of the gods and only take part in the theater of the gods.

The waist was closer than all to the muse the tragedies of Mellengene, but never understood her unconditional faith in the inevitability of punishment. According to Cicero, because of this muses often quarreled.

In contrast to his sister, the waist was depicted with a comedy mask in his hands and in a wreath of simple ivy. Muse never claimed special attention, but possessed a cheerful temper, was characterized by optimism. According to mythology, it was believed that the comedy mask in her hands is a symbol of laughter, however, on another version, the mask meant about the same as the mask in the hands of Melpomen: the life of people is only a hypocrical for the gods.

Waist was a wife ApolloBut, according to myth, I kidnapped her thumbs up to make his wife. But Muse knew Gera, the wife of Zeus and understood that she was waiting for her. Horror made her ask for refuge in the Lord dead World. Aida. Gloomy God hid the Muse deep underground.

EVTPE has highlighted among other music special refinement in the perception of poetry. Her verses could listen for hours to the whole premises of the Olympians, under the quiet support of the harp of Orpheus. Its attribute is a double flute and wreath of living flowers. Could see surrounded by forestal nymph, according to the records, became the comforter of the soul of the Unfortunate Orpheus after that twice lost his Euridic.
It was considered the most beautiful of the music, which has special sensuality and femininity.

Erato is always depicted with any fun and perky musical instrument: Lira, Tambourin. She was glorified by poets-songwrites, calling to inspire inspiration. The head of the muse is decorated with beautiful roses as a symbol of love eternity.

Erato became a symbol of struggle of real love For their rights. Musa sang that even dark kingdom Aida will not be able to separate loving hearts, they are forever connected by a strong thread. Muse has become the creator of a new direction in Greece's music - wedding. The legend says that charming Erato became boring on one of the weddings. She extended her lira to the blind musician and whispered to him.

In a huge room sounded magical musicAll those present lovers felt an inaccier desire to be together before and after death. Willingly music was laid farther and now the Muse of the Terdasikhore listens to music, and her accurate legs beat off a new dance rhythm.

Terraticor is not just a muse of dancing, including wedding. Dance Must express not just emotions, but a special connection with nature, to show unity with the culture of his homeland. The Trestraikhora dance is the absolute perfection of the movements of the soul and body. Predated Greeks, studying dancing, learned to listen to music and dance under the rhythm of heart impacts. Every dancer wanted to learn the perfect movements of the muse, but it was not all.

Terraticor, according to legend, accompanied the god of Dionysus everywhere. God himself was distinguished by the simplicity of the image, so his surroundings were also not distinguished by pompousness and cordiality. Muse appears in a simple tunic with a lyura in his hands, on the head of a wreath of ivy.

Polygimnia, Muse Hymns

Polygimnia was a patroness of speakers, it was in her will a speech of fumeful and life-giving, or people not hear the voice of the speaker at all. It was believed that it was worth saying the name of the muses before an important performance, the polish would go down to the encounter and hold all night, instructing and inspired by the gift of the voice. Without the patronage of the music of the oratory it is impossible to reach the hearts, not one of the Greeks did not doubt this.

Mua hymns gods. It should be understood as a muse of a prayer that people send a daily higher power And they also depend on the will of the daughter of Zeus.

Nine and the wise of all the daughters of the thumbnail, not counting Athens. It is believed that her name was given to her father in honor of uranium, God of Heaven long before the appearance of Zeus.

Muza always holds a globe and circula in his hands. The latter helps her determine distances between the stars. It was she who stood near Piazzi, inspiring his opening of the first asteroid. The Roman did not immediately hear a muse, but the daughter of Zeus always sought his scholars from his ward. The Greeks considered her patroness even those sciences that were far from heavenly.
This muse is honored to this day, and everywhere. Even in Russia there is a Uranian Museum and in some cities are full statues.

Religion of ancient Greece is amazing. It is very different from the rest of the religion, causing growing interest. Traveling into their world always leaves a trace in the memory of a person and no matter if he is Greek if he is origin.

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Very often in our life there are such phrases as: "visited Muse", "Musa of Poetry" and many others in which the word Muse is mentioned. However, what does it mean? This concept comes from antique mythology. Greek muses are nine sisters, patrons of art and sciences. They are the daughters of Zeus himself and each of them has its own unique divine capabilities. Let's look at them in more detail.

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So, as mentioned earlier, Muses are daughters of Zeus and Titanides mnemosina, which is the goddess of memory. The very word of muses (muses) comes from greek words "Thinking". Muses were usually depicted in the form of young and beautiful women. They possess a prophetic gift and favorably belonged to creative people: poets, artists, artists, in every way encouraging and helping them in their activities. However, the special guidance of muses could deprive a person of inspiration. So that this did not happen, the ancient Greeks built special temples in honor of the music, which were called Museyon. It is from this word that happened the word "museum". The patron of the music itself was God Apollo. Let's now look at each of the music.

Muse Callieopa - Muse of epic poetry

The name of this muse from Greek can be translated as "having beautiful voice". According to Diodorus, this name arose at that moment when it was uttered " beautiful word"(Calen OPA). She happens to be senior daughter Zeus and mnemosins.

Callieopa is the mother of Orpheus, a muse of heroic poetry and eloquence. It causes a sense of sacrifice, prompting a person to overcome his egoism and fear of fate. Calliopa wears on the brow golden crown - A sign that she is dominated over other muses, due to its ability to introduce a person to the first steps towards his liberation. Callopa was depicted with a waxed plate or a scroll and a stylist chopstick - a stall, which was a bronze rod, the pointed end of which was used to apply text on the table, covered with wax. The opposite end was placed flat to erase written.

Muse Klio - Patron History

The accompanying attributes of this muse are a scroll of parchment or a screen - a board with letters. Klio reminds of what a person can achieve, helps to find its purpose.

According to the diodorus, the name happened from the word "Cleos" - "Glory". Etymology named is "giving glory." From Peter Greek Muse Klio had the Son of Giakinf. Love for the fee was inspired by Aphrodite for the condemnation of her love for Adonis.

Muz Melpomen - Musa tragedy

In Greek mythology, Melpomen is considered the Museum of the tragedy genre. The name, by diodorus, means "melody, pleasing listeners." An anthropomorphic image - was described as a woman with a bandage, a grape or ivy wreath on the head. It always has a permanent attribute in the form of a tragic mask, a sword or a cloth. The weapon bears the symbolism of the inevitability of divine punishment.

Melpomen is a mother of Siren - marine creatures, personified a deceptive, but charming sea surface, under which sharp cliffs or melons are hidden. From the mother of the Muses of Sirens inherited the divine voice, which was lifted by the navigators.

Muza Waist - Muse Comedy

Waist or another version of Faliya - in the Greek Mythology Muse Comedy and Easy Poetry, daughter Zeus and Monsina. Depicted with a comic mask in the hands and wreath of ivy on the head.

Coribants were born from the waist and Apollo - the mythical predecessors of the priests Kibeli or Rii in Frigia, in a wild enthusiasm, with music and dances that sent the ministry of the Great Mother of Gods. According to the diodorus, he received a name from prosperity (Tallein) for many years glorified in poetic works.

Zeus, turning into Korshun, took the waist in his wife. From the fear of the jealousy of Muz's ger disappeared in the depths of the earth, where demonic creatures were born - blinds (in this myth, she is referred to as Nymph Etné).

Polygymnia Muse - Muse of Solemn Hymns

Polygimnia - in the Greek mythology Muse of solemn hymns. According to the diodorus, he received a name from the creation by many praises (Dia Polle Chemnesseos) of those who, whose name did it immertece the glory poetry. She patronizes poets - anthem writers. It is believed that she keeps all the hymns, songs and ritual dances, who are famous for the Olympic gods, is also considered that she invented LIRA.

Polhygenia is often depicted with a scroll in hand, in a thoughtful pose. Polygymnia is patronized in the study of rhetoric and oratory, which turns the speaker in the truth tool. It personifies the strength of speech and makes a human speech language. Polygimony helps to know the sacrament of the word as real powerWith which you can inspire and revive, but at the same time hurt and kill. This strength of speech is inspiring on the way to truth.

Muz Passathor - Muse dance

Terraticor - muse dance. According to the diodorus, he received a name from pleasure (Terpein) of the audience being in the art of good. Her name among music calls Tsets. It is considered a patronage of dances and choral singing. Depicted in the form of a young woman, with a smile on her face Sometimes in the pose of a dancer, more often sitting and playing on the lyre.

Characteristic attributes: wreath on the head; In one hand she kept Liru, and in another plectr. This muse is associated with Dionysis, attributing to her the attribute of this God - ivy (what the inscription on the Helicon dedicated to Terraticor says.

Muse of Uranium - Muse of Astronomy

Uranium - Muse Astronomy. Uranium attributes were: Heavenly Globe and Circle. According to the diodorus, received a name from aspiration to the sky (uranas) those who have comprehended her art. According to one of the versions of uranium is the mother of Gimenta.

Urania personifies the power of contemplation, she calls to leave us external chaoswhere there is a person and plunge into contemplation of the majestic running of stars, which is a reflection of fate. This is the power of knowledge, the force that pulls towards the mysterious, pulls to the high and beautiful - to the sky and the stars.

Muse EVTERP - Muse of Lyric Poetry

EVTERP (Dr. Greek. Υ̓ὐτέρπη "enjoyable") - In Greek mythology, one of the nine Muses, daughters of Zeus and Titanides Monsina, Musa of lyrical poetry and music. Depicted with the lyure or flute in the hands.

Mother of resa from the river god of Strimeon. According to the etymology of Diodorus, he received a name from pleasure (Terpene) listeners who receive beneficial benefits. Her name among the music calls Czets.

Muse Erato - Muza love poetry

Erato is a museum of lyrical and love poetry. Her name is derived on behalf of the God of Love Erota. By diodorus - the name received in honor of the ability to be "eppember" (desirable for love and passion).

Born as a result of the Union of Monsina and Zeus. From Mala Erato gave birth to Cleophem. Attribute Music - Kiifara. This divine heroine of Greek mythology is often mentioned in the testes of Ellin.

In addition, the symbolism associated with the way greek Music Erato, resort to his works Vergil and Apollonium Rhodes. She knows how to breathe in the soul of the love for all of his living art to transform everything into the beauty hiding outside the physical.

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